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Motif and CDE 2.1 Style Guide

Keyboard Function

Table 21 shows the key bindings for a unique choice on a menu.

Table 21. Shortcut Keys for Menu Choices

Menu Choice Key Bindings Menu
Bold Ctrl B Application specific
Close Alt F4 Window
Copy Copy, Ctrl C, Ctrl Insert Edit
Cut Cut, Ctrl X, Shift Delete Edit
Delete Backspace (in text), Delete Edit or Selected (to Trash)
Deselect All Ctrl \ Edit
Italics Ctrl I Application specific
New Ctrl N File or Selected
On Item [Help] Shift Help, Shift F1 Help
Open Ctrl O File or Selected
Paste Ctrl V, Shift Insert Edit
Print Ctrl P File
Properties Ctrl I Selected
Redo Shift Undo, Ctrl Y, Alt Shift Backspace Edit
Repeat Shift Undo, Ctrl Y, Alt Shift Backspace Edit
Save Ctrl S File
Select All Ctrl A, Ctrl / Edit
Underline Ctrl U Application specific
Undo Undo, Ctrl Z, Alt Backspace Edit

Table 22 shows navigation and activation key bindings and their function.

Table 22. Navigation and Activation Key Bindings

Operation Key Bindings Function
Activate Choice Select, Ctrl Space Activates an action or dialog choice.
Adjust Begin Data Ctrl Shift Home Adjusts a selection to the beginning of the data.
Adjust Begin Line Shift Home Adjusts a selection to the beginning of a line.
Adjust Down Shift V Adjusts a selection down a line.
Adjust End Data Ctrl Shift End Adjusts a selection to the end of the data.
Adjust End Line Shift End Adjusts a selection to the end of a line.
Adjust Left Shift < Adjusts a selection to the left.
Adjust Page Down Shift PageDown Adjusts a selection down a page.
Adjust Page Left Shift PageLeft, Ctrl Shift PageUp Adjusts a selection a page to the left.
Adjust Page Right Shift PageRight, Ctrl Shift PageDown Adjusts a selection a page to the right.
Adjust Page Up Shift PageUp Adjusts a selection up a page.
Adjust Paragraph Down Ctrl Shift V Adjusts a selection down a paragraph.
Adjust Paragraph Up Ctrl Shift ^ Adjusts a selection up a paragraph.
Adjust Right Shift > Adjusts a selection to the right.
Adjust Selection Shift Select, Shift Space (not in text), Ctrl Shift Space Adjusts a selection to the cursor position.
Adjust Up Shift ^ Adjusts a selection up a line.
Adjust Word Left Ctrl Shift < Adjusts a selection by a word to the left.
Adjust Word Right Ctrl Shift > Adjusts a selection by a word to the right.
Begin Data Ctrl Home Navigates to the beginning of the data.
Begin Line Home Navigates to the beginning of a line.
Cancel Cancel, Escape Removes a menu or dialog or cancels a direct manipulation operation.
Default Activate KeypadEnter, Enter (not in text), Ctrl Enter Performs a default action; activates a menu control.
Delete End Line Ctrl Delete Deletes to the end of the line (optional).
Delete Next Character Delete Deletes the next character.
Delete Previous Character Backspace Deletes the previous character.
Drop Down Alt V Drops down a drop-down list or combination box.
End Data Ctrl End Navigates to the end of the data.
End Line End Navigates to the end of a line.
Help Help, F1 Obtains help on the cursored item.
Navigate Down V, Ctrl V Navigates down between elements.
Navigate Left <, Ctrl < Navigates left between elements.
Navigate Menu Bar Shift Menu, F10 Navigates to the menu bar.
Navigate Right >, Ctrl > Navigates right between elements.
Navigate Up ^, Ctrl ^ Navigates up between elements.
Next Family Window Alt F6 Navigates to the next window in the window family.
Next Tab Group Tab (where possible), Ctrl Tab Navigates to the next tab group.
Next Window Alt Tab, Alt Escape Navigates to the next window family or root icon.
New Line Enter Inserts a new line in text.
Page Down PageDown Navigates downwards by a page.
Page Left PageLeft, Ctrl PageUp Navigates a page to the left.
Page Right PageRight, Ctrl PageDown Navigates a page to the right.
Page Up PageUp Navigates up by a page.
Paragraph Down Ctrl V Navigates down a paragraph.
Paragraph Up Ctrl ^ Navigates up a paragraph.
Pop-Up Menu Menu, Shift F10 Invokes a pop-up menu.
Pop-Up Workspace Menu Alt Menu, Alt F10 Invokes a pop-up menu for the workspace.
Previous Family Window Alt Shift F6 Navigates to the previous window in a window family.
Previous Tab Group Shift Tab (where possible), Ctrl Shift Tab Navigates to the previous tab group.
Previous Window Alt Shift Tab, Alt Shift Escape Navigates to the previous window family or root icon.
Primary Move Alt Cut, Alt Ctrl X, Alt Shift Delete Moves a primary selection to the cursor position.
Primary Copy Alt Copy, Alt Ctrl C, Alt Ctrl Insert Copies a primary selection to the cursor position.
Select Select, Space (not in text), Ctrl Space Makes a selection (selects or toggles, depending on mode).
Show Tasks Ctrl Esc Raises and normalizes the icon window.
Space Space, Shift Space Inserts a space in text.
Stop Cancel, Escape Ends a task and removes an in-progress message window.
Tab Tab Inserts a tab or navigates to the next tab stop.
Toggle Choice Select, Space, Ctrl Space Toggles a value choice.
Toggle Add Mode Shift F8 In editing controls, switches between normal mode and add mode.
Toggle Insert Mode Insert In text, toggles between replace mode and insert mode (optional).
Window Menu Alt Select, Alt Space, Shift Escape Pulls down the window menu.
Word Left Ctrl < Navigates a word to the left.
Word Right Ctrl > Navigates a word to the right.

