Once accounting has been configured on the system, daily and monthly reports are generated. The runacct command produces the daily reports and the monact command produces the monthly reports.
To generate a daily report, use the runacct command. This command summarizes data into an ASCII file named /var/adm/acct/sum/rprtMMDD. MMDD specifies the month and day the report is run. The report covers the following:
The first line of the Daily Report begins with the start and finish times for the data collected in the report, a list of system-level events including any existing shutdowns, reboots, and run-level changes. The total duration is also listed indicating the total number of minutes included within the accounting period (usually 1440 minutes, if the report is run every 24 hours). The report contains the following information:
The Daily Usage Report is a summarized report of system usage per user ID during the accounting period. Some fields are divided into prime and non-prime time, as defined by the accounting administrator in /usr/lib/acct/holidays. The report contains the following information:
The Daily Command Summary report shows each comand executed during the accounting period, with one line per each unique command name. The table is sorted by TOTAL KCOREMIN (described below), with the first line including the total information for all commands. The data listed for each command is cumulative for all executions of the command during the accounting period. The columns in this table include the following information:
The Monthly Total Comand Summary provides information about all commands that executed since the previous monthly report using the monacct command. The fields and information mean the same as those in the Daily Command Summary.
The Last Login report displays two fields for each user ID. The first field is YY-MM-DD and indicates the most recent login for the specified user. The second field is the name of the user account. A date field of 00-00-00 indicates that the user ID has never logged in.
The Fiscal Accounting Reports generally collected montly by using the monacct command. The report is stored in /var/adm/acct/fiscal/fiscrptMM where MM is the month that the monacct command was executed. This report includes information similar to the daily reports summarized for the entire month.