Command and Technical Reference

IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX
Command and
Technical Reference

Version 2 Release 4


Program Number: 5765-529


Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under "Notices".

Fifth Edition (February 1998)

This is a major revision of GC23-3900-04.

This edition applies to Version 2 Release 4 of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) Licensed Program, program number 5765-529, and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Significant changes or additions to the text and illustrations are indicated by a vertical line (|) to the left of the change.

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Table of Contents

  • Notices
  • Trademarks
  • Publicly Available Software
  • About This Book
  • Who Should Use This Book
  • How This Book Is Organized
  • Command Format
  • Typographic Conventions
  • Accessing Online Information
  • Related Publications
  • Other IBM Publications
  • Non-IBM Publications
  • Manual Pages for Public Code

  • Command Reference

  • Commands
  • System Partitioning and Commands
  • add_principal
  • allnimres
  • arp
  • cfghsd
  • cfghsdvsd
  • cfgvsd
  • chgcss
  • chkp
  • cksumvsd
  • cmonacct
  • cprdaily
  • cptuning
  • create_krb_files
  • createhsd
  • createvsd
  • crunacct
  • cshutdown
  • CSS_test
  • cstartup
  • ctlhsd
  • ctlvsd
  • defhsd
  • defvsd
  • delnimclient
  • delnimmast
  • dsh
  • dshbak
  • Eannotator
  • Eclock
  • Eduration
  • Efence
  • emconditionctrl Script
  • emonctrl Script
  • Emonitor Daemon
  • enadmin
  • endefadapter
  • endefnode
  • enrmadapter
  • enrmnode
  • Eprimary
  • Equiesce
  • Estart
  • Etopology
  • Eunfence
  • Eunpartition
  • export_clients
  • ext_srvtab
  • fencevsd
  • get_vpd
  • ha_vsd
  • ha.vsd
  • hacws_verify
  • haemcfg
  • haemctrl Script
  • haemd Daemon
  • haemloadcfg
  • haemtrcoff
  • haemtrcon
  • haemunlkrm
  • hagsctrl Script
  • hagsd Daemon
  • hagsglsmd Daemon
  • hardmon Daemon
  • hats Script
  • hatsctrl Script
  • hb Script
  • hbctrl Script
  • hc.vsd
  • hmadm
  • hmcmds
  • hmmon
  • hmreinit
  • hostlist
  • hr Script
  • hrctrl Script
  • hsdatalst
  • hsdvts
  • ifconfig
  • install_cw
  • install_hacws
  • jm_config
  • jm_install_verify
  • jm_start
  • jm_status
  • jm_stop
  • jm_verify
  • jmcmi_accesscontrol
  • jmcmi_addpool
  • jmcmi_changepool
  • jmcmi_createjmdconfig
  • jmcmi_deletepool
  • jmcmi_servernodes
  • kadmin
  • kadmind Daemon
  • kdb_destroy
  • kdb_edit
  • kdb_init
  • kdb_util
  • kdestroy
  • kerberos Daemon
  • kinit
  • klist
  • kpasswd
  • kprop
  • kpropd Daemon
  • kshd Daemon
  • ksrvtgt
  • ksrvutil
  • kstash
  • locate_jm
  • lppdiff
  • lsfencevsd
  • lshacws
  • lshsd
  • lskp
  • lsvsd
  • mkamdent
  • mkautomap
  • mkconfig
  • mkinstall
  • mkkp
  • mknimclient
  • mknimint
  • mknimmast
  • mknimres
  • ngaddto
  • ngclean
  • ngcreate
  • ngdelete
  • ngdelfrom
  • ngfind
  • nglist
  • ngnew
  • ngresolve
  • nodecond
  • nrunacct
  • p_cat
  • pcp
  • pdf
  • penotify
  • perspectives
  • pexec
  • pexscr
  • pfck
  • pfind
  • pfps
  • pls
  • pmanctrl
  • pmandef
  • pmanquery
  • pmanrmdloadSDR
  • pmv
  • ppred
  • pps
  • preparevsd
  • prm
  • psyslclr
  • psyslrpt
  • rcmdtgt
  • rcp
  • removehsd
  • removevsd
  • resumevsd
  • rmkp
  • rsh
  • SDR_test
  • SDRAddSyspar
  • SDRArchive
  • SDRChangeAttrValues
  • SDRClearLock
  • SDRCreateAttrs
  • SDRCreateClass
  • SDRCreateFile
  • SDRCreateObjects
  • SDRCreateSystemClass
  • SDRCreateSystemFile
  • SDRDeleteFile
  • SDRDeleteObjects
  • SDRGetObjects
  • SDRListClasses
  • SDRListFiles
  • SDRMoveObjects
  • SDRRemoveSyspar
  • SDRReplaceFile
  • SDRRestore
  • SDRRetrieveFile
  • SDRWhoHasLock
  • seqfile
  • services_config
  • sethacws
  • setup_authent
  • setup_CWS
  • setup_logd
  • setup_server
  • sp_configd
  • sp_configdctrl Script
  • spacctnd
  • spacs_cntrl
  • spadaptrs
  • spapply_config
  • spbootins
  • spchuser
  • spcustomize_syspar
  • spcw_addevents
  • spcw_apps
  • spdeladap
  • spdelfram
  • spdelnode
  • spdisplay_config
  • spethernt
  • spevent
  • spframe
  • spget_syspar
  • spgetdesc
  • sphardware
  • sphostnam
  • sphrdwrad
  • splm
  • splogd Daemon
  • splst_syspars
  • splst_versions
  • splstadapters
  • splstdata
  • splstnodes
  • splsuser
  • spmgrd Daemon
  • spmkuser
  • spmon
  • spmon_ctest
  • spmon_itest
  • spperfmon
  • sprestore_config
  • sprmuser
  • spsitenv
  • spsvrmgr
  • spsyspar
  • spverify_config
  • spvsd
  • startvsd
  • statvsd
  • stopvsd
  • supfilesrv Daemon
  • supper
  • suspendvsd
  • sysctl
  • sysctld Daemon
  • SYSMAN_test
  • syspar_ctrl
  • sysparaid
  • s1term
  • ucfghsd
  • ucfghsdvsd
  • ucfgvsd
  • unallnimres
  • undefhsd
  • undefvsd
  • unfencevsd
  • updatehsd
  • updatevsdnode
  • updatevsdtab
  • verparvsd
  • vhostname
  • vsdatalst
  • vsdchgserver
  • vsddiag
  • vsdelnode
  • vsdelvg
  • vsdnode
  • vsdsklst
  • vsdvg
  • vsdvgts
  • vsdvts

  • Technical Reference

  • RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information
  • auto.master File
  • haemloadlist File
  • hmacls File
  • .klogin File
  • Kerberos
  • krb.conf File
  • krb.realms File
  • SDR_dest_info File
  • sysctl.acl File
  • sysctl.conf File
  • tuning.commercial File
  • tuning.default File
  • tuning.development File
  • tuning.scientific File
  • SP Subroutines
  • getvhostname Subroutine
  • hacws_set Subroutine
  • hacws_stat Subroutine
  • LAPI_Address Subroutine
  • LAPI_Address_init Subroutine
  • LAPI_Amsend Subroutine
  • LAPI_Fence Subroutine
  • LAPI_Get Subroutine
  • LAPI_Getcntr Subroutine
  • LAPI_Gfence Subroutine
  • LAPI_Init Subroutine
  • LAPI_Msg_string Subroutine
  • LAPI_Probe Subroutine
  • LAPI_Put Subroutine
  • LAPI_Qenv Subroutine
  • LAPI_Rmw Subroutine
  • LAPI_Senv Subroutine
  • LAPI_Setcntr Subroutine
  • LAPI_Term Subroutine
  • LAPI_Waitcntr Subroutine
  • setvhostname Subroutine
  • swclockGetIncrement Subroutine
  • swclockInit Subroutine
  • swclockRead Subroutine
  • swclockReadSec Subroutine
  • swclockTerm Subroutine

  • Appendixes

  • Appendix A. Perspectives Colors and Fonts
  • Perspectives Colors with Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) Triplets
  • Perspectives Fonts
  • Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations

  • Index

  • Notices

    References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any of IBM's intellectual property rights may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or service. Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, except those expressly designated by IBM, are the user's responsibility.

    IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:

    IBM Director of Licensing
    IBM Corporation
    500 Columbus Avenue
    Thornwood, NY 10594

    Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged, should contact:

    IBM Corporation
    Mail Station P300
    522 South Road
    Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-5400
    Attention: Information Request

    Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee.


    The following terms are trademarks of the International Business machines Corporation in the United States and/or countries:

    RS/6000 Scalable POWERparallel Systems
    Scalable POWERparallel Systems

    Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows 95 logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

    UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.

    Other company, product, and service names, which may be denoted by a double asterisk (**), may be trademarks or service marks of others.

    Publicly Available Software

    This product includes software that is publicly available:

    Programmed dialogue with interactive programs

    Provides authentication of the execution of remote commands

    Network Time Protocol

    Practical Extraction and Report Language

    Software Update Protocol

    Tool Command Language

    Tool Command Language Extended

    Tcl-based Tool Kit for X-windows

    This book discusses the use of these products only as they apply specifically to the SP system. The distribution for these products includes the source code and associated documentation. (Kerberos does not ship source code.) /usr/lpp/ssp/public contains the compressed tar files of the publicly available software. (IBM has made minor modifications to the versions of Tcl and Tk used in the SP system to improve their security characteristics. Therefore, the IBM-supplied versions do not match exactly the versions you may build from the compressed tar files.) All copyright notices in the documentation must be respected. You can find version and distribution information for each of these products that are part of your selected install options in the /usr/lpp/ssp/README/ssp.public.README file.

    About This Book

    The IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference provides detailed syntax and parameter information for all commands you can use to install, customize, and maintain the IBM RS/6000 SP system.

    Other books that help you administer and use the SP system include:

    This book applies to PSSP Version 2 Release 4. To find out what version of PSSP is running on your control workstation, enter the following:

    SDRGetObjects SP code_version

    In response, the system displays something similar to:


    If the response indicates PSSP-2.4, this book applies to the version of PSSP that is running on your system.

    To find out what version of PSSP is running on the nodes of your system, enter the following from your control workstation:

    splst_versions -G -t

    In response, the system displays something similar to:

    1 PSSP-2.4
    2 PSSP-2.4
    7 PSSP-2.3
    8 PSSP-2.3

    If the response indicates PSSP-2.4, this book applies to the version of PSSP that is running on your system.

    If you are running mixed levels of PSSP, be sure to maintain and refer to the appropriate documentation for whatever versions of PSSP you are running.

    Who Should Use This Book

    This book is intended for anyone not familiar with the syntax and use of the RS/6000 SP commands.

    How This Book Is Organized

    This book consists of three parts. Part 1 of this book is the Command Reference. It contains RS/6000 SP commands which are organized alphabetically. Part 2 of this book is the Technical Reference. It contains RS/6000 SP files, subroutines, and other technical information. Part 3 of this book is the Appendix. It lists Perspectives colors and fonts.

    The back of the book includes a glossary and an index.

    Vertical bars (|) to the left of the text in this book indicate changes or additions.

    Command Format

    The commands in this book are in the following format:

    Provides the name of the command and a brief description of its purpose.

    Includes a diagram that summarizes the use of the command.

    Lists and describes the options that control the behavior of the command.

    Lists and describes the objects on which the command operates.

    Includes a complete description of the command.

    Lists any RS/6000 SP system files that are read, employed, referred to, or written to by the command, or that are otherwise relevant to its use.

    Standard Input
    Describes what this command reads from standard input.

    Standard Output
    Describes what this command writes to standard output.

    Standard Error
    Describes what and when this command writes to standard error.

    Exit Values
    Describes the values returned and the conditions that caused the values to be returned.

    Describes who can run this command and provides other security-related information.

    Lists restrictions beyond the security restrictions described previously.

    Implementation Specifics
    Identifies the package of each individual command.

    Prerequisite Information
    Provides a pointer to other documents that would enhance the user's understanding of this command.

    Specifies the location of the command.

    Related Information
    Lists RS/6000 SP commands, functions, file formats, and special files that are employed by the command, that have a purpose which is related to that of the command, or that are otherwise of interest within the context of the command. Also listed are related RS/6000 SP documents, other related documents, and miscellaneous information related to the command.

    Provides examples of ways in which the command is typically used.

    Typographic Conventions

    This book uses the following typographic conventions:
    Typographic Usage

    • Bold words or characters represent system elements that you must use literally, such as commands, flags, and path names.

    • Bold words also indicate the first use of a term included in the glossary.


    • Italic words or characters represent variable values that you must supply.

    • Italics are also used for book titles and for general emphasis in text.

    Constant width Examples and information that the system displays appear in constant width typeface.
    [ ] Brackets enclose optional items in format and syntax descriptions.
    { } Braces enclose a list from which you must choose an item in format and syntax descriptions.
    | A vertical bar separates items in a list of choices. (In other words, it means "or.")
    < > Angle brackets (less-than and greater-than) enclose the name of a key on the keyboard. For example, <Enter> refers to the key on your terminal or workstation that is labeled with the word Enter.
    ... An ellipsis indicates that you can repeat the preceding item one or more times.
    <Ctrl-x> The notation <Ctrl-x> indicates a control character sequence. For example, <Ctrl-c> means that you hold down the control key while pressing <c>.

    Accessing Online Information

    In order to use the PSSP man pages or access the PSSP online (HTML) publications, the file set must first be installed. To view the PSSP online publications, you also need access to an HTML document browser such as Netscape. An index to the HTML files that are provided with the file set is installed in the /usr/lpp/ssp/html directory.

    Obtaining Documentation

    You can view this book or download a PostScript version of it from the IBM RS/6000 web site at At the time this manual was published, the full path was However, the structure of the RS/6000 web site can change over time.

    Related Publications

    Here are some related publications.

    RS/6000 SP Publications

    Parallel System Support Programs for AIX Publications

    As an alternative to ordering the individual books, you can use SBOF-8587 to order the entire SP software library.

    IBM Virtual Shared Disk and IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk Publication

    Performance Monitor Publication

    General Parallel File System for AIX Publication

    LoadLeveler Publications

    Parallel Environment for AIX Publications

    As an alternative to ordering the individual books, you can use SBOF-8588 to order the entire Parallel Environment for AIX library.

    Client Input Output/Sockets (CLIO/S) Publications

    Parallel I/O File System Publications

    Network Tape Access and Control System for AIX (NetTAPE) Publications

    Other IBM Publications

    Here are some other IBM publications that you may find helpful.

    International Technical Support Organization Publications (Red Books)

    AIX and RS/6000 Publications


    Network Queueing System/MVS (NQS/MVS)

    Network Connectivity

    RS/6000 SP Switch Router

    Order according to RS/6000 SP Switch Router model:

    You can order the RS/6000 SP Switch Router as the IBM 9077.


    Non-IBM Publications

    Here are some non-IBM publications that you may find helpful.

    Parallel Computing


    Manual Pages for Public Code

    The following manual pages for public code are available in this product:




    Perl (Version 4.036)




    Perl (Version 5.003)
    Man pages are in the /usr/lpp/ssp/perl5/man/man1 directory

    Manual pages and other documentation for Tcl, TclX, Tk, and expect can be found in the compressed tar files located in /usr/lpp/ssp/public.

    Command Reference


    This part of the book contains the RS/6000 SP commands.

    To access the RS/6000 SP online manual pages, set the MANPATH environment variable as follows:

    for ksh
    export MANPATH=$MANPATH:/usr/lpp/ssp/man
    for csh
    setenv MANPATH $MANPATH\:/usr/lpp/ssp/man

    System Partitioning and Commands

    When you partition your system, you create one or more system partitions which, for most tasks, function as separate and distinct logical RS/6000 SP systems. Most commands function within the boundary of the system partition in which they are executed. A number of commands, however, continue to treat the RS/6000 SP as a single entity and do not respect system partition boundaries. That is, in their normal function they may affect a node or other entity outside of the current system partition. In addition, some commands which normally function only within the current system partition have been given a new parameter which, when used, allows the scope of that command to exceed the boundaries of the current system partition.

    On the control workstation, the administrator is in an environment for one system partition at a time. The SP_NAME environment variable identifies the system partition to subsystems. (If this environment variable is not set, the system partition is defined by the primary: stanza in the /etc/SDR_dest_info file.) Most tasks performed on the control workstation that get information from the System Data Repository (SDR) will get the information for that particular system partition.

    In managing multiple system partitions, it is helpful to open a window for each system partition. You can set and export the SP_NAME environment variable in each window and set up the window title bar or shell prompt with the system partition name. The following script is an example:

    # !/bin/ksh
      for i in 'splst_syspars'
         syspar='host $i | cut -f 1 -d"."'
         echo "Opening the $syspar partition environment"
         sleep 2
         export SP_NAME=$syspar
         aixterm -T "Work Environment for CWS 'hostname -s' - View: $syspar" -ls -sb &
    .profile addition:
    # Added for syspar environment setup
      if [ "'env | grep SP_NAME | cut -d= -f1'" = SP_NAME ]
            PS1="['hostname -s'<p>"$SP_NAME] ['$PWD]> '
            PS1="['hostname -s']["'$PWD]< '
      export ENV

    As a user, you can check what system partition you're in with the command:

    spget_syspar -n

    The following table summarizes those commands which can exceed the boundary of the current system partition. Unless otherwise stated, commands not listed in this table have as their scope the current system partition.
    Command Effect
    arp Can reference any node (by its host name) in any system partition.
    Automounter commands Host names need not be in the current system partition.
    crunacct Merges accounting data from all nodes regardless of system partition boundaries.
    cshutdown -G The -G flag allows specification of target nodes outside of the current system partition.
    cstartup -G The -G flag allows specification of target nodes outside of the current system partition.
    dsh -w{hostname | -}

    Hosts added to the working collective by host name need not be in the current system partition.
    dsh -aG The -G flag modifies the -a flag (all nodes in the current system partition) by expanding the scope to all nodes in the entire physical SP system.
    Eclock There is a single switch clock for the SP regardless of the number of system partitions.
    Efence -G The -G flag allows specification of nodes outside of the current system partition.
    emonctrl -c The system partition-sensitive control script for the emon subsystem supports the -c option, which crosses system partitions.
    Eunfence -G The -G flag allows specification of nodes outside of the current system partition.
    haemctrl -c
    haemctrl -u

    The system partition-sensitive control script for the haem subsystem supports the -c and -u options, which cross system partitions.
    hagsctrl -c
    hagsctrl -u

    The system partition-sensitive control script for the hags subsystem supports the -c and -u options, which cross system partitions.
    hatsctrl -c
    hatsctrl -u

    The system partition-sensitive control script for the hats subsystem supports the -c and -u options, which cross system partitions.
    hbctrl -c The system partition-sensitive control script for the hb subsystem supports the -c option, which crosses system partitions.
    hmcmds -G The -G flag allows the hmcmds commands to be sent to any hardware on the SP system.
    hmmon -G The -G flag allows for the specification of hardware outside of the current system partition.
    hostlist -f filename
    hostlist -w hostname

    Host names need not be in the current system partition.
    hostlist -aG | -nG | -sG The -G flag modifies the -a, -n, or -s flag by expanding the scope to the entire physical SP system.
    hrctrl -c The system partition-sensitive control script for the hr subsystem supports the -c option, which crosses system partitions.
    hsdatalst -G The -G flag causes the display of HSD information to be for all system partitions.
    lppdiff -aG The -G flag modifies the -a flag (all nodes in the current system partition) by expanding the scope to all nodes in the entire physical SP system.
    nodecond -G The -G flag allows specification of a node outside of the current system partition.
    psyslrpt -w hostnames The host names supplied with the -w flag can be in any system partition (the -a flag will select all nodes in the current system partition).
    psyslclr -w hostnames The host names supplied with the -w flag can be in any system partition (the -a flag will select all nodes in the current system partition).
    penotify -w hostnames The host names supplied with the -w flag can be in any system partition (the -a flag will select all nodes in the current system partition).
    pmanctrl -c The system partition-sensitive control script for the pman subsystem supports the -c option, which crosses system partitions.
    Parallel commands:
    • p_cat
    • pcp
    • pdf
    • pfck
    • pexec
    • pexscr
    • pfind
    • pfps
    • pls
    • pmv
    • ppred
    • pps
    • prm
    Parallel commands can take the following options and will behave accordingly:

    Host names specified with -w need not be in the current system partition.

    Nodes specified by noderange must be in the current system partition.

    Host names specified with hostlist options -w or -G need not be in the current system partition (any other hostlist options operate within the current system partition).

    Archives/restores the SDR representing the entire SP.
    SDRGetObjects -G The -G flag allows for retrieval of partitioned class objects from partitions other than the current system partition. Without the -G, objects which are in a partitioned class are retrieved from the current system partition only.
    SDRMoveObjects Moves objects from one system partition to another.
    Other SDR commands SDR commands that create, change or delete values work within the system partition. Note though that System classes (Frame, for example) are shared among all system partitions. Changes to system classes will affect other system partitions.
    Security commands:
    • ext_srvtab
    • kadmin
    • kdb_destroy
    • kdb_edit
    • kdb_init
    • kdb_util
    • kdestroy
    • kinit
    • klist
    • kpasswd
    • kprop
    • ksrvtgt
    • ksrvutil
    • kstash
    • rcmdtgt
    • rcp
    • rsh
    • setup_authent
    The function of these security commands is unchanged under system partitioning. That is, if they previously affected the entire SP, they continue to do so even if the system has been partitioned. If they previously had the ability to affect a remote node (rsh, rcp, for example), that function is unchanged in a system partitioned environment.
    spapply_config Applies a system partition configuration to the entire SP.
    spbootins If a boot server outside of the current system partition is specified, that node is prepared appropriately.
    sp_configdctrl -c The system partition-sensitive control script for the sp_configd subsystem supports the -c option, which crosses system partitions.
    spframe Configures data for one or more frames across the entire SP.
    splm The target nodes defined in the input table can include nodes from any system partition.
    splst_versions -G The -G flag allows for retrieval of PSSP version information from nodes outside the current system partition.
    splstdata -G The -G flag allows display of information on nodes and adapters outside of the current system partition.
    splstadapters -G The -G flag lists information about target adapters outside of the current system partition.
    splstnodes -G The -G flag lists information about target nodes outside of the current system partition.
    spmon -G The -G flag allows specification of nodes outside of the current system partition. The -G flag is required when performing operations on any frame or switch.
    sprestore_config Restores the entire SP SDR from a previously made archive.
    spsitenv Site environment variables are specified for the SP system as a whole. The specification of acct_master= can be any node in the SP regardless of system partition. The specification of install_image= may cause boot server nodes outside of the current system partition to refresh the default installation image they will serve to their nodes.
    spverify_config Verifies the configuration of all system partitions in the SPsystem.
    supper File collections are implemented and managed without respect to system partition boundaries.
    sysctl The Sysctl client can send requests to any node in the SP.
    syspar_ctrl -c -G The -c and -G flags allow for the crossing of system partitions in providing a single interface to the control scripts for the system partition-sensitive subsystems.
    s1term -G The -G flag allows specification of a node outside of the current system partition.
    vsdatalst -G The -G flag causes the display of IBM Virtual Shared Disk information to be for all system partitions.
    vsdsklst -G The -G flag specifies the display of information for disks outside the current system partition.



    add_principal - Creates principals in the authentication database.


    add_principal [-r realm_name] [-v] file_name


    Adds principals to a realm other than the local realm.

    Specifies verbose mode. A message is written to standard output for each principal added to the authentication database.


    Specifies the file containing principal names and passwords to add to the authentication database.


    This command provides an interface to the authentication database to add an entry for a user or service instance, supplying the password used to generate the encrypted private key. The add_principal command is suitable for mass addition of users or multiple instances of servers (for example, SP nodes).

    This command operates noninteractively if you have a valid ticket-granting-ticket (TGT) for your admin instance in the applicable realm. A TGT can be obtained using the kinit command. If you do not have a TGT for the admin instance for the realm in which you are adding principals, or if the add_principal command cannot obtain a service ticket for changing passwords using the admin TGT, the user is prompted for the password for the user's admin instance.

    Administrators use the add_principal command to register new users and services instances to the authentication database. An administrator must have a principal ID with an instance of admin. Also, user_name.admin must appear in the admin_acl.add Access Control List (ACL).

    The add_principal program communicates over the network with the kadmind program, which runs on the machine housing the primary authentication database. The kadmind program creates new entries in the database using data provided by this command.

    When using the add_principal command, the principal's expiration date and maximum ticket lifetime are set to the default values. To override the defaults, the root user must use the kdb_edit command to modify those attributes.

    Input to the program is read from the file specified by the file_name argument. It contains one line of information for each principal to be added, in the following format:

    name[.instance][@realm] password
    Note: The @realm cannot be different from the local realm or the realm argument if the -r option is specified.

    For user entries with a NULL instance, this format matches that of the log file created by the spmkuser command. Any form of white space can surround the two fields. Blank lines are ignored. Any line containing a # as the first nonwhite space character, is treated as a comment.

    Since the input file contains principal identifiers and their passwords, ensure that access to the file is controlled. You should remove the input file containing the unencrypted passwords after using it, or delete the passwords from it.

    The add_principal command does not add principals to an AFS authentication database. If authentication services are provided through AFS, use the AFS kas command to add principals to the database. Refer to the chapter on security in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for an overview.


    Access Control List file.

    Exit Values

    Indicates success. It does not mean that all IDs were added. Individual messages indicate what was added.

    Indicates a failure with an appropriate message.

    Related Information

    Commands: kadmin, kinit, kpasswd, ksrvutil

    Refer to Chapter 2, "RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information" section of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for additional Kerberos information.



    allnimres - Allocates Network Installation Management (NIM) resources from a NIM master to a NIM client.


    allnimres -h | -l node_list


    Displays usage information. If the command is issued with the -h flag, the syntax description is displayed to standard output and no other action is taken (even if other valid flags are entered along with the -h flag).

    -l node_list
    Indicates by node_list the SP nodes to which to allocate installation resources. The node_list is a comma-separated list of node numbers.




    Use this command to allocate all necessary NIM resources to a client based on the client's bootp_response in the System Data Repository (SDR). This includes executing the bos_inst command for allocation of the boot resource and nimscript resource. At the end of this command, nodes are ready to netboot to run installation, diagnostics, or maintenance. If the node's bootp_response is "disk", all NIM resources are deallocated from the node.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: setup_server, unallnimres


    To allocate boot/installation resources to boot/install client nodes 1, 3, and 5 from their respective boot/install servers, enter:

    allnimres -l 1,3,5



    /usr/lpp/ssp/css/arp - Displays and modifies address resolution.


    {host_name | -a [/dev/kmem]} | -d host_name |
    -s type host_name adapter_address [route] [temp] [pub] |
    -f file_name [type]


    Displays all of the current Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) entries. Use the crash command to look at KMEM or UMUnix variables. Specify the -a /dev/kmem flag to display ARP information for kernel memory.

    -d host_name
    Deletes an ARP entry for the host specified by the host_name variable if the user has root user authority.

    -f file_name
    Causes the file specified by the file_name variable to be read and multiple entries to be set in the ARP tables. Entries in the file should be in the form:
    type host_name adapter_address [route] [temp] [pub]

    -s type host_name adapter_address [route] [temp] [pub]
    Creates an ARP entry for the host specified by the host_name variable with the adapter address specified by the adapter_address variable. The adapter address is given as 6 hexadecimal bytes separated by colons. The line must be in the following format:
    type host_name adapter_address [route] [temp] [pub]


    Specifies the type of hardware address as follows:
    An Ethernet interface
    An 802.3 interface
    A Scalable POWERparallel Switch (SP Switch) or a High Performance Switch
    A Fiber Distributed Data Interface
    A token-ring interface

    Specifies the host_name for which to create an entry.

    Specifies the physical address (switch node number) for the switch adapters.

    Specifies the route for a token-ring interface or Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) as defined in the token-ring or FDDI header.

    Specifies that this ARP table entry is temporary. The table entry is permanent if this argument is omitted.

    Specifies that this table entry is to be published, and that this system acts as an ARP server responding to requests for host_name, even though the host address is not its own.


    The arp command has been modified to add support for the switch. This command is valid only on an SP system.

    The arp command displays and modifies the Internet-to-adapter address translation tables used by ARP. The arp command displays the current ARP entry for the host specified by the host_name variable. The host can be specified by name or number, using Internet dotted decimal notation.

    Related Information

    SP Command: ifconfig

    AIX Commands: crash, netstat

    AIX Daemon: inetd

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information on the SP Switch and the High Performance Switch.

    Refer to "TCP/IP Protocols" in AIX Version 4.1 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks.


    1. To add a single entry to the arp mapping tables until the next time the system is restarted, enter:
      arp -s switch host2 1

    2. To delete a map table entry for the specified host with the arp command, enter:
      arp -d host1



    cfghsd - Configures a data striping device (HSD) for an IBM Virtual Shared Disk.


    cfghsd -a hsd_name ...


    Specifies all the data striping devices that have been defined.


    Specifies a defined HSD. All underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks in the HSD must be configured before using this command.


    This command configures the already defined HSDs and makes them available. The command extracts information from the System Data Repository (SDR).


    Specifies the command file.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.


    If you have the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk product installed and operational, do not use this command. The results may be unpredictable.

    See IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: defhsd, hsdatalst, lshsd, ucfghsd


    To make the HSD hsd1 available, enter:

    cfghsd hsd1



    cfghsdvsd - Configures a data striping device (HSD) and the IBM Virtual Shared Disks that comprise it on one node.


    cfghsdvsd -a | {hsd_name...}


    Specifies that all the data striping devices defined on this system or system partition are to be configured (made available).


    Specifies the names of defined HSDs that are to be configured. This command configures the underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks as well.


    Use this command to configure already-defined HSDs and their underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks and make them available. Note all of the IBM Virtual Shared Disks go to the active state.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit hsd_mgmt
    and select the Configure an HSD and its underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks option.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must have sysctl and sysctl.vsd access and authorization from your system administrator to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: cfghsd, cfgvsd, ucfghsdvsd


    To configure the data striping device hsd1 and the IBM Virtual Shared Disks that comprise it, enter:

    cfghsdvsd hsd1



    cfgvsd - Configures an IBM Virtual Shared Disk.


    cfgvsd -a | vsd_name ...


    Specifies all IBM Virtual Shared Disks that have been defined.


    Specifies a defined IBM Virtual Shared Disk.


    Use this command to configure the already defined IBM Virtual Shared Disks and bring them to the stopped state. It does not make the IBM Virtual Shared Disk available. The command extracts information from the System Data Repository (SDR).

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the cfgvsd command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit vsd_mgmt
    and select the Configure an IBM Virtual Shared Disk option.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.


    If you have the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk product installed and operational, do not use this command. The results may be unpredictable.

    See IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: ctlvsd, lsvsd, preparevsd, resumevsd, startvsd, stopvsd, suspendvsd, ucfgvsd


    To bring the IBM Virtual Shared Disk vsd1vg1n1 from the defined state to the stopped state, enter:

    cfgvsd vsd1vg1n1



    chgcss - Applies configuration changes to a Scalable POWERparallel Switch (SP Switch) Communications Adapter (Type 6-9) or a High Performance Switch Communications Adapter Type 2.
    Implementation Note

    Configuration changes are later applied to the device when it is configured at system reboot.


    chgcss -l name -a attr=value [-a attr=value]


    -l name
    Specifies the device logical name in the Customized Devices object class whose attribute values should be changed.

    -a attr=value
    Identifies an attribute to be changed and the value to which it should be changed


    Specifies the IP buffer pool for the switch device driver as follows:

    IP receive buffer pool

    IP send buffer pool

    Specifies the IP buffer pool size in bytes.




    Use this command to apply configuration changes to an SP Switch Communications Adapter (Type 6-9) or a High Performance Switch Communications Adapter Type 2.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    For additional information on values for the rpoolsize and spoolsize attributes, refer to the "Tuning the SP System" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    Related Information

    AIX Command: lsattr


    1. To change the size of the IP receive buffer to 1024K, enter:
      chgcss -l css0 -a rpoolsize=0x100000

    2. To change the size of the IP send and receive buffers to 1024K, enter:
      chgcss -l css0 -a rpoolsize=1048576 -a spoolsize=1048576



    chkp - Changes Kerberos principals.


    chkp -h

    chkp [-e expiration] [-l lifetime] name[.instance] ...


    Displays usage information.

    -e expiration
    Specifies a new expiration date for the principals. The date must be entered in the format yyyy-mm-dd, and the year must be a value from 1970 to 2037. The time of expiration is set to 11:59 PM local time on the date specified.

    -l lifetime
    Specifies the new maximum ticket lifetime for the principals. The lifetime must be specified as a decimal number from 0 to 255. These values correspond to a range of time intervals from five minutes to 30 days. Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for a complete list of the possible ticket lifetime values you can enter and the corresponding durations in days, hours, and minutes. The following list shows a representative sample with approximate durations:
    lifetime operand - Approximate duration
          141                1 day
          151                2 days
          170                1 week
          180                2 weeks
          191                1 month

    At least one flag must be specified.


    name[.instance] ...
    Identifies the principals to change.


    Use this command to change principals in the local Kerberos database. It allows the current expiration date and maximum ticket lifetime to be redefined. It cannot be used to change the principal's password. To do that, the administrator must use the kpasswd, kadmin, or kdb_edit commands. The chkp command should normally be run only on the primary server. If there are secondary authentication servers, the push-kprop command is invoked to propagate the change to the other servers. The command can be used to update a secondary server's database, but the changes may be negated by a subsequent update from the primary.



    Kerberos database files.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command. Specified principals that exist were changed. If any principal that you specify does not exist in the database, a message is written to standard error and processing continues with any remaining principals.

    Indicates that an error occurred and no principal was changed. One of the following conditions was detected:


    The chkp command can be run by the root user logged in on a Kerberos server host. It can be invoked indirectly as a Sysctl procedure by a Kerberos database administrator who has a valid ticket and is listed in the admin_acl.mod file.



    Related Information

    Commands: kadmin, kdb_edit, lskp, mkkp, rmkp, sysctl


    1. To set the default maximum ticket lifetime for new principals to (approximately) one week, enter:
      chkp -l 171 default

    2. To set the maximum ticket lifetime to approximately three weeks and the expiration date to 30 June 2003 for several principals, enter:
      chkp -l 181 -e 2003-06-30 franklin jtjones root.admin susan



    cksumvsd - Views and manipulates the IBM Virtual Shared Disk checksum parameters.


    cksumvsd [-s] [-R] [-i | -I]


    Shows IP checksum counters only.

    Resets IP checksum counters.

    Calculates IP checksum on all IBM Virtual Shared Disk remote messages.

    Indicates not to calculate IP checksum on all IBM Virtual Shared Disk remote messages.

    If no flags are specified, the current setting of all IBM Virtual Shared Disk checksum parameters and counters are displayed.




    The IBM Virtual Shared Disk IP device driver can calculate and send checksums on remote packets it sends. It also can calculate and verify checksums on remote packets it receives. The cksumvsd command is used to tell the device driver whether to perform checksum processing. The default is no checksumming.

    Issuing cksumvsd -i turns on checksumming on the node on which it is run. cksumvsd -i must be issued on all IBM Virtual Shared Disk nodes in the system partition, or the IBM Virtual Shared Disk software will stop working properly on the system partition. If node A has cksumvsd -i (checksumming turned on) and node B has cksumvsd -I (checksumming turned off, the default), then A will reject all messages from B (both requests and replies), since A's checksum verification will fail on all B's messages. The safe way to run cksumvsd -i is to make sure that all IBM Virtual Shared Disks on all nodes are in the STOPPED or SUSPENDED states, issue cksumvsd -i on all nodes, then resume the needed IBM Virtual Shared Disks on all nodes.

    In checksumming mode, the IBM Virtual Shared Disk IP device driver keeps a counter of the number of packets received with good checksums, and the number received with bad checksums. cksumvsd and statvsd both display these values (statvsd calls cksumvsd -s).

    cksumvsd dynamically responds to the configuration of the IBM Virtual Shared Disk IP device driver loaded in the kernel. Its output and function may change if the IBM Virtual Shared Disk IP device driver configuration changes.


    cksumvsd reads and writes /dev/kmem to get information to and from the IBM Virtual Shared Disk IP device driver in the kernel.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Command: cfgvsd


    1. To display the IBM Virtual Shared Disk checksum settings and counter values, enter:

      You should receive output similar to the following:

      VSD cksum: current values:
      do_ip_checksum: 0
      ipcksum_cntr:   350 good,       0 bad,  0 % bad.

      The IBM Virtual Shared Disk checksumming is currently turned off on the node. Prior to this, checksumming was turned on and 350 IBM Virtual Shared Disk remote messages were received, all with good checksumming.

    2. To turn IBM Virtual Shared Disk checksumming on and display counters, enter:
      cksumvsd -i

      You should receive output similar to the following:

      VSD cksum: current values:
      do_ip_checksum: 0
      ipcksum_cntr:   350 good,       0 bad,  0 % bad.
      VSD cksum: new values:
      do_ip_checksum: 1
      ipcksum_cntr:   350 good,       0 bad,  0 % bad.

      The command displays old and new values. As before, the node has received 350 IBM Virtual Shared Disk remote messages with good checksums.

    3. To display only the IBM Virtual Shared Disk checksum counters, enter:
      cksumvsd -s

      You should receive output similar to the following:

      ipcksum_cntr:   350 good,       0 bad,  0 % bad.



    cmonacct - Performs monthly or periodic SP accounting.


    cmonacct [number]




    Specifies which month or other accounting period to process. The default is the current month.


    The cmonacct command performs monthly or periodic SP system accounting. The intervals are set in the crontab file. You can set the cron daemon to run the cmonacct command once each month or at some other specified time period. By default, if accounting is enabled for at least one node, cmonacct executes on the first day of every month.

    The cmonacct command creates summary files under the /var/adm/cacct/fiscal directory and restarts summary files under the /var/adm/cacct/sum directory, the cumulative summary to which daily reports are appended.



    cprdaily - Creates an ASCII report of the previous day's accounting data.


    cprdaily [-c] [[-l] [yyyymmdd]]


    Reports exceptional resource usage by command. This flag may be used only on the current day's accounting data.

    Reports exceptional usage by login ID for the specified date specified in mmdd variable, if other than current day's reporting is desired. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)


    Specifies the date for exceptional usage report if other than the current date.


    This command is called by the crunacct command to format an ASCII report of the previous day's accounting data for all nodes. The report resides in the /var/adm/cacct/sum/rprtyyyymmdd file, where yyyymmdd specifies the year, month, and day of the report.



    cptuning - Copies a file to /tftpboot/tuning.cust.


    cptuning -h | file_name


    Displays usage information for this command (syntax message). If the command is issued with the -h flag, the syntax description is displayed to standard output and no other action is taken (even if other valid flags are entered along with the -h flag).


    Specifies the name of a file to copy to /tftpboot/tuning.cust. If the file_name begins with a slash (/), the name is considered to be a fully qualified file name. Otherwise, the file name is considered to be in the /usr/lpp/ssp/install/config directory.


    Use this command to copy the specified file to the /tftpboot/tuning.cust file. IBM ships the following four predefined tuning parameter files in /usr/lpp/ssp/install/config:

    Contains initial performance tuning parameters for a typical development system.

    Contains initial performance tuning parameters for a typical scientific system.

    Contains initial performance tuning parameters for a typical commercial system.

    Contains initial performance tuning parameters for a general SP system.

    This command is intended for use in copying one of these files to /tftpboot/tuning.cust on the control workstation for propagation to the nodes in the SP. It can also be used on an individual node to copy one of these files to /tftpboot/ tuning.cust.

    Standard Output

    When the command completes successfully, a message to that effect is written to standard output.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.

    Output Files

    Upon successful completion, the /tftpboot/tuning.cust file is updated.

    Consequences of Errors

    If the command does not run successfully, it terminates with an error message and a nonzero return code.


    Use of this command by other than the root user is not restricted. However, this command will fail if the user does not have read permission to the specified file and write permission to the /tftpboot directory.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    SP Files: tuning.commercial, tuning.default, tuning.development, tuning.scientific

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Installation and Migration Guide


    1. To copy the /tmp/my-tuning-file file to the /tftpboot/tuning.cust file, enter:
      cptuning /tmp/my-tuning-file

    2. To copy the /usr/lpp/ssp/install/config/tuning.commercial file to the /tftpboot/tuning.cust file, enter:
      cptuning tuning.commercial



    create_krb_files - Creates the necessary krb_srvtab and tftp access files on the Network Installation Management (NIM) master.


    create_krb_files [-h]


    Displays usage information. If the command is issued with the -h flag, the syntax description is displayed to standard output and no other action is taken.




    Use this command on a boot/install server (including the control workstation). On the server, it creates the Kerberos krb_srvtab file for each boot/install client of that server and also updates the /etc/tftpaccess.ctl file on the server.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: setup_server


    To create or update the krb_srvtab and tftp access files on a boot/install server, enter the following command on that server:




    createhsd - Creates one data striping device (HSD) that encompasses two or more IBM Virtual Shared Disks.


    -n {node_list | ALL} -s size_in_MB -g vg_name
    -t stripe_size_in_KB [{-c vsds_per_node | -L} [-A]]
    [-m mirror_cnt] [-d hsd_name] [-l lv_name_prefix] [-S]
    [-o cache | nocache] [-T lp_size_in_MB] [-x]


    Note: Some examples shown in this list do not contain enough flags to be executable. They are shown in an incomplete form to illustrate specific flags.

    Specifies the numbers of the nodes on which you are creating a data striping device (HSD). The backup node for the underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks cannot be the same as the primary node.

    Given in the format P/S:hdisk_list1+hdisk_list2/, where P is the primary node, S, if specified, is the backup (secondary) node, hdisk_list1 is the list of local physical disks in the logical volume on the primary, and hdisk_list1+hdisk_list2 is the list of local physical disks in the volume group on the primary, if you want to have more disks in the volume group than are needed for the logical volume.

    The sequence in which nodes are listed determines the names given to the IBM Virtual Shared Disks; for example:

    createhsd -n 1,6,4 -d DATA
    (with the hsd_prefix DATA) creates IBM Virtual Shared Disks DATA1n1 on node 1, DATA2n6 on node 6, and DATA3n4 on node 4, which make up a single HSD named DATA. To create volume groups that span specified disks on nodes 1, 2, and 3 of a system with backup on nodes 4, 5, and 6 of the same system, and that make up a single HSD, enter:
    createhsd -n 1/4:hdisk1,hdisk2,hdisk3/,2/5:hdisk5,hdisk6, \
    hdisk7/,3/6:hdisk2,hdisk4,hdisk6/ -d DATA -s 12 -g OLD -t 4096
    This command is shown on two lines here, but you must enter it without any spaces between the items in node_list.

    The command creates:

    If a volume group is already created and the combined physical hdisk lists contain disks that are not needed for the logical volume, those hdisks are added to the volume group. If the volume group has not already been created, createhsd creates a volume group that spans hdisk_list1+hdisk_list2.

    Backup nodes cannot use the same physical disk as the primary does to serve IBM Virtual Shared Disks.

    Specifies that you are creating HSDs on all nodes in the system or system partition. If you use ALL, you can't assign backup nodes for the disks.

    Specifies the total usable size of the HSD in MB. Unless -S is specified, createhsd adds at least a stripe size to each IBM Virtual Shared Disk's size for each HSD.

    Specifies the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) volume group name, or local volume group name. This name is concatenated with the node number to form the global volume group name (VSD_GVG). For example:
    createhsd -n 6 -g VSDVG
    creates a new volume group with the local AIX volume group name VSDVG and the IBM Virtual Shared Disk global volume group name VSDVGn6. The node number is added to the local volume group name to create a unique global volume group name within a system partition to avoid name conflicts with the name used for volume groups on other nodes. If a backup node exists, the global volume group name will be created by concatenating the backup node number as well as the primary node number to the local volume group name. For example:
    createhsd -n 6/3/ -g VSDVG
    creates VSDVGn6b3, where the primary node is node 6 and the backup node for this global volume group is node 3. The local AIX volume group name will still be VSDVG. You can specify a local volume group that already exists. You do not need to use the -T flag if you specify a volume group name that already exists.

    Specifies the number of IBM Virtual Shared Disks to be created on each node. If number_of_vsds_per_node is not specified, one IBM Virtual Shared Disk is created for each node specified on createvsd. If more than one IBM Virtual Shared Disk is to be created for each node, the names will be allocated cyclically. For example:
    createhsd -n 1,6 -c 2 -d DATA
    creates IBM Virtual Shared Disks DATA1n1 on node 1, DATA2n6 on node 6, DATA3n1 on node 1, and DATA4n6 on node 6 and uses them to make up the HSD DATA.

    Allows you to create one IBM Virtual Shared Disk on each node without using sequential numbers for locally-accessed IBM Virtual Shared Disks.

    Specifies that IBM Virtual Shared Disk names will be allocated to each node in turn. For example:
    createhsd -n 1,6 -c 2 -g DATA
    creates DATA1n1 and DATA2n1 on node 1, and DATA3n6 and DATA4n6 on node 6.

    Specifies either the cache or nocache option for the underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks. The default is nocache.

    Specifies the LVM mirroring count. The mirroring count sets the number of physical partitions allocated to each logical partition. The range is from 1 to 3. If -m is not specified, the count is set to 1.

    Specifies the stripe size in kilobytes that an HSD will use. The stripe size must be a multiple of 4KB and less than or equal to 1GB.

    Specifies the name assigned to the created HSD. It is used as the IBM Virtual Shared Diskprefix name (the -v in createvsd). If an HSD name is not specified, a default name, xHsD is used, where x denotes a sequence number.

    The command:

    createhsd -n 1,2 -h DATA
    creates two IBM Virtual Shared Disks, DATA1n1 and DATA2n2. These IBM Virtual Shared Disks make up one HSD named DATA.

    Overrides the prefix lvx that is given by default to a logical volume by the createvsd command, where x is the IBM Virtual Shared Disk name prefix specified by vsd_name_prefix or the default (vsd). For example:
    createhsd -n 1 -v DATA
    creates one IBM Virtual Shared Disk on node 1 named DATA1n1 with an underlying logical volume lvDATA1n1. If the command
    createhsd -n 1 -v DATA -l new
    is used, the IBM Virtual Shared Disk on node 1 is still named DATA1n1, but the underlying logical volume is named lvnew1n1.

    It is usually more helpful not to specify -l, so that your lists of IBM Virtual Shared Disk names and logical volume names are easy to associate with each other and you avoid naming conflicts.

    Specifies that the HSD overrides the default skip option and does not skip the first stripe to protect the first LVM Control Block (LVCB).

    Specifies the size of the physical partition in the Logical Volume Manager logical volume group and also the logical partition size (they will be the same) in megabytes. You must select a power of 2 in the range 2--256. The default is 4MB.

    The Logical Volume Manager limits the number of physical partitions to 1016 per disk. If a disk is greater than 4 gigabytes in size, the physical partition size must be greater than 4MB to keep the number of partitions under the limit.

    Specifies that the steps required to synchronize the underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks on the primary and secondary nodes should not be performed; that is, the sequence:

    is not done as part of the createvsd processing that underlies the createhsd command. This speeds the operation of the command and avoids unnecessary processing in the case where several IBM Virtual Shared Disks are being created on the same primary/secondary nodes. In that case, however, you need to explicitly issue the volume group commands listed previously.




    This command utilizes the sysctl facility.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit createhsd_dialog
    smit vsd_data
    and Select the Create an HSD option with the vsd_data fastpath.


    Specifies the command file.

    Standard Output

    For the following command:

    createhsd -n 1/:hdisk2,hdisk3/ -g twinVG -s 1600 -t 8 -S -l \
    twinLV -d twinHSD -c 4
    The messages returned to standard output are:
    OK:0:vsdvg -g twinVGn1 twinVG 1
    OK:0:defvsd twinLV1n1 twinVGn1 twinHSD1n1 nocache
    OK:0:defvsd twinLV2n1 twinVGn1 twinHSD2n1 nocache
    OK:0:defvsd twinLV3n1 twinVGn1 twinHSD3n1 nocache
    OK:0:defvsd twinLV4n1 twinVGn1 twinHSD4n1 nocache
    OK:createvsd { -n 1/:hdisk2,hdisk3/ -s 401 -T 4 -g twinVG
    -c 4 -v twinHSD -l twinLV -o cache -K }
    OK:0:defhsd twinHSD not_protect_lvcb 8192 twinHSD1n1 twinHSD2n1
    twinHSD3n1 twinHSD4n1

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have sysctl and sysctl.vsd access and authorization from your system administrator to run this command.


    1. The backup node cannot be the same as the primary node.

    2. The last character of hsd_name cannot be numeric.

    3. The vsd_name_prefix cannot contain the character '.'. See the createvsd -v option for details.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: createvsd, defhsd, vsdvg


    To create six 4MB IBM Virtual Shared Disks and their underlying logical volumes with a prefix of TEMP, as well as an HSD comprising those IBM Virtual Shared Disks (24MB overall) with a stripe size of 32KB, enter the following (assuming that no previous IBM Virtual Shared Disks are defined with the TEMP prefix):

    createhsd -n 3,4,7/8/ -c 2 -s 1024 -g vsdvg -d TEMP -t 32

    This creates the following IBM Virtual Shared Disks:

    and the HSD:

    Note: TEMP does not write to the first 32KB of each of its IBM Virtual Shared Disks.



    createvsd - Creates a set of IBM Virtual Shared Disks, with their associated logical volumes, and puts information about them into the System Data Repository (SDR).


    Note: Some examples shown in this list do not contain enough flags to be executable. They are shown in an incomplete form to illustrate specific flags.

    -n {node_list | ALL}
    -s size_in_MB -g volume_group_name
    [{-c number_of_vsds_per_node | -L}]
    [-o cache | nocache] [-m mirror_count]
    [-p lvm_stripe_size] [-v vsd_name_prefix]
    [-l lv_name_prefix] [-T lp_size_in_MB] [-x]


    Specifies the nodes on which you are creating IBM Virtual Shared Disks. The backup node cannot be the same as the primary node.

    Given in the format P/S:hdisk_list1+hdisk_list2/, where P is the primary node, S, if specified, is the backup (secondary) node, hdisk_list1 is the list of local physical disks in the logical volume on the primary, and hdisk_list1+hdisk_list2 is the list of local physical disks in the volume group on the primary, if you want to have more disks in the volume group than are needed for the logical volume. The sequence in which nodes are listed determines the names given to the IBM Virtual Shared Disks. For example:
    createvsd -n 1,6,4 -v PRE
    (with the vsd_prefix PRE) creates IBM Virtual Shared Disks PRE1n1 on node 1, PRE2n6 on node 6, and PRE3n4 on node 4.

    To create a volume group that spans hdisk2, hdisk3, and hdisk4 on node 1, with a backup on node 3, enter:

    createvsd -n 1/3:hdisk2,hdisk3,hdisk4/ -v DATA
    This command creates:

    To create volume groups just like that one on nodes 1, 2, and 3 of a system with backup on nodes 4, 5, and 6 of the same system, enter:

    createvsd -n 1/4:hdisk1,hdisk2,hdisk3/,2/5:hdisk5,hdisk6, \
    hdisk7/,3/6:hdisk2,hdisk4,hdisk6/ -v DATA

    This command is shown on two lines here, but you must enter it without any spaces between the items in node_list.

    The command creates:

    To create an IBM Virtual Shared Disk where the logical volume spans only two of the physical disks in the volume group, enter:

    createvsd -n 1/3:hdisk1,hdisk2+hdisk3/ -v DATA
    This command creates the IBM Virtual Shared Disk DATA1n1 with logical volume lvDATA1n1 spanning hdisk1 and hdisk2 in the volume group DATA, which includes hdisk1, hdisk2, and hdisk3. It exports the volume group DATA to node 3.

    If a volume group is already created and the combined physical hdisk lists contain disks that are not needed for the logical volume, those hdisks are added to the volume group. If the volume group has not already been created, createvsd creates a volume group that spans hdisk_list1+hdisk_list2.

    Backup nodes cannot use the same physical disk as the primary does to serve IBM Virtual Shared Disks.

    Specifies that you are creating IBM Virtual Shared Disks on all nodes in the system or system partition. No backup nodes are assigned if you use this operand. The IBM Virtual Shared Disks will be created on all the physical disks attached to the nodes in node_list (you cannot specify which physical disks to use.)

    Specifies the size in megabytes of each IBM Virtual Shared Disk

    Specifies the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) volume group name. This name is concatenated with the node number to produce the global volume group name. For example:
    createvsd -n 6 -g VSDVG
    creates a volume group with the local volume group name VSDVG and the global volume group name VSDVG1n6 on node 6. The node number is added to the prefix to avoid name conflicts when a backup node takes over a volume group. If a backup node exists, the global volume group name will be concatenated with the backup node number as well as the primary. For example:
    createvsd -n 6/3/ -g VSDVG
    creates a volume group with the local volume group name VSDVG and the global volume group name VSDVGn6b3. The primary node is node 6 and the backup node for this volume group is node 3.

    Specifies the number of IBM Virtual Shared Disks to be created on each node. If number_of_vsds_per_node is not specified, one IBM Virtual Shared Disk is created for each node specified on createvsd. If more than one IBM Virtual Shared Disk is to be created for each node, the names will be allocated alternately. For example:
    createvsd -n 1,6 -c 2 -v DATA
    creates IBM Virtual Shared Disks DATA1n1 on node 1, DATA2n6 on node 6, DATA3n1 on node 1, and DATA4n6 on node 6.

    Allows you to create one IBM Virtual Shared Diskon each node without using sequential numbers, for locally-accessed IBM Virtual Shared Disks.

    Specifies that IBM Virtual Shared Disk names will be allocated to each node in turn, for example:
    createvsd -n 1,6 -c 2 -h DATA
    creates DATA1n1 and DATA2n1 on node 1, and DATA3n6 and DATA4n6 on node 6.

    Specifies either the cache or the nocache option. The default is nocache.

    Specifies the LVM mirroring count. The mirroring count sets the number of physical partitions allocated to each logical partition. The range is from 1 to 3 and the default value is 1.

    Specifies the LVM stripe size. If this flag is not specified, the logical volumes are not striped. In order to use striping, the node on which the IBM Virtual Shared Disks are defined must have more than one physical disk.

    Specifies a prefix to be given to the names of the created IBM Virtual Shared Disks. This prefix will be concatenated with the IBM Virtual Shared Disk number, node number, and backup node number, if a backup disk is specified. For example, if the prefix PRE is given to an IBM Virtual Shared Disk created on node 1 and there are already two IBM Virtual Shared Disks with this prefix across the partition, the new IBM Virtual Shared Disk name will be PRE3n1. The name given to the underlying logical volume will be lvPRE3n1, unless the -l flag is used. The createvsd command continues to sequence IBM Virtual Shared Disk names from the last PRE-prefixed IBM Virtual Shared Disk

    If -v is not specified, the prefix vsd is used.
    Note: The last character of the vsd_name_prefix cannot be a digit. Otherwise, the 11th IBM Virtual Shared Disk with the prefix PRE would have the same name as the first IBM Virtual Shared Disk with the prefix PRE1. Nor can the vsd_name_prefix contain the character '.' because '.' can be any character in regular expressions.

    Overrides the prefix lvx that is given by default to a logical volume by the createvsd command, where x is the IBM Virtual Shared Disk name prefix specified by vsd_name_prefix or the default (vsd). For example:
    createvsd -n 1 -v DATA
    creates one IBM Virtual Shared Disk on node 1 named DATA1n1 with an underlying logical volume lvDATA1n1. If the command
    createvsd -n 1 -v DATA -l new
    is used, the IBM Virtual Shared Disk on node 1 is still named DATA1n1, but the underlying logical volume is named lvnew1n1.

    It is usually more helpful not to specify -l, so that your lists of IBM Virtual Shared Disk names and logical volume names are easy to associate with each other and you avoid naming conflicts.

    Specifies the size of the physical partition in the Logical Volume Manager logical volume group and also the logical partition size (they will be the same) in megabytes. You must select a power of 2 in the range 2--256. The default is 4MB.

    The Logical Volume Manager limits the number of physical partitions to 1016 per disk. If a disk is greater than 4 gigabytes in size, the physical partition size must be greater than 4MB to keep the number of partitions under the limit.

    Specifies that the steps required to synchronize the IBM Virtual Shared Disks on the primary and secondary nodes should not be performed; that is, the sequence:

    is not done as part of the createvsd processing. This speeds the operation of the command and avoids unnecessary processing in the case where several IBM Virtual Shared Disks are being created on the same primary/secondary nodes. In this case, however, you should either not specify -x on the last createvsd in the sequence or issue the volume group commands listed above explicitly.




    Use this command to create a volume group with the specified name (if one does not already exist) and creates a logical volume of size s within that volume group.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit vsd_data
    and select the Create an IBM Virtual Shared Disk option.


    Specifies the command file.

    Standard Output

    For the following command:

    createvsd -n 1/:hdisk1/ -g testvg -s 16 -T 8 -l lvtest -v test -c 4
    The messages returned to standard output are:
    OK:0:vsdvg -g testvgn1 testvg 1
    OK:0:defvsd lvtest1n1 testvgn1 test1n1 nocache
    OK:0:defvsd lvtest2n1 testvgn1 test2n1 nocache
    OK:0:defvsd lvtest3n1 testvgn1 test3n1 nocache
    OK:0:defvsd lvtest4n1 testvgn1 test4n1 nocache

    For the following command:

    createvsd -n 1/:hdisk1/ -g testvg -s 16 -T 8 -l lvtest -v test -c 4
    The messages returned to standard output are:
    OK:0:defvsd lvtest5n1 testvgn1 test5n1 nocache
    OK:0:defvsd lvtest6n1 testvgn1 test6n1 nocache
    OK:0:defvsd lvtest7n1 testvgn1 test7n1 nocache
    OK:0:defvsd lvtest8n1 testvgn1 test8n1 nocache

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have sysctl and sysctl.vsd access and authorization from your system administrator to run this command.


    1. The backup node cannot be the same as the primary node.

    2. The last character of vsd_name_prefix cannot be numeric.

    3. The vsd_name_prefix cannot contain the character '.'.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: defvsd, vsdvg


    To create two 4MB IBM Virtual Shared Disks on each of three primary nodes, one of which has a backup, enter:

    createvsd -n 3,4,7/8/ -c 2 -s 4 -g vsdvg -v TEMP
    This command creates the following IBM Virtual Shared Disks:

    To create three IBM Virtual Shared Disks, where the logical volume created on node 3 spans fewer disks than the volume group does, enter:

    createvsd -n 3,4/:hdisk1,hdisk2+hdisk3/,7/8/ -s 4 -g datavg -v USER
    This command creates:



    crunacct - Runs on the acct_master node to produce daily summary accounting reports and to accumulate accounting data for the fiscal period using merged accounting data from each node.




    Copies the files produced by nrunacct on each node to the acct_master node. For each node named by the string node, these files:

    are copied to the acct_master node to the following files:


    for all YYYYMMDD prior or equal to the YYYYMMDD being processed.

    Deletes files that have been copied to the acct_master node in the SETUP step, as well as the associated /var/adm/acct/statefileYYYYMMDD files.

    Produces a daily total accounting file and merges this daily file into the total accounting file for the fiscal period, for each accounting class. If there are no defined accounting classes, the output of this step represents data for the entire SP system.

    Produces a daily command summary file and merges this daily file into the total command summary file for the fiscal period, for each accounting class. If there are no defined accounting classes, the output of this step represents data for the entire SP system.

    It also creates an SP system version of the loginlog file, in which each line consists of a date, a user login name and a list of node names. The date is the date of the last accounting cycle during which the user, indicated by the associated login name, had at least one connect session in the SP system. The associated list of node names indicates the nodes on which the user had a login session during that accounting cycle.

    If the /var/adm/csiteacct shell file exists, calls it to perform site specific accounting procedures that are applicable to the acct_master node.

    Prints a daily report of accounting activity and removes files that are no longer needed.


    Specifies the date for accounting to be rerun.


    In order for SP accounting to succeed each day, the nrunacct command must complete successfully on each node for which accounting is enabled and then the crunacct command must complete successfully on the acct_master node. However, this may not always be true. In particular, the following scenarios must be taken into account:

    1. The nrunacct command does not complete successfully on some nodes for the current accounting cycle. This can be the result of an error during the execution of nrunacct, nrunacct not being executed at the proper time by cron or the node being down when nrunacct was scheduled to run.

    2. The acct_master node is down or the crunacct command cannot be executed.

    From the point of view of the crunacct command, the first scenario results in no accounting data being available from a node. The second scenario results in more than one day's accounting data being available from a node. If it is the case that no accounting data is available from a node, the policy of crunacct is that the error condition is reported and processing continues with data from the other nodes. If data cannot be obtained from at least X percent of nodes, then processing is terminated. "X" is referred to as the spacct_actnode_thresh attribute and can be set via a SMIT panel.

    If node data for accounting cycle N is not available when crunacct executes and then becomes available to crunacct during accounting cycle N+1, the node data for both the N and N+1 accounting cycles is merged by crunacct. In general, crunacct merges all data from a node that has not yet been reported into the current accounting cycle, except as in the following case.

    If it is the case that crunacct has not run for more than one accounting cycle, such that there are several day's data on each node, then the policy of crunacct is that it processes each accounting cycle's data to produce the normal output for each accounting cycle. For example, if crunacct has not executed for accounting cycles N and N+1, and it is now accounting cycle N+2, then crunacct first executes for accounting cycle N, then executes for accounting cycle N+1 and finally executes for accounting cycle N+2.

    However, if the several accounting cycles span from the previous fiscal period to the current fiscal period, then only the accounting cycles that are part of the previous fiscal period are processed. The accounting cycles that are part of the current fiscal period are processed during the next night's execution of crunacct. Appropriate messages are provided in the /var/adm/cacct/active file so that the administrator can execute cmonacct prior to the next night's execution of crunacct.

    Restart Procedure

    To restart the crunacct command after a failure, first check the /var/adm/cacct/activeYYYYMMDD file for diagnostic messages, and take appropriate actions. For example, if the log indicates that data was unavailable from a majority of nodes, and their corresponding nrunacct state file indicate a state other than complete, check their /var/adm/acct/nite/activeYYYYMMDD files for diagnostic messages and then fix any damaged data files, such as pacct or wtmp.

    Remove the lock files and lastdate file (all in the /var/adm/cacct directory), before restarting the crunacct command. You must specify the -r and YYYYMMDD parameters if you are restarting the crunacct command. It specifies the date for which the crunacct command is to rerun accounting. The crunacct procedure determines the entry point for processing by reading the /var/adm/cacct/statefileYYYYMMDD file. To override this default action, specify the desired state on the crunacct command line.


    The crunacct message file.

    Customer-defined file indicating start date of each fiscal period.

    Contains last successful crunacct completed cycle.

    Prevents simultaneous invocation of crunacct.

    Contains last date crunacct was run.

    Contains current state to process.


    Access Control: This command should grant execute (x) access only to members of the adm group.

    Prerequisite Information

    For more information about the Accounting System, the preparation of daily and monthly reports, and the accounting files, see IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    Related Information

    Commands: acctcms, acctcom, acctcon1, acctcon2, acctmerg, acctprc1, acctprc2, accton, crontab, fwtmp, nrunacct

    Daemon: cron

    The System Accounting information found in AIX Version 4.1 System Management Guide


    1. To restart the SP system accounting procedures for a specific date, enter a command similar to the following:
      nohup /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/crunacct -r 19940601 2>> \
      /var/adm/cacct/nite/accterr &
      This example restarts crunacct for the day of June 1 (0601), 1994. The crunacct command reads the file /var/adm/cacct/statefile19940601 to find out the state with which to begin. The crunacct command runs in the background (&), ignoring all INTERRUPT and QUIT signals (nohup). Standard error output (2) is added to the end (>>) of the /var/adm/cacct/nite/accterr file.

    2. To restart the SP system accounting procedures for a particular date at a specific state, enter a command similar to the following:
      nohup /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/crunacct 19940601 CMS 2>> \
      /var/adm/cacct/nite/accterr &
      This example restarts the crunacct command for the day of June 1 (0601), 1994, starting with the CMS state. The crunacct command runs in the background (&), ignoring all INTERRUPT and QUIT signals (the nohup command). Standard error output (2) is added to the end (>>) of the /var/adm/cacct/nite/accterr file.



    cshutdown - Specifies the SP system Shutdown command.


    [-G] [-E] [-N | -P | -R | -s | -g] [-W seconds ] [-X] [-Y]
    [-F] [-h | -k | -K | -m | -r [ -C  cstartup_options]]
    [-T time [-M message_string]]


    -C cstartup_options
    Tells cshutdown to pass the cstartup_options to cstartup when the cstartup command is invoked after the target_nodes are halted. This flag is valid only when the -r (reboot) option is also specified. Any blanks in cstartup_options must be escaped or quoted.

    Terminates processing if any nodes are found that are powered on, but not running (host_responds in the System Data Repository (SDR) shows a value of 0--node shows red on the system monitor). This includes nodes that may have been placed in maintenance (single-user) mode. Refer to the "Description" section for additional information.

    If you specify -E, you cannot specify -X.

    Allows the specification of nodes to include one or more nodes outside the current system partition. If ALL is specified with -G, all nodes in the SP are shut down. If ALL is specified without -G, all nodes in the current system partition are shut down. If -G is specified with a list of nodes, all listed nodes are shut down regardless of the system partition in which they reside (subject to the restrictions of the sequence file). If -G is not specified and some of the specified target nodes are outside of the current system partition or some of the specified target nodes depend on nodes outside of the current system partition, none of the specified nodes are shut down.

    Indicates that the target_nodes are specified as a named node group. If -G is supplied, a global node group is used. Otherwise, a partitioned-bound node group is used.

    Tells the cshutdown command to start the shut down immediately, without issuing warning messages to users.

    Halts the target nodes. This is the default, unless overridden by the -k, -m, or -r flags.

    Verifies the shutdown sequence file without shutting any node down. Special subsystems are not affected. There is no effect on a nonrunning target node. You can use cshutdown -kF ALL to test your /etc/cshutSeq file without actually shutting down any nodes and without sending messages to users.

    Limits the number of concurrent processes created to rsh to the nodes. This is relevant to large systems. The default value is 64.

    Handles the request similar to a halt except that the last step, after syncing and unmounting file systems, is to bring the node to single user mode. There is no effect on a nonrunning target node.

    Indicates that the target_nodes are specified as node numbers, not en0 host names. The node numbers can be specified as ranges, for example, 3-7 indicates nodes 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

    Powers off the nodes after the shutdown command completes. This is the default action except when the -m option (single user mode) is chosen.

    Handles the request as a reboot. It performs the same operations as -h. Then it restarts the target nodes with cstartup. It does not power on a target node that was powered off at the time the cshutdown command was issued (it differs from the cstartup command, which powers on all specified nodes).

    Indicates that target_nodes is a file that contains host identifiers. If you also use the -N flag, the file contains node numbers; otherwise, the file contains node names, specified as en0 host names.

    Kills nonroot processes in the node order specified in /etc/cshutSeq. The default is to kill the nonroot processes in parallel.

    [-T time [-M message_string]]
    The -T flag specifies a time to start cshutdown, either as a number of minutes from now (-T minutes) or at the time in 24-hour format (-T hh:mm). If the -T flag is specified, then you can use -T message_string to specify a message for users on the target nodes. Any blanks in message_string must be escaped or quoted.

    -W seconds
    Provides a time-out value for shutting down a leading node. In normal processing, cshutdown waits for a leading node to be completely halted before starting to shut down trailing nodes. If one or more leading nodes fails to shut down, the cshutdown command waits indefinitely. The -W flag tells cshutdown to wait only the specified number of seconds after starting to halt a leading node; after that time, cshutdown starts the halt process for the trailing nodes.


    1. Be careful to use time-out values large enough to allow a node to complete shutdown processing. Your time-out value should be at least several minutes long; shorter values may be transparently modified to a higher value.

    2. If shutdown processing for a node does not complete within the time-out limit and cshutdown halts trailing nodes, the system may not function correctly.

    If there are special subsystems, the same waiting procedure applies to subsystem sequencing in the subsystem phase.

    Tells cshutdown that the state of nontarget nodes should not affect the result of the command. Use the -X flag to force cshutdown to shut down the target nodes if nontarget nodes listed in /etc/cshutSeq are gating the shutdown.
    Note: If some critical nodes, but not the entire system, are forced to halt or reboot, the system may not function correctly.

    Tells cshutdown to ignore any failure codes from the special subsystem interfaces. Without this flag, if a special subsystem interface exits with a failure code, you receive a prompt allowing you to continue the operation, to quit, or to enter a subshell to investigate the failure. On return from the subshell, you are prompted with the same choices.


    Designates the target nodes to be operated on. It is the operand of the command, and must be the last token on the command line. In the absence of the -R, -N, or -g flags, target_nodes are specified as host names on the en0 Ethernet. Use ALL to designate the entire system. You must identify one or more target_nodes.


    Use this command to halt or reboot the entire system or any number of nodes in the system. The SP cshutdown command is analogous to the workstation shutdown command. Refer to the shutdown man page for a description of the shutdown command. The cshutdown command always powers off the nodes except while in Maintenance mode.
    Note: If you bring a node down to maintenance mode, you must ensure file system integrity before rebooting the node.

    In this case, the cshutdown command, which runs from the control workstation, cannot rsh to the node to perform the node shutdown phase processing. This includes the synchronization of the file systems. Therefore, you should issue the sync command three times in succession from the node console before running the cshutdown command. This is especially important if any files were created while the node was in maintenance mode.

    To determine which nodes may be affected, issue the spmon -d command and look for a combination of power on and host_responds no.

    The cshutdown command has these advantages over using the shutdown command to shut down each node of an SP:

    Shutdown processing has these phases:

    1. Notifying all users of the impending shutdown, then terminating all nonroot processes on the target nodes. Nonroot processes are sent a SIGTERM followed, 30 seconds later, by a SIGKILL. This gives user processes that handle SIGTERM a chance to do whatever cleanup is necessary.

    2. Invoking any special subsystems, so they can perform any necessary shutdown activities. This phase follows the sequencing rules in /etc/subsysSeq. See IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for the format of the /etc/subsysSeq file.

    3. Starting node phase shutdown. The node phase includes syncing and unmounting file systems and halting the nodes, following the sequencing rules in /etc/cshutSeq. See IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for the format of the /etc/cshutSeq file.

    4. Rebooting the system, if requested by the -r flag.


    The following files reside on the control workstation:

    The cshutdown command.

    Describes the sequence in which the nodes should be shut down. Nodes not listed in the file are shut down concurrently with listed nodes. If the file is empty, all nodes are shut down concurrently. If the file does not exist, cshutdown uses the output of seqfile as a temporary sequencing default.

    Describes groups of special subsystems that need to be invoked in the subsystem phase of cshutdown. Also shows the sequence of invocation. Subsystems are represented by their invocation commands. If this file does not exist or is empty, no subsystem invocation is performed.

    Road map of cshutdown command progress.


    The cshutdown command can only be issued on the control workstation by root or members of the shutdown group. The root user must issue the kinit command, specifying a principal name for which there is an entry in the hardmon ACLs file with control authorization for the frames to shut down. The hardmon and System Data Repository (SDR) must be running.


    The cshutdown command may be gated by the failure of some subsystems or nodes to complete shutdown. In this case, look in the file created: /var/adm/SPlogs/cs/

    Time stamp.

    The process ID of the cshutdown command.

    If a file with the same name already exists (from a previous year), the cshutdown command overwrites the existing file.

    Related Information

    Commands: cstartup, init, seqfile, shutdown


    1. For these examples, assume that /etc/cshutSeq contains the following lines:
      Group1 > Group2 > Group3
      Group1: A
      Group2: B
      Group3: C

      This defines 3 groups, Group1 through Group3, each containing a single node. The nodes names are A, B, and C. The sequence line Group1 > Group2 > Group3 means that Group3 (node C) is shut down first. When Group3 is down, Group2 (node B) is shut down. When Group2 is down, then Group1 (node A) is shut down.

      Table 1 shows that the result of a cshutdown command depends on the flags specified on the command line, the initial state of each node, and the sequencing rules in /etc/cshutSeq. The shorthand notation Aup indicates that node A is up and running; Adnindicates that node A is down.

      Table 1. Examples of the cshutdown Command
      up means the node is powered up and running;
      The subscript the subscript dn means the node is not running.
      Initial State Command Issued Final State Explanation
      Aup Bup Cup cshutdown A B C Adn Bdn Cdn The command succeeds; the nodes are all down.
      Aup Bup Cdn cshutdown B Aup Bdn Cdn The command succeeds because C is already not running.
      Aup Bup Cdn cshutdown A Unchanged The command fails because B is still running.
      Aup Bup Cdn cshutdown -X A Adn Bup Cdn The command succeeds because -X considers the sequencing of only the target nodes.

