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The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Technical Reference

Appendix C. Plotting with graPHIGS

The graPHIGS API provides the capability for plotting CGM and GDF files produced by the graPHIGS API. You can plot GDF files on an IBM Color Plotter (6180, 6182, 6184, 6186, 7371, 7372, 7374, 7375). You can also plot GDF files on non-IBM plotters, as described in this section. You can plot CGM files on any plotter with HP GL2 support. For a list of supported plotters, as well as initial set-up instructions, see the appropriate graPHIGS API installation or customization manual:

Plotting on the RS/6000

When you select IBM plotter support at installation time, the cpsI1 plot module for IBM plotters is installed in the /usr/lpd subdirectory. Likewise, if you select CalComp and/or Versatec support, the cpsC1 plot module for CalComp plotters and/or the cpsVI plot module for Versatec plotters is installed in the /usr/lpd subdirectory.

Before proceeding, follow the instructions for setting up your environment:

For IBM Plotters
The Personal graPHIGS Programming Interface: Customization and Problem Diagnosis
For CalComp Plotters
Note: The graPHIGS API cpsC1 backend produces CalComp 906/907 format data.
For Versatec Plotters
For HP GL2 Plotters
The Personal graPHIGS Programming Interface: Customization and Problem Diagnosis and /usr/lpd/cgm2hp2.readme

You can use the graPHIGS API plot modules as printer backends, or execute them directly, bypassing the print queueing facilities.

Note: The graPHIGS API plot modules use the current working directory for certain input and output files. See the discussion of the -ldir option on for more information.

Plotting GDF Files

Executing Plot Modules Directly

To plot a file, the following syntax can be used:

     /usr/lpd/plotmodule -option  filename.gdf
                         ^      |



Using Plot Modules as Printer Backends

A plot can be scheduled through smit or by using the enq command.

     enq -P queuename -o option  filename.gdf
                      ^        |


Plotting Options

The following is a list of optional parameters which can be passed to the plot modules. You can specify plot options on the command line or you can include, in your plot command, an option that identifies a file containing the plot options you wish to use. This is particularly useful if you use many options or if you use the same options repeatedly.

Note: When they are used in the option file, some options use syntax different from that described below. See the description of using options in an option file.

Area Fill (-af) allows for the generation of plotter hardware polygon commands, which greatly reduces the amount of data the application sends to the plotter for polygons. These commands are not supported on the 7371, 7372, or the 6180 plotters.

When you specify the -af option, the graPHIGS API must determine the maximum number of polygon vertices that can be sent to your plotter. This value is called max_poly_points and has a default of 2000. You can override the default by specifying a new value in the option file (not on the command line) using the max_poly_points keyword. If this value is exceeded by your polygon data, the area fill will be processed by software.

Note: -af is supported on the 6180 if a Graphics Enhancement Cartridge (P/N 5452389) is installed on the plotter.

Early models of the 7374 and 7375 plotters did not support polygon mode commands. If you are using this option parameter while plotting to one of these plotters, you may experience unexpected area fill output. To plot normally, remove this option from the list of parameters.

Supported on: cpsI1

Angles XX (-angXX) is used to chop angles below XX degrees where XX is an angle between 01 and 40. The default is 40 if -angxx is not specified. See the description of -nochopscreen

Supported on: cpsI1, cpsC1, cpsV1

Chop all (-chopall) forces chopping of both inside and outside facing angles. See the descriptions of -chopout and -nochop below. -chopall is the default when no other chopping options are used.

Supported on: cpsI1, cpsC1, cpsV1

Chop Outside (-chopout) forces chopping of outside facing angles only. See description of -nochop below.

Supported on: cpsI1, cpsC1, cpsV1

CalComp 16 (-c16) specifies that 16 colors are to be processed when using the information.

Supported on: cpsC1

Exact Scaling (-es) causes the plot to be scaled to the appropriate size (for example, 1mm design = 1mm plot length) if you specify the -es parameter option and use the graPHIGS API escape function 1003 (GDF/CGM plot size).

Supported on: cpsI1

Exact Scaling, Expanded (-esx) plotting area functions as -es above, but the plotter hard-clip limits are used, allowing for a larger plotting area. However, plotter pinch wheels may run over plotted lines causing ink smears. Refer to your plotter operations manual for more information on hard-clip limits. The page size is determined from the escape function 1003 (GDF/CGM plot size).

Supported on: cpsI1

Hatchspace (inches) allows you to specify the spacing for a fill pattern where nn.nnn=.001-99.999, defining the space in inches, and XX=01-16, identifying the fill pattern. For example, -hin12=1.275 screen The pattern number specified refers to the graPHIGS pattern only when the default hatch table is used. This option is used in conjunction with either the -es or -esx option.
Hatchspace (centimeters) allows you to specify the spacing for a fill pattern where nn.nnn=0.001-99.999, defining the space in centimeters, and XX=01-16, identifying the fill pattern. For example, -hcm08=0.075 screen The pattern number specified refers to the graPHIGS pattern only when the default hatch table is used. This option is used in conjunction with either the -es or -esx option.

Supported on: cpsI1, cpsC1, cpsV1

Hatchspace (fixed) forces fixed spacing of fill patterns regardless of plot size and scale. This option is used in conjunction with either the -es or -esx option.

Supported on: cpsI1, cpsC1, cpsV1

Hatchspace (proportional) forces proportional spacing in fill patterns by maintaining a constant number of lines with spacing proportional to the scale of the data file. This option does not affect any fill patterns with fixed values set by the -hinXX or hcmXX options. This option is used in conjunction with either the -es or -esx option.

Supported on: cpsI1, cpsC1, cpsV1

Industry Standard Plotting Interface (-ispi) enables the use of the Industry Standard Interface calls.

Note: The -es option is automatically in effect when -ispi is used. refer to The Personal graPHIGS Programming Interface: Customization and Problem Diagnosis manual for more information on this option.

