Rotates graphical primitives (floating-point version).
FORTRAN (libfgl.a)
void rot(Float 32 angle, Char8 axis)
SUBROUTINE ROT(angle, axis) REAL angle CHARACTER*1 axis
The rot subroutine specifies an angle (angle) and an axis of rotation (axis). The floating point angle is given in degrees according to the right-hand rule.
The rot subroutine is a modeling routine; it changes the current transformation matrix. All objects drawn after the rot subroutine executes are rotated. Use the pushmatrix and popmatrix subroutines to preserve and restore unrotated modeling coordinates.
The example C language program cylinder1.c uses the rot subroutine to rotate a cylinder about the y- and z-axes.
This subroutine is part of GL in the AIXwindows Environment/6000 Version 1, Release 2 with AIXwindows/3D Feature.
/usr/include/gl/gl.h | Contains C language constant and variable type definitions for GL. |
/usr/include/gl/fgl.h | Contains FORTRAN constant and variable type definitions for GL. |
Popping the transformation matrix stack with the popmatrix subroutine.
Pushing down the transformation matrix stack with the pushmatrix subroutine.
Rotating a graphical primitive (fixed-point version) with the rotate subroutine.
Scaling and mirroring objects with the scale subroutine.
Translating a graphical primitive with the translate subroutine.
AIX Graphics Library Overview and Working with Coordinate Systems.