    2. To shut down all the nodes in the SP system regardless of system partitions and the sequence file, enter:
      cshutdown -GXY ALL

    3. To shut down nodes 1, 9, and 16--20 regardless of system partitions and subject to the restrictions of the sequence file, enter:
      cshutdown -G -N 1 9 16-20

      The command may fail if any node in the list depends on any node that is not on the list and that node is not shutdown.

    4. To shut down all the nodes in the current system partition, enter:
      cshutdown ALL

      The command may fail if any node in the current system partition depends on nodes outside of the current system partition.

    5. To shut down nodes 1, 5, and 6 in the current system partition, enter:
      cshutdown -N 1 5 6

      The command may fail if any node in the list is not in the current system partition or depends on nodes outside of the current system partition.

    6. Specify the -X flag to ignore the sequence file and force nodes 1, 5, and 6 to be shut down. The following command is successful even if node 5 is gated by a node that is not shut down or is outside the current system partition:
      cshutdown -X -N 1 5 6

    7. To do a fast shut down on node 5 without sending a warning message to the user, enter:
      cshutdown -F -N 5

    8. To verify the sequence file without shutting down any node, enter the -k flag as follows. If both the -k and -F flags are specified, the sequence file can be tested without actually shutting down any nodes and without issuing a warning message to the user.
      cshutdown -kF ALL

    9. Specify the -r flag to halt the target nodes and restart them with cstartup. If necessary, specify the -C flag to provide cstartup_options. For example, to halt and restart nodes 12--16 with a time-out value of 300 seconds for the purpose of starting a leading node, enter:
      cshutdown -rN -C'-W 300' 12-16

    10. To reboot all the nodes in the partition node group sleepy_nodes, enter:
      cshutdown -rg sleepy_nodes



    CSS_test - Verifies that the installation and configuration of the Communications Subsystem of the SP system completed successfully.








    Use this command to verify that the Communications Subsystem component ssp.css of the SP system was correctly installed. CSS_test runs on the system partition set in SP_NAME.

    A return code of 0 indicates that the test completed without a failure, but unexpected results may be noted on standard output and in the companion log file /var/adm/SPlogs/CSS_test.log. A return code of 1 indicates that a failure occurred.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit SP_verify


    Path name of this command

    Default log file

    Related Information

    Commands: jm_install_verify, jm_verify, SDR_test, SYSMAN_test, spmon_ctest, spmon_itest


    To verify the Communication Subsystem following installation, enter:




    cstartup - Specifies the SP system Startup command.


    [-E] [-G] [-k] [-N | -R | -g] [-S] [-W seconds] [-X]
    [-Z] [-z] {target_nodes | [ALL]}


    Starts up all nodes concurrently. Ignores the /etc/cstartSeq file, if one exists.

    Allows the specification of nodes to include one or more nodes outside of the current system partition. If ALL is specified with -G, all nodes in the SP start up. If ALL is specified without -G, all nodes in the current system partition start up. If -G is specified with a list of nodes, all listed nodes start up regardless of the system partition in which they reside (subject to the restrictions of the sequence file). If -G is not specified and some of the specified target nodes are outside of the current system partition or some of the specified target nodes depend on nodes outside of the current system partition, none of the specified nodes are started up.

    Indicates that the target_nodes are specified as a named node group. If -G is supplied, a global node group is used. Otherwise, a partitioned-bound node group is used.

    Checks the sequence data file; does not start up any nodes. If circular sequencing is detected, cstartup issues warning messages. You can use cstartup -k ALL to test your /etc/cstartSeq file without starting or resetting any nodes.

    Indicates that the target_nodes are specified as node numbers, not en0 host names. The node numbers can be specified as ranges; for example, 3-7 is interpreted as nodes 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

    Indicates that target_nodes is a file that contains the node identifiers.

    Tells cstartup to ignore existing sequencing violations; some trailing target_nodes are already up and running. The target_nodes that are already up are left alone. The other target_nodes are started in sequence. This operation may cause the nodes involved to not interface properly with their dependent nodes. If you omit the -S flag and any target_node is already running before its leading node, cstartup fails without modifying the state of the system.

    -W seconds
    Provides a timeout value for starting up a leading node. In normal processing, cstartup waits for a leading node to be completely started before initiating the startup of trailing nodes. If one or more target_nodes fail to come up, cstartup waits indefinitely. The -W flag tells cstartup to wait the specified amount of time after initiating the startup of a node; the command continues to start other nodes, preserving the sequence in /etc/cstartSeq. The value you specify as seconds is added to a 3 minute (180 second) default wait period. Your value is a minimum; internal processing may cause the actual wait time to be slightly longer.
    Note: Your system may still be usable if one or more nodes fails to complete startup, because the sequencing rules are preserved.

    Starts up only the nodes listed on the command line even if there are nontarget nodes gating the system startup. If you do not specify the -X flag and there are sequence violations involving nontarget nodes, cstartup fails without modifying the state of the system.
    Note: If some nodes but not the entire system are forced to start up this way, they may not function properly because of possible resource problems.

    If a target_node is already running at the time the cstartup command is issued, this flag tells cstartup to reset the node. This operation is disruptive to any processes running on the node. If you omit the -Z flag and any target_node is already running, cstartup fails without modifying the state of the system.

    If a target_node is already running at the time the cstartup command is issued, this flag tells cstartup to reset the node if the node is dependent on a node that is down when cstartup is issued, but leave the node alone if the node is to be started up ahead of any down node. This operation is disruptive to any processes running on the node being reset. This operation correctly resets the node-startup sequencing with minimum disruption to the system. If you omit the -z flag and any target_node is already running, cstartup fails without modifying the state of the system.


    Designates the target nodes to be operated on. It is the operand of the command, and must be the last token on the command line. In the absence of the -R, -N, or -g flags, target_nodes are specified as host names on the en0 Ethernet. The string ALL can be used to designate all nodes in the SP system. You must identify one or more target_nodes.



    The cstartup command attempts to power on nodes that are powered off. This has safety implications if someone is working on the nodes. Proper precautions should be taken when using this command.

    The cstartup command starts up the entire system or any number of nodes in the system. If a node is not powered on, startup means powering on the node. If the node is already powered on and not running, startup means resetting the node.

    The /etc/cstartSeq file specifies the sequence in which the nodes are started up. See IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for the format of the /etc/cstartSeq file.

    You can use the -SXZ flags to violate the cstartup sequence intentionally. See Table 2 for examples of the effect of these flags.


    The following files reside on the control workstation:

    The cstartup command.

    Describes the sequence in which the nodes should be started. Nodes not listed in the file are started up concurrently with listed nodes. If the file is empty, all nodes are started up concurrently. If the file does not exist, cstartup uses the output of seqfile as a temporary sequencing default.

    Road map of cstartup command progress.


    The cstartup command can only be issued on the control workstation by root or members of the shutdown group. The root user must issue the kinit command, specifying a principal name for which there is an entry in the hardmon ACLs file with control authorization for the frames to start up. The hardmon and System Data Repository (SDR) must be running.


    The /var/adm/SPlogs/cs/ file contains the results of cstartup.

    The time stamp.

    The process ID of the cstartup command.

    If the command fails, examine this file to see which steps were completed. If a file with the same name already exists (from a previous year), the cstartup command overwrites the existing file.

    Related Information

    Commands: cshutdown, init, seqfile


    1. For these examples, assume that /etc/cstartSeq specifies the following startup sequence:
      Group1 > Group2 > Group3 > Group4 > Group5
                Group1: A
                Group2: B
                Group3: C
                Group4: D
                Group5: E

      This defines five groups, Group1 through Group5, each containing a single node. The nodes names are A, B, C, D, and E. The sequence line Group1 > Group2 > Group3 > Group4 > Group5 means that Group1 (node A) is started first. When Group1 is up, Group2 (node B) is started. When Group2 is up, then Group3 (node C) is started, and so on.

      Table 2 shows that the result of a cstartup command depends on the flags specified on the command line, the initial state of each node, and the sequencing rules in /etc/cstartSeq. The shorthand notation Aup indicates that A is powered up and running; Adnindicates that A is not running.

      Table 2. Examples of the cstartup Command
      up means the node is up; the subscript
      The subscript dn means the node is down.
      Initial State Command Issued Final State Explanation
      Adn Bdn Cdn Ddn Edn cstartup A B C D E Aup Bup Cup Dup Eup The command succeeds; the nodes are all up.
      Aup Bup Cdn Ddn Edn cstartup A B C D E Aup Bup Cup Dup Eup The command succeeds, C, D, and E are started up.
      Aup Bup Cdn Dup Edn cstartup A B C D E Unchanged The command fails because D was already up before C.
      Aup Bup Cdn Dup Edn cstartup -S A B C D E Aup Bup Cup Dup Eup The command succeeds because -S ignores sequencing violations.
      Aup Bup Cdn Dup Edn cstartup -Z A B C D E Aup Bup Cup Dup Eup The command succeeds because -Z resets running nodes.
      Aup Bup Cdn Dup Edn cstartup C E Unchanged The command fails because node D was already up before node C.
      Aup Bup Cdn Dup Edn cstartup -S C E Aup Bup Cup Dup Eup The command succeeds because -S ignores sequencing violations.
      Aup Bup Cdn Dup Edn cstartup -X C E Aup Bup Cup Dup Eup The command succeeds because -X considers the sequencing of only the target nodes.
      Aup Bup Cdn Dup Edn cstartup -Z C E unchanged The command fails because resetting C or E does not correct the sequence violation.
      Aup Bup Cdn Ddn Edn cstartup C E unchanged The command fails because D is gating E. Node C is not started either.
      Aup Bup Cdn Ddn Edn cstartup -S C E unchanged The command fails because D is gating E. Node C is not started either.
      Aup Bup Cdn Ddn Edn cstartup -X C E Aup Bup Cup Ddn Eup The command succeeds and starts up only the explicit targets, C and E.
      Aup Bup Cdn Ddn Edn cstartup -Z C E unchanged The command fails because D is gating E. Node C is not started either.

    2. To start up all the nodes in the SP system regardless of system partitions and the sequence file, enter:
      cstartup -GXZ ALL

    3. To start up nodes 1, 9, and 16--20 regardless of system partitions and subject to the restrictions of the sequence file, enter:
      cstartup -G -N 1 9 16-20

      The command may fail if any node in the list depends on any node that is not on the list and that node is not started up.

    4. To start up all the nodes in the current system partition, enter:
      cstartup ALL

      The command may fail if any node in the current system partition depends on nodes outside of the current system partition.

    5. To start up nodes 1, 5, and 6 in the current system partition, enter:
      cstartup -N 1 5 6

      The command may fail if any node in the list is not in the current system partition or depends on nodes outside of the current system partition.

    6. Specify the -X flag to ignore the sequence file and force nodes 1, 5, and 6 to be started up. The following command is successful even if node 5 is gated by a node that is not started up or is outside the current system partition:
      cstartup -X -N 1 5 6

    7. To verify the sequence file without actually starting up or resetting any nodes, enter the -k flag as follows:
      cstartup -k ALL

    8. To ignore the sequence file and start up all the target nodes concurrently, use the -E flag. For example, to start up all the nodes in the current system partition concurrently, enter:
      cstartup -E ALL

    9. To start up all nodes in the system node group sleepy_nodes, enter:
      cstartup -Gg sleepy_nodes



    ctlhsd - Sets the data striping device (HSD) for the IBM Virtual Shared Disks operational parameters or reset statistics.


    ctlhsd [-p parallel_level | -v hsd_name ... | -C | -V]


    no option
    Displays the current parallelism level, the number of reworked requests, and the number of requests that are not at a page boundary.

    -p parallel_level
    Sets the HSD device driver's parallelism level as the specified value of the parallel_level.

    -v hsd_name ...
    Resets the statistics in the number of reads and writes on the specified HSDs.

    Resets the HSD device drivers counters in the number of reworked requests and the number of read/write requests that are not at a page boundary.

    Resets all the configured HSD's statistics in the number of read and write requests.




    Use this command to set the parallelism level and to reset the statistics of the data striping device (HSD) for the IBM Virtual Shared Disk. When specified with no arguments, it displays the the current parallelism level, the number of reworked requests, and the number of requests that were not at a page boundary. When ctlhsd is used to reset the statistics of the device driver, or a particular device, or all the configured data striping devices on the system, it will not suspend all the underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks. In other words, the user should make sure that there are no I/O activities on the IBM Virtual Shared Disks.

    Use lshsd -s to display the statistics on the number of read and write requests at the underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks in an HSD or all HSDs. Use the -v or -V flag to reset these counters.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: cfghsd, lshsd, lsvsd, resumevsd, suspendvsd, ucfghsd


    To display the current parallelism level and counter, enter:

    The system displays a message similar to the following:
    The current parallelism level is 9.
    The number of READ requests not at page boundary is 0.
    The number of WRITE requests not at page boundary is 0.



    ctlvsd - Sets IBM Virtual Shared Disk operational parameters.


    [-t] | [-T] | [-c NewCacheSize | -r node_number... | -R |
    -k node_number... -K | -p 1--9 | -M max_IP_msg_size |
    -v vsd_name ... | -C | -V]


    Lists the current routing table and mbuf headers cached by the IBM Virtual Shared Disk driver.

    Clears or releases all cached routes.

    Sets the cache size to the new value. Only increasing the cache size up to the maximum value is supported. The initial value of the cache size is the init_cache_buffer_count from the SDR Node object for the node.

    Resets the outgoing and expected sequence numbers for the nodes specified on the node on which the command is run. Use this flag when another node has either been rebooted, cast out or all IBM Virtual Shared Disks have been reconfigured on that node. The specified nodes are also cast in.

    Resets the outgoing and expected sequence number for all nodes on the node on which the command is run. Use this flag after rebooting the node. All nodes in the IBM Virtual Shared Disk network will be cast in.

    Casts out the node numbers specified on the local node. The local node ignores requests from cast out nodes. Use -r to cast nodes back in.
    Note: Before using this flag, refer to the "Restrictions" section that follows.

    Casts out all nodes on the local node. Local requests are still honored.
    Note: Before using this flag, refer to the "Restrictions" section that follows.

    Sets the level of IBM Virtual Shared Disk parallelism to the number specified. The valid range is 1 to 9. The default is 9. A larger value can potentially give better response time to large requests. (Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks for more information regarding tuning IBM Virtual Shared Disk performance.)

    This value is the buf_cnt parameter on the uphysio call the IBM Virtual Shared Disk IP device driver makes in the kernel. Use statvsd to display the current value on the node on which the command is run.

    Sets the IBM Virtual Shared Disk max_IP_msg_size. This is the largest sized block of data the IBM Virtual Shared Disk sends over the network for an I/O request. This limit also affects local IBM Virtual Shared Disk I/O block size. The value must be a multiple of 512 and between 512 and 65024 (64KB-512KB). IBM suggests using 65024 for the switch, and 24576 (24KB) for token-ring or Ethernet networks. (Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks for more information regarding tuning IBM Virtual Shared Disk performance.) Use statvsd to display the current value on the node on which the command is run. Set to the same value on all nodes.

    -v vsd_name ...
    Resets the statistics in the number of read and write requests on the specified IBM Virtual Shared Disks.

    Resets the IBM Virtual Shared Disk device driver counters displayed by the statvsd command. Exceptions are the outgoing and expected request sequence numbers among the client and server nodes.

    Resets all the configured IBM Virtual Shared Disk's statistics in the number of read and write requests.




    The ctlvsd command changes some parameters of the IBM Virtual Shared Disk. When called with no arguments it displays the current and maximum cache buffer count, the request block count, the pbuf count, the minimum buddy buffer size, the maximum buddy buffer size as well as the overall size of the buddy buffer.

    Use statvsd to display outgoing and expected sequence numbers and out cast status of other nodes as viewed by the node on which the command is run. It is best to suspendvsd -a on all nodes whose sequence numbers are being reset prior to actually resetting the sequence numbers. Be sure to use resumevsd on all IBM Virtual Shared Disks that were suspended after resetting the sequence numbers.

    Initially, all sequence numbers are set to 0 when the first IBM Virtual Shared Disk is configured and the IBM Virtual Shared Disk device driver is loaded. Thereafter, sequence numbers are incremented as requests are sent to (outgoing) and received from (expected) other nodes, and reset via ctlvsd -R | -r commands.

    Reloading the IBM Virtual Shared Disk device driver by suspendvsd -a, stopvsd -a, or ucfgvsd -a followed by cfgvsd also resets all sequence numbers to 0.

    Initially, all nodes in the IBM Virtual Shared Disk network are cast in. The ctlvsd -k command casts a node out. The local node ignores requests from cast out nodes. The ctlvsd -r command casts nodes back in.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.


    If you have the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk product installed and operational, do not use the -k and -K options. The results may be unpredictable.

    See IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: cfgvsd, lsvsd, preparevsd, resumevsd, startvsd, statvsd, stopvsd, suspendvsd, ucfgvsd

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks for information on tuning IBM Virtual Shared Disk performance and sequence numbers.


    To display the current parameters, enter:

    The system displays a message similar to the following:
    The current cache buffer count is 64.
    The maximum cache buffer count is 256.
    The request block count is 256.
    The pbuf's count is 48.
    The minimum buddy buffer size is 4096.
    The maximum buddy buffer size is 65536.
    The total buddy buffer size is 4 max buffers, 262144 bytes.

    To display the mbuf headers and current routing table, enter:

    ctlvsd -t
    The system displays the following information:
    Mbuf Cache Stats:
       Cached        1
          Hit     1023
         Miss        1
    Route cache information:
     destination  interface  ref  status  direct/gateway   min managed mbuf
         1         css0        2    Up         Direct               256



    defhsd - Defines a data striping device (HSD).


    defhsd protect_LVCB | not_protect_LVCB hsd_name stripe_size vsd_name...




    protect_lvcb | not_protect_lvcb
    Protects the logical volume control block information that is stored at the first block of a logical volume. If protect_lvcb is specified, the data striping device (HSD) will skip the first stripe on each underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disk in an HSD. In this case, you should define each logical volume one stripe larger than necessary. If the IBM Virtual Shared Disk and Logical Volume Manager (LVM) disk mirroring are used, the logical volume control block information is critical.

    Specifies a unique name for the new HSD. This name must be unique across the system partition and should be unique across the SP to avoid any naming conflicts during future system partitioning operations. The length of the name must be less than or equal to 31 characters.

    Specifies the maximum size of data stored on an IBM Virtual Shared Disk at one time. The smallest stripe size is 4096 bytes. The stripe size must be a multiple of 4096 and less than or equal to 1GB.

    Specifies the IBM Virtual Shared Disks that compose the HSD. All underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks in the HSD must be defined before using this command.


    The defhsd command is used to specify the hsd_name, stripe size and underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks for the new data striping device (HSD).

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit vsd_data
    and select the Define a Hashed Shared Disk option.


    Specifies the command file.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: hsdatalst, undefhsd

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks for information on tuning IBM Virtual Shared Disk performance and sequence numbers.


    The following example adds SDR information indicating a stripe size of 32768, composed of vsd.vsdn101, vsd.vsdn201, and the name hsd1 is defined.

    defhsd hsd1 32768 vsd.vsdn101 vsd.vsdn201



    defvsd - Defines an IBM Virtual Shared Disk.


    defvsd logical_volume_name global_group_name vsd_name [nocache | cache]




    Is the name of the logical volume you want to specify as an IBM Virtual Shared Disk. This logical volume must reside on the global volume group indicated. The length of the name must be less than or equal to 15 characters.

    Is the name of the globally-accessible volume group previously defined by the vsdvg command where you want to specify an IBM Virtual Shared Disk. The length of the name must be less than or equal to 31 characters.

    Specifies a unique name for the new IBM Virtual Shared Disk. This name must be unique across the system partition and should be unique across the SP, to avoid any naming conflicts during future system partitioning operations. The suggested naming convention is vsdnngvg_name. The length of the name must be less than or equal to 31 characters.
    Note: If you choose a vsd_name that is already the name of another device, the cfgvsd command will fail for that IBM Virtual Shared Disk. This failure ensures that the special device files created for the name do not overlay and destroy files of the same name representing some other device type (such as a logical volume).

    nocache | cache
    Affects how requests are processed at the server node. nocache is the default. cache tells the IBM Virtual Shared Disk software on the server node to use the cache for all 4KB requests on 4KB boundaries. Otherwise, the cache is not used.

    The cache option should only be used if the using application gains performance by avoiding a 4KB read immediately after a 4KB write. Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks for additional information on IBM Virtual Shared Disk tuning.


    This command is run to specify logical volumes residing on globally accessible volume groups to be used as IBM Virtual Shared Disks.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the defvsd command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit vsd_data
    and select the Define a Virtual Shared Disk option.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: vsdatalst, vsdvg, undefvsd

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks for information regarding IBM Virtual Shared Disk performance enhancements.


    1. The following example adds SDR information indicating that on globally accessible volume group vg1n1, the logical volume known as lv1vg1n1 is used as a noncached IBM Virtual Shared Disk named vsd1vg1n1.
      defvsd lv1vg1n1 vg1n1 vsd1vg1n1

    2. The following example defines cachable IBM Virtual Shared Disk vsd1vg2n1 on the lv2vg1n1 logical volume on the vg1n1 globally accessible volume group
      defvsd lv2vg1n1 vg1n1 vsd1vg2n1 cache



    delnimclient - Deletes a Network Installation Management (NIM) client definition from a NIM master.


    delnimclient -h | -l node_list | -s server_node_list


    Displays usage information. If the command is issued with the -h flag, the syntax description is displayed to standard output and no other action is taken (even if other valid flags are entered along with the -h flag).

    -l node_list
    Indicates by node_list the SP nodes to be unconfigured as NIM clients of their boot/install servers. The node_list is a comma-separated list of node numbers.

    -s server_node_list
    Indicates by server_node_list the SP boot/install server nodes on which to delete all NIM clients that are no longer defined as boot/install clients in the System Data Repository (SDR). Server node 0 (zero) signifies the control workstation.




    Use this command to undefine a node as a NIM client. This is accomplished by determining the node's boot/install server and unconfiguring that client node as a NIM client on that server. When complete, the entry for the specified client is deleted from the NIM configuration database on the server. This command does not change the boot/install attributes for the nodes in the System Data Repository.
    Note: This command results in no processing on the client node.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: mknimclient, setup_server


    To delete the NIM client definition for nodes 1, 3, and 5 from the NIM database on their respective boot/install servers, enter:

    delnimclient -l 1,3,5



    delnimmast - Unconfigures a node as a Network Installation Management (NIM) master.


    delnimmast -h | -l node_list


    Displays usage information. If the command is issued with the -h flag, the syntax description is displayed to standard output and no other action is taken (even if other valid flags are entered along with the -h flag).

    -l node_list
    Indicates by node_list the SP nodes to be unconfigured as NIM masters. The node_list is a comma-separated list of node numbers. Node number 0 (zero) signifies the control workstation.




    Use this command to undefine a node as a NIM master. This command does not change the boot/install attributes for the nodes in the System Data Repository.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: mknimmast, setup_server


    To unconfigure nodes 1, 3, and 5 as NIM masters and delete the NIM file sets, enter:

    delnimmast -l 1,3,5



    dsh - Issues commands to a group of hosts in parallel.




    [-i] [v] [c] [a] [G] [-l login_name] [-N node_group,node_group, ...]
    [-w {host_names | -}] [-f fanout_value] [command]


    Displays a list of hosts in the current working collective file. The WCOLL environment variable is examined to find the name of the file containing the host names in a working collective, and host names from that file are displayed. In addition, the value of the FANOUT environment variable is displayed.

    Displays usage information.

    Contains information about the working collective and commands. If this flag is set, the working collective and the command is displayed as each command is issued.

    Verifies hosts before adding to the working collective. If this flag is set, each host to be added to the working collective is checked before it is added to the collective. If a host is not responding, it is not included in the working collective.

    Indicates that dsh continues to send commands to hosts for which previous rsh's have returned a nonzero return code. If this flag is not set, the host is removed from the working collective for the duration of this dsh command.

    Specifies that the System Data Repository initial_hostname field for all nodes in the current system partition be added to the working collective. If -G is specified, all nodes in the SP system are included.

    Changes the scope of the -a and -N arguments from the current system partition to the SP system.

    Specifies a remote user name under which to execute the commands. If l is not used, the remote user name is the same as your local user name. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)

    Specifies a list of host names, separated by commas, to include in the working collective. Both this flag and the a flag can be included on the same command line. If "-" is specified, host names are read from standard input. If -w - is used, commands cannot be read from standard input. Duplicate host names are only included once in the working collective.

    Specifies a fanout value. The default value is 64. It indicates the maximum number of concurrent rsh's to execute. Sequential execution can be specified by indicating a fanout value of 1. The fanout value is taken from the FANOUT environment variable if the f flag is not specified, otherwise the default is used.

    Specifies a list of node groups. Each node group is resolved into nodes and these nodes are added to the working collective. If -G is supplied, a global node group is used. Otherwise, a partitioned-bound node group is used.

    If the -a, -w, or -N flags are not specified, the WCOLL environment variable contains the name of a file containing host names for the working collective.


    Specifies a command to execute on the working collective. It is passed to rsh. This command is specified in rsh syntax (see the SP rsh command).


    The dsh executes commands against all or any subset of the hosts in a network. It reads lines from the command line or standard input and executes each as a command on a set of network-connected hosts. These commands are in rsh syntax. Alternatively, a single command in rsh syntax can be specified on the dsh command line.

    As each command is read, it is interpreted by passing it to each host in a group called the working collective via the SP rsh command.

    The working collective is obtained from the first existence of one of the following:

    1. A list of host names specified on the command line and the members of the cluster as listed in the System Data Repository.

    2. The contents of a file named by the WCOLL environment variable.

    If neither of these exist, an error has occurred and no commands are issued.

    The working collective file should have one host name per line. Blank lines and comment lines beginning with # are ignored.

    The path used when resolving the dsh command on the target nodes is the path set by the user with the DSHPATH environment variable. If DSHPATH is not set, the path used is the rsh default path, /usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin:. The DSHPATH environment variable only works when the user's remote login shell is the Bourne or Korn shell. An example would be to set DSHPATH to the path set on the source machine (for example, DSHPATH=$PATH).

    The maximum number of concurrent rsh's can be specified with the fanout (f) flag or via the FANOUT environment variable. If desired, sequential execution can be obtained by specifying a fanout value of 1. Results are displayed as remote commands complete. All rsh's in a fanout must complete before the next set of rsh's is started. If fanout is not specified via FANOUT or the f flag, rsh's to 64 hosts are issued concurrently. Each rsh that dsh runs requires a reserved TCP/IP port and only 512 such ports are available per host. With large fanouts, it is possible to exhaust all the ports on a host, causing commands that use these ports, such as the SP rlogin and the SP rsh commands, to fail.

    Exit values for the rsh commands are displayed in messages from dsh if nonzero. (A nonzero return code from rsh indicates that the rsh has failed; it has nothing to do with the exit code of the remotely executed command.) If an rsh fails, that host is removed from the current working collective (not the current working collective file), unless the c flag was set.

    The dsh exit value is 0 if no errors occurred in the dsh command and all rsh's finished with exit codes of 0. The dsh exit value is more than 0 if internal errors occur or the rsh's fail. The exit value is increased by 1 for each rsh failure.

    No particular error recovery for command failure on remote hosts is provided. The application or user can examine the command results in dsh's standard error and standard output, and take appropriate action.

    The dsh command waits until results are in for each command for all hosts and displays those results before reading more input commands.

    The dsh command does not work with interactive commands, including those that read from standard input.

    The dsh command output consists of the output (standard error and standard output) of the remotely executed commands. The dsh standard output is the standard output of the remote command. The dsh standard error is the standard error of the remote command. Each line is prefixed with the host name of the host from which that output came. The host name is followed by ":" and a line of the command output.

    For example, let's say that a command was issued to a working collective of host1, host2, and host3. When the command was issued on each of the hosts, the following lines were written by the remote commands:

    For host1 stdout:
    For host2 stdout:
    For host3 stdout:
    For host3 stderr:
    dsh stdout will be
    host1: h1out1
    host1: h1out2
    host2: h2out1
    host2: h2out2
    host3: h3out1
    dsh stderr will be
    host3: h3err1
    host3: h3err2

    A filter to display the output lines by the host is provided separately. See the dshbak command.

    If a host is detected as down (for example, an rsh returns a nonzero return code), subsequent commands are not sent to it on this invocation of dsh, unless the c (continue) option is specified on the command line.

    An exclamation point at the beginning of a command line causes the command to be passed directly to the local host in the current environment. The command is not sent to the working collective.

    Signals 2 (INT), 3 (QUIT), and 15 (TERM) are propagated to the remote commands.

    Signals 19 (CONT), 17 (STOP), and 18 (TSTP) are defaulted. This means that the dsh command responds normally to these signals, but they do not have an effect on the remotely running commands. Other signals are caught by dsh and have their default effects on the dsh command. In the case of these other signals, all current children, and via propagation their remotely running commands, are terminated (SIGTERM).

    Security considerations are the same as for the SP rsh command.


    The dsh command.

    The supplied backend formatting filter.

    working collective file
    A file containing host names, one per line, that defines a working collective.

    Related Information

    Command: dshbak

    SP Commands: rsh, sysctl


    1. To issue the ps command on each host listed in the wchosts file, enter:
      WCOLL=./wchosts dsh ps

    2. To list the current working collective file as specified by the WCOLL environment variable, enter:
      dsh -q

    3. To set the working collective to three hosts and start reading commands from standard input, enter:
      dsh -w otherhost1,otherhost2,otherhost3

    4. To set the current working collective to three hosts, plus the members of the cluster, and issue a command on those hosts formatting the output, enter:
      dsh -w host1,host2,host3 -a cat /etc/passwd | dshbak

    5. To append the file remotefile on otherhost to otherremotefile, which is on otherhost, enter:
      dsh -w otherhost cat remotefile '>>' otherremotefile

    6. To run a file of commands sequentially on all the members of the current system partition and save the results in a file, including the collective and the working collective for each command, enter:
      dsh -if 1 -a < commands_file > results 2>&1

    7. To run the ps command on the working collective and filter results locally, enter:
      dsh ps -ef | grep root

    8. To run the ps command and filter results on the working collective hosts (this can improve performance considerably), enter:
      dsh 'ps -ef | grep root'


      dsh ps -ef "|" grep root

    9. To cat a file from host1 to the local system stripping off the preceding host name to preserve the file, enter:
      dsh -w host1 cat /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f2- | cut -c2- > myetcpasswd

    10. To run the ps command on each node in the node group my_nodes, enter:
      dsh -N my_nodes ps



    dshbak - Presents formatted output from the dsh and sysctl commands.


    dshbak [-c]


    Collapses identical output from more than one host so that it is displayed only once.




    The dshbak command takes lines in the following format:

    host_name: line of output from remote command

    The dshbak command formats them as follows and writes them to standard output. Assume that the output from host_name3 and host_name4 is identical and the c option was specified:

    HOSTS -----------------------------------------------------------------
    lines from dsh or sysctl with host_names stripped off
    HOSTS -----------------------------------------------------------------
    lines from dsh or sysctl with host_names stripped off
    HOSTS -----------------------------------------------------------------
    host_name3             host_name4
    lines from dsh or sysctl with host_names stripped off

    When output is displayed from more than one host in collapsed form, the host names are displayed alphabetically.

    When output is not collapsed, output is displayed sorted alphabetically by host name.

    The dshbak command writes "." for each 1000 lines of output filtered.


    The dshbak command.

    Related Information

    Commands: dsh, sysctl


    1. To display the results of a command executed on several hosts in the format described previously, enter:
      dsh -w host1,host2,host3 cat /etc/passwd | dshbak

    2. To display the results of a command executed on several hosts with identical output displayed only once, enter:
      dsh -w host1,host2,host3 pwd | dshbak -c



    Eannotator - Annotates the connection labels in the topology file.


    Eannotator -F input_file -f output_file -O [yes | no]


    Specifies the topology input file.

    Specifies the topology output file.

    Specifies whether to save the output file to the System Data Repository (SDR) or to the current directory. yes saves the output file to the SDR via the Etopology command. no saves the output file to the current directory.




    This command supports all of the following:

    This command must be executed whenever a new topology file is selected.

    The topology file, which describes the wiring configuration for the High Performance Switch, contains node-to-switch or switch-to-switch cable information. A node-to-switch connection looks like following:

    s 25 2 tb0 17 0     E2-S00-BH-J16 to E2-N2

    The predefined node-to-switch connections start with an "s" which indicates a switch connection. The next two digits, in this case "25" indicate the switch (2) and switch chip (5) being connected. The next digit, in this case "2", indicates the switch chip port in the connection. The next field, in this case "tb0", specifies the type of adapter present in the SP node. The following field, in this case "17", is the switch node number for the SP node, and the last digit, in this case "0", indicates the adapter port within the connection.

    For switch-to-switch connections, the first four fields (switch indicator, switch, switch chip, and switch chip port) are repeated to identify the other end of the connection.

    The connection label "E2-S00-BH-J16 to E2-N2" provides physical connection information for a customer's use to identify the bad connection.

    Depending on the type of switch installed (High Performance Switch or SP Switch), together with the customer's physical switch frame configuration defined in the SDR, the Eannotator command retrieves switch node and dependent node objects from the SDR and applies proper connection information to the topology file.

    If the input topology file contains existing connection information, the Eannotator command replaces the existing connection label with the new connection labels. If the input topology file does not contain connection labels, the Eannotator command appends the proper connection label to each line on the topology file.

    The precoded connection labels on the topology file start with an "L" which indicate logical frames. The Eannotator command replaces the "L" character with an "E" which indicates physical frames. The "S" character indicates which slot the switch occupies in the frame, the "BH" characters indicate a Bulk Head connection, the "J" character indicates which jack provides the connection from the switch board, the "N" character indicates the node being connected to the switch, and the "SC" characters indicate the Switch Chip connection.


    The standard topology file for systems with the 8-port High Performance Switch or a maximum of eight nodes.

    The standard topology file for one NSB system or a maximum of 16 nodes.

    The standard topology file for two NSB systems or a maximum of 32 nodes.

    The standard topology file for three NSB systems or a maximum of 48 nodes.

    The standard topology file for four NSB systems or a maximum of 64 nodes.

    The standard topology file for five NSB systems or a maximum of 80 nodes.

    The standard topology file for five NSB and four ISB systems or a maximum of 80 nodes. This is an advantage-type network with a higher bisectional bandwidth.

    The standard topology file for six NSB and four ISB systems or a maximum of 96 nodes.

    The standard topology file for seven NSB and four ISB systems or a maximum of 112 nodes.

    The standard topology file for eight NSB and four ISB systems or a maximum of 128 nodes.

    The standard topology file for systems with an SP Switch-8 and a maximum of eight nodes.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: Eclock, Eduration, Efence, Eprimary, Equiesce, Estart, Etopology, Eunfence, Eupartition

    Refer to IBM RS/6000 SP: Planning, Volume 2, Control Workstation and Software Environment for details about system partition topology files.


    1. The following are the topology file entries before and after the Eannotator command executes:
      s 15 3 tb0 0 0 L01-S00-BH-J18 to L01-N1
      s 15 3 tb0 0 0 E01-S17-BH-J18 to E01-N1
      Note: Logical frame L01 is defined as physical frame 1 in the SDR Switch object.
      s 10016 0 s 51 3 L09-S1-BH-J20 to L05-S00-BH-J19
      s 10016 0 s 51 3 E10-S1-BH-J20 to E05-S17-BH-J19
      Note: Logical frame L09 is defined as physical frame 10 in the SDR Switch object.
      s 15 3 tb0 0 0 L03-S00-BH-J18 to L03-N3
      s 15 3 tb3 0 0 E03-S17-BH-J18 to E03-N3 # Dependent Node
      Note: Logical frame L03 is defined as physical frame 3 in the SDR Switch object and the node was determined to be a dependent node.

    2. To annotate a topology file for a 128-way SP system with eight Node Switch Boards (NSBs) and four Intermediate Switch Boards (ISBs) and to save the output file in the current directory, enter:
      Eannotator -F -f -O no

    3. To annotate a topology file for a 16-way SP system with one NSB and no ISBs and to save the output file in the SDR via the Etopology command, enter:
      Eannotator -F -f -O yes



    Eclock - Controls the clock source for each switch board within an SP cluster.


    [-f Eclock_topology_file] | [-a Eclock_topology_file] | [-r] | [-d] |
    [-s switch_number -m mux_value] | [-c Eclock_topology_file]


    -f Eclock_topology_file
    Specifies the file name of the clock topology file containing the initial switch clock input values for all switches in the system.

    -a Eclock_topology_file
    Uses the alternate Eclock topology specified in the given clock topology file.

    Extracts the clock topology file information from the System Data Repository (SDR) and initializes the switch clock inputs for all switches in the system.

    Detects the switch configuration, automatically selects the clock topology file, and initializes the switch clock inputs for all switches in the system.

    -s switch_number -m mux_value
    Sets an individual switch (switch_number) clock multiplexor (mux) value (mux_value)


    Specifies the switch number.

    Specifies a flag with one of the following values:

    High Performance Switch

    Use the internal oscillator (make this frame the master frame).
    Use input 1 (clock input from jack 3).
    Use input 2 (clock input from jack 5).
    Use input 3 (clock input from jack 7).

    SP Switch

    Use the internal oscillator (make this frame the master frame).
    Use input 1 (clock input from jack 3) (NSBs or ISBs).
    Use input 2 (clock input from jack 4) (NSBs or ISBs).
    Use clock input from jack 5 (NSBs or ISBs).
    Use clock input from jack 4 (NSBs or ISBs).
    Use clock input from jack 5 (NSBs or ISBs).
    Use clock input from jack 6 (NSBs or ISBs).
    Use clock input from jack 7 (ISBs only).
    Use clock input from jack 8 (ISBs only).
    Use clock input from jack 9 (ISBs only).
    Use clock input from jack 10 (ISBs only).
    Use clock input from jack 27 (NSBs or ISBs).
    Use clock input from jack 28 (NSBs or ISBs).
    Use clock input from jack 29 (NSBs or ISBs).
    Use clock input from jack 30 (NSBs or ISBs).
    Use clock input from jack 31 (ISBs only).
    Use clock input from jack 32 (ISBs only).
    Use clock input from jack 33 (ISBs only).
    Use clock input from jack 34 (ISBs only).

    -c Eclock_topology_file
    Creates a new clock topology file from the data in the SDR.

    If a flag is not specified, the clock input values stored in the SDR are displayed.




    Use this command to set the multiplexors that control the clocking at each switch board within the configuration. One switch board within the configuration is designated as the "Master" switch that provides the clocking signal for all other switch boards within the configuration. The Eclock command reads clock topology information from either the file specified on the command line or the clock topology data within the SDR. If a clock topology file was specified, the Eclock command places the clock topology information into the SDR, so that it can be accessed again during a subsequent Eclock invocation. After processing the clock topology file, Eclock causes the new clock topology to take effect for the switches specified. A clock topology file contains the following information for each switch board within the cluster:

    High Performance Switch Warning

    Do not change the switch clock multiplexor settings (with Eclock, spmon command/GUI, hmcmds) while the nodes are powered on. Otherwise, AIX must be rebooted and Estart must be run following the clock adjustment.

    SP Switch Warning

    Do not change the switch clock multiplexor settings (with Eclock, spmon command/GUI, hmcmds) while the nodes are powered on. Otherwise, Estart must be run following the clock adjustment.

    To execute the Eclock command, the user must be authorized to access the Hardware Monitor subsystem and, for those frames specified to the command, the user must be granted VFOP (Virtual Front Operator Panel) permission. Commands sent to frames for which the user does not have VFOP permission are ignored. Since the Hardware Monitor subsystem uses SP authentication services, the user must execute the kinit command prior to executing this command. Alternatively, site-specific procedures can be used to obtain the tokens that are otherwise obtained by kinit.


    The standard clock topology file for systems with one NSB or a maximum of 16 nodes.

    The standard clock topology file for systems with the 8-port High Performance Switch or an SP Switch-8 or a maximum of eight nodes.

    The standard clock topology file for systems with two NSBs or a maximum of 32 nodes.

    The standard clock topology file for systems with three NSBs or a maximum of 48 nodes.

    The standard clock topology file for systems with four NSBs or a maximum of 64 nodes.

    The standard clock topology file for systems with five NSBs or a maximum of 80 nodes.

    The standard clock topology file for systems with five NSBs and four ISBs or a maximum of 80 nodes. This is an advantage-type network with a higher bisectional bandwidth.

    The standard clock topology file for systems with six NSBs and four ISBs or a maximum of 96 nodes.

    The standard clock topology file for systems with seven NSBs and four ISBs or a maximum of 112 nodes.

    The standard clock topology file for systems with eight NSBs and four ISBs or a maximum of 128 nodes.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: Eannotator, Eduration, Efence, Eprimary, Equiesce, Estart, Etopology, Eunfence, Eunpartition


    1. To set the clock multiplexors for a 128-way SP system with eight Node Switch Boards (NSBs) and four Intermediate Switch Boards (ISBs), enter:
      Eclock -f /etc/SP/

    2. To display the clock multiplexor settings for all switches within the SP system, enter:

    3. To set the switch on frame 1 (switch 1) to be the master switch (use internal oscillator), enter:
      Eclock -s 1 -m 0

    4. To create an Eclock topology file from the current data in the SDR, enter:
      Eclock -c /tmp/

    5. To use an alternate clock topology (with a new switch clock source) for a 64-way SP system with two ISBs, enter:
      Eclock -a /etc/SP/

    6. To have Eclock automatically select a topology file for you based on data in the SDR, enter:
      Eclock -d



    Usage Note

    Do not use this command if you have the SP Switch installed on your system.

    Eduration - Sets the interval that nodes can be added or removed from the High Performance Switch. This interval is called the Run Phase Duration.


    Eduration [[days day[s]] [hours hour[s]] [minutes minute[s]] ] | [-h]


    days day[s]
    Specifies the number of days that the switch will stay in the Run Phase. Valid values are 1--40.

    hours hour[s]
    Specifies the number of hours that the switch will stay in the Run Phase. Valid values are 1--23.

    minutes minute[s]
    Specifies the number of minutes that the switch will stay in the Run Phase. Valid values are 1--59.

    Displays usage information.

    Any combination of the three preceding time designations can be used to specify the new Run Phase Duration. Since the duration determines how quickly the system can respond to Efence and Eunfence requests, it should be set to provide the desired response. If none of the time specifiers are present, Eduration will display the current value of the Run Phase Duration.




    The Run Phase Duration controls how frequently Efence and Eunfence requests are handled. This command provides an interface to set that value.
    Note: The Run Phase Duration changes will not take effect until the end of the current Run Phase. If you are changing the Run Phase Duration from a large value to something that is significantly smaller and you do not want to wait for the current the Run Phase to complete, you will have to Estart the switch.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: Eannotator, Eclock, Efence, Eprimary, Equiesce, Estart, Etopology, Eunfence, Eunpartition


    1. To set the Run Phase Duration to 1 minute, enter:
      Eduration 1 minute

    2. To set the Run Phase Duration to an hour and 30 minutes, enter:
      Eduration 1 hour 30 minutes

    3. To query the Run Phase Duration, enter:



    Efence - Removes an SP node from the current active switch network.


    Efence [-h] | [-G] [-autojoin] [node_specifier] ...


    Displays usage information.

    Fences all valid nodes in the list of nodes regardless of system partition boundaries. If the -G flag is not used, the Efence command will only fence the nodes in the current system partition. All other specified nodes will not be fenced and a nonzero return code is returned.

    Enables the nodes in the argument list to be fenced and to automatically rejoin the current switch network if the node is rebooted or the Fault Service daemon is restarted.

    If you have an SP Switch installed on your system, such nodes are also rejoined when an Estart command is issued.


    Specifies a node or a list of nodes that are to be taken out of the current switch network. It can be a list of host names, IP addresses, node numbers, frame,slot pairs, or a node group.
    Note: You cannot fence the primary node on the High Performance Switch and you cannot fence either the primary or primary backup nodes on the SP Switch.


    Use this command to fence a node from the current switch network.

    If you have an SP Switch installed on your system, you must do either of the following to bring the node back up onto the switch network:

    If you have a High Performance Switch installed on your system, you can issue the Estart command to rejoin all nodes on the switch network.

    Note: If a host name or IP address is used as the node_specifier for a dependent node, it must be a host name or IP address assigned to the adapter that connects the dependent node to the SP Switch. Neither the administrative host name nor the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent's host name for a dependent node is guaranteed to be the same as the host name of its switch network interface.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: Eannotator, Eclock, Eduration, Eprimary, Equiesce, Estart, Etopology, Eunfence, Eunpartition


    1. To display all the nodes that were fenced from the switch network in the current system partition, enter:

    2. To display only the nodes that were fenced from the switch network with the automatic join option enabled, enter:
      Efence -autojoin

    3. To display all the nodes that were fenced from the switch network in all system partitions, enter:
      Efence -G

    4. To fence two nodes by IP address, enter:

    5. To fence a node by host name, enter:
      Efence r11n01

    6. To fence a list of nodes by node number and enable -autojoin, enter:
      Efence -autojoin 54 65 32 78

    7. To fence node 14 of frame 2 by frame,slot pair, enter:
      Efence 2,14

    8. If the current partition has nodes with node numbers 1, 2, 5, and 6 and another partition has nodes with node numbers 3, 4, 7, and 8, issuing the command:
      Efence 5 6 7 8
      fences nodes 5 and 6, but not nodes 7 and 8. As a result, the command returns a nonzero return code.

    9. To successfully fence the nodes in example 8 with the same partitions, use the -G flag as follows:
      Efence -G 5 6 7 8

    emconditionctrl Script


    emconditionctrl - Loads the System Data Repository (SDR) with predefined Event Management conditions.


    emconditionctrl [-a] [-s] [-k] [-d] [-c] [-t] [-o] [-r] [-h]


    Loads the SDR with predefined Event Management conditions for the current system partition.

    Starts the subsystem. (Currently has no effect.)

    Stops the subsystem. (Currently has no effect.)

    Deletes the subsystem. (Currently has no effect.)

    Cleans the subsystem. (Currently has no effect.)

    Turns tracing on. (Currently has no effect.)

    Turns tracing off. (Currently has no effect.)

    Refreshes the subsystem. (Currently has no effect.)

    Displays usage information.




    The emconditionctrl script loads the SDR with some useful conditions that can be used for registering for Event Management events. Currently the SP Perspectives application can make use of conditions.

    The emconditionctrl script is not normally executed on the command line. It is normally called by the syspar_ctrl command after the control workstation has been installed or when the system is partitioned. It implements all of the flags that syspar_ctrl can pass to its subsystems, although only the -a flag causes any change to the system. The -a flag causes predefined conditions to be loaded only if run on the control workstation. It has no effect if run elsewhere.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates an exit code from the SDRCreateObjects command.


    You must be running with an effective user ID of root.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: syspar_ctrl

    emonctrl Script


    emonctrl - A control script that manages the Emonitor subsystem.


    emonctrl { -a | -s | -k | -d | -c | -t | -o | -r | -h }


    Adds the subsystem.

    Starts the subsystem. Not implemented. The subsystem should be started using Estart -m

    Stops the subsystem.

    Deletes the subsystem.

    Cleans the subsystems, that is, delete them from all system partitions.

    Turns tracing on for the subsystem. Not used.

    Turns tracing off for the subsystem. Not used.

    Refreshes the subsystem. Not implemented.

    Displays usage information.




    The Emonitor subsystem monitors designated nodes in an attempt to maximize their availability on the switch network.

    The emonctrl control script controls the operation of the Emonitor subsystem. The subsystem is under the control of the System Resource Controller (SRC) and belongs to a subsystem group called emon.

    An instance of the Emonitor subsystem can execute on the control workstation for each system partition. Because Emonitor provides its services within the scope of a system partition, it is said to be system partition-sensitive. This control script operates in a manner similar to the control scripts of other system partition-sensitive subsystems. It should be issued from the control workstation and is not functional on the nodes.

    From an operational point of view, the Emonitor subsystem group is organized as follows:


    Subsystem Group

    SRC Group

    The emon group is associated with the Emonitor daemon.

    On the control workstation, there are multiple instances of Emonitor, one for each system partition. Accordingly, the subsystem names on the control workstation have the system partition name appended to them. For example, for system partitions named sp_prod and sp_test, the subsystems on the control workstation are named Emonitor.sp_prod and Emonitor.sp_test.


    The Emonitor daemon provides switch node monitoring.

    The emonctrl script is not normally executed from the command line. It is normally called by the syspar_ctrl command during installation of the system, and partitioning or repartitioning of the system.

    The emonctrl script provides a variety of controls for operating the Emonitor daemon:

    Before performing any of these functions, the script obtains the current system partition name and IP address (using the spget_syspar command) and the node number (using the node_number) command. If the node number is zero, the control script is running on the control workstation. Since the Emonitor daemon runs only on the control workstation, the script performs no function when run on a node.

    Except for the clean function, all functions are performed within the scope of the current system partition.

    Adding the Subsystem

    When the -a flag is specified, the control script uses the mkssys command to add the Emonitor daemon to the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It checks whether the Emonitor subsystem already exists in this system partition. If the Emonitor subsystem does exist, it exits.

    2. It adds the Emonitor subsystem to the SRC with the system partition name appended.

    Starting the Subsystem

    This option is unused since the Emonitor daemon must be started via Estart -m.

    Stopping the Subsystem

    When the -k flag is specified, the control script uses the stopsrc command to stop the Emonitor daemon in the current system partition.

    Deleting the Subsystem

    When the -d flag is specified, the control script uses the rmssys command to remove the Emonitor subsystem from the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It makes sure that the Emonitor subsystem is stopped.

    2. It removes the Emonitor subsystem from the SRC using the rmssys command.

    Cleaning Up the Subsystems

    When the -c flag is specified, the control script stops and removes the Emonitor subsystems for all system partitions from the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It stops all instances of subsystems in the subsystem group in all system partitions, using the stopsrc -g emon command.

    2. It removes all instances of subsystems in the subsystem group in all system partitions from the SRC using the rmssys command.

    Turning Tracing On

    Not currently used.

    Turning Tracing Off

    Not currently used.

    Refreshing the Subsystem

    Not currently used.


    While it is running, the Emonitor daemon provides information about its operation and errors by writing entries in a log file. The Emonitor daemon uses log files called /var/adm/SPlogs/css/Emonitor.log and /var/adm/SPlogs/css/Emonitor.Estart.log.


    Contains the log of all Emonitor daemons on the system.

    Contains the log of all Estart and Eunfence commands issued by all Emonitor daemons.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    AIX Version 4 Commands Reference

    Information about the System Resource Controller (SRC) in AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs



    Related Information

    Commands: Emonitor, Estart, lssrc, startsrc, stopsrc, syspar_ctrl


    1. To add the Emonitor subsystem to the SRC in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      emonctrl -a

    2. To stop the Emonitor subsystem in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      emonctrl -k

    3. To delete the Emonitor subsystem from the SRC in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      emonctrl -d

    4. To clean up the Emonitor subsystem on all system partitions, enter:
      emonctrl -c

    5. To display the status of all of the subsystems in the Emonitor SRC group, enter:
      lssrc -g emon

    6. To display the status of an individual Emonitor subsystem, enter:
      lssrc -s subsystem_name

    7. To display the status of all of the daemons under SRC control, enter:
      lssrc -a

    Emonitor Daemon


    Emonitor - Monitors nodes listed in the /etc/SP/Emonitor.cfg file in an to attempt to maximize this availability on the switch.








    Emonitor is a daemon controlled by the System Resource Controller (SRC). It can be used to monitor nodes in a system partition in regard to the their status on the switch. A system-wide configuration file (/etc/SP/Emonitor.cfg) lists all nodes on the system to be monitored. The objective is to bring these nodes back up on the switch network when necessary.

    Emonitor is invoked with Estart -m. Once invoked, it is controlled by SRC so it will restart if it is halted abnormally. If the you decide to end monitoring, you must run /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/emonctrl -k to stop the daemon in your system partition.

    There is an Emonitor daemon for each system partition. The daemon watches for any node coming up (for example, host_responds goes from 0 to 1). When the daemon detects a node coming up, it performs a review of the nodes in the configuration file to check if any node is off the switch network. If any nodes in the specified system partition are off the switch network, it determines a way to bring them back onto the the switch (for example, via Eunfence or Estart), and takes the appropriate action. In order to avoid the Estart command from being run several times (which can occur if multiple nodes are coming up in sequence), Emonitor waits 3 minutes after a node comes up to be sure no other nodes are in the process of coming up. Each time a new node comes up prior to the 3 minute timeout, Emonitor resets the timer to a maximum wait of 12 minutes.

    Emonitor cannot always bring nodes back on the switch. For example, if any of the following occur:

    On a High Performance Switch, if a node is faulted off the switch and you are forced to do an Estart, you will lose history of any nodes that you had isolated off the switch. All nodes on a High Performance Switch come back on the switch on an Estart.

    Problems can occur if the node that is faulted off the switch is experiencing a recurring error that causes it to come up and then fail repeatedly. The monitor continually attempts to bring this node into the switch network and could jeopardize the stability of the remaining switch network.
    Note: Nodes that will be undergoing hardware or software maintenance should be removed from the Emonitor.cfg file during this maintenance to prevent Emonitor from attempting to to bring them onto the switch network.


    Specifies a list of node numbers, one per line, that the user wants monitored by Emonitor. This list is system-wide.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: Eannotator, Eclock, Eduration, Efence, emonctrl, Eprimary, Equiesce, Estart, Etopology, Eunfence, Eupartition



    enadmin - Changes the desired state of a specified extension node.


    [-a {reset | reconfigure}] [-h] node_number


    Specifies the desired state to which the extension node is to be set.

    Once the administrative state of the extension node is placed in this mode, the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent managing the extension node will periodically send trap messages to the spmgrd daemon running on the control workstation requesting configuration data for the extension node. Once the configuration data is received by the agent, it stops sending these requests and uses the configuration data to reconfigure the extension node.

    Once the administrative state of the extension node is placed in this mode, the SNMP agent managing the extension node will set the extension node to an initial state in which it is no longer an active node on the switch network.

    Displays usage information.


    Specifies the node number assigned to the extension node whose state is to be changed.


    Use this command to change the administrative state of an extension node. Setting the administrative state of an extension node to reconfigure causes configuration data for the extension node to be resent to the extension node's administrative environment. Setting the administrative state of an extension node to reset places the extension node in an initial state in which it is no longer active on the switch network.

    This command is invoked internally when choosing the reconfigure option of the endefadapter and endefnode commands or the reset (-r) option of the enrmnode command.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command by selecting the Extension Node Management panel. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit manage_extnode

    Standard Output

    All informational messages are written to standard output. These messages identify the extension node being changed and indicate when the specified state change has been accepted for processing by the extension node agent (at which point the command is complete). All error messages are also written to standard output.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the administrative state of the extension node was successfully changed.

    Indicates that an error occurred while processing the command and the administrative state of the extension node was not changed.


    You must have root privilege to run this command or be a member of the system group.


    This command can only be issued on the control workstation.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP) ssp.spmgr file set.

    The spmgrd SNMP manager daemon on the SP control workstation allows transfer of extension node configuration data from the SP system to an SNMP agent providing administrative support for the extension node. Version 1 of the SNMP protocol is used for communication between the SNMP manager and the SNMP agent. Limited control of an extension node is also possible. An SNMP set-request message containing an object instantiation representing the requested administrative state for the extension node is sent from the SNMP manager to the SNMP agent providing administrative support for the extension node. After the administrative state of an extension node is received by the SNMP agent, the enadmin command is completed. Requests for configuration information and information about the state of an extension node are sent to the SNMP manager asynchronously in SNMP trap messages.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM RS/6000 SP: Planning, Volume 2, Control Workstation and Software Environment



    Related Information

    Commands: endefadapter, endefnode, enrmadapter, enrmnode, spmgrd


    1. To request that configuration data for the extension node assigned to node number 9 be sent to its SNMP managing agent, enter:
      enadmin -a reconfigure 9

    2. To request that the extension node assigned to node number 9 be placed in an initial state and no longer be active on the switch, enter:
      enadmin -a reset 9



    endefadapter - Adds new or changes existing configuration data for an extension node adapter in the System Data Repository (SDR) and optionally performs the reconfiguration request.


    endefadapter [-a address] [-h] [-m netmask] [-r] node_number


    -a address
    Specifies the IP network address of the extension node adapter. The IP network address must be able to be resolved by the host command. This flag is required when adding a new extension node adapter.

    Displays usage information.

    -m netmask
    Specifies the netmask for the network on which the extension node adapter resides. This flag is required when adding a new extension node adapter.

    Specifies that the extension node adapter will be reconfigured.


    Specifies the node number for this extension node adapter. This operand is required.


    Use this command to define extension node adapter information in the SDR. The -a and -m flags and the node_number operand are required.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit enter_extadapter

    Environment Variables

    The SP_NAME environment variable is used (if set) to direct this command to a system partition. If the SP_NAME environment variable is not set, the default system partition will be used.

    Standard Output

    This command writes informational messages to standard output.

    Standard Error

    This command writes all error messages to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred and the extension node adapter information was not updated.


    You must have root privilege to run this command or be a member of the system group.


    This command can only be issued on the control workstation.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP) ssp.basic file set.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM RS/6000 SP: Planning, Volume 2, Control Workstation and Software Environment



    Related Information

    Commands: enadmin, endefnode, enrmadapter, enrmnode


    1. The following example shows the definition of an extension node adapter for node number 10 with a network address of and a netmask of, enter:
      endefadapter -a -m 10

    2. The following example shows the same definition, but the extension node adapter will be reconfigured after the SDR is updated:
      endefadapter -a -m -r 10



    endefnode - Adds new or changes existing configuration data for an extension node in the System Data Repository (SDR) and optionally performs the reconfiguration request.


    [-a hostname] [-c string] [-h] [-i string] [-r]
    [-s hostname] node_number


    -a hostname
    Specifies the administrative host name, which can be resolved to an IP address, associated with the extension nodes's network interface on the administrative network. This flag is required when adding a new extension node.

    -c string
    Specifies the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) community name that the SP SNMP manager and the node's SNMP agent will send in the corresponding field of the SNMP messages. This field consists of 1 to 255 ASCII characters. If the -c flag is not specified, the spmgrd daemon will use a default SNMP community name. For more information about the default community name, refer to the related extension node publication in the "Related Information" section that follows.

    Displays usage information.

    -i string
    Specifies the extension node identifier assigned to the node in its system's administrative environment. This is a text string that uniquely identifies the node to its system. This field consists of 1 to 255 ASCII characters. This flag is required when adding a new extension node.

    Specifies that the extension node will be reconfigured.

    -s hostname
    Specifies the host name that can be resolved to an IP address of the extension node's SNMP agent. This flag is required when adding a new extension node.


    Specifies the node number for this extension node. The node_number specified in this command must be for an unused standard node position that corresponds to the relative node position assigned to the extension node. Otherwise, there would be a conflict in the switch configuration information. This operand is required.


    Use this command to define extension node information in the SDR. When adding a new extension node, the -a, -i, and -s flags and the node_number operand are required. When changing an existing extension node definition, only the node number is required along with the flag corresponding to the field being changed.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit enter_extnode

    Environment Variables

    The SP_NAME environment variable is used (if set) to direct this command to a system partition. If the SP_NAME environment variable is not set, the default system partition will be used.

    Standard Output

    This command writes informational messages to standard output.

    Standard Error

    This command writes all error messages to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred and the extension node information was not updated.


    You must have root privilege to run this command or be a member of the system group.


    This command can only be issued on the control workstation.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP) ssp.basic file set.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM RS/6000 SP: Planning, Volume 2, Control Workstation and Software Environment



    Related Information

    Commands: enadmin, endefadapter, enrmnode, enrmadapter

    Refer to the SP Switch Router Adapter Guide for information about attaching an IP router extension node to the SP Switch.


    1. The following example shows a definition of an extension node with a node number of 2 that references slot number 13 in a router:
      endefnode -i 13 -a router1 -s router1 -c spenmgmt 2

    2. The following example shows a definition of an extension node with a node number of 7 that references slot number 02 in a router. This extension node will also be reconfigured after the SDR is updated.
      endefnode -i 02 -a -s -c spenmgmt -r 7



    enrmadapter - Removes configuration data for an extension node adapter from the System Data Repository (SDR).


    enrmadapter [-h] node_number


    Displays usage information.


    Specifies the node number for this extension node adapter.


    Use this command to remove extension node adapter information from the SDR. The node_number operand is required.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit delete_extadapter

    Environment Variables

    The environment variable SP_NAME is used (if set) to direct this command to a system partition. If the SP_NAME environment variable is not set, the default system partition will be used.

    Standard Output

    This command writes informational messages to standard output.

    Standard Error

    This command writes all error messages to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred and the extension node adapter information was not updated.


    You must have root privilege to run this command or be a member of the system group.


    This command can only be issued on the control workstation.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP) ssp.basic file set.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM RS/6000 SP: Planning, Volume 2, Control Workstation and Software Environment



    Related Information

    Commands: enadmin, endefadapter, endefnode, enrmnode


    To remove an extension node adapter with a node number of 12 from the SDR, enter:

    enrmadapter 12



    enrmnode - Removes configuration data for an extension node in the System Data Repository (SDR).


    enrmnode [-h] [-r] node_number


    Displays usage information.

    Causes the extension node to be reset.


    Specifies the node number for this extension node.


    Use this command to remove extension node information from the SDR. When removing information, the node_number operand is required.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit delete_extnode

    Environment Variables

    The environment variable SP_NAME is used (if set) to direct this command to a system partition. If the SP_NAME environment variable is not set, the default system partition will be used.

    Standard Output

    This command writes informational messages to standard output.

    Standard Error

    This command writes all error messages to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred and the extension node information was not updated.


    You must have root privilege to run this command or be a member of the system group.


    This command can only be issued on the control workstation.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP) ssp.basic file set.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM RS/6000 SP: Planning, Volume 2, Control Workstation and Software Environment



    Related Information

    Commands: enadmin, endefadapter, endefnode, enrmadapter


    To remove an extension node with a node number of 2 from the SDR and reset that extension node, enter:

    enrmnode -r 2



    Eprimary - Assigns or queries the switch primary node and switch primary backup node for a system partition.

    ***High Performance Switch***


    Eprimary [-h] [-init] [node_identifier]


    Displays usage information.

    Initializes or reinitializes the system partition object in the System Data Repository (SDR). If -init is specified without a node identifier, the lowest numbered node in the system partition is used by default.


    Specifies the node designated as the switch primary node. It can be a host name, an IP address, a frame,slot pair, or a node number.

    Note: If no flags or operands are specified, the current switch primary node is displayed.


    Use this command to assign, change, or query the switch primary node. When the -init option is specified, it can be used to create a switch partition object for a system partition. The primary node should not be changed unless the current primary node is becoming unavailable (for example, if the current primary node is to be serviced). The Estart command must be issued before a change of the primary node (using Eprimary) takes effect. The old primary node must be rebooted or powered off before issuing Estart to remove its inclination to behave as the primary node.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: Eannotator, Eclock, Eduration, Efence, Equiesce, Estart, Etopology, Eunfence


    1. To query the switch primary node, enter:

    2. To designate a switch primary node by IP address, enter:

    3. To designate a switch primary node by node number, enter:
      Eprimary 1

    4. To designate the switch primary node by host name, enter:
      Eprimary r11n01

    5. To create a system partition object and assign a switch primary node by a frame,slot, enter:
      Eprimary -init 1,2

    ***SP Switch***


    Eprimary [-h] [-init] [node_identifier] [-backup bnode_identifier]


    Displays usage information.

    Initializes or reinitializes the current system partition object. If -init is specified without a node_identifier or without a bnode_identifier, the respective default is used for the primary and primary backup nodes. The lowest numbered node in the system partition is the default primary node, and the furthest node from the primary is the default primary backup node.

    -backup bnode_identifier
    Specifies the node designated as the oncoming switch primary backup node. It can be a host name, an IP address, a frame,slot pair, or a node number. If a bnode_identifier is not specified, the oncoming primary backup node is automatically selected. A dependent node cannot be selected as a primary or primary backup node.


    Specifies the node designated as the oncoming switch primary node. It can be a host name, an IP address, a frame,slot pair, or a node number. If a node_identifier is not specified, the oncoming primary node is automatically selected. A dependent node cannot be selected as a primary or primary backup node.

    Note: If no flags or operands are specified, each of the following is displayed:
    • Current switch primary node
    • Current switch primary backup node
    • Oncoming switch primary node
    • Oncoming switch primary backup node


    Use this command to assign, change, or query the switch primary node or the switch primary backup node. The primary node should not be changed unless the current primary node is becoming unavailable (for example, if the current primary node is to be serviced). The Estart command must be issued before a change of the primary node or the primary backup node (using Eprimary) takes effect.

    In an SP Switch network, the primary node takeover facility automatically handles situations (such as a node loss) for each of the primary and primary backup nodes. The primary node replaces a failing primary backup node and the primary backup node automatically takes over for the primary node if the primary node becomes unavailable. Note that the node chosen cannot be a dependent node. The primary backup node should be selected using the following guidelines:

    The Eprimary command selects a default oncoming primary or oncoming backup primary node if one is not specified. Users receive a warning in the following situations on the oncoming primary or oncoming backup primary nodes:


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: Eannotator, Eclock, Eduration, Efence, Equiesce, Estart, Etopology, Eunfence, Eunpartition


    1. To query the switch primary and primary backup nodes, enter:

    2. To designate an oncoming switch primary node by IP address and let Eprimary select an oncoming switch primary backup node, enter:

    3. To designate an oncoming switch primary node and an oncoming switch primary backup node by IP address, enter:
      Eprimary -backup

    4. To designate an oncoming switch primary node and an oncoming switch primary backup node by host name, enter:
      Eprimary r11n01 -backup r17n02

    5. To create a system partition object and assign a switch primary backup node by a frame,slot, enter:
      Eprimary -init 1,2 -backup 1,6



    Usage Note

    Use this command only if you have an SP Switch installed on your system.

    Equiesce - Quiesces the switch by causing the primary and primary backup nodes to shut down switch recovery and primary node takeover.


    Equiesce [-h]


    Displays usage information.




    Use this command to disable switch error recovery and primary node takeover. It is used to shut down normal switch error actions when global activities affecting nodes are performed. For example, when all nodes are shutdown or rebooted, they are fenced from the switch by the primary node.

    If the primary node is not the first node to shut down during a global shutdown or reboot of the entire system, it may fence all the other nodes including the primary backup node. Primary node takeover can also occur if the primary node is shut down and the backup node remains up. Issuing the Equiesce command before the shutdown prevents these situations from occurring.

    The Equiesce command causes the primary and primary backup nodes to shut down their recovery actions. Data still flows over the switch, but no faults are serviced and primary node takeover is disabled. Only the Eannotator, Eclock, Eprimary, Estart, and Etopology commands are functional after the Equiesce command is issued.

    Estart must be issued when the global activity is complete to reestablish switch recovery and primary node takeover.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.



    Related Information

    Commands: Eannotator, Eclock, Efence, Eprimary, Estart, Etopology, Eunfence, Eunpartition


    To quiesce the switch before shutting down the system, enter:




    Estart - Starts the switch.


    Estart [-h] [-m]


    Displays usage information.

    Specifies that the Emonitor daemon should be started. (See /etc/SP/Emonitor.cfg for details.)




    Use this command to start or restart the current system partition based on its switch topology file. (Refer to the Etopology command for topology file details.) If the -m flag is specified, it will also start the Emonitor daemon to monitor nodes on the switch. Refer to the Emonitor daemon for additional information. If the Estart command is issued when the switch is already running, it causes a switch fault, and messages in flight are lost. Applications using reliable protocols on the switch, such as TCP/IP and the MPI User Space library, recover from switch faults. Applications using unreliable protocols on the switch do not recover from switch faults. For this reason, IBM suggests that you should be aware of what applications or protocols you are running before you issue the Estart command. Since the Estart command uses the SP rsh command, proper authentication and authorization to issue this command is necessary.

    SP Switch Notes:

    If you have an SP Switch installed on your system, an oncoming primary node as selected via Eprimary is established as primary during Estart. If necessary, the topology file is distributed to partition nodes during Estart. The topology file to be used is distributed to each of the standard nodes in the system partition via the SP Ethernet:

    Otherwise, the topology file is already resident on the nodes and does not need to be distributed.


    The standard topology file for systems with the 8-port High Performance Switch with a maximum of eight nodes.

    The standard topology file for one Node Switch Board (NSB) system or a maximum of 16 nodes.

    The standard topology file for two NSB systems or a maximum of 32 nodes.

    The standard topology file for three NSB systems or a maximum of 48 nodes.

    The standard topology file for four NSB systems or a maximum of 64 nodes.

    The standard topology file for five NSB systems or a maximum of 80 nodes.

    The standard topology file for five NSB and four Intermediate Switch Board (ISB) systems or a maximum of 80 nodes. This is an advantage-type network with a higher bisectional bandwidth.

    The standard topology file for six NSB and four ISB systems or a maximum of 96 nodes.

    The standard topology file for seven NSB and four ISB systems or a maximum of 112 nodes.

    The standard topology file for eight NSB and four ISB systems or a maximum of 128 nodes.

    The standard topology file for systems with an SP Switch-8 and a maximum of eight nodes.

    The list of nodes that the user wants monitored via the Emonitor daemon (not partition sensitive).

    Contains system error messages if any occurred during the distribution of the topology file to the nodes.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: Eannotator, Eclock, Eduration, Efence, Eprimary, Equiesce, Etopology, Eunfence, Eunpartition

    Refer to IBM RS/6000 SP: Planning, Volume 2, Control Workstation and Software Environment for details about system partition topology files.


    1. To start the High Performance Switch, enter:

    2. To start the High Performance Switch and the Emonitor daemon, enter:
      Estart -m



    Etopology - Stores or reads a switch topology file into or out of the System Data Repository (SDR).


    Etopology [-h] [-read] switch_topology_file


    Displays usage information.

    Retrieves the current switch topology file out of the SDR and stores it in the specified switch_topology_file. If -read is not specified, the specified switch_topology_file will be stored in the SDR.


    Specifies the full path name of the file into which the current SDR switch topology is to be copied, or the full path name of a switch topology file to store in the SDR. A sequence number is appended to this file name when it is stored in the SDR. This is used to ensure that the appropriate topology file is distributed to the nodes of the system partition.


    Use this command to store or retrieve the switch_topology_file into or out of the SDR. The switch topology file is used by switch initialization when starting the switch for the current system partition. It is stored in the SDR and can be overridden by having a switch topology file in the /etc/SP directory named on the switch primary node.

    If you have an SP Switch installed on your system, the current topology file is copied to each node of the subject system partition during an Estart and to each targeted node for an Eunfence.


    The standard topology file for systems with the 8-port High Performance Switch with a maximum of eight nodes.

    The standard topology file for one Node Switch Board system or a maximum of 16 nodes.

    The standard topology file for two NSB systems or a maximum of 32 nodes.

    The standard topology file for three NSB systems or a maximum of 48 nodes.

    The standard topology file for four NSB systems or a maximum of 64 nodes.

    The standard topology file for five NSB systems or a maximum of 80 nodes.

    The standard topology file for five NSB and four Intermediate Switch Board (ISB) systems or a maximum of 80 nodes. This is an advantage-type network with a higher bisectional bandwidth.

    The standard topology file for six NSB and four ISB systems or a maximum of 96 nodes.

    The standard topology file for seven NSB and four ISB systems or a maximum of 112 nodes.

    The standard topology file for eight NSB and four ISB systems or a maximum of 128 nodes.

    The standard topology file for systems with an SP Switch-8 and a maximum of eight nodes.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: Eannotator, Eclock, Eduration, Efence, Eprimary, Equiesce, Estart, Eunfence, Eupartition

    Refer to the IBM RS/6000 SP: Planning, Volume 2, Control Workstation and Software Environment for information on system partition configurations and topology files.


    1. To store a topology file for a system with up to 96 nodes in the SDR, enter:
      Etopology /etc/SP/

    2. To store a topology file for a system with up to 16 nodes in the SDR, enter:
      Etopology /etc/SP/

    3. To retrieve a topology file out of the SDR and store it to a file, enter:
      Etopology -read /tmp/



    Eunfence - Adds an SP node to the current active switch network that was previously removed from the network.


    Eunfence [-h | [-G] node_specifier [node_specifier2] ...


    Displays usage information.