Supported on: cpsC1, cpsV1

Local directory specifies which directory is to be used for plotting inputs and outputs. This directory will be passed to the graPHIGS API plotting backends so that plot files need not be restricted to the current directory or the /usr/lpd/qdir directory when AIX queueing facilities are used. For example, the command,
enq -Pgdf -o -ldir/u/design/plot  fileb.gdf
tells the graPHIGS API plotting backend to use the /u/design/plot directory for input and output, however, the current directory would still be searched for fileb.gdf because the -ldir option does not affect the search location for GDF files when AIX queueing is used. The qdaemon automatically passes a fully qualified pathname, based on your command line input, to the backend. If direct backend plotting is used, the -ldir option affects all files.

The log.fil, generated whenever a plotting backend is executed, includes a message indicating whether -ldir was successfully used.

The -ldir option cannot be specified in an option file.

Supported on: cpsI1, cpsC1, cpsV1

No border suppresses the drawing of a smoothing edge around the perimeter of filled polygons drawn with the edge flag off. The smoothing edge eliminates the jagged edge often seen in filled circles drawn with a wide pen. It consists of a solid polyline of the same color specified for the interior fill, drawn in a width of 1. Because the smoothing edge centers on the border of the polygon, the radius will be drawn half a pen-width larger than specified. If this is a problem specify -nobord and use a smaller pen-width to reduce the jagged edges.

Supported on: cpsI1, cpsC1, cpsV1

No chopping (-nochop) turns all chopping off. When plotting wide lines using the default multiple pen stroking, adjacent line segments are connected using a mitered join style. This can cause undesired results when adjacent line segments form a sharp angle. The join style applied can cause the join at one of these angles to 'spike' to a point farther than expected. This can be seen quite often when plotting arrowheads or geometric text.

By default, this effect is avoided by chopping the spike back to the desired position when stroking wide lines, but specifying -nochop turns all chopping off. The default chopping occurs for any angle less than 40 degrees. Both inside and outside facing angles are chopped by default.

This parameter is ignored if -nolw is being used.

Supported on: cpsI1, cpsC1, cpsV1

No Initialization (-noin) allows the user to set up the P1 and P2 positions on the plotter. This allows the user to position the plot anywhere on the paper. For more information on P1 and P2, refer to your plotter operations manual.

Supported on: cpsI1

No Line Width (-nolw) disables line width processing and causes lines to be single stroked. This can be used to improve pen plotting performance or to work in conjunction with the -pens parameter described below.

Supported on: cpsI1, cpsC1, cpsV1

No plot (-nopl) redirects the IBM-GL output to the file fname.gl.

Supported on: cpsI1

Option file is used as an alternative to entering plotting options on the command line. You can specify some or all of your options in an option file that is specified with a filename right after the -optf option parameter, for example -optfmyopt1.fil identifies myopt1.fil as the option file to be used in the plot.

Note: There is no blank between the -optf option and the filename specified.

Although only one option file may be specified from the command line, an option file may call additional option files up to a total of ten. Options specified on the command line, however, always override those specified in an option file.

Supported on: cpsI1, cpsC1, cpsV1

The -pens parameter option causes the file pentbl.fil to be used for mapping GDF color and line width values to the actual pens being used on the plotter. Use this option to provide the plotting routines with information about the plotter pens. This information is then used when deciding which pen number to select based on the current line color and thickness. The pentable option can be used in the option file to identify a different filename for pen information.

The definition of the pentbl.fil file This file should be placed in the current working directory. This file is only accessed when -pens is specified.

Note: If you do not specify -pens, then the default pen selection is based on a default set of pen values, which is the same as the example pentbl.fil shown pentbl.fil shown

Supported on: cpsI1, cpsC1, cpsV1

Paper Size (-ps=x) determines the page size, where x is defined as a, b, c, d, or e. This option parameter is needed to allow for proper area fill and line thickness when plotting data to a file, and is not needed when plotting directly to an IBM plotter. It is not necessary to use -ps=x when -es or -ispi is used, because the page size is determined from the exact scale escape function 1003 (GDF/CGM plot size). If you do not specify the -ps=x option, the default value is -ps=ascreen

Supported on: cpsI1

Rotates (-rot) the plot 90 degrees. This is not supported on the 7371 and cannot be used in conjunction with -noinscreen

Supported on: cpsI1

Slow (-slow) pen speed, slows down the the plotter pen velocity. Use this parameter option for transparencies.

Supported on: cpsI1

The serial port option allows you to specify the name of the port, tty0 for example, where the plotter is connected. This option must be the first one specified after the plot module name. The default is none. This option is not used if -nopl is specified.

Supported on: cpsI1

Versatec output is for use with the cpsV1 command. This option allows you to specify the path and filename for the Versatec plot output file. For example,
cpsV1 -ispi -o -VEROUT$HOME/output.plot  fname.gdf
would produce a plot output file in the user's home directory with the name, output.plot

Supported on: cpsV1

Versatec message is for use with the cpsV1 command. This option allows you to specify the path and filename for the Versatec plot summary and error messages file. See -VEROUT for a command example.

Supported on: cpsV1

Versatec parameter is for use with the cpsV1 command. This option allows you to specify the path and filename for the Versatec plotting parameters file. See -VEROUT for a command example.

Supported on: cpsV1

Versatec 16 (-v16) specifies that 16 colors are to be processed when using the more information.

Supported on: cpsV1

Using the Option File

You can specify options in an option file by using -optf described on page supplying the necessary option file. You can create the option file by using an editor and following these syntax rules:

For example:
# option file for cpsI1
-chopall, -chopout, -nochop
These options are mutually exclusive. Specifying the desired option turns the others off. Specifying none is not supported for these options.
-c16 and -v16
These options are specified in the option file using the same syntax as that to force either of these option off, specify -cv16:none in an option file.
The -hinXX and -hcmXX option parameters are not used in an option file. Instead, use hatchspaceX:in=nn.nnn or hatchspaceX:cm=nn.nnn where X is any hatch pattern from 1 to 16, and nn.nnn is any spacing value, expressed in inches or centimeters, from 0.001 to 99.999. If hatchspace is specified for any hatch pattern in both an option file and on the command line, then the value from the command line has priority.

Supported on: cpsI1, cpsC1, cpsV1

In order to use the logfile option, you must specify it as the first option in the first option file. Otherwise, the default log file log.fil will be used.

There are three ways in which you can use the logfile option:

Specify log_name:date when you want to create a a file that will include the current date in the filename. For example, apr05.log would be created for the first plot run on April 5, and would be used for each successive plot that day with each log appended to the end of the previous log.

Use logfile to have the same filename as the gdf file to be plotted. For example, a plot of file gear.gdf would generate a logfile named gear.log.

Use log_name:XXXXXX to specify a logfile name of your choice in an AIX-recognizable format. The logfile is affected by the current directory.

Supported on: cpsI1, cpsC1, cpsV1

For use with the -af option, max_poly_points specifies the maximum number of polygon vertices that can be sent to your plotter. The default value for max_poly_points is 2000 and the maximum is 8185 points. If you do not specify -af, then max_poly_points is ignored.

The graPHIGS API generates plotter data using approximately 11 bytes per coordinate pair. Depending on size of your plotter's polygon buffer (the plotter Guide to Operations contains this information), you may be able to optimize performance by setting the maximum vertices higher or lower than the default value of 2000. For example, a 1k polygon buffer might operate most efficiently with max_poly_points=90 because 11 bytes[default]90=990. Any vertices exceeding the 1k capacity of the plotter hardware are handled by the backend, reducing performance. The 11 bytes/vertex formula is only an approximation, however, and trial and error may reveal a more efficient setting.

Supported on: cpsI1

Additional option files are specified differently within an option file than on the command line. The -optf parameter is not recognized within an option file. Instead, specify it as optfname:, for example, optfname:myopt2.fil could be used to call myopt2.fil from within another option file.

Use fully-qualified AIX pathnames with the optfname option.

Supported on: cpsI1, cpsC1, cpsV1

Specify pentable:XXXXX.filscreen to identify a file other than the default pentbl.fil for use when the pens option is specified. For example, pentable:/tmp/carousl2.fil would identify /tmp/carousl2.fil for use as a pentable file.

Use fully-qualified AIX pathnames with the pentable option.

Supported on: cpsI1, cpsV1

To select a serial port from within an option file, specify serial_port:XXX, where XXX identifies the port. For example, serial_port:tty3 selects plotter port tty3. On the command line, the serial port is specified as the first option following the plot command, and includes only the port name preceded by a hyphen, for example, cpsI1 -tty1

Supported on: cpsI1

Option Priority

Options are assigned values in the order in which they are processed. For example, if an option file sets the paper size (-ps=a:ps=a ) but then calls a second option file that also sets the paper size (-ps=b:ps=b ), size b remains in effect. However, if the first option file specifies -ps=a:ps=a at a point after it has called the second option file, then paper size a remains in effect because it was the last paper size setting processed. Command line options supersede those specified in any option file. Thus, if you specify a plotting option differently on the command from your option file specifications, the command line options are used.

In the following example, an option file (myopt1.fil) is called, which in turn, calls myopt2.filscreen

cpsI1 -ps=b -optfmyopt1.fil wheelc3.gdf

If myopt1.fil contains:

# option file 1
And myopt2.fil contains:
# option file 2
The options that remain in effect for the plot are chopout, ang35, and pens because the ang40 and -pens:none specifications in myopt2.fil are superseded by the specifications later encountered when processing returns to myopt1.filscreen The paper size is determined by -ps=b on the command line.

Plotting Options Summary

The following table summarizes the plotting options.

Option cpsI1 cpsC1 cpsV1
-af X

-angXX X X X
-chopall X X X
-chopout X X X
-es X

-esx X

-hinXX=nn.nnn X X X
-hcmXX=nn.nnn X X X
-hsfix X X X
-hsprop X X X
-ldir X X X
-nobord X X X
-nochop X X X
-noin X

-nolw X X X
-nopl X

-optf X X X
-pens X X X
-ps=x X

-rot X

-slow X

-ttyX X





hatchspace X X X
log_name X X X
max_poly_points X

optfname X X X
pentable X
serial_port X

Controlling Directories

Depending on the combination of options you specify, plot log and output files can be written to the current directory, the /usr/lpd/qdir directory, or another directory of your choice. The following sequence of events explains how the various directories are selected.

  1. If the enq command is used to schedule the plot:
    1. The qdaemon adds the full path to the filename of the gdf data file.
    2. The qdaemon changes the current directory to /usr/lpd/qdirscreen
    If enq. is not used, then execution
  2. The cps X plot module determines the directory as follows:
    1. Is the -ldir option used? If so, change to the directory specified by the -ldir option and continue
    2. Is GPPLOTDIR defined as a system environment variable? If so, change to the directory specified in GPPLOTDIR and continue as shown in If not,
    3. Is PWD defined as a system environment variable? If so, change to the directory specified in PWD and continue as If not, the current directory is not changed.
  3. The plot is executed in whatever directory is current.
  4. The gdf, logfile, pentable file, and option files are opened using the exact names specified. If enq was used to schedule the plot, then the gdf file has a fully-qualified pathname.
  5. Is the -nopl option specified? If so, then the output gl file is opened using the name of the gdf file, and the .gdf extension is replaced by the .gl extension. If the gdf filename was a fully qualified pathname, then the gl file will be opened as a fully qualified filename.

