References in this publication to IBM products, programs or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any of IBM's intellectual property rights may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or service. Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, programs, or services, except those expressly designated by IBM, are the user's responsibility.
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Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPATR | (type, id, ncid, rid, pass) | Attach Resource |
GPCLAR | (arid) | Close Archive File |
GPCLPH | Close graPHIGS | |
GPCLWS | (wsid) | Close Workstation |
GPCNC | (ncid, conn, len, spec) | Connect Nucleus |
GPCRFD | (fdid, ncid, fdtype, fddesc) | Create Font Directory |
GPCRIB | (ibid, ncid, depth, h, v, ibtype, ibdesc) | Create Image Board |
GPCRSS | (ssid, ncid, sstype, ssdesc) | Create Structure Store |
GPCRWS | (wsid, ncid, length, connid, wstype, option) | Create Workstation |
GPDF | (wsid, defer, modif) | Set Deferral State |
GPDNC | (ncid) | Disconnect Nucleus |
GPDTR | (type, id) | Detach Resource |
GPMSG | (wsid, length, text) | Message |
GPMSPW | (ncid, pass) | Set Message Password |
GPOPAR | (arid, ncid, flag, length, ardesc) | Open Archive File |
GPOPPH | (errfil, adib) | Open graPHIGS |
GPOPWS | (wsid, connid, wstype) | Open Workstation |
GPPW | (type, id, pass ) | Set Password |
GPRAST | (wsid, flag) | Redraw All Structures |
GPSBMS | (ncid, major, minor, len, msg) | Send Broadcast Message |
GPSDAL | (wsid) | Sound Alarm |
GPSHDF | (deferral, update) | Set Shell Deferral State |
GPSPMS | (ncid, shid, pass, major, minor, len, msg) | Send Private Message |
GPSYNC | (ncid, synch) | Synchronize |
GPTRCE | (control) | Internal Trace Control |
GPUPWA | (wsid) | Update Workstation Asynchronous |
GPUPWS | (wsid, regen) | Update Workstation |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPAN2 | (point, length, text) | Annotation Text 2 |
GPAN3 | (point, length, text) | Annotation Text 3 |
GPANR2 | (refpt, textvec, length, text) | Annotation Text Relative 2 |
GPANR3 | (refpt, textvec, length, text) | Annotation Text Relative 3 |
GPCFA2 | (ncontour, ncurve, curveinfo, knot, tess, vwidth, vdata) | Composite Fill Area 2 |
GPCHL2 | (startp, endp, nomhgt, char) | Character Line 2 |
GPCR2 | (center, radius) | Circle 2 |
GPCRA2 | (center, radius, startang, endang) | Circular Arc 2 |
GPDPL2 | (npoint, width, pointlist, mdarray) | Disjoint Polyline 2 |
GPDPL3 | (npoint, width, pointlist, mdarray) | Disjoint Polyline 3 |
GPEL2 | (center, refv1, refv2) | Ellipse 2 |
GPEL3 | (center, refv1, refv2) | Ellipse 3 |
GPELA2 | (center, refv1, refv2, startv, endv) | Elliptical Arc 2 |
GPELA3 | (center, refv1, refv1, startv, endv) | Elliptical Arc 3 |
GPLG2 | (point, refv1, refv2, imin, imax, jmin, jmax) | Line Grid 2 |
GPLG3 | (point, refv1, refv2, imin, imax, jmin, jmax) | Line Grid 3 |
GPMG2 | (point, refv1, refv2, imin, imax, jmin, jmax) | Marker Grid 2 |
GPMG3 | (point, refv1, refv2, imin, imax, jmin, jmax) | Marker Grid 3 |
GPNBC2 | (order, npoint, knot, tflags, tdata, cflags, cwidth, ctlpts, tmin, tmax) | Non-Uniform B-Spline Curve 2 |
GPNBC3 | (order, npoint, knot, tflags, tdata, cflags, cwidth, ctlpts, tmin, tmax) | Non-Uniform B-Spline Curve 3 |
GPNBS | (uorder, vorder, unum, vnum, uknots, vknots, tflag, utdata, vtdata, cflags, cwidth, ctlpts, umin, umax, vmin, vmax) | Non-Uniform B-Spline Surface |
GPPGD2 | (pflags, pdata, saflags, sawidth, sadata, vxflags, vxwidth, vxdata) | Polygon 2 With Data |
GPPGD3 | (pflags, pdata, saflags, sawidth, sadata, vxflags, vxwidth, vxdata) | Polygon 3 With Data |
GPPG2 | (areas, npoint, width, pointlist) | Polygon 2 |
GPPG3 | (areas, npoint, width, pointlist) | Polygon 3 |
GPPHE | (nedge, edgelist) | Polyhedron Edge |
GPPL2 | (npoint, width, pointlist) | Polyline 2 |
GPPL3 | (npoint, width, pointlist) | Polyline 3 |
GPPLD3 | (pflags, pdata, plflags, plwidth, pldata, vxflags, vxwidth, vxdata) | Polyline Set 3 With Data |
GPPM2 | (npoint, width, pointlist) | Polymarker 2 |
GPPM3 | (npoint, width, pointlist) | Polymarker 3 |
GPPXL2 | (point, pack, numrow, numcol, startrow, startcol, nrow, ncol, array) | Pixel 2 |
GPPXL3 | (point, pack, numrow, numcol, startrow, startcol, nrow, ncol, array) | Pixel 3 |
GPQM3 | (mflags, mdata, qflags, qwidth, qdata, vxflags, vxwidth, vxdata) | Quadrilateral Mesh 3 |
GPSPH | (nsphere, pflags, pdata, width, spherelist) | Polysphere |
GPTNBS | (uorder, vorder, unum, vnum, uknots, vknots, tflag, utess, vtess, cflags, cwidth, ctlpts, ncontour, ncurve, curveinfo, tknot, ttess, cdwidth, cddata) | Trimmed Non-Uniform B-Spline Surface |
GPTS3 | (pflags, pdata, tflags, twidth, tdata, vxflags, vxwidth, vxdata) | Triangle Strip 3 |
GPTX2 | (point, length, text) | Geometric Text 2 |
GPTX3 | (point, length, text, refv1, refv2) | Geometric Text 3 |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPAAL | (horiz, vert) | Set Annotation Alignment |
GPADCN | (number, names) | Add Class Name to Set |
GPAH | (height) | Set Annotation Height |
GPAHSC | (factor) | Set Annotation Height Scale Factor |
GPAID | (antid) | Set Antialiasing Identifier |
GPAPT | (path) | Set Annotation Path |
GPAS | (style) | Set Annotation Style |
GPASF | (number, id, flag) | Attribute Source Flag Setting |
GPAUP | (vector) | Set Annotation Up Vector |
GPBBLF | (srcf, destf) | Set Back Blending Function |
GPBDFM | (minfm, magfm, boundu, boundv) | Set Back Data Filtering Method |
GPBDMI | (index) | Set Back Data Mapping Index |
GPBDM2 | (matrix) | Set Back Data Matrix 2 |
GPBICD | (color) | Set Back Interior Color Direct |
GPBICI | (index) | Set Back Interior Color Index |
GPBISM | (method) | Set Back Interior Shading Method |
GPBLF | (srcf, destf) | Set Blending Function |
GPBRMO | (model) | Set Back Reflectance Model |
GPBSCD | (color) | Set Back Specular Color Direct |
GPBSCI | (index) | Set Back Specular Color Index |
GPBSPR | (amb, diff, spec, exp, trans) | Set Back Surface Properties |
GPBTCO | (coeff) | Set Back Transparency Coefficient |
GPCAC | (criteria, value) | Set Curve Approximation Criteria |
GPCHH | (height) | Set Character Height |
GPCHLS | (scale) | Set Character Line Scale Factor |
GPCHPM | (posmode) | Set Character Positioning Mode |
GPCHSP | (space) | Set Character Spacing |
GPCHUB | (up, base) | Set Character Up and Base Vectors |
GPCHUP | (up) | Set Character Up Vector |
GPCHXP | (expans) | Set Character Expansion Factor |
GPCPI | (index) | Set Color Processing Index |
GPDCI | (index) | Set Depth Cue Index |
GPDFM | (minfm, magfm, boundu, boundv) | Set Data Filtering Method |
GPDMI | (index) | Set Data Mapping Index |
GPDMR | (wsid, index, method, mdata, clengths, ctype, cdata) | Set Data Mapping Representation |
GPDM2 | (matrix) | Set Data Matrix 2 |
GPECD | (color) | Set Edge Color Direct |
GPECI | (index) | Set Edge Color Index |
GPEF | (edgefg) | Set Edge Flag |
GPEI | (index) | Set Edge Index |
GPELT | (edgelt) | Set Edge Linetype |
GPESC | (edgesf) | Set Edge Scale Factor |
GPFBC | (op, mask, value) | Set Frame Buffer Comparison |
GPFBM | (mask) | Set Frame Buffer Protect Mask |
GPFDMO | (mode) | Set Face Distinguish Mode |
GPFLM | (flmeth) | Set Face Lighting Method |
GPHID | (hlhsr) | Set HLHSR Identifier |
GPHLCD | (color) | Set Highlighting Color Direct |
GPHLCI | (index) | Set Highlighting Color Index |
GPICD | (color) | Set Interior Color Direct |
GPICI | (index) | Set Interior Color Index |
GPII | (index) | Set Interior Index |
GPIS | (style) | Set Interior Style |
GPISI | (index) | Set Interior Style Index |
GPISM | (method) | Set Interior Shading Method |
GPLLCD | (color) | Set Line-on-Line Color Direct |
GPLLCI | (index) | Set Line-on-Line Color Index |
GPLMO | (mode) | Set Lighting Calculation Mode |
GPLSS | (nact, act, ndea, dea) | Set Light Source State |
GPLT | (ltype) | Set Linetype |
GPLWSC | (lwidth) | Set Linewidth Scale Factor |
GPMSSC | (msize) | Set Marker Size Scale Factor |
GPMT | (mtype) | Set Marker Type |
GPPGC | (mode) | Set Polygon Culling |
GPPHEC | (mode) | Set Polyhedron Edge Culling |
GPPKID | (pickid) | Set Pick Identifier |
GPPLCD | (color) | Set Polyline Color Direct |
GPPLCI | (index) | Set Polyline Color Index |
GPPLET | (endtype) | Set Polyline End Type |
GPPLI | (index) | Set Polyline Index |
GPPLSM | (method) | Set Polyline Shading Method |
GPPMCD | (color) | Set Polymarker Color Direct |
GPPMCI | (index) | Set Polymarker Color Index |
GPPMI | (index) | Set Polymarker Index |
GPPSC | (type, data) | Parametric Surface Characteristics |
GPRCN | (number, names) | Remove Class Name from Set |
GPRMO | (model) | Set Reflectance Model |
GPSAC | (criteria, ctrlval1, ctrlval2) | Set Surface Approximation Criteria |
GPSCD | (color) | Set Specular Color Direct |
GPSCI | (index) | Set Specular Color Index |
GPSPR | (amb, diff, spec, exp, trans) | Set Surface Properties |
GPTCAC | (criteria, ctrlval1, ctrlval2, ctrlval3) | Set Trimming Curve Approximation Criteria |
GPTCO | (coeff) | Set Transparency Coefficient |
GPTXAL | (horiz, vert) | Set Text Alignment |
GPTXCD | (color) | Set Text Color Direct |
GPTXCI | (index) | Set Text Color Index |
GPTXFO | (font) | Set Text Font |
GPTXI | (index) | Set Text Index |
GPTXPR | (prec) | Set Text Precision |
GPTXPT | (path) | Set Text Path |
GPVWI | (index) | Set View Index |
GPZBM | (mask) | Set Z-buffer Protect Mask |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPCEXS | (mask, crit, mode, strid) | Conditional Execute Structure |
GPCOND | (on, off) | Set Condition |
GPCRET | (mask, crit) | Conditional Return |
GPEXST | (strid) | Execute Structure |
GPINAD | (length, data) | Insert Application Data |
GPINLB | (label) | Insert Label |
GPNULL | Null Data | |
GPTEX2 | (point1, point2, index) | Test Extent 2 |
GPTEX3 | (point1, point2, index) | Test Extent 3 |
GPWDO | (length, data) | Workstation-Dependent Output |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPASSW | (wsid, ssid) | Associate Structure Store with Workstation |
GPCCM | (mode) | Set Convexity Checking Mode |
GPCEDT | (flag) | Conditional Editing |
GPCLST | Close Structure | |
GPCPER | (strid, elem1, elem2) | Copy Element Range |
GPCPST | (strid) | Copy Structure |
GPCSI | (ostrid, rstrid) | Change Structure Identifier |
GPCSIR | (ostrid, rstrid) | Change Structure Identifier and References |
GPCSRS | (ostrid, rstrid) | Change Structure References |
GPDAST | Delete All Structures | |
GPDCM | (model) | Set Direct Color Model |
GPDELB | (label1, label2) | Delete Element Between Labels |
GPDLC | (wsid, ctid) | Delete Color Table |
GPDLE | Delete Element | |
GPDLEG | (label1, label2, option) | Delete Element Group |
GPDLER | (elem1, elem2) | Delete Element Range |
GPDLNC | (strid) | Delete Structure Network Conditionally |
GPDLNT | (strid) | Delete Structure Network |
GPDLST | (strid) | Delete Structure |
GPEDMO | (mode) | Set Edit Mode |
GPEP | (elem) | Set Element Pointer |
GPEPCD | (code) | Locate Element Pointer at Element Code |
GPEPLG | (label, flag) | Generalized Set Element Pointer at Label |
GPEPPG | (pickid, flag) | Generalized Set Element Pointer at Pick Identifier |
GPEST | (strid) | Empty Structure |
GPMVER | (elem1, elem2) | Move Element Range |
GPNLER | (re1, re2) | Nullify Element Range |
GPOEP | (offset) | Offset Element Pointer |
GPOPST | (strid) | Open Structure |
GPSSS | (ssid) | Select Structure Store |
GPSSTH | (ssid, threshold) | Set Structure Store Threshold |
GPTAST | (ssid, flag) | Transfer All Structures |
GPTST | (ssid, flag, number, lstrid) | Transfer Structures |
GPTXCS | (csid) | Set Text Character Set |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPARAS | (arid) | Archive All Structures |
GPARSN | (arid, number, lstrid) | Archive Structure Networks |
GPARST | (arid, number, lstrid) | Archive Structures |
GPCNRS | (aflag, rflag) | Set Conflict Resolution |
GPDASA | (arid) | Delete All Structures from Archive |
GPDSAR | (arid, number, lstrid) | Delete Structures from Archive |
GPDSNA | (arid, number, lstrid) | Delete Structures Networks from Archive |
GPRVAS | (arid) | Retrieve All Structures |
GPRVSN | (arid, number, lstrid) | Retrieve Structure Networks |
GPRVST | (arid, number, lstrid) | Retrieve Structures |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPCML | (wsid, model) | Set Color Model |
GPCPR | (wsid, index, model, quant, data) | Set Color Processing Representation |
GPCRC | (wsid, ctid, model, length) | Create Color Table |
GPCSR | (wsid, index, size) | Set Cull Size Representation |
GPDCR | (wsid, index, id, value) | Set Depth Cue Representation |
GPDLC | (wsid, ctid) | Delete Color Table |
GPGTXC | (wsid, height, method) | Set Geometric Text Culling |
GPHLF | (wsid, inclen, incl, exclen, excl) | Set Highlighting Filter |
GPHR | (wsid, hatch, format, length, data) | Set Hatch Representation |
GPIVF | (wsid, inclen, incl, exclen, excl) | Set Invisibility Filter |
GPLNR | (wsid, ltype, style, data) | Set Linetype Rendering |
GPLSR | (wsid, index, type, color, data) | Set Light Source Representation |
GPLTR | (wsid, ltype, number, list) | Set Linetype Representation |
GPMTR | (wsid, mtype, format, length, data) | Set Marker Type Representation |
GPPAR | (wsid, index, numrow, numcol, strrow, strcol, nrow, ncol, array) | Set Pattern Representation |
GPVIP | (wsid, view, refview, flag) | Set View Input Priority |
GPVOP | (wsid, view, refview, flag) | Set View Output Priority |
GPVP | (wsid, view, refview, flag) | Set View Priority |
GPXCR | (wsid, ctid, start, number, color) | Set Extended Color Representation |
GPXER | (wsid, index, id, value) | Set Extended Edge Representation |
GPXIR | (wsid, index, id, value) | Set Extended Interior Representation |
GPXPLR | (wsid, index, id, value) | Set Extended Polyline Representation |
GPXPMR | (wsid, index, id, value) | Set Extended Polymarker Representation |
GPXTXR | (wsid, index, id, value) | Set Extended Text Representation |
GPXVCH | (wsid, view, number, charids, values) | Set Extended View Characteristics |
GPXVR | (wsid, view, id, value) | Set Extended View Representation |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPARV | (wsid, view, strid, prior) | Associate Root with View |
GPARW | (wsid, strid) | Associate Root with Workstation |
GPCIM2 | (wsid, imap, view, index, origin, size, P, Q, R, method, prior) | Create Image Mapping 2 |
GPCIM3 | (wsid, imap, view, index, origin, size, P, Q, R, method, prior) | Create Image Mapping 3 |
GPDARW | (wsid) | Disassociate All Roots from Workstation |
GPDIM | (wsid, imap) | Delete Image Mapping |
GPDRAV | (wsid, strid) | Disassociate Root from All Views |
GPDRV | (wsid, view, strid) | Disassociate Root from View |
GPDRW | (wsid, strid) | Disassociate Root from Workstation |
GPEAV | (wsid) | Empty All Views |
GPEV | (wsid, view) | Empty View |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPBDMF | (flength, fdata) | Set Back Data Morphing Factors |
GPDCMM | (wsid, method, length, data) | Set Device Coordinate Mapping Method |
GPDMF | (flength, fdata) | Set Data Morphing Factors |
GPGLX2 | (matrix) | Set Global Transformation 2 |
GPGLX3 | (matrix) | Set Global Transformation 3 |
GPMCI | (indic) | Set Modeling Clipping Indicator |
GPMCV2 | (oper, number, lhspace) | Set Modeling Clipping Volume 2 |
GPMCV3 | (oper, number, lhspace) | Set Modeling Clipping Volume 3 |
GPMLX2 | (matrix, type) | Set Modeling Transformation 2 |
GPMLX3 | (matrix, type) | Set Modeling Transformation 3 |
GPRMCV | Restore Modeling Clipping Volume | |
GPVMF | (flength, fdata) | Set Vertex Morphing Factors |
GPWSX2 | (wsid, window, viewpt) | Set Workstation Transformation 2 |
GPWSX3 | (wsid, window, viewpt) | Set Workstation Transformation 3 |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPAWEV | (time, major, class, minor) | Await Event |
GPBKAC | (wsid, trigger) | Set Break Action |
GPCHMO | (wsid, device, mode, echosw) | Set Choice Mode |
GPCUR | (wsid, index, format, shape) | Set Cursor Representation |
GPCUS | (wsid, ctype) | Set Cursor Shape |
GPEPD | (wsid, category, device, value) | Emulate Physical Device |
GPEVHN | (event-handler, anchor) | Define Event Handling Subroutine |
GPFLEV | (wsid, class, device) | Flush Device Event |
GPFWEV | (wsid) | Flush Workstation Event |
GPGTCH | (choice) | Get Choice |
GPGTLC | (view, pos) | Get Locator |
GPGTMS | (ilen, olen, string) | Get Message |
GPGTPK | (length, depth, pickpath) | Get Pick |
GPGTSK | (length, view, npoint, pointlist) | Get Stroke |
GPGTST | (ilen, olen, string) | Get String |
GPGTVL | (value) | Get Valuator |
GPGTXP | (maxdepth, view, point, modelling, depth, pickpath) | Get Extended Pick |
GPGWIN | (ilen, olen, data) | Get Window |
GPICS | (wsid, class, device, csid) | Set Input Character Set |
GPIDMO | (wsid, class, device, state, deact, echosw, trigger, break, reset) | Set Input Device Mode |
GPIEC | (wsid, color) | Set Input Echo Color |
GPINCH | (wsid, device, choice, echo, area, datalen, data) | Initialize Choice |
GPINLC | (wsid, device, view, pos, echo, area, datalen, data) | Initialize Locator |
GPINPK | (wsid, device, depth, pickpath, echo, area, datalen, data, order) | Initialize Pick |
GPINSK | (wsid, device, view, npoint, width, pointlist, echo, area, buflen, editpos, datalen, data) | Initialize Stroke |
GPINST | (wsid, device, length, string, echo, area, buflen, cursor, datalen, data) | Initialize String |
GPINVL | (wsid, device, ivalue, echo, area, lovalue, hivalue, datalen, data) | Initialize Valuator |
GPIPKC | (wsid, device, state) | Set Initial Pick Correlation State |
GPIT | (wsid, class, devnum, listid, tnum, triglist) | Set Input Device Trigger |
GPLCMO | (wsid, device, mode, echosw) | Set Locator Mode |
GPPDMO | (wsid, category, device, mode) | Set Physical Device Mode |
GPPKAP | (wsid, device, size) | Set Pick Aperture |
GPPKF | (wsid, device, inclen, incl, exclen, excl) | Set Pick Filter |
GPPKMO | (wsid, device, mode, echosw) | Set Pick Mode |
GPPKSC | (wsid, device, criteria) | Set Pick Selection Criteria |
GPRQCH | (wsid, device, status, choice) | Request Choice |
GPRQLC | (wsid, device, status, view, pos) | Request Locator |
GPRQPK | (wsid, device, length, status, depth, pickpath) | Request Pick |
GPRQSK | (wsid, device, length, status, view, npoint, pointarray) | Request Stroke |
GPRQST | (wsid, device, length, status, number, string) | Request String |
GPRQVL | (wsid, device, status, value) | Request Valuator |
GPRQXP | (wsid, device, maxdepth, status, view, point, modelling, depth, pickpath) | Request Extended Pick |
GPSKMO | (wsid, device, mode, echosw) | Set Stroke Mode |
GPSMCH | (wsid, device, choice) | Sample Choice |
GPSMLC | (wsid, device, view, pos) | Sample Locator |
GPSMPK | (wsid, device, length, depth, pickpath) | Sample Pick |
GPSMSK | (wsid, device, length, view, npoint, pointarray) | Sample Stroke |
GPSMST | (wsid, device, length, number, string) | Sample String |
GPSMVL | (wsid, device, value) | Sample Valuator |
GPSMXP | (wsid, device, maxdepth, view, point, modelling, depth, pickpath) | Sample Extended Pick |
GPSTMO | (wsid, device, mode, echosw) | Set String Mode |
GPVLMO | (wsid, device, mode, echosw) | Set Valuator Mode |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPACFO | (wsid, csid, font) | Activate Font |
GPAFDW | (wsid, fdid) | Associate Font Directory with Workstation |
GPDAFO | (wsid, csid, font) | Deactivate Font |
GPDLFO | (fdid, csid, font) | Delete Font |
GPLDFO | (fdid, csid, font, option) | Load Font |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPCAI | (wsid, index) | Cancel Image |
GPDFI | (wsid, index, conn, ctid, nibid, libid) | Define Image |
GPFRCT | (ibid, origin, size, value) | Fill Rectangle |
GPRRCT | (sibid, sorigin, size, format, parm, torigin, data) | Read Rectangle |
GPTRCT | (tibid, torigin, size, sibid, sorigin) | Transfer Rectangle |
GPTHPO | (tibid, torigin, size, sibid1, sorigin1, sibid2, sorigin2, op, opparm) | Three Operand Pixel Operation |
GPTWPO | (tibid, torigin, size, sibid, sorigin, op, opparm) | Two Operand Pixel Operation |
GPWRCT | (tibid, torigin, size, format, parm, sorigin, data) | Write Rectangle |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPCCV | (wsid, ctype, ptype, number, ilist, errind, olist) | Convert Coordinate Values |
GPCMT2 | (matra, matrb, matrix) | Compose Matrix 2 |
GPCMT3 | (matra, matrb, matrix) | Compose Matrix 3 |
GPCVD | (datatype, env, origin, datalen, idata, odata) | Convert Data |
GPCVMT | (matrix) | Compute View Matrix |
GPDFCO | (origin, zplane, up, matrix) | Define Coordinate System |
GPEVM2 | (window, viewpt, errind, matrix) | Evaluate View Mapping Matrix 2 |
GPEVM3 | (window, viewpt, type, point, dist, near, far, errind, matrix) | Evaluate View Mapping Matrix 3 |
GPPREC | (numi, iary, numr, rary, nums, swidth, lens, sary, mlodr, errind, lodr, datarec) | Pack Data Record |
GPRNBS | (uorder, vorder, unum, vnum, uknots, vknots, tflag, utdata, vtdata, cflags, cwidth, ctlpts, umin, umax, vmin, vmax, option, nelen) | Reevaluate Non-Uniform B-Spline Surface |
GPROTX | (angle, matrix) | Rotate X |
GPROTY | (angle, matrix) | Rotate Y |
GPROTZ | (angle, matrix) | Rotate Z |
GPROT2 | (angle, matrix) | Rotate 2 |
GPRTNS | (uorder, vorder, unum, vnum, uknots, vknots, tflag, utess, vtess, cflags, cwidth, ctlpts, ncontour, ncurve, curveinfo, tknot, ttess, cdwidth, option, nelen) | Reevaluate Trimmed Non-Uniform B-Spline Surface |
GPSC2 | (scale, matrix) | Scale 2 |
GPSC3 | (scale, matrix) | Scale 3 |
GPTRL2 | (vector, matrix) | Translate 2 |
GPTRL3 | (vector, matrix) | Translate 3 |
GPVPLN | (normal) | Set View Plane Normal |
GPVR | (point) | Set View Reference Point |
GPVUP | (vector) | Set View Up |
GPXF2 | (point, matrix, result) | Transform Point 2 |
GPXF3 | (point, matrix, result) | Transform Point 3 |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPEHND | (error-handler) | Define Error Handling Subroutine GPEHND. |
GPELOG | (file) | Error Logging GPELOG. |
GPEMO | (mode) | Set Error Handling Mode GPEMO. |
GPEXIT | (error-routine, severity) | Specify an Error Exit and Error Threshold GPEXIT. |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPES | (funcid, lidr, idr, mlodr, lodr, odr) | Escape |
GPRDFB | (wsid, frame, sorigin, size, format, parm, torigin, data) | Read Frame Buffer |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPQAR | (wsid, start, number, errind, totnum, strid) | Inquire Set of Associated Roots |
GPQBKS | (wsid, errind, trigger) | Inquire Break Action State |
GPQCCH | (wsid, ctid, errind, model, length) | Inquire Color Table Characteristics |
GPQCH | (wsid, device, type, length, errind, mode, echosw, choice, echo, area, datalen, data) | Inquire Choice Device State |
GPQCID | (wsid, start, number, errind, totnum, ctid) | Inquire List of Color Table Identifiers |
GPQCML | (wsid, errind, model) | Inquire Color Model |
GPQCPR | (wsid, index, errind, model, quant, data) | Inquire Color Processing Representation |
GPQCSR | (wsid, index, type, errind, size) | Inquire Cull Size Representation |
GPQCVE | (wsid, start, number, errind, nview, view) | Inquire Current View Table Entries Input |
GPQCVO | (wsid, start, number, errind, nview, view) | Inquire Current View Table Entries Output |
GPQCVR | (wsid, view, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire Current View Representation |
GPQDCR | (wsid, index, type, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire Depth Cue Representation |
GPQDMR | (wsid, index, lclengths, lcdata, errind, method, mdata, clengths, ctype, cdata) | Inquire Data Mapping Representation |
GPQDV | (wsid, errind, defer, modif, dissurf, dstat) | Inquire Deferral and Update State Values |
GPQFO | (wsid, start, number, errind, nfont, lcsid, lfont) | Inquire Active Fonts |
GPQGFC | (wsid, csid, font, start, num, errind, prec, nhts, lhts, lnfac, lmnfac, lmxfac) | Inquire Geometric Font Characteristics |
GPQHLF | (wsid, inlen, exlen, errind, inclen, incl, exclen, excl) | Inquire Highlighting Filter |
GPQHR | (wsid, index, errind, format, length, data) | Inquire Hatch Representation |
GPQICH | (wsid, index, errind, conn, ctid, totnum, libid) | Inquire Image Characteristics |
GPQICS | (wsid, class, device, errind, csid) | Inquire Input Character Set |
GPQID | (wsid, class, device, errind, state, deact, echosw, trigger, break, reset) | Inquire Input Device State |
GPQIMC | (wsid, imid, errind, view, index, origin, size, P, Q, R, method, priority) | Inquire Image Mapping Characteristics |
GPQIMI | (wsid, index, start, number, errind, totnum, limid) | Inquire Image Mapping of Image |
GPQIMV | (wsid, view, start, number, errind, totnum, limid) | Inquire Image Mapping on View |
GPQIMW | (wsid, start, number, errind, totnum, limid) | Inquire Image Mapping on Workstation |
GPQITS | (wsid, class, devnum, listid, start, number, errind, ntrigs, ltrigs) | Inquire Input Device Trigger State |
GPQIVF | (wsid, inlen, exlen, errind, inclen, incl, exclen, excl) | Inquire Invisibility Filter |
GPQIW | (wsid, start, number, errind, totnum, lindex) | Inquire List of Images on the Workstation |
GPQLC | (wsid, device, type, length, errind, mode, echosw, view, pos, echo, area, datalen, data) | Inquire Locator Device State |
GPQLSR | (wsid, index, type, errind, lstype, color, data) | Inquire Light Source Representation |
GPQLTR | (wsid, ltype, errind, number, pattern) | Inquire Linetype Representation |
GPQMDS | (wsid, errind, units, csize, asize) | Inquire Mapped Display Surface Size |
GPQMTR | (wsid, mtype, errind, format, length, data) | Inquire Marker Type Representation |
GPQPAR | (wsid, index, type, maxrow, maxcol, errind, drow, dcol, array) | Inquire Pattern Representation |
GPQPK | (wsid, device, type, inlen, exlen, pathlen, length, errind, mode, echosw, inclen, incl, exclen, excl, depth, pickpath, echo, area, datalen, data, order) | Inquire Pick Device State |
GPQPKA | (wsid, device, errind, size) | Inquire Pick Aperture |
GPQRCT | (wsid, ilen, errind, olen, connid, wstype) | Inquire Realized Connection Type |
GPQRV | (wsid, view, start, number, errind, totnum, strid, priority) | Inquire Set of Roots in View |
GPQRVE | (wsid, start, number, errind, totnum, view) | Inquire Requested View Table Entries Input |
GPQRVO | (wsid, start, number, errind, totnum, view) | Inquire Requested View Table Entries Output |
GPQRVR | (wsid, view, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire Requested View Representation |
GPQSK | (wsid, device, type, lenpts, length, errind, mode, echosw, view, npoint, pointarray, echo, area, buflen, editpos, datalen, data) | Inquire Stroke Device State |
GPQST | (wsid, device, type, slen, length, errind, mode, echosw, strlen, string, echo, area, buflen, editpos, datalen, data) | Inquire String Device State |
GPQVL | (wsid, device, type, length, errind, mode, echosw, ivalue, echo, area, lovalue, hivalue, datalen, data) | Inquire Valuator Device State |
GPQVR | (wsid, strid, start, number, errind, totnum, view) | Inquire Set of Views Which Contain Root |
GPQWSU | (wsid, errind, total, lgblock, numblks) | Inquire Workstation Storage Utilization |
GPQWSX | (wsid, errind, state, rwindow, cwindow, rviewpt, cviewpt) | Inquire Workstation Transformation |
GPQXAF | (wsid, csid, font, start, num, errind, prec, nomh, nahsf, lahsf, lnfac, lmnfac, lmxfac, proportional, top, bottom, nomaspect) | Inquire Extended Annotation Font Characteristics |
GPQXCR | (wsid, ctid, start, number, type, errind, color) | Inquire Extended Color Representation |
GPQXER | (wsid, index, type, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire Extended Edge Representation |
GPQXIR | (wsid, index, type, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire Extended Interior Representation |
GPQXLR | (wsid, index, type, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire Extended Polyline Representation |
GPQXMR | (wsid, index, type, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire Extended Polymarker Representation |
GPQXTR | (wsid, index, type, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire Extended Text Representation |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPQAAF | (wstype, attrib, start, number, errind, totnum, enum) | Inquire Advanced Attribute Facilities |
GPQAMO | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, mode) | Inquire Available Antialiasing Modes |
GPQANF | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, styles) | Inquire Annotation Facilities |
GPQART | (wstype, errind, totnum) | Inquire Rendering Targets |
GPQBK | (wstype, start, number, errind, ntrigs, ltrigs) | Inquire Break Capabilities |
GPQCDF | (wstype, start, number, errind, order, totnum, criteria) | Inquire Curve Display Facilities |
GPQCF | (wstype, errind, model, ncolor, avcolor, npred) | Inquire Color Facilities |
GPQCPF | (wstype, errind, number, npred) | Inquire Color Processing Facilities |
GPQCQM | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, method) | Inquire Available Color Quantization Methods |
GPQCSF | (wstype, errind, number, npred) | Inquire Cull Size Facilities |
GPQCUF | (wstype, start1, num1, start2, num2, errind, maxent, maxsize, totnum1, lformat, totnum2, lcursor, npred) | Inquire Cursor Facilities |
GPQDBK | (wstype, errind, trigger) | Inquire Default Break Action |
GPQDCF | (wstype, errind, number, npred) | Inquire Depth Cue Facilities |
GPQDCH | (wstype, device, start, number, length, errind, choice, necho, echo, area, datalen, data) | Inquire Default Choice Device Data |
GPQDDV | (wstype, errind, defer, modif) | Inquire Default Deferral State Values |
GPQDIT | (wstype, class, devnum, listid, start, number, errind, ndtrigs, dtriglist) | Inquire Default Input Device Triggers |
GPQDLC | (wstype, device, start, number, length, errind, dimen, pos, necho, echo, area, datalen, data) | Inquire Default Locator Device Data |
GPQDPK | (wstype, device, start, number, length, errind, maxpath, necho, echo, area, datalen, data) | Inquire Default Pick Device Data |
GPQDS | (wstype, errind, units, csize, asize) | Inquire Maximum Display Surface Size |
GPQDSK | (wstype, device, start, number, length, errind, dimen, size, necho, echo, area, buflen, editpos, datalen, data) | Inquire Default Stroke Device Data |
GPQDST | (wstype, device, start, number, length, errind, size, necho, echo, area, buflen, editpos, datalen, data) | Inquire Default String Device Data |
GPQDVL | (wstype, device, start, number, length, errind, ivalue, necho, echo, area, lovalue, hivalue, datalen, data) | Inquire Default Valuator Device Data |
GPQEF | (wstype, start, number, errind, netype, eltype, nelwidth, elwidth, minelw, maxelw, npred) | Inquire Edge Facilities |
GPQES | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, escid) | Inquire List of Available Escape Subroutines |
GPQFBC | (wstype, errind, org, n, depth) | Inquire Frame Buffer Characteristics |
GPQFP | (wstype, errind, poolsize) | Inquire Font Pool Size |
GPQGD | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, gdpid) | Inquire List of Generalized Drawing Primitives |
GPQGDP | (wstype, gdpid, errind, number, list) | Inquire Generalized Drawing Primitive |
GPQGSE | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, gseid) | Inquire List of Available GSEs |
GPQHD | (wstype, errind, depth) | Inquire Maximum Hierarchy Depth |
GPQHF | (wstype, errind, format, maxlen, npred, available) | Inquire Hatch Facilities |
GPQHMO | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, mode) | Inquire Available HLHSR Modes |
GPQIDD | (wstype, class, devnum, id, lidata, idata, mlodata errind, mlodata, odata) | Inquire Input Device Description |
GPQIDF | (wstype, start, number, errind, nimage, totnum, conn) | Inquire Image Definition Facilities |
GPQIF | (wstype, starti, numi, starth, numh, errind, intnum, interiors, hatnum, hatch, npred) | Inquire Interior Facilities |
GPQIMF | (wstype, start, number, errind, nprio, totnum, method) | Inquire Image Mapping Facilities |
GPQISF | (wstype, class, device, start, number, errind, ncsid, csid) | Inquire Input Character Set Facilities |
GPQIT | (wstype, class, devnum, start, number, errind, ntrigs, ltrigs) | Inquire Input Trigger Capabilities |
GPQLCF | (wstype, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire List of Color Facilities |
GPQLI | (wstype, class, start, number, errind, ndev, dev) | Inquire List of Logical Input Devices |
GPQLNR | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, rstyle) | Inquire List of Line Rendering Styles |
GPQLSF | (wstype, start, number, errind, maxe, totnum, ltype, maxa, npred) | Inquire Light Source Facilities |
GPQLTF | (wstype, errind, sections, maxlen, unit, npred, available) | Inquire Linetype Facilities |
GPQLW | (wstype, errind, ltable, mtable, ttable, itable, etable, pttable, ctable) | Inquire Length of Workstation State Tables |
GPQMTF | (wstype, errind, format, maxlen, npred, available) | Inquire Marker Type Facilities |
GPQNCN | (wstype, errind, number) | Inquire Number of Available Class Names |
GPQNSP | (wstype, errind, npri) | Inquire Number of Structure Priorities Supported |
GPQNST | (wstype, class, devnum, errind, number) | Inquire Number of Secondary Triggers |
GPQNV | (wstype, errind, number) | Inquire Number of Definable View Table Entries |
GPQPAF | (wstype, errind, maxrow, maxcol, indexes) | Inquire Pattern Facilities |
GPQPCR | (wstype, start, number, errind, npred, indexes, colors) | Inquire Predefined Color Representation |
GPQPCS | (wstype, errind, csid) | Inquire Primary Character Set |
GPQPDC | (wstype, category, device, number, errind, flags, type, totnum, vrange) | Inquire Physical Device Characteristics |
GPQPER | (wstype, index, errind, edgefg, edgelt, edgesf, ecol) | Inquire Predefined Edge Representation |
GPQPIR | (wstype, index, errind, style, sindex, icol) | Inquire Predefined Interior Representation |
GPQPKT | (wstype, device, errind, type) | Inquire Pick Measure Type |
GPQPLF | (wstype, start, number, errind, ntype, ltype, nlwidth, lwidth, minlw, maxlw, npred) | Inquire Polyline Facilities |
GPQPLR | (wstype, index, errind, ltype, lwidth, color) | Inquire Predefined Polyline Representation |
GPQPMF | (wstype, start, number, errind, ntype, mtype, nsize, size, minms, maxms, npred) | Inquire Polymarker Facilities |
GPQPMR | (wstype, index, errind, mtype, msize, color) | Inquire Predefined Polymarker Representation |
GPQPPR | (wstype, index, maxrow, maxcol, errind, drow, dcol, array) | Inquire Predefined Pattern Representation |
GPQPTR | (wstype, index, errind, font, prec, factor, space, color) | Inquire Predefined Text Representation |
GPQRCM | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, model) | Inquire Available Rendering Color Models |
GPQSDF | (wstype, start, number, errind, order, totnum, criteria) | Inquire Surface Display Facilities |
GPQSPD | (wstype, class, ldevice, errind, category, pdevice) | Inquire Source Physical Device |
GPQTDF | (wstype, start, number, errind, order, totnum, criteria) | Inquire Trimming Curve Display Facilities |
GPQTMO | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, mode) | Inquire Available Transparency Modes |
GPQVF | (wstype, errind, shield) | Inquire View Facilities |
GPQWC | (wstype, errind, type) | Inquire Workstation Category |
GPQWD | (wstype, errind, type) | Inquire Workstation Display Classification |
GPQWDT | (wstype, id, lidata, idata, mlodata, errind, lodata, odata) | Inquire Workstation Description |
GPQWTO | (wsid, ilen, errind, wstype, olen, options) | Inquire Workstation Type and Options |
GPQXCF | (wstype, start, number, errind, charact, nmax, lmax, totnum, model) | Inquire Extended Color Facilities |
GPQXTX | (wstype, errind, npred, filled, proportional) | Inquire Extended Text Facilities |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPQAI | (start, number, errind, totnum, format) | Inquire List of Available Application Image Formats |
GPQCMM | (start, number, errind, totnum, conn) | Inquire List of Available Connection Methods |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPQASV | (state) | Inquire Archive State Value |
GPQATR | (ncid, type, start, number, errind, totnum, id) | Inquire List of Attached Resources |
GPQCEV | (major, class, minor) | Inquire Current Event |
GPQCNC | (start, number, errind, totnum, ncid) | Inquire List of Connected Nuclei |
GPQCS | (csid) | Inquire Character Set Identifier |
GPQDCM | (model) | Inquire Direct Color Model |
GPQEDM | (mode) | Inquire Edit Mode |
GPQEMO | (mode) | Inquire Error Handling Mode |
GPQEMS | (length, errind, number, message) | Inquire Error Message |
GPQFAR | (csid, font, slength, string, errind, aspect-ratio-list) | Inquire Font Aspect Ratios |
GPQFCH | (csid, font, errind, proportional, top, bottom, nomaspect) | Inquire Font Characteristics |
GPQIBC | (ibid, errind, depth, h, v) | Inquire Image Board Characteristics |
GPQIQO | (errind, major, class, minor) | Inquire Input Queue Overflow |
GPQNCC | (ncid, state) | Inquire Nucleus Connection State |
GPQNCR | (type, id, errind, ncid, rid) | Inquire Nucleus Resource Identifier |
GPQOPW | (start, number, errind, totnum, lwsid) | Inquire Set of Open Workstations |
GPQSEV | (simevnt) | Inquire More Simultaneous Events |
GPQSH | (ncid, errind, shid, env) | Inquire Shell Identifier |
GPQSHD | (deferral, update) | Inquire Shell Deferral State |
GPQSPL | (level) | Inquire Shell Product Level |
GPQSSS | (status, ssid) | Inquire Selected Structure Store |
GPQSTV | (state) | Inquire Structure State Value |
GPQSYV | (state) | Inquire System State Value |
GPQWSV | (state) | Inquire Workstation State Value |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPQIBF | (ncid, start, number, errind, totnum, depth, h, v) | Inquire Image Board Facilities |
GPQNCE | (ncid, length, datatype, errind, hardware, datalen, data) | Inquire Nucleus Environment |
GPQNS | (ncid, ilen, errind, conn, olen, spec) | Inquire Nucleus Specification |
GPQPO | (ncid, type, start, number, errind, totnum, op) | Inquire Available Pixel Operations |
GPQWTN | (ncid, start, number, errind, maxa, totnum, wstype) | Inquire List of Available Workstation Types on Nucleus |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPQNCS | (ncid, errind, size) | Inquire Available Nucleus Storage Size |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPELS | (strid, start, direction, inclnum, lincl, exclnum, lexcl, errind, status, position, header) | Element Search |
GPQACS | (ssid, start, number, errind, totnum, istrid) | Inquire All Conflicting Structures in Structure Store |
GPQCSN | (ssid, strid, source, start, number, errind, totnum, istrid) | Inquire All Conflicting Structures in Network in Structure Store |
GPQED | (number, buflen, errind, actnum, actlen, data, termcond) | Inquire List of Element Data |
GPQEDA | (strid, start, number, buflen, errind, actnum, actlen, data, termcond) | Inquire List of Element Data for any Structure |
GPQEHA | (strid, start, number, errind, actnum, header) | Inquire List of Element Headers for Any Structure |
GPQEHD | (number, errind, actnum, header) | Inquire List of Element Headers |
GPQEP | (errind, value) | Inquire Element Pointer |
GPQEXS | (strid, start, number, errind, totnum, lstrid) | Inquire Executed Structures |
GPQISN | (strid, start, number, errind, totnum, istrid) | Inquire Identifiers of Structures in Network |
GPQOPS | (type, strid) | Inquire Open Structure |
GPQPAS | (strid, order, depth, start, number, buflen, errind, actnum, actlen, totnum, data, termcond) | Inquire Ancestors of Structure |
GPQPDS | (strid, order, depth, start, number, buflen, errind, actnum, actlen, totnum, data, termcond) | Inquire Descendents of Structure |
GPQRST | (strid, start, number, errind, totnum, istrid) | Inquire Referencing Structures |
GPQSTI | (start, number, errind, totnum, lstrid) | Inquire Structure Identifiers |
GPQSTS | (strid, errind, flag, count) | Inquire Structure Status |
GPQWSA | (strid, start, number, errind, totnum, lwsid) | Inquire Set of Workstations to Which Associated |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPQACA | (arid, start, number, errind, totnum, idstrid) | Inquire All Conflicting Structures in Archive |
GPQARF | (start, number, buflen, errind, actnum, totnum, arlist, termcond) | Inquire Archive Files |
GPQCNA | (arid, strid, source, start, number, errind, totnum, istrid) | Inquire Conflicting Structures in Network in Archive |
GPQCNR | (aflag, rflag) | Inquire Conflict Resolution |
GPRAS | (arid, strid, order, depth, start, number, buflen, errind, actnum, actlen, totnum, data, termcond) | Retrieve Ancestors to Structures |
GPRDS | (arid, strid, order, depth, start, number, buflen, errind, actnum, actlen, totnum, data, termcond) | Retrieve Descendants to Structures |
GPRISN | (arid, strid, start, number, errind, totnum, istrid) | Retrieve Identifiers of Structures in Network |
GPRSTI | (arid, start, number, errind, totnum, istrid) | Retrieve Structure Identifiers |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPCR | (wsid, index, number, colors) | Set Color Representation |
