Each display driver allocates and initializes a phys_displays structure during configuration. The phys_displays structure is defined in the /src/bos/kernel/display.h file. The display driver stores a pointer to the phys_displays structure in the display driver's devsw structure, which is then added to the device switch table. A pointer to the display driver's vtmstruct structure is initialized in the phys_displays structure when the display driver's vttact routine is called. The phys_displays structure is defined as follows:
struct phys_displays { struct { struct intr intr; long intr_args[4]; } interrupt_data; struct phys_displays *same_level; struct phys_displays *next; dev_t devno; struct common_data *hftss; long dds_length; char *odmdds; struct display_info display_info; uchar hf_devid[4]; uchar usage; uchar open_cnt; uchar display_mode; uchar dma_characteristics; struct _gscDev *pGsc; struct lft *lftanchor; };
lft Structure.
lft_dds Structure.
vtmstruct Structure.