First Edition (October 1997)

Trademarks and Acknowledgements

About This Book

Chapter 1. Printers, Print Jobs, and Queues Overview for Users

Chapter 2. Printers, Print Jobs, and Queues for System Administrators

Chapter 3. Spooler Overview

Chapter 4. Printer, Plotter, and Spooler Subsystem Programming
Printer Backend Overview for Programming
Virtual Printer Definitions and Attributes
Printer Colon File Escape Sequences
Printer Colon File Conventions
Example of Print Formatter
Understanding the Interaction between qdaemon and the Backend
Understanding Backend Routines in libqb
Printer Code Page Translation Tables
Printer Attachment Files
Printer Colon File limits Field Operators
Adding Support for Configuring a Network-Attached Printer
Adding a Printer Using the Printer Colon File
Printer-Specific Information
Printer Support
Pass-Through Mode
Viewing, Formatting, or Modifying Virtual Printer Definitions
Modifying the mi, mp, and _d Attributes on a PostScript Queue
How piobe Uses Printer Colon Files
Calculating Page Length Using Printer Colon File Escape Sequences
Calculating Page Width Using Printer Colon File Escape Sequences
Spooler Job Header and Trailer Pages
Modifying the mo Virtual Printer Attribute
Editing /etc/qconfig

Chapter 5. Troubleshooting the AIX Spooler