GPEPLB | (label) | Set Element Pointer at Label |
GPEPPK | (pickid) | Set Element Pointer at Pick Identifier |
GPER | (wsid, index, edgefg, edgelt, edgesf, ecol) | Set Edge Representation |
GPIR | (wsid, index, style, sindex, icol) | Set Interior Representation |
GPPLR | (wsid, index, ltype, lwidth, color) | Set Polyline Representation |
GPPMR | (wsid, index, mtype, msize, color) | Set Polymarker Representation |
GPQABK | (wsid, start, number, errind, ntrigs, ltrigs) | Inquire Actual Break Capabilities |
GPQACF | (wsid, errind, model, ncolor, avcolor) | Inquire Actual Color Facilities |
GPQADS | (wsid, errind, units, csize, asize) | Inquire Actual Maximum Display Surface Size |
GPQAEF | (wsid, start, number, errind, ntype, eltype, nelwidth, elwidth, minelw, maxelw) | Inquire Actual Edge Facilities |
GPQAES | (wsid, start, number, errind, nids, idlist) | Inquire List of Actual Available Escape Subroutines |
GPQAFC | (wsid, csid, font, start, num, errind, prec, nomh, nahsf, lahsf, lnfac, lmnfac, lmxfac) | Inquire Annotation Font Characteristics |
GPQAFP | (wsid, errind, poolsize) | Inquire Actual Font Pool Size |
GPQAGD | (wsid, start, number, errind, ngdp, lgdp) | Inquire List of Actual Generalized Drawing Primitives |
GPQAIF | (wsid, startp, nump, starth, numh, errind, intnum, interiors, hatnum, hatch) | Inquire Actual Interior Facilities |
GPQAIS | (wsid, class, device, start, number, errind, ncsid, csid) | Inquire Actual Input Character Set Facilities |
GPQAIT | (wsid, class, devnum, start, number, errind, ntrigs, ltrigs) | Inquire Actual Input Trigger Capabilities |
GPQALF | (wsid, start, number, errind, ntype, ltype, nlwidth, lwidth, minlw, maxlw) | Inquire Actual Polyline Facilities |
GPQALI | (wsid, class, start, number, errind, ndev, dev) | Inquire List of Actual Logical Input Devices |
GPQALW | (wsid, errind, ltable, mtable, ttable, itable, etable, pttable, ctable) | Inquire Actual Length of Workstation State Tables |
GPQAMF | (wsid, start, number, errind, ntype, mtype, nsize, size, minms, maxms) | Inquire Actual Polymarker Facilities |
GPQANV | (wsid, errind, number) | Inquire Actual Number of Definable View Table Entries |
GPQAPF | (wsid, errind, maxrow, maxcol) | Inquire Actual Pattern Facilities |
GPQAPS | (wsid, errind, csid) | Inquire Actual Primary Character Set |
GPQAVF | (wsid, errind, shield) | Inquire Actual View Facilities |
GPQAWC | (wsid, errind, type) | Inquire Actual Workstation Category |
GPQAWD | (wsid, errind, type) | Inquire Actual Workstation Display Classification |
GPQCR | (wsid, start, number, type, errind, colors) | Inquire Color Representation |
GPQCVX | (wsid, view, errind, matrix, window, viewpt, viewt, refpt, dist, near, far, wincp, nearcp, farcp, shield, shldci, border, brdrci, viewact) | Inquire Current Viewing Transformation |
GPQE | (start, number, errind, ndata, data) | Inquire Element Content |
GPQER | (wsid, index, type, errind, edgefg, edgelt, edgesf, ecol) | Inquire Edge Representation |
GPQETS | (errind, type, size) | Inquire Element Type and Size |
GPQIR | (wsid, index, type, errind, style, sindex, icol) | Inquire Interior Representation |
GPQLR | (wsid, index, type, errind, ltype, lwidth, color) | Inquire Polyline Representation |
GPQMR | (wsid, index, type, errind, mtype, msize, color) | Inquire Polymarker Representation |
GPQRVX | (wsid, view, errind, matrix, window, viewpt, viewt, refpt, dist, near, far, wincp, nearcp, farcp, shield, shldci, border, brdrci, viewact) | Inquire Requested Viewing Transformation |
GPQSTE | (strid, flag) | Inquire Structure Existence |
GPQTR | (wsid, index, type, errind, font, prec, factor, space, color) | Inquire Text Representation |
GPQTXF | (wstype, errind, npred) | Inquire Text Facilities |
GPQWCT | (wsid, errind, connid, wstype) | Inquire Workstation Connection and Type |
GPQWCV | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, flist) | Inquire Workstation Configuration Variability |
GPQWST | (start, number, errind, maxopen, nwstype, wstype) | Inquire List of Available Workstation Types |
GPTXR | (wsid, index, font, prec, factor, space, color) | Set Text Representation |
GPVCH | (wsid, view, window, near, far, shield, shldci, border, brdrci, active) | Set View Characteristics |
GPVMP2 | (wsid, view, window, viewpt) | Set View Mapping 2 |
GPVMP3 | (wsid, view, window, viewpt, type, point, dist, near, far) | Set View Mapping 3 |
GPVMT2 | (wsid, view, matrix) | Set View Matrix 2 |
GPVMT3 | (wsid, view, matrix) | Set View Matrix 3 |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPEXAP | (apid, ncid, size, namel, name, parmt, parml, parm, xferflag, useridl, userid, passwordl, password) | Execute Application Process |
GPINAP | (apid, ncid, size, namel, name, parmt, parml, parm) | Initiate Application Process |
GPTMAP | (apid) | Terminate Application Process |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPATS | (strid, start, end) | Accumulate Traversal State |
GPBGST | (strid) | Begin Structure |
GPBGTR | (wsid, view, type, data) | Begin Traversal |
GPCARR | (wsid) | Clear All Rendering Resources |
GPCPVP | (wsid, view, srtspec, drtspec) | Copy Viewport |
GPCRT | (wsid, rtspec) | Clear Rendering Target |
GPCVW | (wsid, view) | Clear View |
GPDRI2 | (index, origin, size, P, Q, R, method) | Draw Image 2 |
GPDRT | (wsid, rtspec) | Display Rendering Target |
GPDRVW | (wsid, view) | Draw View |
GPENST | End Structure | |
GPENTR | End Traversal | |
GPPSTS | (strid) | Push Set TSL |
GPPTS | Pop TSL | |
GPSRT | (wsid, rtspec) | Select Rendering Target |
GPTE | (strid, start, end) | Traversal Elements |
Name | Parameter | Long Name |
GPAAL | (horiz, vert) | Set Annotation Alignment |
GPACFO | (wsid, csid, font) | Activate Font |
GPADCN | (number, names) | Add Class Name to Set |
GPAFDW | (wsid, fdid) | Associate Font Directory with Workstation |
GPAH | (height) | Set Annotation Height |
GPAHSC | (factor) | Set Annotation Height Scale Factor |
GPAID | (antid) | Set Antialiasing Identifier |
GPAN2 | (point, length, text) | Annotation Text 2 |
GPAN3 | (point, length, text) | Annotation Text 3 |
GPANR2 | (refpt, textvec, length, text) | Annotation Text Relative 2 |
GPANR3 | (refpt, textvec, length, text) | Annotation Text Relative 3 |
GPAPT | (path) | Set Annotation Path |
GPARAS | (arid) | Archive All Structures |
GPARSN | (arid, number, lstrid) | Archive Structure Networks |
GPARST | (arid, number, lstrid) | Archive Structures |
GPARV | (wsud, view, strid, prior) | Associate Root with View |
GPARW | (wsud, strid) | Associate Root with Workstation |
GPAS | (style) | Set Annotation Style |
GPASF | (number, id, flag) | Attribute Source Flag Setting |
GPASSW | (wsid, ssid) | Associate Structure Store with Workstation |
GPATR | (type, id, ncid, rid, pass) | Attach Resource |
GPATS | (strid, start, end) | Accumulate Traversal State |
GPAUP | (vector) | Set Annotation Up Vector |
GPAWEV | (time, major, class, minor) | Await Event |
GPBBLF | (srcf, destf) | Set Back Blending Function |
GPBDFM | (minfm, magfm, boundu, boundv) | Set Back Data Filtering Method |
GPBDMF | (flength, fdata) | Set Back Data Morphing Factors |
GPBDMI | (index) | Set Back Data Mapping Index |
GPBDM2 | (matrix) | Set Back Data Mapping Matrix 2 |
GPBGST | (strid) | Begin Structure |
GPBGTR | (wsid, view, type, data) | Begin Traversal |
GPBICD | (color) | Set Back Interior Color Direct |
GPBICI | (index) | Set Back Interior Color Index |
GPBISM | (method) | Set Back Interior Shading Method |
GPBKAC | (wsid, trigger) | Set Break Action |
GPBLF | (srcf, destf) | Set Blending Function |
GPBRMO | (model) | Set Back Reflectance Model |
GPBSCD | (color) | Set Back Specular Color Direct |
GPBSCI | (index) | Set Back Specular Color Index |
GPBSPR | (amb, diff, spec, exp, trans) | Set Back Surface Properties |
GPBTCO | (coeff) | Set Back Transparency Coefficient |
GPCAC | (criteria, value) | Set Curve Approximation Criteria |
GPCAI | (wsid, index) | Cancel Image |
GPCARR | (wsid) | Clear All Rendering Resources |
GPCCM | (mode) | Set Convexity Checking Mode |
GPCCV | (wsid, ctype, ptype, number, ilist, errind, olist) | Convert Coordinate Values |
GPCEDT | (flag) | Conditional Editing |
GPCEXS | (mask, crit, mode, strid) | Conditional Execute Structure |
GPCFA2 | (ncontour, ncurve, curveinfo, knot, tess, vwidth, vdata) | Composite Fill Area 2 |
GPCHH | (height) | Set Character Height |
GPCHL2 | (startp, endp, nomhgt, char) | Character Line 2 |
GPCHLS | (scale) | Set Character Line Scale Factor |
GPCHMO | (wsid, device, mode, echosw) | Set Choice Mode |
GPCHPM | (posmode) | Set Character Positioning Mode |
GPCHSP | (space) | Set Character Spacing |
GPCHUB | (up,base) | Set Character Up and Base Vectors |
GPCHUP | (up) | Set Character Up Vector |
GPCHXP | (expans) | Set Character Expansion Factor |
GPCIM2 | (wsid, imap, view, index, origin, size, P, Q, R, method, prior) | Create Image Mapping 2 |
GPCIM3 | (wsid, imap, view, index, origin, size, P, Q, R, method, prior) | Create Image Mapping 3 |
GPCLAR | (arid) | Close Archive File |
GPCLPH | Close graPHIGS | |
GPCLST | Close Structure | |
GPCLWS | (wsid) | Close Workstation |
GPCML | (wsid, model) | Set Color Model |
GPCMT2 | (matra, matrb, matrix) | Compose Matrix 2 |
GPCMT3 | (matra, matrb, matrix) | Compose Matrix 3 |
GPCNC | (ncid, conn, len, spec) | Connect Nucleus |
GPCNRS | (aflag, rflag) | Set Conflict Resolution |
GPCOND | (on, off) | Set Condition |
GPCPER | (strid, elem1, elem2) | Copy Element Range |
GPCPI | (index) | Set Color Processing Index |
GPCPR | (wsid, index, model, quant, data) | Set Color Processing Representation |
GPCPST | (strid) | Copy Structure |
GPCPVP | (wsid, view, srtspec, drtspec) | Copy Viewport |
GPCR | (wsid, index, number, colors) | Set Color Representation |
GPCR2 | (center, radius) | Circle 2 |
GPCRA2 | (center, radius, startang, endang) | Circular Arc 2 |
GPCRC | (wsid, ctid, model, length) | Create Color Table |
GPCRET | (mask, crit) | Conditional Return |
GPCRFD | (fdid, ncid, fdtype, fddesc) | Create Font Directory |
GPCRIB | (ibid, ncid, depth, h, v, ibtype, ibdesc) | Create Image Board |
GPCRSS | (ssid, ncid, sstype, ssdesc) | Create Structure Store |
GPCRT | (wsid, rtspec) | Clear Rendering Target |
GPCRWS | (wsid, ncid, length, connid, wstype, option) | Create Workstation |
GPCSI | (ostrid, rstrid) | Change Structure Identifier |
GPCSIR | (ostrid, rstrid) | Change Structure Identifier and References |
GPCSR | (wsid, index, size) | Set Cull Size Representation |
GPCSRS | (ostrid, rstrid) | Change Structure References |
GPCUR | (wsid, index, format, shape) | Set Cursor Representation |
GPCUS | (wsid, ctype) | Set Cursor Shape |
GPCVD | (datatype, env, origin, datalen, idata, odata) | Convert Data |
GPCVMT | (matrix) | Compute View Matrix |
GPCVW | (wsid, view) | Clear View |
GPDAFO | (wsid, csid, font) | Deactivate Font |
GPDARW | (wsid) | Disassociate All Roots from Workstation |
GPDASA | (arid) | Delete All Structures from Archive |
GPDAST | Delete All Structures | |
GPDCI | (index) | Set Depth Cue Index |
GPDCM | (model) | Set Direct Color Model |
GPDCMM | (wsid, method, length, data) | Set Device Coordinate Mapping Method |
GPDCR | (wsid, index, id, value) | Set Depth Cue Representation |
GPDELB | (label1, label2) | Delete Element Between Labels |
GPDF | (wsid, defer, modif) | Set Deferral State |
GPDFCO | (origin, zplane, up, matrix) | Define Coordinate System |
GPDFI | (wsid, index, conn, ctid, nibid, libid) | Define Image |
GPDFM | (minfm, magfm, boundu, boundv) | Set Data Filtering Method |
GPDIM | (wsid, imap) | Delete Image Mapping |
GPDLC | (wsid, ctid) | Delete Color Table |
GPDLE | Delete Element | |
GPDLEG | (label1, label2, option) | Delete Element Group |
GPDLER | (elem1, elem2) | Delete Element Range |
GPDLFO | (fdid, csid, font) | Delete Font |
GPDLNC | (strid) | Delete Structure Network Conditionally |
GPDLNT | (strid) | Delete Structure Network |
GPDLST | (strid) | Delete Structure |
GPDMF | (flength, fdata) | Set Data Morphing Factors |
GPDMI | (index) | Set Data Mapping Index |
GPDMR | (wsid, index, method, mdata, clengths, ctype, cdata) | Set Data Mapping Representation |
GPDM2 | (matrix) | Set Data Matrix 2 |
GPDNC | (ncid) | Disconnect Nucleus |
GPDPL2 | (npoint, width, pointlist, mdarray) | Disjoint Polyline 2 |
GPDPL3 | (npoint, width, pointlist, mdarray) | Disjoint Polyline 3 |
GPDRAV | (wsid, strid) | Disassociate Root from All Views |
GPDRI2 | (index, origin, size, P, Q, R, method) | Draw Image 2 |
GPDRT | (wsid, rtspec) | Display Rendering Target |
GPDRV | (wsid, view, strid) | Disassociate Root from View |
GPDRVW | (wsid, view) | Draw View |
GPDRW | (wsid, strid) | Disassociate Root from Workstation |
GPDSAR | (arid, number, lstrid) | Delete Structures from Archive |
GPDSNA | (arid, number, lstrid) | Delete Structures Networks from Archive |
GPDTR | (type, id) | Detach Resource |
GPEAV | (wsid) | Empty All Views |
GPECD | (color) | Set Edge Color Direct |
GPECI | (index) | Set Edge Color Index |
GPEDMO | (mode) | Set Edit Mode |
GPEF | (edgefg) | Set Edge Flag |
GPEHND | (error-handler) | Define Error Handling Subroutine |
GPEI | (index) | Set Edge Index |
GPEL2 | (center, refv1, refv2) | Ellipse 2 |
GPEL3 | (center, refv1, refv2) | Ellipse 3 |
GPELA2 | (center, refv1, refv2, startv, endv) | Elliptical Arc 2 |
GPELA3 | (center, refv1, refv1, startv, endv) | Elliptical Arc 3 |
GPELOG | (file) | Error Logging |
GPELS | (strid, start, direction, inclnum, lincl, exclnum, lexcl, errind, status, position, header) | Element Search |
GPELT | (edgelt) | Set Edge Linetype |
GPEMO | (mode) | Set Error Handling Mode |
GPENST | (mode) | End Structure |
GPENTR | (wsud, strid) | End Traversal |
GPEP | (label) | Set Element Pointer at Label |
GPEPCD | (code) | Locate Element Pointer at Element Code |
GPEPD | (wsid, category, device, value) | Emulate Physical Device |
GPEPLB | (label) | Set Element Pointer at Label |
GPEPLG | (label, flag) | Generalized Set Element Pointer at Label |
GPEPPG | (pickid, flag) | Generalized Set Element Pointer at Pick Identifier |
GPEPPK | (pickid) | Set Element Pointer at Pick Identifier |
GPER | (wsid, index, edgefg, edgelt, edgesf, ecol) | Set Edge Representation |
GPES | (funcid, lidr, idr, mlodr, lodr, odr) | Escape |
GPESC | (edgesf) | Set Edge Scale Factor |
GPEST | (strid) | Empty Structure |
GPEV | (wsid, view) | Empty View |
GPEVHN | (event-handler, anchor) | Define Event Handling Subroutine |
GPEVM2 | (window, viewpt, errind, matrix) | Evaluate View Mapping Matrix 2 |
GPEVM3 | (window, viewpt, type, point, dist, near, far, errind, matrix) | Evaluate View Mapping Matrix 3 |
GPEXAP | (apid, ncid, size, namel, name, parmt, parml, parm, xferflag, useridl, userid, passwordl, password) | Execute Application Process |
GPEXIT | (error-routine, severity) | Specify an Error Exit and Error Threshold |
GPEXST | (strid) | Execute Structure |
GPFBC | (op, mask, value) . | Set Frame Buffer Comparison |
GPFBM | (mask) | Set Frame Buffer Protect Mask |
GPFDMO | (mode) | Set Face Distinguish Mode |
GPFLEV | (wsid, class, device) | Flush Device Event |
GPFLM | (flmeth) | Set Face Lighting Method |
GPFRCT | (ibid, origin, size, value) | Fill Rectangle |
GPFWEV | (wsid) | Flush Workstation Event |
GPGLX2 | (matrix) | Set Global Tranformation 2 |
GPGLX3 | (matrix) | Set Global Transformation 3 |
GPGTCH | (choice) | Get Choice |
GPGTLC | (view, pos) | Get Locator |
GPGTMS | (ilen, olen, string) | Get Message |
GPGTPK | (length, depth, pickpath) | Get Pick |
GPGTSK | (length, view, npoint, pointlist) | Get Stroke |
GPGTST | (ilen, olen, string) | Get String |
GPGTVL | (value) | Get Valuator |
GPGTXC | (wsid, height, method) | Set Geometric Text Culling |
GPGTXP | (maxdepth, view, point, modelling, depth, pickpath) | Get Extended Pick |
GPGWIN | (ilen, olen, data) | Get Window |
GPHID | (hlhsr) | Set HLHSR Identifier |
GPHLCD | (color) | Set Highlighting Color Direct |
GPHLCI | (index) | Set Highlighting Color Index |
GPHLF | (wsid, inclen, incl, exclen, excl) | Set Highlighting Filter |
GPHR | (wsid, hatch, format, length, data) | Set Hatch Representation |
GPICD | (color) | Set Interior Color Direct |
GPICI | (index) | Set Interior Color Index |
GPICS | (wsid, class, device, csid) | Set Input Character Set |
GPIDMO | (wsid, class, device, state, deact, echosw, trigger, break, reset) | Set Input Device Mode |
GPIEC | (wsid, color) | Set Input Echo Color |
GPII | (index) | Set Interior Index |
GPINAD | (length, data) | Insert Application Data |
GPINAP | (apid, ncid, size, namel, name, parmt, parml, parm) | Initiate Application Process |
GPINCH | (wsid, device, choice, echo, area, datalen, data ) | Initialize Choice |
GPINLB | (label) | Insert Label |
GPINLC | (wsid, device, view, pos, echo, area, datalen, data) | Initialize Locator |
GPINPK | (wsid, device, depth, pickpath, echo, area, datalen, data, order) | Initialize Pick |
GPINSK | (wsid, device, view, npoint, width, pointlist, echo, area, buflen, editpos, datalen, data) | Initialize Stroke |
GPINST | (wsid, device, length, string, echo, area, buflen, cursor, datalen, data) | Initialize String |
GPINVL | (wsid, device, ivalue, echo, area, lovalue, hivalue, datalen, data) | Initialize Valuator |
GPIPKC | (wsid, device, state) | Set Initial Pick Correlation State |
GPIR | (wsid, index, style, sindex, icol) | Set Interior Representation |
GPIS | (style) | Set Interior Style |
GPISI | (index) | Set Interior Style Index |
GPISM | (method) | Set Interior Shading Method |
GPIT | (wsid, class, devnum, listid, tnum, triglist) | Set Input Device Trigger |
GPIVF | (wsid, inclen, incl, exclen, excl) | Set Invisibility Filter |
GPLCMO | (wsid, device, mode, echosw) | Set Locator Mode |
GPLDFO | (fdid, csid, font, option) | Load Font |
GPLG2 | (point, refv1, refv2, imin, imax, jmin, jmax) | Line Grid 2 |
GPLG3 | (point, refv1, refv2, imin, imax, jmin, jmax) | Line Grid 3 |
GPLLCD | (color) | Set Line-on-Line Color Direct |
GPLLCI | (index) | Set Line-on-Line Color Index |
GPLMO | (mode) | Set Lighting Calculation Mode |
GPLNR | (wsid, ltype, style, data) | Set Linetype Rendering |
GPLSR | (wsid, index, type, color, data) | Set Light Source Representation |
GPLSS | (nact, act, ndea, dea) | Set Light Source State |
GPLT | (ltype) | Set Linetype |
GPLTR | (wsid, ltype, number, list) | Set Linetype Representation |
GPLWSC | (lwidth) | Set Linewidth Scale Factor |
GPMCI | (indic) | Set Modeling Clipping Indicator |
GPMCV2 | (oper, number, lhspace) | Set Modeling Clipping Volume 2 |
GPMCV3 | (oper, number, lhspace) | Set Modeling Clipping Volume 3 |
GPMG2 | (point, refv1, refv2, imin, imax, jmin, jmax) | Marker Grid 2 |
GPMG3 | (point, refv1, refv2, imin, imax, jmin, jmax) | Marker Grid 3 |
GPMLX2 | (matrix, type) | Set Modeling Transformation 2 |
GPMLX3 | (matrix, type) | Set Modeling Transformation 3 |
GPMSG | (wsid, length, text) | Message |
GPMSPW | (ncid, pass) | Set Message Password |
GPMSSC | (msize) | Set Marker Size Scale Factor |
GPMT | (mtype) | Set Marker Type |
GPMTR | (wsid, mtype, format, length, data) | Set Marker Type Representation |
GPMVER | (elem1, elem2) | Move Element Range |
GPNBC2 | (order, npoint, knot, tflags, tdata, cflags, cwidth, ctlpts, tmin, tmax) | Non-Uniform B-Spline Curve 2 |
GPNBC3 | (order, npoint, knot, tflags, tdata, cflags, cwidth, ctlpts, tmin, tmax) | Non-Uniform B-Spline Curve 3 |
GPNBS | (uorder, vorder, unum, vnum, uknots, vknots, tflag, utdata, vtdata, cflags, cwidth, ctlpts, umin, umax, vmin, vmax) | Non-Uniform B-Spline Surface |
GPNLER | (re1, re2) | Nullify Element Range |
GPOEP | (offset) | Offset Element Pointer |
GPOPPH | (errfil, adib) | Open graPHIGS |
GPOPAR | (arid, ncid, flag, length, ardesc) | Open Archive File |
GPOPST | (strid) | Open Structure |
GPOPWS | (wsid, connid, wstype) | Open Workstation |
GPPAR | (wsid, index, numrow, numcol, strrow, strcol, nrow, ncol, array) | Set Pattern Representation |
GPPDMO | (wsid, category, device, mode) | Set Physical Device Mode |
GPPG2 | (areas, npoint, width, pointlist) | Polygon 2 |
GPPG3 | (areas, npoint, width, pointlist) | Polygon 3 |
GPPGC | (mode) | Set Polygon Culling |
GPPGD2 | (pflags, pdata, saflags, sawidth, sadata, vxflags, vxwidth, vxdata) | Polygon 2 With Data |
GPPGD3 | (pflags, pdata, saflags, sawidth, sadata, vxflags, vxwidth, vxdata) | Polygon 3 With Data |
GPPHE | (nedge, edgelist) | Polyhedron Edge |
GPPHEC | (mode) | Set Polyhedron Edge Culling |
GPPKAP | (wsid, device, size) | Set Pick Aperture |
GPPKF | (wsid, device, inclen, incl, exclen, excl) | Set Pick Filter |
GPPKID | (pickid) | Set Pick Identifier |
GPPKMO | (wsid, device, mode, echosw) | Set Pick Mode |
GPPKSC | (wsid, device, criteria) | Set Pick Selection Criteria |
GPPL2 | (npoint, width, pointlist) | Polyline 2 |
GPPL3 | (npoint, width, pointlist) | Polyline 3 |
GPPLCD | (color) | Set Polyline Color Direct |
GPPLCI | (index) | Set Polyline Color Index |
GPPLD3 | (pflags, pdata, plflags, plwidth, pldata, vxflags, vxwidth, vxdata) | Polyline Set 3 With Data |
GPPLET | (endtype) | Set Polyline End Type |
GPPLI | (index) | Set Polyline Index |
GPPLR | (wsid, index, ltype, lwidth, color) | Set Polyline Representation |
GPPLSM | (method) | Set Polyline Shading Method |
GPPM2 | (npoint, width, pointlist) | Polymarker 2 |
GPPM3 | (npoint, width, pointlist) | Polymarker 3 |
GPPMCD | (color) | Set Polymarker Color Direct |
GPPMCI | (index) | Set Polymarker Color Index |
GPPMI | (index) | Set Polymarker Index |
GPPMR | (wsid, index, mtype, msize, color) | Set Polymarker Representation |
GPPREC | (numi, iary, numr, rary, nums, swidth, lens, sary, mlodr, errind, lodr, datarec) | Pack Data Record |
GPPSC | (type, data) | Parametric Surface Characteristics |
GPPSTS | (strid) | Push Set TSL |
GPPTS | Pop TSL | |
GPPW | (type, id, pass) | Set Password |
GPPXL2 | (point, pack, numrow, numcol, startrow, startcol, nrow, ncol, array) | Pixel 2 |
GPPXL3 | (point, pack, numrow, numcol, startrow, startcol, nrow, ncol, array) | Pixel 3 |
GPQAAF | (wstype, attrib, start, number, errind, totnum, enum) | Inquire Advanced Attribute Facilities |
GPQABK | (wsid, start, number, errind, ntrigs, ltrigs) | Inquire Actual Break Capabilities |
GPQACA | (arid, start, number, errind, totnum, idstrid) | Inquire All Conflicting Structures in Archive |
GPQACF | (wsid, errind, model, ncolor, avcolor) | Inquire Actual Color Facilities |
GPQACS | (ssid, start, number, errind, totnum, istrid) | Inquire All Conflicting Structures in Structure Store |
GPQADS | (wsid, errind, units, csize, asize) | Inquire Actual Maximum Display Surface Size |
GPQAEF | (wsid, start, number, errind, ntype, eltype, nelwidth, elwidth, minelw, maxelw) | Inquire Actual Edge Facilities |
GPQAES | (wsid, start, number, errind, nids, idlist) | Inquire List of Actual Available Escape Subroutines |
GPQAFC | (wsid, csid, font, start, num, errind, prec, nomh, nahsf, lahsf, lnfac, lmnfac, lmxfac) | Inquire Annotation Font Characteristics |
GPQAFP | (wsid, errind, poolsize) | Inquire Actual Font Pool Size |
GPQAGD | (wsid, start, number, errind, ngdp, lgdp) | Inquire List of Actual Generalized Drawing Primitives |
GPQAI | (start, number, errind, totnum, format) | Inquire List of Available Application Image Formats |
GPQAIF | (wsid, startp, nump, starth, numh, errind, intnum, interiors, hatnum, hatch) | Inquire Actual Interior Facilities |
GPQAIS | (wsid, class, device, start, number, errind, ncsid, csid) | Inquire Actual Input Character Set Facilities |
GPQAIT | (wsid, class, devnum, start, number, errind, ntrigs, ltrigs) | Inquire Actual Input Trigger Capabilities |
GPQALF | (wsid, start, number, errind, ntype, ltype, nlwidth, lwidth, minlw, maxlw) | Inquire Actual Polyline Facilities |
GPQALI | (wsid, class, start, number, errind, ndev, dev) | Inquire List of Actual Logical Input Devices |
GPQALW | (wsid, errind, ltable, mtable, ttable, itable, etable, pttable, ctable) | Inquire Actual Length of Workstation State Tables |
GPQAMF | (wsid, start, number, errind, ntype, mtype, nsize, size, minms, maxms) | Inquire Actual Polymarker Facilities |
GPQAMO | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, mode) | Inquire Available Antialiasing Modes |
GPQANF | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, styles) | Inquire Annotation Facilities |
GPQANV | (wsid, errind, number) | Inquire Actual Number of Definable View Table Entries |
GPQAPF | (wsid, errind, maxrow, maxcol) | Inquire Actual Pattern Facilities |
GPQAPS | (wsid, errind, csid) | Inquire Actual Primary Character Set |
GPQAR | (wsid, start, number, errind, totnum, strid) | Inquire Set of Associated Roots |
GPQARF | (start, number, buflen, errind, actnum, totnum, arlist, termcond) | Inquire Archive Files |
GPQART | (wstype, errind, totnum) | Inquire Rendering Targets |
GPQASV | (state) | Inquire Archive State Value |
GPQATR | (ncid, type, start, number, errind, totnum, id) | Inquire List of Attached Resources |
GPQAVF | (wsid, errind, shield) | Inquire Actual View Facilities |
GPQAWC | (wsid, errind, type) | Inquire Actual Workstation Category |
GPQAWD | (wsid, errind, type) | Inquire Actual Workstation Display Classification |
GPQBK | (wstype, start, number, errind, ntrigs, ltrigs) | Inquire Break Capabilities |
GPQBKS | (wsid, errind, trigger) | Inquire Break Action State |
GPQCCH | (wsid, ctid, errind, model, length) | Inquire Color Table Characteristics |
GPQCDF | (wstype, start, number, errind, order, totnum, criteria) | Inquire Curve Display Facilities |
GPQCEV | (major, class, minor) | Inquire Current Event |
GPQCF | (wstype, errind, model, ncolor, avcolor, npred) | Inquire Color Facilities |
GPQCH | (wsid, device, type, length, errind, mode, echosw, choice, echo, area, datalen, data) | Inquire Choice Device State |
GPQCID | (wsid, start, number, errind, totnum, ctid) | Inquire List of Color Table Identifiers |
GPQCML | (wsid, errind, model) | Inquire Color Model |
GPQCMM | (start, number, errind, totnum, conn) | Inquire List of Available Connection Methods |
GPQCNA | (arid, strid, source, start, number, errind, totnum, istrid) | Inquire Conflicting Structures in Network in Archive |
GPQCNC | (start, number, errind, totnum, ncid) | Inquire List of Connected Nuclei |
GPQCNR | (aflag, rflag) | Inquire Conflict Resolution |
GPQCPF | (wstype, errind, number, npred) | Inquire Color Processing Facilities |
GPQCPR | (wsid, index, errind, model, quant, data) | Inquire Color Processing Representation |
GPQCQM | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, method) | Inquire Available Color Quantization Methods |
GPQCR | (wsid, start, number, type, errind, colors) | Inquire Color Representation |
GPQCS | (csid) | Inquire Character Set Identifier |
GPQCSF | (wstype, errind, number, npred) | Inquire Cull Size Facilities |
GPQCSN | (ssid, strid, source, start, number, errind, totnum, istrid) | Inquire All Conflicting Structures in Network in Structure Store |
GPQCSR | (wsid, index, type, errind, size) | Inquire Cull Size Representation |
GPQCUF | (wstype, start1, num1, start2, num2, errind, maxent, maxsize, totnum1, lformat, totnum2, lcursor, npred) | Inquire Cursor Facilities |
GPQCVE | (wsid, start, number, errind, nview, view) | Inquire Current View Table Entries Input |
GPQCVO | (wsid, start, number, errind, nview, view) | Inquire Current View Table Entries Output |
GPQCVR | (wsid, view, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire Current View Representation |
GPQCVX | (wsid, view, errind, matrix, window, viewpt, viewt, refpt, dist, near, far, wincp, nearcp, farcp, shield, shldci, border, brdrci, viewact) | Inquire Current Viewing Transformation |
GPQDBK | (wstype, errind, trigger) | Inquire Default Break Action |
GPQDCF | (wstype, errind, number, npred) | Inquire Depth Cue Facilities |
GPQDCH | (wstype, device, start, number, length, errind, choice, necho, echo, area, datalen, data) | Inquire Default Choice Device Data |
GPQDCM | (model) | Inquire Direct Color Model |
GPQDCR | (wsid, index, type, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire Depth Cue Representation |
GPQDDV | (wstype, errind, defer, modif) | Inquire Default Deferral State Values |
GPQDIT | (wstype, class, devnum, listid, start, number, errind, ndtrigs, dtriglist) | Inquire Default Input Device Triggers |
GPQDLC | (wstype, device, start, number, length, errind, dimen, pos, necho, echo, area, datalen, data) | Inquire Default Locator Device Data |
GPQDMR | (wsid, index, lclengths, lcdata, errind, method, mdata, clengths, ctype, cdata) | Inquire Data Mapping Representation |
GPQDPK | (wstype, device, start, number, length, errind, maxpath, necho, echo, area, datalen, data) | Inquire Default Pick Device Data |
GPQDS | (wstype, errind, units, csize, asize) | Inquire Maximum Display Surface Size |
GPQDSK | (wstype, device, start, number, length, errind, dimen, size, necho, echo, area, buflen, editpos, datalen, data) | Inquire Default Stroke Device Data |
GPQDST | (wstype, device, start, number, length, errind, size, necho, echo, area, buflen, editpos, datalen, data) | Inquire Default String Device Data |
GPQDV | (wsid, errind, defer, modif, dissurf, dstat) | Inquire Deferral and Update State Values |
GPQDVL | (wstype, device, start, number, length, errind, ivalue, necho, echo, area, lovalue, hivalue, datalen, data) | Inquire Default Valuator Device Data |
GPQE | (start, number, errind, ndata, data) | Inquire Element Content |
GPQED | (number, buflen, errind, actnum, actlen, data, termcond) | Inquire List of Element Data |
GPQEDA | (strid, start, number, buflen, errind, actnum, actlen, data, termcond) | Inquire List of Element Data for any Structure |
GPQEDM | (mode) | Inquire Edit Mode |
GPQEF | (wstype, start, number, errind, netype, eltype, nelwidth, elwidth, minelw, maxelw, npred) | Inquire Edge Facilities |
GPQEHA | (strid, start, number, errind, actnum, header) | Inquire List of Element Headers for any Structure |
GPQEHD | (number, errind, actnum, header) | Inquire List of Element Headers |
GPQEMO | (mode) | Inquire Error Handling Mode |
GPQEMS | (length, errind, number, message) | Inquire Error Message |
GPQEP | (errind, value) | Inquire Element Pointer |
GPQER | (wsid, index, type, errind, edgefg, edgelt, edgesf, ecol) | Inquire Edge Representation |
GPQES | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, escid) | Inquire List of Available Escape Subroutines |
GPQETS | (errind, type, size) | Inquire Element Type and Size |
GPQEXS | (strid, start, number, errind, totnum, lstrid) | Inquire Executed Structures |
GPQFAR | (csid, font, slength, string, errind, aspect-ratio-list) | Inquire Font Aspect Ratios |
GPQFBC | (wstype, errind, org, n, depth) | Inquire Frame Buffer Characteristics |
GPQFCH | (csid, font, errind, proportional, top, bottom, nomaspect) | Inquire Font Characteristics |
GPQFO | (wsid, start, number, errind, nfont, lcsid, lfont) | Inquire Active Fonts |
GPQFP | (wstype, errind, poolsize) | Inquire Font Pool Size |
GPQGD | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, gdpid) | Inquire List of Generalized Drawing Primitives |
GPQGDP | (wstype, gdpid, errind, number, list) | Inquire Generalized Drawing Primitive |
GPQGFC | (wsid, csid, font, start, num, errind, prec, nhts, lhts, lnfac, lmnfac, lmxfac) | Inquire Geometric Font Characteristics |
GPQGSE | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, gseid) | Inquire List of Available GSEs |
GPQHD | (wstype, errind, depth) | Inquire Maximum Hierarchy Depth GPQHD. |
GPQHF | (wstype, errind, format, maxlen, npred, available) | Inquire Hatch Facilities |
GPQHLF | (wsid, inlen, exlen, errind, inclen, incl, exclen, excl) | Inquire Highlighting Filter |
GPQHMO | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, mode) | Inquire Available HLHSR Modes |
GPQHR | (wsid, index, errind, format, length, data) | Inquire Hatch Representation |
GPQIBC | (ibid, errind, depth, h, v) | Inquire Image Board Characteristics |
GPQIBF | (ncid, start, number, errind, totnum, depth, h, v) | Inquire Image Board Facilities |
GPQICH | (wsid, index, errind, conn, ctid, totnum, libid) | Inquire Image Characteristics |
GPQICS | (wsid, class, device, errind, csid) | Inquire Input Character Set |
GPQID | (wsid, class, device, errind, state, deact, echosw, trigger, break, reset) | Inquire Input Device State |
GPQIDD | (wstype, class, devnum, id, lidata, idata, mlodata errind, mlodata, odata) | Inquire Input Device Description |
GPQIDF | (wstype, start, number, errind, nimage, totnum, conn) | Inquire Image Definition Facilities |
GPQIF | (wstype, starti, numi, starth, numh, errind, intnum, interiors, hatnum, hatch, npred) | Inquire Interior Facilities |
GPQIMC | (wsid, imid, errind, view, index, origin, size, P, Q, R, method, priority) | Inquire Image Mapping Characteristics |
GPQIMF | (wstype, start, number, errind, nprio, totnum, method) | Inquire Image Mapping Facilities |
GPQIMI | (wsid, index, start, number, errind, totnum, limid) | Inquire Image Mapping of Image |
GPQIMV | (wsid, view, start, number, errind, totnum, limid) | Inquire Image Mapping on View |
GPQIMW | (wsid, start, number, errind, totnum, limid) | Inquire Image Mapping on Workstation |
GPQIQO | (errind, major, class, minor) | Inquire Input Queue Overflow |
GPQIR | (wsid, index, type, errind, style, sindex, icol) | Inquire Interior Representation |
GPQISF | (wstype, class, device, start, number, errind, ncsid, csid) | Inquire Input Character Set Facilities |
GPQISN | (strid, start, number, errind, totnum, istrid) | Inquire Identifiers of Structures in Network |
GPQIT | (wstype, class, devnum, start, number, errind, ntrigs, ltrigs) | Inquire Input Trigger Capabilities |
GPQITS | (wsid, class, devnum, listid, start, number, errind, ntrigs, ltrigs) | Inquire Input Device Trigger State |
GPQIVF | (wsid, inlen, exlen, errind, inclen, incl, exclen, excl) | Inquire Invisibility Filter |
GPQIW | (wsid, start, number, errind, totnum, lindex) | Inquire List of Images on the Workstation |
GPQLC | (wsid, device, type, length, errind, mode, echosw, view, pos, echo, area, datalen, data) | Inquire Locator Device State |
GPQLCF | (wstype, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire List of Color Facilities |
GPQLI | (wstype, class, start, number, errind, ndev, dev) | Inquire List of Logical Input Devices |
GPQLNR | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, rstyle) | Inquire List of Line Rendering Styles |
GPQLR | (wsid, index, type, errind, ltype, lwidth, color) | Inquire Polyline Representation |
GPQLSF | (wstype, start, number, errind, maxe, totnum, ltype, maxa, npred) | Inquire Light Source Facilities |
GPQLSR | (wsid, index, type, errind, lstype, color, data) | Inquire Light Source Representation |
GPQLTF | (wstype, errind, sections, maxlen, unit, npred, available) | Inquire Linetype Facilities |
GPQLTR | (wsid, ltype, errind, number, pattern) | Inquire Linetype Representation |
GPQLW | (wstype, errind, ltable, mtable, ttable, itable, etable, pttable, ctable) | Inquire Length of Workstation State Tables |
GPQM3 | (mflags, mdata, qflags, qwidth, qdata, vxflags, vxwidth, vxdata) | Quadrilateral Mesh 3 |
GPQMDS | (wsid, errind, units, csize, asize) | Inquire Mapped Display Surface Size |
GPQMR | (wsid, index, type, errind, mtype, msize, color) | Inquire Polymarker Representation |
GPQMTF | (wstype, errind, format, maxlen, npred, available) | Inquire Marker Type Facilities |
GPQMTR | (wsid, mtype, errind, format, length, data) | Inquire Marker Type Representation |
GPQNCC | (ncid, state) | Inquire Nucleus Connection State |
GPQNCE | (ncid, length, datatype, errind, hardware, datalen, data) | Inquire Nucleus Environment |
GPQNCN | (wstype, errind, number) | Inquire Number of Available Class Names |
GPQNCR | (type, id, errind, ncid, rid) | Inquire Nucleus Resource Identifier |
GPQNCS | (ncid, errind, size) | Inquire Available Nucleus Storage Size |
GPQNS | (ncid, ilen, errind, conn, olen, spec) | Inquire Nucleus Specification |
GPQNSP | (wstype, errind, npri) | Inquire Number of Structure Priorities Supported |
GPQNST | (wstype, class, devnum, errind, number) | Inquire Number of Secondary Triggers |
GPQNV | (wstype, errind, number) | Inquire Number of Definable View Table Entries |
GPQOPS | (type, strid) | Inquire Open Structure |
GPQOPW | (start, number, errind, totnum, lwsid) | Inquire Set of Open Workstations |
GPQPAF | (wstype, errind, maxrow, maxcol, indexes) | Inquire Pattern Facilities |
GPQPAR | (wsid, index, type, maxrow, maxcol, errind, drow, dcol, array) | Inquire Pattern Representation |
GPQPAS | (strid, order, depth, start, number, buflen, errind, actnum, actlen, totnum, data, termcond) | Inquire Ancestors of Structure |
GPQPCR | (wstype, start, number, errind, npred, indexes, colors) | Inquire Predefined Color Representation |
GPQPCS | (wstype, errind, csid) | Inquire Primary Character Set |
GPQPDC | (wstype, category, device, number, errind, flags, type, totnum, vrange) | Inquire Physical Device Characteristics |
GPQPDS | (strid, order, depth, start, number, buflen, errind, actnum, actlen, totnum, data, termcond) | Inquire Descendents of Structure |
GPQPER | (wstype, index, errind, edgefg, edgelt, edgesf, ecol) | Inquire Predefined Edge Representation |
GPQPIR | (wstype, index, errind, style, sindex, icol) | Inquire Predefined Interior Representation |
GPQPK | (wsid, device, type, inlen, exlen, pathlen, length, errind, mode, echosw, inclen, incl, exclen, excl, depth, pickpath, echo, area, datalen, data, order) | Inquire Pick Device State |
GPQPKA | (wsid, device, errind, size) | Inquire Pick Aperture |
GPQPKT | (wstype, device, errind, type) | Inquire Pick Measure Type |
GPQPLF | (wstype, start, number, errind, ntype, ltype, nlwidth, lwidth, minlw, maxlw, npred) | Inquire Polyline Facilities |
GPQPLR | (wstype, index, errind, ltype, lwidth, color) | Inquire Predefined Polyline Representation |
GPQPMF | (wstype, start, number, errind, ntype, mtype, nsize, size, minms, maxms, npred) | Inquire Polymarker Facilities |
GPQPMR | (wstype, index, errind, mtype, msize, color) | Inquire Predefined Polymarker Representation |
GPQPO | (ncid, type, start, number, errind, totnum, op) | Inquire Available Pixel Operations |
GPQPPR | (wstype, index, maxrow, maxcol, errind, drow, dcol, array) | Inquire Predefined Pattern Representation |
GPQPTR | (wstype, index, errind, font, prec, factor, space, color) | Inquire Predefined Text Representation |
GPQRCM | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, model) | Inquire Available Rendering Color Models |
GPQRCT | (wsid, ilen, errind, olen, connid, wstype) | Inquire Realized Connection Type |
GPQRST | (strid, start, number, errind, totnum, istrid) | Inquire Referencing Structures GPQRST. |
GPQRV | (wsid, view, start, number, errind, totnum, strid, priority) | Inquire Set of Roots in View |
GPQRVE | (wsid, start, number, errind, totnum, view) | Inquire Requested View Table Entries Input |
GPQRVO | (wsid, start, number, errind, totnum, view) | Inquire Requested View Table Entries Output |
GPQRVR | (wsid, view, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire Requested View Representation |
GPQRVX | (wsid, view, errind, matrix, window, viewpt, viewt, refpt, dist, near, far, wincp, nearcp, farcp, shield, shldci, border, brdrci, viewact) | Inquire Requested Viewing Information |
GPQSDF | (wstype, start, number, errind, order, totnum, criteria) | Inquire Surface Display Facilities |
GPQSEV | (simevnt) | Inquire More Simultaneous Events |
GPQSH | (ncid, errind, shid, env) | Inquire Shell Identifier |
GPQSHD | (deferral, update) | Inquire Shell Deferral State |
GPQSK | (wsid, device, type, lenpts, length, errind, mode, echosw, view, npoint, pointarray, echo, area, buflen, editpos, datalen, data) | Inquire Stroke Device State |
GPQSPD | (wstype, class, ldevice, errind, category, pdevice) | Inquire Source Physical Device |
GPQSPL | (level) | Inquire Shell Product Level |
GPQSSS | (status, ssid) | Inquire Selected Structure Store |
GPQST | (wsid, device, type, slen, length, errind, mode, echosw, strlen, string, echo, area, buflen, editpos, datalen, data) | Inquire String Device State |
GPQSTE | (strid, flag) | Inquire Structure Existence |
GPQSTI | (start, number, errind, totnum, lstrid) | Inquire Structure Identifiers |
GPQSTS | (strid, errind, flag, count) | Inquire Structure Status |
GPQSTV | (state) | Inquire Structure State Value |
GPQSYV | (state) | Inquire System State Value |
GPQTDF | (wstype, start, number, errind, order, totnum, criteria) | Inquire Trimming Curve Display Facilities |
GPQTMO | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, mode) | Inquire Available Transparency Modes |
GPQTR | (wsid, index, type, errind, font, prec, factor, space, color) | Inquire Text Representation |
GPQTXF | (wstype, errind, npred) | Inquire Text Facilities |
GPQVF | (wstype, errind, shield) | Inquire View Facilities |
