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Motif and CDE 2.1 Style Guide Certification Checklist

Touch Adjust Swipe Technique

[ ]
After a mouse-based touch swipe technique is used, place the active cursor on one of the following:

  1. If it is a graphics cursor, at the point at which the ADJUST button is released

  2. If one or more elements are touched, on the last element touched

  3. On the currently cursored element in the selection scope

  4. [ ]
    After a mouse-based touch adjust swipe technique is used:

    1. Add all the elements touched to the current selection region.

    2. If one or more elements are touched, identify the anchor element to be the first element touched.

    3. [ ]
      If the current selection region did not include an anchor point, define it to be the first element touched during use of the touch adjust swipe technique.

      [ ]
      After a mouse-based touch adjust swipe technique is used, place the active cursor on one of the following:

      1. If it is a graphics cursor, at the point at which the ADJUST button was released

      2. If one or more elements were touched, on the last element touched

      3. On the currently cursored element in the selection scope

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