Object Data Manager Library (libodm.a)
#include <odmi.h>
int odm_run_method(MethodName, MethodParameters, NewStdOut, NewStdError) char *MethodName, *MethodParameters; char **NewStdOut, **NewStdError;
The odm_run_method subroutine takes as input the name of the method to run, any parameters for the method, and addresses of locations for the odm_run_method subroutine to store pointers to the stdout (standard output) and stderr (standard error output) buffers. The application uses the pointers to access the stdout and stderr information generated by the method.
Upon successful completion, a value of 0 is returned. If the odm_run_method subroutine fails, a value of -1 is returned and the odmerrno variable is set to an error code.
Failure of the odm_run_method subroutine sets the odmerrno variable to one of the following error codes:
Cannot fork the child process. Make sure the child process is executable and try again. | |
Cannot allocate sufficient storage. Try again later or contact the person responsible for the system. | |
Cannot open a pipe to a child process. Make sure the child process is executable and try again. | |
The parameters passed to the subroutine were not correct. Make sure there are the correct number of parameters and that they are valid. | |
Cannot read from the pipe of the child process. Make sure the child process is executable and try again. |
This subroutine is part of Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.
The odm_get_obj subroutine.
List of ODM Commands and Subroutines.
Object Data Manager (ODM) Overview for Programmers in AIX Version 4.3 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs.