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AIX Version 4.3 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs

List of FORTRAN BLAS Level 1: Vector-Vector Subroutines

Level 1: vector-vector subroutines include:

SDOT, DDOT Return the dot product of two vectors.
CDOTC, ZDOTC Return the complex dot product of two vectors, conjugating the first.
CDOTU, ZDOTU Return the complex dot product of two vectors.
SAXPY, DAXPY, CAXPY, ZAXPY Return a constant times a vector plus a vector.
SROTG, DROTG, CROTG, ZROTG Construct a Givens plane rotation.
SROT, DROT, CSROT, ZDROT Apply a plane rotation.
SCOPY, DCOPY, CCOPY, ZCOPY Copy vector X to Y.
SSWAP, DSWAP, CSWAP, ZSWAP Interchange vectors X and Y.
SNRM2, DNRM2, SCNRM2, DZNRM2 Return the Euclidean norm of the N-vector stored in X() with storage increment INCX.
SASUM, DASUM, SCASUM, DZASUM Return the sum of absolute values of vector components.
  Scale a vector by a constant.
ISAMAX, IDAMAX, ICAMAX, IZAMAX Find the index of element having maximum absolute value.
SDSDOT Returns the dot product of two vectors plus a constant.
SROTM, DROTM Apply the modified Givens transformation.
SROTMG, DROTMG Construct a modified Givens transformation.

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