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AIX Version 4.3 Understanding the Diagnostic Subsystem for AIX

diag_msg, diag_msg_nw


Displays simple menus.


#include    <diag/diago.h>

long  diag_msg ( mnum, fdes, setid, msgid [, val, ... ] )
long mnum;
nl_catd fdes;
unsigned short setid;
unsigned short msgid;

long  diag_msg_nw ( mnum, fdes, setid, msgid [, val, ... ] )
long mnum;
nl_catd fdes;
unsigned short setid;
unsigned short msgid;


The diag_msg subroutine displays the specified text and obtains the user's response. The screen is automatically cleared upon completion.

The diag_msg_nw subroutine displays the specified text but does not wait for the user to respond. The screen is not automatically cleared.


mnum Menu number that is displayed, right-justified, as a hex number at the top-right corner of the screen.
fdes Open catalog file descriptor returned from the diag_catopen() system call.
setid Set ID of the message in the catalog.
msgid Message ID of the message in the catalog that serves as the format string.
val Values that are optional and variable in number are inserted in the specified message according to the conventions assumed by the printf() subroutine in the standard I/O library. The format is specified by the message referenced by the catalog set and message ID.

Return Value

The diag_msg subroutine returns one of the following values:

DIAG_ASL_OK Successful return.
DIAG_ASL_CANCEL Cancel key was entered.
DIAG_ASL_EXIT Exit key was entered.

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