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The graPHIGS Programming Interface : Subroutine Reference

GPQSEV - Inquire More Simultaneous Events

GPQSEV (simevnt)


This subroutine is a State List (PSL) inquiry. For an overview, see "PSL Inquiries"


Use GPQSEV to inquire whether additional simultaneous events are waiting in the input queue.

The graPHIGS API returns a value indicating that additional events are waiting that occurred from the same device trigger as the event previously in the current event report (CEV)

This subroutine can be called after the appropriate Get subroutine was used to remove the previous event from the CEV.


simevnt -- returned by the graPHIGS API, fullword integer

More simultaneous events (1=NOMORE, 2=MORE )

Error Codes


Related Subroutines


RCP code

201336327 ( X'0C002607')

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