    Unfences all valid nodes in the list of nodes regardless of system partition boundaries. If the -G flag is not used, the Eunfence command will only unfence the nodes in the current system partition. All other specified nodes will not be unfenced and a nonzero return code is returned.


    Specifies a list of nodes that is to rejoin the current switch network. It can be a list of host names, IP addresses, node numbers, frame,slot pairs, or a node group.


    Use this command to allow a node to rejoin the current switch network that was previously removed with the Efence command.

    You can also use this command to allow a node to rejoin the switch network if that node was previously removed from the SP Switch network due to a switch or adapter error.

    SP Switch Note:

    Eunfence first distributes the current topology file to the nodes before they can be unfenced.

    High Performance Switch Note:

    The Eunfence command cannot unfence a fenced node if a switch fault occurred or if Estart ran after the node was fenced. You must do another Estart to unfence the node.
    Note: If a host name or IP address is used as the node_specifier for a dependent node, it must be a host name or IP address assigned to the adapter that connects the dependent node to the SP Switch. Neither the administrative host name nor the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent's host name for a dependent node is guaranteed to be the same as the host name of its switch network interface.


    Contains system error messages if any occurred during the distribution of the topology file to the nodes.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: Eannotator, Eclock, Eduration, Efence, Eprimary, Equiesce, Estart, Etopology, Eunpartition


    1. To unfence a node by IP address, enter:

    2. To unfence two nodes by host name, enter:
      Eunfence r11n01 r11n04

    3. To unfence several nodes by node number, enter:
      Eunfence 34 43 20 76 40

    4. To unfence node 14 of frame 2 by frame,slots pairs, enter:
      Eunfence 2,14

    5. If the current system partition has nodes with node numbers 1, 2, 5, and 6 and another system partition has nodes with node numbers 3, 4, 7, and 8, issuing the command:
      Eunfence 5 6 7 8
      unfences nodes 5 and 6, but not nodes 7 and 8. As a result, the command returns a nonzero return code.

    6. To successfully unfence the nodes in example 5 with the same system partitions, use the -G flag as follows:
      Eunfence -G 5 6 7 8



    Usage Note

    Use this command only if you have an SP Switch installed on your system.

    Eunpartition - Prepares a system partition for merging with a neighboring system partition.


    Eunpartition [-h]


    Displays usage information.

    If a flag is not specified, Eunpartition examines the SP_NAME shell variable and selects a system partition based on its current setting.




    Use this command to prepare a partitioned configuration for a new system partition definition within an SP cluster.

    This command must be executed for each system partition prior to the spapply_config command to redefine system partitions. Since this command uses the SP rsh command, proper authentication and authorization to issue this command is required.

    If you specify Eunpartition in error, it will quiesce the primary and primary backup nodes. If this occurs, you must use Estart to restart the switch.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: Eannotator, Eclock, Eduration, Efence, Eprimary, Equiesce, Estart, Etopology, Eunfence


    To prepare the current system partition for repartitioning as specified by SP_NAME, enter:




    export_clients - Creates or updates the Network File System (NFS) export list for a boot/install server.


    export_clients [-h]


    Displays usage information. If the command is issued with the -h flag, the syntax description is displayed to standard output and no other action is taken.




    Use this command to create or update the NFS export list on a boot/install server node.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: setup_server


    To create or update the NFS export list on a boot/install server node, enter:




    ext_srvtab - Extracts service key files from the authentication database.


    ext_srvtab [-n] [-r realm] [instance ...]


    If specified, the master key is obtained from the master key cache file. Otherwise, ext_srvtab prompts the user to enter the master key interactively.

    If specified, the realm fields in the extracted file match the given realm rather than the local realm.


    Specifies an instance name. On the SP system, service instances consist of the short form of the network names for the hosts on which the service runs.


    The ext_srvtab command extracts service key files from the authentication database. The master key is used to extract service key values from the database. For each instance specified on the command line, the ext_srvtab command creates a new service key file in the current working directory with a file name of instance-new-srvtab which contains all the entries in the database with an instance field of instance. This new file contains all the keys registered for instances of services defined to run on that host. A user must have read access to the authentication database to execute this command. This command can only be issued on the system on which the authentication database resides.


    Service key file generated for instance.

    /var/kerberos/database/principal.pag, /var/kerberos/database/principal.dir
    Files containing the authentication database.

    Master key cache file.

    Related Information

    Commands: kadmin, ksrvutil

    Refer to Chapter 2, "RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information" section of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for additional Kerberos information.


    If a system has three network interfaces named as follows:
    to re-create the server key file on this workstation (that is an SP authentication server), user root could do the following:
    # create a new key file in the /tmp  directory for each instance
    # Combine the instance files into a single file for the hostname.
    # Delete temporary files and protect key file
    cd /tmp
    /usr/kerberos/etc/ext_srvtab -n ws3e ws3t ws3f
    /bin/cat ws3e-new-srvtab ws3t-new-srvtab ws3f-new-srvtab \
    /bin/rm ws3e-new-srvtab ws3t-new-srvtab ws3f-new-srvtab
    /bin/chmod 400 /etc/krb-srvtab



    fencevsd - Prevents an application running on a node or group of nodes from accessing an IBM Virtual Shared Disk or group of IBM Virtual Shared Disks.


    fencevsd -v vsd_name_list -n node_list


    Specifies one or more IBM Virtual Shared Disk names, separated by commas.

    Specifies one or more node numbers, separated by commas.




    Under some circumstances, the system may believe a node has failed and begin recovery procedures, when the node is actually operational, but cut off from communication with other nodes running the same application. In this case, the "failed" node must not be allowed to serve requests for the IBM Virtual Shared Disks it normally serves until recovery is complete and the other nodes running the application recognize the failed node as operational. The fencevsd command prevents the failed node from filling requests for its IBM Virtual Shared Disks.

    This command can be run from any node.
    Note: This command will fail if you do not specify a current server (primary or backup) to an IBM Virtual Shared Disk with the -v flag.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: lsfencevsd, lsvsd, unfencevsd, updatevsdtab, vsdchgserver

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks for information on how to use this command in writing applications.


    To fence the IBM Virtual Shared Disks vsd1 and vsd2 from node 5, enter:

    fencevsd -v vsd1,vsd2 -n 5



    get_vpd - Consolidates the Vital Product Data (VPD) files for the nodes and writes the information to a file and optionally to a diskette.


    get_vpd [-h] [-d] -m model_number -s serial_number


    Displays usage information.

    Specifies that the Vital Product Data file will be written to a diskette.

    -m model_number
    Specifies the machine type model number. The value of the model number is "MMx", where MM is the class of the machine:
    No switch, 2--64 nodes
    No switch, 2--8 nodes, 49 inch height
    8-port switch, 2--8 nodes, 49 inch height
    8-port switch, 2--8 nodes, 79 inch height
    Single-staged switching, 2--80 nodes
    Dual-staged switching, 62--128 nodes

    -s serial_number
    Specifies the serial number. The value of the serial_number is "pp00sssss", where:

    Is 02 for machines built in US (Poughkeepsie) and 51 for machines built in EMEA (Montpelier).

    Is a mandatory value.

    Is the serial number of the machine.


    Use this command to consolidate the Vital Product Data (VPD) for the nodes in the RS/6000 SP into a file and to optionally write the file to diskette. The diskette created by this command is sent to IBM manufacturing when an upgrade to the RS/6000 SP hardware is desired. This diskette is used by manufacturing and marketing to configure an upgrade of the RS/6000 SP.

    The get_vpd command is issued by IBM field personnel to capture VPD information after an upgrade of the system. All installation and configuration of the RS/6000 SP must be complete prior to issuing the get_vpd command.


    Files used as input to this command.

    Output file generated by this command.

    Standard Output

    This command creates the /var/adm/SPlogs/SPconfig/serial_number.vpd file and optionally writes the file to a diskette.

    Standard Error

    This command writes all error messages to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred while processing the VPD information and the command did not complete successfully.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.


    This command can only be issued on the control workstation.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP) ssp.basic file set.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM RS/6000 SP: Planning, Volume 2, Control Workstation and Software Environment




    1. This example shows the creation of a file containing all of the node VPD information for a model type of 204 and a serial number of 020077650. The output is written to /var/adm/SPlogs/SPconfig/020077650.vpd.
      get_vpd -m 204 -s 020077650

    2. This example shows the creation of a file containing all of the node VPD information for a model type of 306 and a serial number of 510077730. The output is written to /var/adm/SPlogs/SPconfig/510077730.vpd and also to diskette.
      get_vpd -m 306 -s 510077730 -d



    ha_vsd - Starts the rvsd subsystem of IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk (RVSD). This includes configuring IBM Virtual Shared Disks and data striping devices (HSDs) as well as starting the rvsd and hc daemons.


    ha_vsd [reset]




    Stops and restarts the rvsd subsystem of IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk by stopping the rvsd and hc subsystems and then starting them again.


    Use this command to start the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk licensed program after you install it, or, with the reset option, to stop and restart the program.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to issue the ha_vsd subcommand.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    See "Using the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk Software" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks.



    Related Information

    Commands: ha.vsd, hc.vsd


    To stop the rvsd subsystem and restart it, enter:

    ha_vsd reset

    The system returns the messages:

    Starting rvsd subsystem.
    rvsd subsystem started PID=xxx.



    ha.vsd - Queries and controls the rvsd subsystem of IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk (RVSD).


    {adapter_recovery [on | off] | debug [off] | mksrc | query | quorum n | qsrc | reset | reset_quorum | rmsrc | start | stop | trace [off]}




    adapter_recovery [on | off]
    Enables or disables communication adapter recovery. The default is on.

    The rvsd subsystem must be restarted for this operand to take effect.

    debug [off]
    Specify debug to redirect the RVSD subsystem's stdout and stderr to the console and cause the RVSD subsystem to not respawn if it exits with an error. (You can use the lscons command to determine the current console.)

    The RVSD subsystem must be restarted for this operand to take effect.

    Once debugging is turned on and the RVSD subsystem has been restarted, ha.vsd trace should be issued to turn on tracing.

    Use this operand under the direction of your IBM service representative.

    Note: the default when the node is booted is to have stdout and stderr routed to the console. If debugging is turned off stdout and stderr will be routed to /dev/null and all further trace messages will be lost. You can determine if debug has been turned on by issuing ha.vsd qsrc. If debug has been turned on the return value will be:

    action = "2"

    Uses mkssys to create the rvsd subsystem.

    Displays the current status of the rvsd subsystem in detail.

    quorum n
    Sets the value of the quorum, the number of nodes that must be active to direct recovery. Usually, quorum is defined as a majority of the nodes that are defined as IBM Virtual Shared Disk nodes in a system partition, but this command allows you to override that definition. The rvsd subsystem must be in the active state when you issue this command. This is not a persistent change.

    Displays the System Resource Controller (SRC) configuration of the RVSD daemon.

    Stops and restarts the rvsd subsystem.

    Resets the default quorum.

    Uses rmssys to remove the rvsd subsystem.

    Starts the rvsd subsystem.

    Stops the rvsd subsystem.

    trace [off]
    Requests or stops tracing of the rvsd subsystem. The rvsd subsystem must be in the active state when this command is issued.

    This operand is only meaningful after the debug operand has been used to send stdout and stderr to the console and the rvsd subsystem has been restarted.


    Use this command to display information about the rvsd subsystem, to change the number of nodes needed for quorum, and to change the status of the subsystem.

    You can start the rvsd subsystem with the VSD Perspective. Type spvsd and select actions for IBM VSD nodes.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to issue the debug, quorum, refresh, reset, start, stop, trace, mksrc, and rmsrc subcommands.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    See "Using the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk Software" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks.



    Related Information

    Commands: ha_vsd, hc.vsd


    1. To stop the rvsd subsystem and restart it, enter:
      ha.vsd reset

      The system returns the messages:

      Waiting for the rvsd subsystem to exit.
      rvsd subsystem exited successfully.
      Starting rvsd subsystem.
      rvsd subsystem started PID=xxx.

    2. To change the quorum to five nodes of a 16-node SP system, enter:
      ha.vsd quorum 5

      The system returns the message:

      Quorum has been changed from 8 to 5.



    hacws_verify - Verifies the configuration of both the primary and backup High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS) control workstations.








    Use this command to verify that the primary and backup control workstations are properly configured to provide HACWS services to the SP system. The hacws_verify command inspects both the primary and backup control workstations to verify the following:

    Both the primary and backup control workstations must be running and capable of executing remote commands via the /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rsh command.

    The system administrator should run the hacws_verify command after HACWS is initially configured. After that, the hacws_verify command can be run at any time.

    Exit Values

    Indicates that no problems were found with the HACWS configuration.

    Indicates that problems were found with the HACWS configuration.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information on the HACWS option.



    Related Information

    SP Commands: install_hacws, rsh, spcw_addevents



    haemcfg - Compiles the Event Management objects in the System Data Repository (SDR) and places the compiled information into a binary Event Management Configuration Database (EMCDB) file


    haemcfg [-c] [-n]


    Indicates that you want to check the data in the System Data Repository (SDR) without building the Event Management Configuration Database (EMCDB).

    Indicates that you want to build a test copy of the EMCDB in the current directory.




    The haemcfg utility command builds the Event Management Configuration Database (EMCDB) file for a system partition. If no flags are specified, the haemcfg command:

    To place the new EMCDB into production, you must shut down and restart all of this system partition's Event Manager daemons: the daemon on the control workstation and the daemon on each of the system partition's nodes. When the Event Management daemon restarts, it copies the EMCDB from the staging directory to the production directory. The name of the production EMCDB is /etc/ha/cfg/em.syspar_name.cdb.

    If you want to test a new EMCDB, IBM recommends that you create a separate system partition for that purpose.

    You must create a distinct EMCDB file for each system partition on the IBM RS/6000 SP. To build an EMCDB file, you must be executing on the control workstation and you must set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name before you issue the command.

    Before you build or replace an EMCDB, it is advisable to issue the haemcfg command with the debugging flags.

    The -c flag lets you check the validity of the Event Management data that resides in the SDR. This data was previously loaded through the haemloadcfg command. If any of the data is invalid, the command writes an error message that describes the error.

    When the -c flag is processed, the command validates the data in the SDR, but does not create a new EMCDB file and does not update the EMCDB version string in the SDR.

    The -n flag lets you build a test EMCDB file in the current directory. If anything goes wrong with the creation of the new file, the command writes an error message that describes the error.

    When the -n flag is processed, the command uses the data in the SDR to create a test EMCDB file in the current directory, but it does not update the EMCDB version string in the SDR. If any of the data in the SDR is invalid, the command stops at the first error encountered.

    If you specify both flags on the command line, the haemcfg command performs the actions of the -c flag.

    After you have checked the data and the build process, issue the haemcfg command without any flags. This builds the new EMCDB file, places it in the /spdata/sys1/ha/cfg directory, and updates the EMCDB version string in the SDR.


    Contains the most recently compiled EMCDB file for the system partition specified by syspar_name. This file will be placed into production when all of the Event Management daemons in the system partition are next restarted.

    Contains the production EMCDB file for the system partition specified by syspar_name. This EMCDB file is currently in use by the Event Management subsystem.

    Standard Output

    When the command executes successfully, it writes the following informational messages:

    Reading Event Management data for partition syspar_name
    CDB=new_EMCDB_file_name Version=EMCDB_version_string

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Errors can result from causes that include:

    For a listing of the errors that the haemcfg command can produce, see IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Diagnosis and Messages Guide.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred. It is accompanied by one or more error messages that indicate the cause of the error.


    To place an EMCDB file for a system partition into the /spdata/sys1/ha/cfg directory, you must be running with an effective user ID of root on the control workstation. Before running this command, you must set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name.


    To place an EMCDB file for a system partition into the /spdata/sys1/ha/cfg directory, you must be running with an effective user ID of root on the control workstation. Before running this command, you must set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name.

    If you run the haemcfg command without any flags, the command stops at the first error it encounters. With the -c flag on, the command continues, letting you obtain as much debugging information as possible in one pass. To reduce your debugging time, therefore, run the command with the debugging flags first.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    For a general overview of configuring Event Management, see "The Event Management Subsystem" chapter of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    For a description of the SDR classes and attributes that are related to the EMCDB, see IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Event Management Programming Guide and Reference.



    Related Information

    Commands: haemloadcfg


    1. To validate the Event Management data in the System Data Repository (without creating a new EMCDB file), enter:
      haemcfg -c

      If there are any errors in the data, the command writes appropriate error messages.

      To fix the errors, replace the data in the SDR. For more information, see the man page for the haemloadcfg command.

    2. To create a test EMCDB file in the current directory, enter:
      haemcfg -n

      If there are any problems in creating the file, the command writes appropriate error messages.

    3. To compile a new EMCDB file for a system partition from the Event Management data that resides in the SDR and place it into the staging directory:

      1. Make sure you are executing with root authority on the control workstation.

      2. Make sure that the SP_NAME environment variable is set to the name of the appropriate system partition.

      3. Enter:

        In response, the command creates a new EMCDB file, places it in the staging directory as /spdata/sys1/ha/cfg/em.syspar_name.cdb, where syspar_name is the name of the current system partition, and updates the EMCDB version string in the SDR.

    haemctrl Script


    haemctrl - A control script that starts the Event Management subsystem.


    haemctrl {-a | -s | -k | -d | -c | -u | -t | -o | -r | -h}


    Adds the subsystem.

    Starts the subsystem.

    Stops the subsystem.

    Deletes the subsystem.

    Cleans the subsystems, that is, deletes them from all system partitions.

    Unconfigures the subsystems from all system partitions.

    Turns tracing on for the subsystem.

    Turns tracing off for the subsystem.

    Refreshes the subsystem.

    Displays usage information.




    Event Management is a distributed subsystem of PSSP that provides a set of high availability services for the IBM RS/6000 SP. By matching information about the state of system resources with information about resource conditions that are of interest to client programs, it creates events. Client programs can use events to detect and recover from system failures, thus enhancing the availability of the SP system.

    The haemctrl control script controls the operation of the Event Management subsystem. The subsystem is under the control of the System Resource Controller (SRC) and belongs to a subsystem group called haem. Associated with each subsystem is a daemon.

    An instance of the Event Management subsystem executes on the control workstation and on every node of a system partition. Because Event Management provides its services within the scope of a system partition, its subsystem is said to be system partition-sensitive. This control script operates in a manner similar to the control scripts of other system partition-sensitive subsystems. It can be issued from either the control workstation or any of the system partition's nodes.

    From an operational point of view, the Event Management subsystem group is organized as follows:

    Event Management

    Subsystem Group

    SRC Subsystem

    The haem subsystem is associated with the haemd daemon.

    The subsystem name on the nodes is haem. There is one of each subsystem per node and it is associated with the system partition to which the node belongs.

    On the control workstation, there are multiple instances of each subsystem, one for each system partition. Accordingly, the subsystem names on the control workstation have the system partition name appended to them. For example, for system partitions named sp_prod and sp_test, the subsystems on the control workstation are named haem.sp_prod and haem.sp_test.


    The haemd daemon provides the Event Management services.

    The haemctrl script is not normally executed from the command line. It is normally called by the syspar_ctrl command during installation of the system, and partitioning or repartitioning of the system.

    The haemctrl script provides a variety of controls for operating the Event Management subsystem:

    Before performing any of these functions, the script obtains the current system partition name and IP address (using the spget_syspar command) and the node number (using the node_number) command. If the node number is zero, the control script is running on the control workstation.

    Except for the clean and unconfigure functions, all functions are performed within the scope of the current system partition.

    Adding the Subsystem

    When the -a flag is specified, the control script uses the mkssys command to add the Event Management subsystem to the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It makes sure that the haem subsystem is stopped.

    2. It gets the port number for the haem subsystem for this system partition from the Syspar_ports class of the System Data Repository (SDR) and ensures that the port number is set in the /etc/services file. If there is no port number in the SDR and this script is running on the control workstation, the script obtains a port number. If the script is running on a node and there is no port number in the SDR, the script ends with an error. The range of valid port numbers is 10000 to 10100, inclusive.

      The service name that is entered in the /etc/services file is haem.syspar_name.

    3. It removes the haem subsystem from the SRC (just in case it is still there).

    4. It adds the haem subsystem to the SRC. On the control workstation, the IP address of the system partition is specified to be supplied as an argument to the daemon by the mkssys command.

    5. It adds an entry for the haem group to the /etc/inittab file. The entry ensures that the group is started during boot. However, if haemctrl is running on a High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS), no entry is made in the /etc/inittab file. Instead, HACWS manages starting and stopping the group.

    6. On the control workstation, it creates the Event Management Configuration Database (EMCDB). First, it runs the haemloadcfg command to load the SDR with the Event Management configuration data that is contained in the haemloadlist file. Then, it runs the haemcfg command to compile the data in the SDR and create the binary Event Management Configuration Database. Any errors that occur are written to a log file named /var/ha/log/em.loadcfg.syspar_name.

      For more information about configuring Event Management data, see the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Event Management Programming Guide and Reference.

      Then it gets the port number for the subsystem from the SP_ports class of the System Data Repository (SDR) and ensures that the port number is set in the /etc/services file. This port number is used for remote connections to Event Management daemons that are running on the control workstation. If there is no port number in the SDR, the script obtains one and sets it in the /etc/services file. The range of valid port numbers is 10000 to 10100, inclusive.

      The service name is haemd.

    Starting the Subsystem

    When the -s flag is specified, the control script uses the startsrc command to start the Event Management subsystem, haem.

    Stopping the Subsystem

    When the -k flag is specified, the control script uses the stopsrc command to stop the Event Management subsystem, haem.

    Deleting the Subsystem

    When the -d flag is specified, the control script uses the rmssys command to remove the Event Management subsystem from the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It makes sure that the haem subsystem is stopped.

    2. It removes the haem subsystem from the SRC using the rmssys command.

    3. It removes the port number from the /etc/services file.

    4. If there are no other subsystems remaining in the haem group, it removes the entry for the haem group from the /etc/inittab file.

    Cleaning Up the Subsystems

    When the -c flag is specified, the control script stops and removes the Event Management subsystems for all system partitions from the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It stops all instances of subsystems in the subsystem group in all partitions, using the stopsrc -g haem command.

    2. It removes the entry for the haem group from the /etc/inittab file.

    3. It removes all instances of subsystems in the subsystem group in all partitions from the SRC using the rmssys command.

    4. It removes all Event Management entries from the /etc/services file. These include the port numbers for the subsystems as well as the port number used for remote connections.

    Unconfiguring the Subsystems

    When the -u flag is specified, the control script performs the function of the -c flag in all system partitions and then removes all port numbers from the SDR allocated by the Event Management subsystems.
    Note: The -u flag is effective only on the control workstation.

    Prior to executing the haemctrl command with the -u flag on the control workstation, the haemctrl command with the -c flag must be executed from all of the nodes. If this subsystem is not successfully cleaned from all of the nodes, different port numbers may be used by this subsystem, leading to undefined behavior.

    Turning Tracing On

    When the -t flag is specified, the control script turns tracing on for the haemd daemon, using the haemtrcon command.

    Turning Tracing Off

    When the -o flag is specified, the control script turns tracing off for the haemd daemon, using the haemtrcoff command.

    Refreshing the Subsystem

    The -r flag has no effect for this subsystem.


    While it is running, the Event Management daemon normally provides information about its operation and errors by writing entries to the AIX error log. If it cannot, errors are written to a log file called /var/ha/log/em.default.syspar_name.


    Contains the default log of the haemd daemon on the system partition named syspar_name.

    Contains a log of any errors that occurred while creating the Event Management Configuration Database for the system partition named syspar_name using the haemcfg command.

    Contains the trace log of the haemd daemon on the system partition named syspar_name.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must be running with an effective user ID of root.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    "The Event Management Subsystem" chapter of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Event Management Programming Guide and Reference

    AIX Version 4 Commands Reference

    Information about the System Resource Controller (SRC) in AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs



    Related Information

    Commands: haemcfg, haemd, haemloadcfg, haemtrcoff, haemtrcon, lssrc, startsrc, stopsrc, syspar_ctrl


    1. To add the Event Management subsystem to the SRC in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      haemctrl -a

    2. To start the Event Management subsystem in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      haemctrl -s

    3. To stop the Event Management subsystem in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      haemctrl -k

    4. To delete the Event Management subsystem from the SRC in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      haemctrl -d

    5. To clean up the Event Management subsystem on all system partitions, enter:
      haemctrl -c

    6. To unconfigure the Event Management subsystem from all system partitions, on the control workstation, enter:
      haemctrl -u

    7. To turn tracing on for the Event Management daemon in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      haemctrl -t

    8. To turn tracing off for the Event Management daemon in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      haemctrl -o

    9. To display the status of all of the subsystems in the Event Management SRC group, enter:
      lssrc -g haem

    10. To display the status of an individual Event Management subsystem on a node, enter:
      lssrc -s haem

      To display the status of an individual Event Management subsystem on the control workstation, enter:

      lssrc -s haem.

      where syspar_name is the system partition name.

    11. To display detailed status about an individual Event Management subsystem on a node, enter:
      lssrc -l -s haem

      To display detailed status about an individual Event Management subsystem on the control workstation, enter:

      lssrc -l -s haem.syspar_name

      where syspar_name is the system partition name.

      In response, the system returns information that includes the running status of the subsystem, the settings of trace flags, the version number of the Event Management Configuration Database, the time the subsystem was started, the connection status to Group Services and peer Event Management subsystem, and the connection status to Event Management clients, if any.

    12. To display the status of all of the daemons under SRC control, enter:
      lssrc -a

    haemd Daemon


    haemd - The Event Manager daemon, which observes resource variable instances that are updated by Resource Monitors and generates and reports events to client programs


    haemd [syspar_IPaddr]




    Specifies the IP address of the system partition in which the haemd daemon is to execute. If the daemon is executing on the control workstation, this argument must be specified. Otherwise, the argument is ignored, if present.


    The haemd daemon is the Event Manager daemon. The daemon observes resource variable instances that are updated by Resource Monitors and generates and reports events to client programs.

    One instance of the haemd daemon executes on the control workstation for each system partition. An instance of the haemd daemon also executes on every node of a system partition. The haemd daemon is under System Resource Controller (SRC) control.

    Because the daemon is under SRC control, it cannot be started directly from the command line. It is normally started by the haemctrl command, which is in turn called by the syspar_ctrl command during installation of the system, and partitioning or repartitioning of the system. If you must start or stop the daemon directly, use the haemctrl command.

    For more information about the Event Manager daemon, see the haemctrl man page.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    "The Event Management Subsystem" chapter of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Event Management Programming Guide and Reference

    AIX Version 4 Commands Reference

    Information about the System Resource Controller (SRC) in AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs



    Related Information

    Commands: haemctrl


    See the haemctrl command.



    haemloadcfg - Loads Event Management configuration data into the System Data Repository (SDR)


    haemloadcfg [-d] [-r] loadlist_file


    Deletes objects from the SDR that match objects in the load list file.

    Replaces objects in the SDR by matching objects in the load list file. Any unmatched objects in the load list file are added to the SDR.


    The name of the file that contains the Event Management configuration data to be loaded into the SDR. To load the default PSSP configuration data, specify /usr/lpp/ssp/install/config/haemloadlist.


    The haemloadcfg utility command loads Event Management configuration data into the SDR. Note that before you invoke haemloadcfg, you must ensure that the SP_NAME environment variable is set to the appropriate system partition name.

    The configuration data is contained in a load list file, whose format is described by the man page for the haemloadlist file. For details on the SDR classes and attributes that you can use to specify Event Management configuration data, see IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Event Management Programming Guide and Reference.

    To load the default Event Management configuration data for PSSP, specify the load list file as /usr/lpp/ssp/install/config/haemloadlist.

    To add Event Management configuration data for other Resource Monitors, create a file in load list format and specify its name on the command.

    Without any flags, the haemloadcfg command does not replace existing objects in the SDR. The data in the load list file is matched with the existing objects in the SDR based on key attributes, as follows:

    SDR Class
    Key Attributes


    ivResource_name, ivElement_name

    sbsVariable_name, sbsField_name



    Note that the way in which the haemloadcfg command handles existing SDR objects is different from the way in which the SDRCreateObjects command handles them. The SDRCreateObjects command creates a new object as long as the attributes, taken as a group, are unique.

    To change a nonkey attribute of an Event Management object that already exists in the SDR, change the attribute in the load list file. Then run the haemloadcfg command using the -r flag and the name of the load list file. All objects in the SDR are replaced by matching objects in the load list file using the key attributes to match. Any unmatched objects in the load list file are added to the SDR.

    To delete Event Management objects from the SDR, create a load list file with the objects to be deleted. Only the key attributes need to be specified. Then run the haemloadcfg command using the -d flag and the name of the load list file. All objects in the SDR that match objects in the load list file are deleted. No unmatched objects, if any in the load list file, are added to the SDR.

    Under any circumstances, duplicate objects in the load list file, based on matches in key attributes, are ignored. However, such duplicate objects are written to standard output.


    Contains the default configuration data for the Event Management subsystem.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred. It is accompanied by one or more error messages that indicate the cause of the error.


    You must have the appropriate authority to write to the SDR. You should be running on the control workstation. Before running this command, you must set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    For a general overview of configuring Event Management, see "The Event Management Subsystem" chapter of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    For details on the System Data Repository classes and attributes for Event Management configuration Database, see IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Event Management Programming Guide and Reference.



    Related Information

    Commands: haemcfg, SDRCreateObjects, SDRDeleteObjects

    Files: haemloadlist

    Also, for a description of the SDR classes for Event Management configuration data, see IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Event Management Programming Guide and Reference.


    1. To load PSSP's default Event Management configuration data into the SDR, enter:
      haemloadcfg /usr/lpp/ssp/install/config/haemloadlist

    2. To load Event Management configuration data for a new Resource Monitor that is contained in a file called /usr/local/config/newrmloadlist, enter:
      haemloadcfg /usr/local/config/newrmloadlist

      If nonkey attributes in this load list file are later changed, update the SDR by entering:

      haemloadcfg -r /usr/local/config/newrmloadlist

      If this new Resource Monitor is no longer needed, its configuration data is removed from the SDR by entering:

      haemloadcfg -d /usr/local/config/newrmloadlist



    haemtrcoff - Turns tracing off for the Event Manager daemon.


    haemtrcoff -s subsys_name -a trace_list


    -s subsys_name
    Specifies the name of the Event Management subsystem. On a node of a system partition, this is haem. On the control workstation, this is haem.syspar_name, where syspar_name is the name of the system partition for which you want to specify the subsystem. This argument must be specified.

    -a trace_list
    Specifies a list of trace arguments. Each argument specifies the type of activity for which tracing is to be turned off. At least one argument must be specified. If more than one argument is specified, the arguments must be separated by commas. The list may not include blanks.


    The following trace arguments may be specified:

    Stops tracing the initialization of the Event Manager daemon.

    Stops dumping information from the configuration file.

    Stops tracing resource variable instances that are handled by the daemon.

    Stops tracing Resource Monitor control.

    Stops tracing the client communication (internal) interface.

    Stops tracing the event manager protocol.

    Stops tracing resource variable observations.

    Stops tracing event generation and notification.

    Stops tracing event registration and unregistration.

    Stops tracing the peer communication (internal) interface.

    Stops tracing all messages that come to and are issued from the daemon.

    Stops tracing queries that are handled by the daemon.

    Stops tracing the Group Services (internal) interface.

    Stops tracing predicate evaluation.

    Stops tracing the reliable daemon (internal) interface.

    Stops tracing the back level (internal) interface, used for handling nodes that are running a level of PSSP that is earlier than PSSP 2.2.

    Stops tracing all activities.

    Stops tracing all activities except for messages. Message activity is defined by the msgs argument.


    The haemtrcoff command is used to turn tracing off for specified activities of the Event Manager daemon. Trace output is placed in an Event Management trace log for the system partition.

    Use this command only under the direction of the IBM Support Center. It provides information for debugging purposes and may degrade the performance of the Event Management subsystem or anything else that is running in the system partition. Do not use this command during normal operation.


    Contains the trace log of the haemd daemon on the system partition named syspar_name.

    Contains message trace output from the Event Manager daemon on the system partition named syspar_name.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    "The Event Management Subsystem" chapter of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide



    Related Information

    Commands: haemctrl, haemd, haemtrcon


    In the following examples, the SP system has two system partitions named sp_prod and sp_test. The instances of the Event Management subsystem on the control workstation of the SP are named haem.sp_prod and haem.sp_test, respectively. The instance of the Event Management subsystem that runs on any node of either system partition is named haem.

    1. To turn off all tracing for the Event Management subsystem on the control workstation for the sp_prod system partition, login to the control workstation and enter:
      haemtrcoff -s haem.sp_prod -a all

    2. To turn off all tracing for the Event Management subsystem on one of the nodes of the sp_test system partition, login to the node and enter:
      haemtrcoff -s haem -a all

    3. To turn off all tracing of initialization and configuration for the Event Management subsystem on the control workstation for the sp_test system partition, login to the control workstation and enter:
      haemtrcoff -s haem.sp_test -a init,config



    haemtrcon - Turns tracing on for the Event Manager daemon.


    haemtrcon -s subsys_name -a trace_list


    -s subsys_name
    Specifies the name of the Event Management subsystem. On a node of a system partition, this is haem. On the control workstation, this is haem.syspar_name, where syspar_name is the name of the system partition for which you want to specify the subsystem. This argument must be specified.

    -a trace_list
    Specifies a list of trace arguments. Each argument specifies the type of activity for which tracing is to be turned on. At least one argument must be specified. If more than one argument is specified, the arguments must be separated by commas. The list may not include blanks.


    The following trace arguments may be specified:

    Traces the initialization of the Event Manager daemon.

    Dumps information from the configuration file.

    Traces resource variable instances that are handled by the daemon.

    Traces Resource Monitor control.

    Traces the client communication (internal) interface.

    Traces the event manager protocol.

    Traces resource variable observations.

    Traces event generation and notification.

    Traces event registration and unregistration.

    Traces the peer communication (internal) interface.

    Traces all messages that come to and are issued from the daemon.

    Traces queries that are handled by the daemon.

    Traces the Group Services (internal) interface.

    Traces predicate evaluation.

    Traces the reliable daemon (internal) interface.

    Traces the back level (internal) interface, used for handling nodes that are running a level of PSSP that is earlier than PSSP 2.2.

    Traces all activities.

    Traces all activities except for messages. Message activity is defined by the msgs argument.

    Traces currently registered events.

    Traces all resource variable instances known to the daemon.


    The haemtrcon command is used to turn tracing on for specified activities of the Event Manager daemon. Trace output is placed in an Event Management trace log for the system partition. When used, the regs and dinsts arguments perform a one-time trace. The specified information is placed in the trace log, but no further tracing is done.

    Use this command only under the direction of the IBM Support Center. It provides information for debugging purposes and may degrade the performance of the Event Management subsystem or anything else that is running in the system partition. Do not use this command to turn tracing on during normal operation.


    Contains the trace log of the haemd daemon on the system partition named syspar_name.

    Contains message trace output from the Event Manager daemon on the system partition named syspar_name.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    "The Event Management Subsystem" chapter of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide



    Related Information

    Commands: haemctrl, haemd, haemtrcoff


    In the following examples, the SP system has two system partitions named sp_prod and sp_test. The instances of the Event Management subsystem on the control workstation of the SP are named haem.sp_prod and haem.sp_test, respectively. The instance of the Event Management subsystem that runs on any node of either system partition is named haem.

    1. To turn on all tracing for the Event Management subsystem on the control workstation for the sp_prod system partition, login to the control workstation and enter:
      haemtrcon -s haem.sp_prod -a all

    2. To turn on all tracing for the Event Management subsystem on one of the nodes of the sp_test system partition, login to the node and enter:
      haemtrcon -s haem -a all

    3. To turn on all tracing of initialization and configuration for the Event Management subsystem on the control workstation for the sp_test system partition, login to the control workstation and enter:
      haemtrcon -s haem.sp_test -a init,config



    haemunlkrm - Unlocks and starts a Resource Monitor.


    haemunlkrm -s subsys_name -a resmon_name


    -s subsys_name
    Specifies the name of the Event Management subsystem. On a node of a system partition, this is haem. On the control workstation, this is haem.syspar_name, where syspar_name is the name of the system partition for which you want to specify the subsystem. This argument must be specified.

    -a resmon_name
    Specifies the name of the Resource Monitor to unlock and start.


    If the Event Manager daemon cannot successfully start a Resource Monitor after three attempts within a two hour interval, the Resource Monitor is "locked" and no further attempts are made to start it. Once the cause of the failure is determined and the problem corrected, the haemunlkrm command can be used to unlock the Resource Monitor and attempt to start it.

    The status of the Event Manager daemon, as displayed by the lssrc command, indicates if a Resource Monitor is locked.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    "The Event Management Subsystem" chapter of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide




    If the output of the lssrc command indicates that the hardware Resource Monitor IBM.PSSP.hmrmd is locked, then after correcting the condition that prevented the Resource Monitor from being started, enter:

    haemunlkrm -s haem -a IBM.PSSP.hmrmd
    Note: This example applies to unlocking a Resource Monitor on a node.

    hagsctrl Script


    hagsctrl - A control script that starts the Group Services subsystems.


    hagsctrl {-a | -s | -k | -d | -c | -u | -t | -o | -r | -h}


    Adds the subsystems.

    Starts the subsystems.

    Stops the subsystems.

    Deletes the subsystems.

    Cleans the subsystems, that is, delete them from all system partitions.

    Unconfigures the subsystems from all system partitions.

    Turns tracing on for the subsystems.

    Turns tracing off for the subsystems.

    Refreshes the subsystem.

    Displays usage information.




    Group Services provides distributed coordination and synchronization services for other distributed subsystems running on a set of nodes on the IBM RS/6000 SP. The hagsctrl control script controls the operation of the subsystems that are required for Group Services. These subsystems are under the control of the System Resource Controller (SRC) and belong to a subsystem group called hags. Associated with each subsystem is a daemon.

    An instance of the Group Services subsystem executes on the control workstation and on every node of a system partition. Because Group Services provides its services within the scope of a system partition, its subsystems are said to be system partition-sensitive. This control script operates in a manner similar to the control scripts of other system partition-sensitive subsystems. It can be issued from either the control workstation or any of the system partition's nodes.

    From an operational point of view, the Group Services subsystem group is organized as follows:

    Group Services

    Subsystem Group

    SRC Subsystems
    hags and hagsglsm

    The hags subsystem is associated with the hagsd daemon. The hagsglsm subsystem is associated with the hagsglsmd daemon.

    The subsystem names on the nodes are hags and hagsglsm. There is one of each subsystem per node and it is associated with the system partition to which the node belongs.

    On the control workstation, there are multiple instances of each subsystem, one for each system partition. Accordingly, the subsystem names on the control workstation have the system partition name appended to them. For example, for system partitions named sp_prod and sp_test, the subsystems on the control workstation are named hags.sp_prod, hags.sp_test, hagsglsm.sp_prod, and hagsglsm.sp_test.

    hagsd and hagsglsmd

    The hagsd daemon provides the majority of the Group Services functions.

    The hagsglsmd daemon provides global synchronization services for the switch adapter membership group.

    The hagsctrl script is not normally executed from the command line. It is normally called by the syspar_ctrl command during installation of the system, and partitioning or repartitioning of the system.

    The hagsctrl script provides a variety of controls for operating the Group Services subsystems:

    Before performing any of these functions, the script obtains the current system partition name (using the spget_syspar command) and the node number (using the node_number) command. If the node number is zero, the control script is running on the control workstation.

    Except for the clean and unconfigure functions, all functions are performed within the scope of the current system partition.

    Adding the Subsystem

    When the -a flag is specified, the control script uses the mkssys command to add the Group Services subsystems to the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It makes sure that both the hags and hagsglsm subsystems are stopped.

    2. It gets the port number for the hags subsystem for this system partition from the Syspar_ports class of the System Data Repository (SDR) and ensures that the port number is set in the /etc/services file. If there is no port number in the SDR and this script is running on the control workstation, the script obtains a port number. If the script is running on a node and there is no port number in the SDR, the script ends with an error. The range of valid port numbers is 10000 to 10100, inclusive.

      The service name that is entered in the /etc/services file is hags.syspar_name.

    3. It removes the hags and hagsglsm subsystems from the SRC (just in case they are still there).

    4. It adds the hags and hagsglsm subsystems to the SRC. The system partition name is configured as a daemon parameter on the mkssys command.

    5. It adds an entry for the hags group to the /etc/inittab file. The entry ensures that the group is started during boot. However, if hagsctrl is running on a High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS), no entry is made in the /etc/inittab file. Instead, HACWS manages starting and stopping the group.

    Starting the Subsystem

    When the -s flag is specified, the control script uses the startsrc command to start the Group Services subsystems, hags and hagsglsm.

    Stopping the Subsystem

    When the -k flag is specified, the control script uses the stopsrc command to stop the Group Services subsystems, hags and hagsglsm.

    Deleting the Subsystem

    When the -d flag is specified, the control script uses the rmssys command to remove the Group Services subsystems from the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It makes sure that both the hags and hagsglsm subsystems are stopped.

    2. It removes the hags and hagsglsm subsystems from the SRC using the rmssys command.

    3. It removes the port number from the /etc/services file.

    4. If there are no other subsystems remaining in the hags group, it removes the entry for the hags group from the /etc/inittab file.

    Cleaning Up the Subsystems

    When the -c flag is specified, the control script stops and removes the Group Services subsystems for all system partitions from the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It stops all instances of subsystems in the subsystem group in all partitions, using the stopsrc -g hags command.

    2. It removes the entry for the hags group from the /etc/inittab file.

    3. It removes all instances of subsystems in the subsystem group in all partitions from the SRC using the rmssys command.

    Unconfiguring the Subsystems

    When the -u flag is specified, the control script performs the function of the -c flag in all system partitions and then removes all port numbers from the SDR allocated by the Group Services subsystems.
    Note: The -u flag is effective only on the control workstation.

    Prior to executing the hagsctrl command with the -u flag on the control workstation, the hagsctrl command with the -c flag must be executed from all of the nodes. If this subsystem is not successfully cleaned from all of the nodes, different port numbers may be used by this subsystem, leading to undefined behavior.

    Turning Tracing On

    When the -t flag is specified, the control script turns tracing on for the hagsd daemon, using the traceson command. Tracing is not available for the hagsglsmd daemon.

    Turning Tracing Off

    When the -o flag is specified, the control script turns tracing off (returns it to its default level) for the hagsd daemon, using the tracesoff command. Tracing is not available for the hagsglsmd daemon.

    Refreshing the Subsystem

    The -r flag has no effect for this subsystem.


    While they are running, the Group Services daemons provide information about their operation and errors by writing entries in a log file in the /var/ha/log directory.

    Each daemon limits the log size to a pre-established number of lines (by default, 5,000 lines). When the limit is reached, the daemon appends the string .bak to the name of the current log file and begins a new log. If a .bak version already exists, it is removed before the current log is renamed.


    Contains the log of the hagsd daemons on the nodes.

    Contains the log of each hagsd daemon on the control workstation.

    Contains the log of the hagsglsmd daemons on the nodes.

    Contains the log of each hagsglsmd daemon on the control workstation.

    The file names include the following variables:

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must be running with an effective user ID of root.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    "The Group Services Subsystem" chapter of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Group Services Programming Guide and Reference

    AIX Version 4 Commands Reference

    Information about the System Resource Controller (SRC) in AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs



    Related Information

    Commands: hagsd, hagsglsmd, lssrc, startsrc, stopsrc, syspar_ctrl


    1. To add the Group Services subsystems to the SRC in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hagsctrl -a

    2. To start the Group Services subsystems in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hagsctrl -s

    3. To stop the Group Services subsystems in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hagsctrl -k

    4. To delete the Group Services subsystems from the SRC in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hagsctrl -d

    5. To clean up the Group Services subsystems on all system partitions, enter:
      hagsctrl -c

    6. To unconfigure the Group Services subsystem from all system partitions, on the control workstation, enter:
      hagsctrl -u

    7. To turn tracing on for the Group Services daemon in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter: enter:
      hagsctrl -t

    8. To turn tracing off for the Group Services daemon in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter: enter:
      hagsctrl -o

    9. To display the status of all of the subsystems in the Group Services SRC group, enter:
      lssrc -g hags

    10. To display the status of an individual Group Services subsystem, enter:
      lssrc -s subsystem_name

    11. To display detailed status about an individual Group Services subsystem, enter:
      lssrc -l -s subsystem_name

      In response, the system returns information that includes the running status of the subsystem, the number and identity of connected GS clients, information about the Group Services domain, and the number of providers and subscribers in established groups.

    12. To display the status of all of the daemons under SRC control, enter:
      lssrc -a

    hagsd Daemon


    hagsd - A Group Services daemon that provides a general purpose facility for coordinating and monitoring changes to the state of an application that is running on a set of nodes.


    hagsd daemon_name




    Specifies the name used by the daemon to name log files and identify its messages in the error log.


    The hagsd daemon is part of the Group Services subsystem, which provides a general purpose facility for coordinating and monitoring changes to the state of an application that is running on a set of nodes. This daemon provides most of the services of the subsystem.

    One instance of the hagsd daemon executes on the control workstation for each system partition. An instance of the hagsd daemon also executes on every node of a system partition. The hagsd daemon is under System Resource Controller (SRC) control.

    Because the daemon is under SRC control, it is better not to start it directly from the command line. It is normally called by the hagsctrl command, which is in turn called by the syspar_ctrl command during installation of the system, and partitioning or repartitioning of the system. If you must start or stop the daemon directly, use the startsrc or stopsrc command.

    For more information about the Group Services daemons, see the hagsctrl man page.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    "The Group Services Subsystem" chapter of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Group Services Programming Guide and Reference

    AIX Version 4 Commands Reference

    Information about the System Resource Controller (SRC) in AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs



    Related Information

    Commands: hagsctrl, hagsglsmd


    See the hagsctrl command.

    hagsglsmd Daemon


    hagsglsmd - A Group Services daemon that provides global synchronization services for the switch adapter membership group.


    hagsglsmd daemon_name




    Specifies the name used by the daemon to name log files and identify its messages in the error log.


    The hagsglsmd daemon is part of the Group Services subsystem, which provides a general purpose facility for coordinating and monitoring changes to the state of an application that is running on a set of nodes. This daemon provides global synchronization services for the High Performance Switch adapter membership group.

    One instance of the hagsglsmd daemon executes on the control workstation for each system partition. An instance of the hagsglsmd daemon also executes on every node of a system partition. The hagsglsmd daemon is under System Resource Controller (SRC) control.

    Because the daemon is under SRC control, it is better not to start it directly from the command line. It is normally called by the hagsctrl command, which is in turn called by the syspar_ctrl command during installation of the system, and partitioning or repartitioning of the system. If you must start or stop the daemon directly, use the startsrc or stopsrc command.

    For more information about the Group Services daemons, see the hagsctrl man page.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    "The Group Services Subsystem" chapter of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Group Services Programming Guide and Reference

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Group Services Programming Guide and Reference

    AIX Version 4 Commands Reference

    Information about the System Resource Controller (SRC) in AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs



    Related Information

    Commands: hagsctrl, hagsd


    See the hagsctrl command.

    hardmon Daemon


    hardmon - Monitors and controls the state of the SP hardware.


    hardmon [-B] [-r poll_rate] [-d debug_flag] ...


    Executes the daemon in diagnostic mode.

    -r poll_rate
    Specifies the rate, in seconds, at which the daemon polls each frame for state information.

    -d debug_flag
    Specifies the daemon debug flag to be set in the daemon. Refer to the hmadm command for possible values of debug_flag. Multiple -d debug flags can be specified.




    hardmon is the Hardware Monitor daemon. The daemon monitors and controls the state of the SP hardware contained in one or more SP frames. This command is not normally executed from the command line. Access to the Hardware Monitor is provided by the hmmon, hmcmds, spmon, s1term, and nodecond commands. Control of the Hardware Monitor daemon is provided by the hmadm command. These commands are the Hardware Monitor "client" commands.

    The Hardware Monitor daemon executes on the Monitor and Control Node (MACN). The MACN is that IBM RS/6000 workstation to which the RS-232 lines are connected to the frames. The MACN is one and the same as the control workstation. The daemon is managed by the System Resource Controller (SRC). When the MACN is booted, an entry in /etc/inittab invokes the startsrc command to start the daemon. The daemon is configured in the SRC to be restarted automatically if it terminates for any reason other than the stopsrc command. The SRC subsystem name for the Hardware Monitor daemon is hardmon.

    hardmon obtains configuration information from the System Data Repository (SDR). The SP_ports object class specifies the port number that the daemon is to use to accept TCP/IP connections from the client commands. The port number is obtained from the object whose daemon attribute value matches hardmon and whose host_name attribute value matches the host name of the workstation on which the daemon is executing. There must be one hardmon object in SP_ports for the MACN. The Frame object class contains an object for each frame in the SP system.

    The attributes of interest to the daemon are frame_number, tty, and MACN. When started, the daemon fetches all those objects in the Frame class whose MACN attribute value matches the host name of the workstation on which the daemon is executing. For each frame discovered in this manner, the daemon saves the frame number and opens the corresponding tty device. When all frames have been configured, the daemon begins to poll the frames for state information. Current state and changed state can then be obtained using the hmmon and spmon commands. The hmcmds and spmon commands can be used to control the hardware within the frames.

    The daemon also reads the file /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds for values used to check boundary conditions for certain state variables. This file should only be changed on request from IBM support. Finally, the /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmacls file is read for Access Control List (ACL) information. Refer to the hmadm command and the /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmacls file for more information on ACLs.

    All errors detected by the Hardware Monitor daemon are written to the AIX error log.

    The flags in the SRC subsystem object for the hardmon subsystem should not normally be changed. For example, if the poll rate is more than 5 seconds, the nodecond command can fail with unpredictable results. Upon request from IBM support for more information to aid in problem determination, debug flags can be set using the hmadm command.

    If the High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS) Frame Supervisor (type 20) or the SEPBU HACWS Frame Supervisor (type 22) is installed in the SP frames, the -B flag is used to run the Hardware Monitor daemon in diagnostic mode. This diagnostic mode is used to validate that the frame ID written into the Supervisor matches the frame ID configured in the SDR for that frame. Normally, the frame ID is automatically written into the Supervisor during system installation. The frame ID is written into the frame to detect cabling problems in an HACWS configuration. In a non-HACWS SP configuration, the -B flag is useful whenever the RS232 cables between the frames and MACN are changed (but only if one or more frames contain a type 20 or type 22 supervisor). The hardmon command can be executed directly from the command line with the -B flag, but only after the currently running daemon is stopped using the stopsrc command. Diagnostic messages are written to the AIX error log. The daemon exits when all frames are validated.

    Frame ID validation is also performed every time the daemon is started by the System Resource Controller. Any frame that has a frame ID mismatch can be monitored, but any control commands to the frame are ignored until the condition is corrected. A frame with a mismatch is noted in the System Monitor Graphical User Interface as well as in the AIX error log. The hmcmds command can be used to set the currently configured frame ID into a type 20 or type 22 supervisor after it is verified that the frame is correctly connected to the MACN.

    Additional Configuration Information: The Hardware Monitor subsystem also obtains information from the system partition and the Syspar_map object classes in the SDR. While this information is not used by the hardmon daemon itself, it is used by the hardmon client commands listed under Related Information. Each of these commands executes in the environment of one system partition. If the SP system is not partitioned, these commands execute in the environment of the entire system. In any case, the Syspar_map object class is used to determine which nodes are contained in the current environment. The attributes of interest are syspar_name and node_number.

    Starting and Stopping the hardmon Daemon

    The hardmon daemon is under System Resource Controller (SRC) control. It uses the signal method of communication in SRC. The hardmon daemon is a single subsystem and not associated with any SRC group. The subsystem name is hardmon. In order to start the hardmon daemon, use the startsrc -s hardmon command. This starts the daemon with the default arguments and SRC options. The hardmon daemon is setup to be respawnable and be the only instance of the hardmon daemon running on a particular node or control workstation. Do not start the hardmon daemon from the command line without using the startsrc command to start it.

    To stop the hardmon daemon, use the stopsrc -s hardmon command. This stops the daemon and does not allow it to respawn.

    To display the status of the hardmon daemon, use the lssrc -s hardmon command.

    If the default startup arguments need to be changed, use the chssys command to change the startup arguments or the SRC options. Refer to AIX Version 4 Commands Reference and AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs for more information about daemons under SRC control and how to modify daemon arguments when under SRC.

    To view the current SRC options and daemon arguments, use the odmget -q 'subsysname=hardmon' SRCsubsys command.


    Contains the hardmon command.

    Contains boundary values.

    Contains Access Control Lists.

    Related Information

    Commands: hmadm, hmcmds, hmmon, nodecond, spmon, s1term

    File: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmacls


    1. To start the hardmon daemon, enter:
      startsrc -s hardmon

    2. To stop the hardmon daemon, enter:
      stopsrc -s hardmon

    3. To display the status of the hardmon daemon, enter:
      lssrc -s hardmon

    4. To display the status of all the daemons under SRC control, enter:
      lssrc -a

    5. To display the current SRC options and daemon arguments for the hardmon daemon, enter:
      odmget -q 'subsysname=hardmon' SRCsubsys

    hats Script


    hats - Starts or restarts Topology Services on a node or on the control workstation.








    Use this command to start the operation of Topology Services for a system partition (the hatsd daemon) on the control workstation or on a node within a system partition.

    The hats script is not normally executed from the command line. It is normally called by the hatsctrl command, which is in turn called by the syspar_ctrl command during installation of the system, and partitioning or repartitioning of the system.

    The Topology Services subsystem provides internal services to PSSP components.

    Note that the hats script issues the no -o nonlocsrcroute=1 command, which enables IP source routing. Do not change this setting, because the Topology Services subsystem requires this setting to work properly. If you change the setting, the Topology Services subsystem and a number of other subsystems that depend on it will no longer operate properly.

    The hatsd daemon is initially started on the control workstation with the System Resource Controller (SRC), regardless of the level of the system partition. It is respawned automatically if the hatsd daemon fails. The SP_NAME environment variable causes selection of the correct topology configuration.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    The "Starting Up and Shutting Down the SP System" chapter and "The System Data Repository" appendix in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide

    AIX Version 4 Commands Reference

    Information about the System Resource Controller (SRC) in AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs



    Related Information

    Commands: hatsctrl, lssrc, startsrc, stopsrc, syspar_ctrl


    See the hatsctrl command.

    hatsctrl Script


    hatsctrl - A control script that starts the Topology Services subsystem.


    hatsctrl {-a | -s | -k | -d | -c | -u | -t | -o | -r | -h}


    Adds the subsystem.

    Starts the subsystem.

    Stops the subsystem.

    Deletes the subsystem.

    Cleans the subsystems, that is, delete them from all system partitions.

    Unconfigures the subsystems from all system partitions.

    Turns tracing on for the subsystem.

    Turns tracing off for the subsystem.

    Refreshes the subsystem.

    Displays usage information.




    Topology Services is a distributed subsystem of PSSP that provides information to other PSSP subsystems about the state of the nodes and adapters on the IBM RS/6000 SP.

    The hatsctrl control script controls the operation of the Topology Services subsystem. The subsystem is under the control of the System Resource Controller (SRC) and belongs to a subsystem group called hats. Associated with each subsystem is a daemon and a script that configures and starts the daemon.

    An instance of the Topology Services subsystem executes on the control workstation and on every node of a system partition. Because Topology Services provides its services within the scope of a system partition, its subsystem is said to be system partition-sensitive. This control script operates in a manner similar to the control scripts of other system partition-sensitive subsystems. It can be issued from either the control workstation or any of the system partition's nodes.

    From an operational point of view, the Topology Services subsystem group is organized as follows:

    Topology Services

    Subsystem Group

    SRC Subsystem

    The hats subsystem is associated with the hatsd daemon and the hats script. The hats script configures and starts the hatsd daemon.

    The subsystem name on the nodes is hats. There is one of each subsystem per node and it is associated with the system partition to which the node belongs.

    On the control workstation, there are multiple instances of each subsystem, one for each system partition. Accordingly, the subsystem names on the control workstation have the system partition name appended to them. For example, for system partitions named sp_prod and sp_test, the subsystems on the control workstation are named hats.sp_prod and hats.sp_test.


    The hatsd daemon provides the Topology Services. The hats script configures and starts the hatsd daemon.

    The hatsctrl script is not normally executed from the command line. It is normally called by the syspar_ctrl command during installation of the system, and partitioning or repartitioning of the system.

    The hatsctrl script provides a variety of controls for operating the Topology Services subsystem:

    Before performing any of these functions, the script obtains the current system partition name and IP address (using the spget_syspar command) and the node number (using the node_number) command. If the node number is zero, the control script is running on the control workstation.

    Except for the clean and unconfigure functions, all functions are performed within the scope of the current system partition.

    Adding the Subsystem

    When the -a flag is specified, the control script uses the mkssys command to add the Topology Services subsystem to the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It makes sure that the hats subsystem is stopped.

    2. It gets the port number for the hats subsystem for this system partition from the Syspar_ports class of the System Data Repository (SDR) and ensures that the port number is set in the /etc/services file. If there is no port number in the SDR and this script is running on the control workstation, the script obtains a port number. If the script is running on a node and there is no port number in the SDR, the script ends with an error. The range of valid port numbers is 10000 to 10100, inclusive.

      The service name that is entered in the /etc/services file is hats.syspar_name.

    3. It checks to see if the subsystem is already configured in the SDR. If not, it creates an instance of the TS_Config class for this subsystem with default values. The default values are:

    4. It removes the hats subsystem from the SRC (just in case it is still there).

    5. It adds the hats subsystem to the SRC. On the control workstation, the IP address of the system partition is specified to be supplied as an argument to the daemon by the mkssys command.

    6. It adds an entry for the hats group to the /etc/inittab file. The entry ensures that the group is started during boot. However, if hatsctrl is running on a High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS), no entry is made in the /etc/inittab file. Instead, HACWS manages starting and stopping the group.

    Starting the Subsystem

    When the -s flag is specified, the control script uses the startsrc command to start the Topology Services subsystem, hats.

    Stopping the Subsystem

    When the -k flag is specified, the control script uses the stopsrc command to stop the Topology Services subsystem, hats.

    Deleting the Subsystem

    When the -d flag is specified, the control script uses the rmssys command to remove the Topology Services subsystem from the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It makes sure that the hats subsystem is stopped.

    2. It removes the hats subsystem from the SRC using the rmssys command.

    3. It removes the port number from the /etc/services file.

    4. If there are no other subsystems remaining in the hats group, it removes the entry for the hats group from the /etc/inittab file.

    Cleaning Up the Subsystems

    When the -c flag is specified, the control script stops and removes the Topology Services subsystems for all system partitions from the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It stops all instances of subsystems in the subsystem group in all partitions, using the stopsrc -g hats command.

    2. It removes the entry for the hats group from the /etc/inittab file.

    3. It removes all instances of subsystems in the subsystem group in all partitions from the SRC using the rmssys command.

    4. It removes all entries for the hats subsystems from the /etc/services file.

    Unconfiguring the Subsystems

    When the -u flag is specified, the control script performs the function of the -c flag in all system partitions and then removes all port numbers from the SDR allocated by the Topology Services subsystems.
    Note: The -u flag is effective only on the control workstation.

    Prior to executing the hatsctrl command with the -u flag on the control workstation, the hatsctrl command with the -c flag must be executed from all of the nodes. If this subsystem is not successfully cleaned from all of the nodes, different port numbers may be used by this subsystem, leading to undefined behavior.

    Turning Tracing On

    When the -t flag is specified, the control script turns tracing on for the hatsd daemon, using the traceson command.

    Turning Tracing Off

    When the -o flag is specified, the control script turns tracing off (returns it to its default level) for the hatsd daemon, using the tracesoff command.

    Refreshing the Subsystem

    When the -r flag is specified, the control script refreshes the subsystem, using the hats refresh command and the refresh command.

    It rebuilds the information about the node and adapter configuration in the SDR and signals the daemon to read the rebuilt information.


    While it is running, the Topology Services daemon provides information about its operation and errors by writing entries in a log file. The hatsd daemon in the system partition named syspar_name uses a log file called /var/ha/log/hats.syspar_name.


    Contains the log of the hatsd daemon on the system partition named syspar_name.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must be running with an effective user ID of root.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    AIX Version 4 Commands Reference

    Information about the System Resource Controller (SRC) in AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs



    Related Information

    Commands: hats, lssrc, startsrc, stopsrc, syspar_ctrl


    1. To add the Topology Services subsystem to the SRC in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hatsctrl -a

    2. To start the Topology Services subsystem in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hatsctrl -s

    3. To stop the Topology Services subsystem in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hatsctrl -k

    4. To delete the Topology Services subsystem from the SRC in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hatsctrl -d

    5. To clean up the Topology Services subsystem on all system partitions, enter:
      hatsctrl -c

    6. To unconfigure the Topology Services subsystem from all system partitions, on the control workstation, enter:
      hatsctrl -u

    7. To turn tracing on for the Topology Services daemon in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hatsctrl -t

    8. To turn tracing off for the Topology Services daemon in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hatsctrl -o

    9. To display the status of all of the subsystems in the Topology Services SRC group, enter:
      lssrc -g hats

    10. To display the status of an individual Topology Services subsystem, enter:
      lssrc -s subsystem_name

    11. To display detailed status about an individual Topology Services subsystem, enter:
      lssrc -l -s subsystem_name

      In response, the system returns information that includes the running status of the subsystem, the number of defined and active nodes, the required number of active nodes for a quorum, the status of the group of nodes, and the IP addresses of the source node, the group leader, and the control workstation.

    12. To display the status of all of the daemons under SRC control, enter:
      lssrc -a

    hb Script


    hb - Starts or restarts heartbeat services on a node or on the control workstation.


    hb [-spname syspar_name] [-splevel pssp_level]

    { [start | resume] | [stop | quiesce] | reset |

    [query | qall | qsrc] | refresh | mksrc optional_flags | rmsrc restore |

    [debug | debug off] | [trace on | trace off] }


    -spname syspar_name
    Executes the command for the system partition specified by the syspar_name operand. If this flag is not specified, the name of the system partition given by the value of the SP_NAME variable is used.

    -splevel pssp_level
    Sets the system partition level to the value specified by the pssp_level operand. Valid levels are: PSSP-2.1, PSSP-2.2, PSSP-2.3, or PSSP-2.4. The default level is PSSP-2.4.


    start | resume
    Resumes normal heartbeat services after they have been temporarily suspended with quiesce or stop.

    stop | quiesce
    Stops heartbeat services (hbd).

    Stops and restarts the heartbeat server on a node. Use this parameter:

    1. After changing relevant node information in the System Data Repository (SDR). (Reset all nodes on the affected system partition and that partition's hbd on the control workstation.)

    2. When host_responds consistently does not agree with the state of the node and automatic recovery has not taken place.

    Queries the daemon for a partition. The response to a query includes heartbeat-specific information.

    Performs the query function for each defined partition.

    Displays a subsystem definition for a partition.

    Uses the refresh command to request a daemon refresh.

    mksrc optional_flags
    Uses the mkssys command to create an SRC subsystem object. Additional flags for the command may be specified.

    Uses the rmssys command to remove an SRC subsystem object.

    Synchronizes the running daemons with the information in the System Data Repository (SDR). This operand removes all entries for the subsystem, creates new entries based on information in the SDR, and starts the subsystems.

    [debug | debug off]
    Turns debugging on or off.

    [trace on | trace off]
    Turns additional tracing on or off.


    Use this command to control the operation of heartbeat services for a system partition (the hbd daemon) on the control workstation or on a node within a system partition.

    The hb script is not normally executed from the command line. It is normally called by the hbctrl command, which is in turn called by the syspar_ctrl command during installation of the system, and partitioning or repartitioning of the system.

    The heartbeat server provides input to the host_responds function within a system partition for the System Monitor through the System Monitor hr daemons. It also provides input to the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk daemons, if that product is installed on the nodes. This involves the following daemons:

    The internal heartbeat server on the nodes and the control workstation.

    The host responds daemon on the control workstation.

    Note: The hrd daemon is controlled by the hr script. The hbd daemon is controlled with this script.

    The hbd daemon is initially started on the control workstation with the System Resource Controller (SRC), regardless of the level of the system partition. It is respawned automatically if the hbd daemon fails. The SP_NAME environment variable causes selection of the correct heartbeat daemon.

    The hbd daemons communicate with their counterparts on other nodes over the SP Ethernet. The udp heartbeat entry in /etc/services on all nodes must specify the same port number.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    The "Starting Up and Shutting Down the SP System" chapter and "The System Data Repository" appendix in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide

    AIX Version 4 Commands Reference

    Information about the System Resource Controller (SRC) in AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs



    Related Information

    Commands: hbctrl, lssrc, startsrc, stopsrc, syspar_ctrl


    See the hbctrl command.

    hbctrl Script


    hbctrl - A control script that starts the Heartbeat subsystem.


    hbctrl { -a | -s | -k | -d | -c | -t | -o | -r | -h }


    Adds the subsystem.

    Starts the subsystem.

    Stops the subsystem.

    Deletes the subsystem.

    Cleans the subsystems, that is, delete them from all system partitions.

    Turns tracing on for the subsystem.

    Turns tracing off for the subsystem.

    Refreshes the subsystem.

    Displays usage information.




    The Heartbeat subsystem communicates with several PSSP subsystems as part of providing information about the state of the nodes and adapters on the IBM RS/6000 SP.

    The hbctrl control script controls the operation of the Heartbeat subsystem. The subsystem is under the control of the System Resource Controller (SRC) and belongs to a subsystem group called hb. Associated with each subsystem is a daemon and a script that configures and starts the daemon.

    An instance of the Heartbeat subsystem executes on the control workstation and on every node of a system partition. Because Heartbeat provides its services within the scope of a system partition, its subsystem is said to be system partition-sensitive. This control script operates in a manner similar to the control scripts of other system partition-sensitive subsystems. It can be issued from either the control workstation or any of the system partition's nodes.

    From an operational point of view, the Heartbeat subsystem group is organized as follows:


    Subsystem Group

    SRC Subsystem

    The hb subsystem is associated with the hbd daemon and the hb script. The hb script configures and starts the hbd daemon.

    The subsystem name on the nodes is hb. There is one of each subsystem per node and it is associated with the system partition to which the node belongs.

    On the control workstation, there are multiple instances of each subsystem, one for each system partition. Accordingly, the subsystem names on the control workstation have the system partition name appended to them. For example, for system partitions named sp_prod and sp_test, the subsystems on the control workstation are named hb.sp_prod and hb.sp_test.


    The hbd daemon provides the Heartbeat services. The hb script configures and starts the hbd daemon.

    The hbctrl script is not normally executed from the command line. It is normally called by the syspar_ctrl command during installation of the system, and partitioning or repartitioning of the system.

    The hbctrl script provides a variety of controls for operating the Heartbeat subsystem:

    Before performing any of these functions, the script obtains the current system partition name and IP address (using the spget_syspar command) and the node number (using the node_number) command. If the node number is zero, the control script is running on the control workstation.

    Except for the clean function, all functions are performed within the scope of the current system partition.

    Adding the Subsystem

    When the -a flag is specified, the control script uses the mkssys command to add the Heartbeat subsystem to the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It makes sure that the hb subsystem is stopped.

    2. It gets the port number for the hb subsystem for this system partition from the SP_ports class of the System Data Repository (SDR) and ensures that the port number is set in the /etc/services file. If there is no port number in the SDR and this script is running on the control workstation, the script obtains a port number. If the script is running on a node and there is no port number in the SDR, the script ends with an error. The Heartbeat subsystem uses port number 4893.

      The service name that is entered in the /etc/services file is heartbeat.

    3. If this script is running on the control workstation, it checks to see if the subsystem is already configured in the SDR. If not, it creates an instance of the HB_Config class for this subsystem with default values. The default values are:

    4. It invokes the hb script with the mksrc parameter to add the subsystem to the SRC. On the control workstation, the name of the system partition is also specified on the hb script.

    5. It adds an entry for the hb group to the /etc/inittab file. The entry ensures that the group is started during boot. However, if hbctrl is running on a High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS), no entry is made in the /etc/inittab file. Instead, HACWS manages starting and stopping the group.

    Starting the Subsystem

    When the -s flag is specified, the control script uses the hb command to start the Heartbeat subsystem, hb.

    Stopping the Subsystem

    When the -k flag is specified, the control script uses the hb command to stop the Heartbeat subsystem, hb.

    Deleting the Subsystem

    When the -d flag is specified, the control script uses the rmssys command to remove the Heartbeat subsystem from the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It removes the hb subsystem from the SRC using the hb script with the rmsrc parameter.

    2. It removes the port number from the /etc/services file.

    3. If there are no other subsystems remaining in the hb group, it removes the entry for the hb group from the /etc/inittab file.

    Cleaning Up the Subsystems

    When the -c flag is specified, the control script stops and removes the Heartbeat subsystems for all system partitions from the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It stops all instances of subsystems in the subsystem group in all partitions, using the stopsrc -g hb command.

    2. It removes the entry for the hb group from the /etc/inittab file.

    3. It removes all instances of subsystems in the subsystem group in all partitions from the SRC using the rmssys command.

    Turning Tracing On

    When the -t flag is specified, the control script turns tracing on for the hbd daemon, using the traceson command.

    Turning Tracing Off

    When the -o flag is specified, the control script turns tracing off (returns it to its default level) for the hbd daemon, using the tracesoff command.

    Refreshing the Subsystem

    When the -r flag is specified, the control script refreshes the subsystem, using the hb refresh command.


    While it is running, the Heartbeat daemon provides information about its operation and errors by writing entries in a log file. The hbd daemon in the system partition named syspar_name uses a log file called /var/ha/log/hb.syspar_name.


    Contains the log of the hbd daemon on the system partition named syspar_name.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must be running with an effective user ID of root.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    AIX Version 4 Commands Reference

    Information about the System Resource Controller (SRC) in AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs



    Related Information

    Commands: hb, lssrc, startsrc, stopsrc, syspar_ctrl


    1. To add the Heartbeat subsystem to the SRC in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hbctrl -a

    2. To start the Heartbeat subsystem in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hbctrl -s

    3. To stop the Heartbeat subsystem in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hbctrl -k

    4. To delete the Heartbeat subsystem from the SRC in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hbctrl -d

    5. To clean up the Heartbeat subsystem on all system partitions, enter:

      hbctrl -c

    6. To turn tracing on for the Heartbeat daemon in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hbctrl -t

    7. To turn tracing off for the Heartbeat daemon in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hbctrl -o

    8. To display the status of all of the subsystems in the Heartbeat SRC group, enter:
      lssrc -g hb

    9. To display the status of an individual Heartbeat subsystem, enter:
      lssrc -s subsystem_name

    10. To display detailed status about an individual Heartbeat subsystem, enter:
      lssrc -l -s subsystem_name

      In response, the system returns information that includes the running status of the subsystem, the number of defined and active nodes, the required number of active nodes for a quorum, the status of the group of nodes, the frequency and sensitivity values in use for the subsystem, and the IP addresses of the source node, the group leader, and the control workstation.

    11. To display the status of all of the daemons under SRC control, enter:
      lssrc -a



    hc.vsd - Queries and controls the hc subsystem of IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk.


    {CLIENT_PATH socket_path | debug [off] | mksrc | PING_DELAY delay_in_sec | query | qsrc | reset | rmsrc | SCRIPT_PATH de/activate_path | start | stop | trace [off]}




    CLIENT_PATH socket_path
    Specifies the path for the socket connection to the hc client. The default is /tmp/serv.

    debug [off]
    Specify debug to redirect the hc subsystem's stdout and stderr to the console and cause the hc subsystem to not respawn if it exits with an error. (You can use the lscons command to determine the current console.)

    The hc subsystem must be restarted for this operand to take effect.

    Once debugging is turned on and the hc subsystem has been restarted, hc.vsd trace should be issued to turn on tracing.

    Use this operand under the direction of your IBM service representative.

    Note: the default when the node is booted is to have stdout and stderr routed to the console. If debugging is turned off stdout and stderr will be routed to /dev/null and all further trace messages will be lost. You can determine if debug has been turned on by issuing hc.vsd qsrc. If debug has been turned on the return value will be:

    action = "2"

    Uses mkssys to create the hc subsystem.

    PING_DELAY delay_in_sec
    Specifies the time in seconds between pings to the hc client. The default is 600 seconds.

    Displays the current status of the hc subsystem in detail.

    Displays the System Resource Controller (SRC) configuration of the HC daemon.

    Stops and restarts the hc subsystem.

    Uses rmssys to remove the hc subsystem.

    SCRIPT_PATH de/activate_path
    Specifies the location of the user-supplied scripts to be run when hc activates or deactivates.

    Starts the hc subsystem.

    Stops the hc subsystem.

    trace [off]
    Requests or stops tracing of the hc subsystem. The hc subsystem must be in the active state when this command is issued.

    This operand is only meaningful after the debug operand has been used to send stdout and stderr to the console and the hc subsystem has been restarted.


    Use this command to display information about the hc subsystem and to change the status of the subsystem.

    You can restart the hc subsystem with the VSD Perspective. Type spvsd and select actions for IBM VSD nodes.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.

    Note: The query and qsrc subcommands have no exit values.


    You must have root privilege to issue the debug, mksrc, reset, start, and stop commands.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    See "Using the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk Software" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks



    Related Information

    Commands: ha_vsd, ha.vsd


    To stop the hc subsystem and restart it, enter:

    hc.vsd reset

    The system returns the messages:

    Waiting for the hc subsystem to exit.
    hc subsystem exited successfully.
    Starting hc subsystem.
    hc subsystem started PID=xxx.



    hmadm - Administers the Hardware Monitor daemon.


    hmadm [ {-d debug_flag} ... ] operation


    -d debug_flag
    Specifies the daemon debug flag to be set or unset in the daemon.


    Specifies the administrative action to perform.

    The operation must be one of the following:

    Unsets the daemon debug flag specified by the -d flag in the daemon. Multiple -d flags can be specified. If no -d flags are specified, the all debug flag is assumed.

    Changes the daemon log file. If the log file is growing large, this operation is used to cause the daemon to write to a new log file.

    Causes the daemon to exit.

    Reads the Hardware Monitor access control list configuration file to update the daemon's internal ACL tables. Any Hardware Monitor application or command executing under the ID of a user who has changed or deleted ACLs has its client connection terminated by the daemon. Such applications and commands must be restarted, if possible. ACLs for new users can be added without any effect on executing applications and commands.

    This operation must by invoked by the administrator after the administrator modifies the ACL configuration file.

    Sets the daemon debug flag specified by the -d flag in the daemon. Multiple -d flags can be specified. If no -d flags are specified, the all debug flag is assumed.


    The hmadm command is used to administer the Hardware Monitor daemon. The Hardware Monitor daemon executes on the control workstation and is used to monitor and control the SP hardware. Five administrative actions are supported, as specified by the operation operand.

    Normally when the daemon exits, it is automatically restarted by the system. If frame configuration information is changed, the quit operation can be used to update the system.

    The daemon writes debug information and certain error information to its log file. The log file is located in /var/adm/SPlogs/spmon and its name is of the form hmlogfile.nnn, where nnn is the Julian date of the day the log file was opened by the daemon. The clog operation causes the daemon to close its current log file and create a new one using the name hmlogfilennn, where nnn is the current Julian date. If this name already exists, a name of the form hmlogfile.nnn_m is used, where m is a number picked to create a unique file name.

    There are 15 debug flags supported by the daemon:

    Sets/unsets all of the following flags.

    Logs the Access Control Lists.

    Logs the contents of the internal queue of commands sent to the frames.

    Logs the daemon internal counters.

    Logs commands sent to the daemon.

    Logs commands sent to the frames.

    Logs interested party lists.

    Logs packets received from the frames in /var/adm/SPlogs/spmon/hm_frame_packet_dump.

    Logs poll list array.

    Logs responses sent to clients in /var/adm/SPlogs/spmon/hm_response_dump.

    Logs client socket session information.

    Logs data sent to S1 serial ports in /var/adm/SPlogs/spmon/hm_s1data_dump.

    Logs S1 serial port reference counts and connections.

    Logs ttycb control blocks.

    Logs boundary values used in checking temperatures, amperages, and volts.

    This command uses the SP Hardware Monitor. Therefore, the user must be authorized to access the Hardware Monitor subsystem and must have administrative permission. Since the Hardware Monitor subsystem uses SP authentication services, the user must execute the kinit command prior to executing this command. Alternatively, site-specific procedures can be used to obtain the tokens that are otherwise obtained by kinit.


    Contains the hmadm command.

    Related Information

    File: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmacls



    hmcmds - Controls the state of the SP hardware.


    [-a | -v] [-f file_name] [-u microcode_file_name]
    [-G] command [slot_spec ... | all]


    Exits immediately after sending the VFOP command to the specified hardware; that is, it does not wait for the hardware state to match the command.

    Specifies verbose mode. The percentage of hardware components whose state matches the VFOP command is displayed at five-second intervals. The following are also displayed:

    -f file_name
    Uses file_name as the source of slot ID specifications.

    -u microcode_file_name
    Uses microcode_file_name as the source of supervisor microcode that is loaded to the specified slot_spec. If the microcode_file_name is not fully qualified, the file must be in the current directory. This option is allowed only with the microcode command.

    Specifies Global mode. With this flag, commands can be sent to any hardware.


    Specifies the command to send to the hardware components.

    Specifies the addresses of the hardware components.


    Use this command to control the state of the SP hardware. Control is provided via the Virtual Front Operator Panel (VFOP). VFOP is a set of commands that can be sent to the hardware components contained in one or more SP frames. Each frame consists of 18 slots, numbered 0 through 17, where slot 0 represents the frame itself, slot 17 can contain a switch and slots 1 through 16 can contain thin or wide processing nodes. Wide nodes occupy two slots and are addressed by the odd slot number. In a switch only frame, slots 1 through 16 can contain switches; the switches occupy two slots and are addressed by the even slot number.

    Normally, commands are only sent to the hardware components in the current system partition. A system partition only contains processing nodes. The switches and the frames themselves are not contained in any system partition. To send VFOP commands to hardware components not in the current system partition or to any frame or switch, use the -G flag.

    The following list describes the VFOP command set. Commands that require the -G flag are marked by an asterisk (*). Commands marked by a double asterisk (**) are primarily used by the Eclock command and are not intended for general use since an in-depth knowledge of switch clock topology is required to execute these commands in the proper sequence.

    Before issuing these commands, refer to the "Using a Switch" chapter in the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for detailed descriptions.

    High Performance Switch

    Sets the High Performance Switch clock multiplexor to the External Clock 1.**

    Sets the High Performance Switch clock multiplexor to the External Clock 2.**

    Sets the High Performance Switch clock multiplexor to the External Clock 3.**

    Sets the High Performance Switch clock multiplexer to the Internal Clock.**

    SP Switch

    Sets the SP Switch clock drive to the Phase Lock Loop 2.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock drive to the Phase Lock Loop 3.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock drive to the Phase Lock Loop 4.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock drive to the Phase Lock Loop 5.**

    Performs power-on reset of SP Switch and holds the SP Switch in reset state. Requires rel_power_reset to release.**

    Performs synchronous reset of SP Switch and holds the SP Switch in reset state. Requires rel_synch_reset to release.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the Local Oscillator 2.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the Local Oscillator 4.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 3.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 4.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 5.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 6.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 7.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 8.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 9.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 1.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 11.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 12.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 13.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 14.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 15.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 16.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 17.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 18.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 19.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 20.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 21.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 22.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 23.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 24.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 25.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 26.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 27.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 28.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 29.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 30.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 31.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 32.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 33.**

    Sets the SP Switch clock input to the External Jack 34.**

    Performs power-on reset of SP Switch. Includes chip self-test and synchronous reset.**

    Releases SP Switch from hold_power_reset state.**

    Releases SP Switch from hold_synch_reset state.**

    Performs synchronous reset of SP Switch. Turns off error enables and clears errors.**

    Any Frame, Node, or Switch that Supports Microcode Download

    Performs a power off of the node and switches the active frame, node, or switch supervisor to basecode mode causing the active supervisor to become nonactive and the basecode supervisor to become active.*
    Note: You must issue this command before issuing the microcode command.

    Performs a boot of the frame, node, or switch basecode application and supervisor.*

    Causes the basecode to execute the nonactive frame, node, or switch supervisor thus making it active.*

    Performs a download of supervisor microcode to the frame, node, or switch.*
    Note: You must issue the basecode command before issuing this command.

    Dumps the contents of the frame, node, or switch basecode or supervisor application, whichever is active. The contents are dumped to an aixterm that is opened for serial data read to the target slot.*

    Refer to the s1term command for information on making serial connections.

    Any Node

    Sets the keylock on a processing node to the Normal position.

    Presses and releases the reset button on a processing node.

    Sets the keylock on a processing node to the Secure position.

    Sets the keylock on a processing node to the Service position.

    Any Frame

    Initiates Power-On Self Tests (POST) in the frame supervisor.*

    Sets the frame ID into the frame supervisor.*

    Any Frame, Node, or Switch

    Disables power to the frame power supplies, a processing node, or a switch.

    Enables power to the frame power supplies, a processing node, or a switch.

    Any Node or Switch

    Flashes the I²C address of a processing node or a switch node in the node's yellow LED.

    One of these commands must be specified using the command operand. The command is sent to the hardware specified by the slot_spec operands. However, the command is not sent to any hardware that is not in the current system partition unless the -G flag is specified. If the -G flag is not specified and the slot_spec operands specify no hardware in the current system partition, an error message is displayed.

    The slot_spec operands are interpreted as slot ID specifications. A slot ID specification names one or more slots in one or more SP frames and it has either of two forms:

    fidlist:sidlist   or   nodlist


    = fval[,fval,...]

    = sval[,sval,...]

    = nval[,nval,...]

    The first form specifies frame numbers and slot numbers. The second form specifies node numbers. A fval is a frame number or a range of frame numbers of the form a-b. A sval is a slot number from the set 0 through 17 or a range of slot numbers of the form a-b. A nval is a node number or a range of node numbers of the form a-b.

    The relationship of node numbers to frame and slot numbers is shown in the following formula:

    node_number = ((frame_number - 1) × 16) + 
    Note: Node numbers can only be used to specify slots 1 through 16 of any frame.

    The following are some examples of slot ID specifications.

    To specify slot 1 in frames 1 through 10, enter:


    To specify frames 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7, enter:


    To specify slots 9 through 16 in frame 5, enter:


    If frame 5 contained wide nodes, the even slot numbers are ignored.

    To specify specifies slots 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 in each of frames 3 and 4, enter:


    To specify slot 17 in frame 4, enter:


    To specify the nodes in slots 1 through 16 of frame 2, enter:


    To specify the nodes in slot 1 of frame 1, slot 1 of frame 2 and slot 1 of frame 3, enter:


    To specify the node in slot 6 of frame 1, enter:


    Optionally, slot ID specifications can be provided in a file rather than as command operands. The file must contain one specification per line. The command requires that slot ID specifications be provided. If the command is to be sent to all SP hardware, the keyword all must be provided in lieu of the slot_spec operands. However, the all keyword can only be specified if the -G flag is specified and if the VFOP command is on or off, since on or off are the only commands common to all hardware components.

    Commands sent to hardware for which they are not appropriate, or sent to hardware which does not exist, are silently ignored by the Hardware Monitor subsystem.

    By default, and except for the reset, flash, and run_post commands, the hmcmds command does not terminate until the state of the hardware to which the command was sent matches the command or until 15 seconds have elapsed. If 15 seconds have elapsed, the hmcmds command terminates with a message stating the number of nodes whose state was expected to match the VFOP command sent and the number of nodes which actually are in that state. The state of hardware for which the VFOP command is inappropriate, or where the hardware does not exist, is ignored.

    To execute the hmcmds command, the user must be authorized to access the Hardware Monitor subsystem and, for those frames specified to the command, the user must be granted VFOP permission. Commands sent to frames for which the user does not have VFOP permission are ignored. Since the Hardware Monitor subsystem uses SP authentication services, the user must execute the kinit command prior to executing this command. Alternatively, site-specific procedures can be used to obtain the tokens that are otherwise obtained by kinit.


    Contains the hmcmds command.

    Related Information

    Command: hmmon, spsvrmgr


    1. To turn power off in all hardware, enter:
      hmcmds -G off all

    2. In a five-frame SP system, to set the keyswitch on all processing nodes to Secure, enter:
      hmcmds secure 1-5:1-16

    3. To set the clock multiplexor in the switches in frames 1 through 8 to external clock 3, enter:
      hmcmds -G extclk3 1-8:17

    4. In a three-frame SP system, to set the keyswitch to Normal on node 6 and on the nodes in slot 2 of both frames 2 and 3, enter:
      hmcmds normal 6 2,3:2



    hmmon - Monitors the state of the SP hardware.


    [-G] [-q] [-Q] [-r | -s] [-v var_nlist]
    [-f file_name | slot_spec ... ]



    Specifies Global mode. With this flag, all hardware can be specified.

    Displays the current state information prior to displaying changed state.

    Displays only the current state information and exits.

    Displays the output in raw format.

    Displays the output in symbolic format.

    -v var_nlist
    Limits output to that of the state variables specified by var_nlist, a comma separated list of symbolic variable names. This list cannot contain blanks. Use the -V flag for a list of possible values.

    Displays a descriptive list of symbolic variable names and variable indexes, and exits.

    -f file_name
    Uses the file file_name as the source of slot ID specifications.


    Displays the addresses of hardware components.


    Use this command to monitor the state of the SP hardware contained in one or more SP frames. Each frame consists of 18 slots, numbered 0 through 17, where slot 0 represents the frame itself, slot 17 can contain a switch and slots 1 through 16 can contain thin or wide processing nodes. Wide nodes occupy two slots and are addressed by the odd slot number. In a switch only frame, slots 1 through 16 can contain switches; the switches occupy two slots and are addressed by the even slot number.

    With no flags and operands, the command prints to standard output descriptive text of all hardware state changes in the current system partition as they occur, from the time the command is invoked. The command does not terminate, unless the -Q flag or the -V flag is specified, and must be interrupted by the user. To monitor all of the hardware in the SP system, the -G flag must be specified. Note that the switches and the frames themselves are not contained in any system partition.

    When one or more slot_spec operands are present, each operand is interpreted as a slot ID specification. A slot ID specification names one or more slots in one or more SP frames and it has either of two forms:

    fidlist:[sidlist]   or   nodlist


    = fval[,fval,...]

    = sval[,sval,...]

    = nval[,nval,...]

    The first form specifies frame numbers and slot numbers. The second form specifies node numbers. A fval is a frame number or a range of frame numbers of the form a-b. A sval is a slot number from the set 0 through 17 or a range of slot numbers of the form a-b. An nval is a node number or a range of node numbers of the form a-b. If a sidlist is not specified, all hardware in the frames specified by the fidlist is monitored.

    The relationship of node numbers to frame and slot numbers is given by the following formula:

    node_number = ((frame_number - 1) × 16) + slot_number
    Note: The node numbers can only be used to specify slots 1 through 16 of any frame.

    The following are some examples of slot ID specifications.

    To specify all hardware in frames 1 through 10, enter:


    To specify frames 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7, enter:


    To specify slots 9 through 16 in frame 5, enter:


    If frame 5 contained wide nodes, the even slot numbers are ignored.

    To specify slots 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 in each of frames 3 and 4, enter:


    To specify slot 17 in frame 4, enter:


    To specify the nodes in slots 1 through 16 of frame 2, enter:


    To specify the nodes in slot 1 of frame 1, slot 1 of frame 2 and slot 1 of frame 3, enter:


    To specify the node in slot 6 of frame 1, enter:


    Optionally, slot ID specifications may be provided in a file rather than as command operands. The file must contain one specification per line. When slot ID specifications are provided to the command, only the hardware named by the specifications is monitored. Furthermore, of the hardware named by these specifications, only that which is located in the current system partition is monitored. To monitor hardware not contained in the current system partition, the -G flag must be specified. If the -G flag is not specified and the slot ID specifications name no hardware in the current system partition, an error message is displayed.

    The default output displays hardware state information on a slot-by-slot basis. The state information for each slot is captioned by its frame ID and slot ID and consists of two columns. Each column contains state variable information, one variable per line. Each variable is displayed as descriptive text and a value. Boolean values are displayed as TRUE or FALSE. Integer values are displayed in hexadecimal.

    The command provides two other output formats, raw and symbolic. Both write the information for one state variable per line. The raw format consists of four fields separated by white space as follows:

    Field 1
    Contains the frame ID.

    Field 2
    Contains the slot ID.

    Field 3
    Contains the variable ID in hexadecimal.

    Field 4
    Contains the variable value, as received from the hardware, in decimal.

    The symbolic format consists of six fields separated by white space as follows:

    Field 1
    Contains the frame ID.

    Field 2
    Contains the slot ID.

    Field 3
    Contains the symbolic name of the state variable.

    Field 4
    Contains the variable value. Booleans are displayed as TRUE or FALSE. Integers are displayed as decimal values or floating point values, as appropriate to the definition of the variable.

    Field 5
    Contains the variable ID in hexadecimal.

    Field 6
    Contains the descriptive text for the variable. This is the same text that is displayed in the default output. Thus, "field" 6 contains embedded white space.

    The alternative output formats are suitable for input to post-processing programs, such as awk or scripts.

    Output in any format can be limited to display only information from the specified hardware that corresponds to a list of state variables supplied to the command with the -v flag.

    To execute the hmmon command, the user must be authorized to access the Hardware Monitor subsystem and, for those frames specified to the command, the user must be granted "Monitor" permission. State information is not returned for frames for which the user does not have "Monitor" permission. Since the Hardware Monitor subsystem uses SP authentication services, the user must execute the kinit command prior to executing this command. Alternatively, site specific procedures may be used to obtain the tokens that are otherwise obtained by kinit.

    The user can monitor nonexistent nodes in an existing frame in order to detect when a node is added while the system is up and running. No information is returned for nonexistent nodes when the -q or -Q flag is specified.


    Contains the hmmon command.

    Related Information

    Command: hmcmds


    The following is an example of default output from hmmon -G -Q 1:0,1. The command returns similar output, depending on your system configuration.

    frame 001, slot 00:
    node 01 I2C not responding  FALSE  node 02 I2C not responding   TRUE
    node 03 I2C not responding  FALSE  node 04 I2C not responding   TRUE
    switch I2C not responding   FALSE  node 01 serial link open     TRUE
    node 02 serial link open    FALSE  node 03 serial link open     TRUE
    frame LED 1 (green)        0x0001  frame LED 2 (green)        0x0001
    frame LED 3 (yellow)       0x0000  frame LED 4 (yellow)       0x0000
    AC-DC section A power off   FALSE  AC-DC section B power off   FALSE
    AC-DC section C power off   FALSE  AC-DC section D power off   FALSE
    supervisor timer ticks     0x88f2  +48 voltage                0x0078
    temperature                0x0036  supervisor serial number   0x1234
    supervisor type            0x0011  supervisor code version    0x5ff5
    frame 001, slot 01:
    serial 1 DTR asserted        TRUE   -12 volt low warning      TRUE
    -12 volt low shutdown       FALSE   -12 volt high warning     TRUE
    +4 volt low shutdown        FALSE   +4 volt high warning      TRUE
    fan 1 shutdown              FALSE   fan 2 warning             TRUE
    DC-DC power on > 10 secs  TRUE   +5 DC-DC output good      TRUE
    7 segment display flashing  FALSE   node/switch LED 1 (green) 0x0001
    reset button depressed      FALSE   serial link open          TRUE
    diagnosis return code      0x00dd   7 segment LED A           0x00ff
    +5 I/O voltage             0x007f   +12 voltage               0x0096

    The following is an example of raw output from hmmon -G -Q -r 1:0. The command returns similar output, depending on your system configuration.

    1 0 0x880f 32
    1 0 0x881c 0
    1 0 0x881d 4
    1 0 0x8834 54
    1 0 0x8839 4660
    1 0 0x883a 17
    1 0 0x88a8 1
    1 1 0x9097 16
    1 1 0x9098 0
    1 1 0x9047 1
    1 1 0x909d 128
    1 1 0x9023 221
    1 1 0x90a1 255
    1 1 0x90a2 127
    1 1 0x903b 24565

    The following is an example of symbolic output from hmmon -G -Q -s 1:0. The command returns similar output, depending on your system configuration.

    1  0  nodefail1          FALSE    0x8802  node 01 I2C not responding
    1  0  nodeLinkOpen1      TRUE     0x8813  node 01 serial link open
    1  0  frACLED                  1  0x8824  frame LED 1 (green)
    1  0  frNodeComm               0  0x8827  frame LED 4 (yellow)
    1  0  frPowerOff_B       FALSE    0x882d  AC-DC section B power off
    1  0  timeTicks            34881  0x8830  supervisor timer ticks
    1  0  voltP48             46.800  0x8831  +48 voltage
    1  0  type                    17  0x883a  supervisor type
    1  0  codeVersion          24565  0x883b  supervisor code version
    1  0  controllerResponds TRUE     0x88a8  Frame responding to polls
    1  0  rs232DCD           TRUE     0x88a9  RS232 link DCD active
    1  0  rs232CTS           TRUE     0x88aa  RS232 link CTS active
    1  1  fanfail2           FALSE    0x9050  fan 2 shutdown
    1  1  nodePowerOn10Sec   TRUE     0x904b  DC-DC power on > 10 secs
    1  1  P5DCok             TRUE     0x9097  +5 DC-DC output good
    1  1  powerLED                 1  0x9047  node/switch LED 1 (green)
    1  1  envLED                   0  0x9048  node/switch LED 2 (yellow)
    1  1  keyModeSwitch            0  0x909b  key switch
    1  1  serialLinkOpen     TRUE     0x909d  serial link open
    1  1  LED7SegA               255  0x909f  7 segment LED A
    1  1  voltP5i              4.978  0x90a2  +5 I/O voltage

    The raw and symbolic formats output by the hmmon command contain the variable ID of each state variable. Refer to Appendix D in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.



    hmreinit - Stops and starts the Hardware Monitor daemon and modifies the System Data Repository (SDR) as necessary.








    Use this command to reinitialize the Hardware Monitor daemon when changes to the SP system occur. Specifically, hmreinit determines if there are any changes in the switch configuration (such as, adding, deleting, or upgrading switches). The hmreinit command then calls SDR_config -u to update the switch information in the SDR and generates switch node numbers based on this change. If a switch configuration change is detected, hmreinit will test to see if a single system partition exists. If only one system partition exists, hmreinit will delete the Syspar_map entries from the SDR and then calls create_par_map to generate the correct objects. If more than one system partition exists, hmreinit will issue a message to that effect and exits.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that more than one system partition was found.


    You must have root privilege to run this command and have a valid ticket.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: spframe, SDR_config

    For additional information, refer to the "Reconfiguring the IBM RS/6000 SP System" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Installation and Migration Guide.



    hostlist - Lists SP host names to standard output based on criteria.


    [-s framerange:slotrange] [-f file_name] [-a] [-G]
    [-n noderange] [-w host_name,host_name, ...]
    [-e host_name,host_name, ...] [-v] [-d | -l] [ -r]
    [-N node_group,node_group, ...]


    Specifies a range of frames and a range of slots on each of the frames. Ranges are specified as in 1-3, meaning 1 through 3 inclusive, and as 1,3,15, meaning 1, 3, and 15. Ranges can incorporate both styles as in 1-10,15. So, 1-3,5:1-2,4 would refer to slots 1,2 and 4 on each of the frames 1,2,3, and 5. If a node occupies more than one slot, referring to either or both of the slots refers to the node.

    Specifies the file name of a working collective file as in the dsh working collective, containing a host name on each line. This can be in the format of a Parallel Operating Environment (POE) host.list file.

    Specifies that the System Data Repository (SDR) initial_hostname field for all nodes in the current system partition be written to standard output. For each node, this corresponds to what the hostname command returns on the node.

    Changes the scope of the arguments associated with the -a, -n, -s, and -N options from the current system partition to the SP system.

    Specifies that all nodes in a noderange are written. The range specification has syntax similar to that of frame or slot ranges. Nodes are numbered starting with 1, for frame 1 slot 1, up to the number of slots on the system (note that a node number can refer to an empty slot). A noderange can span frames (for example, 1-4,17-50) would refer to all nodes occupying slots 1-4 on frame 1 and 1-16 on frames 2 and 3, and slots 1 and 2 on frame 4.

    Specifies a list of host names, separated by commas, to include in the working collective. Both this flag and the a flag can be included on the same command line. Duplicate host names are only included once in the working collective.

    Specifies an exclusion list. Comma-separated host names specified are not written to standard output.

    Specifies that only nodes that are responding according to the SDR have their host names written.

    Specifies that IP addresses are returned as output.

    Specifies that long host names be written. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)

    Specifies a restriction to write host names for only those nodes that have exactly the same node number or starting slot specified by the search argument. For example, if a "-n" value corresponds to the second slot of a wide node, and the "-r" flag is used, then a warning message is written instead of the host name for the first slot of the wide node.

    Specifies a list of node groups. Each node group is resolved into nodes. The host names of these nodes are added to the host list. If -G is supplied, a global node group is used. Otherwise, a partitioned-bound node group is used.




    The hostlist command writes SP host names to standard output. The arguments to the command indicate the host names to be written. More than one flag can be specified, in which case, the hosts indicated by all the flags are written.

    If no arguments are specified, hostlist writes the contents of a file specified by the WCOLL environment variable. If the WCOLL environment variable does not exist, the MP_HOSTFILE environment variable is used as the name of a POE host file to use for input. Finally, ./host.list is tried. If none of these steps are successful, an error has occurred. The input file is in dsh-working-collective-file or POE-host-list-file format. Node pool specifications in POE host files are not supported.


    working collective file
    See the dsh command.

    POE host.list file
    See Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use documentation.

    Related Information

    Commands: dsh, sysctl


    1. To create a working collective file of all nodes in the system partition that are responding, except for badhost, enter:
      hostlist -av -e badhost > ./working

    2. To run a program on the nodes on slot 1 of each of 4 frames, enter:
      hostlist -s 1-4:1 | dsh -w - program

    3. To run a program on the nodes on all slots for frame 1 and slots 1-3 for frame 3, as well as on host otherone, enter:
      hostlist -n 1-16,33-35 -w otherone | dsh -w - program

    4. To run a Sysctl application on all the nodes in the WCOLL file ./wcoll:, enter:
      export WCOLL=./wcoll
      hostlist | sysctl -c - sysctl_app args

    hr Script


    hr - Controls the host_responds monitor daemon, hrd, on the control workstation.


    hr [-spname syspar_name]

    { [start | resume] | [stop | quiesce] | reset |

    [query | qall | qsrc] | refresh | mksrc optional_flags | rmsrc | clean | restore |

    [debug | debug off ] | [trace on | trace off ] }


    -spname syspar_name
    Executes the command for the system partition specified by the syspar_name operand. If this flag is not specified, the name of the system partition given by the value of the SP_NAME variable is used.


    start | resume
    Starts the hrd daemon.

    stop | quiesce
    Stops the hrd daemon.

    Stops and restarts the hrd daemon.

    Queries the daemon for status. The response to the query includes hrd-specific information.

    Performs the query function for each defined partition.

    Displays a subsystem definition for a partition.

    Uses the refresh command to request a daemon refresh.

    mksrc optional_flags
    Uses the mkssys command to create an SRC subsystem object. Additional flags for the command may be specified.

    Uses the rmssys command to remove an SRC subsystem object.

    Removes all entries for the subsystem for all system partitions.

    Synchronizes the running daemons with the information in the System Data Repository (SDR). This operand removes all entries for the subsystem, creates new entries based on information in the SDR, and starts the subsystems.

    [debug | debug off ]
    Turns debugging on or off.

    [trace on | trace off ]
    Turns additional tracing on or off.


    Use this command to control the operation of hrd, the host_responds daemon on the control workstation within a system partition. The heartbeat server provides input to the host_responds function within a system partition for the System Monitor through the hrd daemons.

    The hr script is not normally executed from the command line. It is normally called by the hrctrl command, which is in turn called by the syspar_ctrl command during installation of the system, and partitioning or repartitioning of the system.

    The hrd daemon is initially started on the control workstation with the System Resource Controller (SRC). It is respawned automatically if the hrd daemon fails. The SP_NAME environment variable causes selection of the correct daemon.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    The "Starting Up and Shutting Down the SP System" chapter and "The System Data Repository" appendix in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide

    AIX Version 4 Commands Reference

    Information about the System Resource Controller (SRC) in AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs



    Related Information

    Commands: hb, hrctrl, lssrc, startsrc, stopsrc, syspar_ctrl


    See the hrctrl command.

    hrctrl Script


    hrctrl - A script that controls the Host_Responds subsystem.


    hrctrl { -a | -s | -k | -d | -c | -t | -o | -r | -h }


    Adds the subsystem.

    Starts the subsystem.

    Stops the subsystem.

    Deletes the subsystem.

    Cleans the subsystems, that is, delete them from all system partitions.

    Turns tracing on for the subsystem.

    Turns tracing off for the subsystem.

    Refreshes the subsystem.

    Displays usage information.




    The Host_Responds subsystem provides to other PSSP subsystems information about the state of the nodes on the IBM RS/6000 SP.

    The hrctrl control script controls the operation of the Host_Responds subsystem. The subsystem is under the control of the System Resource Controller (SRC) and belongs to a subsystem group called hr. Associated with each subsystem is a daemon and a script that configures and starts the daemon.

    An instance of the Host_Responds subsystem executes on the control workstation for every system partition. Because Host_Responds provides its services within the scope of a system partition, its subsystem is said to be system partition-sensitive. This control script operates in a manner similar to the control scripts of other system partition-sensitive subsystems. The script should be issued on the control workstation. If it is issued on a node, it has no effect.

    From an operational point of view, the Host_Responds subsystem group is organized as follows:


    Subsystem Group

    SRC Subsystem

    The hr subsystem is associated with the hrd daemon and the hr script. The hr script configures and starts the hrd daemon.

    On the control workstation, there are multiple instances of each subsystem, one for each system partition. Accordingly, the subsystem names on the control workstation have the system partition name appended to them. For example, for system partitions named sp_prod and sp_test, the subsystems on the control workstation are named hr.sp_prod and hr.sp_test.

    The subsystem does not run on the nodes.


    The hrd daemon provides the Host_Responds services. The hr script configures and starts the hrd daemon.

    The hrctrl script is not normally executed from the command line. It is normally called by the syspar_ctrl command during installation of the system, and partitioning or repartitioning of the system.

    The hrctrl script provides a variety of controls for operating the Host_Responds subsystem:

    Before performing any of these functions, the script obtains the node number (using the node_number) command. If the node number is not zero, the control script is running on a node and it exits immediately. Otherwise, it is executing on the control workstation and it calls the hr script with an operand that specifies the action to be performed.

    Adding the Subsystem

    When the -a flag is specified, the control script uses the hr command with the mksrc operand to add the Host_Responds subsystem to the SRC.

    Starting the Subsystem

    When the -s flag is specified, the control script uses the hr command with the start operand to start the Host_Responds subsystem, hr.

    Stopping the Subsystem

    When the -k flag is specified, the control script uses the hr command with the stop operand to stop the Host_Responds subsystem, hr.

    Deleting the Subsystem

    When the -d flag is specified, the control script uses the hr command with the rmsrc operand to remove the Host_Responds subsystem from the SRC.

    Cleaning up the Subsystems

    When the -c flag is specified, the control script uses the hr command with the clean operand to stop and remove the Host_Responds subsystems for all system partitions from the SRC.

    Turning Tracing On

    When the -t flag is specified, the control script turns tracing on for the hrd daemon, using the hr command with the trace on operand.

    Turning Tracing Off

    When the -o flag is specified, the control script turns tracing off (returns it to its default level) for the hrd daemon, using the hr command with the trace off operand.

    Refreshing the Subsystem

    When the -r flag is specified, the control script refreshes the subsystem, using the hr refresh command.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must be running with an effective user ID of root.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    AIX Version 4 Commands Reference

    Information about the System Resource Controller (SRC) in AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs



    Related Information

    Commands: hr, lssrc, startsrc, stopsrc, syspar_ctrl


    1. To add the Host_Responds subsystem to the SRC in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hrctrl -a

    2. To start the Host_Responds subsystem in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hrctrl -s

    3. To stop the Host_Responds subsystem in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hrctrl -k

    4. To delete the Host_Responds subsystem from the SRC in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hrctrl -d

    5. To clean up the Host_Responds subsystem on all system partitions, enter:
      hrctrl -c

    6. To turn tracing on for the Host_Responds daemon in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hrctrl -t

    7. To turn tracing off for the Host_Responds daemon in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
      hrctrl -o

    8. To display the status of all of the subsystems in the Host_Responds SRC group, enter:
      lssrc -g hr

    9. To display the status of an individual Host_Responds subsystem, enter:
      lssrc -s subsystem_name

    10. To display detailed status about an individual Host_Responds subsystem, enter:
      lssrc -l -s subsystem_name

      In response, the system returns information that includes the running status of the subsystem and the status of the nodes within the system partition.

    11. To display the status of all of the daemons under SRC control, enter:
      lssrc -a



    hsdatalst - Displays data striping device (HSD) data for the IBM Virtual Shared Disks from the System Data Repository (SDR).


    hsdatalst [-G]


    Displays information for all system partitions on the SP, not only the current system partition.




    This command is used to display defined HSD information in the system.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit list_vsd
    and select the List Defined Hashed Shared Disk option.


    Specifies the command file.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: defhsd, undefhsd


    To display SDR HSD data, enter:




    hsdvts - Verifies that a data striping device (HSD) for the IBM Virtual Shared Disks has been correctly configured and works.


    hsdvts hsd_name




    The name of the HSD you want verified. Warning: Data on vsd_name will be overwritten and, therefore, destroyed.



    Data on hsd_name will be overwritten and, therefore, destroyed. Use this command after you have defined your HSD, IBM Virtual Shared Disks, and logical volumes, but before you have loaded your application data onto any of them.

    This command writes /unix to hsd_name, reads it from hsd_name to a temporary file, and compares the temporary file to the original to make sure the I/O was successful. If the files compare exactly, the test was successful.

    hsdvts writes to the raw hsd_name device /dev/rhsd_name. Since raw devices can only be written in multiples of 512-sized blocks, hsdvts determines the number of full 512-byte blocks in /unix file, and writes that number to hsd_name via dd command. It makes a copy of /unix that contains this number of 512-byte blocks for comparison to the copy read from hsd_name. The dd command is used for all copy operations.


    Specifies the command file.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: cfghsd, cfgvsd, dd, defhsd, startvsd



    /usr/lpp/ssp/css/ifconfig - Configures or displays network interface parameters for a network using TCP/IP.


    interface [address_family [address
    [destination_address]] [parameter...]]




    Specifies the network address for the network interface. For the inet family, the address operand is either a host name, or an Internet address in the standard dotted decimal notation.

    Specifies which network address family to change. The inet and ns address families are currently supported. This operand defaults to the inet address family.

    Specifies the address of the correspondent on the remote end of a point-to-point link.

    Specifies the network interface configuration values to show or change. You must specify an interface with the interface operand when you use the ifconfig command. Abbreviations for the interfaces include:
    Standard Ethernet (inet, xns)
    IEEE 802.3 Ethernet (inet, xns)
    Token ring (inet, xns)
    X.25 (inet)
    Serial line IP (inet)
    Loopback (inet)
    Serial (inet)
    Scalable POWERparallel Switch (SP Switch) or High Performance Switch

    Include a numeral after the abbreviation to identify the specific interface (for example, tr0).

    Allows the following parameter values:

    Establishes an additional network address for the interface. When changing network numbers, this is useful for accepting packets addressed to the old interface.

    Sets the token-ring interface to broadcast to all rings on the network.

    Confines the token-ring interface to broadcast only to the local ring.

    Enables the ifconfig command to use the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) in mapping between network-level addresses and link-level addresses. This flag is in effect by default.

    Disables the use of the Address Resolution Protocol.




    (inet only). Specifies the address to use to broadcast to the network. The default broadcast address has a host part of all 1's (ones).

    Enables driver-dependent debug code.

    Disables driver-dependent debug code.

    Removes the specified network address. This is used when an alias is incorrectly specified or when it is no longer needed. Incorrectly setting ns addresses have the side effect of specifying the host portion of the network address. Removing all ns addresses allows you to respecify the host portion.

    Removes an interface from the network interface list. If the last interface is detached, the network interface driver code is unloaded.

    Marks an interface as inactive (down), which keeps the system from trying to transmit messages through that interface. If possible, the ifconfig command also resets the interface to disable reception of messages. Routes that use the interface, however, are not automatically disabled.

    Enables hardware loopback. The hardware loopback specifies that locally-addressed packets handled by an interface should be sent out using the associated adapter.

    Disables hardware loopback. The hardware loopback specifies that locally-addressed packets handled by an interface should be sent out using the associated adapter.

    Specifies an Internet host willing to receive IP packets encapsulating ns packets bound for a remote network. An apparent point-to-point link is constructed, and the specified address is taken as the ns address and network of the destination.

    Sets the routing metric of the interface to the value specified by the number variable. The default is 0. The routing metric is used by the routing protocol (the routed daemon). Higher metrics have the effect of making a route less favorable. Metrics are counted as addition hops to the destination network or host.

    Sets the maximum IP packet size for this system. The value variable can be any number from 60 through 65520, depending on the network interface. See "Understanding Automatic Configuration of Network Interfaces" in AIX Version 4 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks for maximum transmission unit (MTU) values by interface.

    Specifies how much of the address to reserve for subdividing networks into subnetworks. This parameter can only be used with an address family of inet.

    The mask variable includes both the network part of the local address and the subnet part, which is taken from the host field of the address. The mask can be specified as a single hexadecimal number beginning with 0x, in standard Internet dotted decimal notation, or beginning with a name or alias that is listed in the /etc/networks file.

    The mask contains 1's (ones) for the bit positions in the 32-bit address that are reserved for the network and subnet parts, and 0's (zeros) for the bit positions that specify the host. The mask should contain at least the standard network portion, and the subnet segment should be contiguous with the network segment.

    Used by the CSS/IP for static IP address translation only.
    Note: If the ARP is enable, offset is not used.

    Indicates to the CSS/IP whether it is running over TB0 or TB2 adapter interface. The default is TB2 adapter.




    Marks an interface as active (up). This parameter is used automatically when setting the first address for an interface. It can also be used to enable an interface after an ifconfig down command.


    The ifconfig command has been modified to add support for the switch. This command is valid only on an SP system.

    The ifconfig command can be used from the command line either to assign an address to a network interface, or to configure or display the current network interface configuration information. The ifconfig command must be used at system start up to define the network address of each interface present on a machine. It can also be used at a later time to redefine an interface's address or other operating parameters. The network interface configuration is held on the running system and must be reset at each system restart.

    An interface can receive transmissions in differing protocols, each of which may require separate naming schemes. It is necessary to specify the address_family parameter, which can change the interpretation of the remaining parameters. The address families currently supported are inet and ns.

    For the DARPA Internet family, inet, the address is either a host name present in the host name database, that is, the /etc/hosts file, or a DARPA Internet address expressed in the Internet standard dotted decimal notation.

    For the Xerox Network Systems (XNS) family, ns, addresses are net:a.b.c.d.e.f., where net is the assigned network number (in decimal), and each of the six bytes of the host number, a through f, are specified in hexadecimal. The host number can be omitted on 10-Mbps Ethernet interfaces, which use the hardware physical address, and on interfaces other than the first interface.

    While any user can query the status of a network interface, only a user who has administrative authority can modify the configuration of those interfaces.

    Related Information

    AIX Command: netstat

    AIX Files: /etc/host, /etc/networks

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information on the SP Switch and the High Performance Switch.

    Refer to AIX Version 4 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks for additional information on TCP/IP protocols.

    Refer to AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs for an overview on Xerox Network Systems (XNS).


    The following are examples using the ifconfig command on a TCP/IP network and an XNS network, respectively:

    Inet Examples

    1. To query the status of a serial line IP interface, enter:
      ifconfig sl1

      In this example, the interface to be queried is sl1. The result of the command looks similar to the following:

      sl1: flags=51<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING>
           inet --> 192.9.354.7 netmask ffffff00

    2. To configure the local loopback interface, enter:
      ifconfig lo0 inet up

    3. To mark the local token-ring interface as down, enter:
      ifconfig tr0 inet down

      In this example, the interface to be marked is token0.
      Note: Only a user with root user authority can modify the configuration of a network interface.

    4. To specify an alias, enter:
      ifconfig css0 inet netmask alias

    XNS Examples

    1. To configure a standard Ethernet-type interface for XNS, enter:
      ifconfig en0 ns 110:02.60.8c.2c.a4.98 up

      In this example, ns is the XNS address family, 110 is the network number and 02.60.8c.2c.a4.98 is the host number, which is the Ethernet address unique to each individual interface. Specify the host number when there are multiple Ethernet hardware interfaces, as the default may not correspond to the proper interface. The Ethernet address can be obtained by the commands:

      ifconfig en0
      netstat -v

      The XNS address can be represented by several means, as can be seen in the following examples:


      The first example is in decimal format, and the second example, using minus signs, is separated into groups of three digits each. The 0x and H examples are in hexadecimal format. Finally, the 0 in front of the last example indicates that the number is in octal format.

    2. To configure an IEEE Ethernet 802.3-type interface for XNS, enter:
      ifconfig et0 ns 120:02.60.8c.2c.a4.98 up

      The en0 and et0 interfaces are considered as separate interfaces even though the same Ethernet adapter is used. Two separate networks can be defined and used at the same time as long as they have separate network numbers. Multiple Ethernet adapters are supported.
      Note: The host number should correspond to the Ethernet address on the hardware adapter. A system can have multiple host numbers.

    3. To configure an Internet encapsulation XNS interface, enter:
      ifconfig en0 inet up
      ifconfig en0 ns 110:02.60.8c.2c.a4.98 up
      ifconfig en0 ns 130:02.60.8c.34.56.78 ipdst

      The first command brings up the Internet with the inet address The second command configures the en0 interface to be network 110 and host number 02.60.8c.2c.a4.98 in the ns address family. This defines the host number for use when the XNS packet is encapsulated within the Internet packet. The last command defines network 130, host number 02.60.8c.34.56.78, and destination Internet address This last entry creates a new network interface, nsip. Use the netstat -i command for information about this interface.



    install_cw - Completes the installation of system support programs in the control workstation.








    Use this command at installation to perform the following tasks:



    install_hacws - Creates and configures a High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS) configuration from a regular control workstation configuration.


    install_hacws -p host_name -b host_name [-s]


    Specifies the host name of the primary control workstation. The host name is the name that is set in the kernel and identifies the physical machine. It is also required that this name have a route defined to a network adapter on the primary control workstation. This option is required.

    Specifies the host name of the backup control workstation. The host name is the name that is set in the kernel and identifies the physical machine. It is also required that this name have a route defined to a network adapter on the backup control workstation. This option is required.

    Invokes the command on both the primary and the backup control workstations.




    Use this command to perform configuration and installation tasks on HACWS. This command is used instead of install_cw once the configuration has been made an HACWS configuration. This command is valid only when issued on the control workstation. When the command is executed and the calling process is not on a control workstation, an error occurs.
    Note: The install_hacws command permanently alters a control workstation to an HACWS. The only way to go back to a single control workstation is to have a mksysb image of the primary control workstation before the install_hacws command is executed.

    Both the primary and backup control workstations must be running and capable of executing remote commands via the /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rsh command.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred. Diagnostic information is written to standard output and standard error.

    Standard output consists of messages indicating the progress of the command as it configures the control workstations.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for information on the HACWS option.



    Related Information

    SP Commands: install_cw, rsh, setup_logd


    1. To configure both control workstations on an SP system, enter the following:
      install_hacws -p primary_cw -b backup_cw -s

    2. To configure the control workstations separately, enter the following.

      On the primary control workstation, enter:

      install_hacws -p primary_cw -b backup_cw

      After the preceding command completes on the primary control workstation, enter the following on the backup control workstation:

      install_hacws -p primary_cw -b backup_cw



    jm_config - Reconfigures the Resource Manager.








    Use this command to reconfigure the Resource Manager (RM) servers.

    This command must be executed by root on the control workstation. It reads the Resource Manager configuration data from the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file, where syspar_name represents the current system partition environment. This current working environment can be determined by issuing spget_syspar -n. The jm_config command then contacts the correct primary Resource Manager and sends a message telling the server to update its configuration data from the System Data Repository (SDR). The new configuration takes effect with the next client request.
    Note: 604 High Nodes cannot be configured as part of a parallel pool. Therefore, the Resource Manager will not allocate these nodes for parallel jobs.

    The Resource Manager can also be reconfigured via the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT). To use SMIT, enter:

    smit RM_options
    and select the Reconfigure the Resource Manager option. Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information on configuring the Resource Manager and system partitioning.


    Resource Manager configuration data file.

    Path name of this command.

    Resource Manager information log.

    Resource Manager error log.

    Related Information

    Commands: jm_start, jm_status, jm_stop, locate_jm, spget_syspar


    To reconfigure the Resource Manager in the current system partition, enter:

    The following response shows the configuration data file being used by the jm_config command:
    jm_config: Using /etc/jmd_config.k42sp1 for Resource Manager
               configuration data.
    jm_config: jm_config successful



    jm_install_verify - Verifies that the installation of the Resource Manager component of the SP system completed successfully.


    jm_install_verify [-h] [-q] [-l logfile]


    Displays usage information.

    Specifies quiet mode; suppresses output to standard output.

    -l logfile
    Specifies the path name of the log file to which error messages are written. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)




    Use this command to perform various tests to determine whether the Resource Manager component of the SP system is installed correctly. This command checks that:

    This command must be executed by root and operates within the scope of the current system partition environment. When executed on the control workstation, installation will be verified for the control workstation and all of the nodes within the current system partition. When executed on a node, installation is verified on that node only.

    If you do not specify the -l flag, more detailed information is recorded in /var/adm/SPlogs/jm_install_verify.log.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit SP_verify
    and select the Resource Manager Installation option.


    Path name of this command.

    Default log file.

    Exit Values

    Indicates success.

    Indicates a failure with an appropriate message.

    If you do not specify the -q flag, a message is displayed on standard output indicating the success or failure of the tests. If errors are detected, a message is displayed stating how many errors were found and more detailed information is recorded in the log file.

    Related Information

    Commands: CSS_test, jm_verify, SDR_test, SYSMAN_test, spmon_ctest, spmon_itest


    To verify installation of the Resource Manager on a single node, saving error messages in the jminst.err file, from that node, enter:

    jm_install_verify -l jminst.err
    Upon successful completion, the following message is displayed:
    Verifying installation of Resource Manager on node 9.
    Resource Manager installation verification SUCCESSFUL on node 9.
    Check ./jminst.err file for details.



    jm_start - Starts the primary and backup Resource Manager servers in the current system partition.


    jm_start [-h | -i]


    Displays usage information.

    Starts the Resource Manager without determining whether the server is already running.




    Use this command to start the primary and backup Resource Manager servers.

    This command must be executed by root on the control workstation. It reads the Resource Manager configuration data from the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file, where syspar_name represents the current system partition environment. This current working environment can be determined by issuing spget_syspar -n. This command reads the configuration data into the System Data Repository (SDR) and starts the primary Resource Manager server on one of the nodes indicated. This server then starts up a backup on the next available node in the list of server candidates.
    Note: 604 High Nodes cannot be configured as part of a parallel pool. Therefore, the Resource Manager will not allocate these nodes for parallel jobs.

    If jm_start successfully starts the primary Resource Manager server, it returns a message indicating its location. If a backup is not successfully started, an additional message is issued and the primary Resource Manager server continues to run, attempting periodically to start the backup. If you do not have a backup running, and the primary Resource Manager server dies for any reason, there is no recovery and the Resource Manager server must be restarted manually.

    Use the -i flag only if the jm_start command cannot determine whether the Resource Manager server is already running. The -i flag does not check if the Resource Manager server is already running, therefore, it is best not to use this option unless you are sure the Resource Manager server is not running on any node.

    The Resource Manager can also be reconfigured via the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT). To use SMIT, enter:

    smit RM_options
    and select the Start the Resource Manager option. Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information on the Resource Manager and system partitioning.


    Resource Manager configuration data file.

    Path name of this command.

    Resource Manager information log.

    Resource Manager error log.

    Related Information

    Commands: jm_config, jm_status, jm_stop, locate_jm, spget_syspar


    To start the Resource Manager in the current system partition, enter:

    The following response shows the configuration data file being used by the jm_start command:
    jm_start: Using /etc/jmd_config.k42sp1 for Resource Manager
              configuration data.
    jm_start: jmd started on k42n09:



    jm_status - Gets information about defined pools or about jobs running on nodes allocated by the Resource Manager.


    [-n control_workstation_name]
    {-P | -p pool_id | -j} [-h]


    Indicates the name or IP alias name of the control workstation or an SP system partition on the control workstation. This flag is optional. If you choose not to specify the -n flag, you can set the SP_NAME environment variable to indicate the current system partition environment. If neither is specified, the current environment is obtained from the local /etc/SDR_dest_info file.

    Requests information about all the pools in the SP system.

    -p pool_id
    Requests information about the pool specified by pool_id. A pool_id value of -2 requests information about all the parallel pools. A pool_id value of -3 requests information about all pools and is equivalent to specifying -P.

    Requests information about all the jobs running on the system.

    Displays usage information.

    The -v (verbose) flag is always accepted, but no special action is taken when it is specified together with -j. If -P or -p is specified:




    Use the jm_status command to get information about defined pools or about jobs running on nodes allocated by the Resource Manager. Any user can execute jm_status on any workstation.


    Path name of this command

    System Data Repository information file.

    Related Information

    Commands: locate_jm, spget_syspar


    1. To get job information for the k42sp1 partition, enter:
      jm_status -n k42sp1 -j
      The response should be similar to this:
      Job 1:    time_allocated=Mon_Apr__4_16:09:28_1994
                requestor=root requestor_pid=11787
                Adapter type=HPS_US
                Usage: cpu=SHARED adapter=DEDICATED
                virtual task ids: 0 1
                Usage: cpu=SHARED adapter=DEDICATED
                virtual task ids: 2 3 4
      Job 2:    time_allocated=Mon_Apr__4_16:13:08_1994
                requestor=root requestor_pid=12355
                Adapter type=ETHERNET
                Usage: cpu=SHARED adapter=DEDICATED
                virtual task ids: 0 1
                Usage: cpu=SHARED adapter=DEDICATED
                virtual task ids: 2 3 4
      Job 3:    time_allocated=Mon_Apr__4_16:13:38_1994
                requestor=root requestor_pid=14404
                Adapter type=HPS_US
                Usage: cpu=SHARED adapter=SHARED
                virtual task ids: 0 1

    2. To get Pool information for the currently defined system partition environment, enter:
      jm_status -P
      The response should be similar to this:
      Pool 1:    Ethernet_test_pool_1
        Subpool: INTERACTIVE
        Subpool: BATCH
        Subpool: GENERAL
      Pool 2:    Ethernet_test_pool_2
        Subpool: INTERACTIVE
        Subpool: BATCH
        Subpool: GENERAL

    3. Entering:
      jm_status -p1 -v
      should get a response similar to this:
      Pool 1:    Ethernet_test_pool_1
        Subpool: INTERACTIVE
            Job 1: time allocated=Mon_Apr__4_16:09:28_1994
              requestor=root requestor pid=11787
              Adapter type=HPS_US
              Usage: cpu=SHARED adapter=DEDICATED
              virtual task ids: 0 1
            Job 2: time allocated=Mon_Apr__4_16:13:08_1994
              requestor=root requestor pid=12355
              Adapter type=ETHERNET
              Usage: cpu=SHARED adapter=DEDICATED
              virtual task ids: 0 1
        Subpool: BATCH
        Subpool: GENERAL
            Job 3: time allocated=Mon_Apr__4_16:13:38_1994
              requestor=root requestor pid=14404
              Adapter type=HPS US
              Usage: cpu=SHARED adapter=SHARED
              virtual task ids: 0 1



    jm_stop - Stops the primary and backup Resource Manager servers in the current system partition.


    jm_stop [-q | -h]


    Tells the Resource Manager to wait for existing jobs to terminate before exiting. If it is not specified, the primary and backup Resource Manager servers exit immediately.

    Displays usage information.




    Use this command to stop the primary and backup Resource Manager servers.

    This command must be executed by root and operates within the scope of the current system partition environment. It can be issued from any node within a system partition.

    The system can be quiesced in a less disruptive fashion by specifying the -q option, which tells the Resource Manager server to first wait for all existing jobs to terminate before exiting. The jm_stop -q command returns immediately. Any subsequent Resource Manager job requests, as well as jm_status and jm_config commands, fail. When all jobs have finished, the primary and backup Resource Manager server exits. Issue locate_jm to determine if the Resource Manager servers have exited. Anytime after jm_stop -q has been issued, you can issue jm_stop (without -q) to force an immediate stop.

    The Resource Manager can also be stopped via the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT). To use SMIT, enter:

    smit RM_stop
    and select either the Stop the Resource Manager immediately option (jm_stop), or the Wait for existing clients to exit, then stop the Resource Manager option (jm_stop -q).


    Path name of this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: jm_config, jm_start, jm_status, locate_jm



    should get this response:
    jm_stop: jm_stop successful.



    jm_verify - Verifies that the configuration of the Resource Manager component of the SP system completed successfully in the current system partition.


    jm_verify [-h] [-q] [-l logfile]


    Displays usage information.

    Specifies quiet mode; suppresses output to standard output.

    -l logfile
    Specifies the path name of the log file to which error messages are written. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)




    Use this command to perform various tests to determine whether the Resource Manager component of the SP system is correctly configured.

    This command can be executed by any user and operates within the scope of the current system partition environment.

    This command utilizes the SP dsh and rsh commands to access remote nodes for configuration information. The same security considerations apply.

    If you do not specify the -l flag, more detailed information is recorded in /var/adm/SPlogs/jm_verify.log.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit SP_verify
    and select the Resource Manager Installation option.


    Path name of this command.

    Default log file.

    Exit Values

    Indicates success.

    Indicates a failure with an appropriate message.

    If you do not specify the -q flag, a message is displayed on standard output indicating the success or failure of the tests. If errors are detected, a message is displayed stating how many errors were found and more detailed information is recorded in the log file.

    Related Information

    Commands: CSS_test, dsh, jm_install_verify, rsh, SDR_test, SYSMAN_test, spmon_ctest, spmon_itest


    To verify configuration of the Resource Manager, saving error messages in jmconf.err in the current working directory, enter:

    jm_verify -l jmconf.err
    Upon successful completion, the following message is displayed:
    Verifying Resource Manager on node 0.
    Resource Manager verification SUCCESSFUL on node 0.
    Check ./jmconf.err file for details.



    jmcmi_accesscontrol - Updates the access_control attribute of the JM_domain_info System Data Repository (SDR) class.


    jmcmi_accesscontrol [-h] access_control {yes | no} update_config {yes | no}


    Displays usage information.


    Specifies the value to set the access_control attribute to. Valid options are yes or no.

    Specifies whether to notify the Resource Manager (RM) server when configuration changes are made. Valid options are yes or no.


    This command is a Perl script used to set the attribute value of access_control within the JM_domain_info SDR class. The access_control attribute determines whether the RM should interact with the system management command, spacs_cntrl, to allow users access to parallel nodes. If yes is specified for the update_config operand, the RM server is notified of the change to access_control and the new value is used after the next client connection. If no is specified, a second action must be taken before the new value is used. If the RM server is not running, the action must be to start the RM server. If the RM server is running, the action would be to reconfigure the RM server.

    Executing this script is equivalent to setting the keyword ACCESS_CONTROL within the RM /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name configuration file. The data is updated within the SDR and the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file is updated with the new value for ACCESS_CONTROL.

    This script must be executed by root from the control workstation and operates within the scope of the current system partition environment. Both operands are required.

    The main use of this script is via the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT). To use SMIT, enter:

    smit access_control


    Resource Manager configuration data file.

    Related Information

    Commands: jm_config, jm_start, jmcmi_createjmdconfig, spacs_cntrl


    To turn access control on and inform the RM server of the changes, enter:

    jmcmi_accesscontrol yes yes



    jmcmi_addpool - Defines a new Resource Manager (RM) pool.


    [-h] pool_id attribute delete_nodes {yes | no}
    batch "node_list" interactive "node_list"
    general "node_list" update_config {yes | no}


    Displays usage information.


    Specifies a unique pool ID. A -1 must be used when defining the Serial pool and a nonnegative number must be used for parallel pools. It correlates to the POOL_ID keyword found within /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file.

    Specifies a descriptive string used to describe this RM pool. The string cannot contain blanks or an equals (=) sign. It correlates to the ATTRIBUTES keyword found within /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file.

    Specifies whether nodes defined within the node_list should be deleted from a previously defined pool and placed into this new pool. Valid options are yes or no.

    Contains a list of node names to be defined for the subpool specified by the preceding keyword. The batch "node_list", interactive "node_list", and general "node_list" correlate to the MEMBERS_BATCH, MEMBERS_INTERACTIVE, and MEMBERS_GENERAL keywords found within the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file.

    Specifies whether the RM server is notified when configuration changes are made. Valid options are yes or no.


    This command is a Perl script used to define a new RM pool. For more information on RM pools and their definitions, refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    After initial RM configuration, the RM Server List must be defined before the definition of any pools.

    node_list must be one of the following:

    The keyword all when specified for a subpool works in combination with a node_list defined for another subpool, to create a subpool with all the nodes on the system excluding the ones specified by the node_list. See the Examples section for this command.

    After this script is executed, the new pool data is updated within the System Data Repository (SDR) and the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file is updated to reflect the new pool information.

    If the update_config operand is yes, the RM server is notified that a configuration change was made, and it updates all of its configuration data. This data is used at the next client connection. If no is specified, a second action must be taken before the new configuration data is used. If the RM server is not running, the action must be to start the RM server. If the RM server is running, the action would be to reconfigure the RM server.

    This script must be executed by root from the control workstation and operates within the scope of the current system partition environment. All operands are required.

    The main use of this script is via the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT). To use SMIT, enter:

    smit add_pool


    Resource Manager configuration data file.

    Related Information

    Commands: jm_config, jm_start, jmcmi_createjmdconfig, jmcmi_servernodes


    1. To create a new pool containing 8 batch nodes and 8 general nodes and inform the RM server of these changes, enter:
      jmcmi_addpool 1 pool_for_LL
      yes batch "r07n01 r07n02 r07n03 r07n04 r07n05
      r07n06 r07n07 r07n08" interactive "none" general
      "r07n09 r07n10 r07n11 r07n12 r07n13 r07n14 r07n15
      r07n16" yes

      This results in the following definition within the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file:

      POOL_ID = 1
      ATTRIBUTES = pool_for_LL
      MEMBERS_BATCH       = r07n01; r07n02; \
      r07n03; r07n04; r07n05; \
      r07n06; r07n07; r07n08;
      MEMBERS_GENERAL     = r07n09; \
      r07n10; r07n11;r07n12;r07n13; \

      If the node r07n10 was previously defined within Pool 2, jmcmi_addpool deletes r07n10 from that pool definition. The RM is notified of the new pool definitions and the configuration changes take effect on the next client connection.

    2. To create a single pool with all of the nodes on the system within the general subpool and inform the RM server of these changes, enter:
      jmcmi_addpool 2 General_Pool
      yes batch "none" interactive "none" general
      "all" yes

      This results in all of the nodes being defined within Pool 2. Because the delete_nodes operand was specified as yes, any other pools that were defined on the system no longer exist. All of the nodes were deleted from the pools and moved to the one being created. The RM is notified of the new pool definitions and the configuration changes take effect at the next client connection.

    3. To create a single pool with all of the nodes on the system, defining two nodes for the interactive subpool, two nodes for the batch subpool, and the remaining nodes for the general subpool, and inform the RM server of these changes, enter:
      jmcmi_addpool 2 DeptXYZ
      yes batch "r07n01 r07n16" interactive "r07n02 r07n15"
      general "all" yes

      This results in the following definition within the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file:

      POOL_ID = 2
      MEMBERS_BATCH       = r07n01; r07n16;
      MEMBERS_INTERACTIVE = r07n02; r07n15;
      MEMBERS_GENERAL     = r07n03; \
      r07n04; r07n05; \
      r07n06; r07n07; r07n08; \
      r07n09; r07n10; r07n11; \
      r07n12;r07n13; r07n14;



    jmcmi_changepool - Changes the definition of a Resource Manager (RM) pool.


    [-h] pool_id attribute delete_nodes {yes | no}
    batch "node_list" interactive "node_list"
    general "node_list" update_config {yes | no}


    Displays usage information.


    Specifies the existing pool ID. It correlates to the POOL_ID keyword found within /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name.

    Specifies a descriptive string used to describe this RM pool. The string cannot contain blanks or an equal (=) sign. It correlates to the ATTRIBUTES keyword found within /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name.

    Specifies whether nodes defined within the nodes_list should be deleted from a previously defined pool and placed into this new pool. Valid options are yes or no.

    Contains a list of node names to be defined for the subpool specified by the preceding keyword. The batch "node_list", interactive "node_list", and general "node_list" correlate to the MEMBERS_BATCH, MEMBERS_INTERACTIVE, and MEMBERS_GENERAL keywords found within the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file.

    Specifies whether the RM server is notified when configuration changes are made. Valid options are yes or no.


    This command is a Perl script used to redefine a RM pool. For more information on Resource Manager pools and their definitions, refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    The pool_id operand cannot be changed by this script. In order to change a pool ID, the original pool must be deleted and a new one created.

    "node_list" must be one of the following:

    The keyword all when specified for a subpool works in combination with a "node_list" defined for another subpool, to create a subpool with all the nodes on the system excluding the ones specified by the "node_list." See the Examples section.

    After this script is executed, the changed pool data is updated within the SDR and the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file is updated to reflect the information.

    If the update_config operand is yes, the RM server is notified that a configuration change was made, and updates all of its configuration data. This data is used at the next client connection. If no is specified, a second action must be taken before the new configuration data is used. If the RM server is not running, the action must be to start the RM server. If the RM server is running, the action would be to reconfigure the RM server.

    This script must be executed by root from the control workstation and operates within the scope of the current system partition environment. All operands are required.

    The main use of this script is via the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT). To use SMIT, enter:

    smit configure_pool


    Resource Manager configuration data file.

    Related Information

    Commands: jm_config, jm_start jmcmi_addpool, jmcmi_createjmdconfig, jmcmi_deletepool


    1. To redefine Pool 1 so that it contains 8 batch nodes and 8 general nodes, and inform the RM server of these changes, enter:
      jmcmi_changepool 1 pool_for_LL
      yes batch "r07n01 r07n02 r07n03 r07n04 r07n05
      r07n06 r07n07 r07n08" interactive "none" general
      "r07n09 r07n10 r07n11 r07n12 r07n13 r07n14 r07n15
      r07n16" yes

      This results in the following definition within the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file:

      POOL_ID = 1
      ATTRIBUTES = pool_for_LL
      MEMBERS_BATCH       = r07n01; r07n02; \
      r07n03; r07n04; r07n05; \
      r07n06; r07n07; r07n08;
      MEMBERS_GENERAL     = r07n09; \
      r07n10; r07n11;r07n12;r07n13; \

      If the node r07n10 was previously defined within Pool 2, jmcmi_changepool deletes r07n10 from that pool definition. The RM is notified of the new pool definitions and the configuration changes take effect on the next client connection.

    2. To redefine a single pool with all of the nodes on the system within the general subpool, enter:
      jmcmi_changepool 2 General_Pool
      yes batch "none" interactive "none" general
      "all" yes

      This results in all of the nodes being defined within Pool 2. Because the delete_nodes operand was specified as yes, any other pools that were defined on the system no longer exist. All of the nodes were deleted from the pools and moved to the one being redefined. The RM is notified of the new pool definitions and the configuration changes take effect at the next client connection.

    3. To redefine a single pool with all of the nodes on the system, defining two nodes for the interactive subpool, two nodes for the batch subpool, and the remaining nodes for the general subpool, and inform the RM server of these changes, enter:
      jmcmi_changepool 2 DeptXYZ
      yes batch "r07n01 r07n16" interactive "r07n02 r07n15"
      general "all" yes

      This results in the following definition within the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file:

      POOL_ID = 2
      MEMBERS_BATCH       = r07n01; r07n16;
      MEMBERS_INTERACTIVE = r07n02; r07n15;
      MEMBERS_GENERAL     = r07n03; \
      r07n04; r07n05; \
      r07n06; r07n07; r07n08; \
      r07n09; r07n10; r07n11; \
      r07n12;r07n13; r07n14;



    jmcmi_createjmdconfig - Updates the Resource Manager (RM) configuration file, /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name, with the current configuration data.








    This Perl script is executed by other RM configuration scripts to update the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file with any changes made during their execution.

    The existing /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name is preserved as a unique file name /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name.{timestamp}, so that no previous configuration data is lost. A new /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file is created by getting the current configuration data from the System Data Repository (SDR).

    This script must be executed by root from the control workstation and operates within the scope of the current system partition environment.


    Resource Manager configuration data file.

    Related Information

    Commands: jmcmi_accesscontrol, jmcmi_addpool, jmcmi_changepool, jmcmi_deletepool, jmcmi_servernodes



    jmcmi_deletepool - Deletes a pool definition from the Resource Manager (RM).


    jmcmi_deletepool [-h] pool_id update_config {yes | no}


    Displays usage information.


    Specifies the existing pool ID of the pool for which the data is deleted. It correlates to the POOL_ID keyword found within the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file.

    Specifies whether the RM server is notified when configuration changes are made. Valid options are yes or no.


    This command is a Perl script used to delete the configuration data of a RM pool.

    If the update_config operand is yes, the RM server is notified of the change to access_control and the new value is used at the next client connection. If no is specified, a second action must be taken before the new value is used. If the RM server is not running, the action must be to start the RM server. If the RM server is running, the action would be to reconfigure the RM server.

    After this script is executed, the pool data is deleted from the System Data Repository (SDR) and the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file is updated to reflect the current configuration.

    This script must be executed by root from the control workstation and operates within the scope of the current system partition environment. Both operands are required.

    The main use of this script is via the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT). To use SMIT, enter:

    smit delete_pool


    Resource Manager configuration data file.

    Related Information

    Command: jmcmi_createjmdconfig


    To delete Pool 1 and inform the RM server of these changes, enter:

    jmcmi_deletepool 1 yes



    jmcmi_servernodes - Defines the Resource Manager (RM) server list.


    [-h] update_config {yes | no} 1st_server_node
    2nd_server_node additional_server_nodes


    Displays usage information.


    Specifies whether to notify the RM server when configuration changes are made. Valid options are yes or no.

    Specifies the first node in the RM server list. It correlates to the JM_LIST keyword found in the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file.

    Specifies the second node in the RM server list. It correlates to the JM_LIST keyword found in the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file

    Specifies any remaining nodes that should be defined in the RM server list. It correlates to the JM_LIST keyword found in the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file.


    This command is a Perl script used to define the SP nodes available for the RM to run its servers on. The order of the nodes listed is important. The RM always tries to start the server on the 1st_server_node if that node is available and then continues trying nodes in the list in the order they are specified until an available node is found. For more information on the RM server list and servers, refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    If the update_config operand is yes, the RM server is notified that a configuration change was made, and updates all of its configuration data. This data is used at the next client connection. If no is specified, a second action must be taken before the new configuration data is used. If the RM server is not running, the action must be to start the RM server. If the RM server is running, the action would be to reconfigure the RM server.

    The 1st_server_node operand must specify a single node name. The 2nd_server_node operand supports two options: a single node name or the keyword none. If none is specified, no other node names can be defined following it. The additional_server_nodes operand supports the same two options except more than one node name can be specified. If no further nodes need to be defined, the keyword none must be specified.

    This script must be executed by root from the control workstation and operates within the scope of the current system partition environment. All operands are required.

    After this script is executed, the data is updated within the System Data Repository (SDR) and the /etc/jmd_config.syspar_name file is updated with the new values for JM_LIST.

    The main use of this script is via the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT). To use SMIT, enter:

    smit server_list


    Resource Manager configuration data file.

    Related Information

    Command: jmcmi_createjmdconfig


    1. To define the RM server list to consist of four nodes and inform the RM server of these changes, enter:
      jmcmi_servernodes yes r07n01
      r07n10 r07n128 r07n150

    2. To define the RM server list to consist of two nodes and not to inform the RM server of these changes, enter:
      jmcmi_servernodes no r07n01
      r07n10 none

      In this case, the RM needs to be informed later in order for this to take affect.



    kadmin - Provides network access to authentication database administration functions.


    kadmin [-u admin_name] [-r default_realm] [-m]


    Specifies a principal name to use instead of your AIX login name. This admin_name must be a valid AIX login name.

    Specify if you want a realm other than the local realm to be the default.

    Allows multiple requests without reauthentication (reentry of your administrative password).




    This command provides an interactive interface to the primary authentication database. Administrators use kadmin to add new users and services to the database, and to change information about existing database entries. For example, an administrator can use kadmin to change a user's password. An administrator is a user with an admin instance whose name appears in at least one of the authentication administration Access Control Lists (ACLs).

    The kadmin program communicates over the network with the kadmind program, which runs on the machine housing the primary authentication database. The kadmind program creates new entries and makes modifications to the database.

    When you enter the kadmin command, the program displays a message that welcomes you and explains how to ask for help. Then kadmin waits for you to enter commands. After you enter a command, you are prompted to enter your admin password. If the -m option is used, you are prompted for your admin password only for the first command entered. You do not need to issue the kinit command prior to running this command because the necessary tickets are obtained automatically.

    When using the kadmin command, the principal's expiration date and maximum ticket lifetime are set to the default values. To override the defaults, the root user must run the kdb_edit command to modify those attributes.

    Use the add_new_key (or ank for short) command to add a new principal to the authentication database. The command requires the principal identifier as an argument. The identifier given can be fully qualified using the standard name.instance@realm convention. You are asked to enter your admin password and are then prompted twice to enter the principal's new password. If a realm is not specified, the local realm is used unless another was given on the command line with the r flag. If no instance is specified, a null instance is used. If a realm other than the default realm is specified, you need to supply your admin password for the specified realm.

    Use change_password to change a principal's password. The command requires the principal identifier as an argument. You are asked to enter your admin password and are then prompted twice to enter the principal's new password. The identifier given can be fully qualified using the standard name.instance@realm convention.

    Use the change_admin_password to change your admin instance password. This command requires no arguments. It prompts you for your old admin password, then prompts you twice to enter the new admin password. If this is your first command, the default realm is used. Otherwise, the realm used in the last command is used.

    Use destroy_tickets to destroy any admin tickets obtained by the kadmin command.

    Use list_requests to get a list of possible commands.

    Use help to display various kadmin help messages. If entered without an argument, help displays a general help message. You can get detailed information on specific kadmin commands by entering help command_name.

    To quit the program, type quit.


    Access Control List files.

    Related Information

    Commands: add_principal, kadmind, kpasswd, ksrvutil

    Refer to Chapter 2, "RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information" section of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for additional Kerberos information.


    The following contains an example of adding a user. To add a user, enter:

    Welcome to the Kerberos Administration Program, version 2
    Type "help" if you need it.
    admin:  help
    Welcome to the Kerberos administration program.Type "?" to get
    a list of requests that are available. You can get help on each of
    the commands by typing "help command_name". Some functions of this
    program requires an "admin" password from you. This is a password
    private to you, that is used to authenticate requests from this
    program. You can change this password with the "change_admin_password"
    (or short form "cap") command. Good Luck!
    admin:  ?
    Available admin requests:
    change_password, cpw        Change a user's password
    change_admin_password, cap  Change your admin password
    add_new_key, ank            Add new user to kerberos database
    get_entry, get              Get entry from kerberos database
    destroy_tickets, dest       Destroy admin tickets
    help                        Request help with this program
    list_requests, lr, ?        List available requests.
    quit, exit, q               Exit program.
    admin:  ank mroz
    Admin password:
    Password for mroz:
    Verifying, please re-enter Password for mroz:
    mroz added to database.
    admin:  q
    Cleaning up and exiting.
    Note: Passwords are not echoed back to the user.

    kadmind Daemon


    kadmind - Contains the daemon for authentication database administration.


    kadmind [-h] [-n] [-r realm] [-d db_name] [-f file_name] [-a acldir]


    Specifies that the kadmind command list the available subcommands and exit.

    Specifies that the master key from the master key cache file be obtained. Otherwise, it prompts the user to enter the master key interactively.

    Specifies that the kadmind command is to service a realm other than the local realm. realm is the authentication realm name.

    Specifies an authentication database name other than the default. db_name is a directory path.

    Specifies the log file in which the daemon records status and error messages.

    Specifies a directory other than the default that contains the Access Control Lists. acldir is a directory path.

    Note: Use of the -r, -d, and -a flags with values other than the system defaults is not supported on the SP system.




    The kadmind daemon is the authentication database server for the password-changing and administration tools. It uses the master key for authorization.

    The kadmind daemon listens for requests on the kerberos_master/tcp port. If this port is not defined in the /etc/services file, it uses port 751.

