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AIX Version 4.3 Understanding the Diagnostic Subsystem for AIX

Example ODM Stanzas

              type = xyz
              subclass = mca
              class = adapter
              catalog = xyz.cat
              setno = 1
              msgno = 1 
              Define = /usr/lib/methods/definexyz
              Configure = /usr/lib/methods/cfgxyz
              Undefine = /usr/lib/methods/udefinexyz
              Unconfigure = /usr/lib/methods/ucfgxyz
              led = 0x902
              fru = 1                         1 if device is FRU
                                              2 if parent is FRU
              Uniquetype = adapter/mca/xyz
              PSet = 1
              DaName = dxyz
              PkgBlock = S
              Menu = 21
              DNext = 1
              SupTests = 7

For a description of all fields in PDiagRes, refer to Predefined Diagnostic Resource Object Class.

        1 1     XYZ adapter
        1 1     Description of FRU1
        1 2      Description of FRU2
        2 1      DA menus, etc

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