Patch diskettes can be made to help in the debug of problems that occur when running diagnostics from the Diagnostic CDROM. Three types of diskettes can be used:
The Diagnostic Configuration diskette has two main purposes.
The first purpose of the Diagnostic Configuration diskette is to allow the refresh rate of the graphics adapter to be set to a different value than the default. The default value is 60Hz. If the graphics display's refresh rate is 77 Hz, then set the refresh rate to 77.
The second purpose of the Diagnostic Configuration diskette is to allow a terminal attached to any RS232 or RS422 adapter to be selected as a console device. The default device is a RS232 tty attached to the first standard serial port(S1).
Each of these can be accomplished by using the Create Customized Configuration Diskette Task.
A valid Diagnostic Configuration Diskette contains the following files:
The .signature file contains a single line describing the diskette purpose. For this diskette, the description should be /etc/diagconf.
The Diagnostic Patch diskette is used to patch failing applications until a new release of the Diagnostic CDROM is available. This diskette may also be used in development to help in the debug of why a particular application is failing.
A valid Diagnostic Patch Diskette contains the following files:
The .signature file contains a single line describing the diskette purpose. For this diskette, the description should be /etc/diagpatch. The /etc/diagpatch file is a Korn shell script file that is used to remove the application first from the RAM file system, then links the new application to the old one. Following is an example:
#!/bin/ksh #### begin diagpatch # Files to be replaced on the RAM file system must first be removed, # then linked from /etc to /usr/lpp/....[or correct location] ### Replacing a diagnostic application rm /usr/lpp/diagnostics/da/dxspa ln -s /etc/dxspa /usr/lpp/diagnostics/da/dxspa
A valid Diagnostic Debug Diskette contains the following files:
The .signature file contains a single line describing the diskette purpose. For this diskette, the description could be either /etc/diagpatch or /etc/diagconf. The script file does not need to be present if files are not being replaced.
The /etc/NOKEYPOS file is a zero length file.
Note: This function can be combined with either the Patch or Configuration diskette by simply adding the /etc/NOKEYPOS file to either diskette.