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Motif and CDE 2.1 Style Guide Certification Checklist

Menu Bar (Menu Type)

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Provide a menu bar if you provide any of the action choices included in the File menu, other than Close or Exit.

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Provide a menu bar if you provide any of the action choices included in the View menu.

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Place only cascading choices in a menu bar.

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A cascading choice in a menu bar leads to a pull-down menu.

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In conjunction with the Menu Guidelines reference page, use Table 8 to decide which choices to include in a menu bar and how to organize them.

Table 8. Menu-Bar Choices

Mnemonic Item Keyboard Function
F File AltF
E Edit AltE
V View AltV
W Window AltW
H Help AltH

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In a menu bar, make < move the cursor to the choice to the left, wrapping at the left edge within the menu bar.

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In a menu bar, make > move the cursor to the choice to the right, wrapping at the right edge within the menu bar.

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In a menu bar, make V activate the cursored cascading choice, display the associated pull-down menu, and move focus to it.

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When focus is in a control in a window and the user presses F10 or Shift Menu, navigate to the first item in the menu bar.

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If a window has a menu bar, but focus is in a different spring-loaded system originating from the client area of that window, then make pressing F10 or Shift Menu deactivate the spring-loaded system before navigating to the first item in the menu bar.

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If the focus is in a menu-bar system, make pressing F10 or Shift Menu deactivate the system.

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Place the menu bar at the top of the client area of a window and extend it the width of the entire window.

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Align menu-bar items horizontally and lay them out left to right. For information on bidirectional and vertical language support, see Chapter 11.

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Do not display a graphic (in particular, a down-arrow graphic) along with a cascading choice in a menu-bar item.

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