pentbl.fil description

pentbl.fil File
 2            <------ Row 1: Options
 1    1    0.3      --
 2    2    0.3     |
 3    3    0.3     |
 4    4    0.3 <---|  Rows 2 - 9: Pen data
 5    5    0.3     |
 6    6    0.3     |
 7    7    0.3     |
 8    8    0.3      --
---  ---  -----  
 |    |     |
 |    |     |-- Diameter (columns 9 - 15): Range = 0.0 - 99.9999 (mm)
 |    |--Color (columns 3 - 8): Range = 0 - 65535
 |--Slot (columns 1 - 2): Range = 1 - 8
Row Columns Type Range Description
1 (Options) 1-2 Integer 1,2 Search Priority
  1. Line thickness (LWSC) - the pen will be selected whose pen tip diameter is most appropriate for the current line thickness. If more than one exists then the correct color pen will be selected from these choices.
  2. Color index (CI) - the pen will be selected whose color matches the current color index. If more than one exists, these will be searched for the one whose pen tip diameter is most appropriate for the current line thickness.
2-9 (Pen data) 1-2 Integer 1-8 (or 1-16, see below) Slot in pen carousel on plotter. This field has been included for clarity and its values are ignored.
2-9 (Pen data) 3-8 Integer 0,1,2, ... 65535 Color of pen. This field specifies the color of the pen in the corresponding slot in the carousel. The following GDDM/GDF defined values are supported by the graPHIGS APIscreen See below for the R,G,B components associated with these colors.
  1. Blue
  2. Red
  3. Magenta
  4. Green
  5. Cyan
  6. Yellow
  7. Black
  8. Background
  9. Dark Blue
  10. Orange
  11. Purple
  12. Dark Green
  13. Dark Cyan
  14. Mustard
  15. Grey
  16. Brown
2-9 (Pen data) 9-15 Floating-point 0.0 ... 99.9999 Pen tip diameter (in millimeters). This value will be used to map line thickness to an appropriate pen number based on the current line width scale factor and the graPHIGS API nominal line width of 0.269mm.

Red, Green, Blue Components of GDF colors

The graPHIGS colors described above can be derived from Red, Green, and Blue components in the following way:

Find the values of Rval, Gval, and Bval using the following chart and the appropriate Red, Green, and Blue components, then refer to the table below to find the color based on these values.

Amount of Red Value of Rval
<0.33 0
<0.66 1
>=0.66 2
Amount of Green Value of Gval
<0.25 0
<0.50 1
<0.75 2
>=0.75 3
Amount of Blue Value of Bval
<0.33 0
<0.66 1
>=0.66 2
R,G,B mapping table
Rval Gval Bval Color Number Color
0 0 0 8 Background (not drawn)
0 0 1 9 Dark Blue
0 0 2 1 Blue
0 1 0 12 Dark Green
0 1 1 9 Dark Blue
0 1 2 1 Blue
0 2 0 12 Dark Green
0 2 1 13 Turquoise
0 2 2 5 Cyan
0 3 0 4 Green
0 3 1 13 Turquoise
0 3 2 5 Cyan
1 0 0 2 Red
1 0 1 11 Purple
1 0 2 3 Magenta/Pink
1 1 0 16 Brown
1 1 1 15 Grey
1 1 2 3 Magenta/Pink
1 2 0 16 Brown
1 2 1 15 Grey
1 2 2 15 Grey
1 3 0 6 Yellow
1 3 1 15 Grey
1 3 2 7 Black
2 0 0 2 Red
2 0 1 11 Purple
2 0 2 3 Magenta/Pink
2 1 0 10 Orange
2 1 1 11 Purple
2 1 2 3 Magenta/Pink
2 2 0 14 Mustard
2 2 1 15 Grey
2 2 2 7 Black
2 3 0 6 Yellow
2 3 1 7 Black
2 3 2 7 Black

Mapping GDF Colors to Pen Numbers

By default, all three plotting backends will map the 16 GDF to see how this can be changed for the CalComp and Versatec backends.

If the -pens option was NOT specified, then the mapping from 16 colors to 8 pens is done using a 'MOD 8' function. That is, color 9 is mapped to pen 1, color 10 is mapped to pen 2, etc. The exception to this is color 16, which is mapped to pen 7.

If the -pens option is used, the mapping from 16 colors to 8 pens is done using the pentbl.fil file. See the descriptions of the pentbl.fil and the -pens option.


An application that uses graPHIGS sets up a color table in order to be able to apply color to a given object. The colors are created by specifying an amount of red, green, and blue in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.

Application specifies Blue as RED=0.1, GREEN=0.3, BLUE=0.9 Application specifies Purple as RED=0.3, GREEN=0.27, BLUE=0.7

Note: The application color Blue is just a label that represents the three values of red, green, and blue. The same values of red, green, blue could also have been the application color Cyan.

graPHIGS then converts the amount of red, green, and blue into red, green, blue value numbers according to

EXAMPLE: From the previous example, the application colors Blue and Purple would be converted into:

                 |       |Rval | Gval | Bval  |
                 | Blue  |  0  |   1  |   2   |
                 | Purple|  0  |   1  |   2   |

Note: Two distinct application colors can be mapped to the same set of red (Rval), green (Gval), blue (Bval) values.

The red, green, blue values are then transformed into GDF file format

EXAMPLE: From the previous example, the application colors Blue and Purple would both be converted to color 1 (Blue) in the GDF file. Please note that a graPHIGS generated GDF file will only contain color numbers 1 - 16.

Once a GDF file has been created it can then be plotted. The graPHIGS plotting code is also capable of remapping colors with the -pens option. The setup of the colors on the plotter also plays an important part in the color mapping process.

EXAMPLE 1: The graPHIGS plotting code is invoked WITHOUT the -pens option. This is the same as invoking the plotter code with the -pens option and the default pentbl.fil file. Assume the plotter's pen colors are set up to be the same as the GDF color numbers.

  ----------------------------          -----------------------------
  |    pentbl.fil (default)  |          |     Plotter               |
  ----------------------------          -----------------------------
  | 2 (color priority)       |          |                           |
  | Slot  GDF Color  Diameter|          | Slot  GDF Color  Diameter |
  ----------------------------          -----------------------------
  |  1    1 Blue        .3   |          |  1    1 Blue        .3    |
  |  2    2 Red         .3   |          |  2    2 Red         .3    |
  |  3    3 Magenta     .3   |          |  3    3 Magenta     .3    |
  |  4    4 Green       .3   |          |  4    4 Green       .3    |
  |  5    5 Cyan        .3   |          |  5    5 Cyan        .3    |
  |  6    6 Yellow      .3   |          |  6    6 Yellow      .3    |
  |  7    7 Black       .3   |          |  7    7 Black       .3    |
  |  8    8 Background  .3   |          |  8    8 Background  .3    |
  ----------------------------          ----------------------------
  |     GDF file contains          |         Explanation             |
  | 1) a color 2 (Red) line .3mm   | 1) pen 2 is selected because it |
  |    thick                       |    is the only red pen          |
  | 2) a color 1 (Blue) line .9mm  | 2) pen 1 is selected because it |
  |    thick                       |    is the only blue pen. line   |
  |                                |    will be blue and stroked     |
  |                                |    multiple times to achieve    |
  |                                |    line thickness if -nolw      |
  |                                |    option is not used.          |
  | 3) a color 5 (Cyan) line .1mm  | 3) pen 5 is selected because it |
  |    thick                       |    is the only cyan pen. Line   |
  |                                |    will be drawn .2mm too wide  |
  |                                |    because only .3mm pen        |
  |                                |    available                    |
  | 4) a color 9-16 line any       | 4) colors 9-15 will be mapped to|
  |    thickness                   |    GDF colors 1-7 (pens 1-7)    |
  |                                |    respectively and color 16    |
  |                                |    will be mapped to GDF color  |
  |                                |    7 (pen 7)                    |
  |                                |    NOTE: colors 9-16 will not   |
  |                                |          be remapped if -c16 or |
  |                                |          -v16 option is used    |

