GPQSH (ncid, errind, shid, env) |
This subroutine is a State List (PSL) inquiry. For an overview, see "PSL Inquiries"
Use GPQSH to inquire your application's shell identifier on the specified nucleus and its environment descriptor. The descriptor contains information about the environment for the application process issuing the inquiry.
If this application process is communicating with another application process in a different environment, and it passes data to that application process, or it receives data from that application process, it may need to convert the data to a form that will be recognized by the application process using the data. The differences in data in different enviroments could be:
The Convert Data (GPCVD) subroutine allows you to convert data by specifying an environment descriptor and origin parameter to a form that another application process can use.
An application process may pass its environment descriptor to another application process by issuing the Send Broadcast Message (GPSBMS) subroutine, or Send Private Message (GPSPMS) subroutine.
If the inquired information is available, the error indicator is returned as zero, and the values are returned in the output parameters. If the inquired information is unavailable, the error indicator contains an error number indicating the reason and the values returned in the output parameters are unpredictable.
Error Codes
Related Subroutines
RCP code
201345795 ( X'0C004B03')