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AIXLink/X.25 1.1 for AIX: Guide and Reference

X.25 Example Program pvcrcv: Receive Data Using a PVC

This program uses a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) to make a call. It allocates the circuit, receives data, and is prepared to handle a reset by sending a reset-confirmation packet. Example program pvcxmit is designed to send the data received by this program.

Program Description

The X.25 program uses the following steps:

  1. Initialize the API for the port specified by the LINK_NAME value (x25_init).
  2. If initialization failed, the program displays a message and exits.
  3. Get a counter to be used to wait for incoming messages (x25_ctr_get).
  4. Allocate a PVC to the port, using the logical channel number specified by the LOG_CHAN_NUM value (x25_pvc_alloc).
  5. If PVC allocation failed, the program displays a message and exits.
  6. Wait for an incoming message (x25_ctr_wait).
  7. Receive the incoming message (x25_receive).
  8. Test the msg_type in cb_msg_struct:
    1. If the incoming message is a reset indication, send a reset confirmation (x25_reset_confirm).
    2. If the incoming message is data, display it on the screen. (If it is the end-of-transmission indicator specified in the END_OF_TRANS value, print a message saying that transmission has ended.) Free the storage allocated to the structure cb_msg_struct.
  9. Free the permanent virtual circuit (x25_pvc_free).
  10. Remove the counter (x25_ctr_remove).
  11. Terminate the API for port x25s1 (x25_term).

Example Program pvcrcv

/* X.25 Example Program pvcrcv. */ 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <x25sdefs.h>
#define LINK_NAME    "x25s0"            /* Name of X.25 port.                */
#define LOG_CHAN_NUM  (1)               /* PVC logical channel number.       */
#define END_OF_TRANS "EOP"              /* End-of-transmission indicator;    */
                                        /* must be the same as in pvcxmit.   */
/* Function     main                                                         */
/* Description  This program is designed to demonstrate usage of the X.25    */
/*              API.                                                         */
/*              It allocates a permanent virtual circuit, receives data and  */
/*              is prepared to handle a reset, by sending a                  */
/*              reset-confirmation.                                          */
/*              Example Program pvcxmit is designed to send the data         */
/*              received by this program.                                    */
/*              Note that, in a production program, you should check the     */
/*              return code from each subroutine call and take appropriate   */
/*              action.                                                      */
/* Return       0 if successful                                              */
/*              1 otherwise                                                  */
int main(
  int argc,
  char *argv[])
  /* The following structures are defined in the x25sdefs.h file.            */
  struct ctr_array_struct ctr_array[1];         /* One counter in the array. */
  struct cb_msg_struct cb_msg;
  struct cb_pvc_alloc_struct cb_pvc;
  struct cb_link_name_struct cb_link_name;                                     
  int conn_id;          /* Connection identifier to associate with this link.*/
  int ctr_id;           /* Counter identifier for this link.                 */
  int rc;               /* Return codes from various subroutines.            */
  int ctr_num = 1;      /* Number of counters in the counter array.          */
  int end_tx = 0;       /* Whether end of transmission has been reached.     */ 
  /*  Initialize the API for access to a link.                               */
  cb_link_name.flags = X25FLG_LINK_NAME;
  cb_link_name.link_name = LINK_NAME;
  rc = x25_init(&cb_link_name);
  if (rc < 0)
   (void)printf("%s: x25_init failed : x25_errno = %d errno = %d\n",
    /* Get a counter to be used to notify us of incoming messages.          */
    ctr_id = x25_ctr_get();              
    /* Set up flags to show that a link and a channel number are supplied.  */
    /* Then allocate the permanent virtual circuit for this application.    */
    cb_pvc.flags = X25FLG_LINK_NAME | X25FLG_LCN;
    cb_pvc.link_name = LINK_NAME;
    cb_pvc.lcn = LOG_CHAN_NUM;
    conn_id = x25_pvc_alloc(&cb_pvc,ctr_id);
    if (conn_id < 0)
      (void)printf("%s: x25_pvc_alloc failed : x25_errno = %d errno = %d\n",
      /* The PVC link has now been set up and data can be received.       */
      /* Wait for any message to arrive for this application              */
      ctr_array[0].flags = X25FLG_CTR_ID;
      ctr_array[0].flags |= X25FLG_CTR_VALUE;
      ctr_array[0].ctr_id = ctr_id;
      ctr_array[0].ctr_value = 0;
        /* Receive the message                                              */
        /* If a reset-indication message is received, we must               */
        /* send a reset-confirmation message as soon as possible.           */
        if (cb_msg.msg_type == X25_RESET_INDICATION)
          (void)printf("%s: Received reset indication...",argv[0]);
        /* If data is received, we display it on the screen, unless it is    */
        /* end-of-transmission indicator specified by END_OF_TRANS.          */
        else if (cb_msg.msg_type == X25_DATA)
          (void)printf("%s: Incoming Data : ",argv[0]);
          if (strcmp(cb_msg.msg_point.cb_data->data,END_OF_TRANS) != 0)
            (void)printf("%s: End of transmission received",argv[0]);
            end_tx = 1;
          /* The X.25 API allocates memory for information to be returned.  */
          /* Although there are no memory constraints in this application,  */
          /* the space is freed when the information has been displayed.    */
         free((char *)cb_msg.msg_point.cb_data->data);
         free((char *)cb_msg.msg_point.cb_data);
         (void)printf("%s: Unexpected packet received",argv[0]);
      }  while (end_tx == 0); 
      /* Free up any resources allocated during the program before ending:  */
      /*   free the permanent virtual circuit                               */
      /*   remove the counter                                               */
      /*   terminate the API.                                               */

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