If you attempt to install the product level of a software product that is already installed on the system, then you are reinstalling the product. A product can be reinstalled at the same, earlier, or later level (level refers to the version.release.modification.fix level of the product).
You can reinstall a product at the same or earlier level using either Web-based System Manager or the command line (this is called force-installing).
Note: If you are reinstalling from an earlier level only, you must deselect the option to Filter out language filesets and previous versions.
To reinstall at the same or earlier level from the command line, use the installp command with the force (-F) option. If you must use the force option, enter the smit install_selectable_all fast path and choose only those product filesets you want to install. You can only select the base level of a product because updates cannot be installed during a forced installation. After completing the forced reinstallation of a product, you can update the product by entering the smit install_fileset fast path.
You can reinstall a product at a later level using either Web-based System Manager or the command line.
To reinstall at a later level from the command line, enter the smit install_latest fast path (without specifying the force option) and the updates will also be installed.