GPQVL | (wsid, device, type, length, errind, mode, echosw, ivalue, echo, area, lovalue, hivalue, datalen, data) | Inquire Valuator Device State |
GPQVR | (wsid, strid, start, number, errind, totnum, view) | Inquire Set of Views Which Contain Root |
GPQWC | (wstype, errind, type) | Inquire Workstation Category |
GPQWCT | (wsid, errind, connid, wstype) | Inquire Workstation Connection and Type |
GPQWCV | (wstype, start, number, errind, totnum, flist) | Inquire Workstation Configuration Variability |
GPQWD | (wstype, errind, type) | Inquire Workstation Display Classification |
GPQWDT | (wstype, id, lidata, idata, mlodata, errind, lodata, odata) | Inquire Workstation Description |
GPQWSA | (strid, start, number, errind, totnum, lwsid) | Inquire Set of Workstations to Which Associated |
GPQWST | (start, number, errind, maxopen, nwstype, wstype) | Inquire List of Available Workstation Types |
GPQWSU | (wsid, errind, total, lgblock, numblks) | Inquire Workstation Storage Utilization |
GPQWSV | (state) | Inquire Workstation State Value |
GPQWSX | (wsid, errind, state, rwindow, cwindow, rviewpt, cviewpt) | Inquire Workstation Transformation |
GPQWTN | (ncid, start, number, errind, maxa, totnum, wstype) | Inquire List of Available Workstation Types on Nucleus |
GPQWTO | (wsid, ilen, errind, wstype, olen, options) | Inquire Workstation Type and Options |
GPQXAF | (wsid, csid, font, start, num, errind, prec, nomh, nahsf, lahsf, lnfac, lmnfac, lmxfac, proportional, top, bottom, nomaspect) | Inquire Extended Annotation Font Characteristics |
GPQXCF | (wstype, start, number, errind, charact, nmax, lmax, totnum, model) | Inquire Extended Color Facilities |
GPQXCR | (wsid, ctid, start, number, type, errind, color) | Inquire Extended Color Representation |
GPQXER | (wsid, index, type, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire Extended Edge Representation |
GPQXIR | (wsid, index, type, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire Extended Interior Representation |
GPQXLR | (wsid, index, type, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire Extended Polyline Representation |
GPQXMR | (wsid, index, type, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire Extended Polymarker Representation |
GPQXTR | (wsid, index, type, number, ids, errind, data) | Inquire Extended Text Representation |
GPQXTX | (wstype, errind, npred, filled, proportional) | Inquire Extended Text Facilities |
GPRAS | (arid, strid, order, depth, start, number, buflen, errind, actnum, actlen, totnum, data, termcond) | Retrieve Ancestors to Structures |
GPRAST | (wsid, flag) | Redraw All Structures |
GPRCN | (number, names) | Remove Class Name from Set |
GPRDFB | (wsid, frame, sorigin, size, format, parm, torigin, data) | Read Frame Buffer |
GPRDS | (arid, strid, order, depth, start, number, buflen, errind, actnum, actlen, totnum, data, termcond) | Retrieve Descendants to Structures |
GPRISN | (arid, strid, start, number, errind, totnum, istrid) | Retrieve Identifiers of Structures in Network |
GPRMCV | Restore Modeling Clipping Volume | |
GPRMO | (model) | Set Reflectance Model |
GPRNBS | (uorder, vorder, unum, vnum, uknots, vknots, tflag, utdata, vtdata, cflags, cwidth, ctlpts, umin, umax, vmin, vmax, option, nelen) | Reevaluate Non-Uniform B-Spline Surface |
GPROTX | (angle, matrix) | Rotate X |
GPROTY | (angle, matrix) | Rotate Y |
GPROTZ | (angle, matrix) | Rotate Z |
GPROT2 | (angle, matrix) | Rotate 2 |
GPRQCH | (wsid, device, status, choice) | Request Choice |
GPRQLC | (wsid, device, status, view, pos) | Request Locator |
GPRQPK | (wsid, device, length, status, depth, pickpath) | Request Pick |
GPRQSK | (wsid, device, length, status, view, npoint, pointarray) | Request Stroke |
GPRQST | (wsid, device, length, status, number, string) | Request String |
GPRQVL | (wsid, device, status, value) | Request Valuator |
GPRQXP | (wsid, device, maxdepth, status, view, point, modelling, depth, pickpath) | Request Extended Pick |
GPRRCT | (sibid, sorigin, size, format, parm, torigin, data) | Read Rectangle |
GPRSTI | (arid, start, number, errind, totnum, istrid) | Retrieve Structure Identifiers |
GPRTNS | (uorder, vorder, unum, uknots, vknots, tflag, utess, vtess, cflags, cwidth, ctlpts, ncontour, ncurve, curveinfo, tknot, ttess, cdwidth, cddata, option, nelem) | Reevaluate Trimmed Non-Uniform B-Spline Surface |
GPRVAS | (arid) | Retrieve All Structures |
GPRVSN | (arid, number, lstrid) | Retrieve Structure Networks |
GPRVST | (arid, number, lstrid) | Retrieve Structures |
GPSAC | (criteria, ctrlval1, ctrlval2) | Set Surface Approximation Criteria |
GPSBMS | (ncid, major, minor, len, msg) | Send Broadcast Message |
GPSCD | (color) | Set Specular Color Direct |
GPSCI | (index) | Set Specular Color Index |
GPSC2 | (scale, matrix) | Scale 2 |
GPSC3 | (scale, matrix) | Scale 3 |
GPSDAL | (wsid) | Sound Alarm |
GPSHDF | (deferral, update) | Set Shell Deferral State |
GPSKMO | (wsid, device, mode, echosw) | Set Stroke Mode |
GPSMCH | (wsid, device, choice) | Sample Choice |
GPSMLC | (wsid, device, view, pos) | Sample Locator |
GPSMPK | (wsid, device, length, depth, pickpath) | Sample Pick |
GPSMSK | (wsid, device, length, view, npoint, pointarray) | Sample Stroke |
GPSMST | (wsid, device, length, number, string) | Sample String |
GPSMVL | (wsid, device, value) | Sample Valuator |
GPSMXP | (wsid, device, maxdepth, view, point, modelling, depth, pickpath) | Sample Extended Pick |
GPSPH | (nsphere, pflags, pdata, width, spherelist) | Polysphere |
GPSPMS | (ncid, shid, pass, major, minor, len, msg) | Send Private Message |
GPSPR | (amb, diff, spec, exp, trans) | Set Surface Properties |
GPSRT | (wsid, rtspec) | Select Rendering Target |
GPSSS | (ssid) | Select Structure Store |
GPSSTH | (ssid, threshold) | Set Structure Store Threshold |
GPSTMO | (wsid, device, mode, echosw) | Set String Mode |
GPSYNC | (ncid, synch) | Synchronize |
GPTAST | (ssid, flag) | Transfer All Structures |
GPTCAC | (criteria, ctrlval1, ctrlval2, ctrlval3) | Set Trimming Curve Approximation Criteria |
GPTCO | (coeff) | Set Transparency Coefficient |
GPTE | (strid, start, end) | Traversal Elements |
GPTEX2 | (point1, point2, index) | Test Extent 2 |
GPTEX3 | (point1, point2, index) | Test Extent 3 |
GPTHPO | (tibid, torigin, size, sibid1, sorigin1, sibid2, sorigin2, op, opparm) | Three Operand Pixel Operation |
GPTLWS | (lwidth) | Set Text Line Width Scale Factor |
GPTMAP | (apid) | Terminate Application Process |
GPTNBS | (uorder, vorder, unum, vnum, uknots, vknots, tflag, utess, vtess, cflags, cwidth, ctlpts, ncontour, ncurve, curveinfo, tknot, ttess, cdwidth, cddata) | Trimmed Non-Uniform B-Spline Surface |
GPTRCE | (control) | Internal Trace Control |
GPTRCT | (tibid, torigin, size, sibid, sorigin) | Internal Trace Control |
GPTRL2 | (vector, matrix) | Translate 2 |
GPTRL3 | (vector, matrix) | Translate 3 |
GPTST | (ssid, flag, number, lstrid) | Transfer Structures |
GPTS3 | (pflags, pdata, tflags, twidth, tdata, vxflags, vxwidth, vxdata) | Triangle Strip 3 |
GPTWPO | (tibid, torigin, size, sibid, sorigin, op, opparm) | Two Operand Pixel Operation |
GPTX2 | (point, length, text) | Geometric Text 2 |
GPTX3 | (point, length, text, refv1, refv2) | Geometric Text 3 |
GPTXAL | (horiz, vert) | Set Text Alignment |
GPTXCD | (color) | Set Text Color Direct |
GPTXCI | (index) | Set Text Color Index |
GPTXCS | (csid) | Set Text Character Set |
GPTXFO | (font) | Set Text Font |
GPTXI | (index) | Set Text Index |
GPTXPR | (prec) | Set Text Precision |
GPTXPT | (path) | Set Text Path |
GPTXR | (wsid, index, font, prec, factor, space, color) | Set Text Representation |
GPUPWA | (wsid) | Update Workstation Asynchronous |
GPUPWS | (wsid, regen) | Update Workstation |
GPVCH | (wsid, view, window, near, far, shield, shldci, border, brdrci, active) | Set View Characteristics |
GPVIP | (wsid, view, refview, flag) | Set View Input Priority |
GPVLMO | (wsid, device, mode, echosw) | Set Valuator Mode |
GPVMF | (flength, fdata) | Set Vertex Morphing Factors |
GPVMP2 | (wsid, view, window, viewpt) | Set View Mapping 2 |
GPVMP3 | (wsid, view, window, viewpt, type, point, dist, near, far) | Set View Mapping 3 |
GPVMT2 | (wsid, view, matrix) | Set View Matrix 2 |
GPVMT3 | (wsid, view, matrix) | Set View Matrix 3 |
GPVOP | (wsid, view, refview, flag) | Set View Output Priority |
GPVP | (wsid, view, refview, flag) | Set View Priority |
GPVPLN | (normal) | Set View Plane Normal |
GPVR | (point) | Set View Reference Point |
GPVUP | (vector) | Set View Up |
GPVWI | (index) | Set View Index |
GPWDO | (length, data) | Workstation-Dependent Output |
GPWRCT | (tibid, torigin, size, format, parm, sorigin, data) | Write Rectangle |
GPWSX2 | (wsid, window, viewpt) | Set Workstation Transformation 2 |
GPWSX3 | (wsid, window, viewpt) | Set Workstation Transformation 3 |
GPXCR | (wsid, ctid, start, number, color) | Set Extended Color Representation |
GPXER | (wsid, index, id, value) | Set Extended Edge Representation |
GPXF2 | (point, matrix, result) | Transform Point 2 |
GPXF3 | (point, matrix, result) | Transform Point 3 |
GPXIR | (wsid, index, id, value) | Set Extended Interior Representation |
GPXPLR | (wsid, index, id, value) | Set Extended Polyline Representation |
GPXPMR | (wsid, index, id, value) | Set Extended Polymarker Representation |
GPXTXR | (wsid, index, id, value) | Set Extended Text Representation |
GPXVCH | (wsid, view, number, charids, values) | Set Extended View Characteristics |
GPXVR | (wsid, view, id, value) | Set Extended View Representation |
GPZBM | (mask) | Set Z-buffer Protect Mask |
Annotation Path | 1 = RIGHT
2 = LEFT 3 = UP 4 = DOWN |
Annotation Style | 1 = UNCONNECTED
Antialiasing Mode | 1 = OFF
Application Image Format | 1 = PIXEL_ARRAY |
Advanced Attribute Group Identifier | 1 = EDGE_FLAG
Archive State Value | 1 = ARCL
2 = AROP |
Attribute List | 1 = POLYLINE
Attribute Source Flag | 1 = BUNDLED
Border Indicator | 1 = OFF
2 = ON |
Boundary Flag | 1 = NOT_AN_EDGE
2 = IS_AN_EDGE |
Bounding Method | 1 = CLAMP
2 = REPEAT |
Break Switch | 1 = OFF
2 = ON |
Character Positioning Mode | 1 = CONSTANT
Clip Indicator | 1 = NOCLIP
2 = CLIP |
Color Model/Availability | 1 = MONOCHROME
2 = COLOR |
Color Model | 1 = RGB
2 = HSV 3 = CMY 4 = CIELUV |
Color Quantization Method | 1 = WORKSTATION_DEPENDENT
Color Table Characteristics | 1 = NEITHER_MODIFIABLE
Color Table Identifier | -1 = DISPLAY_COLOR_TABLE
Conflict Resolution Flags | 1 = MAINTAIN_FLAG
Connection Method | 1 = CALL
2 = GAM 3 = SOCKETS |
Connection State | 1 = ACTIVE
Control Flag | 1 = CONDITIONALLY
2 = ALWAYS |
Conversion Type | 1 = NPC_TO_WU
2 = WU_TO_NPC 3 = DC_TO_WU 4 = WU_TO_DC |
Convert Data Type | 1 = CHARACTER_STRING
Convexity Checking Mode | 1 = OFF
2 = ON |
Convexity Flag | 1 = CONCAVE
2 = CONVEX |
Curve Approximation Criteria | 1 = WORKSTATION_DEPENDENT
Data Mapping Color Data Types | 1 = TYPE_COLOR
Data Mapping Method | -1 = IMAGE_ARRAY
Data Organization Format | 1 = BASE_DATA
Deactivate Switch | 1 = OFF
2 = ON |
Deferral State | 1 = ASAP
2 = BNIG 3 = BNIL 4 = ASTI 5 = WAIT |
Depth Cue Mode | 1 = SUPPRESSED
Depth Cue Representation Group Identifier | 1 = DEPTH_CUE_MODE
Destination Blending Function | 1 = DSTBF_ZERO
Device Coordinate Units | 1 = METERS
2 = OTHER |
Device Event/Class | 1 = LOCATOR
Display Status | 1 = CORRECT
Display Surface State | 1 = NOT_EMPTY
2 = IS_EMPTY |
Display Type | 1 = VECTOR
Echo Switch | 1 = NOECHO
2 = ECHO |
Edge Boundary Flag | 1 = NOT_AN_EDGE
2 = IS_AN_EDGE |
Edge Flag | 1 = OFF
Edge Representation Group Identifier | 1 = EDGE_FLAG
Edit Mode | 1 = INSERT_MODE
Error Handling Mode | 1 = OFF
2 = ON |
Event Queue Space Flag | 0 = SPACE_AVAILABLE
Event Queue Overflow Flag | 0 = NOT_OVERFLOWED_YET
Face Distinguish Mode | 1 = NONE
Face Lighting Method | 1 = FACE_INDEPENDENT
Font Characteristics | 1 = FIXED
Font Directory Type | 1 = NORMAL |
Font Support | 1 = NOT_SUPPORTED
Frame Buffer Comparison Options | 1 = NO_OPERATION
Geometric Text Culling Method | 1 = TEXT_DISPLAY
Hardware Type | 1 = RISC_6000
2 = IBM_6095 3 = IBM_370 |
Hatch Format | 1 = BIT_ARRAY |
Hatch/Line/Pattern Representation | 1 = NOT_AVAILABLE
HLHSR Mode | 1 = OFF
2 = ON_THE_FLY |
Horizontal Alignment | 1 = NORMAL
Image Board Type | 1 = NORMAL |
Image Connection Type | -1 = FRAME_BUFFER_COMPATIBLE
Image Pixel Order | 1 = LEFT_TO_RIGHT_BOTTOM_TO_TOP
Interior Representation Group Identifier | 1 = INTERIOR_STYLE
Interior Shading Method | 1 = SHADING_NONE
Interior Style | 1 = HOLLOW
Image Mapping Method | 1 = PIXEL_BY_PIXEL |
Light Source Type | 1 = AMBIENT
Lighting Calculation Mode | 1 = NONE
Line/Hatch/Pattern Representation | 1 = NOT_AVAILABLE
Line Types | 1 = SOLID_LINE
Locator Device | 1 = 2D
2 = 3D |
Magnification Filtering Method | 1 = SAMPLE_IN_BASE
Marker Pattern Format | 1 = VECTOR |
Marker Types | 1 = DOT
Minification Filtering Method | 1 = SAMPLE_IN_BASE
Modeling Clipping Indicator | 1 = NO_CLIP
2 = CLIP |
Modeling Clipping Operator | 1 = REPLACE_VOLUME
Modification Mode | 1 = NO_IMMEDIATE_VISUAL_EFFECT
Move/Draw Indicators | 1 = MOVE
2 = DRAW |
Open Structure Type | 1 = NIL
Operating Mode | 1 = REQUEST
Operating System | 1 = RISC_6000
2 = IBM_6095 3 = IBM_370 |
Operating System Data | 1 = SYSTEM_LEVEL
Path Order | 1 = TOPFIRST
Pattern/Line/Hatch Representation | 1 = NOT_AVAILABLE
Physical Device Mode | 1 = DISABLED
Physical Device Number/Category | 1 = BUTTON
2 = SCALAR 3 = 2D_VECTOR |
Pick Correlation State | 1 = OFF
2 = ON |
Pick Measure | 1 = NORMAL
Pick Path Order | 1 = TOP_FIRST
Pick Selection Criteria | 1 = FIRST
Pixel Operations | 1 = TWO_OPERAND
Pixel Packing Factor | 1 = 8_BITS_PIXEL
2 = 16_BITS_PIXEL 3 = 32_BITS_PIXEL |