    When performing requests on behalf of clients, kadmind checks access control lists (ACLs) to determine the authorization of the client to perform the requested action. Currently three distinct access types are supported:

    Principals are always granted authorization to change their own password.


    Master key cache file.

    Access Control List files.

    /var/kerberos/database/principal.pag, /kerberos/database/principal.dir
    Default files containing the authentication database.

    Default log file.

    Related Information

    Commands: add_principal, kadmin, kpasswd

    Refer to Chapter 2, "RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information" section of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for additional Kerberos information.



    kdb_destroy - Destroys the authentication database.








    The kdb_destroy command removes the authentication database.

    You first must reply y or Y to a prompt to confirm the request, or kdb_destroy exits without removing the database files.

    This command can only be issued on the system on which the authentication database resides.
    Note: This command does not remove database backup files created by the kdb_util command nor the /.k file created by the kstash command.


    /var/kerberos/database/principal.pag, /usr/kerberos/database/principal.dir
    Files containing the authentication database.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Command: kdb_init



    kdb_edit - Edits the authentication database.


    kdb_edit [-n]


    Specifies that the master key is obtained from the master key cache file. Otherwise, kdb_edit prompts the user to enter the master key interactively.




    The kdb_edit command is used to create or change principals in the authentication database. It uses the master key for authorization.

    After the master key is verified, kdb_edit begins a prompt loop. The user is prompted for the principal name and instance to be modified. If the entry is not found, the user can create it. After an entry is found or created, the user can set the password, expiration date, maximum ticket lifetime, and attributes. Default expiration dates, maximum ticket lifetimes, and attributes are presented in brackets. If the user presses return, the default is selected. There is no default password. The password RANDOM is interpreted specially, and if entered, the program selects a random key for the principal.

    You should use random key generation only if you use the kdb_edit command to replace a deleted service principal (for example, rcmd.host_name).

    If you enter a ticket lifetime value, it must be a number between 0 and 255. The actual maximum lifetime value that you choose will be between five minutes and 30 days. Refer to the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for a complete list of the possible ticket lifetime values you can enter and the corresponding durations in days, hours, and minutes. The following list shows a representative sample with approximate durations:

    Response to kdb_edit          Approximate Duration
           141                           1 day
           151                           2 days
           170                           1 week
           180                           2 weeks
           191                           1 month

    After the entry has been created or changed, "Edit O.K." is printed.


    Master key cache file.

    /var/kerberos/database/principal.pag, /usr/kerberos/database/principal.dir
    Files containing the authentication database.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: kadmin, kdb_init

    Refer to Chapter 2, "RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information" section of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for additional Kerberos information.


    To add a service from host mroz, enter:

    kdb_edit -n

    Opening database...
    Previous or default values are in [brackets],
    enter return to leave the same, or new value.
    Principal name: rcmd
    Instance: mroz
    <Not found>, Create [y] ? Y
    Principal: rcmd, Instance: mroz, kdc_key_ver: 1
    New Password:
    Verifying, please re-enter
    New Password:
    Principal's new key version = 1
    Expiration date (enter yyyy-mm-dd) [1999-12-31] ?
    Max ticket lifetime [255] ?
    Attributes [0] ?
    Edit O.K.
    Program re-prompts for another principal "principal name:"
    Principal name:
    The program exits when no principal name is entered.
    Note: Passwords are not echoed back to the user.



    kdb_init - Initializes the authentication database.


    kdb_init [realm]




    Specifies the realm name. If realm is not specified, the realm name is set to the local system's network domain name converted to uppercase characters.


    Use this command to initialize the authentication database, creating the necessary initial system principals.

    After determining the realm to be created, the command prompts for a master key password. The user should choose a nontrivial, not easily-guessable password. The user must remember this password because it is used for other commands. The master key password is used to encrypt every encryption key stored in the database.


    /var/kerberos/database/principal.pag, /usr/kerberos/database/principal.dir
    Files containing the authentication database.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: kdb_destroy, kdb_edit, kdb_util

    Refer to Chapter 2, "RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information" section of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for additional Kerberos information.



    kdb_util - Contains the utility program for managing the authentication database.


    kdb_util operation file_name




    The operation must be one of the following:

    Initializes the database with the records described by the text contained in the file file_name. Any existing database is overwritten.

    Dumps the database into a text representation in the file file_name.

    Performs a database dump similar to the dump operation and creates a semaphore file to indicate to the propagation software that an update is available for distribution to secondary authentication servers.

    Prompts for the old and new master key strings, and then dumps the database into a text representation in the file file_name. The keys in the text representation are encrypted in the new master key.

    Specifies the name of the file.


    The kdb_util command allows the user to perform various utility operations on the authentication database.


    /var/kerberos/database/principal.pag, /usr/kerberos/database/principal.dir
    Files containing the authentication database.

    Semaphore file created by the slave_dump operation.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: kdb_init, kprop, kpropd

    Refer to Chapter 2, "RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information" section of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for additional Kerberos information.



    kdestroy - Destroys authentication tickets.


    kdestroy [-f] [-q]


    Indicates that kdestroy should not display a status message.

    Indicates that kdestroy should display a status message, but should not beep the terminal on an error.




    The kdestroy command destroys the user's authentication tickets. The command writes zeros to the user's current ticket cache file and then removes the file from the file system. If the file does not exist or if an error occurs, a message is displayed. The current ticket file is determined by the KRBTKFILE environment variable. If the KRBTKFILE environment variable is undefined, the current ticket file is /tmp/tktuid, where uid specifies your user identification number. If kdestroy cannot destroy the ticket file, the command warns you by making your terminal beep. You can place the kdestroy command in your .logout file (C shell only) so that your tickets are destroyed automatically when you log out.


    The default ticket file (uid is the decimal UID of the user).

    Related Information

    Commands: kinit, klist

    Refer to Chapter 2, "RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information" section of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for additional Kerberos information.

    kerberos Daemon


    kerberos - Contains the authentication ticket-granting service daemon.


    [-a max_age] [-l log_file] [-m] [-n] [-p pause_seconds]
    [-r realm] [-s] [database]


    Specifies the maximum database age. Its value must be between one hour and three days, in seconds. For slave servers, the default is one day. For the primary server, the default is not to check the age of the database.

    Specifies the log file path name. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)

    Prompts for the master key. If the -m option is not specified, the master key is obtained from the master key cache file.

    Specifies that the age of the database against maximum not be checked. If desired, this option can override the default for secondary servers.

    Specifies the pause interval. It must be between 5 and 3600 seconds. The default is to hang indefinitely on an error.

    Allows the realm to be specified instead of assuming the local realm.

    Indicates that this server is a secondary (backup) server.


    Contains the path name of the authentication database.
    Note: Specification of a database path name other than the default, /var/kerberos/database/principal, is not supported on the SP system.


    kerberos is the daemon program that provides the Authentication Service and the Ticket Granting Service to client programs that want to obtain tickets for authenticated services.

    The kerberos daemon listens for requests on the kerberos4/upd port. If this port is not defined in the /etc/services file, it uses port 750.

    When you start the server (normally from init), you can specify a maximum age for the database files. This can be used to ensure that you do not start a secondary server with out-of-date information. This could occur in a situation where a secondary server system was down when a database update was scheduled.


    /var/kerberos/database/principal.pag, /var/kerberos/database/principal.dir
    Files containing the authentication database.

    Master key cache file.

    /var/adm/SPlogs/kerberos/kerberos.log, /var/adm/SPlogs/kerberos/kerberos.slave_log
    Log files.

    Related Information

    Commands: kdb_init, kprop, kpropd

    Refer to Chapter 2, "RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information" section of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for additional Kerberos information.



    kinit - Contains the SP login authentication program.


    kinit [-i] [-l] [-r] [-v] [name]


    Requests the command to prompt you for an instance, unless one is specified in the name operand.

    Requests the command to prompt you for the ticket lifetime. If not specified, the ticket will have the maximum time allowed for the user. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)

    Requests the command to prompt you for an authentication realm, unless one is specified in the name operand. This option lets you authenticate yourself within an authentication realm other than the local realm.

    Specifies verbose mode. The name of the ticket file used is printed and a status message indicating the success or failure of your authentication attempt.


    Specifies your user principal identifier. The principal name can be qualified with an instance and/or realm name.instance@realm. Refer to the Kerberos command for details.


    The kinit command is used to authenticate the user's identify to the SP authentication service. All previous tickets are discarded.

    When you use the kinit command without options, it prompts for your principal name and password, and tries to authenticate your identity within the local realm. If the specified principal name and password are correct, kinit retrieves your initial ticket and puts it in the ticket file specified by your KRBTKFILE environment variable. If the KRBTKFILE variable is undefined, your ticket is stored in the /tmp/tktuid file, where uid specifies your user identification number.
    Note: These tickets are shared by all processes running under the user's IDs. The KRBTKFILE environment variable can be set to change the location of the ticket cache file.

    If you specify the -l flag, the command prompts you to enter a ticket lifetime, in minutes. The actual value you enter will differ somewhat from the actual lifetime, because lifetimes are set to one of a discrete set of values ranging from five minutes to 30 days. kinit rounds the value you enter up to the next higher limit, and applies the maximum that is defined for your Kerberos principal. If you enter a value higher than your allowed limit, kinit does not indicate an error, but simply assigns your maximum lifetime in the ticket it creates. Refer to the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for the complete list of maximum lifetime values that the administrator can set. The following list shows a representative sample of lifetimes you can request:

    Response to kinit prompt          Approximate duration
           1500                             1 day
           3000                             2 days
          10000                             1 week
          20000                             2 weeks
          43000                             1 month

    Depending on your security policy, you may want to use the kdestroy command to destroy any active tickets before you end your login session. You can place the kdestroy command in your .logout file (C shell only) so that your tickets are destroyed automatically when you logout.

    The KRBTKFILE environment variable is used to specify the ticket cache file used by kinit to store authentication tickets.


    The default ticket file (uid is the decimal UID of the user).

    Related Information

    Commands: kdestroy, klist

    Refer to Chapter 2, "RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information" section of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for additional Kerberos information.



    klist - Lists currently held authentication tickets.


    klist [-s | -t] [-file name] [-srvtab]


    Indicates silent mode. The klist command does not print the issue and expire times, the name of the tickets file, or the identity of the principal. This flag is ignored if srvtab is specified.

    Indicates test mode. The klist command just checks for the existence of a nonexpired ticket-granting-ticket. If one is present, it exits with a status of 0. Otherwise, it exits with a status of 1. No output is displayed.

    Specifies the name of a ticket cache file. When the -file option is not specified, the klist command uses the KRBTKFILE environment variable to determine the location of the ticket cache file. If KRBTKFILE is not set, /tmp/tktuid file is used, where uid is the AIX user ID. When srvtab is also specified, this flag specifies the name of the server key file whose contents are to be displayed.

    Specifies that the klist command is to list the contents of a server key file instead of a ticket cache file. If the file option is not specified, the default key file is /etc/krb-srvtab.




    The klist command prints the principal name and the name of the file containing the user's tickets. It also lists the principal name, issue time, and expiration time for each service ticket held by the user. Principal names are listed in the form name.instance@realm. The period (.) is omitted if the instance is null and the at sign (@) is omitted if the realm is null.


    Contains the name of the local realm.

    The default service key file.

    The default ticket file (uid is the decimal UID of the user).

    Related Information

    Commands: kdestroy, kerberos, kinit


    1. This example shows a listing of the default ticket cache file for the root user (uid 0):
      # klist
      Ticket file:    /tmp/tkt0
      Principal:  root.admin@XYZ.ABC.COM
        Issued           Expires          Principal
      Nov 12 16:26:11  Dec 12 16:26:11  krbtgt.XYZ.ABC.COM@XYZ.ABC.COM
      Nov 12 16:26:46  Dec 12 16:26:46  hardmon.cwksta@XYZ.ABC.COM
      Nov 12 16:45:15  Dec 12 16:45:15  rcmd.cwksta@XYZ.ABC.COM

      The second line shows the Kerberos principal acting as client, to whom the tickets belong. This is the user principal you supplied to the kinit command, or the rcmd.instance service principal used by rcmdtgt. The list of tickets always begins with the ticket-granting-ticket. The others are service tickets; in this case for the System Monitor service on the control workstation (hardmon) and the SP Remote Command service also on the control workstation (rcmd).

    2. This example shows the use of klist to display the key versions for service principals on an SP node:
      klist -srvtab
      Server key file:   /etc/krb-srvtab
      Service         Instance        Realm      Key Version
      rcmd            node3fi         XYZ.ABC.COM       1
      rcmd            node3tr         XYZ.ABC.COM       1
      rcmd            node3sw         XYZ.ABC.COM       1
      rcmd            node3en         XYZ.ABC.COM       1

      You can determine the versions of service keys in the authentication database by locating the entry for the target service principal in a dump of the SP authentication database. If you have secondary authentication servers, or if you use the procedure for backing up your database that IBM suggests using in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide, the database dump can be found in file /var/kerberos/database/slavesave on the primary server host.



    kpasswd - Changes the principal's password.


    [-h] [-n user] [-i instance] [-r realm] [-u full_name]


    Specifies that kpasswd is to print a brief summary of the options and then exit.

    Specifies the name to be used as the principal name rather than the user name of the user running kpasswd. (This is determined from the ticket file if it exists; otherwise, it is determined from the AIX login name.)

    Specifies the instance to be used as the instance of the user principal, rather than a null instance.

    Specifies the realm to be used as the realm rather than the local realm.

    Specifies a fully qualified principal identifier in the form name.instance@realm.




    The kpasswd command changes a principal's password.

    It prompts for the principal's current password. If the old password is correct, the user is prompted twice for a new password. A message is printed indicating the success or failure of the password changing operation.

    Related Information

    Commands: kadmin, kinit, passwd

    Refer to Chapter 2, "RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information" section of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for additional Kerberos information.



    kprop - Specifies the network utility to propagate the authentication database to secondary servers.


    kprop [-force] [-realm realm_name] data_file hosts_file


    Overrides the timestamp checking, forcing transmittal even if the database was not modified since last sent.

    Allows the realm to be specified instead of assuming the local realm.


    Specifies the file containing the dumped image of the authentication database produced by the kdb_util slave_dump command.

    Contains a list of secondary server hosts that provide backup to this server.


    The kprop command reads a list of secondary host names and connects to each one in turn using the kprop service provided by the kpropd program. The data_file (the authentication database) is transferred if it has been modified since it was last sent successfully.


    Semaphore file created by the kdb_util slave_dump operation.

    Related Information

    Commands: kdb_util, kerberos, kpropd

    kpropd Daemon


    kpropd - Contains the daemon to receive updates for a secondary authentication database.


    kpropd [-r realm] [-s srvtab] [-l log_file] [-d database_name] file_name


    Overrides the default local realm.

    Overrides the default srvtab name /etc/krb-srvtab.

    Specifies a log file name to be used instead of the default. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)

    Specifies the path name of the database.

    Note: Use of the -r, -s, and -d flags with values other than the system defaults is not supported on the SP system.


    Specifies the name of the file to receive from the transmitting host, then input to a kdb_util load command.


    kpropd runs as a daemon on secondary authentication database server hosts, listening for a TCP connection on the krb_prop service.

    The kpropd daemon listens for requests on the krb_prop/tcp port. If this port is not defined in the /etc/services file, it uses port 754. It validates the connection, which must be from an administrative host as defined in the krb.conf file for the local realm. The service name used for mutual authentication is rcmd.


    Contains the name of the local realm.

    Default server key file.

    /var/kerberos/database/principal.pag, /var/kerberos/database/principal.dir
    Default location of database files.

    Log file.

    Related Information

    Commands: kdb_util, kerberos, kprop

    kshd Daemon


    kshd - Provides the server function for remote command execution.


    kshd kshd [-s] program_name

    The kshd daemon is normally started by the inetd daemon.


    Turns on socket-level debugging.


    Specifies the program name.


    The kshd daemon is the server for the SP rcp and rsh commands. It provides remote execution of shell commands. These commands are based on requests from privileged sockets on trusted hosts. The shell commands must have user authentication. The kshd daemon listens at the socket defined in the /etc/services file and in the InetServ object class with the command entry.

    The kshd daemon is started by default. The inetd daemon no longer reads the /etc/inetd.conf file, although this file still exists. Instead, the inetd daemon gets its information from the InetServ object class (stored in the AIX Object Data Manager). This object class is a combination of the information in the /etc/inetd.conf file and the /etc/services file. InetServ is created at install time from information in these two files.

    If you have already set up the kshd daemon using the /etc/inetd.conf file, or if you are accustomed to using this file and want to continue doing so, you can. However, the InetServ object class and the /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf files must be kept synchronized. If you modify the /etc/inetd.conf or the /etc/services file, you need to run the inetimp command to apply those changes to the InetServ object class. Then run the refresh -s inetd command to immediately update the inetd daemon.

    When the kshd daemon receives a service request, it initiates the following protocol:

    1. The kshd daemon checks the source port number for the request. If the port number is not in the range 0 through 1023, the kshd daemon terminates the connection.

    2. The kshd daemon reads characters from the socket up to a null byte. The string read is interpreted as an ASCII number (base 10). If this number is nonzero, the kshd daemon interprets it as the port number of a secondary stream to be used as standard error. A second connection is created to the specified port on the client host. The source port on the local host is also in the range of 0 through 1023.

    3. The kshd daemon uses the source address of the initial connection request to determine the name of the client host. If the name cannot be determined, the kshd daemon uses the dotted decimal representation of the client host's address.

    4. The kshd daemon retrieves the following information from the initial socket:

      1. A ticket/authenticator pair is retrieved on the initial socket.

      2. A null-terminated string of at most 16 bytes is interpreted as the user name of the user on the client host.

      3. A null-terminated string of at most 16 bytes is interpreted as the user name to be used on the local server host.

      4. Another null-terminated string is interpreted as a command line to be passed to a shell on the local server host.

    5. The kshd daemon attempts to validate the user using the following steps:

      1. The kshd daemon looks up the local user name in the /etc/passwd file and tries to switch to the home directory (using the chdir system call). If either the lookup or the directory change fails, the kshd daemon terminates the connection.

      2. The .klogin file in the home directory is used to determine access to the account (via kuserok) by the principal named in the ticket/authenticator. If this authorization check fails, the connection is terminated.

    6. After kshd validates the user, the kshd daemon returns a null byte on the initial connection and passes the command line to the user's local login shell. The shell then inherits the network connections established by the kshd daemon.

      The kshd daemon first attempts to authenticate the requester using the key of the rcmd service instance whose name is the local host name. If that fails, kshd attempts to authenticate using each of the service keys for the other instances of the service. A separate service instance exists for each network interface through which the server may be reached.

    This daemon does not support encryption by users.


    Executable file.

    Defines Internet socket assignments.

    Defines equivalent remote users.

    Prerequisite Information

    Related Information

    SP Commands: kinit, rcp, rsh

    AIX Commands: inetimp, rsh

    AIX Daemon: inetd



    ksrvtgt - Obtains a ticket-granting-ticket using a service key.


    ksrvtgt name instance [[realm] srvtab]




    Specifies the principal as name.instance@realm (where realm defaults to the local realm defined in /etc/krb.conf).

    Specifies the service key file to use (defaults to /etc/krb-srvtab).
    Note: Specification of a srvtab file other than the system default is not supported on the SP system.


    The ksrvtgt command retrieves a ticket-granting-ticket with a lifetime of five minutes, decrypts the response using the service key found in the service key file, and stores the ticket in the standard ticket cache.

    This command is intended primarily for use in shell scripts and other batch-type facilities.

    The KRBTKFILE environment variable is used to specify the ticket cache file used by ksrvtgt to store authentication tickets.


    Contains the name of the local realm.

    The default service key file.

    The default ticket file.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: kdestroy, kinit

    Refer to Chapter 2, "RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information" section of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for additional Kerberos information.



    ksrvutil - Manipulates a server key file.


    ksrvutil [-afs | -krb] [-k ] [-i] [-f file_name] operation


    Indicates that the authentication database is being managed by AFS, and that the key file should be constructed to work with AFS.

    Indicates that the authentication database is being managed by a server compatible with the MIT version of Kerberos, and that the key file should be constructed to work with that version.

    If neither -afs nor -krb are specified, the value of the System Data Repository (SDR) authent_server attribute is used. If the value of the SDR authent_server attribute cannot be obtained, the default is -krb.

    When specified for the list operation, keys are also displayed. For the change operation, the old and new keys are displayed. For the add operation, the key is displayed.

    Prompts for yes or no before changing each key.

    For all operations, specifies the server key file to update. The default is /etc/krb-srvtab.
    Note: Specification of a srvtab file other than the system default is not supported on the SP system.


    The operation must be one of the following:

    Lists the version number and principal name in the server key file.

    Changes all the keys in the server key file.

    Adds a server principal name and key to the server key file. The command prompts for name, instance, realm, and key version number, and asks for a password. The ksrvutil command then converts the password to a key and appends the key file with the new information.

    Deletes keys in the key file. The user is prompted before deleting each key.


    The ksrvutil command allows an administrator to list or change keys currently in the key file or to add new keys to the keyfile.

    The ksrvutil command always backs up the key file before making any changes. If ksrvutil fails during a change or add operation, you can recover a usable key file by appending the workfile containing the new and changed keys, to the backup copy or the original, file_name.old, and replacing the key file file_name with the result, for example:

    cat /etc/krb-srvtab.old /etc/ >/etc/krb-srvtab

    The recovered key file can be used, but it may contain some out-of-date keys.


    Default server key file.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: kadmin, ksrvtgt, rcmdtgt



    kstash - Saves the system's authentication master key.








    The kstash command saves the system's authentication database master key in the master key cache file. The user is prompted to enter the master key (the same one as specified to kdb_init) to verify the authenticity of the key and authorize caching it.


    Master key cache file.

    /var/kerberos/database/principal.pag, /var/kerberos/database/principal.dir
    Files containing the authentication database.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Related Information

    Command: kdb_init



    locate_jm - Identifies the nodes on which the primary and backup Resource Manager servers are running within the current system partition.








    Use this command to identify the nodes on which the primary and backup Resource Manager servers are running. This command must be executed by root and operates within the scope of the current system partition environment.


    Path name of this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: jm_config, jm_install_verify, jm_start, jm_status, jm_stop


    To locate the Resource Manager servers within the current system partition, enter:

    You should receive a response similar to the following:
    locate_jm: The primary JM server is running on r07n01.
    locate_jm: The backup JM server is running on r07n03.



    lppdiff - Queries installed Licensed Program Products (LPPs) on a group of hosts.


    [ -Gvacn] [-l login] [-w collective] [-f fanout]
    [fileset [fileset ...] | all]



    Expands the scope of the -a flag to include all nodes in the SP system. The -G flag is meaningful only if used in conjunction with the -a flag.

    Verifies hosts before adding to the working collective. If this flag is set, each host to be added to the working collective is checked before being added.

    Specifies that the System Data Repository (SDR) initial_hostname field for all nodes in the current system partition be added to the working collective. If -G is also specified, all nodes in the SP system are included.

    Displays information as a list separated by colons. Note: Error messages displayed may contain a colon.

    Displays the count of the number of nodes with a fileset in a given state. (This is the default.)

    Specifies a remote user name under which to execute the query. If -l is not used, the remote user name is the same as your local user name.

    Specifies a list of host names, separated by commas, to include in the working collective. Both this flag and the -a flag can be included on the same command line. Duplicate host names are included only once in the working collective.

    Specifies a fanout value. The default value is 64. This indicates the maximum number on concurrent rsh's to execute. Sequential execution can be specified by indicating a fanout value of 1. The fanout value is taken from the FANOUT environment variable if the -f flag is not specified, otherwise the default is used.

    Displays usage information.


    Specifies the LPP to query. Using all for this operand will query all LPPs installed on the host.


    Use this command to query the status of installed LPPs on a group of hosts. The output from each host is collected and identical results are compressed to show the names and a count of the hosts that had identical results.

    The dsh command is used to execute the queries on the remote hosts. The lslpp command is used to get the status of the installed LPPs on the remote hosts. The lslpp command is called on each host with the -l, -a, -c, and -q flags.

    Output from the lppdiff command consists of one entry for each unique LPP listing information about that LPP. Each LPP's entry is followed by a list of all hosts that have that LPP installed. An LPP is considered unique if any one of the components in its description differ from that of another. For example, consider two hosts that both have ssp.basic installed. On host 1, it is in the APPLY state and on host 2, it is in the COMMITTED state. These LPPs are considered unique and, therefore, each will get its own set of output from lppdiff.

    The flags for lppdiff are used to direct the dsh command to certain hosts and to control its behavior. See the dsh command for details on these flags and how to use them.

    The fileset operand to lppdiff can be one of two things. It can either be all which queries and displays information about all LPPs installed on the specified hosts, or it can be the name of a file set to query on the specified hosts. The "*" character can be used to specify multiple file sets. For example, lppdiff -Ga ssp.* queries any file sets starting with "ssp." on all hosts in the system.


    1. To query LPP information for ssp.basic on all nodes in the current system partition, enter:
      [k22s] > lppdiff -a ssp.basic

      You should receive output similar to the following:

            Name        Path               Level      PTF     State     Type  Num
      LPP:  ssp.basic   /etc/objrepos            COMMITTED   I    5
      From: k22n11.ppd.pok.
      LPP:  ssp.basic   /usr/lib/objrepos            COMMITTED   I    5
      From: k22n11.ppd.pok.

    2. To query LPP information for all options starting with X11.base on a specific node, enter:
      [k22s] > lppdiff -w k22n01 X11.base*
            Name          Path               Level      PTF    State     Type  Num
      LPP:  X11.base.rte  /etc/objrepos           COMMITTED   I    1
      From: k22n01
      LPP:  X11.base.smt  /etc/objrepos           COMMITTED   I    1
      From: k22n01
      LPP:  X11.base.comm /usr/lib/objrepos           COMMITTED   I    1
      From: k22n01
      LPP:  X11.base.lib  /usr/lib/objrepos           COMMITTED   I    1
      From: k22n01
      LPP:  X11.base.rte  /usr/lib/objrepos           COMMITTED   I    1
      From: k22n01
      LPP:  X11.base.smt  /usr/lib/objrepos           COMMITTED   I    1
      From: k22n01

    3. To query LPP information for ssp.clients and ssp.bogus (a nonexistent file set) on all nodes in the system, enter:
      [k22s] > lppdiff -Ga ssp.clients ssp.bogus
            Name          Path               Level      PTF    State     Type  Num
      LPP:  ssp.clients   /etc/objrepos           COMMITTED   I    4
      From: k22n07.ppd.pok.
      LPP:  ssp.clients   /etc/objrepos           APPLIED     F    4
      From: k22n07.ppd.pok.
      LPP:  ssp.clients   /etc/objrepos           COMMITTED   I    8
      From: k22n06.ppd.pok.
      LPP:  ssp.clients   /usr/lib/objrepos           COMMITTED   I    4
      From: k22n07.ppd.pok.
      LPP:  ssp.clients   /usr/lib/objrepos           APPLIED     F    4
      From: k22n07.ppd.pok.
      LPP:  ssp.clients   /usr/lib/objrepos           COMMITTED   I    8
      From: k22n06.ppd.pok.
      ========================= Errors ============================================
      Error: /bin/lslpp: Fileset ssp.bogus not installed.
      From: k22n06.ppd.pok.

    4. To query LPP information for ssp.clients and ssp.bogus (a non-existent file set) on all nodes in the system, and have the results displayed as a list separated by colons, enter:
      [k22s] > lppdiff -Gac ssp.clients ssp.bogus
             /bin/lslpp: Fileset ssp.bogus not installed.



    lsfencevsd - Lists IBM Virtual Shared Disks that are fenced from access by nodes.








    Use this command to display a map that shows which IBM Virtual Shared Disks are fenced from which nodes in the system or system partition.


    Specifies the command file.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: fencevsd, unfencevsd


    To display the map of fenced IBM Virtual Shared Disks in the system, enter:


    The system displays a map similar to the following:

    minor        Fenced Nodes
    (13):           13 14
    (14):            1  2



    lshacws - Gets the state of the control workstation.








    Use this command to print the current state of the control workstation. It prints to standard output a number string that indicates the state of the primary or backup control workstation and whether the control workstation is a high availability configuration.

    This command is valid only when issued on the control workstation.

    When the command is executed and the calling process is not on a control workstation, an error occurs.
    Note: The High Availability Cluster Multiprocessing (HACMP) event scripts and installation scripts supplied with the High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS) option of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP), set the control workstation state. The state is changed during fail over or reintegration in the HACWS supplied pre- and post-event scripts for HACMP. The administrator should not normally have to set the control workstation state.

    Exit Values

    Indicates successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that the command could not obtain the control workstation state.

    Indicates that the command retrieved a control workstation state that was not valid.

    Indicates that the command was not executed on a control workstation.

    The following are the valid printed values and their defined control workstation state:

    Indicates that the configuration is not an HACWS configuration, but is a control workstation.

    Indicates that this is the primary control workstation, but not the active control workstation.

    Indicates that this is the primary and active control workstation.

    Indicates that this is the backup control workstation and not the active control workstation.

    Indicates that this is the backup and active control workstation.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for information on the HACWS option.



    Related Information

    Command: sethacws

    Subroutines: hacws_set, hacws_stat


    1. To determine if a node is a backup and active control workstation, enter:
      Results: 32

    2. To determine if a node is a backup and inactive control workstation, enter:
      Results: 16

    3. To determine if a node is a primary and active control workstation, enter:
      Results: 2

    4. To determine if a node is a primary and inactive control workstation, enter:
      Results: 1

    5. To determine if a node is a control workstation but not an HACWS configuration, enter:
      Results: 0

    6. To determine if a node is not a control workstation, enter:
      Results: An error occurs and the exit value = 3



    lshsd - Displays configured data striping device (HSD) for the IBM Virtual Shared Disks and their characteristics.


    lshsd [-l | -s] [hsd_name ...]


    Lists the minor number, the stripe size, the number of IBM Virtual Shared Disks, the name of the data striping device, and the underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)

    Displays the statistics of reads and writes on underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks in HSDs.


    hsd_name ...
    Specifies an HSD for the IBM Virtual Shared Disk.


    This command displays the configured HSDs. If a list of HSDs follow the flag then information about them is displayed. lshsd without any arguments or flag lists the names of all the HSDs currently configured.


    Specifies the command file.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: cfghsd, ucfghsd


    1. To list all the configured HSDs, enter:

      The system displays a message similar to the following:


    2. To list HSDs and their characteristics, enter:
      lshsd -l hsd1 hsd2

      The system displays a message similar to the following:

      HSD_name=hsd1 Stripe_size=32768 Hsd_minorno=1 numVsds=2
           option=protectlvcb size_in_MB=40
      HSD_name=hsd2 Stripe_size=32768 Hsd_minorno=1 numVsds=3
           option=protectlvcb size_in_MB=40

    3. To list statistical information about data striping device hsd1, enter:
      lshsd -s hsd1
      The system displays a message similar to the following:
                  9     hsd parallelism
                  0     READ requests not at page boundary
                  0     WRITE requests not at page boundary
      HSD_name=hsd1 Stripe_size=4096 HSD_minorno=1 numVSDs=2
      option=protect_lvcb size_in_MB=40
      number_read number_write vsd_name
          16          16       vsdn01v1
          16          16       vsdn02v1



    lskp - Lists Kerberos principals.


    lskp [-h | -p | -s | -c | {name[.instance]|name.|.instance} ...]


    Displays usage information.

    Lists the four principals that are predefined by Kerberos.

    Lists service principals for the rcmd and hardmon services.

    Lists client principals (all but those listed by -p and -s).


    {name[.instance]|name.|.instance} ...
    Identifies specific principals to list. Specify name. to list all principals with a specific principal name or .instance to list all principals with a specific instance.
    Note: The name must be followed by a period and the instance must be preceded by a period.
    This operand and the various flags are mutually exclusive. When the command is issued with no operands or flags, all principals are listed.


    Use this command to list principals in the local Kerberos database, displaying for each the principal name and instance, the maximum ticket lifetime, and the expiration date. You can list the entire authentication database, an individual entry, all entries with a specified principal name, or all entries with a specified instance. Or you can list entries in different categories: all client (user) principals, all service principals, or all principals predefined by Kerberos.


    Access control list for kadmin and lskp..

    Kerberos database files.

    Standard Output

    For each principal, the lskp command displays the principal identifier as name.instance (on a separate line if its length exceeds twenty characters), and the principal's attributes. The maximum ticket lifetime is the maximum period that a Ticket-Granting-Ticket issued to this principal will be valid. Any ticket lifetime up to this value can be requested using an option on the kinit command. The key version is an integer set to one when the principal is created and incremented each time the password is changed. The principal's expiration date is displayed in local time, based on the setting of the TZ environment variable.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command. No output is produced for principal names that do not exist.

    Indicates that an error occurred and no principal was listed. One of the following conditions was detected:


    The lskp command can be run by the root user logged in on a Kerberos server host. It can be invoked indirectly as a Sysctl procedure by a Kerberos database administrator who has a valid ticket and is listed in the admin_acl.get file.



    Related Information

    Commands: chkp, kadmin, kdb_edit, mkkp, rmkp, sysctl


    1. To list the predefined Kerberos principals, enter:
      lskp -p

      You should receive output similar to the following:

                          tkt-life: 30d   key-vers: 1
                          expires: 2037-12-31 23:59
      default             tkt-life: 30d   key-vers: 1
                          expires: 2037-12-31 23:59
      changepw-kerberos   tkt-life: 30d   key-vers: 1
                          expires: 2037-12-31 23:59
      K.M                 tkt-life: 30d   key-vers: 1
                          expires: 2037-12-31 23:59

    2. To list two specific Kerberos principals, joe.admin and lisa, enter:

      lskp joe.admin lisa

      You should receive output similar to the following:

      joe.admin           tkt-life: 15d+08:46   key-vers: 1
                          expires: 2005-03-15 23:59
      lisa                tkt-life: 08:00   key-vers: 1
                          expires: 1997-06-09 23:59



    lsvsd - Displays configured IBM Virtual Shared Disks and their characteristics.


    lsvsd [-l | -s] [-i] [vsd_name...]


    Lists the name of the IBM Virtual Shared Disk, the minor number, the state, the current server node number, and, at the server only, the major and minor number of the logical volume. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)

    The state field can have one of the following values:

    STP Stopped
    SUS Suspended
    ACT Active

    This flag is not compatible with the -s flag.

    Lists usage statistics about the IBM Virtual Shared Disks. It lists the number of local logical read and write operations, the number of remote logical read and write operations, the number of client logical read and write operations, the number of physical reads and writes, the number of cache hits for read, and the number of 512-byte blocks read and written. The number of blocks read and written is cumulative, so issue ctlvsd -V to reset this count before measuring it.

    The local logical operations are requests which were made by a process executing at the local node, whereas the remote logical operations were made by a process executing on a remote node. Client operations are those local logical requests that cannot be satisfied locally, and have to be sent to a remote node. Physical operations are those server operations which must be passed to the underlying disk device. Cache read hits are those server reads which do not require a device read, because the read operation was satisfied from the IBM Virtual Shared Disk cache.

    This flag is not compatible with the -l flag.

    Lists the "node to IP address" map that is currently utilized by the IBM Virtual Shared Disk driver.


    Specifies an IBM Virtual Shared Disk.


    The lsvsd command displays information about IBM Virtual Shared Disks currently configured on the node on which the command is run. If a list of IBM Virtual Shared Disks follows the flags, information about those IBM Virtual Shared Disks is displayed. lsvsd with no arguments or flags lists the names of all the IBM Virtual Shared Disks currently configured on the node.

    The lsvsd command displays information about both the configuration and the usage of an IBM Virtual Shared Disk.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the lsvsd command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit vsd_mgmt
    and select the Show All Managed IBM Virtual Shared Disk Characteristics option.


    Specifies the command file.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: cfgvsd, ctlvsd, preparevsd, resumevsd, startvsd, stopvsd, suspendvsd, ucfgvsd


    1. To list all IBM Virtual Shared Disks in the system, enter:
      The system displays a message similar to the following:

    2. To list IBM Virtual Shared Disks and their characteristics, enter:
      lsvsd -l
      The system displays a message similar to the following:
      minor  state  server  lv_major  lv_minor  vsd_name  option   size (MB)
      83     STP      -1        0        0      vsdn08v3  cache       20
      84     STP      -1        0        0      vsdn08v4  nocache     16

    3. To list statistics about IBM Virtual Shared Disks and precede the column output with a header, enter:
      lsvsd -s
      The system displays a message similar to the following:
      lc-rd lc-wt rm-rd rm-wt c-rd c-wt  p-rd  p-wt  h-rd   br   bw  vsd_name
         84    84  2858   169    0    0   348   253  2605  164  184  vsd.vsd1
          0     0     0     0    0    0     0     0     0    0    0  vsd.rl01
          0     0     0     0    0    0     0     0     0    0    0  vsd.rl02

    The following table spells out the names of the headers used in the displays for the -l and -s options:
    Header Meaning
    minor IBM Virtual Shared Disk minor number
    state State of this IBM Virtual Shared Disk:active, stopped, suspended
    server Primary node for this IBM Virtual Shared Disk
    lv major Logical volume major number
    lv minor Logical volume minor number
    vsd_name Name of this IBM Virtual Shared Disk
    option Option:cache or nocache
    lc-rd Local logical reads
    lc-wt Local logical writes
    rm-rd Remote logical reads
    rm-wt Remote logical writes
    c-rd Client logical reads
    c-wt Client logical writes
    p-rd Physical reads
    p-wt Physical writes
    h-rd Reads from cache
    br Blocks read
    bw Blocks written



    mkamdent - Creates user home directory entries in the /u automounter map files.


    mkamdent [-s server_path] user_names


    -s server_path
    Specifies the location from which the users' home directory is served. The format is server_name:base_path. If this flag is not specified, the default values will be taken from the SP site environment variables homedir_server for the server_name and homedir_path for the base_path. These environment variables are set using the spsitenv command.


    Specifies a list of users to add to the source file, separated by spaces.


    Use this command to create user home directory entries in the /u automounter map files. Typically, user home directory entries are generated by the SP User Management Services when a new user is added to the system. However, if SP User Management Services are turned off and SP Automounter Support is still turned on, this command can be used to add user entries to the automounter /u map. This command can also be used to add automounter support for preexisting users that were not added using SP User Management Services and for /u subdirectories that are not associated with SP users.


    The default /u automounter map file.

    The default /u map file used by the Amd automounter on PSSP 2.2 and older nodes.


    To create automounter entries in the /u map file for multiple users, enter:

    mkamdent -s hostx:/home/hostx john ken pat paul ron

    This assumes the following directories already exist on hostx:

    Related Information

    The "Managing the Automounter" and "Managing User Accounts" chapters in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    Commands: spsitenv



    mkautomap - Generates an equivalent Automount map file from an Amd map file.


    mkautomap [-n] [-o Automount_map] [-f filesystem] [Amd_map]


    Specifies that an entry for the Automount map should not be added to the /etc/auto.master master map file.

    -o Automount_map
    Specifies the file name of the Automount map file in which the generated output will be placed. If Automount_map does not exist, it will be created. If it does exist, it will be replaced. If this flag is not specified, Automount_map will default to /etc/auto/maps/auto.u.

    -f filesystem
    Specifies the name of the file system associated with the automounter map files. If this flag is not specified, the file system will default to /u.


    Specifies the file name of the Amd map file that is used as input for generating the Automount map file. If Amd_map does not exist, an error will occur. If this option is not specified, Amd_map will default to /etc/amd/amd-maps/amd.u.


    The mkautomap command is a migration command used to generate an Automount map file from the Amd map file Amd_map created by a previous SP release. Only Amd map file entries created by a previous SP release will be recognized. If the Amd map file was modified by the customer, results may be unpredictable. If an Amd map entry cannot be properly interpreted, a message will be written to standard error, and that entry will be ignored. Processing will continue with the next map entry. All recognized entries will be interpreted and equivalent Automount map entries will be written to a temporary file Automount_map.tmp. If no errors were encountered during processing, the temporary file will be renamed to Automount_map.

    If all Amd map entries were successfully generated into Automount map entries and written to Automount_map, the /etc/auto.master Automount master file will be updated unless the -n flag is specified. A master map file entry associating the filesystem with the Automount_map will be added. Also, any default mount options specified in Amd_map will be added to the master map file entry for filesystem. This master map file entry will be appended to /etc/auto.master and if the file does not exist, it will be created.


    Location of this command.

    The default Amd map file used as input to this command.

    The default Automount map file generated as output from this command.

    The default temporary Automount map file containing all successfully generated Automount entries. This file will only remain after command execution if errors occurred while processing some Amd map file entries.

    The Automount master map file which contains a list of all directories controlled by the automount daemon and their corresponding map files and default mount options.


    Use this command only with amd.u map files created by PSSP User Management Services. Using other Amd map files or modified amd.u map files as input to this command, will produce unpredictable results.

    Related Information

    The "Migrating to the Latest Level of PSSP" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Installation and Migration Guide

    The "Managing the Automounter" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide


    To create the SP Automount /u map file from the Amd map file generated by a previous SP release, enter:




    mkconfig - Creates the config_info file for each of the boot/install server's clients on the server.








    Use this command to make the config_info files for all the clients of a boot/install server if the client is not set to boot from disk. The mkconfig command is intended to run only on the server node. This command creates a config_info file named /tftpboot/host_name.config_info file.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: setup_server


    To make the files for all boot/install clients of a server, enter on the server:




    mkinstall - Creates the install_info file for each of the server's clients on the server.








    Use this command on the server node to make the install_info files for all clients of a boot/install server. The mkinstall command creates a /tftpboot/host_name.install_info file.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: setup_server


    To make the files for all boot/install clients of a server, enter on the server:




    mkkp - Makes Kerberos principals.


    mkkp -h

    mkkp [-e expiration] [-l lifetime] name[.instance] ...


    Displays usage information.

    -e expiration
    Specifies the expiration date for new principals. If omitted, the expiration date is set to the value assigned to the principal named default. The date must be entered in the format yyyy-mm-dd and the year must be a value from 1970 to 2037. The time of expiration is set to 11:59 PM local time on the date specified.

    -l lifetime
    Specifies the maximum ticket lifetime for new principals. If omitted, the maximum ticket lifetime is set to the value assigned to the principal named default. The lifetime must be specified as a decimal number from 0 to 255. These values correspond to a range of time intervals from five minutes to 30 days. Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for a complete list of the possible ticket lifetime values you can enter and the corresponding durations in days, hours, and minutes. The following list shows a representative sample with approximate durations:
    lifetime operand - Approximate duration
          141                1 day
          151                2 days
          170                1 week
          180                2 weeks
          191                1 month


    name[.instance] ...
    Identifies the principals to add to the Kerberos authentication database.


    Use this command to create principals in the Kerberos database on the local host. It allows the default values for the expiration date and maximum ticket lifetime to be overridden. Principals created in this way have no passwords. Before a user can kinit as the new principal, an administrator must set your initial password using the kpasswd, kadmin, or kdb_edit command directly. This command should normally be used only on the primary server. If there are secondary authentication servers, the push-kprop command is invoked to propagate the change to the other servers. The command can be used to update a secondary server's database, but the changes may be negated by a subsequent update from the primary.


    Access control list for kadmin, mkkp, and rmkp.

    Kerberos database files.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command. All specified principals that did not already exist were created. If you specified a principal that exists, a message is written to standard error and processing continues with any remaining principals.

    Indicates that an error occurred and no principal was added. One of the following conditions was detected:


    The mkkp command can be run by the root user logged in on a Kerberos server host. It can be invoked indirectly as a Sysctl procedure by a Kerberos database administrator who has a valid ticket and is listed in the admin_acl.add file.



    Related Information

    Commands: chkp, kadmin, kdb_edit, kpasswd, lskp, rmkp, sysctl


    The following example adds two principals to the database. Both principals are set to expire 30 June 2005. The default value for the maximum ticket lifetime is used.

    mkkp -e 2005-06-30 kelly kelly.admin



    mknimclient - Makes a node a Network Installation Management (NIM) client of its boot/install server.


    mknimclient -h | -l node_list


    Displays usage information. If the command is issued with the -h flag, the syntax description is displayed to standard output and no other action is taken (even if other valid flags are entered along with the -h flag).

    -l node_list
    Indicates by node_list the SP nodes to be configured as clients of their boot/install servers. The node_list is a comma-separated list of node numbers.




    Use this command to define a node as a NIM client. This is accomplished by determining the node's boot/install server from the System Data Repository (SDR) and configuring that client node as a NIM client on that server. When complete, the NIM configuration database on the server contains an entry for the specified client.


    1. This command results in no processing on the client node.

    2. The assignment of a boot/install server for a node must first be made using spbootins.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: delnimclient, setup_server


    To define nodes 1, 3, and 5 as NIM clients of their respective boot/install servers, enter:

    mknimclient -l 1,3,5



    mknimint - Creates the necessary Network Installation Management (NIM) interfaces on a NIM master.


    mknimint -h | -l node_list


    Displays usage information. If the command is issued with the -h flag, the syntax description is displayed to standard output and no other action is taken (even if other valid flags are entered along with the -h flag).

    -l node_list
    Indicates by node_list the SP nodes on which to perform this operation. The node_list is a comma-separated list of node numbers. These nodes should have been previously configured as NIM masters (see the mknimmast command).




    Use this command to define to NIM new Ethernet network adapters and interfaces on the control workstation and boot/install servers. On the control workstation, any networks not previously defined are defined and NIM interfaces added. On a boot/install server, all the Ethernet networks and interfaces are defined; it then defines all token ring and Ethernet networks that are known on the control workstation (with the netstat -ni command) and defines interfaces for them as well. This is so that resources like the lppsource can be served from the control workstation to a client node by the boot/install server if the client and control workstation are on the same subnetwork.

    To serve a resource to a client that is not on the same subnetwork as the control workstation, routing is required. Routing is done in mknimclient.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: setup_server


    To make NIM interface definitions for nodes 1, 3, and 5, enter:

    mknimint -l 1,3,5



    mknimmast - Configures a node as a Network Installation Management (NIM) master.


    mknimmast -h -l node_list


    Displays usage information. If the command is issued with the -h flag, the syntax description is displayed to standard output and no other action is taken (even if other valid flags are entered along with the -h flag).

    -l node_list
    Indicates by node_list the SP nodes to be configured as NIM masters. The node_list is a comma-separated list of node numbers.




    Use this command to define a boot/install server node as a NIM master for the subsequent installation of client nodes. It verifies that the listed nodes are defined as boot/install servers in the System Data Repository (SDR). It then installs the NIM master AIX file sets and configures the nodes as NIM masters.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: delnimmast, setup_server


    To define nodes 1, 3, and 5 as NIM masters, enter:

    mknimmast -l 1,3,5



    mknimres - Creates the necessary Network Installation Management (NIM) resources on a NIM master.


    mknimres -h | -l node_list


    Displays usage information. If the command is issued with the -h flag, the syntax description is displayed to standard output and no other action is taken (even if other valid flags are entered along with the -h flag).

    -l node_list
    Indicates by node_list the SP nodes on which to perform this operation. The node_list is a comma-separated list of node numbers. These nodes should have been previously configured as NIM masters (see mknimmast).




    Use this command to make all the NIM resources for installation, diagnostics, migration, and customization. No resources are allocated to client nodes. The set of resources needed is determined from the list of client nodes found in the System Data Repository (SDR) for the node_list. Any required AIX install and mksysb images are defined as NIM resources. For boot/install server nodes, NIM Shared Product Object Tree (SPOT) directories are created and mksysb images are copied, as required. Because of the large data volumes required for SPOTs and install images, all checking is done before copying data.

    Creation of the NIM lppsource resource on a boot/install server will result in setup_server creating a lock in the lppsource directory on the control workstation.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: setup_server


    To make NIM resources for boot/install servers 1, 3, and 5, enter:

    mknimres -l 1,3,5



    ngaddto - Adds nodes and node groups to the definition list of the destination node group.


    [-h] | [-G] dest_nodegroup
    nodenum | nodegroup [nodenum | nodegroup] ...


    Displays usage information.

    Specifies that the destination node group is global.


    Specifies the node group to receive the new additions.

    Specifies a node to add to the definition list of the destination node group. This is supplied as a space-delimited list of node numbers.

    Specifies a named node group to add to the definition list of the destination node group. Node groups are given as a space-delimited list. Node numbers and node group names being added to the destination node group can be intermixed.


    Use this command to add nodes and node groups to the definition list of the destination node group. If the -G flag is specified, the destination node group must be global. If the -G flag is not specified, the destination node group must belong to the current system partition. If the destination node group does not exist, you will receive an error. If the destination node group or nodegroup is a name that is not valid, you will receive an error. Nodes and node groups that do not currently exist can be added to the destination node group. When the node group is resolved by the ngresolve command, nonexistent members are ignored.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to modify named node groups.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Managing Node Groups" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional node grouping information.



    Related Information

    Commands: ngcreate, ngdelete, ngdelfrom, ngfind, nglist, ngnew, ngresolve


    1. To add nodes 1 and 3 and node group ngb to the definition list of node group nga, enter:
      ngaddto nga 1 3 ngb

    2. To add nodes 1 and 16 and global node group g2 to the global definition list of node group g1, enter:
      ngaddto -G g1 1 16 g2



    ngclean - Cleans up a node group, removing references to nodes and node groups that are not in the current system partition. Node groups with empty definition lists will be deleted.


    ngclean [-h] | [-G] [-r] {-a | nodegroup [nodegroup ...]}


    Displays usage information.

    Cleans up all node groups in the current system partition or all system-wide node groups if the -G flag is also specified.

    Does not modify node groups. Issues a report on how node groups would be affected by running this command (without the -r option).

    Examines global node groups.


    Specifies the node groups to be cleaned. If the -a flag is provided, all node groups will be cleaned and no node groups should be specified.


    Use this command to examine node group definition lists and to remove references to nodes and node groups that do not exist in the current system partition or the SP system if -G is supplied. Node groups with empty definition lists will be deleted. If the -r flag is specified, the nodes and node groups will not be removed, but a report will be generated.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to modify a named node group.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Managing Node Groups" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional node grouping information.



    Related Information

    Command: ngaddto, ngcreate, ngdelete, ngdelfrom, ngfind, nglist, ngnew, ngresolve


    1. To clean up all system node groups, enter:
      ngclean -Ga

    2. To clean up the node group in the current system partition, enter:



    ngcreate - Creates and optionally populates a named node group.


    [-h] | [-s frame_range:slot_range] [-n node_range]
    [-w host_name,host_name, ...] [-e host_name,host_name, ...]
    [-N nodegroup,nodegroup, ...] [-a] [-G] dest_nodegroup


    Displays usage information.

    Specifies a range of frames and slots on each frame to add to the node group.

    Specifies a range of nodes to be added to the node group.

    Specifies a comma-delimited list of hosts to add to the node group.

    Specifies that all nodes in the current system partition be added to the node group. If the -G flag is also provided, all nodes in the SP system are included.

    Specifies a comma-delimited exclusion list. These hosts are not added to the node group even if they are specified by another option.

    Specifies a comma-delimited list of node groups to add to this node group.

    Creates a global node group. System partition boundaries are ignored.


    Specifies the name associated with the node group being created.


    Use this command to create a node group named dest_nodegroup. The destination node group is populated based on the supplied options. Node group names must begin with a letter and can be followed by any letters or numbers, a period (.), or an underscore (_). If the destination node group already exists, you will receive an error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to create and modify named node groups.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Managing Node Groups" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional node grouping information.



    Related Information

    Commands: ngaddto, ngdelete, ngdelfrom, ngfind, nglist, ngnew, ngresolve


    To create a node group called sample_ng that contains all the nodes in the current system partition except for k22n01, enter:

    ngcreate -ae k22n01 sample_ng



    ngdelete - Removes node groups from persistent storage.


    ngdelete [-h] | [-u] [-G] nodegroup [nodegroup ...]


    Displays usage information.

    Removes the nodegroup, but leaves references to this nodegroup in the definition list of any any node group that contains it.

    Specifies that the nodegroup is global.


    Specifies the name of the node group to be deleted.


    Use this command to remove node groups from persistent storage. By default, the node group is removed from any node group that contains it. If the -u flag is specified, references to this deleted node group will remain in containing node groups.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to delete node groups.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Managing Node Groups" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional node grouping information.



    Related Information

    Commands: ngaddto, ngcreate, ngdelfrom, ngfind, nglist, ngnew, ngresolve


    To delete nodegroups ngc and ngd, enter:

    ngdelete ngc ngd



    ngdelfrom - Deletes nodes and node groups from the definition list of the destination node group.


    [-h] | [-G] dest_nodegroup
    nodenum | nodegroup [nodenum | nodegroup] ...


    Displays usage information.

    Specifies that the dest_nodegroup is global.


    Specifies the node group to be modified.

    Specifies a node to remove. Nodes are specified as a space-delimited list of node numbers.

    Specifies a named node group to remove. Node groups are specified as a space-delimited list of node group names.

    Note: Nodes numbers and node group names being removed can be intermixed.


    Use this command to remove nodes and node groups from the definition list of the destination node group. If the -G flag is specified, the dest_nodegroup must be global. If the -G flag is not specified, the dest_nodegroup must belong to the current system partition.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to modify named node groups.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Managing Node Groups" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional node grouping information.



    Related Information

    Commands: ngaddto, ngcreate, ngdelete, ngfind, nglist, ngnew, ngresolve


    To remove node 5 and node group ngc from nga, enter:

    ngdelfrom nga 5 ngc



    ngfind - Returns a list of all node groups whose definition list contains the specified node or node group.


    ngfind [-h] | [-G] nodegroup | node


    Displays usage information.

    Returns all global node groups that contain the specified global node group or node in their definition list. The default scope is the current system partition.


    Searches node group definition lists for references to this node group.

    Searches node group definition lists for references to this node.


    Use this command to list all node groups that contain the specified node or node group in their definition list. If the specified node group does not exist, you will receive an error. Use this command to determine what other node groups would be affected by changes to the specified node group.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Managing Node Groups" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional node grouping information.



    Related Information

    Commands: ngaddto, ngcreate, ngdelete, ngdelfrom, nglist, ngnew, ngresolve


    To display a list of all node groups that contain node group test_B, enter:

    > ngfind test_B



    nglist - Returns a list of all node groups in the current system partition.


    nglist [-h] | [-G]


    Displays usage information.

    Returns all global node groups.




    Use this command to list all node groups in the current system partition to standard output. If the -G flag is specified, it will list all system node groups.

    Standard Output

    A list of node groups is written to standard output, one node group per line.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Managing Node Groups" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional node grouping information.



    Related Information

    Commands: ngaddto, ngcreate, ngdelete, ngdelfrom, ngfind, ngnew, ngresolve


    1. To display a list of all node groups in the current system partition, enter:
      > nglist

    2. To display a list of all global node groups, enter:
      > nglist -G

    Note: The global node group test_A is not the same as node group test_A in the current system partition. The global scope and system partition dependent scope are independent name spaces and are stored in separate classes in the System Data Repository (SDR).



    ngnew - Creates but does not populate new node groups in persistent storage.


    ngnew [-h] | [-G] nodegroup [nodegroup ...]


    Displays usage information.

    Creates global node groups.


    Specifies the node group to be created.


    Use this command to create new node groups. If the nodegroup already exists, you will receive an error. A valid node group name must begin with a letter. If the nodegroup is not a valid name, you will receive an error. If a node group in the list cannot be successfully created, it will not affect the creation of the other supplied node groups. A nonzero return code is returned.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to create persistent node groups.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Managing Node Groups" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional node grouping information.



    Related Information

    Commands: ngaddto, ngcreate, ngdelete, ngdelfrom, ngfind, nglist, ngresolve


    To create node groups called nga, ngb, and ngc, enter:

    ngnew nga ngb ngc



    ngresolve - Returns a list of hosts in the specified node group.


    ngresolve [-h] | [-u | -n | -w | -d] [-G] nodegroup [nodegroup ...]


    Displays usage information.

    Writes the definition list of nodegroup. Node groups contained by nodegroup are left unresolved.

    Specifies that nodes are written as node numbers. This is the default.

    Specifies that nodes are written as fully qualified host names.

    Specifies that nodes are written as fully qualified IP addresses.

    Specifies that node groups are global.


    Specifies the node group to be resolved.


    Use this command to resolve the supplied named node groups into their constituent nodes. Nodes and node groups that are in the supplied node group but do not currently exist, will resolve to an empty list. If the -u flag is specified, these nonexistent nodes and node groups will be displayed.

    Standard Output

    A resolved list of nodes is written to standard output, one node per line.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Managing Node Groups" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional node grouping information.



    Related Information

    Commands: ngaddto, ngcreate, ngdelete, ngdelfrom, ngfind nglist, ngnew


    1. To display the definition list for node group nga, enter:
      > ngresolve -u nga

    2. To resolve node group nga into its constituent nodes, enter:
      > ngresolve nga

    3. To resolve node group nga into fully qualified host names, enter:
      > ngresolve -w nga

    4. To display the IP addresses of the nodes in node group nga, enter:
      > ngresolve -d nga



    nodecond - Conditions an SP processing node.


    nodecond [-G] [-n] frame_ID slot_ID


    Specifies Global mode. With this flag, the node to be conditioned can be outside of the current system partition.

    Obtains the Ethernet hardware address instead of doing a network boot.


    Specifies the number of the frame containing the node to be conditioned.

    Specifies the number of the slot containing the node to be conditioned.


    Node conditioning is the administrative procedure used to obtain the Ethernet hardware address of an SP processing node or to initiate a network boot of an SP processing node. The Ethernet hardware address is required by SP System Management for the proper configuration of the system. A network boot of the node is required by the System Management installation procedures.

    By default, the nodecond command initiates a network boot of the node specified by the frame_ID and slot_ID operands. The specified node must be in the current system partition unless the -G flag is also specified. The frame ID is any configured frame number and the slot ID is taken from the set 1 through 16. The command completes when the node has booted to the point of configuring its console. Optionally, the nodecond command obtains the Ethernet hardware address of the processing node, specified by the frame_ID and slot_ID operands. The hardware address is written to standard output and the node is left powered off with the keylock in the Normal position.

    As the command executes, it writes status information indicating its progress to /var/adm/SPlogs/spmon/nc/nc.frame_ID.slot_ID.

    This command uses the SP Hardware Monitor. Therefore, the user must be authorized to access the Hardware Monitor subsystem and, for the frame specified to the command, the user must be granted Virtual Front Operator Panel (VFOP) and S1 (serial port on the node that you can access via the s1term command) permission. Since the Hardware Monitor subsystem uses SP authentication services, the user must execute the kinit command prior to executing this command. Alternatively, site-specific procedures can be used to obtain the tokens that are otherwise obtained by kinit.


    Contains the nodecond command.

    Directory containing nodecond status files.

    Related Information

    Commands: hmcmds, hmmon, s1term


    1. To fetch the Ethernet hardware address of the node in frame 5 in slot 1 and save it in a file, enter:
      nodecond -n 5 1 > eth_adrr.5.1

    2. To network boot the node in frame 7 in slot 16, enter:
      nodecond 7 16



    nrunacct - Runs on each node every night to merge raw accounting data from the login, fee, disk, print, and process subsystems.




    Moves the active accounting files to working files and restarts the active files.

    Verifies the integrity of the wtmp file and corrects dates if necessary.

    Calls the acctcon1 command to produce connect session records.

    Converts connect session records into total accounting records (tacct.h format).

    Converts process accounting records into total accounting records (tacct.h format). Filters out the records that belong to processes that were part of a job that had exclusive use of the node and appends a total accounting fee record to the fee file for each of these jobs. Records are identified as belonging to processes that were part of a job that had exclusive use of the node, only if exclusive use accounting was enabled at the time the job ran.

    Merges the connect and process total accounting records.

    Converts accounting fee file records into total accounting records (tacct.h format) and merges them with the connect and process total accounting records.

    Merges disk accounting records with connect, process, and fee total accounting records.

    Sorts the queue (printer) accounting records, converts them into total accounting records (tacct.h format), and merges them with other total accounting records.

    Produces command summaries and updates the file that records the date each user last logged into the node.

    If the /var/adm/nsiteacct shell file exists, calls it at this point to perform site-dependent processing.

    Deletes temporary files and exits.


    Specifies the date when accounting is to be rerun.


    The nrunacct command is the main daily accounting shell procedure, for each individual node. Normally initiated by the cron daemon, the nrunacct command merges the day's raw connect, fee, disk, queuing system (printer), and process accounting data files for the node.

    This command has two parameters that must be entered from the keyboard should you need to restart the nrunacct procedure. The date parameter, YYYYMMDD enables you to specify the date for which you want to rerun the node accounting. The state parameter enables a user with administrative authority to restart the nrunacct procedure at any of its states. For more information on restarting nrunacct procedures and on recovering from failures, see "Restart Procedure."

    The nrunacct command protects active accounting files and summary files in the event of runtime errors, and records its progress by writing descriptive messages into the /var/adm/acct/nite/activeYYYYMMDD file. When the nrunacct procedure encounters an error, it sends mail to users root and adm, and writes standard errors to /var/adm/acct/nite/accterr.

    The nrunacct procedure also creates two temporary files, lock and lock1, in the directory /var/adm/acct/nite, which it uses to prevent two simultaneous calls to the nrunacct procedure. It uses the lastdate file (in the same directory) to prevent more than one invocation per day.

    The nrunacct command breaks its processing into separate, restartable states. As it completes each state, it writes the name of the next state in the /var/adm/acct/nite/stateYYYYMMDD file.

    Restart Procedure

    To restart the nrunacct command after a failure, first check the /var/adm/acct/nite/activeYYYYMMDD file for diagnostic messages, then fix any damaged data files, such as pacct or wtmp. Remove the lock files and lastdate file (all in the /var/adm/acct/nite directory, before restarting the nrunacct command. You must specify the YYYYMMDD parameter if you are restarting the nrunacct command. It specifies the date for which the nrunacct command is to rerun accounting. The nrunacct procedure determines the entry point for processing by reading the /var/adm/acct/nite/statefileYYYYMMDD file. To override this default action, specify the desired state on the nrunacct command line.

    It is not usually a good idea to restart the nrunacct command in the SETUP state. Instead, perform the setup actions manually and restart accounting with the WTMPFIX state, as follows:

    /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/nrunacct YYYYMMDD WTMPFIX
    If the nrunacct command fails in the PROCESS state, remove the last ptacct file, because it is incomplete.


    Log in/log off history file.

    Process accounting file.

    Disk usage accounting file.

    Active queue accounting file.

    Record of fees charged to users.

    Summary version of pacct files.

    The nrunacct message file.

    Prevents simultaneous invocation of nrunacct.

    Contains last date nrunacct was run.

    Contains current state to process.


    Access Control: This command should grant execute (x) access only to members of the adm group.

    Related Information

    Commands: acctcms, acctcom, acctcon1, acctcon2, acctmerg, accton, acctprc1, acctprc2, crontab, fwtmp, nrunacct,

    Daemon: cron

    Subroutine: acct

    File format: acct, failedlogin, tacct, wtmp

    The System Accounting information found in AIX Version 4 System Management Guide


    1. To restart a node's system accounting procedures for a specific date, enter a command similar to the following:
      nohup /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/nrunacct 19950601 2>> \
      /var/adm/acct/nite/accterr &
      This example restarts nrunacct for the day of June 1 (0601), 1995. The nrunacct command reads the file /var/adm/acct/nite/statefile19950601 to find out the state with which to begin. The nrunacct command runs in the background (&), ignoring all INTERRUPT and QUIT signals (nohup). Standard error output (2) is added to the end (>>) of the /var/adm/acct/nite/accterr file.

    2. To restart a node's system accounting procedures for a particular date at a specific state, enter a command similar to the following
      nohup /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/nrunacct 19950601 FEES 2>> \
      /var/adm/acct/nite/accterr &
      This example restarts the nrunacct command for the day of June 1 (0601), 1995, starting with the FEES state. The nrunacct command runs in the background (&), ignoring all INTERRUPT and QUIT signals (the nohup command). Standard error output (2) is added to the end (>>) of the /var/adm/acct/nite/accterr file.



    p_cat - Issues a parallel cat of files.


    p_cat [-w - | noderange | 'hostlist args'] file_name file_name ...


    The p_cat command requires the first flag or parameter on the command line to be a specification of the hosts on which the command is to be executed.

    -w -
    Specifies that host names should be read from standard input. Host names can be in any format accepted by SP rsh.

    Indicates a specification via "node number." The node number corresponds to the position of a node in a frame and its slots. A node number indicates frame and slot. For example, frame 1 slot 1 would be referred to by 1. Frame 2 slot 1 would be node number 17, while frame 3 slot 2 would be 34. If a node occupies more than one slot, either node number refers to that node. Node numbers can be specified as ranges such as 1-3, which would refer to frame 1 slots 1-3, or 23-29,50,2, which would refer to frame 2 slots 7-13, frame 4 slot 2, and frame 1 slot 2. This option is valid only for an SP system.

    'hostlist args'
    Specifies flags and arguments to be passed to the hostlist command. Hostlist allows several ways of listing hosts based on various criteria. Refer to the hostlist command.
    Note: To use the working collective file specified by the WCOLL environment variable, you must specify a null string as the first argument. Refer to the dsh command for more information about a working collective.

    Specifies a list of file names on the hosts to be concatenated to standard output.


    The p_cat command issues the AIX cat command on multiple hosts. p_cat uses dsh to execute the cat command on multiple hosts. The output of the cat command is written to standard output.

    Since p_cat uses dsh, proper authentication and authorization to issue these commands is necessary.


    working collective file
    See the dsh command.

    Related Information

    SP commands: dsh, pexec

    AIX command: cat


    To copy /.rhosts from each host1, host2, and host3 to the local /.rhosts file (described previously), enter:

    p_cat -w host1,host2,host3 /.rhosts >> /.rhosts



    pcp - Specifies a parallel copy of local files and directories to other hosts.


    [-w - | noderange | 'hostlist args'] [-p] [-r]
    localfile_or_dir remotefile_or_dir


    The pcp command requires the first flag or parameter on the command line to be a specification of the hosts on which the command is to be executed.

    -w -
    Specifies that host names should be read from standard input. Host names can be in any format accepted by SP rsh.

    Indicates a specification via "node number." The node number corresponds to the position of a node in a frame and its slots. A node number indicates frame and slot. For example, frame 1 slot 1 would be referred to by 1. Frame 2 slot 1 would be node number 17, while frame 3 slot 2 would be 34. If a node occupies more than one slot, either node number refers to that node. Node numbers can be specified as ranges such as 1-3, which would refer to frame 1 slots 1-3, or 23-29,50,2, which would refer to frame 2 slots 7-13, frame 4 slot 2, and frame 1 slot 2. This option is only valid for an SP system.

    'hostlist args'
    Specifies flags and arguments to be passed to the hostlist command. Hostlist allows several ways of listing hosts based on various criteria. Refer to the hostlist command.
    Note: To use the working collective file specified by the WCOLL environment variable, you must specify a null string as the first argument. Refer to the dsh command for more information about a working collective.

    Preserves the modification times and modes of the source files in the copies sent to the destination only if the user has root authority or is the owner of the destination. Without this flag, the umask command at the destination modifies the mode of the destination file, and the modification time of the destination file is set to the time the file is received.

    Recursively copies subtrees for directories.

    Contains the name of the file or directory to be copied to the remote hosts. If a full path name is not specified, the file is looked for relative to the user's current working directory.

    Contains the name of the file or directory to which the file or directory is copied.


    The pcp command copies files from the local host to one or more others in parallel. pcp is similar to rcp and in fact uses SP rcp via dsh. The -r and -p flags are passed to SP rcp.

    Since pcp uses dsh and SP rcp, proper authentication and authorization to issue these commands is necessary.
    Note: Since the pcp command uses the secure version of rcp, your .klogin or .rhosts files need to be set up to authorize you on each of the nodes to which you are copying a file. Refer to the chapter on security in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide. Otherwise, you see:
    Permission denied

    messages from the nodes for which you are not authorized.

    Related Information

    Commands: dsh, hostlist

    SP Command: rcp


    1. To copy a local file to host1 and host2 and rename it on those hosts, enter:
      pcp -w host1,host2 /etc/fileq /etc/filen

    2. To copy a file in the current directory to a particular directory on all the nodes in the SP system, enter:
      pcp '-a' sysctl.acl /etc

    3. To copy a directory subtree to all the hosts in the SP system that are currently responding, except for 'badnode,' enter:
      hostlist -av -e badnode | pcp -w - -r /etc/new /etc/new

    4. To copy a directory subtree to all the hosts in the SP system that are currently responding, except for 'badnode,' enter:
      pcp "-av -e badnode" -r /etc/new /etc/new



    pdf - Displays file system statistics on multiple nodes in parallel.


    pdf [-w - | noderange | 'hostlist args'] [file system1 [file system2 ... ]]


    The pdf command requires the first flag or parameter on the command line to be a specification of the hosts on which the command is to be executed.

    -w -
    Specifies that host names should be read from standard input. Host names can be in any format accepted by SP rsh.

    Indicates a specification via "node number." The node number corresponds to the position of a node in a frame and its slots. A node number indicates frame and slot. For example, frame 1 slot 1 would be referred to by 1. Frame 2 slot 1 would be node number 17, while frame 3 slot 2 would be 34. If a node occupies more than one slot, either node number refers to that node. Node numbers can be specified as ranges such as 1-3, which would refer to frame 1 slots 1-3, or 23-29,50,2, which would refer to frame 2 slots 7-13, frame 4 slot 2, and frame 1 slot 2. This option is only valid for an SP system.

    'hostlist args'
    Specifies flags and arguments to be passed to the hostlist command. Hostlist allows several ways of listing hosts based on various criteria. Refer to the hostlist command.
    Note: To use the working collective file specified by the WCOLL environment variable, you must specify a null string as the first argument. Refer to the dsh command for more information about a working collective.

    Acceptable parameters to the pdf command are zero or more blank-separated file system names to be displayed. If no parameters are supplied, all local file systems (on each specified node) are displayed.


    The pdf command displays file systems and their usage statistics on one or more nodes in parallel. pdf is similar to the df command, but does not use it. Differences are:

    Since pdf uses sysctl, proper authentication and authorization to issue these commands is necessary.

    Related Information

    Commands: hostlist, sysctl


    1. To list all file systems and their usage statistics on all hosts in the SP system, enter:
      pdf '-a'

    2. To list the usage statistics for the /tmp file system on nodes named node1 and node2, enter:
      pdf -w node1,node2 /tmp



    penotify - Adds, removes, or shows AIX error log notification objects.


    [-a] [-c class] [-f add] [-l label] [-m method]
    [-n name] [-p pid] [-t type] [-w hosts] [-A alert]
    [-C rclass] [-N rname] [-P] [-T rtype]

    [-a] [-f remove] [-w hosts] [-n name]

    [-a] [-f show] [-w hosts] [-n name]


    Executes on all nodes in the system partition.

    -c class
    Specifies the error class.

    -f func
    Specifies the function: add, remove, or show.

    Displays usage information.

    -l label
    Specifies the error label.

    -m method
    Specifies the notification method.

    -n name
    Specifies the name of the notification object.

    -p pid
    Specifies the process ID for the notification object.

    -t type
    Specifies the error type.

    -w hosts
    Runs the command on a file or a list of host names.

    -A alert
    Specifies the match alertable errors (true or false).

    -C rclass
    Specifies the resource class.

    -N rname
    Specifies the resource name.

    Specifies whether to persist across system restart (yes, if -P is provided).

    -T rtype
    Specifies the resource type.




    Use this command to add, remove, or show notification objects in the errnotify Object Data Management (ODM) class. The AIX errdemon matches logged errors to objects in this class to execute a method defined in the class object. The error class, error label, error type, alert, resource name, resource class, and resource type parameters are used for matching to logged errors. Refer to the AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs for descriptions of error notification object class fields.

    When a match occurs, the errdemon executes the notify method passing up to nine ($1-$9) parameters related to the logged error.

    If the -w parameter begins with a slash (/), it is interpreted as a file containing a list of nodes to execute the command on; otherwise, it can be a comma-delimited list of host names or a single-quoted, blank-delimited list of host names. If neither the -a nor -w parameters are used, the command defaults to the local node.


    You must have a Kerberos principal defined in the /etc/logmgt.acl file to run this command.

