AIX Version 4.3
Award-winning UNIX

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Product description

IBM's award-winning UNIX operating system, AIX 4.3, has been enhanced to deliver even more in scalability, security, connectivity, performance, interoperability, and usability.

AIX 4.3 is an integrated operating environment that supports both 32- and 64-bit RS/6000® systems in their full range of scalability while providing improved software features for both environments. On 64-bit systems, AIX 4.3 provides full interoperability and coexistence between 32- and 64-bit applications with processes that may run concurrently or cooperatively, sharing access to files, memory, and other system services. The inclusion of Java as part of the base operating system enables AIX to be Java-ready for both Java client and Java server applications. Best of all, the binary compatibility support of AIX 4.3 helps assure continuing application availability across AIX Version 4 releases.

Feature and Benefits

System scalability

64-bit support Binary compatibility Web-based system management Java Development Kit (JDK) V1.1.6 Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) eNetwork™ LDAP Directory HTML-based documentation X11R6 3D graphics AutoFS, CacheFS from ONC+ suite Direct I/O Zero-Copy File System-to-Network I/O Telnet performance enhancements Multilingual support Security Standards leadership AIX Bonus Pack

Internet and e-business ready

AIX 4.3 technology enables systems to perform as robust Internet servers. The AIX 4.3 networking subsystem incorporates enhancements to the TCP/IP stack, directory services, and I/O subsystem which increase server capacity and scalability for Internet environments. Many of these performance benefits are automatic upon migrating to AIX 4.3, while even more performance options are available to application developers.

Systems management

AIX 4.3 uses an innovative Web-based system manager that enables management of AIX systems on the Internet from "anywhere" via an intuitive, object-oriented, easy-to-use graphical user interface. By operating in both application mode on AIX 4.3 with Java 1.1 and in applet mode on platforms that support Java 1.1, RS/6000 systems can be managed from another RS/6000 or from other Web-enabled clients.

The Web-based system manager contains TaskGuides that simplify unfamiliar or complex operations and provides applications for all major AIX systems management tasks. One TaskGuide application is the Configuration Assistant that launches automatically after a user completes base operating system install. Its intuitive interface guides the user through tasks, such as setting system time, date, and the root password as well as managing paging space and configuring TCP/IP.

AIX 4.3 users have easier access to system information since most AIX and RS/6000 libraries are converted to HTML and are viewable through HTML 3.2-enabled browsers. Systems administrators can view documentation, navigate through hyperlinks, and search from any system that supports a forms-enabled browser.

PC File & Print

AIX Fast Connect, an optional higher-performance file and print feature for AIX 4.3.2, supports Microsoft Windows 95, 98 and NT, and OS/2 clients. It uses AIX services for efficiency, scalability and reliability with throughput among the fastest of the file and print servers commercially available on AIX. It runs on all RS/6000 systems including the RS/6000 SP.

Development tools

For application developers, AIX supports a full complement of development tools, including IBM VisualAge® C++ and VisualAge for Java, available on the AIX 4.3 Bonus Pack. These tools deliver best-of- breed Integrated Development Environments (IDE) to help you quickly turn your design into productive systems.

Standards leadership

In addition to providing familiar interfaces and applications, AIX 4.3 addresses the language concerns of global companies by offering broad internationalization support for native languages and character sets, based on the widely supported Unicode 2.0 specifications.

In support of developing systems management standards, an optional preload of Tivoli Management Agent can make AIX Tivoli-ready, and the Agent is also included in the AIX 4.3 Bonus Pack.

AIX 4.3 is a leader in its adherence to operating system standards. It is UNIX 98 branded and X/Open XPG4 branded. AIX 4.3 also complies with the Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments (POSIX®) IEEE1003.1-1996 (1003.1c).

AIX 4.3 as a link to the future...

AIX 4.3 is the base for IBM's enhancements and integration of state-of-the-art technologies well into the future. In October 1998, Project Monterey was announced as an exciting new initiative involving IBM, Intel, SCO and Sequent. It will result in a single UNIX product line that exploits IBM's power and Intel's IA-32 and IA-64 architectures. This will provide customers with a strong, enterprise-ready UNIX environment with common features across IBM RISC, Intel 32-bit and Intel 64-bit microprocessor platforms.

AIX Version 4.3.2 is EuroReady and, used in accordance with associated documentation, is capable of correctly processing monetary data in the Euro denomination respecting the Euro currency formatting conventions (including the Euro symbol). This assumes that all other products (i.e., hardware, software, firmware, etc.) used with this product are also EuroReady.

AIX 4.3 is Year 2000 ready.* When used in accordance with its associated documentation, it is capable of correctly processing date data between the 20th and 21st centuries, provided all other products used with it properly exchange date data.

IBM publishes its Year 2000 and Euro platforms information and maintains its current list of Year 2000 ready applications on the World Wide Web at and specific RS/6000 information can be found at

Backed by IBM

AIX 4.3 provides an environment for RS/6000 systems that delivers new technologies for your growing computing, networking, and business needs while maintaining a stable environment for the applications you depend on today. And, like all RS/6000 products, AIX is backed by IBM's worldwide support.

More information

* Some releases of AIX may require updates to become Year 2000 ready.

Feature and Benefits

System scalability

64-bit support Binary compatibility Web-based system management Java Development Kit (JDK) V1.1.6 Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) eNetwork™ LDAP Directory HTML-based documentation X11R6 3D graphics AutoFS, CacheFS from ONC+ suite Direct I/O Zero-Copy File System-to-Network I/O Telnet performance enhancements Multilingual support Security Standards leadership AIX Bonus Pack