EXAMPLE 2: The graPHIGS plotting code is invoked WITHOUT the -pens option. This is the same as invoking the plotter code with the -pens option and the default pentbl.fil file. The plotter IS NOT set up according to GDF color defaults.

  -----------------------------    -----------------------------    
  |     pentbl.fil (default)  |    |      Plotter              |
  -----------------------------    -----------------------------     
  | 2 (color priority)        |    |                           |
  | Slot  GDF Color  Diameter |    | Slot  GDF Color  Diameter |
  -----------------------------    -----------------------------     
  |  1    1 Blue        .3    |    |  1    7 Black       .1    |
  |  2    2 Red         .3    |    |  2    4 Green       .3    |
  |  3    3 Magenta     .3    |    |  3    3 Magenta     .3    |
  |  4    4 Green       .3    |    |  4    2 Red         .3    |
  |  5    5 Cyan        .3    |    |  5    5 Cyan        .3    |
  |  6    6 Yellow      .3    |    |  6    6 Yellow      .3    |
  |  7    7 Black       .3    |    |  7    1 Blue        .3    |
  |  8    8 Background  .3    |    |  8    8 Background  .3    |
  -----------------------------    -----------------------------     
  |     GDF file contains          |        Explanation               |
  | 1) a color 2 (Red) line .3mm   | 1) pen 2 is selected because     |
  |    thick                       |    pen 2 is still red according  |
  |                                |    to the default color table.   |
  |                                |    line will be drawn green.     |
  | 2) a color 1 (Blue) line .9mm  | 2) pen 1 is selected because     |
  |    thick                       |    pen 1 is still blue according |
  |                                |    to the default color table.   |
  |                                |    line will be drawn black.     |
  |                                |    the line will have .2mm gaps  |
  |                                |    because the plotting code     |
  |                                |    thinks it has a .3mm pen and  |
  |                                |    moves the pens accordingly    |
  |                                |    to stroke the line to .9mm    |
  | 3) a color 12 (Dark Green) line| 3) color 12 is mapped to color   |
  |    .3mm thick                  |    4 (green) pen 4 is selected   |
  |                                |    because pen 4 is still green  |
  |                                |    according to the default      |
  |                                |    color table. line will be     |
  |                                |    drawn red.                    |

The -pens option causes the file pentbl.fil to be used for mapping GDF colors and line width values. If the number at the top of the file is a 1 then a pen will be selected whose pen tip diameter is most appropriate for the current line thickness. If more than one exist then the pens will be checked to see if one of them is the desired color. If none of them are the desired color, then the first pen of the correct size is picked. If the number at the top of the file is a 2 then the correct color will be picked. If more than 1 pen of the correct color exists, the pen best suited for the current line thickness will be chosen.

EXAMPLE 3: The graPHIGS plotting code is invoked WITH the -pens option. The plotter IS setup according to the pentbl.fil screen The pentbl.fil option specifies LINE THICKNESS search priority.

  -------------------------------       -----------------------------       
  |     pentbl.fil              |       |      Plotter              |
  -------------------------------       -----------------------------       
  | 1 (line thickness priority) |       |                           |
  | Slot  GDF Color  Diameter   |       | Slot  GDF Color  Diameter |
  -------------------------------       -----------------------------       
  |  1    7 Black       .2      |       |  1    7 Black       .2    |
  |  2    7 Black       .25     |       |  2    7 Black       .25   |
  |  3    7 Black       .3      |       |  3    7 Black       .3    |
  |  4    4 Green       .3      |       |  4    4 Green       .3    |
  |  5    5 Cyan        .7      |       |  5    5 Cyan        .7    |
  |  6    6 Yellow      .7      |       |  6    6 Yellow      .7    |
  |  7    7 Black       .4      |       |  7    7 Black       .4    |
  |  8    8 Background  .3      |       |  8    8 Background  .3    |
  -------------------------------       -----------------------------      
  |     GDF file contains         |        Explanation               |
  | 1) a color 7 (Black) line .3mm| 1) first all pens = .3mm are     |
  |    thick                      |    selected (pens 3,4,8) then    |
  |                               |    these pens are searched for   |
  |                               |    the desired color. pen 3 is   |
  |                               |    selected.                     |
  | 2) a color 7 (Black) line .7mm| 2) first all pens = .7mm are     |
  |    thick                      |    selected (pens 5,6) then      |
  |                               |    these pens are searched for   |
  |                               |    the desired color. since      |
  |                               |    neither pen is black the      |
  |                               |    first pen of the appropriate  |
  |                               |    size is selected (pen 5)      |
  |                               |    line will be drawn cyan.      |
  | 3) a color 5 (Cyan) line .35mm| 3) since there are no .35mm pens |
  |    thick                      |    in the table the closest pen  |
  |                               |    size(s) without going over    |
  |                               |    are selected (pens 3,4,8)     |
  |                               |    these pens are searched for   |
  |                               |    desired color. Since none of  |
  |                               |    the pens are cyan, pen 3 is   |
  |                               |    selected. line is drawn black.|
  | 4) a color 4 (Green) line .1mm| 4) since there are no .1mm pens  |
  |    thick                      |    in the table and all the pens |
  |                               |    are > .1mm the closest pen(s) |
  |                               |    is selected (pen 1). line is  |
  |                               |    drawn black.                  |

EXAMPLE 4: The graPHIGS plotting code is invoked WITH the -pens option. The graPHIGS plotting code is also invoked WITH the -nolw option. The plotter IS setup according to the pentbl.fil screen The pentbl.fil option specifies LINE THICKNESS search priority.

