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3270 Host Connection Program 2.1 and 1.3.3 for AIX: Guide and Reference

lshcons Command


Lists the characteristics of an Host Connection Program (HCON) session profile.


lshcons-n SessionName -t SessionType ] [ -F OutputFormat ] [ -N LoginName ]


The lshcons command (list HCON session) formats and sends all parameters associated with a specified HCON session profile to standard output.

If the -n SessionName is used, the lshcons command lists the parameters for the profile identified by the SessionName variable. If the -t SessionType flag is entered, the lshcons command lists the default profile values for the specified session type. If neither flag is entered, the command lists the default values for a distributed function terminal (DFT) display session.

The information is presented in either of two formats, as specified by the -F OutputFormat flag. All data displayed is for the user identified by the -N LoginName flag or identified by the current login name.

The System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) calls the lshcons command to list profile information. The command can also be issued at the command line.

You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

smit lshcons

The lshcons command can also be issued from the command line.

Note: All HCON users can issue the lshcons command to list information about their own session profiles. Someone with root user authority can issue the command to list information about any HCON user's session profiles.


-n SessionName Specifies the name of a previously defined session profile whose characteristics are to be listed. The session profile name is a single character in the range of a through z. Capital letters are interpreted as lowercase letters.
  1. The specified session profile must have been previously defined using the smit hcon or mkhcons command.
  2. The -n flag cannot be used with the -t flag.
-F OutputFormat Specifies the format of the output. Must be one of the following:
d SMIT command to discover format (used by SMIT)
s Show session format (default when the -F flag is not specified)
-t SessionType Lists the default profile values for the specified type. The SessionType variable must be one of the following:
dt DFT display session (default when the -t flag is not specified)
dp Non-SNA DFT printer session
ht System/370 Host Interface Adapter (HIA) display session
st Systems Network Architecture (SNA) standalone display session
sp SNA standalone printer session
tt TCP/IP display session
Note: The -t flag cannot be used with the -n flag.
-N LoginName Specifies a valid HCON user name. If the -N flag is not used, the lshcons command uses the current login name.
Note: Either the name specified by the LoginName variable or the current login name must have been previously defined using the smit hcon command or mkhconu command.

Return Values

The lshcons command returns a value of 0 if successful. If an error occurs, the command returns a value identifying the failure.

Error Codes

14 ODM Fatal Error: The database may be damaged. Use local problem reporting procedures.
19 The database is either damaged or deleted. Use local problem reporting procedures.
21 The user who issued the lshcons command does not have access to the profiles for the user specified by the LoginName variable (or the current user if the -N flag was not used).
22 Either the user specified by the LoginName variable or the current user is not defined to HCON.
27 The -t and -n flags cannot both be specified.
28 The session type specified with the -t flag is not valid.
29 The user issuing the command specified an option that is not valid.
30 The command cannot obtain the current user name. This message can occur only when the -N flag is not specified.
31 The session name specified with the -n flag does not exist.
34 The -n flag was specified without a SessionName variable.
50 Cannot initiate an ODM connection.
52 The session name specified with the -n flag is not valid.
57 Specified output parameter (-F flag) is not valid.
61 You did not specify a parameter for one of the flags.


  1. To view the characteristics of session b for user bob , enter:
    lshcons -n -N bob
    This command shows the session profile characteristics in the s (show session) format, which is the default. If session b is a DFT display session, the output is similar to the following:
    View DFT Display Session
    Session name                                 b
    Session use                                  documentation
    Communication device                         3270c0
    3270 model (rows x columns)                  3 (43 x 80)
    Language                                     English (U.S.A.)
    Keyboard table                               /home/bob/keytable
    Color table                                  /home/bob/colortable
    File used by SAVES key                       /home/bob/e789_save
    File used by REPLS key                       /home/bob/e789_repl
    Local Printer used by PRINT key              lp0
    Host type                                    CMS
    Host login ID                                BOB
    Host file transfer program                   IND$FILE
    File transfer direction                      down
    File transfer wait period (minutes)          0
    File transfer recovery time (minutes)        0
    Autolog Node ID                              RPS
    Autolog Trace                                Yes
    Autolog Timeout (Seconds)                    10
    Maximum I/O buffer size (bytes)              3456
    Note: You must have root user authority to view a session profile belonging to another user.
  2. To view the current user's default characteristics for an SNA display session, enter:
    lshcons -t st


/usr/bin/lshcons Contains the lshcons command.
$HOME/usrdflts Contains session profile defaults.
$HOME/usrdflts.vc Contains session profile defaults.
$HOME/usrprofs Contains a user's session profiles.
$HOME/usrprofs.vc Contains a user's session profiles.

Related Information

To create an HCON user, use SMIT or the mkhconu command. To list HCON users, use SMIT or the lshconu command.

To list existing HCON session profiles, use SMIT or the lshconp command. To find out the session type of an existing profile, use the clhcons command.

To remove an HCON session profile, use SMIT or the rmhcons command.

To start SMIT for use with HCON, use the smit hcon command.

To set up a session profile for HCON, use SMIT or the mkhcons command. To modify an existing profile, use SMIT or the chhcons command.

Maintaining HCON and HCON Sessions and Session Profiles.

System Management Interface Tool (SMIT): Overview in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices discusses using the System Management Interface Tool.

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