    Related Information

    The AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs

    The IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide


    1. To view all notification objects on nodes k4710, k4712, and k4715, enter:
      penotify -w k47n10,k47n12,k47n15 -f show

    2. To remove the notification object named HDISK0_ERR on all nodes, enter:
      penotify -a -f remove -n HDISK0_ERR

    3. To add a notification object to the nodes in the /tmp/nodelist file, enter:
      penotify -w /tmp/nodelist -f add -n PEND_ERR -P \
      -m'/spdata/sys1/EN_meth/EN_pend $1' -t PEND -c S

      This adds a notification object named PEND_ERR to all nodes in the /tmp/nodelist file. The object will persist when the system is restarted, and will match error records of type PEND and class S. The method that is executed by errdemon when a matching error occurs will be /spdata/sys1/EN_meth/EN_pend, and it will be passed the $1 parameter (sequence number). The notification method must be accessible to each node.



    perspectives - Invokes the launch pad of the SP Perspectives graphical user interface (GUI).


    [-userProfile name] [-systemProfile name]
    [-noProfile] [{-backgroundColor | bg} colorName] [{-foregroundColor | fg} colorName] [-fontFamily name]
    [-fontSize size] [-fontBold] [-fontItalic] [-nosplash]


    -userProfile name
    Upon initialization, overrides the name of the user profile from the default value of 'Profile'.

    -systemProfile name
    Upon initialization, overrides the name of the system profile from the default value of 'Profile'.

    Upon initialization, does not read either profile.

    -backgroundColor | bg colorName
    Overrides the background color specified by any profile or default with the specified color. Refer to Appendix A, "Perspectives Colors and Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid color names.

    -foregroundColor | fg colorName
    Overrides any foreground color specified by any profile or default with the specified color. Refer to Appendix A, "Perspectives Colors and Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid color names.

    -fontFamily name
    Overrides any font family with the specified font. The list of valid family names is dependent on the X server. Refer to "Perspectives Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid fonts.

    -fontSize size
    Overrides any font point size with the specified size. Valid values are 6--30 points.

    Sets the font to bold.

    Sets the font to italics.

    Does not display the splash dialog before the Perspectives main window is displayed.

    Note: Most flags accepted by X will also be recognized. For example, -display displayname.




    Use this command to invoke the SP Perspectives Launch Pad. The Launch Pad is a small, customizable GUI from which the user can start (or launch) executables associated with maintaining and monitoring an IBM RS/6000 SP.

    The main window shows an icon for each executable that can be launched. Double-clicking on an icon launches the associated executable.

    Preferences that define the look and layout of the Perspectives window are prioritized in the following order:


    The User's Preferences are read from and saved to $HOME/.perspectives(User Profile Name).

    The System Preferences are read from and saved to /usr/lpp/ssp/perspectives/profiles/.perspectives(System Profile name).


    Any user may run perspectives. Launching certain executables may require root privilege to run.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    For information on using the perspectives GUI, please see the online help and the "Using the SP Perspectives GUI" chapter in the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.



    Related Information

    Specific perspective windows may be brought up directly by invoking the following commands: spevent, sphardware, spperfmon, spsyspar, and spvsd.


    1. To invoke the perspectives launch pad, enter:

    2. To run force perspectives to display a 14 point type regardless of what is set in the preference files, enter:
      perspectives -fontSize 14



    pexec - Specifies the parallel execution of a command.


    pexec [-w - | noderange | 'hostlist args'] command command_args


    The pexec commands requires the first flag or parameter on the command line to be a specification of the hosts on which the command is to be executed.

    -w -
    Specifies that host names should be read from standard input. Host names can be in any format accepted by SP rsh.

    Indicates a specification via "node number." The node number corresponds to the position of a node in a frame and its slots. A node number indicates frame and slot. For example, frame 1 slot 1 would be referred to by 1. Frame 2 slot 1 would be node number 17, while frame 3 slot 2 would be 34. If a node occupies more than one slot, either node number refers to that node. Node numbers can be specified as ranges such as 1-3, which would refer to frame 1 slots 1-3, or 23-29,50,2, which would refer to frame 2 slots 7-13, frame 4 slot 2, and frame 1 slot 2. This option is only valid for an SP system.

    'hostlist args'
    Specifies flags and arguments to be passed to the hostlist command. Hostlist allows several ways of listing hosts based on various criteria. Refer to the hostlist command.
    Note: To use the working collective file specified by the WCOLL environment variable, you must specify a null string as the first argument. Refer to the dsh command for more information about a working collective.

    Specifies a command to execute on the hosts in parallel.

    Specifies arguments to the command.


    The pexec command issues a command on multiple hosts in parallel. The output is formatted so that distinct output is displayed only once. The pexec command uses dsh to execute the specified command on multiple hosts. The output of the ls command is written to standard output and formatted. The pls, prm, pmv, pfind, and pps commands are simply links to pexec.

    Since pexec uses dsh, proper authentication and authorization to issue these commands is necessary.
    Note: If any of the pls, prm, pfind, pps, pmv are renamed, they do not work properly.


    working collective file
    See the dsh command.

    Related Information

    Commands: dsh, dshbak, hostlist


    1. To list the contents of /usr from each host1, host2, and host3 (described previously), enter:
      pexec -w host1,host2,host3 ls /

    2. To copy a directory subtree to all the hosts in the SP system that are currently responding, except for "badnode," enter:
      hostlist -a -v -e badnode | pexec -w -cp -r /etc/new /etc/new

    3. Another way to enter the command in the previous example follows:
      pexec "-a -v -e badnode" cp -r /etc/new /etc/new



    pexscr - Runs local and remote programs in parallel.








    The pexscr command executes particular commands on particular processors in parallel. pexscr reads lines of the following format from standard input:

    host_name: arbitrary_command
    and executes each arbitrary_command on the specified host. All commands are run in parallel. SP rsh is used to run the remote commands, and local commands are run directly. Host names can include any parameter that may be specified on the rsh command.

    Since pexscr uses dsh, proper authentication and authorization to issue these commands is necessary.

    Related Information

    Commands: dsh, rsh


    To remove a file on host1 and rename a file on host2 simultaneously, enter:

    pexscr <<END
    host1: rm /tmp/shnozzola
    host2: mv /tmp/shnozzola /tmp/bozo



    pfck - Displays file system statistics on multiple hosts in parallel based on usage criteria.


    [-w - | noderange | 'hostlist args'] { [-s num] [-f num]
    [-u num] [-pf num] [-pu num] [-is num] [-if num] [-iu num]
    [-pif num] [-piu num] }


    The pfck command requires the first flag or parameter on the command line to be a specification of the hosts on which the command is to be executed.

    -w -
    Specifies that host names should be read from standard input. Host names can be in any format accepted by SP rsh.

    Indicates a specification via "node number." The node number corresponds to the position of a node in a frame and its slots. A node number indicates frame and slot. For example, frame 1 slot 1 would be referred to by 1. Frame 2 slot 1 would be node number 17, while frame 3 slot 2 would be 34. If a node occupies more than one slot, either node number refers to that node. Node numbers can be specified as ranges such as 1-3, which would refer to frame 1 slots 1-3, or 23-29,50,2, which would refer to frame 2 slots 7-13, frame 4 slot 2 and frame 1 slot 2. This option is only valid for an SP system.

    'hostlist args'
    Specifies flags and arguments to be passed to the hostlist command. Hostlist allows several ways of listing hosts based on various criteria. Refer to the hostlist command.
    Note: To use the working collective file specified by the WCOLL environment variable, you must specify a null string as the first argument. Refer to the dsh command for more information about a working collective.

    Subsequent flags specify file system usage statistics criteria to be applied in searching for file systems to display. At least one of the following flags must be specified. Multiple flags are allowed.

    -s num
    Indicates that the file system size is > num kilobytes (KB).
    -f num
    Indicates that the file system free space is < num kilobytes (KB).
    -u num
    Indicates that the file system used space is > num kilobytes (KB).
    -pf num
    Indicates that the file system free space is < num %.
    -pu num
    Indicates that the file system used space is > num %.
    -is num
    Indicates that the file system inodes are > num.
    -if num
    Indicates that the file system free inodes are < num.
    -iu num
    Indicates that the file system used inodes are > num.
    -pif num
    Indicates that the file system free inodes are < num %.
    -piu num
    Indicates that the file system used inodes are > num %.

    File system usage statistics criteria are logically ORed together when comparing against actual usage information. That is, if a file system meets any of the search criteria, then it is displayed.


    The pfck command displays file systems and their usage statistics from one or more nodes in parallel based on usage criteria.

    Since pfck uses sysctl, proper authentication and authorization to issue these commands is necessary.

    Related Information

    Commands: hostlist, sysctl


    1. To list all file systems with less than 20% free space on all nodes in the SP system, enter:
      pfck -a -pf 20

    2. To list all file systems on the nodes named node1, node2, and node4 which are greater than 98% full, enter:
      pfck -w node1,node2,node4 -pu 98



    pfind - Specifies a parallel find of files with a matching expression.


    pfind [-w - | noderange | 'hostlist args'] find_args


    The pfind command requires the first flag or parameter on the command line to be a specification of the hosts on which the command is to be executed.

    -w -
    Specifies that host names should be read from standard input. Host names can be in any format accepted by SP rsh.

    Indicates a specification via "node number." The node number corresponds to the position of a node in a frame and its slots. A node number indicates frame and slot. For example, frame 1 slot 1 would be referred to by 1. Frame 2 slot 1 would be node number 17, while frame 3 slot 2 would be 34. If a node occupies more than one slot, either node number refers to that node. Node numbers can be specified as ranges such as 1-3, which would refer to frame 1 slots 1-3, or 23-29,50,2, which would refer to frame 2 slots 7-13, frame 4 slot 2, and frame 1 slot 2. This option is only valid for an SP system.

    'hostlist args'
    Specifies flags and arguments to be passed to the hostlist command. Hostlist allows several ways of listing hosts based on various criteria. Refer to the hostlist command.
    Note: To use the working collective file specified by the WCOLL environment variable, you must specify a null string as the first argument. Refer to the dsh command for more information about a working collective.

    Specifies arguments to the AIX find command.


    The pfind command issues the AIX find command on multiple hosts. The output is formatted so that distinct output is displayed only once. The pfind command uses dsh to execute the find command on multiple hosts. The output of the ls commands is written to standard output and formatted. The pfind command is identical to pexec find.

    Since pfind uses dsh, proper authentication and authorization to issue these commands is necessary.


    working collective file
    See the dsh command.

    Related Information

    Commands: dsh, find, hostlist, pexec


    To find out if the file elvis is contained in /usr/bin on any host1, host2, and host3 (described previously), enter:

    pfind -w host1,host2,host3 /usr/bin -print -name "elvis"



    pfps - Finds and performs operations on processes on multiple hosts in parallel based on the value of an expression.


    pfps [-w - | noderange | 'hostlist args'] operation [expression]


    The pfps command requires the first flag or parameter on the command line to be a specification of the hosts on which the command is to be executed.

    -w -
    Specifies that host names should be read from standard input. Host names can be in any format accepted by SP rsh.

    Indicates a specification via "node number." The node number corresponds to the position of a node in a frame and its slots. A node number indicates frame and slot. For example, frame 1 slot 1 would be referred to by 1. Frame 2 slot 1 would be node number 17, while frame 3 slot 2 would be 34. If a node occupies more than one slot, either node number refers to that node. Node numbers can be specified as ranges such as 1-3, which would refer to frame 1 slots 1-3, or 23-29,50,2, which would refer to frame 2 slots 7-13, frame 4 slot 2, and frame 1 slot 2. This option is only valid for an SP system.

    'hostlist args'
    Specifies flags and arguments to be passed to the hostlist command. Hostlist allows several ways of listing hosts based on various criteria. Refer to the hostlist command.
    Note: To use the working collective file specified by the WCOLL environment variable, you must specify a null string as the first argument. Refer to the dsh command for more information about a working collective.

    Must be at least one of the following:

    If expression is not specified, all process information is listed. If expression is specified, process information for which the expression is true is listed. Output is in ps auw format.

    -kill signal
    Causes matching processes to be killed with the specified signal if the user is authorized or owns the process. The signal can be specified as a number or the name of the signal (for example, HUP).

    -nice n
    Causes the nice value to be set for matching processes if the user is authorized.

    The expression must be at least one of the following:

    -n name
    Evaluates to true if the fully qualified name of the process matches the name.

    -tn name
    Evaluates to true if the name of the process matches the name.

    -o owner
    Evaluates to true if the user name of the process matches the owner.

    -pty name
    Evaluates to true if the name matches the process controlling terminal.

    -rtime hh:mm
    Evaluates to true for processes whose total execution time is hh:mm time or longer.

    -stime dd:hh:mm
    Evaluates to true for processes that have started at least dd days, hh hours, and mm minutes ago.

    -r state
    Evaluates to true for processes in the specified run state.

    -cpu percentage
    Evaluates to true for processes using greater than the specified percentage of system CPU.

    -mem percentage
    Evaluates to true for processes consuming more than the specified percentage of system memory.

    Evaluates the expression by ORing together the terms.


    The pfps command performs operations on processes on one or more hosts in parallel. These operations include printing information about processes (-print), sending a signal to the process (-kill), and changing the priority of the process (-nice).

    Authorization is via an Access Control List (ACL) on each node and is required when users try to kill a process that they do not own or nice a process to a higher priority. ACLs for pfs are contained in the /etc/sysctl.pfps.acl file.

    An expression can also be specified using the preceding flags to select processes for when the expression evaluates to true. Flags are ANDed together unless the -or flag is used.

    Parentheses can be used to group flags, but parenthesis must be separated from flags by a space. Also, parenthesis or any special shell character should be escaped with a backslash (\).

    Since pfps uses sysctl, proper authentication and authorization to issue these commands is necessary.


    The ACL file which authorizes listed principals to use the nice and kill options.

    Related Information

    Commands: hostlist, kill, nice, ps, renice, sysctl


    1. To list all processes on all hosts in the SP system, enter:
      pfps '-a' -print

    2. To restart daemon processes on host1 and host2 that were running for more than one day (the user must be listed in the /etc/sysctl.pfps.acl on each host or the command is ignored for that host), enter:
      pfps -w host1,host2 -rtime 24:00 -tn daemond -kill HUP

    3. To list all processes belonging to root that are using more than 10% of system CPU or 10% of system memory on hosts listed in the ./wcollective file, enter:
      WCOLL=./wcollective pfps '' \( -cpu 10 -or -mem 10 \) -o root -print



    pls - Specifies a parallel list of files and directories.


    pls [-w - | noderange | 'hostlist args'] ls_args


    The pls command requires the first flag or parameter on the command line to be a specification of the hosts on which the command is to be executed.

    -w -
    Specifies that host names should be read from standard input. Host names can be in any format accepted by SP rsh.

    Indicates a specification via "node number." The node number corresponds to the position of a node in a frame and its slots. A node number indicates frame and slot. For example, frame 1 slot 1 would be referred to by 1. Frame 2 slot 1 would be node number 17, while frame 3 slot 2 would be 34. If a node occupies more than one slot, either node number refers to that node. Node numbers can be specified as ranges such as 1-3, which would refer to frame 1 slots 1-3, or 23-29,50,2, which would refer to frame 2 slots 7-13, frame 4 slot 2, and frame 1 slot 2. This option is only valid for an SP system.

    'hostlist args'
    Specifies flags and arguments to be passed to the hostlist command. Hostlist allows several ways of listing hosts based on various criteria. Refer to the hostlist command.
    Note: To use the working collective file specified by the WCOLL environment variable, you must specify a null string as the first argument. Refer to the dsh command for more information about a working collective.

    Specifies arguments to the AIX ls command.


    The pls command issues the AIX ls command on multiple hosts. The output is formatted so that duplicate output is displayed only once. The pls command uses dsh to execute the ls command on multiple hosts. The output of the ls commands is written to standard output and formatted. The pls command is identical to pexec ls.

    Since pls uses dsh, proper authentication and authorization to issue these commands is necessary.


    working collective file
    See the dsh command.

    Related Information

    Commands: dsh, ls, pexec


    To list the contents of /usr from each host1, host2, and host3 (described previously), enter:

    pls -w host1,host2,host3 /usr



    pmanctrl - Controls the Problem Management subsystem.


    pmanctrl {-a | -s | -k | -d | -c | -t | -o | -r | -h}


    Adds the Problem Management subsystem.

    Starts the Problem Management subsystem.

    Stops the Problem Management subsystem.

    Deletes the Problem Management subsystem.

    Deletes the Problem Management subsystem from all system partitions.

    Turns tracing on for the Problem Management subsystem.

    Turns tracing off for the Problem Management subsystem.

    Required by the syspar_ctrl command, but does not do anything.

    Displays usage information.




    Problem Management is a general purpose facility for monitoring and reacting to specific event occurrences within the SP system. The pmanctrl command controls the operations of the subsystems that are required for Problem Management. These subsystems are under the control of the System Resource Controller (SRC) and belong to a subsystem group called pman. Associated with each subsystem is a daemon.

    An instance of the Problem Management subsystem executes on the control workstation and on every node of a system partition. Because Problem Management provides its services within the scope of a system partition, its subsystems are said to be system partition sensitive. For this reason, the pmanctrl command is normally invoked by the syspar_ctrl command during installation of the system, boot or reboot of individual nodes, and partitioning or repartitioning of the system.

    From an operational point of view, the Problem Management subsystem group is organized as follows:

    Problem Management

    Subsystem Group:

    SRC subsystems:
    pman and pmanrm

    The pman subsystem is associated with the pmand daemon. The pmanrm subsystem is associated with the pmanrmd daemon.

    The subsystem names on the nodes are pman and pmanrm. There is one of each subsystem per node and it is associated with the system partition to which the node belongs.

    On the control workstation, there are multiple instances of each subsystem, one for each system partition. Accordingly, the subsystem names on the control workstation have the system partition name appended to them. For example, for system partitions named sp_prod and sp_test, the subsystems on the control workstation are named pman.sp_prod, pman.sp_test, pmanrm.sp_prod, and pmanrm.sp_test.

    pmand and pmanrmd

    The pmand daemon provides the majority of Problem Management functions.

    The pmanrmd daemon provides command-based resource monitor data to the pmand daemon.

    The pmanctrl command provides a variety of controls for operating the Problem Management subsystems:

    Unless the -c flag is used, the pmanctrl command only operates within a single partition. On a node, the pmanctrl command operates within the system partition to which the node belongs. On the control workstation, the pmanctrl command operates within any single partition, which can be chosen by setting the SP_NAME environment variable.

    When the pmanctrl command is called with the -a flag, it uses the mkssys command to add the subsystems to the SRC, and it takes the necessary steps to make sure that the subsystems are automatically started when the node is booted.

    When the pmanctrl command is called with the -s flag, it uses the startsrc command to start the pman and pmanrm subsystems.

    When the pmanctrl command is called with the -k flag, it uses the stopsrc command to stop the pman and pmanrm subsystems.

    When the pmanctrl command is called with the -d flag, it uses the rmssys command to delete the subsystems from the SRC, and if there are no more Problem Management subsystems remaining, it makes sure there is no /etc/inittab entry for the Problem Management subsystem.

    When the pmanctrl command is called with the -c flag, it stops all running Problem Management subsystems, removes them all from the SRC, and makes sure there is no /etc/inittab entry for the Problem Management subsystem.

    When the pmanctrl command is called with the -t flag, it uses the traceson command to turn on tracing in the pman subsystem. Tracing is not available for the pmanrmd subsystem.

    When the pmanctrl command is called with the -o flag, it uses the tracesoff command to turn off tracing in the pman subsystem. Tracing is not available for the pmanrmd subsystem.

    While they are running, the Problem Management daemons provide information about their operation and errors by writing entries in a log file that is located in the /var/adm/SPlogs/pman directory. On the control workstation, the pmand daemon writes to a log file named pmand.syspar_name.log, and the pmanrmd daemon writes to a log file named pmanrmd.syspar_name.log, where syspar_name is the name of the system partition. On the nodes, the pmand daemon writes to a log file named pmand.log and the pmanrmd daemon writes to a log file named pmanrmd.log.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    The "Using the Problem Management Subsystem" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide

    IBM AIX Version 4 Commands Reference

    Information about the System Resource Controller (SRC) in IBM AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs



    Related Information

    SP Command: syspar_ctrl

    AIX Commands: mkssys, rmssys, startsrc, stopsrc


    1. To add the Problem Management subsystem to the SRC, enter:
      pmanctrl -a

    2. To start the Problem Management subsystem, enter:
      pmanctrl -s

    3. To stop the Problem Management subsystem, enter:
      pmanctrl -k

    4. To delete the Problem Management subsystem from the SRC, enter:
      pmanctrl -d

    5. To clean up the Problem Management subsystem on all system partitions, enter:
      pmanctrl -c

    6. To turn tracing on for the Problem Management daemon, enter:
      pmanctrl -t

    7. To turn tracing off for the Problem Management daemon, enter:
      pmanctrl -o



    pmandef - Defines events and resulting actions to the Problem Management subsystem.


    To subscribe to an event and associate a set of actions with that event, use the following:

    -s HandleName -e ResourceVariable:InstanceVector:Predicate
    [-r RearmPredicate] [-c EventCommand] [-C RearmCommand]
    [-t EventTrapid] [-T RearmTrapid] [-l EventLogText]
    [-L RearmLogText] [-x EventCmdTimeout]
    [-X RearmCmdTimeout] [-U UserName] [-m UserLabel]
    [-h {Host1[,Host2,...] | - | local} | -N NodeGroup | -n NodeRange]

    To deactivate or activate a Problem Management subscription, use the following:

    {-d | -a} {HandleName | all}
    [-h {Host1[,Host2,...] | - | local} | -N NodeGroup | -n NodeRange]

    To query or remove a Problem Management subscription, use the following:

    {-q | -u} {HandleName | all}


    Flags that specify the type of request follow:

    -s HandleName
    Specifies that this is a subscribe request and the remaining flags define the Problem Management subscription. The HandleName provides a means to identify this subscription to Problem Management using the -d, -a, -u, or -q flags. The all keyword cannot be used as a handle name for a subscribe request.

    -d {HandleName | all}
    Specifies that the actions associated with the subscription identified by HandleName should be turned off or deactivated. The all keyword deactivates all subscriptions owned by the caller's Kerberos principal.

    -a {HandleName | all}
    Specifies that the actions associated with the subscription identified by HandleName should be turned on or activated. The all keyword activates all subscriptions owned by the caller's Kerberos principal.

    -u {HandleName | all}
    Specifies that this is an unsubscribe request and the subscription identified by HandleName should be removed. The all keyword unsubscribes all subscriptions owned by the caller's Kerberos principal.

    -q {HandleName | all}
    Requests all of the Problem Management daemons, for which the subscription identified by HandleName is defined, to provide status about the named subscription. The all keyword queries all subscriptions owned by the caller's Kerberos principal.

    Flags that specify the hosts to be affected by the request follow:

    -h {Host1[,Host2,...] | - | local}
    For a subscribe request, specifies the hosts that belong to the subscription. For an activate or deactivate request, specifies the hosts to be activated or deactivated, which can only include hosts that belong to the subscription. The hosts may be specified as a comma-separated list of host names or the hyphen (-) may be used to indicate that host names are to be read from standard input, or the local keyword may be used to indicate that the list of hosts is to be obtained from the NodeNum field in the event instance vector. If the local keyword is specified, the NodeNum field cannot contain wildcards. Use of the local keyword also causes any resulting actions to occur on the same host where the event occurs. All specified hosts must reside in the same system partition.

    -N NodeGroup
    For a subscribe request, specifies the node group that contains all of the hosts that belong to the subscription. For an activate or deactivate request, specifies the node group that contains all of the hosts to be activated or deactivated, which can only include hosts that belong to the subscription. All specified hosts must be in a partitioned-bound node group.

    -n NodeRange
    For a subscribe request, specifies the node range that contains all of the hosts that belong to the subscription. For an activate or deactivate request, specifies the node range that contains all of the hosts to be activated or deactivated, which can only include hosts that belong to the subscription. A node range is a series of numbers that are separated by commas and hyphens, which indicate a set of node numbers, such as 0--3, 5, 8--10. All specified hosts must reside in the same system partition.

    Flags that define a Problem Management subscription follow:

    -e ResourceVariable:InstanceVector:Predicate
    Specifies the Event Management resource variable, instance vector and predicate that define the event for which actions are generated for this Problem Management subscription. Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Event Management Programming Guide and Reference for further information about Event Management event definitions.

    -r RearmPredicate
    Specifies the Event Management re-arm predicate, which together with the resource variable, instance vector and predicate specified by the -e flag, defines the re-arm event for which actions are generated for this Problem Management subscription. Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Event Management Programming Guide and Reference for further information about Event Management event definitions.

    -c EventCommand
    Specifies a command to be executed when the event defined by the -e flag occurs. The command will be interpreted by the user's login program, so EventCommand may contain additional arguments and shell metacharacters. For example:
    echo this is a test >/tmp/event.out
    is allowed.

    -C RearmCommand
    Specifies a command to be executed when the re-arm event defined by the -r flag occurs. The command will be interpreted by the user's login program, so RearmCommand may contain additional arguments and shell metacharacters. For example:
    echo this is a test >/tmp/rearm.out
    is allowed.

    -t EventTrapid
    Specifies that a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) trap should be sent when the event defined by the -e flag occurs. EventTrapid is the specific trap ID to be used.

    -T RearmTrapid
    Specifies that an SNMP trap should be sent when the re-arm event defined by the -r flag occurs. RearmTrapid is the specific trap ID to be used.

    -l EventLogText
    Specifies text that should be written to the AIX error log and BSD syslog when the event defined by the -e flag occurs.

    -L RearmLogText
    Specifies text that should be written to the AIX error log and BSD syslog when the re-arm event defined by the -r flag occurs.

    -x EventCmdTimeout
    Specifies a time limit in seconds for the command specified by the -c flag. If the command does not complete within EventCmdTimeout seconds, it will be sent a SIGTERM signal. If the command does not terminate after an additional 5 seconds, the SIGTERM signal will be followed by a SIGKILL signal. If the -x flag is not specified, the command runs until completion.

    -X RearmCmdTimeout
    Specifies a time limit in seconds for the command specified by the -C flag. If the command does not complete within RearmCmdTimeout seconds, it will be sent a SIGTERM signal. If the command does not terminate after an additional 5 seconds, the SIGTERM signal will be followed by a SIGKILL signal. If the -x flag is not specified, the command runs until completion.

    -U UserName
    Specifies the user to run the commands specified by the -c and -C flags. If the -U flag is omitted, the commands will run as the user who issued the subscribe request.

    -m UserLabel
    Specifies a tag to associate with the subscription. The Problem Management subsystem does not use this tag for anything, so the user can specify anything as a tag. The tag can be retrieved with the pmanquery command.




    The Problem Management subsystem allows you to specify that an action takes place as the result of a specific event occurrence within the SP system. The Problem Management subsystem registers for the event with the Event Management subsystem. When the Event Management subsystem reports the occurrence of the event back to Problem Management, the Problem Management subsystem performs the requested action on your behalf. The actions that are performed as the result of an event can be any or all of the following:

    The pmandef command is the user interface for making such requests to the Problem Management subsystem. For example, running the following command on node 5:

    pmandef -s Program_Monitor \
    -e 'IBM.PSSP.Prog.pcount:NodeNum=12;ProgName=mycmd;UserName=bob:X@0==0' \
    -r "X@0==1" -c "echo program has stopped >/tmp/myevent.out" \
    -C "echo program has restarted >/tmp/myrearm.out"

    causes the command echo program has stopped >/tmp/myevent.out to run on node 5 whenever the number of processes named "mycmd" and owned by user "bob" on node 12 becomes 0. When this number increases back to 1, the command echo program has restarted >/tmp/myrearm.out runs on node 5.

    If you do not want the command to run on the same node from which the pmandef command was issued, then use one of the -h, -N, or -n flags.

    The following example causes the commands to run on both k21n01 and k21n02 whenever bob's program dies or gets restarted on either nodes 12 or 13.

    pmandef -s Program_Monitor \
    -e 'IBM.PSSP.Prog.pcount:NodeNum=12-13;ProgName=mycmd;UserName=bob:X@0==0' \
    -r "X@0==1" -c /usr/local/bin/start_recovery \
    -C /usr/local/bin/stop_recovery -h k21n01,k21n02

    The following example causes the commands to run on nodes 1, 2, 3, and 7 whenever bob's program dies or gets restarted on any of nodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 13. If bob's program dies on node 4, the command /usr/local/bin/start_recovery runs on nodes 1, 2, 3, and 7.

    pmandef -s Program_Monitor \
    -e 'IBM.PSSP.Prog.pcount:NodeNum=1-5,13;ProgName=mycmd;UserName=bob:X@0==0' \
    -r "X@0==1" -c /usr/local/bin/start_recovery \
    -C /usr/local/bin/stop_recovery -n 1-3,7

    If you want to define a subscription for more than one node but you want the command to run only on the same node where the event occurs, use the -h local option. Consider the following command:

    pmandef -s Filesystem_Monitor \
    -e 'IBM.PSSP.aixos.FS.%totused:NodeNum=10-14;VG=myvg;LV=mylv:X>95' \
    -l "filesystem is almost full" -h local
    Whenever the file system associated with the "mylv" logical volume and "myvg" volume group on node 11 becomes more than 95 percent full, the text filesystem is almost full gets written to the AIX error log and BSD syslog only on node 11. Whenever the same thing occurs on node 12, the same text gets written to the AIX error log and BSD syslog only on node 12. The file system filling up on node 11 is really a separate event than the file system filling up on node 12 or node 13, and the -h local option is just a convenient way to define actions for a whole a bunch of events at the same time.

    Issuing the pmandef command with the -s flag to associate an action with an event creates a Problem Management "subscription." When you issue the pmandef command to create a Problem Management subscription, the definition of the subscription gets stored in the System Data Repository (SDR) so the definition becomes permanent. As soon as the subscription gets stored in the SDR, the pmandef command also requests the affected Problem Management daemons within the SP system to start acting on the new subscription. Since it is possible for some of the nodes affected by this to be down, the pmandef command is considered successful once the subscription is stored in the SDR. The failure to reach all of the affected Problem Management daemons is not considered to be an error, because they will eventually pick up the new subscription once they get restarted.

    If the Event Management resource variable, instance vector, predicate, or re-arm predicate contains an error, the error will not get discovered until the Problem Management daemon registers for the event with the Event Management subsystem. When this happens, the subscription definition does not automatically get removed from the SDR. You must remove the subscription by using the pmandef command with the -u flag. The argument to the -u flag is the same name that was previously specified as the argument to the -s flag.

    The pmandef command with the -u flag removes the subscription definition from the SDR and tells the appropriate Problem Management daemons to stop monitoring for the event associated with that subscription. The pmandef command with the -d can be used to turn off or "deactivate" a subscription. This also tells the appropriate Problem Management daemons to stop monitoring for the event associated with that subscription, but it does not remove the subscription definition from the SDR. The subscription remains deactivated until you call pmandef with the -a flag to "activate" the subscription. You can also use the pmandef command with the -q flag to query the appropriate Problem Management daemons for status about a subscription. This just tells you whether each daemon is currently monitoring for the event associated with that subscription.

    The pmandef command is based on sysctl, which uses Kerberos for user authentication. As a result, all users of the pmandef command must have valid Kerberos credentials. In addition, the user's Kerberos principal must be listed in the /etc/sysctl.pman.acl file on the local node, in order to store the subscription in the SDR. It must also be listed on all the nodes that are affected by the new subscription, in order for the affected Problem Management daemons to be notified of the new subscription. If the user's Kerberos principal is listed only in the /etc/sysctl.pman.acl file on the local node, the subscription will be stored in the SDR, but the Problem Management daemons will not act on the new subscription until the next time they are restarted.

    The user's Kerberos principal is more than just a mechanism to validate access to the Problem Management subsystem. The Kerberos principal that was in effect when the subscription was created, via the pmandef -s command, is stored as part of the subscription definition, and it is used to establish the ownership of that subscription. Modifications to the subscription, via the pmandef command with the -u, -d, and -a flags, are only allowed by a user with the same Kerberos principal that is stored in the subscription definition. The Kerberos principal that is stored in the subscription definition is also used by the Problem Management daemon to decide whether the action that is to result from the occurrence of an event should be allowed.

    After the Problem Management daemon receives notification that an event has occurred, and before it performs the action for that event, the Problem Management daemon checks to see whether the Kerberos principal that is stored in the subscription definition is authorized to perform the requested action on the node where the Problem Management daemon is running. If the requested action is an entry in the AIX error log and BSD syslog or the generation of an SNMP trap, the Kerberos principal that owns the subscription must be listed in the root user's $HOME/.klogin file. If the requested action is the execution of a command, the Kerberos principal must be listed in the $HOME/.klogin file of the user that will be used to run the command. The user that will be used to run the command is by default the same user who issued the pmandef -s command to create the subscription. A different user can be specified to pmandef by using the -U flag.


    The Access Control List (ACL) file that authorizes listed Kerberos principals to use Problem Management.

    The ACL file that authorizes listed Kerberos principals to use a local user account.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates the successful completion of the command, but the output contains a warning message.

    Indicates that the command failed.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Event Management Programming Guide and Reference

    "Using the Problem Management Subsystem" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide



    Related Information

    Commands: pmanquery, sysctl


    In this example, the user mustard is authenticated as the Kerberos principal hotdog@XYZ.COM. If mustard issues the command:

    pmandef -s Program_Monitor \
    -e 'IBM.PSSP.Prog.pcount:NodeNum=12;ProgName=mycmd;UserName=relish:X@0==0' \
    -r "X@0==1" -c /usr/local/bin/start_recovery \
    -C /usr/local/bin/stop_recovery -n 5 -U ketchup
    a subscription named "Program_Monitor" and owned by Kerberos principal hotdog@XYZ.COM will be created, if the Kerberos principal hotdog@XYZ.COM is listed in the /etc/sysctl.pman.acl file on the local node. The requested actions for this subscription are to occur on node 5, so the Kerberos principal must also be listed in the /etc/sysctl.pman.acl file on node 5, in order for the Problem Management daemon on node 5 to act on this subscription immediately. Otherwise, the Problem Management daemon will not act on this subscription until the next time it gets restarted.

    This subscription requests that whenever the number of processes named "mycmd" and owned by user relish on node 12 becomes 0, the command start_recovery will run on node 5. When the number of processes increases back to 1, the command stop_recovery will run on node 5. The subscription also requests that the commands start_recovery and stop_recovery are to run on node 5 as the user ketchup. The start_recovery and stop_recovery commands will not run on node 5 unless the Kerberos principal hotdog@XYZ.COM is listed in the $HOME/.klogin file of the user ketchup. If the -U flag had been omitted, this subscription would have requested the commands to run as the user mustard, and this would have required mustard's $HOME/.klogin file to list hotdog@XYZ.COM.

    Once the subscription is created, any user who is authenticated as the Kerberos principal hotdog@XYZ.COM can deactivate, activate, or remove this subscription.

    To deactivate:

    pmandef -d Program_Monitor

    To activate:

    pmandef -a Program_Monitor

    To remove:

    pmandef -u Program_Monitor



    pmanquery - Queries the System Data Repository (SDR) for a description of a Problem Management subscription.


    -n {HandleName | all} [-k {KerberosPrincipal | all}]
    [-q | -a | -d | -t]


    Flags that specify the scope of the search follow:

    -n {HandleName | all}
    Searches for Problem Management subscriptions with the specified handle name that was previously given as the argument to the -s flag of the pmandef command. The all keyword allows any handle name to be selected by the search of the SDR. The all keyword cannot be used in conjunction with the -a, -d, or -t flags.

    -k {KerberosPrincipal | all}
    Searches for Problem Management subscriptions owned by the specified Kerberos principal. If the -k flag is omitted, the caller's Kerberos principal is used. The all keyword allows any Kerberos principal to be selected by the search of the SDR. The all keyword cannot be used in conjunction with the -a, -d, or -t flags.

    Flags that format the output follow:

    Suppresses the output of the header line.

    Lists output by node numbers in column format that represent the set of nodes that have not "deactivated" the subscription identified by the -n flag. The all keyword cannot be used with either the -n or -k flag when -a is used.

    Lists output by node numbers in column format that represent the set of nodes that have "deactivated" the subscription identified by the -n flag. The all keyword cannot be used with either the -n or -k flag when -d is used.

    Lists output by node numbers in column format that represent the set of all nodes that recognize the subscription identified by the -n flag. This is the sum of the node lists that get printed by the -a and -d flags. The all keyword cannot be used with either the -n or -k flag when -t is used.




    After a Problem Management subscription definition is stored in the SDR by the pmandef command, you can use the pmanquery command to retrieve the subscription definition. The pmanquery command prints the details of the subscription definition in raw format which can then be parsed by other applications.

    The -n and -k flags control the scope of the search for subscriptions in the SDR. Refer to the Examples section of this command for pmanquery flag usage information.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    The "Using the Problem Management Subsystem" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide



    Related Information

    Commands: pmandef


    1. To search for a subscription named my_handle that is owned by the caller's Kerberos principal, enter:
      pmanquery -n my_handle

    2. To search for a subscription named my_handle that is owned by the Kerberos principal hotdog@XYZ.COM, enter:
      pmanquery -n my_handle -k hotdog@XYZ.COM

    3. To search for all subscriptions that are owned by the Kerberos principal hotdog@XYZ.COM, enter:
      pmanquery -n all -k hotdog@XYZ.COM

    4. To search for all subscriptions that are owned by the caller's Kerberos principal, enter:
      pmanquery -n all

    5. To search for all subscriptions named my_handle, enter:
      pmanquery -n my_handle -k all

    6. To search for all subscriptions, enter:
      pmanquery -n all -k all



    pmanrmdloadSDR - Reads a pmanrmd configuration file and loads the information into the System Data Repository (SDR).


    pmanrmdloadSDR ConfigFileName




    Specifies a pmanrmd configuration file.


    The Problem Management subsystem provides 16 resource variables, named through These are predefined resource variables that have been set aside for users to create their own resource monitors. A resource monitor that you create through Problem Management is a command that gets executed repeatedly by the pmanrmd daemon at a specific interval. The standard output from the command is supplied to the Event Management subsystem as the value for the resource variable. You can then use the pmandef command to subscribe to events for that resource variable.

    The resource variable name, resource monitor command, sampling interval, and list of nodes for which the resource monitor is defined are stored in the SDR. The pmanrmdloadSDR command is used to store those definitions in the SDR.

    You define your resource monitor to the pmanrmd daemon by doing the following:

    For a more complete description of Problem Management resource monitors, refer to the "Using the Problem Management Subsystem" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide


    A sample pmanrmd configuration file.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Event Management Programming Guide and Reference

    The "Using the Problem Management Subsystem" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide



    Related Information

    Commands: pmandef



    pmv - Specifies a parallel file move.


    pmv [-w - | noderange | 'hostlist args'] mv_args


    The pmv command requires the first flag or parameter on the command line to be a specification of the hosts on which the command is to be executed.

    -w -
    Specifies that host names should be read from standard input. Host names can be in any format accepted by SP rsh.

    Indicates a specification via "node number." The node number corresponds to the position of a node in a frame and its slots. A node number indicates frame and slot. For example, frame 1 slot 1 would be referred to by 1. Frame 2 slot 1 would be node number 17, while frame 3 slot 2 would be 34. If a node occupies more than one slot, either node number refers to that node. Node numbers can be specified as ranges such as 1-3, which would refer to frame 1 slots 1-3, or 23-29,50,2, which would refer to frame 2 slots 7-13, frame 4 slot 2, and frame 1 slot 2. This option is only valid for an SP system.

    'hostlist args'
    Specifies flags and arguments to be passed to the hostlist command. Hostlist allows several ways of listing hosts based on various criteria. Refer to the hostlist command.
    Note: To use the working collective file specified by the WCOLL environment variable, you must specify a null string as the first argument. Refer to the dsh command for more information about a working collective.

    Specifies arguments to the AIX rm or mv commands.
    Note: The -i is not supported (the dsh command does not support standard input to remote hosts).


    The pmv command issues the AIX mv command on multiple hosts. The output is formatted so that duplicate output is displayed only once. The pmv command uses dsh to execute the mv command on multiple hosts. The output of the ls commands is written to standard output and formatted. The pmv command is identical to pexec mv.

    Since pmv uses dsh, proper authentication and authorization to issue these commands is necessary.


    working collective file
    See the dsh command.

    Related Information

    Commands: dsh, mv, pexec


    To move a file from each host1, host2, and host3 to a different directory, enter:

    pmv -w host1,host2,host3 /tmp/shnozzola /etc/shnozzola



    ppred - Performs a command on those hosts for which a test is satisfied.


    [-w - | noderange | 'hostlist args'] 'ksh test'
    'true_command' ['false_command']


    The ppred command requires the first flag or parameter on the command line to be a specification of the hosts on which the command is to be executed.

    -w -
    Specifies that host names should be read from standard input. Host names can be in any format accepted by SP rsh.

    Indicates a specification via "node number." The node number corresponds to the position of a node in a frame and its slots. A node number indicates frame and slot. For example, frame 1 slot 1 would be referred to by 1. Frame 2 slot 1 would be node number 17, while frame 3 slot 2 would be 34. If a node occupies more than one slot, either node number refers to that node. Node numbers can be specified as ranges such as 1-3, which would refer to frame 1 slots 1-3, or 23-29,50,2, which would refer to frame 2 slots 7-13, frame 4 slot 2, and frame 1 slot 2. This option is only valid for an SP system.

    'hostlist args'
    Specifies flags and arguments to be passed to the hostlist command. Hostlist allows several ways of listing hosts based on various criteria. Refer to the hostlist command.
    Note: To use the working collective file specified by the WCOLL environment variable, you must specify a null string as the first argument. Refer to the dsh command for more information about a working collective.

    'ksh test'
    ppred expects the second argument to be a quoted string in proper syntax to be evaluated via the ksh test command. This test is passed to the remote hosts and evaluated on them.

    ppred expects the third argument to be a quoted string containing a command to be executed on the hosts for which the test is true.

    ppred expects the fourth argument to be a quoted string containing a command to be executed on the hosts for which the test is false. This argument is optional.


    The ppred command performs a test on remote hosts in parallel. On each host where the test succeeds, a command is run. Optionally, a command can be specified that runs if the test fails.

    Since ppred uses dsh, proper authentication and authorization to issue these commands is necessary.

    Related Information

    Commands: dsh, hostlist, test


    To verify that a file exists and is a regular file on the host occupying the first slot in each of 4 frames, enter:

    ppred '-s 1-4:1' '-f /etc/passwd' 'echo \'host_name\''



    pps - Specifies a parallel ps command.


    pps [-w - | noderange | 'hostlist args'] ps_args


    The pps command requires the first flag or parameter on the command line to be a specification of the hosts on which the command is to be executed.

    -w -
    Specifies that host names should be read from standard input. Host names can be in any format accepted by SP rsh.

    Indicates a specification via "node number." The node number corresponds to the position of a node in a frame and its slots. A node number indicates frame and slot. For example, frame 1 slot 1 would be referred to by 1. Frame 2 slot 1 would be node number 17, while frame 3 slot 2 would be 34. If a node occupies more than one slot, either node number refers to that node. Node numbers can be specified as ranges such as 1-3, which would refer to frame 1 slots 1-3, or 23-29,50,2, which would refer to frame 2 slots 7-13, frame 4 slot 2, and frame 1 slot 2. This option is only valid for an SP system.

    'hostlist args'
    Specifies flags and arguments to be passed to the hostlist command. Hostlist allows several ways of listing hosts based on various criteria. Refer to the hostlist command.
    Note: To use the working collective file specified by the WCOLL environment variable, you must specify a null string as the first argument. Refer to the dsh command for more information about a working collective.

    Specifies arguments to the AIX ps command.


    The pps command uses dsh to execute the ps command on multiple hosts. The output of the ls commands is written to standard output and formatted so that distinct output is presented only once. The pps command is identical to pexec ps.

    Since pps uses dsh, proper authentication and authorization to issue these commands is necessary.


    working collective file
    See the dsh command.

    Related Information

    Commands: dsh, pexec, ps


    To list processes on each host1, host2, and host3 (described previously), enter:

    pps -w host1,host2,host3 -ef



    preparevsd - Makes an IBM Virtual Shared Disk available.


    preparevsd -a | vsd_name...


    Specifies that all the IBM Virtual Shared Disks in the stopped state are to be prepared.


    Specifies an IBM Virtual Shared Disk. If the IBM Virtual Shared Disk is not in the stopped state, you'll get a failed error message.


    The preparevsd command brings the specified IBM Virtual Shared Disks from the stopped state to the suspended state. The IBM Virtual Shared Disks are made available. Open and close requests are honored, while read and write requests are held until the IBM Virtual Shared Disks are brought to the active state. If they are in the suspended state, this command leaves them in the suspended state.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit vsd_mgmt
    and select the Prepare an IBM Virtual Shared Disk option.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.


    If you have the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk product installed and operational, do not use this command. The results may be unpredictable.

    See IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: cfgvsd, ctlvsd, lsvsd, resumevsd, startvsd, stopvsd, suspendvsd, ucfgvsd


    To bring the IBM Virtual Shared Disk vsd1vg1n1 from the stopped state to the suspended state, enter:

    preparevsd vsd1vg1n1



    prm - Specifies a parallel file remove.


    prm [-w - | noderange | 'hostlist args'] rm_args


    The prm command requires the first flag or parameter on the command line to be a specification of the hosts on which the command is to be executed.

    -w -
    Specifies that host names should be read from standard input. Host names can be in any format accepted by SP rsh.

    Indicates a specification via "node number." The node number corresponds to the position of a node in a frame and its slots. A node number indicates frame and slot. For example, frame 1 slot 1 would be referred to by 1. Frame 2 slot 1 would be node number 17, while frame 3 slot 2 would be 34. If a node occupies more than one slot, either node number refers to that node. Node numbers can be specified as ranges such as 1-3, which would refer to frame 1 slots 1-3, or 23-29,50,2, which would refer to frame 2 slots 7-13, frame 4 slot 2, and frame 1 slot 2. This option is only valid for an SP system.

    'hostlist args'
    Specifies flags and arguments to be passed to the hostlist command. Hostlist allows several ways of listing hosts based on various criteria. Refer to the hostlist command.
    Note: To use the working collective file specified by the WCOLL environment variable, you must specify a null string as the first argument. Refer to the dsh command for more information about a working collective.

    Specifies arguments to the AIX rm command.


    The prm command issues the AIX rm command on multiple hosts. The output is formatted so that distinct output is displayed only once. The prm command uses dsh to execute the rm command on multiple hosts. The output of the ls commands is written to standard output and formatted. The prm command is identical to pexec rm.

    Since prm uses dsh, proper authentication and authorization to issue these commands is necessary.


    working collective file
    See the dsh command.

    Related Information

    Commands: dsh, rm, pexec


    To remove a file from each host1, host2, and host3 (described previously), enter:

    prm -w host1,host2,host3 /tmp/shnozzola



    psyslclr - Removes entries from syslog log files on a set of nodes.


    [-a] [-d pids] [-e endtime] [-f facilities] [-g config]
    [-h] [-l logs] [-n nodes] [-p priority]
    [-r resources] [-s startime] [-w hosts] [-y days]


    Trims logs on all nodes in the system partition.

    -d pids
    Trims records matching the process IDs list.

    -e endtime
    Trims records before endtime (mmddhhmm).

    -f facilities
    Uses the facilities list to parse the syslog.conf file.

    -g config
    Uses an alternate syslog.conf file.

    Displays usage information.

    -l logs
    Trims the list of log files (the syslog.conf file is not parsed). (This is lowercase l, as in list.)

    -n nodes
    Trims records matching the nodes.

    -p priority
    Uses priority value to parse the syslog.conf file.

    -r resources
    Trims records from the resource list.

    -s startime
    Trims records created after startime (mmddhhmm).

    -w hosts
    Runs the command on a file or list of host names.

    -y days
    Trims records more than days old.




    Use this command to delete log entries in syslogd generated log files. Options allow for selecting the files and records that are trimmed.

    The arguments to options -d, -f, -l, -n, -r, and -w can be a comma-delimited or single-quoted, blank-delimited list of values. If the -l flag is used, the command will only trim records from the specified list of log file names. If the -l flag is not passed, the command will first parse the syslog configuration file (the default is /etc/syslog.conf) to select files for trimming.

    The -f and -p flags can be used to control selecting files in the configuration file. All files found in the configuration file will be trimmed if the -f and -p flags are not used.

    The -d, -e, -n, -r, -s, and -y flags are used to match log entries to be deleted. A record must match a value from each of the flags that are used to be trimmed. If a flag is not passed, all records match for that field. To delete all records, use the -y flag with 0 as the argument. If the -w flag begins with a slash (/), it is interpreted as a file containing a list of nodes to execute the command on; otherwise, it can be a list as described previously. If neither the -a nor the -w flags are used, the command defaults to the local node.
    Note: The syslogd daemon does not log the year in records timestamps. The comparisons for start and end times are done on a per record basis and could cause unexpected results if the log file is allowed to span more than one year. The syslogd daemon is stopped during this process so trimming activity should be planned accordingly. It is then restarted using the default or alternate syslog configuration file.


    syslog daemon configuration file.

    Access Control List (ACL) file for psyslclr permissions.


    You must have a Kerberos principal defined in the /etc/logmgt.acl file to run this command.

    Related Information

    Command: psyslrpt

    Daemon: syslogd


    1. To remove all entries older than 30 days from all syslog log files on all nodes in the local system partition, enter:
      psyslclr -a -y 30

    2. To remove all entries between April 11th and July 23rd that were logged by ftp or snmpd on node k47n10, enter:
      psyslclr -w k47n10 -s 04110000 -e 07230000 -r ftp,snmpd

    3. To remove all entries from files that may be written by user or mail facilities at a priority level of error or higher on the nodes in the /tmp/nodelist file, enter:
      psyslclr -w /tmp/nodelist -f mail,user -p error -y 0



    psyslrpt - Generates reports of records in syslog log files on a set of nodes.


    [-a] [-d pids] [-e endtime] [-f facilities] [-g config]
    [-h [-l logs] [-n nodes] [-p priority] [-r resources]
    [-s startime] [-w hosts]


    Generates the report on all nodes in the system partition.

    -d pids
    Reports on records matching the process IDs list.

    -e endtime
    Reports on records before endtime (mmddhhmm).

    -f facilities
    Uses the facilities list to parse the syslog.conf file.

    -g config
    Specifies the use of an alternate syslog.conf file.

    Displays usage information.

    -l logs
    Reports on the list of log files (the syslog.conf file is not parsed). (This is lowercase l, as in list.)

    -n nodes
    Reports records matching the nodes.

    -p priority
    Uses priority value to parse the syslog.conf file.

    -r resources
    Reports records from the resource list.

    -s startime
    Reports records created after startime (mmddhhmm).

    -w hosts
    Runs the command on the file or list of host names.




    Use this command to generate reports of log entries in syslogd generated log files. Options allow for selecting the files and records that are reported. The arguments to options -d, -f, -l, -n, -r, and -w can be a comma-delimited or single-quoted, blank-delimited list of values. If the -l flag is used, the command will report records from the specified list of log file names. If the -l flag is not passed, the command will first parse the syslog configuration file (the default is /etc/syslog.conf) to select files for reporting.

    The -f and -p options can be used to control the selecting of files in the configuration file. All files found in the configuration file are reported on if the -f and -p flags are not used.

    The -d, -e, -n, -r, and -s options are used to match log entries to be reported. A record must match a value from each of these flags that are used to be reported. If a flag is not passed, all records match for that field. If the -w argument begins with slash (/), it is interpreted as a file containing a list of nodes to execute the command on; otherwise, it can be a list as described previously. If neither the -a nor -w flags are used, the command defaults to the local node.


    syslog daemon configuration file.


    You must be Kerberos authenticated to run this command.

    Related Information

    Command: psyslclr

    Daemon: syslogd

    The IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide


    1. To report all entries from all syslog log files on all nodes in the local system partition starting on March 3rd, enter:
      psyslrpt -a -s 03030000

    2. To report all entries between April 11th and July 23rd that were logged by ftp or snmpd on node k47n10, enter:
      psyslrpt -w k47n10 -s 04110000 -e 07230000 -r ftp,snmp

    3. To report entries from the specific log file /var/adm/SPlogs/SPdaemon.log with process IDs 10479 or 1157 on nodes k47n12 and k47n15, enter:
      psyslrpt -w k47n12,k47n15 -d'10479 1157' -l /var/adm/SPlogs/SPdaemon.log

    Note: syslogd does not log the year in record timestamps. The comparisons for start and end times are done on a per record basis and could cause unexpected results if the log file is allowed to span more than one year.



    rcmdtgt - Obtains and caches a ticket-granting-ticket for the local realm, with a maximum allowed lifetime, using the service key for the instance of rcmd on the local host.








    Use this command to obtain a ticket-granting-ticket with a maximum allowed lifetime, using the service key for rcmd.localhost found in the service key file at /etc/krb-srvtab. When using SP authentication services, these tickets have an unlimited lifetime. When using AFS authentication services, a maximum of 30 days is enforced.

    This command must be run as root and is intended for use in shell scripts and other batch-type facilities. The rcmdtgt command retrieves your initial ticket and puts it in the ticket file specified by your KRBTKFILE environment variable. If the KRBTKFILE variable is undefined, your ticket is stored in the /tmp/tktuid file, where uid specifies your user identification number.
    Note: These tickets are shared by all processes running under the user's IDs. The KRBTKFILE environment variable can be set to change the location of the ticket cache file.
    Because the ticket obtained using this command does not expire, the user should be careful to delete the temporary ticket file.


    Contains the name of the local realm.

    Specifies the service key file.

    Specifies the ticket cache file.

    Related Information

    Commands: kdestroy, kinit,

    File: krb.conf

    Refer to Chapter 2, "RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information" section of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for additional Kerberos information.


    The following example, excerpted from the sample script.cust file, shows how rcmdtgt can be used in a shell script to perform the authentication required to use the SP rcp command:

    # set the host name from which you will copy the file.
    SERVER='cat /etc/ssp/server_host_name | cut -d" " -f1'
    # Define a temporary ticket cache file, then get a ticket
    export KRBTKFILE=/tmp/tkt.$$
    # Perform kerberos-authenticated rcp
    /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rcp $SERVER:/etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
    # Remove the ticket cache file
    /bin/rm $KRBTKFILE



    /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rcp - Transfers files between a local and a remote host.
    Note: The remote-to-remote copy is restricted at this time.


    [-p] [-k Kerberos_realm] {User@Host:File | Host:File | File}
    {User@Host:File | Host:File | File | User@Host:Directory |
    Host:Directory | Directory} | [-r] {User@Host:Directory |
    Host:Directory | Directory} {User@Host:Directory |
    Host:Directory | Directory}


    Preserves the modification times and modes of the source files in the copies sent to the destination. Without this flag, the umask command at the destination modifies the mode of the destination file, and the modification time of the destination file is set to the time the file is received.

    When this flag is not used, the umask being honored is the value stored in the appropriate database. It is not the value that is set by issuing the umask command. The permission and ownership values that result from the umask command do not affect those stored in the database.

    -k Kerberos_realm
    Specifies that the rsh command obtains tickets for the remote host in realm instead of the remote host's default realm.

    Recursively copies, for directories only, each file and subdirectory in the source directory into the destination directory.


    Specifies the host name (Host) and file name (File) of the remote destination file, separated by a colon (:).
    Note: Because the rcp command assumes that a colon (:) terminates a host name, you must insert a backslash (\) before any colons that are embedded in the local file and directory names.

    Specifies the user name (User@) that the rcp command uses to set ownership of the transferred file, the host name (Host), and file name (File) of the remote destination file. The user name entered for the remote host determines the file access privileges the rcp command uses at that host.

    Specifies the file name of the local destination file.

    Specifies the host name (Host) and directory name (Directory) of the remote destination directory.
    Note: Because the rcp command assumes that a colon (:) terminates a host name, you must insert a backslash (\) before any colons that are embedded in the local file and directory names.

    Specifies the user name (User@) that the rcp command uses to set ownership of the transferred file, the host name (Host), and directory name (Directory) of the remote destination directory. The user name entered for the remote host determines the file access privileges that the rcp command uses at that host.

    Specifies the directory name of the local destination directory.


    The rcp command is used to copy one or more files between the local host and a remote host or between files at the same host.

    Remote destination files and directories require a specified Host: parameter. If a remote host name is not specified for either the source or the destination, the rcp command is equivalent to the cp command. Local file and directory names do not require a Host: parameter.
    Note: Because the rcp command assumes that a colon (:) terminates a host name, you must insert a backslash (\) before any colons that are embedded in the local file and directory names.

    If a Host is not prefixed by a User@ parameter, the local user name is used at the remote host. If a User@ parameter is entered, that name is used.

    If the path for a file or directory on a remote host is not specified or is not fully qualified, the path is interpreted as beginning at the home directory for the remote user account. Additionally, any metacharacters that must be interpreted at a remote host must be quoted using a backslash (\), a double quotation mark ('), or a single quotation mark (').

    If the /usr/kerberos/bin/rcp path does not exist, a link is created from /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rcp to /usr/kerberos/bin/rcp. The SP rcp command uses this path when initially starting an rcp process on a remote host for compatibility purposes.

    File Permissions and Ownership

    By default, the permissions mode and ownership of an existing destination file are preserved. Normally, if a destination file does not exist, the permissions mode of the destination file is equal to the permissions mode of the source file as modified by the umask command (a special command in the Korn shell) at the destination host. If the rcp command -p flag is set, the modification time and mode of source files are preserved at the destination host.

    The user name entered for the remote host determines the file access privileges the rcp command uses at that host. Additionally, the user name given to a destination host determines the ownership and access modes of the resulting destination file or files. The remote host allows access if one of the following conditions is satisfied:

    For security reasons, any $HOME/.klogin file must be owned by either the remote user or root, and only the owner should have read and write access.

    Should user authentication fail or should the authentication subroutine call fail, the SP rcp command passes the arguments to the AIX rcp command. In this case, the user needs normal AIX rcp access to a host for the command to be successful or the permission denied message is returned. The SP rcp command issues several authentication error messages before passing arguments to the AIX rcp command. The messages are also visible from system management applications that use the SP rcp command.

    This command does not support encryption by users.


    Specifies remote users that can use a local user account.

    Command executable file.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to AIX Version 4 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks for a network overview.

    Refer to the chapter on security in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for an overview.

    Refer to Chapter 2, "RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information" section of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for additional Kerberos information.

    Related Information

    SP Commands: kinit, kshd, rsh

    AIX Commands: cp, ftp, rlogin, rsh, rshd, tftp, umask


    In the following examples, the local user is listed in the authentication database and a ticket was obtained by issuing a kinit and the password. In the following examples, host1 is the local host and host2 is the remote host:

    1. To copy a local file to a remote host, enter:
      /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rcp localfile host2:/home/eng/jane

      The file localfile from the local host is copied to the remote host host2.

    2. To copy a remote file from one remote host to the local host, enter:

      /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rcp host2:/home/eng/jane/newplan/home/eng/mary

      The file /home/eng/jane/newplan is copied from remote host host1 to local host host2.

    3. To send the directory subtree from the local host to a remote host and preserve the modification times and modes, enter:
      /usr/lpp.ssp/rcmd/bin/rcp -p -r report jane@host2:report

      The directory subtree report is copied from the local host to the home directory of user jane at remote host host2 and all modes and modification times are preserved. The remote file /home/jane/.rhosts includes an entry specifying the local host and user name.

    4. This example shows how the root user can issue an rcp on a remote host. The root user must be in the authentication database and must have already issued kinit on the local host. The command is issued at the local host to copy the file, stuff, from node r05n07 to node r05n05.
      /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rsh r05n07 'export KRBTKTFILE=/tmp/rcmdtkt$$; \
      /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rcmdtgt; \
      /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rcp /tmp/stuff r05n05:/tmp/stuff;'

      The root user sets the KRBTKTFILE environment variable to the name of a temporary ticket-cache file and then obtains a service ticket by issuing the rcmdtgt command. The rcp command uses the service ticket to authenticate from host r05n07 to host r05n05.



    removehsd - Removes one or more data striping devices, the IBM Virtual Shared Disks associated with them, and the System Data Repository (SDR) information for IBM Virtual Shared Disks on the associated nodes. If the only volume groups defined on the associated nodes are the ones used by the data striping devices that are being removed, those volume groups are also removed.


    {-v {hsd_names | -a}} [-f]


    Specifies the data striping device (HSD) name or names that are to be removed by this command.

    Specifies that the command should remove all HSDs in the system or system partition.

    Forces the system to unconfigure the HSD and its underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks and remove them. If -f is not specified and any of the IBM Virtual Shared Disks that constitute the HSD to be removed are configured or the HSD itself is configured, the command fails.




    Use this command to remove the logical volumes associated with IBM Virtual Shared Disks in the set of HSDs. The order in which the IBM Virtual Shared Disks that make up the HSDs and the HSDs themselves are removed is the reverse of the order in which they were created.

    If the IBM Virtual Shared Disk or HSD is configured on any of the nodes on the system partition, this command fails, unless the -f flag is specified.


    Specifies the file that contains the command.


    You must have sysctl and sysctl.vsd access and authorization from your system administrator to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: createhsd, removevsd


    To unconfigure and remove the IBM Virtual Shared Disks associated with the HSD DATA and remove the HSD as well, type:

    removehsd -d DATA -f

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit delete_vsd
    and select the Remove a Hashed Shared Disk option.



    removevsd - Removes a set of IBM Virtual Shared Disks that are not part of any data striping device (HSD).


    -v vsd_names | -a [-f]


    Specifies the IBM Virtual Shared Disk name or names that are to be removed by this command.

    Specifies that the command should remove all IBM Virtual Shared Disks in the system or system partition.

    Forces the system to unconfigure the IBM Virtual Shared Disks and remove them. If -f is not specified and any of the IBM Virtual Shared Disks that are to be removed are configured, the command fails.




    Use this command to remove the logical volumes associated with the IBM Virtual Shared Disks and update the backup nodes' Object Data Managers (ODMs), if any exist. The IBM Virtual Shared Disk information will be deleted from the System Data Repository (SDR). The removal of the IBM Virtual Shared Disks is done in the reverse of the order in which they were created. Volume groups are not removed with this command.

    If the IBM Virtual Shared Disk is configured on any of the nodes on the system partition, this command fails, unless the -f flag is specified.
    Note: This command fails if one of the IBM Virtual Shared Disks named in vsd_names belongs to an HSD. To remove IBM Virtual Shared Disks that belong to an HSD, use removehsd.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit delete_vsd
    and select the Remove an IBM Virtual Shared Disk option.


    Specifies the file that contains the command.


    You must have sysctl and sysctl.vsd access and authorization from your system administrator to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: createvsd, removehsd


    To unconfigure and remove all defined IBM Virtual Shared Disks in a system or system partition, enter:

    removevsd -a -f



    resumevsd - Activates an available IBM Virtual Shared Disk.


    resumevsd [-p | -b] -a | vsd_name ...


    Specifies that the primary server node defined for the global volume group is to be the active server.

    Specifies that the secondary server node defined for the global volume group is to be the active server.
    Note: This flag is used only by the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk product.

    Specifies that all the IBM Virtual Shared Disks that have been defined are to be resumed.


    Specifies an IBM Virtual Shared Disk.


    The resumevsd command brings the specified IBM Virtual Shared Disks from the suspended state to the active state. The IBM Virtual Shared Disks remains available. Read and write requests which had been held while the IBM Virtual Shared Disk was in the suspended state are resumed.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit vsd_mgmt
    and select the Resume an IBM Virtual Shared Disk option.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.


    1. If you have the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk product installed and operational, do not use this command. The results may be unpredictable.

      See IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    2. The -b flag is used only by the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk product.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: cfgvsd, ctlvsd, lsvsd, preparevsd, startvsd, stopvsd, suspendvsd, ucfgvsd


    To bring the IBM Virtual Shared Disk vsd1vg1n1 from the suspended state to the active state, enter:

    resumevsd vsd1vg1n1



    rmkp - Removes Kerberos principals.


    rmkp -h

    rmkp [-n] [-v] {name[.instance]|name.|.instance} ...


    Displays usage information.

    Suppresses prompting for confirmation.

    Specifies verbose mode (displays informational messages).


    {name[.instance]|name.|.instance} ...
    Identifies specific principals to remove. When the command is invoked interactively (without the -n flag and not through Sysctl), you can use special notation to select all principals with a particular name or instance that you want to remove. Specify name. to remove all principals with a specific name or .instance to remove all principals with a specific instance.
    Note: The name must be followed by a period and the instance must be preceded by a period.


    Use this command to remove principals from the local Kerberos database. You will be prompted to confirm each deletion prior to its execution. This command will not remove any of the four principals that were predefined by Kerberos when the database was created. Deleted entries are saved in the /var/kerberos/database/<PID> file, in the readable ASCII format produced by the kdb_util dump command. The rmkp command should normally be used only on the primary server. If there are secondary authentication servers, the push-kprop command is invoked to propagate the change to the other servers. The command can be used to update a secondary server's database, but the changes may be negated by a subsequent update from the primary.


    Access control list for kadmin, mkkp, and rmkp.

    Kerberos database files.

    File containing removed Kerberos database entries.

    Standard Output

    When the -v option is omitted, only the prompt for confirmation is written to standard output. When the -v flag is specified, the disposition of each selected principal is indicated by a message, and the name of the file containing the removed entries is printed. The -v flag has no effect on error messages written to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command. At least one principal was found that matched the specified names. Whether or not any were removed depends on the responses you entered when prompted. If you entered a principal that does not exist, or if you entered an operand of the form name. or .instance in noninteractive mode, a message is written to standard error and processing continues with any remaining principals.

    Indicates that an error occurred and no principal was removed. One of the following conditions was detected:


    The rmkp command can be run by the root user logged in on a Kerberos server host. It can be invoked indirectly as a Sysctl procedure by a Kerberos database administrator who has a valid ticket and is listed in the admin_acl.add file.


    When you execute the rmkp command through the Sysctl procedure of the same name, the -n flag is added to your command invocation. This is required because Sysctl does not provide an interactive environment that supports prompting for confirmation. Suppressing confirmation increases the risk of unintentionally removing the wrong principal. In this mode, each principal to be removed must be named explicitly; selection of multiple principals by name or instance alone is not allowed. Since nonroot Kerberos administrators can execute this command only through Sysctl, you must be root on the server to use the special notation for selecting multiple principals.



    Related Information

    Commands: chkp, kadmin, kdb_util, lskp, mkkp, sysctl


    1. To remove Kerberos principal tempuser, enter:
      rmkp tempuser

      You should receive a prompt similar to the following:

      Confirm removal of principal tempuser? (y or n): y

    2. To remove (be given the option to remove) all instances of joe, frank, and the rcmd service principal with instance node 25tr, enter:
      rmkp -v joe. frank rcmd.node25tr

      You should receive prompts similar to the following:

      Confirm removal of principal joe? (y or n): n
      joe was not removed
      Confirm removal of principal joe.admin? (y or n): y
      joe.admin was removed
      Confirm removal of principal frank? (y or n): y
      frank was removed
      Confirm removal of principal rcmd.node25tr? (y or n): y
      rcmd.node25tr was removed
      Removed entries were saved in /var/kerberos/database/



    /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rsh - Executes the specified command at the remote host.


    {rsh | remsh} RemoteHost [-n] [-l user] [-k Kerberos_realm] command


    Specifies that the rsh command should not read from standard input. Use this flag if you are in C shell and run the rsh command in the background.

    -l user
    Specifies that the rsh command should log into the remote host as the named user instead of the local user name. If this flag is not specified, the local and remote user names are the same. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)

    -k Kerberos_realm
    Specifies that the rsh command obtains tickets for the remote host in realm instead of the remote host's default realm.


    Specifies the rsh destination host that runs command.

    Specifies the name of the command to be executed at the RemoteHost.


    The rsh command executes command at RemoteHost. If command is not specified, the usage message is displayed. The rsh command sends standard input from the local command line to the remote command and receives standard output and standard error from the remote command.
    Note: Since any input to the remote command must be specified on the local command line, you cannot use the rsh command to execute an interactive command on a remote host. If you need to execute an interactive command on a remote host, use the AIX rlogin command. If you do not specify a command, the rsh command displays the usage message and exits.

    Remote Command Execution

    While the remote command is executing, pressing the INTERRUPT, TERMINATE, or QUIT key sequences sends the corresponding signal to the remote process. However, pressing the STOP key sequence stops only the local process. Normally, when the remote command terminates, the local rsh process terminates.

    To have shell metacharacters interpreted on the remote host, place the metacharacters inside double quotes (' '). Otherwise, the metacharacters are interpreted by the local shell.

    When using the rsh command, you can create a link to a path (that you have permission to write) using a host name as the link name. For example,

    ln -s /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rsh host_name
    At the prompt, if you enter the host name and a parameter (command), the rsh command is used to remotely execute the command specified on the command line on the remote host called host name. For example, if you are linked to remote host opus and want to perform the date command, you would enter:
    opus date
    At the prompt, if you enter the host name with no parameters, rsh displays the usage message and exits.


    Specifies remote users that can use a local user account.

    Command binary file.

    Link to the /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rsh executable file.


    If you do not specify the -l flag, the local user name is used at the remote host. If -l user is entered, the specified user name is used at the remote host. In either case, the remote host allows access only if at least one of the following conditions is satisfied:

    For security reasons, any $HOME/.klogin file must be owned by either the remote user or root, and only the owner should have read and write access.

    Should user authentication fail or should the authentication subroutine call fail, SP rsh passes the arguments to the AIX rsh command. In this case, the user needs normal AIX rsh access to a host for the command to be successful or the permission denied message is returned. The SP rsh command issues several authentication error messages before passing arguments to the AIX rsh command. The messages are also visible from system management applications that use the SP rsh command.

    This command does not support encryption by users.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to AIX Version 4 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks for a network overview.

    Refer to the chapter on security in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for an overview.

    Refer to Chapter 2, "RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information" section of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for additional Kerberos information.

    Related Information

    SP Commands: kinit, kshd, rcp

    AIX Commands: rcp, rlogin, rshd, telnet


    In the following examples, the local user is listed in the authentication database and has obtained a ticket by issuing a kinit and the password.

    1. To check the amount of free disk space on a remote host, enter:
      /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rsh host2 df
      The amount of free disk space on host2 is displayed on the local system.

    2. To append a remote file to another file on the remote host, place the >> metacharacters in quotation marks, and enter:
      /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rsh host2 cat test1 ">>" test2
      The file test1 is appended to test2 on remote host host2.

    3. To append a remote file at the remote host to a local file, omit the quotation marks, and enter:
      /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rsh host2 cat test2 >> test3
      The remote file test2 on host2 is appended to the local file test3.

    4. To append a remote file to a local file and use a remote user's permissions at the remote host, enter:
      /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rsh host2 -l jane cat test4 >> test5
      The remote file test4 is appended to the local file test5 using user jane's permissions at the remote host.

      This example shows how the root user can issue an rcp on a remote host. The root user must be in the authentication database and must have already issued kinit on the local host. The command is issued at the local host to copy the file, stuff, from node r05n07 to node r05n05.

      /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rsh r05n07 'export KRBTKTFILE=/tmp/rcmdtkt$$; \
      /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rcmdtgt; \
      /usr/lpp/ssp/rcmd/bin/rcp /tmp/stuff r05n05:/tmp/stuff;'

      The root user sets the KRBTKTFILE environment variable to the name of a temporary ticket-cache file and then obtains a service ticket by issuing the rcmdtgt command. The rcp uses the service ticket to authenticate from host r05n07 to host r05n05.



    SDR_test - Verifies that the installation and configuration of the System Data Repository (SDR) component of the SP system completed successfully.


    SDR_test [-q] [-l log_file]


    Specifies quiet mode; suppresses output to standard error.

    -l log_file
    Specifies the path name of the log file to which error messages are written. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)




    This command verifies that the SDR is functioning properly. After clearing out a class name, it creates the class, performs various SDR tasks, and removes the class when done.

    A return code of 0 indicates that the test completed as expected; otherwise it returns the number of failures. If you do not specify the -q flag, a message is displayed on standard output that indicates the success or failure of the tests. In either case, the command returns 0 if successful, 1 if not. If errors are detected, more detailed information is recorded in the log file. If you do not specify the -l flag, error messages are recorded in /var/adm/SPlogs/SDR_test.log.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit SP_verify

    and select the System Data Repository option.


    Path name of this command.

    Default log file.

    Related Information

    Commands: CSS_test, jm_install_verify, jm_verify, SYSMAN_test, spmon_ctest, spmon_itest


    To verify the System Data Repository following installation, saving error messages in sdr_err in the current working directory, enter:

    SDR_test -l sdr_err



    SDRAddSyspar - Creates a new daemon using the System Resource Controller (SRC). The new daemon creates a subdirectory under the /spdata/sys1/sdr/partitions directory.


    SDRAddSyspar IP_address




    Specifies a TCP dotted decimal address (real or alias).