  ------------------------------        -----------------------------        
  |     pentbl.fil             |        |      Plotter              |
  ------------------------------        -----------------------------        
  | 1 (line thickness priority)|        |                           |
  | Slot  GDF Color  Diameter  |        | Slot  GDF Color  Diameter |
  ------------------------------        -----------------------------        
  |  1    7 Black       .2     |        |  1    7 Black       .2    |
  |  2    7 Black       .25    |        |  2    7 Black       .25   |
  |  3    7 Black       .3     |        |  3    7 Black       .3    |
  |  4    4 Green       .3     |        |  4    4 Green       .3    |
  |  5    5 Cyan        .7     |        |  5    5 Cyan        .7    |
  |  6    6 Yellow      .7     |        |  6    6 Yellow      .7    |
  |  7    7 Black       .4     |        |  7    7 Black       .4    |
  |  8    8 Background  .3     |        |  8    8 Background  .3    |
  ------------------------------        -----------------------------       
  |     GDF file contains          |        Explanation               |
  | 1) a color 7 (Black) line .23mm| 1) since there are no .23mm pens |
  |    .23mm thick                 |    in the pen table the closest  |
  |                                |    pen is selected (pen 2).      |
  |                                |    NOTE: the pen was selected    |
  |                                |          even though it was      |
  |                                |          larger than the line    |
  |                                |          to be drawn. the -nolw  |
  |                                |          option tells the        |
  |                                |          plotting code to pick   |
  |                                |          the pen closest in size |
  |                                |          to the desired pen size |
  |                                |          whether it is larger or |
  |                                |          smaller.                |

EXAMPLE 5: The graPHIGS plotting code is invoked WITH the -pens option. The plotter IS setup according to the pentbl.fil screen The pentbl.fil option specifies COLOR search priority.

  -----------------------------         -----------------------------         
  |     pentbl.fil            |         |      Plotter              |
  -----------------------------         -----------------------------          
  | 2 (Color search priority) |         |                           |
  | Slot  GDF Color  Diameter |         | Slot  GDF Color  Diameter |
  -----------------------------         -----------------------------          
  |  1   11 Purple      .2    |         |  1   11 Purple      .2    |
  |  2    2 Red         .25   |         |  2    2 Red         .25   |
  |  3   10 Orange      .3    |         |  3   10 Orange      .3    |
  |  4    4 Green       .3    |         |  4    4 Green       .3    |
  |  5    5 Cyan        .7    |         |  5    5 Cyan        .7    |
  |  6    7 Black       .8    |         |  6    7 Black       .8    |
  |  7    7 Black       .4    |         |  7    7 Black       .4    |
  |  8    8 Background  .3    |         |  8    8 Background  .3    |
  -----------------------------         ----------------------------- 
  |     GDF file contains         |        Explanation              |
  | 1) a color 11 (Purple) line   | 1) pen 1 is selected because it |
  |    .8mm thick                 |    is the only purple pen even  |
  |                               |    though pen 6 would draw the  |
  |                               |    line faster                  |
  | 2) a color 7 (Black) line .9mm| 2) first all color 7 (black)    |
  |    thick                      |    pens are selected (pens 6,7) |
  |                               |    these pens are then check    |
  |                               |    to see which would fill the  |
  |                               |    line faster. pen 6 is        |
  |                               |    selected.                    |
  | 3) a color 14 (Mustard) line  | 3) first color 14 is searched   |
  |    .3mm thick                 |    for in the pen table. since  |
  |                               |    it is not found it is mapped |
  |                               |    to color 6. Since color 6 is |
  |                               |    also not in the pen table    |
  |                               |    pen 1 is used by default.    |
  |                               |    line is drawn purple.        |



There are many levels in which colors can be mapped. Mapping can take place in just one level or in multiple levels.

Overview of Color Processing Algorithms used

OPTION 1 (-pens used, priority set to 1 (line thickness))

IF the -nolw option was specified THEN
    search the pen table for the pen(s) that are closest to
    the line width to be drawn. there may be multiple pens equally
    close. the pen(s) selected may be either equal, greater than,
    or less than the line width to be drawn.
    search the pen table for the pen(s) that are closest to
    the line width to be drawn. there may be multiple pens equally
    close. the pen(s) selected may be either less than or equal to
    the line width to be drawn if possible.
    IF all pens in the pen table are greater than desired width THEN
      select the pen closest to the line width to be drawn.
  IF multiple pens were selected THEN
    from the pens selected as having the desired width search for a pen
    that also has the desired color. there may be multiple pens of the
    desired color. the first one will be selected.
    IF the desired color can not be found THEN
      IF (the -c16 option was not specified) and
         (the -v16 option was not specified) and
         (the desired color is a GDF color in the range of 9 to 16) THEN
        map colors 9-15 to colors 1-7 respectively and map color 16
        to color 7.
        from the pens selected as having the desired width search
        for a pen that also has the remapped color. there may be
        multiple pens of the remapped color. the first one will be
        IF the remapped color can not be found THEN
          from the pens selected as having the desired width select
          the first pen.
        from the pens selected as having the desired width select
        the first pen.

