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3270 Host Connection Program 2.1 and 1.3.3 for AIX: Guide and Reference

Troubleshooting HCON

In maintaining HCON, you may need to address problems with:

Problems with Host Configuration

Problem: The following HCON problems relate to the configuration of the host system and the control unit.

Host Panel Does Not Display on the Emulator

Problem: For a coaxial connection to a control unit, the host panel does not display on the emulator screen.

Press the Clear key and then the Enter key to receive the initial screen. If the screen does not display, check for and correct the following:

For more information, see "Configuring Hosts for HCON".

File Transfer Time Out on a Mainframe Host

Problem: The file transfer times out on a mainframe host.

Solution: Check for and correct the following:

Program Checks Occur During File Transfer

Problem: Program checks occur during a file transfer while running an application program interface (API). This problem occurs under non-SNA DFT attachments when using the pvm or pass-through facility on the host if the Maximum I/O Buffer Size characteristic is greater than 3456 bytes.

Solution: Check and correct the Maximum I/O Buffer Size in the session profile.

Time Outs When Messages Are Longer Than 4096 bytes

Problem: The API or the file transfer times out when messages longer than 4096 bytes are sent to the host computer.

Solution: Refer to "Configuring Hosts for HCON" for the type of host or control unit involved.

Problems with Host Configuration and the HCON Session Profile

The following HCON problems relate to how the host configuration is reflected in the session profile.

+z_505 or +z_504 Is Displayed in the OIA

Problem: When running a SNA standalone session, +z_505 or +z_504 is displayed in the Operator Information Area (OIA).

Solution: This can occur if the SNA Services attachment is inactive.

SNA Session Handshaking (BIND) Fails

Problem: The SNA session handshaking (BIND) fails.

Solution: Review any BIND-related messages displayed on the screen or in the $HOME/hconerrors file. Report the error using your local problem reporting procedures.

Problems with SNA Node T2.1 Emulation Using LU Type 1, 2, and 3

The following HCON problems relate to SNA Node T2.1 emulation using LU type 1, 2, and 3. The diagnosis may apply to either a SNA standalone (Node T2.1) display or a printer session.

Note: Several of the following solutions require contact with the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) administrator.

The VTAM administrator may need to know the LU name, LU address, or station address for your session. This information can be obtained using SMIT to examine pertinent SNA Services profiles. The HCON session profile (SNA Logical Connection profile characteristic) names the corresponding SNA Services Connection profile. The SNA Services Connection profile names a local LU profile that in turn contains the LU address or LU name associated with your HCON session.

The Connection profile also names an attachment profile that in turn names a Logical Link profile. The Logical Link profile contains the Secondary Station address associated with your HCON session.

Problem: The emulator displays a blank screen at startup. The OIA ready indicators are 2 < .

If this is a display session, then the NOTIFY SUPPORT setting may not have been specified in the SNA Services LU Connection profile for this session. If this is a printer session, then no further action is necessary because this condition is normal when an SNA standalone printer session is in conversation with the SSCP.

Problem: For a display session, press the Enter key to see the SSCP screen. To avoid this problem in the future, set NOTIFY SUPPORT to yes in the SNA LU Connection Profile for this session. The HCON session profile (SNA Logical Connection Profile characteristic) names the corresponding SNA Services connection profile.

Emulator Displays a Blank Screen

The emulator displays a blank screen. The OIA ready indicators are 2 ? or 2B? . An X -f (unavailable function) indicator appears whenever an AID key is pressed. The communications link may have been varied off by the host.

Contact the VTAM administrator to check the line status and to vary it on, if necessary.

LU Definition Messages and OIA Indicators (2B<) Are Displayed

Problem: The SNA standalone display session shows the following messages and OIA indicators:

This LU is defined as a printer (LU 1 or LU 3). On a display
enter command with an override for the log mode name.
Enter application access code or logon command.

The OIA ready indicators are:


The host VTAM configuration and HCON session type disagree.

Solution: Perform one of the following operations:

084B0000 Sense Code Received

Problem: The host indicates that a 084B0000 sense code was received for certain LUs while initiating communication with SNA Services.

The message displayed at the host will be similar to:


In this example, the host sent an ACTLU to LU name NDMLU, whose LU address was not defined in any of the SNA Local Logical Unit profiles associated with the attachment (PU).

Solution: This is a normal occurrence. The host sends ACTLUs to request activation of each LU defined for a given PU (as determined by the VTAM definition).

In the event that some of these LUs do not have a corresponding Local Logical Unit and connection profile definitions for the attachment in SNA Services, the host ACTLU requests for these LUs are rejected by SNA with a 084B sense code.

Note: The error does not affect the HCON SNA standalone session operation.

0831 Sense Code Received During Printer Session

Problem: The host's print spooler indicates a 0831 sense code was received from an HCON SNA standalone printer session.

Solution: The independent LU setting in the SNA Services Local LU profiles is incorrect for the HCON printer session.

Perform one of the following operations:

  1. Export your SNA profiles. From a local system prompt, enter:
    exportsna -f /tmp/snaprofs
    Substitute the name of any desired file to hold the exported data for /tmp/snaprofs .
  2. Edit the exported profiles using a text editor. Change all occurrences of independent_lu = yes in your LU 1, 2, and 3 Local Logical Unit profile descriptions to independent_lu = no .

