pSeries & RS/6000 Microcode Updates
Use this page to keep your microcode (also called machine code) current with the latest available microcode updates. You can view what's  new to see a list of microcode releases for systems, adapters and devices sorted by release date with the most recent releases on top.
 Determining your current microcode level and obtaining updates
To determine your currently installed microcode level, refer to the tables on the download page. Find the row for  your machine type and model, then click on the link [Description] in the third column. This page will provide information on determining your currently installed microcode level. Select the microcode to upgrade. 
On the download page you can obtain microcode  updates individually or download an "iso" image of "The Microcode Updates and Discovery Tool CD" that includes all the microcode available on the download page.
 Accepting license agreement
Once you selected microcode to download, you will be presented with a license agreement that you must accept before  you will be allowed to complete the download.

Don't remember the download procedure? ... Refer to the microcode download procedure.

 Being informed of updates
To be informed of future updates, subscribe to the pSeries Subscription Service. Choose 'Subscribe/Setup' to start the subscription process.
 Web-based Microcode Discovery Service
The web-based discovery tool, can assist you to identify your microcode, whether it is current or downlevel, and where to acquire the current level.  The Discovery Tool  is available in AIX 5100-4 ML or AIX 5200-2 ML.
 About pSeries & RS/6000 Microcode
Understand why it's a good idea to keep your  microcode current.