OPTION 2 (-pens not used, OR -pens used with priority set to 2 (color))

Note: if -pens not used, the pen table refers to the default table.

  search the pen table for the pen(s) that are the desired color.
  multiple pens can be selected.
  IF the desired color can not be found THEN
    IF (the -c16 option was not specified) and
       (the -v16 option was not specified) and
       (the desired color is a GDF color in the range of 9 to 16) THEN
      map colors 9-15 to colors 1-7 respectively and map color 16
      to color 7.
      search the pen table for the pen(s) that are the remapped color.
      multiple pens can be selected.
      IF the remapped color can not be found THEN
        select the first pen in the pen table.
      select the first pen in the pen table.
  IF multiple pens were selected THEN
    IF the -nolw option was specified THEN
      search the pens that have the desired color for the pen closest
      to the line width to be drawn. there may be multiple pens equally
      close. the first one will be selected. the pen selected may be
      either equal, greater than, or less than the line width to be
      search the pens that have the desired color for a pen closest
      to the line width to be drawn. there may be multiple pens equally
      close. the first one will be selected. the pen selected will be
      less than or equal to the line width to be drawn if possible.
      IF all pens in the pen table are greater than desired width THE
        select the pen closest to the line width to be drawn.

Extended Color Support

When plotting to a CalComp or Versatec plotter using the cpsC1 or cpsV1 programs, the number of colors supported can be increased to 16 from the default 8 colors by specifying either -c16 as a parameter to the cpsC1 program or -v16 for the cpsV1 program. These parameters will work in conjunction with -pens and the pentbl.fil , but -pens is not required for their use. If the pentbl.fil is used with these parameters, then the number of records in the pentbl.fil must be increased to 17. The first 9 records will remain as described above, and records 10 through 17 must be added for pen numbers 9 through 16, following the same format as records 2 through 9. For example:

    1    1    0.3
    2    2    0.3
    3    3    0.3
    4    4    0.3
    5    5    0.3
    6    6    0.3
    7    7    0.3
    8    8    0.3
    9    9    0.3
    10   10   0.3
    11   11   0.3
    12   12   0.3
    13   13   0.3
    14   14   0.3
    15   15   0.3
    16   16   0.3
Refer to the CalComp and Versatec README files for more information on extended color support.
Note: When using the cpsC1 program for CalComp plotters, the pentbl.fil must be used even if -pens was not passed to the backend. If the pentbl.fil does not exist, plotting will take place using a Calcomp default color table with all pens set to black.

Plotting Limitations

There are some differences between what you see on your display and what is plotted:

Reverse Clipping

The graPHIGS API uses underpainting and overpainting to achieve certain results. It does this by first drawing an object and then drawing over it. On a display, the second color simply overlays the first. In addition, the background color is often used to block out portions of the underpainted segment. This graphics feature of blocking out a section of a previously drawn object with another object or graphic element is called reverse clipping or shieldingscreen When you use a plotter, both objects are drawn.


Some of the patterns plotted may not match those used by the graPHIGS APIscreen In addition, user-defined patterns are mapped to the sixteen supplied patterns using MOD 16 results.

Picture Size

Unless -ispi or -es is specified, plots fill the entire page, keeping the correct aspect ratio. This means that a circle is always a circle, and a square is always a square.

Annotation Text

Plotters only support those characters with ASCII values less then 128.

Plotting Using the ISPI Interface

Refer to the IBM AIX Personal graPHIGS API Programming Interface/6000: Installation and Problem Diagnosis , for information on using the ISPI interface.

The following parameters are ignored when -ispi is used: -af, -noin, -rot, -nopl, -es, -esx and -slowscreen when using -ispiscreen

ISPI Limitations

Line types

Only the SOLID line type is supported through ISPI.

Annotation Text

Character shear and direction are not supported. Character spacing and size also differ. Geometric text should be used for ISPI.

Refer to the CalComp and Versatec README files in the /usr/lpd directory for more information on plotting to CalComp and Versatec plotters.

Problem Determination

If problems are encountered using any of the plotting backends, refer to the log file created for the plot for any messages which may help determine the cause of the problem.

If it becomes necessary to contact IBM support for resolution, be prepared to forward the following data:

Forward all items which are available. If it is possible to produce a correct plot as well, forward all applicable items from this list for the correct plot, along with an explanation of what was done differently.

Plotting on AIX PS/2

Plotting a file on AIX using AIX PS/2 Personal graPHIGS is essentially the same as plotting on an RS/6000 using the graPHIGS API with the following exceptions:

Plotting on VM/MVS

GDDM/graPHIGS ships a GDF conversion utility which functions in much the same way as the plotting modules for the RS/6000 and AIX PS/2.

For information on this utility please refer to the IBM Color Plotter Support for GDDM GDF (5668-860), Program Description/Operations Manual screen To enable the supported options parameters, you may edit the CONVERT EXEC or CONVERT CLIST provided.

Plotting CGM Files

Executing Plot Modules Directly

To plot a file, the following syntax can be used:

   /usr/lpd/cgm2hp2 -option  filename.cgm
                    ^      |



Using Plot Modules as Printer Backends

A plot can be scheduled through smit or by using the enq command.

     enq -P queuename -o option  filename.cgm
                      ^        |


CGM2HP2 Plotting Options

The following is a list of optional parameters which can be passed to the cgm2hp2 plot module.

Arc Granularity where # is the maximum error in millimeters allowed between straight line segments used to approximate arcs and corresponding points on the arc. Decreasing the value will yield smoother curves.
hatch space in centimeters where # is a float in the range screen
-d dirname
directory for reading and writing files. Equivalent to -ldir option of cpsI1 screen
-f filename
override the default output filename.
-g filename
map colors to gdf colors ( as defined in before applying pen mapping. CGM color table will not be downloaded when this option is used.
hatch space in inches where # is a float in the range screen
line end or join style. Implements the hpgl2 LA command to control line ends and join styles. Format of argument is

Possible values for K V are given in the "LA, Line Attributes" section of The HP GL/2 and HP RTL Reference Guide (available from Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-63325-6).

no line width. This option prohibits the multi-stroking of lines to emulate wide lines on pen plotters. On raster devices, all lines will be drawn with the default pen width.
use penmapping. This option causes cgm2hp2 to use a pen table file (pentbl.fil ) to indicate the color indices and thickness of pens installed in a pen plotter (or virtual pens in a raster device). For raster devices, if the same color scheme that was imbedded in the original file is desired, this option should not be used.
indicate the maximum number of virtual pens to use.
overlap merge control. Controls the combining of colors for overlapping objects when drawn with a raster plotter. Integer values for # are listed in the "MC, Merge Control" section of The HP GL/2 and HP RTL Reference Guide screen
rotate drawings 90 degrees.
quality level. # is an integer in the range 0-100. 0 Represents draft quality, and 100 equals premium quality. Effects and granularity are device dependent. Generally, this controls pen speed on pen plotters.
replace the scale value used in the file. # is the length in meters along the X axis. Replacing the scale value results in ALL drawings in a CGM file being rescaled. Line width and annotation text size are not scaled.
-t filename
specify a new name for the pentbl.fil screen or a relative path.
-x filename
output the CGM color table to cross reference file, filenamescreen
media format. Places a media type (MT) instruction into the gl2 file to allow for media dependent plotter setup. Effects on drawing are device dependent. Valid values for # are
control the type of pen sorting done at the plotter.