    If you have no LU6.2 logical units, use the global search and replace options. For example,

    %s/independent_lu = yes/independent_lu = no/g
    can be entered from the vi : (colon) line.
  3. Import your modified profiles. At the local system prompt, enter:
    importsna -l /tmp/snaprofs
    Substitute the file name used in step 1 for the /tmp/snaprofs portion.
  4. Verify your imported profiles. At the local system prompt, enter:
  5. To activate the changes, restart the SNA server. For information on starting and stopping SNA Services, refer to the SNA documentation.

Invalid Session Parameter Specified

Problem: Host print spooler encounters an error similar to the following while attempting to send data to an HCON SNA standalone session:


The host VTAM configuration and HCON session type disagree.

Solution: Perform one of the following operations:

Host Data Rejected

Problem: HCON SNA Standalone LU type 1 (standard character set (SCS)) printer session rejects host data. The OIA ready indicators 2B" and the 756 program check, X PROG756 , can be seen briefly before the printer session unbinds (returning to the SSCP session).

The host print spooler may indicate the print request was rejected with a 1003 sense code.

The host VTAM definition for the printer session LU may have specified Function Management Header (FMH) support while the host print application did not properly format SCS printer data for FMH transmission.

Solution: Perform one of the following operations:

SNA Node T2.1 Sense Codes

The sense codes in the following table describe SNA standalone (Node T2.1) conditions only.

SNA Node T2.1 Sense Codes
Sense Code Sub Code Description
081B 0000 SSCP-LU data was received while conversing on the LU-LU session.
082D 0000 LU-LU data was received while conversing on the SSCP-LU session.
082F 0000 The print spooling program failed. The emulator issued a 793 program check.
0863 0000 An SFE (start field extended), MF (modify field), or SA (set attribute) 3270 order was received by the emulator with an invalid character set value. The emulator generated a 751 program check.
0871 0000 Read Partition SF (start field) received while in retry state. The emulator generated a 729 program check.
1001 0000 The RU data was rejected either due to error-recovery actions taking place in HCON, or because of program checks generated by the emulator that could not be described better by another sense code.
1003 0000 One of the following conditions was intercepted: A. An EWA (erase/write alternate) 3270 command was received for a static screen size. Screen size determination is made by byte 24 of the BIND (values 0x02 and 0x7E (126) specify static sizes). B. A WSF (write structured field) 3270 command was received without extended data stream support indication in the BIND (bit 0 of byte 15 of the BIND image was 0). C. The emulator detected one of the following program checks: 750: An invalid or unsupported 3270 command was received. 753: Extraneous data followed an RM (read modified), RMA (read modified all), RB (read buffer), or EAU (erase all unprotected) 3270 command, or invalid SCS control code (0x2Bnn) was issued. 756: An invalid or unsupported SF (structured field) type was   received. 758: A SRM (set reply mode) SF (structured field) was received which specified an invalid mode. 760: Reserved locations in the received SF (structured field) were not 0. 771: The received SF (structured field) contained an invalid 3270 command.
1005 0000 The emulator detected one of the following program checks:   752: Invalid 3270 address parameter for an SBA (set buffer address),   RA (repeat to address), or EUA (erase unprotected to address) order.   MF (modify field) order attempted to act on an incorrect 3270 field   location (notified attribute).   754: Insufficient data supplied with an SA (set attribute), SBA (set   buffer address), SF (start field), SFE (start field extended), MF   (modify field), RA (repeat to address), or GE (graphic escape) order.   759: SF (start field) order length was incorrect.   761: PID (partition ID) was invalid for query or SF (start field) order.   791: Invalid SCS SHF (set horizontal format) or SVF (set vertical   format) parameter was issued.   792: Invalid SCS SLD (set line density) parameter was received.
1008 2009 The received outbound FMH indicated an incorrect FMH length. Byte 0 of the FMH header was not 0x06.
1008 200B The received outbound FMH selected a DSSEL (unsupported destination). Bits 0-2 of byte 4 of the FMH were not B'011' BEDS (begin and end destination selection).
1008 200D The received outbound FMH indicated an unsupported DST (data set transmission) format. Bit 3 of byte 4 of the FMH was 1 BEF (basic exchange format).
1008 2019 The received outbound FMH contained an unsupported SRI (stack reference indicator). Bit 0 of byte 3 of the FMH was 1 (the receiver's send stack).
1008 4001 The received outbound FMH indicated an unsupported FMH type. Bits 1-7 of byte 1 of the FMH were not 0x01.
1008 4003 The received outbound FMH indicated CMI (RU data compression). Bit 5 of byte 4 of the FMH was 1.
1008 4004 The received outbound FMH indicated CPI (RU data compaction). Bit 6 of byte 4 of the FMH was 1.
1008 4007 The received outbound FMH indicated an unsupported data medium (other than the console). Bits 0-3 of byte 2 of the FMHs were not 0x0.
1008 4009 The received outbound FMH indicated FMH concatenation. Bit 0 of byte 1 of the FMH was 1.
1008 400A The received outbound FMH indicated an unsupported demand select option. Bit 1 of byte 3 of the FMH was 1. Spooling was prohibited.
1008 400C The received outbound FMH indicated an unsupported data medium sub-address. Bits 4-7 of byte 2 of the FMH were not 0x0.
1008 400E The received outbound FMH selected an unsupported DSP (data stream profile). Bits 4-7 of byte 3 of the FMH were not 0xb (structured field DSP).

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