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AIX Version 4.3 Understanding the Diagnostic Subsystem for AIX

Diagnostic Commands

This chapter describes the commands available in the Diagnostic Subsystem.
  • diag Command
  • diagrpt Command

  • diag Command

    The diag command performs hardware problem determination. When you suspect there is a problem, this command assists you in finding it. The command has the following syntax:

    diag  [-a] [-c] [-d name] [-e] [-s] [-v] [-A] [-B] [-T taskstring] [-S testsuite]

    Most users should enter the diag command without any flags. The following flags perform various actions:

    -a Processes the changes in the hardware configuration. For example, missing and/or new resources.
    -c Indicates that the machine will not be attended. No questions will be asked. Results are written to standard output. Normally used by shell scripts.
    -d name Names the resource that should be tested. The name parameter is a resource name displayed by the lscfg command.
    -e Causes the device's Diagnostic Application to be run in Error Log Analysis mode.
    -s Causes the system to be tested in System Checkout mode.
    -v System Verification Mode. Default is Problem Determination mode.
    -A Advanced mode. Default is non-advanced mode.
    -B Tests the base system devices, such as planar, memory, processor.
    -T taskstring Specifies a particular Task to execute. The taskstring depends on the particualr task to be executed. See Tasks for more information.
    -S testsuite Tests the Test Suite Group:
    1 Base System
    2 I/O Devices
    3 Async Devices
    4 Graphics Devices
    5 SCSI Devices
    6 Storage Devices
    7 Commo Devices
    8 Multimedia Devices

    diagrpt Command

    Displays the conclusions made by diagnostics. The diagrpt command has the following syntax:

    /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin/diagrpt  [-o]  [-s startdate]

    The diagrpt command reports the conclusions made by diagnostics.

    If the user does not specify a flag, a scrollable menu with all diagnostic conclusion reports is displayed.

    -o Displays the lastest diagnostic conclusion.
    -s startdate Reports diagnostic conclusions made after the date specified (mmddyy).

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