Table 23 shows the key bindings for all nonprinting keys. These include directional keys, editing keys, and function keys.

Table 23. Nonprinting Key Key Bindings

Key Key Only Shift Ctrl Ctrl Shift Alt Alt Shift Alt Ctrl
> Navigate Right Adjust Right Navigate Right, Word Right Adjust Word Right

< Navigate Left Adjust Left Navigate Left, Word Left Adjust Word Left

V Navigate Down Adjust Down Navigate Down, Paragrah Down Adjust Paragraph Down Drop Down

^ Navigate Up Adjust Up Navigate Up, Paragraph Up Adjust Paragraph Up

Backspace Delete Previous Character (in text)

Undo Redo Repeat
Cancel Cancel or Stop

Copy Clipboard Copy

Primary Copy

Cut Clipboard Cut

Primary Move

Delete Delete Next Character (in text) Clipboard Cut Delete End Line

Primary Move
End End Line Adjust End Line End Data Adjust End Data

Enter Default Activate or New Line
Default Activate

Escape Cancel or Stop Invoke Window Menu Show Tasks
Next Window Previous Window
Help Help On Item [Help]

Home Begin Line Adjust Begin Line Begin Data Adjust Begin Data

Insert Toggle Insert Mode Clipboard Paste Clipboard Copy

Primary Copy
Menu Invoke a Pop-Up Menu Navigate Menu Bar

Pop Up Workspace Menu

PageDown Page Down Adjust Page Down Page Right Adjust Page Right

PageLeft Page Left Adjust Page Left

PageRight Page Right Adjust Page Right

PageUp Page Up Adjust Page Up Page Left Adjust Page Left

Paste Clipboard Paste

Select Activate Choice, Select, or Toggle Choice Adjust Selection

Invoke Window Menu

Space Activate Choice, Select, Space, or Toggle Choice Adjust Selection, Space Select Adjust Selection Invoke Window Menu

Tab Next Tab Group or Tab (in text) Previous Tab Group Next Tab Group Previous Tab Group Next Window Previous Window
Undo Undo Redo, Repeat

F1 Help On Item [Help]




Next Family Window Previous Family Window
Toggle Add Mode

F10 Navigate Menu Bar Invoke a Pop-Up Menu

Invoke a Workspace Pop-Up Menu

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