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x11 R6 Technical Reference

XCursorQueryExtension Extension Function


Determines whether the cursor extension is available for a given display.


Enhanced X-Windows Library (libXext.a)

C Syntax

BOOL XCursorQueryExtension(DisplayPtr, EventBaseReturn, ErrorBaseReturn)
Display *DisplayPtr;
int *EventBaseReturn;
int *ErrorBaseReturn;


The XCursorQueryExtension extension function returns a value of True if the cursor extension is available on a given display. If the extension exists, the value of the first event code is stored in the EventBaseReturn parameter, and the value of the first error code is stored in the ErrorBaseReturn parameter.


DisplayPtr Specifies the connection to the X server.
EventBaseReturn Returns the first event code.
ErrorBaseReturn Returns the first error code.

Return Values

True Indicates the cursor extension is available for a given display.

Related Information

Using Extensions in AIXwindows in AIX Version 4.3 AIXwindows Programming Guide.

AIXwindows Overview for Programmers in AIX Version 4.3 AIXwindows Programming Guide.

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