Boolean combination of 1-4 are allowed ( i.e. 3=Pen and endpoint sort)


Output filename
if the input filename ends in .cgm, the .cgm extension is replaced with .gl2. Otherwise, the extension .gl2 is appended to the filename. If the filename is longer than 16 characters, the the first 12 characters of the filename are taken and screen filenames are the same, the first character of the output filename is incremented (If it the first character was C, it will be changed to a D).
Number of Pens
Penmap file
Not used
Penmap file name
Drawing Scale
Set to the directory indicated in the GPPLOTDIR environment variable. If GPPLOTDIR is not set, uses the directory set in the PWD environment variable. If neither of them is set, the current directory is used.
variable with drawing scale.
Quality Level
device default
Sort Type
device default
Overly Merge
join style
1,1,2,1,3,5 - Butted ends, mitered joins, with a limit of 5.
arc granularity


This code is designed to convert CGM produced by the graPHIGS API to hpgl2. It assumes that the output device supports the commands listed under configuration and status group, vector group, polygon group, line and fill attributes group, character group, technical graphics extension, and palette extension commands defined in The HP-GL/2 and HP RTL Reference Guide screen

It is assumed that the plotter buffers are large enough to render polygons and annotation text generated by the graPHIGS application.

The default font of the output device is used to render annotation text.

No attempt is made to interpret CGM parameters that are not varied by graPHIGS CGM. As a result, it is unlikely that CGM files from non-graPHIGS applications would be correctly converted by this application.

Unsupported CGM orders are skipped and a warning is written to standard error.

Cell Array, produced by the use of the graPHIGS pixel primitives (GPPXL2, GPPXL3) is not supported.

Usage Notes

For raster plotters the following options are recommended:

( where # is the largest CGM color table accessed )

For pen plotters the following options are recommended:

to skip downloading color table beyond the number of pens in the pentable file.
to use penmap file
to map pen colors to 16 gdf pen colors

Printing to devices attached to the parallel ports

In order to print to a device attached to the parallel port, you need to first generate a .gl2 file using the methodology above. (The AIX queueing system protocols do not support directly writing to the parallel port.) The .gl2 file can then be printed using lpr or enqscreen printer is not already supported as a virtual printer, you need to define it as type opp (other parallel printer).

Differences between raster and pen plotter devices.

HPGL2 color raster devices generally support user defined color tables with up to 255 entries. The graPHIGS CGM includes a 255 entry color table. By default, this entire color table is downloaded to the output device, so that the printed colors will match the colors displayed by the graPHIGS application.

Pen plotters are limited to the colors of pens inserted in their carousels. By default cgm2hp2 will attempt to set the plotter pen to match the entry number of the CGM color table. The default CGM color table follows:

 0.         0,   0,   0   Black
 1.       255, 255, 255   White
 2.       255,   0,   0   Red
 3.         0, 255,   0   Green
 4.         0,   0, 255   Blue
 5.       255, 255,   0   Yellow
 6.       255,   0, 255   Magenta
 7.         0, 255, 255   Cyan
 8.       255, 255, 255   White
 255.     255, 255, 255   White

Note that black, (background) is color table entry 0. On pen plotters, pen 0 corresponds to draw with no pen, or draw in background. If color table entry 0 is used and it represents a color other than background, you need to map it to another pen using a pen table file. See the description below.

Pen table file

The format is the same as the pentable.fil for the cpsX1 utilities described in However, the number of entries may range between 1 and 255. If the number of pens exceeds the number of slots available on the plotter, the plotter will perform modular division to pick the pen number. Therefore, if the CGM color table is larger than the number pens available multiple pens can be mapped to a single slot by repeating as follows:

 1  1     1.3
 2  2     0.3
 3  4     0.3
 4  3     1.3
 5  6     1.3
 6  6     0.3
 7  7     1.3
 8  8     1.3
 1  9     1.3
 2  2     0.3
 3  4     0.3
 4  3     1.3
 5  6     1.3
 6  6     0.3
 7  7     1.3
 8  10    1.3

This pentbl will map colors 1,9 to pen 1 and colors 8 and 10 to pen 8. If pen mapping by color is selected and there is no entry for a color table entry, the pen number defaults to pen 0 (background color).

To map the default CGM colors to the default gdf colors, use the following color table.

                CGM Table   GDF Color
                Entry       Number        R    G    B     Name
                ---------  -----------  ---- ---- ----   --------
 1  4    0.3        4            1       0,     0  255    Blue
 2  2    0.3        2            2       255    0    0    Red
 3  6    0.3        6            3       255    0  255    Magenta
 4  3    0.3        3            4       0    255    0    Green
 5  7    0.3        7            5       0    255  255    Cyan
 6  5    0.3        5            6       255  255    0    Yellow
 7  7    0.3        0            7       0      0    0    Black
 8  8    0.3        1            8       255  255  255    White

Additionally, if pens of multiple widths are used, you may want to to select pens based on penwidth. The pentable can also accomplish this. Selecting pens based on penwidth may may reduce or eliminate multi-stroking. If the penwidth exactly matchs the width of the line being drawn multi-stroking can be completely eliminated using the -l option. Otherwise, the multi-stroking can be reduced by using the pentable file to pick the closest pen. Be sure to set the plotters front panel to accurately reflect the actual pen width in use. See Appendix C in The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Technical Reference for more information on selecting pens by width.

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