    The System Data Repository (SDR) commands are to be used by the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) system management software. Use of these commands by a user can cause corruption of system configuration data. Exceptions are: SDRArchive, SDRGetObjects, SDRListClasses, SDRListFiles, SDRRetrieveFile, SDR_test, and SDRWhoHasLock.

    This command creates a new instance of the SDR daemon and passes it the IP address of the system partition. It does not perform all of the system management tasks involved in creating a system partition.



    SDRArchive - Archives the entire contents of the System Data Repository (SDR), except for the archives directory, for later retrieval.


    SDRArchive [append_string]




    If specified, the append_string is appended to the name of the backup file.


    Use this command to tar the contents of the SDR and put the file in the /spdata/sys1/sdr/archives subdirectory. You might want to mount this directory from another machine or physical disk drive to protect against a failure of the drive that the SDR exists on. The file name is backup.JULIANdate.HHMM.append_string, where JULIANdate.HHMM is a number or string uniquely identifying the date and time of the archive and append_string is the argument entered in the command invocation, if specified.



    SDRChangeAttrValues - Changes attribute values of one or more objects.


    SDRChangeAttrValues class_name [attr==value ... ] attr=value ...




    Identifies the target object and checks the class to see if it is a system class or a partitioned class.

    Specifies attribute values to match for the change to be made (note double equal signs signifying comparison.)

    Specifies target attribute to change and value to be assigned.



    The System Data Repository (SDR) commands are to be used by the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) system management software. Use of these commands by a user can cause corruption of system configuration data. Exceptions are: SDRArchive, SDRGetObjects, SDRListClasses, SDRListFiles, SDRRetrieveFile, SDR_test, and SDRWhoHasLock.

    This command changes one or more attribute values in a specified object with certain other attribute values.



    SDRClearLock - Unlocks a System Data Repository (SDR) class.


    SDRClearLock class_name




    Identifies the target class and removes the lock on that class if a lock exists.



    The System Data Repository (SDR) commands are to be used by the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) system management software. Use of these commands by a user can cause corruption of system configuration data. Exceptions are: SDRArchive, SDRGetObjects, SDRListClasses, SDRListFiles, SDRRetrieveFile, SDR_test, and SDRWhoHasLock.

    Use this command when a process that obtained a lock ends abnormally and fails to unlock the class.



    SDRCreateAttrs - Creates new attributes for a System Data Repository (SDR) class.


    SDRCreateAttrs class_name attr=datatype ...




    Identifies the target object.

    Names the new attribute and defines the data type as an integer (int), a floating-point value (float), or a string (string).



    The System Data Repository (SDR) commands are to be used by the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) system management software. Use of these commands by a user can cause corruption of system configuration data. Exceptions are: SDRArchive, SDRGetObjects, SDRListClasses, SDRListFiles, SDRRetrieveFile, SDR_test, and SDRWhoHasLock.

    This command creates one or more new attributes for a target class.



    SDRCreateClass - Creates a partitioned class.


    SDRCreateClass class_name attr=datatype ...




    Identifies the new object class.

    Names the new attribute and defines the data type as an integer (int), a floating-point value (float), or a string (string).



    The System Data Repository (SDR) commands are to be used by the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) system management software. Use of these commands by a user can cause corruption of system configuration data. Exceptions are: SDRArchive, SDRGetObjects, SDRListClasses, SDRListFiles, SDRRetrieveFile, SDR_test, and SDRWhoHasLock.

    This command creates a partitioned class and defines its attributes.



    SDRCreateFile - Reads the specified AIX file and puts it in the System Data Repository (SDR) under the specified SDR file name.


    SDRCreateFile AIX_filename SDR_filename




    Identifies the AIX file name to be written to the SDR.

    Specifies the name of the new SDR file.



    The System Data Repository (SDR) commands are to be used by the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) system management software. Use of these commands by a user can cause corruption of system configuration data. Exceptions are: SDRArchive, SDRGetObjects, SDRListClasses, SDRListFiles, SDRRetrieveFile, SDR_test, and SDRWhoHasLock.

    This command creates a partitioned SDR file from an AIX file. Use SDRCreateSystemFile to create a system file. Use SDRRetrieveFile to retrieve the file.



    SDRCreateObjects - Creates new objects in a system class or a partitioned class.


    SDRCreateObjects class_name attr=value ...




    Identifies the class of the new objects.

    Specifies the target attribute and value to be assigned.



    The System Data Repository (SDR) commands are to be used by the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) system management software. Use of these commands by a user can cause corruption of system configuration data. Exceptions are: SDRArchive, SDRGetObjects, SDRListClasses, SDRListFiles, SDRRetrieveFile, SDR_test, and SDRWhoHasLock.

    This command creates one or more new objects. Not all attributes for an object need to be specified in this call; however, a subset of the attributes that uniquely identify this object must be entered at this time.



    SDRCreateSystemClass - Creates a system class.


    SDRCreateSystemClass class_name attr=datatype ...




    Identifies the new object class.

    Names the new attribute and defines the data type as an integer (int), a floating-point value (float), or a string (string).



    The System Data Repository (SDR) commands are to be used by the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) system management software. Use of these commands by a user can cause corruption of system configuration data. Exceptions are: SDRArchive, SDRGetObjects, SDRListClasses, SDRListFiles, SDRRetrieveFile, SDR_test, and SDRWhoHasLock.

    This command creates a system class and defines its attributes.



    SDRCreateSystemFile - Creates a file that can be retrieved from any system partition.


    SDRCreateSystemFile AIX_filename SDR_filename




    Specifies the AIX file name.

    Specifies the System Data Repository (SDR) file name.



    The System Data Repository (SDR) commands are to be used by the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) system management software. Use of these commands by a user can cause corruption of system configuration data. Exceptions are: SDRArchive, SDRGetObjects, SDRListClasses, SDRListFiles, SDRRetrieveFile, SDR_test, and SDRWhoHasLock.

    This command reads the AIX file and puts it in the repository under the SDR file name. Note that only ASCII files can be saved. Results are unpredictable if binary files are used with this command. Clients connected to any system partition can read this file.

    Use SDRRetrieveFile to retrieve this file. If a system file and a partitioned file exist with the same name, the partitioned file will be returned from SDRRetrieveFile.



    SDRDeleteFile - Deletes the specified System Data Repository (SDR) file.


    SDRDeleteFile SDR_filename




    Specifies the name of the SDR file to be deleted.



    The System Data Repository (SDR) commands are to be used by the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) system management software. Use of these commands by a user can cause corruption of system configuration data. Exceptions are: SDRArchive, SDRGetObjects, SDRListClasses, SDRListFiles, SDRRetrieveFile, SDR_test, and SDRWhoHasLock.

    This command deletes the partitioned file SDR_filename, if it exists. If the SDR_filename partitioned file does not exist, it will delete the SDR_filename system file. This command will not delete both the partitioned file and the system file.



    SDRDeleteObjects - Deletes objects from the System Data Repository (SDR).


    SDRDeleteObjects class_name [attr==value ... ]




    Identifies the class of the object to be deleted.

    Specifies specific attribute values to match to qualify the object for deletion.



    The System Data Repository (SDR) commands are to be used by the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) system management software. Use of these commands by a user can cause corruption of system configuration data. Exceptions are: SDRArchive, SDRGetObjects, SDRListClasses, SDRListFiles, SDRRetrieveFile, SDR_test, and SDRWhoHasLock.

    This command deletes one or more objects. All objects in the specified class with attribute values matching those specified are deleted. If no attr==value pairs are specified, this command will match all objects in the class and all objects will be deleted.



    SDRGetObjects - Sends contents of attributes in specified object to standard output.


    [-G] [-x] [-q] [-d delimiter] class_name
    [attr==value ...] [attr ...]


    For a partitioned class, returns the objects that match the attr==value arguments in the class specified from all system partitions. For system classes, the -G option has no effect.

    Inhibits the output of the header line.

    Specifies quiet mode; suppresses message output to standard error.

    -d delimiter
    Allows the user to specify a delimiter in the output.


    Identifies the target class.

    Specifies attribute values to match to qualify the objects for the operation (note the double equal signs, which signify comparison.)

    Specifies which attribute values should be returned by the command. The order of these arguments is the order they are written in the output. If no attr arguments are entered, all attributes will be selected.


    This command retrieves and sends to standard output attribute values in the specified objects.


    1. To query the SDR Adapter class for the node number and network address of all switch adapters, enter:
      SDRGetObjects -G Adapter adapter_type==css0 node_number netaddr

      You should receive output similar to the following:

      node_number netaddr

    2. To determine the reliable host name, switch node number, and switch chip port of every Node object, enter:
      SDRGetObjects -G Node reliable_hostname switch_node_number \

      You should receive output similar to the following:

      reliable_hostname switch_node_number switch_chip_port            0            3            2            0            4            1            5            0            6            2            7            3            8            3            9            2           10            0           11            1           12            1           13            0           14            2           15            3

    3. To save each node's node number and hardware Ethernet addresses (which is needed for netboot) in a file called without the SDR header class information, enter:
      SDRGetObjects -G -x Node node_number hdw_enet_addr > /etc/

      You should receive output similar to the following:

                1 02608C2D58D2
                3 10005AFA2375
                4 10005AFA22CE
                5 10005AFA22B2
                6 10005AFA2410
                7 10005AFA223F
                8 10005AFA2417
                9 02608C2DA0C7
               11 02608C2D9F62
               13 02608C2D9E75
               15 10005AFA1B03
               16 10005AFA2B9B



    SDRListClasses - Lists the class names in the System Data Repository (SDR).








    This command outputs all of the class names (system and partitioned) currently defined in the SDR to standard output.



    SDRListFiles - Lists all of the files in the system file area first, then lists all of the files in the system partition area.








    This command outputs all the system partition files first, then the system files.



    SDRMoveObjects - Moves objects from one system partition to another.


    SDRMoveObjects source_syspar target_syspar class_name [attr==value ...]




    Specifies the system partition from which objects are to be moved.

    Specifies the system partition to which objects should be moved.

    Identifies the target object.

    Specifies attribute values to be moved.



    The System Data Repository (SDR) commands are to be used by the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) system management software. Use of these commands by a user can cause corruption of system configuration data. Exceptions are: SDRArchive, SDRGetObjects, SDRListClasses, SDRListFiles, SDRRetrieveFile, SDR_test, and SDRWhoHasLock.

    This command moves any objects in class_name that match all of the attr==value pairs from the source_syspar to the target_syspar.



    SDRRemoveSyspar - Removes all of the partitioned classes in the System Data Repository (SDR) associated with the system partition whose address is IP_address. It removes the daemon that serves this system partition using the System Resource Controller (SRC).


    SDRRemoveSyspar IP_address




    Specifies the dotted decimal address (real or alias) of a system partition.



    The System Data Repository (SDR) commands are to be used by the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) system management software. Use of these commands by a user can cause corruption of system configuration data. Exceptions are: SDRArchive, SDRGetObjects, SDRListClasses, SDRListFiles, SDRRetrieveFile, SDR_test, and SDRWhoHasLock.

    This command deletes a system partition in the SDR. It does not perform all of the system management tasks involved in deleting a system partition.



    SDRReplaceFile - Replaces the specified System Data Repository (SDR) file with the specified AIX file.


    SDRReplaceFile AIX_filename SDR_filename




    Identifies the AIX file name to be written to the SDR.

    Specifies the name of the SDR file to be overwritten.



    The System Data Repository (SDR) commands are to be used by the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) system management software. Use of these commands by a user can cause corruption of system configuration data. Exceptions are: SDRArchive, SDRGetObjects, SDRListClasses, SDRListFiles, SDRRetrieveFile, SDR_test, and SDRWhoHasLock.

    This command searches first for a partitioned file, then for a system file, and replaces the first one found.



    SDRRestore - Extracts the contents of the archived System Data Repository (SDR).


    SDRRestore archive_file




    Indicates the name of the archive file. The file name is backup.JULIANdate.HHMM, where JULIANdate.HHMM is a number or string uniquely identifying the time of the archive.



    The System Data Repository (SDR) commands are to be used by the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) system management software. Use of these commands by a user can cause corruption of system configuration data. Exceptions are: SDRArchive, SDRGetObjects, SDRListClasses, SDRListFiles, SDRRetrieveFile, SDR_test, and SDRWhoHasLock.

    Use this command to remove the contents of the SDR and retrieve the archived contents of the archive_file. The archive_file must be in the /spdata/sys1/sdr/archives directory. Any new SDR daemons that represent partitions in the restored SDR are then started and any daemons that are not in the new SDR are stopped.

    Related Information

    Command: SDRArchive



    SDRRetrieveFile - Retrieves the specified System Data Repository (SDR) file into an AIX file.


    SDRRetrieveFile SDR_filename AIX_filename




    Specifies the name of the SDR file to be retrieved.

    Identifies the name of the AIX file to be written.


    This command searches first for a partitioned file, then for a system file if a partitioned file was not found.



    SDRWhoHasLock - Returns transaction ID of lock on specified class.


    SDRWhoHasLock class_name




    Identifies the target object class.


    The lock transaction ID returned from this command takes the form host_name:pid:session, where host_name is the long name of the machine running the process with the lock, pid is the process ID of the process that has the lock, and session is the number of the client's session with the System Data Repository (SDR).



    seqfile - Creates node sequence files for system startup and shutdown using information in the System Data Repository (SDR).




    Includes lines for boot/install servers as well as /usr servers. Specify this option to create lines for /etc/cstartSeq.




    seqfile uses information in the SDR to determine dependencies of SP nodes on /usr and, optionally, and boot/install servers, and to write the dependencies to standard output in the format of the node sequence files /etc/cstartSeq and /etc/cshutSeq.

    /usr servers must shut down after and start up before their clients. Boot-install servers must start up before their clients. The node sequence files, /etc/cshutSeq and /etc/cstartSeq, have lines that describe these dependencies. The seqfile command eliminates the need for you to create these files from scratch. If the nodes in your system have sequencing dependencies in addition to those related to boot/install and /usr servers and clients, you can edit the output of seqfile to define those relationships.

    seqfile defines only the nodes that have dependencies; if there are no /usr or boot/install dependencies, seqfile generates no output.

    If you do not have a /etc/cstartSeq or /etc/cshutSeq file, the cstartup and cshutdown commands use seqfile to determine the default startup or shutdown sequence.


    The following files reside on the control workstation:

    The seqfile command.

    Describes the sequence in which the nodes should be shut down. Nodes not listed in the file are shut down concurrently with listed nodes. If the file is empty, all nodes are shut down concurrently. If the file does not exist, cshutdown uses the output of seqfile as a temporary sequencing default.

    Describes the sequence in which the nodes should be started. Nodes not listed in the file are started up concurrently with listed nodes. If the file is empty, all nodes are started up concurrently. If the file does not exist, cstartup uses the output of seqfile as a temporary sequencing default.

    Related Information

    Commands: cshutdown, cstartup


    1. To create the node sequence file for system startup from information in the SDR, enter:
      seqfile -b > /etc/cstartSeq

    2. To create the node sequence file for system shutdown from information in the SDR, enter:
      seqfile > /etc/cshutSeq

    3. To view the sequence used during system shutdown in the absence of a /etc/cshutSeq file, enter:
      seqfile | more



    services_config - Configures designated services on nodes or the control workstation.








    Use this command to configure SP services on the node or control workstation.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: setup_server, spbootins


    To configure the SP services on a node or the control workstation, enter:




    sethacws - Sets the state of the control workstation.


    sethacws state




    Specifies a number of the set: 0, 1, 2, 16, 32.


    Use this command to set the current state of the control workstation. It is valid only when issued on the control workstation. When the command is executed and the calling process is not on a control workstation, an error occurs.
    Note: The High Availability Cluster Multiprocessing (HACMP) event scripts and installation scripts supplied with the High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS) option of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP), set the control workstation state. The state is changed during fail over or reintegration in the HACWS supplied pre- and post-event scripts for HACMP. The administrator should not normally have to set the control workstation state.

    Exit Values

    Indicates successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that the command could not access the control workstation state location.

    Indicates that the command was executed with a control workstation state that was not valid.

    Indicates that the command was not executed on a control workstation.

    The following are the valid state values and their defined control workstation state:

    Indicates that the configuration is not an HACWS configuration, but is a control workstation.

    Indicates that this is the primary control workstation, but not the active control workstation.

    Indicates that this is the primary and active control workstation.

    Indicates that this is the backup control workstation and not the active control workstation.

    Indicates that this is the backup and active control workstation.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for information on the HACWS option.



    Related Information

    Command: lshacws

    Subroutines: hacws_set, hacws_stat


    1. To set the control workstation state as a backup and active control workstation, enter:
      sethacws 32

    2. To set the control workstation state as a backup and inactive control workstation, enter:
      sethacws 16

    3. To set the control workstation state as a primary and active control workstation, enter:
      sethacws 2

    4. To set the control workstation state as a primary and inactive control workstation, enter:
      sethacws 1

    5. To set the control workstation state as a control workstation but not an HACWS configuration, enter:
      sethacws 0



    setup_authent - Sets up a workstation to use SP authentication services.








    The setup_authent command configures SP authentication services during SP installation on the control workstation and on other IBM RS/6000 workstations connected to an SP system. It is not executed on SP nodes, where authenticated client services are automatically installed. Executing this command invokes an interactive dialog, in which instructions for the various steps are displayed and various utility programs are invoked to accomplish the configuration.

    There are several ways that setup_authent can configure these services. The method chosen is based on runtime choice, the combination of SP options installed on the workstation, and the contents of any predefined authentication configuration file that you have supplied.

    Primary Server: When the local system is to be configured as the primary server, both ssp.clients and ssp.authent SP options must have been installed. You may supply the configuration files, /etc/krb.conf and /etc/krb.realms, or let the system create one that lists the local system as the sole authentication server in the local realm. This command creates the files used by the authentication and ticket granting services. These include the configuration files, the authentication database files, and the master key cache file. The server daemon, kerberos, is added to the inittab and started.

    The administration of the authentication database is handled by the kadmind daemon, which is also added to inittab and started. The setup_authent command requires you to define the initial principal who administers the database. Access control list files are created containing this name, to be used by kadmind for authorization.

    This command invokes kinit to log you in as this administrator, in order to define additional principals used by the SP authenticated services for monitoring and system administration. A server key file is created for use by the monitor commands, SP remote commands, and Sysctl remote command execution facility.

    Backup Server: When the local workstation is to be configured as a secondary server, ssp.clients and ssp.authent must be installed. You must supply the configuration files, listing the local host as a slave server and some other workstation as the primary authentication server. The primary server must be configured and running and be available by standard TCP/IP connection to the local host.

    You are required to authenticate your identity as the administrative user that you defined when you configured the primary server. The service principals for the local host are added to the primary database, and the server key file is created for them. Then the kpropd daemon is used in conjunction with the kprop command (executed remotely on the primary server) to copy the master database onto the local system. The server daemon, kerberos, is then added to the inittab and started.

    Authentication Server: When the local host is to be configured only to provide authentication client services, just ssp.clients needs to be installed. As in the case of the slave server, you must supply the configuration files. In this case, however, the local host is not listed as a server. setup_authent simply requires the information to know how to get to the primary authentication server (already configured and accessible).

    You are required to authenticate your identity as the administrative user that you defined when you configured the primary server. The service principals for the local host are added to the primary database, and the server key file is created for them.

    Using AFS Authentication Services: When AFS authentication is to be configured, the local host must have already been established as either an AFS server or an AFS client. The CellServDB and ThisCell files are expected to exist in the /usr/vice/etc directory (or linked to that path). ssp.clients is the only required SP authentication option. When setup_authent finds these AFS configuration files on the local system, it allows you the choice of whether to use AFS authentication. If you choose not to use AFS, processing follows one of the other three variations described previously. When using AFS, you must supply an AFS user name and password that is a valid administrative ID in the local AFS cell. setup_authent creates the local service principals in the AFS database and creates a server key file for the SP authenticated services to use on the local host.

    If you choose AFS authentication, you must do so for all workstations you configure with setup_authent, including the control workstation for your SP system.

    You can reexecute setup_authent to change the configuration of your authentication services, but you add varying degrees of risk to system operations depending on how far you have progressed in the installation of the control workstation and nodes. Running it again on the control workstation prior to executing install_cw is not a problem. Reconfiguring a client workstation has little risk of disruption. A slave can be reconfigured provided the primary server is available. If the primary server must be reconfigured, all slave and client systems have to be reconfigured after the new primary server is up. If the control workstation is an authentication server, you have to recustomize any SP nodes previously booted, after running setup_authent.


    Master key cache file.

    Authentication configuration file.

    Authentication configuration file.

    Server key file.

    Access Control List files.

    /var/kerberos/database/principal.pag, /var/kerberos/database/principal.dir
    Authentication database files.

    /usr/vice/etc/CellServDB, /usr/vice/etc/ThisCell
    AFS configuration files.

    Related Information

    Commands: add_principal, ext_srvtab, kadmind, kdb_edit, kdb_init, kdb_util, kerberos, kinit, klist, krb_conf, krb_realms, ksrvutil, kstash

    Refer to Chapter 2, "RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information" section of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for additional Kerberos information.



    setup_CWS - Updates control workstation files and directories for installation tasks.


    setup_CWS [-h]


    Displays usage information. If the command is issued with the -h flag, the syntax description is displayed to standard output and no other action is taken.




    Use this command to update control workstation files and directories for installation tasks. This includes control workstation-specific Kerberos and other files. This command can only be run on the control workstation.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: setup_server


    To update the control workstation environment for installation, enter:




    setup_logd - Sets up the logging daemon (splogd). This is called by installation scripts when the IBM RS/6000 control workstation is installed. It can also be run by root on a different workstation to have splogd spawned by the System Resource Controller (SRC).








    To run the splogd logging daemon on a workstation other than the control workstation, install the ssp.clients option on that workstation and run setup_logd. You may want to do this in order to do the following:

    1. Offload error logging from the control workstation

    2. Have your own script called when a state change on a particular variable or variables occurs

    By default the /spdata/sys1/spmon/hwevents file is set up to do error logging and state change logging for all frames. If you are installing splogd on a workstation besides the control workstation in order to call your own script, you should edit the /spdata/sys1/spmon/hwevents file, removing the entries for SP_STATE_LOG and SP_ERROR_LOG and add a call for your own script. Refer to the splogd command for instructions.

    The setup_logd command performs the following steps:

    1. Creates directories in /var/adm that the logging daemon uses, if they do not already exist.

    2. Adds an entry to syslog.conf for daemon.notice and sends a HUP signal to syslogd to reread its configuration file.

    3. Adds errlog templates for SP messages.

    4. Adds the splogd daemon to SRC as the splogd subsystem.

    5. Adds an entry for splogd to /etc/inittab.

    If you do not want to perform any of the preceding steps on your workstation, do not run setup_logd. If you are only using splogd to call your own script, you might only want to do step 4 and step 5 (add splogd to SRC and /etc/inittab).

    To run the logging daemon on a separate workstation, you must add the following to the /etc/environment file:

    To move a subset of error logging off of the control workstation, edit /spdata/sys1/spmon/hwevents on the control workstation to define the subset that you want to monitor. Then stopsrc and startsrc the logging daemon on the control workstation to reread the hwevents file.

    Starting and Stopping the splogd Daemon

    The splogd daemon is under System Resource Controller (SRC) control. It uses the signal method of communication in SRC. The splogd daemon is a single subsystem and not associated with any SRC group. The subsystem name is splogd. In order to start the splogd daemon, use the startsrc -s splogd command. This starts the daemon with the default arguments and SRC options. The splogd daemon is setup to be respawnable and be the only instance of the splogd daemon running on a particular node or control workstation. Do not start the splogd daemon from the command line without using the startsrc command to start it.

    To stop the splogd daemon, use the stopsrc -s splogd command. This stops the daemon and does not allow it to respawn.

    To display the status of the splogd daemon, use the lssrc -s splogd command.

    If the default startup arguments need to be changed, use the chssys command to change the startup arguments or the SRC options. Refer to AIX Version 4 Commands Reference and AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs for more information about daemons under SRC control and how to modify daemon arguments when under SRC.

    To view the current SRC options and daemon arguments, use the odmget -q "subsysname=splogd" SRCsubsys command.


    AIX file that contains a list of parameters to be brought up during initialization.

    File that describes what logging is performed and what user exits are called.

    Describes where syslog messages are logged.

    Related Information

    Daemon: splogd

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Installation and Migration Guide for more information on setting up Hardware Monitor clients on separate workstations and the System Resource Controller.


    1. To start the splogd daemon, enter:
      startsrc -s splogd

    2. To stop the splogd daemon, enter:
      stopsrc -s splogd

    3. To display the status of the splogd daemon, enter:
      lssrc -s splogd

    4. To display the status of all the daemons under SRC control, enter:
      lssrc -a

    5. To display the current SRC options and daemon arguments for the splogd daemon, enter:
      odmget -q "subsysname=splogd" SRCsubsys



    setup_server - Configures a node or control workstation as a boot/install server.


    setup_server [-h]


    Displays usage information. If the command is issued with the -h flag, the syntax description is displayed to standard output and no other action is taken.




    Use this command to set up the node on which it is run as a boot/install server for client nodes as defined in the System Data Repository (SDR).

    On a boot/install server, this command:

    You must have a ticket-granting-ticket to run this command. Refer to the chapter on security in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information on ticket-granting-tickets.

    If you do not have a ticket-granting-ticket, you must run kinit.

    Creation of the Network Installation Management (NIM) lppsource resource on a boot/install server will result in setup_server creating a lock in the lppsource directory on the control workstation. The setup_server command calls mknimres which creates the lock.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: allnimres, create_krb_files, delnimclient, delnimmast, export_clients, mkconfig, mkinstall, mknimclient, mknimint, mknimmast, mknimres, setup_CWS, unallnimres


    To prepare a boot/install server node, enter the following on that node:




    sp_configd - Starts the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) SP Proxy daemon as a background process.


    sp_configd [-T] [-t secs] [-s secs] [-e secs]


    Specifies whether to perform internal tracing. Trace entries are placed in the /var/tmp/sp_config.log file. The default is off.

    -t secs
    Specifies the amount of time, data instance values that are nonconstant should be kept in cache before being considered stale. This is used to improve the performance associated with a dump of the ibmSPEMVarValuesTable (which is a series of SNMP getnext-requests). When a specific instance value from this table is requested by an SNMP get-request, the latest value is obtained from the SP Event Manager (EM) regardless of the amount of elapsed time since the last request for this data. If the -t flag is not specified, a default value of 720 seconds is used.

    -s secs
    Specifies the amount of elapsed time between sending requests for the SP EM to determine the set of EM variables for which a resource monitor is currently active. Current EM resource instance values can only be obtained for those EM resource which are currently being monitored. If the -s flag is not specified, a default value of 1200 seconds is used.

    -e secs
    Specifies the amount of elapsed time between retrying failed EM connection attempts. EM connection initialization causes requests to be sent to the System Data Repository (SDR) which may hinder performance if attempted too frequently. If the -e flag is not specified, a default value of 60 seconds is used.




    The sp_configd daemon is internally configured as an SNMP Multiplexing Protocol (SMUX) peer, or proxy agent, of the snmpd daemon on the control workstation and on each node of the SP. For more information, refer to the "Managing SP System Events in a Network Environment" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    The sp_configd daemon provides the following functions:

    The snmpd daemon should be active before the sp_configd daemon is started. The following command activates the snmpd daemon:

    startsrc -s snmpd

    The snmpd daemon is controlled by the System Resource Controller (SRC) and activated whenever the system is initialized.

    The sp_configd daemon has several sessions with the EM. These sessions are used to maintain SP EM variable instance data and information from the last trap issued associated with an SP EM event. See the haem command for information on starting the SP Event Manager.

    The sp_configd daemon should be controlled using the SRC. IBM suggests that you do not enter sp_configd at the command line.

    Manipulating the sp_configd Daemon with the System Resource Controller

    The sp_configd daemon is a subsystem controlled by the SRC. Use the following SRC commands to manipulate the sp_configd daemon:

    Gets the status of a subsystem, group of subsystems, or a subserver. The long status form of the lssrc command is not supported.

    Starts a subsystem, group of subsystems, or a subserver. Issuing the startsrc command causes the sp_configd daemon to generate a coldStart trap. Use the -a switch to override default switch values.

    Stops a subsystem, group of subsystems, or a subserver.


    Contains port assignments for required services. The following entry must be present in the /etc/services file if the entries are not already present:
    smux 199/tcp


    1. The SMUX port must be 199.

    2. The /etc/services file is shipped with this entry already in place.

    3. If the /etc/services file is being served from a server, this entry must be present in the server's /etc/services file.

    Specifies the SMUX association configuration for the sp_configd Proxy Agent. The following entry must be present:
    smux    sp_configd_pw    # sp_configd
    These entries are created when the SP is installed.

    Specifies the configuration for the sp_configd SMUX peer. The following entry must be present:
    sp_configd    sp_configd_pw
    These entries are created when the SP is installed.


    You must have root privilege to run this command or be a member of the system group.

    Related Information

    See the "Understanding the SNMP Daemon" and "Problem Determination for the SNMP Daemon" chapters in AIX Version 3.2 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks.

    See the "Understanding the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", "Understanding the Management Information Base (MIB)", and "xgmon Overview for Programmers" chapters in AIX Version 3.2 Communication Programming Concepts.

    See the "Managing SP System Events in a Network Environment" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.


    1. To start the sp_configd daemon, enter a command similar to the following:
      startsrc -s sp_configd -a '-T'

      This command starts the sp_configd daemon and logs information to the /var/tmp/sp_configd.log file.

    2. To stop the sp_configd daemon normally, enter:
      stopsrc -s sp_configd

      This command stops the daemon. The -s flag specifies the subsystem that follows to be stopped.

    3. To get short status from the sp_configd daemon, enter:
      lssrc -s sp_configd

      This command returns the daemon name, process ID, and state (active or inactive).

    sp_configdctrl Script


    sp_configdctrl - A control script that is used to manage the installation of the SP Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Proxy Agent subsystem.


    sp_configdctrl { -a | -s | -k | -d | -c | -t | -o | -r | -h }


    Adds the subsystem.

    Starts the subsystem.

    Stops the subsystem.

    Deletes the subsystem.

    Cleans the subsystem, that is, deletes it.

    Turns tracing on for the subsystem.

    Turns tracing off for the subsystem.

    Refreshes the subsystem.

    Displays usage information.




    Use this command to install or remove the SP SNMP Proxy Agent daemon. This command can be issued only by a user with root privileges or by a member of the system group.

    The sp_configdctrl control script controls the operation of the SP SNMP Proxy Agent subsystem. The subsystem is under the control of the System Resource Controller (SRC). The subsystem is called sp_configd.

    An instance of the SP SNMP Proxy Agent subsystem executes on the control workstation and on every node of a system partition. Because the information about SP nodes and Event Manager (EM) variables exists in system partitions, it is said to be system partition-sensitive. This control script operates in a manner similar to the control scripts of other system partition-sensitive subsystems. It can be issued from either the control workstation or any of the system partition's nodes.

    From an operational point of view, the SP SNMP Proxy Agent subsystem group is organized as follows:

    SP SNMP Proxy Agent

    Subsystem Group

    SRC Subsystem Name

    The sp_configd subsystem is associated with the sp_configd daemon.

    The subsystem name on the nodes and the control workstation is sp_configd. There is one daemon per node and control workstation.


    The sp_configd daemon provides the SP SNMP Proxy Agent function.

    The sp_configdctrl script is not normally executed from the command line. It is normally called by the syspar_ctrl command during installation of the system, and partitioning or repartitioning of the system.

    The sp_configdctrl script provides a variety of controls for operating the SP SNMP Proxy Agent subsystem:

    Adding the Subsystem

    When the -a flag is specified, the control script uses the mkssys command to add the SP SNMP Proxy Agent subsystem to the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It makes sure that the sp_configd daemon is stopped.

    2. It removes the sp_configd subsystem from the SRC (just in case it is still there).

    3. It adds the sp_configd subsystem to the SRC.

    4. It adds an entry for the sp_configd subsystem to the /etc/inittab file. The entry ensures that the subsystem is started during boot.

    5. It adds a smux entry to the /etc/snmpd.conf file and a password entry to the /etc/snmpd.peers file for the sp_configd Proxy Agent if they do not currently exist.

    6. It appends the ibmSP MIB definitions to the /etc/mib.defs file if they do not currently exist.

    7. It issues a refresh -s snmpd command so that snmpd processes the new entries placed in the /etc/snmpd.conf and /etc/snmpd.peers files.

    8. It adds an errnotify stanza for the snmp_trap_gen function to the Object Data Manager (ODM). This function notifies the SP SNMP Proxy Agent when an entry is written to the AIX errlog which has a template specifying Alert = true.

    Starting the Subsystem

    When the -s flag is specified, the control script uses the startsrc command to start the SP SNMP Proxy Agent subsystem, sp_configd.

    Stopping the Subsystem

    When the -k flag is specified, the control script uses the stopsrc command to stop the SP SNMP Proxy Agent subsystem, sp_configd.

    Deleting the Subsystem

    When the -d flag is specified, the control script uses the rmssys command to remove the SP SNMP Proxy Agent subsystem from the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It makes sure that the sp_configd daemon is stopped.

    2. It removes the sp_configd subsystem from the SRC using the rmssys command.

    3. It removes the entry for the sp_configd subsystem from the /etc/inittab file.

    4. It removes entries from /etcsnmpd.conf and /etc/snmpd.peers and removes ibmSP MIB definitions from /etc/mib.defs.

    Cleaning Up the Subsystem

    When the -c flag is specified, the control script stops and removes the SP SNMP Proxy Agent subsystem from the SRC. The control script operates as follows:

    1. It stops the subsystem using the stopsrc -s sp_configd command.

    2. It removes the subsystem from the SRC using the rmssys command.

    3. It removes entries from /etcsnmpd.conf and /etc/snmpd.peers and removes ibmSP MIB definitions from /etc/mib.defs.

    Turning Tracing On

    When the -t flag is specified, the control script turns tracing on for the sp_configd daemon, by stopping the daemon and restarting it with the -T option.

    Turning Tracing Off

    When the -o flag is specified, the control script turns tracing off for the sp_configd daemon, by stopping the daemon and restarting it without the -T option.

    Refreshing the Subsystem

    The -r flag has no effect for this subsystem.


    Contains password entries.

    Contains smux entries.

    Contains the ibmSP MIB definitions.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must be running with an effective user ID of root.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    AIX Version 4 Commands Reference

    Information about the System Resource Controller (SRC) in AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs



    Related Information

    Commands: sp_configd


    1. To add the SP SNMP Proxy Agent subsystem to the SRC in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name, enter:
      sp_configdctrl -a

    2. To start the SP SNMP Proxy Agent subsystem in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name, enter:
      sp_configdctrl -s

    3. To stop the SP SNMP Proxy Agent subsystem in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name, enter:
      sp_configdctrl -k

    4. To delete the SP SNMP Proxy Agent subsystem from the SRC in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name, enter:
      sp_configdctrl -d

    5. To clean up the SP SNMP Proxy Agent subsystem on all system partitions, enter:
      sp_configdctrl -c

    6. To turn tracing on for the sp_configd daemon in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name, enter:
      sp_configdctrl -t

    7. To turn tracing off for the sp_configd daemon in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name, enter:
      sp_configdctrl -o

    8. To display the status of the SP SNMP Proxy Agent subsystem on a node or the control workstation, enter:
      lssrc -s sp_configd



    spacctnd - Enters accounting data into the System Data Repository for a node or group of nodes.


    {[-c acct_class_id] | [-e {true | false | default}]
    [-j acct_job_charge] [-x {true | false}]}
    {start_frame start_slot node_count | -N node_group | -l node_list}


    -c acct_class_id
    Indicates that the accounting class identifier attribute of each specified node should be changed to the value of acct_class_id. The accounting class identifier is an arbitrary string. All nodes with the same string value constitute a class for purposes of grouping and merging accounting data.

    Indicates that the accounting enabled attribute of each specified node should be changed. The accounting enabled attribute is an indicator of whether accounting is enabled for the node. The possible values are:
    Accounting is enabled
    Accounting is disabled
    Accounting is enabled based on the value of the SP accounting enabled attribute

    -j acct_job_charge
    Indicates that the accounting job charge value of each specified node should be changed to the value of acct_job_charge. The job charge value is used to determine the number of charge fee units to charge a user for exclusive use of the node. Its value is in units of seconds per charge fee unit. This value must be expressed as a float value with one or more digits followed by a decimal point which is followed by one or more digits.

    Indicates whether accounting start and end job records and thus chargefee records are generated for jobs having exclusive use of the node. A value of true specifies that exclusive use accounting is enabled and start and end job records are generated. A value of false specifies that exclusive use accounting is not enabled and start and end job records are not generated.

    -N node_group
    Specifies a node group to be used for this operation. This node group must be bound to the current system partition.

    -l node_list
    Specifies a list of nodes to be used for this operation. Either specify a comma-delimited list of node numbers, or a file containing one line of data which is a comma-delimited list of node numbers. The file can also contain comment lines (preceded by a #) and lines that are all white space. If you use the node_list field, do not use the start_frame, start_slot, or node_count fields. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)


    Indicates which frame is the starting frame for the range of nodes in this operation. If you use the start_frame, start_slot, and node_count fields, do not use the node_list field. Select a value from 1 through 64.

    Indicates which slot is the starting slot for the range of nodes in this operation. The slot is the position in the rack that a node occupies. For example, for a thin node which is the second node in a rack that has a wide node in the first slot, the slot number is 3. If you use start_frame, start_slot, and node_count, do not use the node_list field. Specify the start slot as a number from 1 through 16.
    Note: The start_frame and start_slot must resolve to a node in the current system partition.

    Indicates which nodes are to be used for the range of nodes in this operation. If the combination of start_slot and node_count goes past the nodes in a frame, the next sequential frame is used for the operation. If you use start_frame, start_slot, and node_count, do not use the node_list field. Specify a value from 1 through 1024.
    Note: The node_count is considered to be within the current system partition.


    Run this command during installation of the SP or later to set the accounting class identifier, the accounting enabled attribute, job charge value or the exclusive use accounting enabled attribute of a node or set of nodes.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the spacctnd command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit node_data
    and select the Accounting Information option.
    Note: This command should be run only on the control workstation. You must be logged into the control workstation as root to execute this command.


    The following example adds accounting SDR information for a system with 2 frames and 32 nodes. Accounting and exclusive use accounting is to be enabled for each node and 60 seconds of exclusive use by a user is to constitute one charge fee unit.

    spacctnd -e true -j 60.0 -x true 1 1 32



    spacs_cntrl - Controls interactive access to SP nodes.


    [-v -s] [-d] [-h] [-l] [-f file_name] [-n netgroup_name]
    {allow | block | deny | unblock} user_name ...


    Specifies debugging mode. Displays additional messages, when available, to trace program flow and system errors.

    -f file_name
    Specifies the name of a file in which the user names to be allowed or denied access are listed in a column.

    Displays the usage message when present on the command line.

    Specifies log messages. This flag logs messages to the /var/adm/SPlogs/spacs/spacs.log file. Included are all messages regarding user states that are be displayed if the -v flag is specified, as well as any debug messages if -d is specified. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)

    Specifies suppress mode. No error messages displayed. If -l is specified, error messages are sent to log file.

    Specifies verbose mode. A message is displayed for each user, containing the date, time and state of the user. User states resulting from this command include:
    Access was removed
    Access was allowed
    Access removed, user allowed
    Access removed, user denied
    Access allowed, user allowed
    Access allowed, user denied
    User name is not valid or is root.

    -n netgroup_name
    Accepts one NIS netgroup name of a netgroup that contains user names in the user field. Netgroups embedded in a given netgroup name is resolved.

    Used by job submission systems such as the Resource Manager. Requests that interactive access be granted to run a parallel job. Result depends on user state.

    Used by root user to set user state to a known denied state and remove user state information used by job submission systems.

    Used by job submission systems such as the Resource Manager. Requests that interactive access be denied after running parallel job. Result depends on user state.

    Used by root user to set user state to a known allowed state and remove user state information used by job submission systems.


    Specifies the user name for which access is to be allowed or denied. Delineate with a blank space if specifying more than one user name.


    Use caution when issuing this command while the Resource Manager is running. If the Resource Manager is configured to use Login Control, you may cause loss of user state information. For more Login Control information, refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    The following types of access can be disallowed when spacs_cntrl block or deny is used:

    AIX rsh
    AIX rcp
    AIX rexec
    SP rsh
    SP rcp

    The spacs_cntrl command does not allow individual types of access to be disallowed.

    Duplicate user names are removed from the user list whether entered from the command line or in a file.

    If you add a new user to a node for which all users are denied, you must reissue spacs_cntrl to deny the new user as well.

    Flags and Logging

    Flags specified in combination have the following results:

    Error messages go to standard output.
    Error messages got to standard output and are logged.
    -l -s
    Error messages go to log only.
    Error messages suppressed.
    -l -d -v -s
    All messages go to log only.
    -d -v -s
    Messages suppressed.
    -d -l
    Debug and error messages go to standard output and log.

    Use of the verbose flag (-v) causes the command to run longer due to extra processing required to find state information.


    1. To block a single user (Betty) on a single parallel node, on that node enter:
      spacs_cntrl block betty

    2. To block users on multiple nodes, enter:

      1. Create the block_usr_sample file after adjusting threshold uid.

      2. Send file to all nodes in the current system partition. Note this example would require rsh privileges on the nodes.
        dsh -a rcp  root@mynode:/tmp/usr.input /tmp/usr.input

      3. Issue the spacs_cntrl command to block users to all the nodes in the current system partition.
        dsh -a spacs_cntrl -f /tmp/usr.input block



    spadaptrs - Enters configuration data for an additional adapter for a node or series of nodes in the System Data Repository (SDR).


    [-s {yes | no}] [-r {4 | 16 | autosense}]
    [-t {bnc | dix | NA | tp}] [-a {yes | no}] [-n {yes | no}]
    {start_frame start_slot node_count | -N node_group | -l node_list}
    adapter_name starting_IP_address netmask


    -s yes | no
    Indicates whether IP addresses should be skipped when the process to assign IP addresses to a range of nodes encounters an unused slot. For example, when a node follows a wide node, if you want that node to have the next sequential IP address after the wide node, specify -s no. However, if you want that node to have the second sequential IP address after the wide node, specify -s yes. If you are specifying your nodes with a node_list, you must not specify -s yes. If you are specifying IP addresses for the High Performance Switch and you want to use switch node numbers, you must not specify -s yes.

    If -s is not specified, the default is no.

    -r 4 | 16 | autosense
    Specifies the token-ring network speed. This is required for tr0 and tr1 token-ring adapters. Specify 4 for 4MB per second, 16 for 16MB per second, and autosense for adapters that automatically choose the network speed.

    -t bnc | dix | NA | tp
    Designates the Ethernet type. Use dix to designate a thick Ethernet (also called a twisted pair). Use bnc to designate a thin Ethernet. Use NA for an integrated Ethernet. Use tp to designate a twisted pair. The default is bnc.

    -a no | yes
    Indicates whether you want Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) to be used for the High Performance Switch. If you want to assign IP addresses freely, as for other adapters, you must specify yes. If you specify -a no, you must not specify -n no. Do not use this flag unless you are specifying IP addresses for the css0 adapter. If you do not specify -a, the default is no.

    -n yes | no
    Indicates whether you want to use switch node numbers for assigning IP addresses for the High Performance Switch. If you want to assign IP addresses freely, as for other adapters, you must specify -n no and -a yes. If you specify -n yes, you must not specify -s yes. If you specify -n yes, you must not specify your nodes with a node list. Do not use this flag unless you are specifying IP addresses for the css0 adapter. If you do not use -n, the default is yes.

    -N node_group
    Specifies a node group to be used for this operation. This node group must be bound to the current system partition.

    -l node_list
    Specifies a list of nodes to be used for this operation. Either specify a comma-delimited list of node numbers, or a file containing one line of data which is a comma-delimited list of node numbers. The file can also contain comment lines (preceded by a #) and lines that are all white space. If you use the node_list field, do not use the start_frame, start_slot, or node_count fields. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)


    Specifies the frame number of the first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 64 inclusive. This must be the lowest numbered frame which contains a node in the current system partition when you are entering data for the High Performance Switch (adapter name css0) and you are specifying -n yes.

    Specifies the slot number of the first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 16 inclusive. This must be the lowest numbered slot in the lowest numbered frame in the current system partition when you are entering data for the High Performance Switch (adapter name css0) and you are specifying -n yes.
    Note: The start_frame and start_slot must resolve to a node in the current system partition.

    Specifies the number of nodes to be used for this operation. The information is added sequentially to nodes in slots within a frame and, if the slots in a frame are exhausted, to slots in the next sequential frame. Specify a value between 1 and 1024 inclusive. This must be the total number of nodes in your current system partition when you are entering data for the High Performance Switch (adapter name css0) and you are specifying -n yes.
    Note: The node_count is considered to be within the current system partition.

    Specifies the name of the adapter. Specify a valid name from among: en1, fi0, fi1, tr0, tr1, or css0.

    Specifies the IP address of the first node on the network. IP addresses of subsequent nodes are created via incrementing the IP address for each node.

    Each IP address used in the operation must be resolved by the host command on the control workstation.

    Specifies the netmask for the network on which the adapter resides. Specify a valid IP address.


    Execute this command during installation of the SP to identify the IP addresses, netmask, and default route associated with node adapters other than en0. If all your IP addresses are in the same block, run this command once. If you have "holes" in your IP addressing scheme, run this command once for each block of addresses you wish to assign. Special considerations apply to how IP addressing is done for the High Performance Switch. Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for more High Performance Switch information.

    You must have a ticket-granting-ticket to run this command. Refer to the chapter on security in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information on ticket-granting-tickets.

    If you do not have a ticket-granting-ticket, you must run kinit.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the spadaptrs command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit node_data

    and select the Additional Adapter Information option.


    1. This command should be run only on the control workstation. You must be logged into the control workstation as root to execute this command.

    2. After running this command, you must issue the syspar_ctrl -r command to refresh system partition-sensitive subsystems in each system partition where node customization was performed. Subsystems like hats, hb, and hr need to be refreshed whenever nodes or adapters are added or deleted.

    3. Any changes made will not take effect on the nodes until they are customized.

    Related Information

    Commands: syspar_ctrl


    If you specify the -s flag to skip IP addresses when setting the css0 switch addresses, you must also specify -n no to not use switch numbers for an IP address assignment. You must specify -a yes to use ARP.

    spadaptrs -s yes -n no -a yes 1 1 30 css0



    spapply_config - Applies a system partition configuration to the SP system.


    spapply_config [-h] [-v] [-A] [-F] [-q] config_dir/layout_dir


    Displays usage information. If this command is issued with the -h flag, the syntax description is displayed to standard output and no other action is taken (even if other valid options or operands are entered with the -h flag).

    Verifies, but does not apply, the specified configuration layout. With this option, the command:

    Archives the System Data Repository (SDR). With this flag, a copy of the SDR prior to applying the configuration is saved using the SDRArchive command.

    Corrects nonfatal errors encountered in the IBM Virtual Shared Disk subsystem in the application of the specified configuration layout. Fatal errors encountered cause the command to terminate prior to applying the specified layout.

    Specifies quiet mode. This option suppresses all status messages as well as the output from most internally called commands. The list of changed and unchanged system partitions, the list of nodes in changed system partitions which are not shutdown, and any warning or error messages are still displayed with this option.


    Specifies the directory name for a configuration directory.

    Specifies the directory name for a layout directory within the configuration directory.


    This command functions in two phases: verification and application. Before applying a new system partition configuration, the administrator should back up the SP system SDR. This can be accomplished by using either the SDRArchive command or by using the -A flag on spapply_config. If your system has an SP switch, the Eunpartition command must be run before applying a new system partition configuration. Failure to do this will produce unpredictable results in the new system partitions. Refer to the "Managing System Partitions" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information.

    The layout directory contains one system partition directory for each system partition in the configuration. Each partition directory contains the switch topology file and nodelist file. It also contains the custom file (created and updated by the spcustomize_syspar command). The spapply_config command verifies that these files exist. It also verifies the contents of the custom file. If an error is encountered in this verification phase, the command issues an appropriate message and terminates without attempting to apply a configuration layout that is not valid. As part of its verification phase, this command also calls the verparvsd command to determine the impact on the IBM Virtual Shared Disk subsystem of applying the specified configuration layout. If any errors or warnings are returned from verparvsd, the spapply_config command reports those messages and stops. The -F flag can be used to alter this behavior by correcting nonfatal IBM Virtual Shared Disk errors encountered in the analysis of the IBM Virtual Shared Disk subsystem.

    As part of its processing, spapply_config displays to standard output the list of changed system partitions and the list of unchanged system partitions. A changed system partition is a currently-defined partition which will be changed in some way by the application of the specified configuration layout. Nodes in changed system partitions should be shutdown prior to applying that configuration. Conversely, an unchanged system partition is a currently-defined partition which will be unchanged by the application of the specified configuration layout. Nodes in unchanged system partitions can remain in operation during the application of this configuration layout. The spapply_config command issues the Eannotator, Eprimary, and Etopology commands as necessary.

    The spapply_config command issues status messages which track the progress of operation to standard output. These messages along with the lists of changed and unchanged system partitions can be suppressed by the using the -q flag.

    In the event that spapply_config encounters an error during the application phase, a descriptive error message is displayed and the command stops. In this case, it will be necessary to restore the SP SDR and the system partition-sensitive subsystems (for example, hats, hb, and hr) to their previous state by using the sprestore_config command.
    Note: Due to system partitioning changes, your SP_NAME environment variable may no longer be set to a valid system partition name. To get a list of valid system partition names, enter the splst_syspars -n command. Then verify that your SP_NAME environment variable is either unset or set to one of the system partition names in the list.


    Contains a list of switch node numbers contained in a system partition (used internally, not by end users).

    Contains the wiring configuration information for switch-to-switch and node-to-switch cabling in a switch network. This information is used during switch initialization.

    Related Information

    Commands: Eunpartition, SDRArchive, spcustomize_syspar, spdisplay_config, sprestore_config, spverify_config, syspar_ctrl, verparvsd

    Files: nodelist, topology


    1. To apply the system partition configuration represented by the config.4_12/layout.2 layout directory, enter:
      spapply_config config.4_12/layout.2

    2. To check (but not apply) the system partition configuration represented by the config.8_8/layout.1 layout directory, enter:
      spapply_config -v config.8_8/layout.1



    spbootins - Enters boot/install configuration data for a node or series of nodes in the System Data Repository (SDR).


    {[-n boot_server] [-i install_image_name]
    [-h {hdisknn [,hdisknn] | location[,location] |
    [-r {install | customize | disk | maintenance | diag | migrate}]
    [-v lppsource_name]
    [-u {usr_server_id | local}] [-g {usr_gateway_id | 0}]
    [-a {en0 | en1 | tr0 | tr1}] [-p PSSP_level]} [-s {no | yes}]
    {start_frame start_slot node_count | -N node_group | -l node_list}


    -n boot_server
    Identifies the boot/install server for the nodes you have specified. You can identify the boot/install server by node number, a frame, slot identifier, the host name for the node, or the IP address for an adapter on the node. The value of the boot/install server at installation depends on how many frames are in your system. In a one-frame system, the control workstation (node 0) is the default server for each node. In a multiframe system, the default server for the first node in each frame is the control workstation, and the default server for the rest of the nodes in a frame is the first node in that frame.

    -i install_image_name
    Specifies the name of the install image to be used for the nodes when they are next network-installed. Specify a file in the /spdata/sys1/install/images directory on the control workstation. At installation, the value for each node's install image name is default, which means that the default install image name for the system is used for each node. The default install image name for the system is found in the SP object.

    Indicates the hard disks to be used for installation for the nodes specified. The rootvg is defined on the disks indicated, and all data on the disks is destroyed. Valid hard disk names are the disk location or the disk device for AIX 4 systems. The disk location is specified in the format 00-00-00-0. The disk device is specified byhdisknn, where nn is a one- or two-digit number indicating which hard disk is to be used. Specify one or more disks. If more than one disk is to be used for installation, separate AIX 4 disk locations with a colon (for example, 00-00-00-0,0:00-00-00-1,0), and separate disk device names with a comma (for example, hdisk0,hdisk1). The first of the two hard disk specified will be used for the boot disk. At installation, the value for each node's install_disk is hdisk0.
    Note: IBM strongly suggests that you use the hardware location format. It ensures that you install on the intended disk by targeting a specific disk at a specific location. The relative location of hdisks may change depending on hardware installed or possible hardware failures. IBM strongly suggests always using the hardware location format when there are external drives present, as the manner in which the device names are defined may not be obvious.

    Specifies the boot/install server's response to the bootp request from the nodes.

    Indicates that you should specify install if you want the server to perform a network install (overwrite install) and customize each node.

    Indicates that you should specify customize if you want the server to place node-specific configuration information from the SDR into each node's local Object Data Management (ODM).

    Indicates that you should specify disk if you want the server to ignore the bootp request and have each node boot from its local disk.

    Indicates that you should specify maintenance to have each node boot in a prompted mode.

    A node that boots in a prompted mode, comes up with the "Install/Maintenance" panel. From this panel, you can choose option 3 to start a limited function maintenance shell. You may access files in the root volume group (rootvg) by choosing the panels to mount the root volume group and enter a shell.

    Sets the bootp_response to diag. The next time the node is network booted, a diagnostic menu will be displayed on the tty. From the diagnostic menu, you can execute simple or advanced diagnostics on the node or execute service aids. Service aids allow you to perform such tasks as formatting and certifying the hard drive on the node, or downloading microcode to a device attached to the node. When diagnostics are complete, set the bootp_response back to disk and reboot the node.

    The diag parameter can be used only on the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) Version 2 Release 1 and later nodes. PSSP Version 1 Release 2 nodes cannot run remote diagnostics.

    Indicates that you want the server to perform a migration installation on the specified nodes. See the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Installation and Migration Guide for more details on the migration installation method.

    -v lppsource_name
    Sets the node's lppsource name. Use this to indicate the AIX level to install on the node. The lppsource_name value you choose must match the directory name you choose to place the lppsource files under in the /spdata/sys1/install directory during installation. See the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Installation and Migration Guide for more details.

    Indicates the identifier for the /usr server for the nodes specified. The server can be a node in the SP system, the control workstation, or a workstation outside the SP system. Specify the usr_server_id as either a host name or an IP address. The host name or IP address must be resolved by the host command on the control workstation. If a node is not to be a /usr client, but is to have its /usr be local on a local disk, specify local for the usr_server_id. At installation, the value for each node's usr_server_id is local.

    You can only specify this flag for a node in an IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) Version 1 Release 2 system partition.

    -g usr_gateway_id
    Indicates the gateway to be used for the /usr server for the nodes specified. Specify the usr_gateway_id as either a host name or an IP address. The host name or IP address must be resolved by the host command on the control workstation. If a gateway is not to be used to reach the /usr server, specify 0 for the usr_gateway_id. At installation, the value for each node's usr_gateway_id is 0.

    You can only specify this flag for a node in an IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) Version 1 Release 2 system partition.

    Indicates the name of the network interface to the /usr server for the nodes specified. Valid names are en0, en1, tr0, and tr1. Each node in the range of nodes given must have an adapter defined of the name specified. At installation, the value for each node's usr_client_adapter is en0.

    You can only specify this flag for a node in an IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) Version 1 Release 2 system partition.

    -p PSSP_level
    Sets the node's PSSP level. Use this to indicate the PSSP level to install on the node. The PSSP_level value you choose must match the directory name you choose to place the PSSP installation files under in the /spdata/sys1/install/pssplpp directory during installation. See IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Installation and Migration Guide for more details.

    -s no | yes
    Indicates whether setup_server should be run on the boot servers (including the control workstation) of the indicated nodes. If you specify -s no, setup_server is not run on the node's boot server, and it must be run later to make any necessary changes to installation-related files. Specify -s yes if you have finished entering boot/install/usr server data during your initial installation or if you are changing data after the initial installation. Otherwise, specify -s no. If -s is not specified, the default is -s yes.

    -N node_group
    Specifies a node group to be used for this operation. This node group must be bound to the current system partition.

    -l node_list
    Specifies a list of nodes to be used for this operation. Either specify a comma-delimited list of node numbers, or a file containing one line of data which is a comma-delimited list of node numbers. The file can also contain comment lines (preceded by a #) and lines that are all white space. If you use the node_list field, do not use the start_frame, start_slot, or node_count fields. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)


    Specifies the frame number of the first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 64 inclusive.

    Specifies the slot number of the first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 16 inclusive.
    Note: The start_frame and start_slot must resolve to a node in the current system partition.

    Specifies the number of nodes to be used for this operation. The node information is added for successive nodes within a frame. If the count of nodes causes the nodes in a frame to be exhausted, the operation continues for nodes in the next sequential frame. Specify a value between 1 and 1024 inclusive.
    Note: The node_count is considered to be within the current system partition.


    Execute this command during installation of the SP, or later, to identify which node is to be the boot/install server for a node or group of nodes. You can also use this command to indicate the name of the install image to be used to install a node or group of nodes the next time they are network-installed. Each time this command is run, the setup_server command is run on each of the affected boot/install servers.

    You must have a ticket-granting-ticket to run this command. Refer to the chapter on security in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information on ticket-granting-tickets.

    If you do not have a ticket-granting-ticket, you must run kinit.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the spbootins command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit node_data

    and select the Boot/Install Information option.

    You cannot use SMIT if you are using AFS authentication services.


    1. This command should be run only on the control workstation. You must be logged into the control workstation as root to execute this command.

    2. Any changes made will not take effect on the nodes until they are customized.


    1. To specify node 9 as boot/install server for nodes 10-16, enter:
      spbootins -n 9 1 10 7

    2. To specify that nodes 17-32 are to have a network-install performed when they are reset, enter:
      spbootins -r install 2 1 16



    spchuser - Changes the attributes of an SP user account.


    spchuser attribute=value ... name




    Pairs of the supported attributes and values as follows.

    Name of the user account whose information you want to change.

    Supported Attributes and Values

    ID of the user specified by the name parameter.

    Principle group of the user specified by the name parameter.

    General information about the user.

    The secondary groups to which the user specified by the name parameter belongs.

    Host name of the file server where the home directory resides and the full path name of the directory. You can specify a host and directory in the format host:path, just specify the directory and have the host default to a value set in SMIT site environment panel or the spsitenv command, or just specify a directory and have the host default to the local machine.

    Indicates whether the user specified by the name parameter can log in to the system with the login command. This option does not change the /etc/security/user file. Instead, it alters the user password field in /etc/security/passwd.

    Program run for the user specified by the name parameter at the session initiation.


    No flags are supported. Except for home, the rules for the supported attributes and values correspond to those enforced by the AIX chuser command.

    You can only change the values of the supported attributes.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the spchuser command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit spusers

    and select the Change/Show Characteristics of a User option.
    Note: This command should be run only on the control workstation. You must be logged into the control workstation as root to execute this command.


    To change the default shell to /bin/csh, and change the secondary group membership to dev and dev2 for the user account charlie:

    spchuser groups=dev,dev2 shell=/bin/csh charlie



    spcustomize_syspar - Enters or verifies customization information to be used in creating a system partition.


    [-n syspar_name | IP_address]
    [-l PSSP_code_level]
    [-d default_install_image | default]
    [-e primary_node | default]
    [-b backup_primary_node | default]
    config_dir/layout_dir/syspar_dir |


    Displays usage information.

    -n syspar_name | IP_address
    Specifies the system partition name (the control workstation host name or host name alias) or IP address (which corresponds to the system partition name) associated with this system partition.

    -l PSSP_code_level
    Specifies the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) code level for the system partition. For mixed system partitions, partitions that have multiple supported levels of PSSP coexisting in the same partition, should be set to the minimum (earliest) level of PSSP in this system partition.

    -d default_install_image | default
    Specifies the default install image for the system partition or default to direct the system to use the system-wide default install image. Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Installation and Migration Guide for additional information on the default install image.

    -e primary_node | default
    Specifies the primary node number for switch operations or default to direct the system to automatically set the default which is the first node in the node list.

    -b backup_primary_node | default
    Specifies the primary backup node number for switch operations or default to direct the system to automatically set the default which is the last node in the node list. This flag is valid only on SP Switch systems.


    Specifies the directory name for a configuration directory.

    Specifies the directory name for a layout directory within the configuration directory.

    Specifies the directory name for a system partition directory within the layout directory.

    Specifies the fully qualified path name to a system partition directory.


    Use this command to customize a system partition customization file (custom) or to display the previously-entered customization information.

    For a specified system partition, the customization data can be entered with the optional parameters. If the custom file does not exist, you can create one by specifying the -n and -l flags. The -d and -e flags are optional when creating a custom file. If -d and -e are not specified, the system automatically specifies default to set the default install image and primary node in the newly-created custom file. Once the custom file is created, any combination of the optional parameters can be used to update the contents of the file.

    If none of the optional parameters are specified with the spcustomize_syspar command, the contents of the customization file for the specified system partition are displayed to standard output as in the spdisplay_config command with the -c flag.

    Related Information

    Commands: spapply_config, spdisplay_config, spverify_config

    Files: nodelist, topology


    1. To display the customization information for the specified system partition, enter:
      spcustomize_syspar config.4_12/layout.1/syspar.1
      syspar-name:              my-partition-1
      PSSP-code-level:          PSSP-2.1
      default-install-image:    bos.4.1.2
      primary-node:             9
      backup-primary-node:      16

    2. To modify the system partition name, PSSP code level, and primary node information for the specified system partition, enter:
      spcustomize_syspar -n my-new-partition-name -l PSSP-2.1 \
      -e 7 config.4_12/layout.1/syspar.1

    3. To use the default primary node information for the specified system partition, enter:
      spcustomize_syspar -e default config.4_12/layout.1/syspar.1



    spcw_addevents - Identifies the High Availability Cluster Multiprocessing (HACMP) event scripts supplied by the High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS) to the AIX High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing (HACMP) software.








    HACWS customizes the recovery of control workstation services by providing HACMP event scripts, which get executed by the HACMP software. The spcw_addevents command is a shell script which identifies the HACMP event scripts to HACMP, without requiring the system administrator to go through all the equivalent HACMP SMIT panels.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information on the HACWS option.





    spcw_apps - Starts or stops control workstation applications in a High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS) configuration.


    spcw_apps {-u | -d} [-i | -a]


    Starts control workstation applications on the local host.

    Stops control workstation applications on the local host.

    Sets the local host to be the inactive control workstation before starting or after stopping control workstation applications.

    Sets the local host to be the active control workstation before starting or after stopping control workstation applications.




    The control workstation services are started at boot time on a regular control workstation via entries in /etc/inittab. An HACWS configuration requires the capability to stop control workstation services on one control workstation and restart them on the other. The install_hacws command removes most of the control workstation entries from /etc/inittab, and the spcw_apps command is provided as a means to stop and start control workstation services in the HACWS configuration. In addition, the spcw_apps command can be used to make the inactive control workstation act as a client of the active control workstation in order to keep the two control workstations synchronized.
    Note: The High Availability Cluster Multiprocessing (HACMP) event scripts and installation scripts supplied with the High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS) option of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) will start or stop the control workstation applications during a fail over or reintegration. The administrator should not normally have to start or stop the control workstation applications.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information on the HACWS option.



    Related Information

    Command: install_hacws


    In the following example, assume that the primary control workstation is currently the active control workstation. This means that the primary control workstation is providing control workstation services to the SP system. When a control workstation failover occurs, the AIX High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing (HACMP) software moves the control workstation network and file system resources from the primary to the backup control workstation. In addition, control workstation applications must be stopped on the primary and restarted on the backup. HACWS provides the spcw_apps command to HACMP as the method to accomplish this. The HACMP software issues the following command on the primary:

    spcw_apps -di

    This command stops control workstation services on the active primary and then sets the primary to be the inactive control workstation. Next, the HACMP software issues the following command on the backup:

    spcw_apps -ua

    This command sets the backup to be the active control workstation and then starts the control workstation services on the backup. Finally, the HACMP software issues the following command on the primary:

    spcw_apps -u

    This command configures the primary to be a client of the backup (which is active) control workstation.



    spdeladap - Removes configuration data for adapters for a node or series of nodes from the System Data Repository (SDR).


    {start_frame start_slot node_count | -N node_group | -l node_list}


    -N node_group
    Specifies a node group to be used for this operation. This node group must be bound to the current system partition.

    -l node_list
    Specifies a list of nodes to be used for this operation. Either specify a comma-delimited list of node numbers, or a file containing one line of data which is a comma-delimited list of node numbers. The file can also contain comment lines (preceded by a #) and lines that are all white space. If you use the node_list field, do not use the start_frame, start_slot, or node_count fields. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)


    Frame number of first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 64 inclusive.

    Slot number of first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 16 inclusive.
    Note: The start_frame and start_slot must resolve to a node in the current system partition.

    Number of nodes to be used for this operation. The adapter information is deleted for successive nodes within a frame and, when the count of nodes causes the nodes in a frame to be exhausted, for nodes in the next sequential frame. Specify a value between 1 and 1024 inclusive.
    Note: The node_count is considered to be within the current system partition.

    Name of the adapter. Specify a valid name from among: en1, fi0, fi1, tr0, tr1, or css0.


    Use this command to remove configuration data for adapters for a node or series of nodes from the SDR. You cannot use this command to delete data for the en0 adapter. If you want to remove configuration data for the en0 adapter, you should use the spdelnode command.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the spdeladap command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit delete_data

    and select the Delete Adapter Information option.


    1. This command should be run only on the control workstation. You must be logged into the control workstation as root to execute this command.

    2. After running this command, you must issue the syspar_ctrl -r command to refresh system partition-sensitive subsystems in each system partition where node customization was performed. Subsystems like hats, hb, and hr need to be refreshed whenever nodes or adapters are added or deleted.

    3. Any changes made will not take effect on the nodes until they are customized.

    Related Information

    Commands: syspar_ctrl


    This example deletes tr0 adapter information for the the first two nodes in frame 2:

    spdeladap 2 1 2 tr0



    spdelfram - Removes configuration data for a frame or series of frames from the System Data Repository (SDR).


    spdelfram start_frame frame_count




    Specifies the frame number of first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 64 inclusive.

    Specifies the number of frames to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 64 inclusive.


    Execute this command to remove configuration data for a frame or series of frames from the SDR. Any node information for nodes on the frames is also removed, as well as adapter information for any of the nodes on the frames. All the nodes on all the frames to be deleted must be shut down. A frame containing a node acting as a server for another node on a frame not being removed with this operation cannot be removed with this command. In order to remove a frame containing such a node, you must configure a different boot/install or /usr server for the client nodes on the other frames.

    The spdelfram command removes all extension node and extension node adapter information for extension nodes whose node numbers are within the range of node numbers represented by a frame being deleted.

    You must have a ticket-granting-ticket to run this command. Refer to the chapter on security in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information on ticket-granting-tickets.

    If you do not have a ticket-granting-ticket, you must run kinit.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the spdelfram command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit delete_data

    and select the Delete Frame Information option.


    1. This command should be run only on the control workstation. You must be logged into the control workstation as root to execute this command.

    2. You should stop the Resource Manager before the command and start it again afterward.

    3. There must be only one system partition defined when deleting a frame. This is to aid in the configuration of the system once the frame is deleted.


    This example deletes the last two frames in a four-frame system:

    spdelfram 3 2



    spdelnode - Removes configuration data for a node or nodes from the System Data Repository (SDR).


    spdelnode {start_frame start_slot node_count | -N node_group | -l node_list}


    -N node_group
    Specifies a node group to be used for this operation. This node group must be bound to the current system partition.

    -l node_list
    Specifies a list of nodes to be used for this operation. Either specify a comma-delimited list of node numbers, or a file containing one line of data which is a comma-delimited list of node numbers. The file can also contain comment lines (preceded by a #) and lines that are all white space. If you use the node_list field, do not use the start_frame, start_slot, or node_count fields. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)


    Specifies the frame number of the first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 64 inclusive.

    Specifies the slot number of the first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 16 inclusive.
    Note: The start_frame and start_slot must resolve to a node in the current system partition.

    Specifies the number of nodes to be used for this operation. The node information is added for successive nodes within a frame and, when the count of nodes causes the nodes in a frame to be exhausted, for nodes in the next sequential frame. Specify a value between 1 and 1024 inclusive.
    Note: The node_count is considered to be within the current system partition.


    Execute this command to remove configuration data for a node or series of nodes from the SDR. Any adapter information associated with the node is also removed. All the nodes to be deleted must be shut down. A node acting as a server for another node cannot be removed with this command. In order to remove a node which is a server, you must configure a different boot/install server for the client nodes.

    This command can be used to delete nodes in the current system partition. To delete nodes in another system partition, you must make it your current system partition.

    You must have a ticket-granting-ticket to run this command. Refer to the chapter on security in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information on ticket-granting-tickets.

    If you do not have a ticket-granting-ticket, you must run kinit.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the spdelnode command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit delete_data

    and select the Delete Node Information option.


    1. This command should be run only on the control workstation.

    2. After running this command, you must issue the syspar_ctrl -r command to refresh system partition-sensitive subsystems in each system partition where node customization was performed. Subsystems like hats, hb, and hr need to be refreshed whenever nodes or adapters are added or deleted.


    You must be logged into the control workstation as root to run this command.

    Related Information

    Commands: syspar_ctrl


    1. This example deletes the first two nodes in frame 2:
      spdelnode 2 1 2

    2. To delete the nodes in the node group temp_nodes, enter:
      spdelnode -N temp_nodes



    spdisplay_config - Displays system partition configuration information which can be used to partition an SP system.


    [-h] [-R] [-d] [-c] [-n] [config_dir [/layout_dir
    [/syspar_dir]] | fully_qualified_path_name]


    Displays usage information. If this command is issued with the -h flag, the syntax description is displayed to standard output and no other action is taken (even if other valid options are entered with the -h flag).

    Recursively displays information for all levels below the specified directory level.

    Displays the description file (layout.desc) for the specified layout. This flag is valid only if the specified directory (or any subdirectories below it if -R is specified) is a layout directory.

    Displays the customization file (custom) for the specified system partition. This flag is valid only if the specified directory (or any subdirectories below it if -R is specified) is a system partition directory.

    Displays the node list file (nodelist) for the specified system partition. This flag is valid only if the specified directory (or any subdirectories below it if -R is specified) is a system partition directory.


    Specifies the directory name for a configuration directory.

    Specifies the directory name for a layout directory.

    Specifies the directory name for a system partition directory.

    Specifies the fully qualified directory path for a configuration directory, layout directory, or system partition directory.


    This command displays system partition information stored in the system partition information directory structure. Depending on the option and operand specified, the information displayed is at the configuration, layout, or system partition level. The output of this command is normally restricted to the SP on which it is executed. To display information for configurations applicable to SP systems other than the one on which it is executed, a fully qualified path name must be provided. This command does not display current system partition information (that function is provided with the splstdata command). If the command is issued without specifying a directory path name, the list of all valid configuration directories for the SP on which the command is running is displayed. If none of the file option flags (-c, -d, -n) are entered, the names of the files and subdirectories located on (and all levels below if -R is specified) the specified directory are displayed. If any of the file option flags are entered, the contents of the requested files are displayed instead.


    Contains customization information for a partition (such as, partition name, IP address, code level, and so on).

    Describes the node slot breakdown for a partitioning configuration (which nodes in which partition).

    Contains a list of switch node numbers contained in a system partition (used internally, not by end users).

    Contains the wiring configuration information for switch-to-switch and node-to-switch cabling in a switch network. This information is used during switch initialization.

    Related Information

    Commands: spapply_config, spcustomize_syspar, splstdata, spverify_config

    Files: nodelist, topology


    1. To display all valid configurations for this SP, enter:

    2. To display the list of layout directory names for a specific configuration directory to standard output, enter:
      spdisplay_config config.4_12

    3. To display the name of the file describing the layout and the list of system partition directory names for a specific layout directory to standard output, enter:
      spdisplay_config config.4_12/layout.2

    4. To display the list of files located in a specific system partition directory to standard output, enter:
      spdisplay_config config.4_12/layout.2/syspar.1

      If the -c flag is also supplied, only the customization information is displayed for that system partition. For example:

      spdisplay_config -c config.4_12/layout.2/syspar.1
      syspar-name:              my-partition-1
      primary-node:             9
      default-install-image:    bos.4.1.2
      PSSP-code-level:          PSSP-2.1

      If the -n flag is supplied, only the list of nodes is displayed for that system partition. For example:

      spdisplay_config -n config.4_12/layout.2/syspar.1
      switch node numbers:      4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
      node numbers:             5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

      All of the commands can be issued with the -R flag to recursively display the information on the specified directory and all the levels below it.