Point Type | 1 = POINT_2D
2 = POINT_3D |
Polygon Culling Mode | 1 = NONE
2 = BACK 3 = FRONT |
Polyhedron Edge Culling Mode | 1 = NONE
Polyline End Type | 1 = FLAT
2 = ROUND 3 = SQUARE |
Polyline Representation Group Identifier | 1 = LINETYPE
Polyline Shading Method | 1 = POLYLINE_SHADING_NONE
Polymarker Representation Group Identifier | 1 = MARKER_TYPE
Projection Type | 1 = PARALLEL
Quantization Method | 1 = WORKSTATION_DEPENDENT
Reference View | 1 = HIGHER
2 = LOWER |
Reflectance Model | 1 = REFLECTANCE_NONE
Regeneration Flag | 1 = POSTPONE
Rendering Color Model | 1 = RGB_NORMAL
2 = RGB_B_ONLY |
Request Choice/Pick/String Input/Valuator Status | 1 = NONE
2 = OK |
Reset Switch | 1 = OFF
2 = ON |
Resource Type | 1 = WORKSTATION
Selected Structure Store Status | 1 = NON_EXISTENT
Set Modeling Transformation Method | 1 = PRECONCATENATE
Shell Deferral Mode | 1 = FLUSH
Shielding Available | 1 = NOT_AVAILABLE
Shielding Indicator | 1 = OFF
2 = ON |
Simultaneous Event Flag | 0 = NO_MORE_SIMULTANEOUS_EVENT
Source Blending Function | 1 = SRCBF_ZERO,
State Switch | 1 = DEVICE_INACTIVE
Stroke Device | 1 = 2D
2 = 3D |
Structure Existence | 1 = NON_EXISTENT
Structure Network Source | 1 = SELECTED_STRUCTURE_STORE
Structure State Value | 1 = STCL
2 = STOP 3 = SSCL 4 = SSOP 5 = NROP |
Structure Store Type | 1 = NORMAL |
Surface Approximation Criteria | 1 = WORKSTATION_DEPENDENT
Synchronization Mode | 1 = NOWAIT
System State Value | 1 = CLOSED
Temporary View Indicator | 1 = OFF
2 = ON |
Text Encoding Method | 1 = UNICODE |
Text Precision | 1 = STRING_PREC
Text Path | 1 = RIGHT
2 = LEFT 3 = UP 4 = DOWN |
Text Representation Group Identifier | 1 = TEXT_FONT
Three Operand Pixel Operation | 1 = LOGICAL
Transfer and/or Execute Flag | 1 = EXECUTE_ONLY
Transparency Processing Mode | 1 = OFF
Trigger Switch | 1 = OFF
2 = ON |
Two Operand Pixel Operation | 1 = REFLECTION |
Update Notification Mode | 1 = NO
2 = YES |
Vertical Alignment | 1 = NORMAL
2 = TOP 3 = CAP 4 = HALF 5 = BASE 6 = BOTTOM |
View Active Flag | 1 = INACTIVE
2 = ACTIVE |
View Priority | 1 = HIGHER
2 = LOWER |
View Projection Type | 1 = PARALLEL
Window Mapping Method | 1 = MAPPED
2 = DIRECT |
Workstation Category | 1 = OUTPUT
2 = INPUT 3 = OUTIN |
Workstation Transformation Update State | 1 = NOT_PENDING
Workstation State Value | 1 = CLOSED
Decimal | Hex Value | Subroutine |
Line Primitives | ||
257 | X'0101' | Polyline 3 (GPPL3) |
258 | X'0102' | Polyline 2 (GPPL2) |
318 | X'013E' | Polyline Set 3 With Data (GPPLD3) |
259 | X'0103' | Disjoint Polyline 3 (GPDPL3) |
260 | X'0104' | Disjoint Polyline 2 (GPDPL2) |
273 | X'0111' | Circle 2 (GPCR2) |
274 | X'0112' | Circular Arc 2 (GPCRA2) |
280 | X'0118' | Ellipse 3 (GPEL3) |
281 | X'0119' | Ellipse 2 (GPEL2) |
282 | X'011A' | Elliptical Arc 3 (GPELA3) |
283 | X'011B' | Elliptical Arc 2 (GPELA2) |
295 | X'0127' | Line Grid 3 (GPLG3) |
296 | X'0128' | Line Grid 2 (GPLG2) |
278 | X'0116' | Non-uniform B-Spline Curve 3 (GPNBC3) |
279 | X'0117' | Non-uniform B-Spline Curve 2 (GPNBC2) |
309 | X'0135' | Polyhedron Edge (GPPHE) |
320 | X'0140' | Quadrilateral Mesh 3 (GPQM3) |
Marker Primitives | ||
261 | X'0105' | Polymarker 3 (GPPM3) |
262 | X'0106' | Polymarker 2 (GPPM2) |
293 | X'4300' | Marker Grid 3 (GPMG3) |
294 | X'4300' | Marker Grid 2 (GPMG2) |
Annotation Text Primitives | ||
265 | X'0109' | Annotation Text 3 (GPAN3) |
266 | X'010A' | Annotation Text 2 (GPAN2) |
229 | X'010D' | Annotation Text Relative 3 (GPANR3) |
270 | X'010E' | Annotation Text Relative 2 (GPANR2) |
Geometric Text Primitives | ||
263 | X'0107' | Geometric Text 3 (GPTX3) |
264 | X'0108' | Geometric Text 2 (GPTX2) |
304 | X'0130' | Character Line 2 (GPCHL2) |
Area Primitives | ||
289 | X'0121' | Polygon 3 (GPPG3) |
290 | X'0122' | Polygon 2 (GPPG2) |
299 | X'012B' | Polygon 3 With Data (GPPGD3) |
300 | X'012C' | Polygon 2 With Data (GPPGD2) |
301 | X'012D' | Triangle Strip 3 (GPTS3) |
305 | X'0131' | Non-uniform B-Spline Surface (GPNBS) |
308 | X'0134' | Composite Fill Area 2 (GPCFA2) |
306 | X'0132' | Trimmed Non-uniform B-Spline Surface (GPTNBS) |
312 | X'0138' | Polysphere (GPSPH) |
Pixel Primitives | ||
271 | X'010F' | Pixel 3 (GPPXL3) |
272 | X'0110' | Pixel 2 (GPPXL2) |
Attribute Setting Structure Elements
Decimal | Hex Value | Subroutine |
General Attributes | ||
74 | X'004A' | Set HLHSR Identifier (GPHID) |
82 | X'0052' | Set Antialiasing Identifier (GPAID) |
85 | X'0055' | Set Z-buffer Protect Mask (GPZBM) |
84 | X'0054' | Set Face Lighting Method (GPFLM) |
6 | X'0006' | Set Depth Cue Index (GPDCI) |
7 | X'0007' | Set Color Processing Index (GPCPI) |
224 | X'00E0' | Set Highlighting Color Index (GPHLCI) |
225 | X'00E1' | Set Highlighting Color Direct (GPHLCD) |
226 | X'00E2' | Add Class Name to Set (GPADCN) |
227 | X'00E3' | Remove Class Name from Set (GPRCN) |
Attribute Selection | ||
53 | X'0035' | Set Attribute Source Flag (GPASF) |
Polyline Attributes | ||
76 | X'004C' | Set Curve Approximation Criteria (GPCAC) |
80 | X'0050' | Set Trimming Curve Approximation Criteria (GPTCAC) |
78 | X'004E' | Set Polyhedron Edge Culling (GPPHEC) |
1 | X'0001' | Set Polyline Index (GPPLI) |
8 | X'0008' | Set Linetype (GPLT) |
31 | X'001F' | Set Polyline End Type (GPPLET) |
9 | X'0009' | Set Linewidth Scale Factor (GPLWSC) |
10 | X'000A' | Set Polyline Color Index (GPPLCI) |
40 | X'0028' | Set Polyline Color Direct (GPPLCD) |
98 | X'0062' | Set Polyline Shading Method (GPPLSM) |
Polymarker Attributes | ||
2 | X'0002' | Set Polymarker Index (GPPMI) |
11 | X'000B' | Set Marker Type (GPMT) |
12 | X'000C' | Set Marker Size Scale Factor (GPMSSC) |
13 | X'000D' | Set Polymarker Color Index (GPPMCI) |
41 | X'0029' | Set Polymarker Color Direct (GPPMCD) |
Text Attributes | ||
19 | X'0013' | Set Character Height (GPCHH) |
39 | X'0027' | Set Character Line Scale Factor (GPCHLS) |
20 | X'0014' | Set Character Up Vector (GPCHUP) |
38 | X'0026' | Set Character Up and Base Vectors (GPCHUB) |
21 | X'0015' | Set Text Path (GPTXPT) |
23 | X'0017' | Set Text Alignment (GPTXAL) |
22 | X'0016' | Set Character Positioning Mode (GPCHPM) |
3 | X'0003' | Set Text Index (GPTXI) |
14 | X'000E' | Set Text Font (GPTXFO) |
15 | X'000F' | Set Text Precision (GPTXPR) |
16 | X'0010' | Set Character Expansion Factor (GPCHXP) |
17 | X'0011' | Set Character Spacing (GPCHSP) |
18 | X'0012' | Set Text Color Index (GPTXCI) |
42 | X'002A' | Set Text Color Direct (GPTXCD) |
Annotation Text Attributes | ||
33 | X'0021' | Set Annotation Height Scale Factor (GPAHSC) |
34 | X'0022' | Set Annotation Height (GPAH) |
32 | X'0020' | Set Annotation Style (GPAS) |
35 | X'0023' | Set Annotation Up Vector (GPAUP) |
36 | X'0024' | Set Annotation Path (GPAPT) |
37 | X'0025' | Set Annotation Alignment (GPAAL) |
Polygon Attributes | ||
77 | X'004D' | Set Surface Approximation Criteria (GPSAC) |
69 | X'0045' | Set Polygon Culling (GPPGC) |
Interior Attributes | ||
72 | X'0048' | Set Face Distinguish Mode (GPFDMO) |
73 | X'0049' | Set Light Source State (GPLSS) |
79 | X'004F' | Set Lighting Calculation Mode (GPLMO) |
84 | X'0054' | Set Face Lighting Method (GPFLM) |
5 | X'0005' | Set Interior Index (GPII) |
24 | X'0018' | Set Interior Style (GPIS) |
25 | X'0019' | Set Interior Style Index (GPISI) |
26 | X'001A' | Set Interior Color Index (GPICI) |
43 | X'002B' | Set Interior Color Direct (GPICD) |
63 | X'003F' | Set Back Interior Color Index (GPBICI) |
64 | X'0040' | Set Back Interior Color Direct (GPBICD) |
65 | X'0041' | Set Specular Color Index (GPSCI) |
66 | X'0042' | Set Specular Color Direct (GPSCD) |
67 | X'0048' | Set Back Specular Color Index (GPBSCI) |
68 | X'0044' | Set Back Specular Color Direct (GPBSCD) |
70 | X'0046' | Set Surface Properties (GPSPR) |
71 | X'0047' | Set Back Surface Properties (GPBSPR) |
81 | X'0051' | Set Parametric Surface Characteristics (GPPSC) |
Edge Attributes | ||
4 | X'0004' | Set Edge Index (GPEI) |
27 | X'001B' | Set Edge Flag (GPEF) |
28 | X'001C' | Set Edge Linetype (GPELT) |
30 | X'001E' | Set Edge Scale Factor (GPESC) |
29 | X'001D' | Set Edge Color Index (GPECI) |
44 | X'002C' | Set Edge Color Direct (GPECD) |
Transformation Setting Structure Elements
Decimal | Hex Value | Subroutine |
Modeling Transformation | ||
210 | X'00D2' | Set Global Transformation 3 (GPGLX3) |
211 | X'00D3' | Set Global Transformation 2 (GPGLX2) |
208 | X'00D0' | Set Modeling Transformation 3 (GPMLX3) |
209 | X'00D1' | Set Modeling Transformation 2 (GPMLX2) |
Miscellaneous Structure Elements
Decimal | Hex Value | Subroutine |
View Selection | ||
216 | X'00D8' | Set View Index (GPVWI) |
Traversal Control | ||
250 | X'00FA' | Execute Structure (GPEXST) |
242 | X'00F1' | Test Extent 3 (GPTEX3) |
241 | X'00F2' | Test Extent 2 (GPTEX2) |
243 | X'00F3' | Set Condition (GPCOND) |
254 | X'00FE' | Conditional Execute Structure (GPCEXS) |
240 | X'00F0' | Conditional Return (GPCRET) |
Identification | ||
251 | X'00FB' | Insert Label (GPINLB) |
252 | X'00FC' | Set Pick Identifier (GPPKID) |
Frame Buffer Control | ||
49 | X'0031' | Set Frame Buffer Protect Mask (GPFBM) |
50 | X'0032' | Set Frame Buffer Comparison (GPFBC) |
Application-Defined Data | ||
228 | X'00E4' | Insert Application Data (GPINAD) |
229 | X'00E5' | Null Data (GPNULL) |
246 | X'00F6' | Workstation-Dependent Output |
65537 | X'10001' | Enter |
65538 | X'10002' | New Line |
65539 | X'10003' | Alt-Cancel |
65540 | X'10004' | Up arrow |
65541 | X'10005' | Down arrow |
65542 | X'10006' | Left arrow |
65543 | X'10007' | Right arrow |
65544 | X'10008' | Tab Forward |
65545 | X'10009' | Tab back |
65546 | X'1000A' | Insert |
65547 | X'1000B' | Delete |
65548 | X'1000C' | Backspace |
65549 | X'1000D' | Up arrow + Shift |
65550 | X'1000E' | Down arrow + Shift |
65551 | X'1000F' | Left arrow + Shift |
65552 | X'10010' | Right arrow + Shift |
65553 | X'10011' | Up arrow + Alt |
65554 | X'10012' | Down arrow + Alt |
65555 | X'10013' | Left arrow + Alt |
65556 | X'10014' | Right arrow + Alt |
65557 | X'10015' | Home |
65558 | X'10016' | Home + Shift |
65559 | X'10017' | Home + Alt |
65560 | X'10018' | PA1 |
65561 | X'10019' | EOF |
65563 | X'1001A' | EOF + Shift |
65563 | X'1001B' | EOF + Alt |
65564 | X'1001C' | PA2 |
65565 | X'1001D' | CLEAR |
65566 | X'1001E' | + on numeric pad + Alt |
65567 | X'1001F' | - on numeric pad + Alt |
1 | Linetype |
2 | Linewidth scale factor |
3 | Polyline color |
4 | Marker type |
5 | Marker size scale factor |
6 | Polymarker color |
7 | Text font |
8 | Text precision |
9 | Character expansion factor |
10 | Character spacing |
11 | Text color |
12 | Interior style |
13 | Style |
14 | Interior color |
15 | Edge flag |
16 | Edge linetype |
17 | Edge color |
18 | Edge scale factor |
1001 | Pixel 3 |
1002 | Pixel 2 |
1003 | Disjoint Polyline 3 |
1004 | Disjoint Polyline 2 |
1005 | Circle 2 |
1006 | Circular Arc 2 |
1007 | Ellipse 2 |
1008 | Ellipse 3 |
1009 | Elliptical Arc 2 |
1010 | Elliptical Arc 3 |
1014 | Polyline Set 3 With Data |
1016 | Polygon 3 With Data |
1017 | Polygon 2 With Data |
1020 | Marker Grid 3 |
1021 | Marker Grid 2 |
1022 | Line Grid 3 |
1023 | Line Grid 2 |
1027 | Composite Fill Area 2 |
1029 | Triangle Strip 3 |
1031 | Quadrilateral Mesh 3 |
1033 | Non-Uniform B-Spline Curve 3 |
1034 | Non-Uniform B-Spline Curve 2 |
1035 | Non-Uniform B-Surface |
1036 | Trimmed Non-Uniform B-Spline Surface |
1037 | Polyhedron Edge |
1039 | Character Line 2 |
1046 | Polysphere |
1001 | Sound Alarm |
1002 | Enable/Disable Link Switch |
1003 | GDF Plot Size |
1004 | Initialize Pick Correlation State |
1005 | Set Pick Selection Criteria |
1006 | Set Input Echo Color |
1007 | Read Frame Buffer |
1008 | Geometric Text Culling |
1009 | Window Resize Notification Control |
1010 | Inquire Mapped Display Surface Size |
1011 | Window Exposure Notification Control |
1012 | Window Deletion Notification Control |
1014 | Workstation-Dependent Output |
1015 | Convert Coordinate Values |
1001 | Set Frame Buffer Protect Mask |
1002 | Set Frame Buffer Comparison |
1003 | Set Condition |
1004 | Conditional Execute Structure |
1005 | Conditional Return |
1006 | Test Extent 3 |
1007 | Test Extent 2 |
1008 | Parametric Surface Characteristics |
1009 | Z-buffer Protect Mask |
1010 | Workstation-Dependent Output |
CSID 1 | -- U.S. ENGLISH |
Font 1 (graPHIGS Default) | |
Font 2 (Complex Roman) | |
Font 3 (Complex Italian) | |
Font 4 (Complex Script) | |
Font 5 (Duplex Roman) | |
Font 6 (Gothic English) | |
Font 7 (Gothic German) | |
Font 8 (Gothic Italian) | |
Font 9 (Simplex Roman) | |
Font 10 (Triplex Italic) | |
Font 11 (Triplex Roman) | |
CSID 2 | -- U.K. ENGLISH |
Font 1 (graPHIGS Default) | |
CSID 3 | -- GERMAN |
Font 1 (graPHIGS Default) | |
CSID 4 | -- FRENCH |
Font 1 (graPHIGS Default) | |
Font 1 (graPHIGS Default) | |
Font 1 (graPHIGS Default) | |
Font 1 (graPHIGS Default) | |
Font 1 (graPHIGS Default) | |
Font 1 (graPHIGS Default) | |
CSID 10 | -- ISO 8859-1 (LATIN 1) |
Font 1 (graPHIGS Default) | |
Font 1 (graPHIGS Default) | |
CSID 129 | -- HANGUL |
Font 1 (graPHIGS Default) | |
Font 1 (graPHIGS Default) | |
CSID 111-127 | -- RESERVED |
CSID 131-255 | -- RESERVED |
Choice Device |
Locator Device |
Pick Device |
Stroke Device |
String Device |
Valuator Device |
Byte 0-1 = | FLAGS | |
Bit 0 = | trace word "unchangeable" | |
Bit 1-15 = | reserved | |
Byte 2 = | TRACE QUALIFIER | |
'00'X = | controlled by other flags | |
'03'X = | abend at termination | |
'20'X = | storage use report | |
Byte 3 = | TRACE LEVEL | |
'00'X = | stop component, subcomponent, module trace | |
'01'X = | start component entry and exit | |
'02'X = | start component trace, subcomponent entry and exit | |
'03'X = | start component trace, subcomponent trace, module entry and exit |