      To display the entire system partition information directory structure for the config.4_12 configuration on this SP, enter:

      spdisplay_config -R config.4_12

      Another example to recursively display all of the customization information for the config.4_12 on this SP follows:

      spdisplay_config -R -c config.4_12
      syspar-name:               my-partition-1
      primary-node:              9
      default-install-image:     bos.4.1.2
      PSSP-code-level:           PSSP-2.1
      syspar-name:               my-partition-2
      primary-node:              9
      default-install-image:     bos.4.1.2
      PSSP-code-level:           PSSP-2.1
      syspar-name:               my-partition-1
      primary-node:              9
      default-install-image:     bos.4.1.2
      PSSP-code-level:           PSSP-2.1
      syspar-name:               my-partition-2
      primary-node:              9
      default-install-image:     bos.4.1.2
      PSSP-code-level:           PSSP-2.1

    5. To display all valid configurations for an SP, specify the fully qualified path name to its system partition information directory. For example:
      spdisplay_config /spdata/sys1/syspar_configs/1nsb0isb



    spethernt - Enters configuration data for a node or series of nodes in the System Data Repository (SDR).


    [-s {yes | no}] [-t {bnc | dix | tp}]
    {start_frame start_slot node_count | -N node_group | -l node_list}
    starting_IP_address netmask default_route


    -s yes | no
    Indicates whether IP addresses should be skipped when unused slots are encountered. For example, when a node follows a wide node, if you want that node to have the next sequential IP address after the wide node, specify -s no. If you want that node to have the second sequential IP address after the wide node, specify -s yes. If you do not specify -s, the default is -s no.

    If you are specifying the nodes to be used in this operation with a node_list via the -l flag, you must not specify -s yes.

    -t bnc | dix | tp
    Designates the Ethernet type. Use dix to designate a thick Ethernet (also called a twisted pair). Use bnc to designate a thin Ethernet. Use tp to designate a twisted pair. The default is bnc.

    -N node_group
    Specifies a node group to be used for this operation. This node group must be bound to the current system partition.

    -l node_list
    Specifies a list of nodes to be used for this operation. Either specify a comma-delimited list of node numbers, or a file containing one line of data which is a comma-delimited list of node numbers. The file can also contain comment lines (preceded by a #) and lines that are all white space. If you use the node_list field, do not use the start_frame, start_slot, or node_count fields. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)


    Specifies the frame number of the first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 64 inclusive.

    Specifies the slot number of the first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 16 inclusive.
    Note: The start_frame and start_slot must resolve to a node in the current system partition.

    Specifies the number of nodes to be used for this operation. The node information is added for successive nodes within a frame and, when the count of nodes causes the nodes in a frame to be exhausted, for nodes in the next sequential frame. Specify a value between 1 and 1024 inclusive.
    Note: The node_count is considered to be within the current system partition.

    Specifies the IP address or host name of the first node in this operation. IP addresses of subsequent nodes are created by incrementing the IP address for each node, depending on how the -s flag is set. Specify a valid IP address or host name.

    Ensure that the combination of the starting IP address, the node count operand, and the -s flag do not result in the incrementing of the IP address to an invalid IP address.

    Each IP address used in the operation must be resolved by the host command on the control workstation.

    Specifies the netmask for the en0 network. Specify a valid IP netmask.

    Specifies the IP address or host name of the default route for the en0 adapter network. Specify a valid IP address or host name.


    Execute this command during installation of the SP to identify the IP addresses, netmask, and default route associated with the en0 adapters of the nodes. If all your IP addresses are in the same block, run this command once. If you have "holes" in your IP addressing scheme, run this command once for each block of addresses you wish to assign.

    You must have a ticket-granting-ticket to run this command. Refer to the chapter on security in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information on ticket-granting-tickets.

    If you do not have a ticket-granting-ticket, you must run kinit.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the spethernt command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit node_data

    and select the SP Ethernet Information option.


    1. This command should be run only on the control workstation. You must be logged into the control workstation as root to execute this command.

    2. After running this command, you must issue the syspar_ctrl -r command to refresh system partition-sensitive subsystems in each system partition where node customization was performed. Subsystems like hats, hb, and hr need to be refreshed whenever nodes or adapters are added or deleted.

    3. Any changes made will not take effect on the nodes until they are customized.

    Related Information

    Commands: syspar_ctrl


    The following example adds SDR information for an en0 network of 15 nodes (frame 1 slot 1 to frame 1 slot 16 with the first node being a wide node and the rest of the nodes thin nodes all in a single system partition) with IP addresses from to, a netmask of, and a default route of The addresses are to be assigned to correspond with the nodes in the frame; for example, they do not increment the IP address of a wide node by 2 before assigning the IP address of the next node.

    spethernt -s no 1 1 15



    spevent - Directly invokes the Event Management window of the SP Perspectives graphical user interface (GUI).


    [-userProfile name] [-systemProfile name] [-noProfile]
    [{-backgroundColor | bg} colorName]
    [{-foregroundColor | fg} colorName] [-fontFamily name]
    [-fontSize Size] [-fontBold] [-fontItalic] [-nosplash]


    -userProfile name
    Upon initialization, overrides the name of the user profile from the default value of 'Profile'.

    -systemProfile name
    Upon initialization, overrides the name of the system profile from the default value of 'Profile'.

    Upon initialization, does not read either profile.

    -backgroundColor | bg colorName
    Overrides the background color specified by any profile or default with the specified color. Refer to Appendix A, "Perspectives Colors and Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid color names.

    -foregroundColor | fg colorName
    Overrides the foreground color specified by any profile or default with the specified color. Refer to Appendix A, "Perspectives Colors and Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid color names.

    -fontFamily name
    Overrides any font family with the specified font. The list of valid family names is dependent on the X server. Refer to Appendix A, "Perspectives Colors and Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid fonts.

    -fontSize size
    Overrides any font point size with the specified size. Valid values are 6--30 points.

    Sets the font to bold.

    Sets the font to italics.

    Does not display the splash dialog before the Perspectives main window is displayed.

    Note: Most flags accepted by X will also be recognized. For example, -display displayname.




    Use this command to launch the Event window of the SP Perspectives GUI. The Event Perspective is a graphic vehicle for managing events and event definitions in the system.

    This perspective allows the user to interact with the Event Manager and the Problem Manager. The user can create event definitions, register or unregister event definitions, and delete event definitions. A notebook is provided for viewing and editing the condition, the resource identifier, and other attributes of an event's definition. The notebook also provides users with the capability for creating new conditions. Event definitions are viewed and manipulated within system partition boundaries.

    By default, the Event Definition pane displays all the event definitions with the Kerberos principal of the user within the current system partition. The user can use the filter function provided on the pane to expand or further confine the event definitions being displayed.

    When the command is invoked, preferences which define the look and layout of the spevent window are prioritized in the following order:


    The Users Preferences are read from and saved to $HOME/.spevent(User Profile Name).

    The System Preferences are read from and saved to /usr/lpp/ssp/perspectives/profiles/.spevent(System Profile name).


    Any user can run the spevent command. Many actions require root privilege to run.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    For information on using the Event window and the SP Perspectives GUI, please see the online help and the "Using the SP Perspectives GUI" chapter in the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    For information on the Event Management services, refer to "The Event Management Subsystem" and "Using the Problem Management Subsystem" chapters in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.



    Related Information

    You can also access the Event window by using the SP Perspectives Launch Pad. The perspectives command invokes the launch pad. Other Perspectives windows may be launched by invoking the following commands: sphardware, spsyspar, spvsd, and spperfmon.


    1. To invoke the spevent window, enter:

    2. To bring up the Event window using all the default preferences, enter:
      spevent -noProfile



    spframe - Enters configuration data for a frame or series of frames and, optionally, set up the initial System Data Repository (SDR).


    [-r yes | no] start_frame frame_count


    -r no | yes
    Indicates whether you want to initialize the System Data Repository. If this is the last or only time you are invoking this command during installation, specify -r yes. If - yes is specified, the /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmacls.file has the default entries created.

    The default is -r no.


    Specifies the frame number of the first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 64 inclusive.

    Specifies the number of frames to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 64 inclusive.

    Specifies the device special file name of the tty port to be assigned to the first frame on this operation. tty ports for subsequent frames are assigned by incrementing the tty number for each frame. Specify the full path of a valid tty device special file.


    Execute this command during installation of the SP to identify the tty ports to which your frames are connected. If the tty special files for your frames are consecutively numbered, run this command once during installation, specifying -r yes. If you have "holes" in your tty special file numbering scheme, run this command once for each block of ttys you wish to assign, specifying -r yes only on the last invocation of the command.

    You must have a ticket-granting-ticket to run this command. Refer to the chapter on security in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information on ticket-granting-tickets.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the spframe command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit enter_data

    and select the Frame Information option.
    Note: This command should be run only on the control workstation. You must be logged into the control workstation as root to execute this command.


    The following example enters information for four frames (frame 1 to frame 4) and indicates that frame 1 is connected to /dev/tty1, frame 2 to /dev/tty2, and so on. The System Data Repository is to be initialized with this invocation of spframe.

    spframe -r yes 1 4 /dev/tty1



    spget_syspar - Returns the IP address or name of the current system partition.


    spget_syspar [-n] [-d]


    Returns a host name instead of an address.

    Returns the name or IP address of the default system partition rather than the current system partition.




    Use this command to display to standard output the IP address (in dotted decimal format) of the current or default system partition. The current system partition indicates the system partition to which System Data Repository (SDR) client requests are directed. The result is displayed in dotted decimal format unless -n is specified.


    The -d flag will not work if the command is not issued on a control workstation or SP node.


    1. To display the IP address associated with the current system partition, enter:

      You should receive output similar to the following:

    2. To display the name (host name alias of the control workstation) of the current system partition, enter:
      spget_syspar -n

      You should receive output similar to the following:




    spgetdesc - Obtains the description information from the nodes specified and, optionally, enters it into the SDR.


    [-h] [-u] [-c] [-f] {-a | -l node_list}


    Displays help information for this command (syntax message). If the command is issued with the -h flag then the syntax description is displayed to standard output and no other action is taken (even if other valid flags are entered along with the -h flag).

    Updates the description attribute in the SDR with the description information found.

    Outputs the description information in a colon delimited format. The output will be of the form:
    for all nodes that successfully obtained the description information.

    Forces the command to obtain description information from the specified nodes regardless of the host responds value.

    One of the following flags must be specified:

    Obtains description information from all nodes found in the SDR.

    -l node_list
    Indicates by node_list the SP nodes to obtain the description information from. The node_list is a comma-separated list of node numbers.




    This command will obtain the description information from the nodes specified and, optionally, update the description attribute in the SDR Node class. Unless the -f flag is specified, the node's host_responds will be checked before it will attempt to dsh to the nodes and obtain their description information. This command requires that the user be authenticated to Kerberos using the kinit command. This command is primarily intended as a migration tool for obtaining description information from existing nodes. The description information will be obtained from new nodes when they are installed or customized.


    Since this command uses dsh, it requires that the user issuing the command obtain a valid Kerberos ticket.

    Standard Output

    The model information that is obtained will be printed to standard output as well as placed in the SDR.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error. Errors will be printed if any attempt to get the description information fails on a node.

    Exit Values

    Successful completion

    A nonterminal error occurred for 1 or more nodes. Processing continued for any remaining nodes.

    A terminal error occurred and all processing was stopped.

    Consequences of Error

    If the command does not run successfully it terminates with an error message and a nonzero return code. Messages will inform the user of the cause of the error. For a terminal error, no description information will be obtained. For a nonterminal error, no description information will be obtained for the node that had the error.


    To obtain description information for all existing nodes enter:

    spgetdesc -a

    To obtain description information for nodes 3 & 4 and update the SDR, enter:

    spgetdesc -ul 3,4

    To obtain description information from all nodes in a colon delimited format, enter:

    spgetdesc -ac

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the Parallel System Support Program (PSSP) LPP.



    Related Information

    SP Commands: dsh, kinit, SDRChangeAttrValues, SDRGetObjects

    AIX Commands: uname



    sphardware - Directly launches the Hardware window of the SP Perspectives graphical user interface (GUI).


    [-userProfile name] [-systemProfile name] [-noProfile]
    [{-backgroundColor | bg} colorName]
    [{-foregroundColor | fg} colorName] [-fontFamily name]
    [-fontSize size] [-fontBold] [-fontItalic] [-nosplash]


    -userProfile name
    Upon initialization, overrides the name of the user profile from the default value of 'Profile'.

    -systemProfile name
    Upon initialization, overrides the name of the system profile from the default value of 'Profile'.

    Upon initialization, does not read either profile.

    -backgroundColor | bg colorName
    Overrides the background color specified by any profile or default with the specified color. Refer to Appendix A, "Perspectives Colors and Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid color names.

    -foregroundColor | fg colorName
    Overrides the foreground color specified by any profile or default with the specified color. Refer to Appendix A, "Perspectives Colors and Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid color names.

    -fontFamily name
    Overrides any font family with the specified font. The list of valid family names is dependent on the X server. Refer to Appendix A, "Perspectives Colors and Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid fonts.

    -fontSize size
    Overrides any font point size with the specified size. Valid values are 6--30 points.

    Sets the font to bold.

    Sets the font to italics.

    Does not display the splash dialog before the Perspectives main window is displayed.

    Note: Most flags accepted by X will also be recognized. For example, -display displayname.




    Use this command to launch the Hardware window of the SP Perspectives GUI. From the Hardware window, the user can monitor and manipulate objects within the SP system. The SP objects included in this window are the control workstation, SP system and system partitions, nodes, node groups, and frames and switch boards.

    By default, the Hardware window will display the CWS/System/Syspars Work Area and the Node Work Area. The CWS/System/Syspars pane contains all system partitions and indicates the current system partition, and the Node pane contains all the nodes in the current system partition in the "frame" display control orientation.

    The Node Group and Frame/Switchboard panes can be added to the Hardware window by using combo boxes at the top of the window. Likewise, any pane that is displayed can be deleted from the window by using the Delete combo box at the top of the window.

    When the command is invoked, preferences which define the look and layout of the sphardware window are prioritized in the following order:


    The Users Preferences are read from and saved to $HOME/.sphardware(User Profile Name).

    The System Preferences are read from and saved to /usr/lpp/ssp/perspectives/profiles/.sphardware(System Profile name).


    Any user can run the sphardware command. Many actions require root privilege to run.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    For information on using the Hardware window and the SP Perspectives GUI, please see the online help and the "Using the SP Perspectives GUI" chapter in the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.



    Related Information

    The Hardware window can also be accessed by using the SP Perspectives Launch Pad. The perspectives command invokes the launch pad. Other Perspectives windows can be launched by invoking the following commands: spevent, sphardware, spperfmon, spsyspar, and spvsd.


    1. To invoke the sphardware window, enter:

    2. To force sphardware to display text in chartreuse, regardless of what is set in the preference files, enter:
      sphardware -foreground chartreuse

    3. To start the sphardware window in the background, enter:
      sphardware &



    sphostnam - Enters host name configuration data for a node or series of nodes in the System Data Repository.


    [-a adapter_name] [-f {long | short}]
    {start_frame start_slot node_count | -N node_group | -l node_list}


    Indicates the adapter to be used to derive the host name for the nodes specified. If -a is not specified, the default is en0.

    Specifies which form of the host name is to be used. Specify long if you want the host name to be the fully qualified host name and short if you want to use the short form of the host name. If -f is not specified, the default is long.

    -N node_group
    Specifies a node group to be used for this operation. This node group must be bound to the current system partition.

    -l node_list
    Specifies a list of nodes to be used for this operation. Either specify a comma-delimited list of node numbers, or a file containing one line of data which is a comma-delimited list of node numbers. The file can also contain comment lines (preceded by a #) and lines that are all white space. If you use the node_list field, do not use the start_frame, start_slot, or node_count fields. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)


    Specifies the frame number of the first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 64 inclusive.

    Specifies the slot number of the first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 16 inclusive.
    Note: The start_frame and start_slot must resolve to a node in the current system partition.

    Specifies the number of nodes to be used for this operation. The node information is added for successive nodes within a frame. If the count of nodes causes the nodes in a frame to be exhausted the operation continues in the next sequential frame. Specify a value between 1 and 1024 inclusive.
    Note: The node_count is considered to be within the current system partition.


    Execute this command during installation of the SP to specify the adapter type to be used to determine the host name by which your nodes are known. You can also use this command to indicate whether you want the long (fully qualified) or short form of a host name to be used.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the sphostnam command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit node_data

    and select the Hostname Information option.


    1. This command should be run only on the control workstation. You must be logged into the control workstation as root to execute this command.

    2. Any changes made will not take effect on the nodes until they are customized.


    The following example selects the css0 adapter for the host name for a system with two frames and 32 nodes. The long form of the host name is to be used.

    sphostnam -a css0 1 1 32



    sphrdwrad - Obtains hardware Ethernet addresses for SP nodes so they can be written to the System Data Repository.


    {start_frame start_slot {node_count | rest} |
    -N node_group | -l node_list}


    Indicates that, beginning with the node determined by start_frame and start_slot, all the rest of the nodes should be used for this operation.

    -N node_group
    Specifies a node group to be used for this operation. This node group must be bound to the current system partition.

    -l node_list
    Specifies a list of nodes to be used for this operation. Either specify a comma-delimited list of node numbers, or a file containing one line of data which is a comma-delimited list of node numbers. The file can also contain comment lines (preceded by a #) and lines that are all white space. If you use the node_list field, do not use the start_frame, start_slot, or node_count fields. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)


    Specifies the frame number of the first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 64 inclusive.

    Specifies the slot number of the first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 16 inclusive.
    Note: The start_frame and start_slot must resolve to a node in the current system partition.

    Specifies the number of nodes to be used for this operation. The node information is added for successive nodes within a frame. If the count of nodes causes the nodes in a frame to be exhausted the operation continues in the next sequential frame. Specify a value between 1 and 1024 inclusive.
    Note: The node_count is considered to be within the current system partition.


    Execute this command only at installation or when adding new frames or nodes. The spframe command must be run before this command so that frame information is already in the System Data Repository.

    If you know your hardware Ethernet addresses, you can speed this process by putting the addresses in /etc/, as follows:

    Create a file named /etc/ (if it does not already exist), listing your SP nodes by node number (or frame, slot) followed by a blank and the hardware Ethernet address. The first token represents the node and the second token represents the hardware address. The file should look similar to this:
    17 02608C2E48D9
    19 02608C2D6712
    21 02608C2E49A4
    23 02608C2E48E2

    If you do not know your hardware Ethernet addresses, use the sphrdwrad command to find them.


    1. The nodes should be physically powered on (but logically powered off) when you run this command.

    2. The LEDs change values while this command is running.

    3. You should not have a tty open to any of the nodes to be used for this command.

    4. If the addresses are not found in /etc/, the sphrdwrad command takes a few minutes to run, and the addresses are obtained from the nodes in parallel.

    5. Any nodes specified will be powered off to acquire the Ethernet addresses. The nodes remain in the powered off state, even after the addresses are received.

    6. If you are adding a node, only the new node needs to be specified because any selected nodes will be powered off.

    7. To avoid possible file system corruption, you should always shut down a node cleanly before powering it off. You can do this by using the cshutdown command or by using the SHUTDOWN/POWER OFF option in the System Monitor Graphical User Interface.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the sphrdwrad command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit enter_data

    and select the Get Hardware Ethernet Addresses option.
    Note: This command should be run only on the control workstation. You must be logged into the control workstation as root to execute this command.


    To obtain Ethernet addresses for a new frame containing 8 nodes (4 wide nodes and 4 thin nodes), enter:

    sphrdwrad 2 1 8

    You should receive output similar to the following:

    Acquiring hardware Ethernet address for node 17
    Acquiring hardware Ethernet address for node 19
    Acquiring hardware Ethernet address for node 21
    Acquiring hardware Ethernet address for node 23
    Acquiring hardware Ethernet address for node 25
    Acquiring hardware Ethernet address for node 26
    Acquiring hardware Ethernet address for node 27
    Acquiring hardware Ethernet address for node 28
    Hardware ethernet address for node 17 is 02608C2D481C
    Hardware ethernet address for node 19 is 02608C2D78DF
    Hardware ethernet address for node 21 is 02608C2D93B3
    Hardware ethernet address for node 23 is 02608C2D8C3C
    Hardware ethernet address for node 25 is 10005AFA22B9
    Hardware ethernet address for node 26 is 10005AFA230A
    Hardware ethernet address for node 27 is 10005AFA2229
    Hardware ethernet address for node 28 is 10005AFA2210



    splm - Views, gathers, archives, or collects log and system data.


    [-a archive] [-cny] [-d dir] [-f fanout] [-h] [-t table]

    [-a archive] [-d dir] [-f fanout] [-h] [-n] [-r] [-t table] [-y]

    [-a check] [-h] [-n] [-t table]

    [-a gather] [-d dir] [-f fanout] [-h] [-k type] [-l cfs]
    [-o loc] [-r] [-s] [-t table] [-y]

    [-a service] [-cny] [-d dir] [-f fanout] [-h] [-p ipts] [-t table]

    [-a service] [-d dir] [-f fanout] [-h] [-n] [-r] [-t table] [-y]

    [-a view] [-h] [-n] [-t table]


    The splm command requires the -a flag and an argument to select a function to execute. It also requires a log table that contains records specifying target nodes and files or commands.

    -a action
    Specifies the function to perform: archive, check, gather, service, or view.

    Creates a compressed tar file. For the archive function, this will be a tar starting the -d dir flag. For service collections, /usr/sbin/snap -c -d dir will be called to create the tar file. The tar file will be named node.tar.Z.

    -d dir
    Specifies the path where the archive or service collection will be stored on each node. The archive default is /var/adm/archives. The service default is /tmp.

    -f fanout
    Sets the maximum fanout value which determines how many nodes will execute in parallel. The default is 32. Any number between 1-32 can be used.

    Displays usage information.

    -k type
    For the gather function only, this flag indicates whether a service collection or archive is being collected.

    -l cfs
    Specifies the path on the local node where the archive or service collections should be gathered.

    Ignores the node designation in the input table and executes all entries on the local node only.

    -o loc
    Specifies the device or mail location where to direct tar files.

    -p opts
    Accepts a string of characters representing option parameters for calling snap collection. Each character relates to a category of system data to be collected. Valid characters are: a, A, D, f, g, G, k, l, n, p, s, S, t.

    Removes archive or service on each node. Exclusive with -s flag.

    Staggers collection to a mail location or device.

    Specifies the input table of nodes and commands.

    Appends the yymmdd timestamp subdirectory to the per node directory.




    Use this command to execute a number of log management functions on a single host or a set of hosts in parallel. The splm functions are driven by a log table file that contains the target node designations and associated files, and the commands to execute. The table format follows:

    # Comment line
    <target nodes>:  <file or command>

    The target node portion of a table stanza is a comma-delimited list with no blanks. The values in the list are interpreted as:

    1. If the value begins with a slash (/), it is a file containing a list of node names, one per line.

    2. If the value is an exclamation point (!), it refers to the local host.

    3. Any string not matching 1 or 2, is interpreted as a node name.

    The -n flag ignores the target node portion of the table and only executes on the local node. The file or command portion of the stanza specifies either a command to execute that displays information to standard output, or a file that will be archived, collected, or viewed. File specification can take advantage of Tcl file globbing (similar to csh file globbing). If the file or command portion of the stanza refers to a command to be executed, it must be followed by a redirection and a path or file name. The information generated by the command will be redirected to the path or file name under the -d top level directory. Use > or >> following the command to redirect the output. The view option ignores the file or command destinations and displays the file's contents or command output to the executing node.

    1. To specify the local node, nodes listed in the /tmp/nodelist file and node k47n10, and archive or collect errpt output from those nodes to the errpt.output file under the top level directory, enter:
      !,/tmp/nodelist,k47n10:  /bin/errpt -a > errpt.output

    2. To archive or collect /etc/filesystems file to a subdirectory on nodes k47n10 and k47n15, enter:
      k47n10,k47n15: /etc/filesystems  etc/filesystems

      This copies the file to the /etc subdirectory under the -d top level directory.
      Note: The -d top level directory is always appended with a subdirectory named arch_table_name for archives, or srvc_table_name for service collections.

    splm Functions

    Archive: The archive function copies files and redirects command output as specified in the input table to the top level directory on each node. The -c flag then creates a compressed tar file of the data named /topdirectory/node_name.tar.Z. The -r flag removes an archive by removing all files starting from the top level directory down.

    Check: The check function can be used to check a table for errors.

    Gather: The gather function moves archive or service tar files to a central location on the executing node. The -r option removes the archive or service collection on each remote node only after the tar file was successfully copied to the central location. If the node.tar.Z file is not found, the gather function will attempt to create one. Gathered tar files can be mailed or copied to a tape or disk device using the -o flag. If mailed, the files are first uuencoded. The -l flag specifies the file system on the local node where the tar files are to be gathered. The -l flag must be specified if the -s stagger flag is not used. The gather function makes two passes, if necessary. On the first pass, it allows each node to take up an equal amount of the central file system. If any nodes fail, the gather function retries those nodes, one at a time, until the file system is full or all the nodes are copied. If gather fails on any node, but a node.tar.Z file exists for that node in the central location, it is moved to node.tar.Z.old, and not sent to the output location. The -s stagger flag forces the fanout to 1, gathers the tar files one at a time, attempts to send the tar to the output location, then removes it from the local node. The -r flag cannot be used with -s. The default central location directory for stagger is /tmp.

    Service: The service function first calls the AIX snap command to gather system data to the top level directory if the -p flag is used. The snap command creates a set of subdirectories based on the -p arguments. The additional data defined in the table data is then collected under the "other" subdirectory created by snap. If the -p flag is not used, the data will still be collected under the "other" subdirectory. If the -c flag is used, splm uses the snap -c command to create the tar.Z file. The -r flag can be used to remove service collections. splm calls snap -r which removes the tar file and all files under each snap subdirectory.

    View: The view function displays the output of the command or contents of file entries in the input table to the local host.


    Restricts table commands that can be executed.

    Acl file for archive, gather, and service functions.

    Contains sample tables for service collections.


    The archive, gather, and service functions of splm require that you have a Kerberos principal defined in the /etc/logmgt.acl file. The command then runs as root on all target nodes. The viewing function requires that you be Kerberos authenticated to a valid user ID on the nodes that you are executing on. The server switches IDs from root to your authenticated ID before executing.

    Related Information

    AIX commands: compress snap, tar, uuencode

    The IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide


    1. To create an archive based on the entries in the /etc/tables/ table and to create a compressed tar file and have the archive under directory /var/adm/archives/, enter:
      splm -a archive -c -d /var/adm/archives -t /etc/tables/

    2. To create a service collection of entries in the /spdata/sys1/logtables/ table and have snap include general system information, enter:
      splm -a service -c -t /spdata/sys1/logtables/ -p g

    3. To gather the service collections in Example 2, remove the collection on each node, and copy the gathered data to tape device rmt0, enter:
      splm -a gather -k service -t /spdata/sys1/logtables/ \
      -l /tmp/amdproblem -o /dev/rmt0 -r

    splogd Daemon


    splogd - Reports error logging, writes state changes, and calls user exits.


    splogd [-d] [-b] [-f file_name]


    Turns debugging on.

    Starts the daemon in the background from the command line.

    -f file_name
    Names an input file to use to define what logging is to be done and what user exits should be called. The default file is /spdata/sys1/spmon/hwevents.




    The SP logging daemon has the following functions:

    error logging
    Reports SP hardware errors to both the syslog and the AIX error log.

    state change logging
    Writes SP hardware state changes to a file.

    user exits
    Calls a user exit when a state change occurs.

    The hwevents file contains state change actions that are to be performed by the splogd logging daemon. The fields are:

    Specifies a frame number (1-n) or * for all frames.

    Specifies the following:

    Specifies a hardware variable (for example, nodePower, temp, LED7SegA).

    Specifies how to compare the value. Acceptable values are: =, <, >, and !=.

    Specifies the value of the variable to match with the operator wildcard (*), or a partial match with the wildcard at the end (23*).

    Specifies if the function should be called at startup, when the state changes, or both times. Valid options are startup, change, or both.

    Specifies the program to call when an event occurs.

    There are two special keywords for function. If function is SP_ERROR_LOG, error logging is performed provided that syslog is set up and AIX error logging is set up to perform SP logging. Refer to the setup_logd command for details.

    If function is SP_STATE_LOG, these state changes that meet the statement's criteria are logged to /var/adm/SPlogs/spmon/splogd.state_changes.timestamp.

    Note: To close the current state_changes.timestamp and open a new one, send a SIGHUP signal to splogd. For example,
    kill -HUP {splogd pid}

    User Exit Arguments

    When a user exit is called by splogd, the following arguments are passed:

    1. A c or s depending on whether this call is for a change of state or to provide the startup values for the variables being monitored.

    2. For each variable being reported, the following arguments are passed:

      1. Frame number.

      2. Node number.

      3. Variable name. Refer to the "System Monitor Variables, Display Types, and Attributes Appendix" of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for a list of variables.

      4. Value of the variables. Boolean variables are expressed as TRUE or FALSE, integers as decimal strings, and floating-point values as floating-point strings.

    Starting and Stopping the splogd Daemon

    The splogd daemon is under System Resource Controller (SRC) control. It uses the signal method of communication in SRC. The splogd daemon is a single subsystem and not associated with any SRC group. The subsystem name is splogd. In order to start the splogd daemon, use the startsrc -s splogd command. This starts the daemon with the default arguments and SRC options. The splogd daemon is setup to be respawnable and be the only instance of the splogd daemon running on a particular node or control workstation. Do not start the splogd daemon from the command line without using the startsrc command to start it.

    To stop the splogd daemon, use the stopsrc -s splogd command. This stops the daemon and does not allow it to respawn.

    To display the status of the splogd daemon, use the lssrc -s splogd command.

    If the default startup arguments need to be changed, use the chssys command to change the startup arguments or the SRC options. Refer to AIX Version 4 Commands Reference and AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs for more information about daemons under SRC control and how to modify daemon arguments when under SRC.

    To view the current SRC options and daemon arguments, use the odmget -q 'subsysname=splogd' SRCsubsys command.


    File that describes what logging is performed and what user exits are called.

    File where state changes are recorded.

    Related Information

    Command: setup_logd

    The "System Monitor Variables, Display Types, and Attributes Appendix" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide


    1. To start the splogd daemon, enter:
      startsrc -s splogd

    2. To stop the splogd daemon, enter:
      stopsrc -s splogd

    3. To display the status of the splogd daemon, enter:
      lssrc -s splogd

    4. To display the status of all the daemons under SRC control, enter:
      lssrc -a

    5. To display the current SRC options and daemon arguments for the splogd daemon, enter:
      odmget -q 'subsysname=splogd' SRCsubsys



    splst_syspars - Returns the list of defined system partitions.


    splst_syspars [-n]


    Returns a list of host names instead of addresses.




    This command returns the list of the system partitions. The system partition names are in dotted decimal format unless -n is specified.


    1. To display the IP addresses associated with all the defined system partitions on the SP, enter:

      You should receive output similar to the following:

    2. To display the names of all the defined system partitions on the SP, enter:
      splst_syspars -n

      You should receive output similar to the following:




    splst_versions - Returns information about the PSSP code version installed on nodes in the SP system.


    [-G] [-l] [-e] [-n node_num]
    [-N node_group] [-t] [-h]


    Causes the command to look at all system partitions rather than just the current system partition (but not the control workstation).

    Returns the latest PSSP version for the nodes that are the target of the command.

    Returns the earliest PSSP version for the nodes that are the target of the command.

    -n node_num
    Returns the PSSP code version for node_num. Use node_num 0 to specify the control workstation.

    -N node_group
    Returns a list of PSSP versions for node_group. If -G is supplied, a global node group is used. Otherwise, a partitioned-bound node group is used.

    Returns the node number and PSSP version in two columns.

    Displays usage information.




    Use this command to return a list of PSSP code versions that are installed on the nodes in the current system partition. The PSSP version and release numbers are included in the output. The modification level and fix level are not returned as part of the output. Node number 0 (zero) is considered the control workstation and is not evaluated as part of any system partition. The output is sorted in ascending order by version.

    If the -t flag is omitted, there will be only one record for each version present. If the -t flag is used, there will be a record for each node.


    1. To list each PSSP version represented in the current system partition, enter:
      prompt> splst_versions

    2. To list each node in the system partition and its PSSP code version, enter:
      prompt> splst_versions -t
      1 PSSP-2.3
      5 PSSP-2.3
      6 PSSP-2.3
      9 PSSP-2.4

    3. To list the earliest and latest PSSP code versions in a system partition, enter:
      prompt> splst_versions -l -e
      PSSP-2.2                      /* this case has mixed partitions */

      The following will be the output if only PSSP-2.2 exists in the system partition:

      prompt> splst_versions -l -e
      PSSP-2.2                      /* this case has only 2.2 in partition */



    splstadapters - Use this command to list information about adapters to standard output.


    [-h] [-x] [-G] [-d delimiter] [-p str] [-s attr]
    [-t {standard | dependent}] [attr==value ...] [attr ...]


    Displays usage information.

    Removes system partition boundaries for this invocation. This flag causes the command to consider all nodes regardless of system partition.

    Inhibits the output of the header record.

    -d delimiter
    Forces the delimiter between tokens to be delimiter, where delimiter is any string value. If this flag is used, only one copy of the delimiter is used between tokens, even if the delimiter is a blank.

    -p str
    Prints the str string in place of an attribute that does not apply to the object being output. The default is to print two double quotes ('').

    -s attr
    Sorts the output by the value of the attribute attr.

    Restricts the query to a specific node type. The node type can be one of the following:

    Indicates that only adapters relating to SP nodes (nodes in a frame/slot) will be considered for output.

    If the -t flag is not specified, the default is to consider adapters relating to both standard and dependent nodes for output.

    Indicates that only adapters on dependent nodes will be considered for output.


    Specifies certain adapter objects to be returned. The attr token must be a valid attribute of one of the adapter classes in the System Data Repository (SDR) (Adapter or DependentAdapter). If attr exists in both adapter classes, objects from each class will be considered unless that class is excluded with the -t flag. The token value is the value of attr that objects must have to be returned by this invocation of the command.

    Specifies the attributes to be returned as output of the command. It does not limit the adapter objects that are considered for output. If an attr argument is not specified, the node_number and adapter_type attributes are returned.


    Use this command to get configuration information about any adapter from the SDR. For a complete list of adapter attributes, see the Adapter and DependentAdapter classes in "The System Data Repository" appendix in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    Not all of the attributes are applicable to each type of adapter.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit list_extadapters

    Environment Variables

    The environment variable SP_NAME is used (if set) to direct this command to a system partition. The default is to use the default system partition when on the control workstation and the partition of the node when on a node.

    Standard Output

    This command writes informational messages to standard output.

    Standard Error

    This command writes all error messages to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.

    Implementation Specifics

    You must specify an attribute in order for it to be displayed in the output. The attribute in the sort option (-s flag) and the attributes in the form attr==value must be repeated in order for them to be displayed.




    1. To list the node_number and adapter_type attributes for all adapter objects in the current system partition, enter:

      You should receive output similar to the following:

      node_number adapter_type
      1 en0
      1 css0
      5 en0
      5 css0

    2. To list the netmask attribute of SP adapters along with their node numbers and have the output sorted by node number, enter:
      splstadapters -t standard -s node_number node_number netmask

      You should receive output similar to the following:


    3. To list the "css0" adapters in the system, regardless of system partition, enter:
      splstadapters -G adapter_type==css0

      You should receive output similar to the following:

      node_number adapter_type
      1 css0
      5 css0
      7 css0
      9 css0
      19 css0
      23 css0



    splstdata - Displays configuration data from the System Data Repository (SDR) or system information for each node.


    {-A | -n | -s | -b | -a | -u | -h | -i | -d} [-G]
    [{start_frame start_slot {node_count | rest} |
    -N node_group | -l node_list}]


    {-e | -f | -p}


    One of the following flags must be specified with each invocation of splstdata:

    Displays the following SDR accounting data:

    Displays the following SDR node data:

    Displays the following SDR node and dependent node switch data in three lists:
    switch_number (common field)
    switch_partition_number (common field)

    Displays the following SDR boot/install data.

    Displays the following SDR LAN data only for nodes in the current system partition:

    Displays the following SDR /usr data:

    Displays hardware data for each node, as provided by the lscfg command.

    Displays network adapter data for each node, as provided by the netstat -n command.

    Displays file system data for each node, as provided by the df command.

    The following flags are optional:

    Allows the specification of nodes to include one or more nodes outside of the current system partition.

    -N node_group
    Specifies a node group to be used for this operation. If -G is supplied, a global node group is used. Otherwise, a partitioned-bound node group is used.

    -l node_list
    Specifies a list of nodes to be used for this operation. Either specify a comma-delimited list of node numbers, or a file containing one line of data which is a comma-delimited list of node numbers. The file can also contain comment lines (preceded by a #) and lines that are all white space. If you use the node_list field, do not use the start_frame, start_slot, or node_count fields. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)

    Displays SP object attributes and their values from the SDR.

    Displays the following SDR frame data:

    Lists all information for the currently-applied system partition configuration (all active system partitions on the system). This includes the list of system partitions, plus information about each system partition.


    Frame number of first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 64 inclusive. If start_frame, start_slot and node_count are not specified, the default is 1 1 rest. If start_frame is specified, start_slot and node_count must also be specified.

    Slot number of first node to be used for this operation. Specify a value between 1 and 16 inclusive.
    Note: The start_frame and start_slot must resolve to a node in the current system partition.

    Number of nodes to be used for this operation. Node information is provided for successive nodes within a frame. If the count of nodes causes the nodes in a frame to be exhausted, the operation continues for nodes in the next sequential frame. Specify a value between 1 and 1024 inclusive. If rest is specified, all the nodes from start_frame start_slot to the end of your system are used.
    Note: The node_count is considered to be within the current system partition.


    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the splstdata command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit list_data

    and select the System Data Repository option for the information you want to see. To see system information for each node, enter:

    smit config_data
    and select the option for the information you want.
    Note: This command should be run only on the control workstation. You must be logged into the control workstation as root to execute this command.


    1. To display SDR node data for all the nodes in the SP system, enter:
      splstdata -n

      You should receive output similar to the following:

                        List Node Configuration Information
      node frame slot
       #     #    #   slots initial_hostname reliable_hostname default_route
          processor_type processors_installed description
       1     1    1     2   k5n01.ppd.pok.ib  k5n01.ppd.pok.ib
               UP                  1       135_MHz_P2SC_Wide
       3     1    3     2   k5n03.ppd.pok.ib  k5n03.ppd.pok.ib
               UP                  1       77_MHz_PWR2_Wide-2
       5     1    5     1   k5n05.ppd.pok.ib  k5n05.ppd.pok.ib
               UP                  1       160_MHz_P2SC_Thin
       6     1    6     1   k5n06.ppd.pok.ib  k5n06.ppd.pok.ib
               UP                  1       120_MHz_P2SC_Thin
       7     1    7     1   k5n07.ppd.pok.ib  k5n07.ppd.pok.ib
               UP                  1       66_MHz_PWR2_Thin-2
       8     1    8     1   k5n08.ppd.pok.ib  k5n08.ppd.pok.ib
               UP                  1       66_MHz_PWR2_Thin
       9     1    9     4   k5n09.ppd.pok.ib  k5n09.ppd.pok.ib
               MP                  1       112_MHz_SMP_High
      13     1   13     4   k5n13.ppd.pok.ib  k5n13.ppd.pok.ib
               MP                  1       200_MHz_SMP_High

    2. To display SDR boot/install data for the first four nodes in the first frame, enter:
      splstdata -b 1 1 4

      You should receive output similar to the following:

                        List Node Boot/Install Information
      node#  hostname          hdw_enet_addr  srvr  response     install_disk
      last_install_image  last_install_time   next_install_image  lppsrc_name
        1    k55n01.ppd.pok.i  02608CE8E3C4   0     disk               hdisk1
      k55n01.mksysb.12139 Wed_Jan_15_08:41:22 k55n01.mksysb.12139      aix414
        5    k55n05.ppd.pok.i  02608CE8D7ED   0     disk               hdisk0
      bos.obj.k55n09.@ptf Wed_Jan_15_09:05:10 bos.obj.k55n09.@ptf      aix414
        9    k55n09.ppd.pok.i  02608CE8DC55   0     disk               hdisk0
      bos.obj.k55n09.@ptf Mon_Jan_13_10:26:40 bos.obj.k55n09.@ptf      aix414
       13    k55n13.ppd.pok.i  02608CE8E342   0     maint              hdisk0
      bos.obj.k55n09.@ptf Wed_Jan_15_08:41:29 bos.obj.k55n09.@ptf      aix414

    3. To list system partition information, enter:
      splstdata -p

      You should receive output similar to the following:

      List System Partition Information
      System Partitions:
      Syspar: k55sp1
      syspar_name       k55sp1
      install_image     default
      syspar_dir        /spdata/sys1/syspar_configs/2nsb0isb/config.4_28/
      code_version      PSSP-2.2
      haem_cdb_version  852558375,501538560,0
      Syspar: k55s
      syspar_name       k55s
      install_image     default
      syspar_dir        /spdata/sys1/syspar_configs/2nsb0isb/config.4_28/
      code_version      PSSP-2.2
      haem_cdb_version  852558451,833611264,0



    splstnodes - Lists to standard output information about nodes.


    [-h] [-x] [-G] [-d delimiter] [-p str] [-s attr]
    [-t {standard | dependent}] [-N node_group]
    [attr==value ...] [attr ...]


    Displays usage information.

    Removes system partition boundaries for this invocation. This causes the command to consider all nodes regardless of system partition.

    Inhibits the output of the header record.

    -d delimiter
    Forces the delimiter between tokens to be delimiter, where delimiter is any string value. If this flag is used, only one copy of the delimiter is used between tokens, even if the delimiter is a blank.

    -p str
    Prints the str string in place of an attribute that does not apply to the object being output. The default is to print two double quotes ('').

    -s attr
    Sorts the output by the value of the attr attribute.

    Restricts the query to a specific node type. The node type can be one of the following:

    Only SP nodes (nodes in a frame/slot) are considered for output.

    Only dependent nodes are considered for output.

    If the -t flag is not specified, the default is to consider both standard and dependent nodes for output.

    -N node_group
    Restricts the query to only the nodes in the node group specified by node_group. If node_group is a system node group, the -G flag is implied.


    Used to specify certain node objects to be returned. The attr token must be a valid attribute of one of the node classes in the System Data Repository (SDR) (Node or DependentNode). If attr exists in both node classes, the objects from each class will be considered, unless that class is excluded with the -t flag. The token value is the value of attr that objects must have to be returned by this invocation of the command.

    Used to specify the attributes to be returned as output of the command. It does not limit the node objects that are considered for output. If an attr argument is not specified, the node_number attribute is returned.


    Use this command to get configuration information about any node from the SDR. For a complete list of node attributes, see the Node and DependentNode classes in "The System Data Repository" appendix in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    Not all of the attributes are applicable to each type of node.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit list_extnodes

    Environment Variables

    The environment variable SP_NAME is used (if set) to direct this command to a system partition. The default is to use the default system partition when on the control workstation and the system partition of the node when on a node.

    Standard Output

    This command writes informational messages to standard output.

    Standard Error

    This command writes all error messages to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.

    Implementation Specifics

    You must specify an attribute in order for it to be displayed in the output. The attribute in the sort option (-s flag) and the attributes in the form attr==value must be repeated in order for them to be displayed.




    1. To list the node number of all wide node objects in the current system partition, enter:
      splstnodes slots_used==2

      You should receive results in the following output, if four wide nodes are in the system partition in slots 1, 3, 5, and 7:


    2. To list the reliable_hostname attribute of SP nodes along with their node numbers and have the output sorted by node number, enter:
      splstnodes -t standard -s node_number node_number reliable_hostname

      You should receive results in the following output:

      node_number reliable_hostname

    3. To list the "wide nodes" in the system, regardless of system partition, enter:
      splstnodes -G slots_used==2

      You should receive results in output similar to the following:


    4. To list the snmp_community_name attribute of any SP dependent nodes along with their node numbers, enter:
      splstnodes -t dependent node_number snmp_community_name

      If you have dependent nodes, you should receive output similar to the following:

      node_number snmp_community_name
                 8 mycomm
                 2 yourcomm



    splsuser - Lists the attributes of an SP user account.


    splsuser [-c | -f] name


    Displays the attributes for the user in colon-separated records.

    Displays the attributes for the user in stanza format.


    Name of the user account you want to view.


    You can only list the information for one SP user at a time. Unlike the AIX lsuser command, the ALL option and the -a flag are not supported for this command.

    If you specify this command with no flags, the information of the user appears in a sequential display of attribute and values.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the splsuser command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit spusers

    and select the Change/Show Characteristics of a User option.


    1. To display the attributes of the user account rob in a colon-separated list, enter:
      splsuser -c rob

      You should receive output similar to the following:

      rob:16416:1::/u/rob on

    2. To display the attributes of the user account rob in stanza format, enter:
      splsuser -f rob

      You should receive output similar to the following:

              home=/u/rob on

    spmgrd Daemon


    spmgrd - Automates management and configuration required for extension nodes.


    spmgrd [-s | -l] -f filename -m [size | 0]


    Specifies that short tracing is to be turned on as part of initialization processing. This is used to capture trace events that occur during bring-up. The trace file is located in /var/adm/SPlogs/spmgr/spmgrd.log unless overridden. Short tracing does not include informational messages nor the content of messages exchanged with Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agents. The default is for tracing to be turned off.

    Specifies that long tracing is to be turned on as part of initialization processing. This is used to capture trace events that occur during bring-up. The trace file is located in /var/adm/SPlogs/spmgr/spmgrd.log unless overridden. Long tracing includes informational messages and the content of messages exchanged with SNMP agents in addition to error messages. The default is for tracing to be turned off.

    Specifies the name of a trace file. The default trace file name is /var/adm/SPlogs/spmgr/spmgrd.log.

    Specifies the maximum trace file size in bytes. When 0 is specified, there is no maximum size. The default is 0.




    The spmgrd daemon is part of the spmgr subsystem and can only be controlled using the System Resource Controller (SRC). This daemon acts as an SNMP Manager monitoring SNMP trap messages received from SNMP agents supporting dependent nodes. A trap message may contain state information about an attached dependent node or may request the transfer of configuration data for a dependent node supported by the sending SNMP agent. When requested by a trap message, spmgrd transfers configuration data to the requesting SNMP agent. The data transfer is in the form of an SNMP set-request message containing the SNMP object instantiations representing configuration aspects of the dependent node and the values to which the aspects are to be set. When a trap message indicates that a dependent node previously fenced from the switch network with the "automatic rejoin" option is now active, spmgrd will automatically issue an Eunfence command to trigger the appropriate unfence processing.

    The spmgrd daemon keeps log messages in a default file or in a file specified by the filename variable if the -f flag is specified. When the size of the log file exceeds an optional user-specified maximum log file size, the spmgrd daemon rotates the log file by moving the old log file to another file as follows:

    *   LogFile.3 is deleted.
    *   LogFile.2 is moved to LogFile.3.
    *   LogFile.1 is moved to LogFile.2.
    *   LogFile.0 is moved to LogFile.1.
    *   LogFile is moved to LogFile.0.
    *   LogFile continues in LogFile.

    The spmgrd daemon only runs on the control workstation.

    The spmgrd daemon is controlled using the SRC. The spmgrd daemon is a member of the spmgr system group. The spmgrd daemon is enabled by default and can be manipulated by SRC commands. Use the following SRC commands to manipulate the spmgrd daemon:

    Starts a subsystem, group of subsystems, or a subserver. The spmgrd daemon is part of the spmgr subsystem. Issuing the startsrc -s spmgr command causes the spmgrd daemon to be activated. Any spmgrd switches must be set using the startsrc command -a switch and must be enclosed within double quotes ('').

    Stops a subsystem, group of subsystems, or a subserver.

    Enables tracing of a subsystem, group of subsystems, or a subserver. Long tracing is specified by using the -l switch.

    Disables tracing of a subsystem, group of subsystems, or a subserver.

    Gets the status of a subsystem, group of subsystems, or a subserver. When the long form of the subsystem's status is requested, information provided by the spmgr subsystem includes:


    Is the spmgrd trace file.

    Is the Management Information Base (MIB) file containing the ibmSPDepNode object group that defines dependent node configuration objects.

    Is the compiled object file.

    Contains a line, spmgrd-trap, that defines the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port number over which trap messages are received from an SNMP agent supporting dependent nodes.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP) ssp.spmgr file set.



    Related Information

    Commands: enadmin, lssrc, startsrc, stopsrc, tracesoff, traceson


    1. To start the spmgr subsystem (for example, the spmgrd daemon with short tracing on), enter:
      startsrc -s spmgr -a'-s'

    2. Use the traceson and tracesoff commands to control tracing after the spmgrd daemon is started.
      traceson -ls spmgr (to turn on long tracing)
      tracesoff -s spmgr (to stop tracing)

    3. To stop the spmgr subsystem, enter:
      stopsrc -s spmgr

    4. To obtain the trace status and a list of snmpinfo commands issued by the spmgr subsystem since it was last activated, enter:
      lssrc -ls spmgr



    spmkuser - Adds a new user account to the SP system.


    spmkuser [attribute=value ... ] name




    Pairs of the supported attributes and values as follows.

    User login name. This name must follow the same rules enforced by the AIX mkuser command.

    Supported Attributes and Values

    ID of the user specified by the name operand.

    Principle group of the user specified by the name operand.

    General information about the user.

    The secondary groups to which the user specified by the name operand belongs.

    Host name of the file server where the home directory resides and the full path name of the directory. You can:

    Indicates whether the user specified by the name operand can log in to the system with the login command. This option does not change the /etc/security/user file. Instead, it alters the user password field in /etc/security/passwd.

    Program run for the user specified by the name operand at the session initiation.


    The -a flag is not supported. Except for home, the rules for the supported attributes and values correspond to those enforced by the AIX mkuser command.

    All other attribute and value pairs are not supported.

    The standard administrative AIX privileges do not apply to the SP users.

    This command generates a random password for the user and stores it in /usr/lpp/ssp/config/admin/newpass.log. The root user has read and write permission to this file. It is the administrators responsibility to communicate this password to the new user and periodically delete the contents of this file.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the spmkuser command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit spusers

    and select the Add a User option.
    Note: The home directory must be in an exported file system before you can run this command.



    The following examples assume that the SP automounter function is configured and the following defaults are specified:

    spsitenv command or SMIT panel


    spmkuser.default file
    In the user stanza:

    To create a user account for baker using the defaults specified in the spmkuser.default file and the home directory specified in the SMIT site environment panel or spsitenv command:

    spmkuser baker

    To create a user account for charlie with a UID of 1234, a home directory of /u/charlie that is physically located at /home/charlie on hostx, the staff primary group and the dev, the test secondary groups, and the /bin/ksh default shell:

    spmkuser id=1234 groups=dev,test home=hostx:/home/charlie



    spmon - Operates the system controls and monitors system activity.


    [-query [-Monitor] [-long] | -connect host_name | -gui |
    -Global | -help | -key {normal | secure | service} | -Key|
    -Led | -power {on | off} |
    -reset | -mux {i | 1 | 2 |3} |
    -open| -diagnostics]
    [[-target] target_value... ]


    All spmon commands require a -target parameter except those with -diagnostics, -gui, and -help parameters.

    Queries the hardware variable specified as the target and returns the requested value. query is the default. If no other parameter is entered, a query is performed.

    Monitors the variables specified in the targets. If any of the specified variables change the state, the new state is written to standard output.

    Applies only to -query and -Monitor. Returns the requested variables in fully qualified hierarchical format rather than the default format which is just the variable value.

    Connects to control workstation specified in host_name variable. Use this parameter with the -key, -Key, -Led, -open, -power, -reset, and -mux parameters.

    Starts the SP System Monitor graphical user interface.

    Allows targets that are outside of the current system partition. This parameter must be used for any query or command if specifying frames or switches.

    Displays the usage information for the spmon command.

    Choice of normal | secure | service. Changes the key mode switch position for the node specified as the target.

    Returns status of the key mode switch position for the node specified as the target.

    Displays the 3-digit display value.

    Choice of on | off.

    Turns the power on or off for the node, frame, or switch specified as the target. For example:

    spmon -G -p off frame1
    spmon -p off node16
    spmon -G -p off frame2/switch
    spmon -G -p off frame11/switch2

    Resets the node specified as the target.

    Choice of i | 1 | 2 | 3. Sets multiplexors that control the clocking of a switch to the value indicated. These values mean:
    Use internal oscillator (make this switch the master)
    Use input 1
    Use input 2
    Use input 3

    The mux setting must match the physical wiring of the switch clocks and requires a frame as its target. For a switch in node 17, use a frame as the target or frame/switchN for a switch in a switch-only frame.

    Opens a tty connection to the node specified in the target flag. Press Enter to begin the session. Type Ctrl-x to close the connection. Refer to the s1term command for details.

    Performs the following diagnostics tests:
    1. Checks if the server process is running
    2. Tries to open a connection to the server
    3. Queries the number of frames in system
    4. If the -G parameter is specified, for each frame checks:
      • If the frame controller responding
      • If a switch is attached
      • The mux value
      • If the frame power supplies are ON or OFF
    5. For each node in each frame, checks:
      • Node type
      • If power is on or off
      • hostResponds
      • switchResponds
      • The position of key switch
      • Environment failure
      • The values of the front panel LEDs.

      For each switch, checks:

      • Frame, slot
      • Node type
      • If power is on or off
      • Clock input
      • Environment failure

    The tests are in dependent order. If any of these fail, the subsequent tests do not run.

    [-target] target_value
    Specifies the target node, frame, variable, or attribute for the command as target_value.

    The -target flag is optional. Any parameter without a flag is assumed to be the target. You can also have multiple target-flags (-t), which are optional.




    Any unique abbreviation of flags and keywords is acceptable.

    Specify target_value with the hierarchical format (or tree structure). The format is:


    Is literally the string "SP".

    Is the string frame.

    Is frame1...frameN where N is the frame number in the SP system.

    nodeM | switchM
    Is the node number or switch number within the specified frame. M is the slot number of that node or switch. When switch is specified without a number, it means switch 17.

    Is a variable known to the SP System Monitor. Refer to the "System Monitor Variables, Display Types, and Attributes Appendix" of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for a list of variables.

    Is literally the string "value."

    You can use wildcards (*) to specify more than one target node or frame for the query command.
    Note: Though they are not hardware variables, for compatibility with older systems, the variables hostResponds and switchResponds can be used as specific targets of the spmon command for both -query and -Monitor commands. However, the variable names must be entered explicitly. These two variables are not returned if the variable specified is a wildcard (*).

    You can use aliases in place of fully qualified hierarchical target values. Aliases require less typing and may be more intuitive than the fully qualified targets. Leaving the leading slash (/) off the target indicates that it is an alias.

    There are two formats for aliases:


    1. To query the key setting of node1 on frame1, enter:
      spmon -q -t /SP/frame/frame1/node1/keyModeSwitch/value

    2. To perform the same query using an alias (uses query flag default), enter:
      spmon node1/keyModeSwitch/value

    3. To query the LED settings of node1 on frame1, enter:
      spmon -L frame1/node1

      You should receive output similar to the following:

      |  _   _   _  |
      | |_| |_| |_| | Frame 1, Node 1
      | |_| |_| |_| |

    4. To query the mux value on all switches in the system, enter:
      spmon -G -q -l frame*/switch*/mux/value

    5. To monitor the power LEDs on the nodes on frame1, enter:
      spmon -M frame1/node*/powerLED/value

    6. To query the power LEDs on the nodes on frame1 and then monitor them and print the values in fully qualified hierarchical form, enter:
      spmon -M -q -l frame1/node*/powerLED/value
      Note: "node*" returns powerLED values on switches in slots 1--16 also.

    7. To power off node3 on frame2, enter:
      spmon -p off frame2/node3

      If node3 on frame2 is outside the current system partition, enter:

      spmon -G -p off frame2/node3

    8. To power off node3 on frame2 using alias format2, enter:
      spmon -p off node19

    9. To change key setting on node1 on frame1 to service, enter:
      spmon -k service node1

    10. To power off frame1, (type 17 frame supervisor only), enter:
      spmon -G -p off frame1

    11. To power off frame1, (SEPBU - type 18 frame supervisor), enter:
      spmon -G -p off frame1/A

    12. To set the frame1 switch to be the master switch (use internal oscillator), enter:
      spmon -G -m i frame1


      spmon -G -m i frame1/switch

    13. To set frame 10, switch4 in a switch-only frame to be the master switch, enter:
      spmon -G -m i frame10/switch4



    spmon_ctest - Verifies that the System Monitor component is configured correctly.


    spmon_ctest [-l log_file] [-q]


    -l log_file
    Specifies the path name of the log file to which error messages are written. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)

    Specifies quiet mode; suppresses output to standard error.




    This command is designed to be run after installing the SP system to verify that the System Monitor is configured correctly. The test checks to make sure that the hardware is running, that it can be queried, and determines whether any node objects were created in the System Data Repository (SDR). The test also indicates whether the RS232 lines are connected properly.

    A return code of zero indicates that the test completed as expected; otherwise it returns the number of failures. If you do not specify the -q flag, a message is displayed on standard output that indicates the success or failure of the tests. In either case, the command returns 0 if successful, 1 if not. If errors are detected, more detailed information is recorded in the log file. If you do not specify the -l flag, error messages are recorded in /var/adm/SPlogs/spmon_ctest.log.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit SP_verify

    and select the System Monitor Configuration option.

    You must run this test from a user who has monitor authority in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmacls. The user must also have a nonexpired authentication ticket.

    Refer to Chapter 2, "RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information" section of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for additional Kerberos information.


    Path name of this command.

    Default log file.

    Related Information

    Commands: CSS_test, jm_install_verify, jm_verify, SDR_test, SYSMAN_test, spmon_itest


    To verify installation of the SP System Monitor, saving error messages in spmon.err in the current working directory, enter:

    spmon_ctest -l spmon.err



    spmon_itest - Verifies that the System Monitor is installed and operational.


    spmon_itest [-l log_file] [-q]


    -l log_file
    Specifies the path name of the log file to which error messages are written. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)

    Specifies quiet mode; suppresses output to standard error.




    This command is designed to be run after installing the SP system to verify that the System Monitor is installed correctly.

    A return code of zero indicates that the test completed as expected; otherwise it returns the number of failures. If you do not specify the -q flag, a message is displayed on standard output that indicates the success or failure of the tests. In either case, the command returns 0 if successful, 1 if not. If errors are detected, more detailed information is recorded in the log file. If you do not specify the -l flag, error messages are recorded in /var/adm/SPlogs/spmon_itest.log.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit SP_verify

    and select the System Monitor Installation option.


    Path name of this command.

    Default log file.

    Related Information

    Commands: CSS_test, jm_install_verify, jm_verify, SDR_test, SYSMAN_test, spmon_ctest


    To verify installation of the SP System Monitor, saving error messages in spmon.err in the current working directory, enter:

    spmon_itest -l spmon.err



    spperfmon - Directly launches the Performance Monitor window of the SP Perspectives graphical user interface (GUI).


    [-userProfile name] [-systemProfile name] [-noProfile]
    [{-backgroundColor | bg} colorName]
    [{-foregroundColor | fg} colorName] [-fontFamily name]
    [-fontSize size] [-fontBold] [-fontItalic] [-nosplash]


    -userProfile name
    Upon initialization, overrides the name of the user profile from the default value of 'Profile'.

    -systemProfile name
    Upon initialization, overrides the name of the system profile from the default value of 'Profile'.

    Upon initialization, does not read either profile.

    -backgroundColor | bg colorName
    Overrides the background color specified by any profile or default with the specified color. Refer to Appendix A, "Perspectives Colors and Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid color names.

    -foregroundColor | fg colorName
    Overrides the foreground color specified by any profile or default with the specified color. Refer to Appendix A, "Perspectives Colors and Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid color names.

    -fontFamily name
    Overrides any font family with the specified font. The list of valid family names is dependent on the X server. Refer to Appendix A, "Perspectives Colors and Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid fonts.

    -fontSize size
    Overrides any font point size with the specified size. Valid values are 6--30 points.

    Sets the font to bold.

    Sets the font to italics.

    Does not display the splash dialog before the Perspectives main window is displayed.

    Note: Most flags accepted by X will also be recognized. For example, -display displayname.




    Use this command to launch the SP Performance Monitor window of the SP Perspectives GUI. This tool enables the user to monitor the performance of the SP in conjunction with other licensed products: Performance Toolbox for AIX (PTX), 5765-654 and Performance Toolbox Parallel Extensions for AIX (PTPE), 5765-529.

    From the Performance Monitor window, you can perform most of the PTPE command set functions through point and click operations. For example, you can easily manipulate the PTPE monitoring hierarchy and save it to the System Data Repository (SDR).

    The Performance Monitor perspective window uses three panes to display SP system information:

    1. Hierarchy pane: This shows the current monitoring hierarchy, displaying the central coordinator at the top, with data manager nodes below and reporter nodes at the bottom. By default, the monitoring hierarchy from the System Data Repository (SDR) is displayed when this perspective is initialized.

    2. Syspar pane: This shows how the SP is partitioned. The system partition selected in this pane is the one displayed in the Hierarchy and Nodes panes. If other partitions are defined by the SP, you can use this pane to select them.

    3. Nodes pane: This shows the nodes in the SP system, organized by frame in the default display, but you can sort and filter them to suit your purposes.

    When the command is invoked, preferences that define the look and layout of the SP Performance window are prioritized in the following order:



    Any user can run the spperfmon command. To get a read/write PTPE session requires root privilege and the user must be a member of the UNIX group 'perfmon'.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP) and the IBM Performance Toolbox Parallel Extensions for AIX separately priced feature.

    Prerequisite Information

    For information on using spperfmon and the SP Perspectives GUI, please see the online help and the "Using the SP Perspectives GUI" chapter in the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.



    Related Information

    You can also access the Performance Monitor window by using the SP Perspectives Launch Pad. The perspectives command invokes the launch pad. Other Perspectives windows can be launched by invoking the following commands: spevent, sphardware, spsyspar, and spvsd.

    IBM Performance Toolbox Parallel Extensions for AIX: Guide and Reference

    IBM Performance Toolbox 1.2 and 2.1 for AIX: Guide and Reference


    1. To invoke the spperfmon window, enter:

    2. To launch the SP Performance Monitor Perspective ignoring the preferences found in the system and user profile files, enter:
      spperfmon -noProfile



    sprestore_config - Restores the system to a given system partitioning configuration as specified in the System Data Repository (SDR) which was previously archived.


    sprestore_config archive_file [-h]


    Displays usage information.


    Specifies the name of the archived SDR file to be restored.


    Use this command to restore the SDR from an archive file that was previously created with the SDRArchive command. In addition to restoring the SDR (using the SDRRestore command), the sprestore_config command also restores system partition-sensitive subsystems (for example, hats, hb, and hr) to their previous state. This command is most useful when recovering from an attempt to partition the SP (see the spapply_config command).

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the sprestore_config command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit syspar_restore
    and enter (or select from a generated list) the name of the SDR archive from which to restore.


    1. This command should be run only on the control workstation.

    2. Due to system partitioning changes, your SP_NAME environment variable may no longer be set to a valid system partition name. To get a list of valid system partition names, enter the splst_syspars -n command. Then verify that your SP_NAME environment variable is either unset or set to one of the system partition names in the list.

    Exit Values

    Indicates success.

    Indicates that an error occurred while trying to restore the specified system partitioning configuration.

    Indicates a usage error.

    Related Information

    Commands: SDRArchive, SDRRestore, spapply_config, spcustomize_syspar, spdisplay_syspar, spverify_config, syspar_ctrl

    Files: nodelist, topology


    To restore the SDR and the system-partition sensitive subsystems (for example, hats, hb, and hr) from the archive 'backup.95110.1620' which was previously created using the SDRArchive command, enter:

    sprestore_config backup.95110.1620



    sprmuser - Removes a user account from the SP system.


    sprmuser [-i] [-p] [-r] name


    Displays the current user information and enables interactive control. This allows you to quit before deleting the user account.

    Removes user password information from the /etc/security/passwd file.

    Removes the user's home directory specified in the home attribute.

    Name of the user account you want to delete.




    The -i and -r options are unique to the SP system.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the sprmuser command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit spusers

    and select the Remove a User option.


    1. To remove user account charlie without destroying the home directory, enter:
      sprmuser charlie

    2. To remove user account charlie, remove any information about this user in the /etc/security/passwd file, and remove the home directory, enter:
      sprmuser -pr charlie



    spsitenv - Enters configuration parameters used by SP installation and system management scripts into the System Data Repository (SDR).


    [acct_master = accounting_master]

    [amd_config = true | false]

    [cw_lppsource_name = lppsource_name]

    [filecoll_config = true | false]

    [homedir_path = home_directory_path]

    [homedir_server = home_directory_server_host_name]

    [install_image = default_network_install_image_name]

    [ntp_config = consensus | internet | none | timemaster]

    [ntp_server = ntp_server_host_name ...]

    [ntp_version = 3 | 1]

    [passwd_file_loc = passwd_file_server_host_name]

    [passwd_file = passwd_file_path]

    [print_config = false | open | secure]

    [print_id = secure_print_login_name]

    [remove_image = true | false]

    [spacct_enable = false | true]

    [spacct_actnode_thresh = sp_accounting_active_node_threshold]

    [spacct_excluse_enable = false | true]

    [supfilesrv_port = port]

    [supman_uid = supman_uid]

    [usermgmt_config = false | true]


    Indicates which node is the accounting master, where crunacct runs. The initial value is accounting_master=0, specifying the control workstation.

    Indicates whether the automounter function should be configured and supported by the SP. Specify true if you want to have the automounter configured and the automounter daemon started on your SP. Automounter entries are created for your home directories if usermgmt_config is also true. Specify false if you do not want to have the SP manage the automounter. The initial value of amd_config is true.

    Indicates the LPP source name to use when installing the NIM file sets on the control workstation. The name you specify must correspond to an LPP source directory on the control workstation. The directory must be named /spdata/sys1/install/LPP_source_name/lppsource, where LPP_source_name is the name that you have assigned to the LPP source. The default value is default.

    Indicates whether the SP file collection management code should be installed.

    Specify true if the code is to be installed. Specify false if the code is not to be installed. The initial value is true.

    Specify an absolute path name for home_directory_path if you want to use a path other than the initial value of the control workstation path. The initial value is /home/cw, where cw is the host name of the control workstation.

    Indicates where user home directories physically reside. Specify a valid host name or IP address for home_directory_server_host_name if you want to use a server other than the initial value of the control workstation host name.

    The initial value is the host name of the control workstation.

    Indicates the location of the default network install image for your SP system. default_network_install_image_name should point to the install image which is used for a node if that node's install image field is not set. This should be a file in /spdata/sys1/install/images.

    See ntp_server.

    Indicates your choice for running NTP in your SP. To use your site's NTP time server, specify ntp_config=timemaster and specify the host name of your NTP time server with the ntp_server parameter.

    To use an Internet NTP time server, your control workstation must be connected to the Internet. Specify ntp_config=internet and specify the full host name of an Internet time server with the ntp_server parameter.

    To cause the control workstation and file servers to generate a consensus time based on their own date settings, specify ntp_config=consensus and specify ntp_server=''.

    If you do not want to run NTP on the SP, specify ntp_config=none and ntp_server=''.

    The initial value of ntp_config is consensus and the initial value of ntp_server is ''. If ntp_config is specified as either timemaster or internet, the ntp_server value must be a valid host name.

    Indicates which version of NTP you are running. The initial value is 3.

    Indicates the path of the password file where new user entries are placed. The initial value is /etc/passwd. If you change the value of passwd_file from /etc/passwd and are using NIS, be sure to modify your NIS Makefile to build the password map from the new password file.

    This field is meaningful only if usermgmt_config=true.

    Specifies the host name of the machine where your password file resides. The initial value of passwd_file_loc is the control workstation. The value of the passwd_file_loc cannot be one of the nodes in the SP system.

    Indicates how SP print management should be integrated into your system.

    Specify print_config = false if you do not want to have the existing AIX print commands saved and have the file names linked to the SP print functions.

    If you want to have the print management system integrated, specify secure if you do not want users to not have rsh privileges on the print host. Specify open if the users are to have rsh privileges on the print host.

    The initial value of print_config is false.

    Specify the login name to be used for rsh for secure mode printing. This field is meaningful only if print_config=secure is specified.

    The initial value is ''. If the value remains at '' and the value of print_config is secure, the installation script uses a print management ID of prtid as a default.

    The SP Print Management System was removed from PSSP 2.3. That is, the SP Print Management System cannot be configured on nodes running PSSP 2.3 or later. We suggest the use of Printing Systems Manager (PSM) for AIX as a more general solution to managing printing on the SP system.

    However, if you are running earlier versions of PSSP on some of your nodes, the SP Print Management System is still supported on those nodes. The print_config routine running on the control workstation will configure the SP Print Management System on nodes running versions of PSSP earlier than PSSP 2.3.

    If you are running mixed levels of PSSP in a system partition, be sure to maintain and refer to the appropriate documentation for whatever versions of PSSP you are running.

    Indicates whether install images are to be removed from the boot servers after an install has been completed.

    Specify remove_image=true if the images are to be removed.

    Specify remove_image=false if the images are not to be removed.

    The initial value is false.

    Indicates the percentage of nodes for which accounting data must be present in order for crunacct to continue processing that day. The initial value is 80.

    Indicates whether accounting is enabled or disabled on all nodes that have an accounting enabled attribute set to default. The initial value is false, disabling accounting.

    Indicates if accounting start and end job records are generated for jobs having exclusive use of the node. A value of true indicates that exclusive use accounting is enabled and start and end job records are generated. A value of false indicates that exclusive use accounting is not enabled and start and end job records are not generated.

    The initial value is false.

    Specifies the file collection daemon port. This is used in /etc/services for the file collection daemon. Pick a value that does not conflict with any other ports in use. It is meaningful only if filecoll_config=true is specified. The initial value is 8431.

    Specifies the uid for the file collection daemon. It is meaningful only if filecoll_config=true is specified. The initial value is ''. If you are using login control, make this uid lower than the threshold ID you set in the block_usr_sample script.

    Indicates whether SP user management scripts should be integrated into your system.

    Specify usermgmt=true if you want to have the SP User Management scripts in the Security & Users SMIT menu. Specify usermgmt=false to remove the scripts from the SMIT menu.

    The initial value is true.




    Use this command during installation of the SP or at a later time to identify SP configuration parameters in use at your location.

    You must have a ticket-granting-ticket to run this command. Refer to the chapter on security in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information on ticket-granting-tickets.

    If you do not have a ticket-granting-ticket, you must run kinit.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the spsitenv command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit enter_data

    and select the Site Environment Information option.

    You cannot use SMIT if you are using AFS authentication services.


    1. This command should be run only on the control workstation. You must be logged into the control workstation as root to execute this command.

    2. Any changes made will not take effect on the nodes until they are customized.


    The following example enters site environment parameters into the System Data Repository. The NTP configuration is consensus and the file collection management code is to be installed:

    spsitenv ntp_config=consensus filecoll_config=true



    spsvrmgr - SP Supervisor Manager.


    [-G] [-f file_name]
    [[-q rc | msg] |
    [-r status | action] |
    [-m status | action] | [-u]] [slot_spec | all]


    Specifies Global mode. With this flag, commands can be sent to any hardware.

    Uses file_name as the source of slot ID specifications.

    -q rc | msg
    Checks the supervisor hardware configuration for supervisors that support microcode download, and that also require an action.

    Action checks include:

    Indicates that the Supervisor card has no supervisor installed. An install is required.

    Indicates that the Supervisor card has a supervisor installed, but it is not at the most current level. An upgrade is required.

    Indicates that the Supervisor card has a supervisor installed and it is at the most current level, but it is not active. A reboot is required.

    Update Media
    Indicates that the Supervisor card has a supervisor installed, but the media that is the repository for microcode files does not contain the version that is installed on the card. A media update is required.

    If rc is specified with the -q flag, the command will issue a return code indicating whether any of the hardware requires action. A return code of 0 indicates that no action is required. A return code of 1 indicates that at least one supervisor was found that required action.

    If msg is specified with the -q flag, the command will issue a message indicating whether any of the hardware requires action. In this case, a return code of 0 is issued unless an error condition occurs.

    -r status | action
    Checks the supervisor hardware configuration for supervisors that support microcode download and displays status for those supervisors in "report" form.

    If status is specified with the -r flag, the status is listed for all of the installed supervisors that support microcode download.

    If action is specified with the -r flag, the status is listed for all of the installed supervisors that support microcode download and that also require an action.

    In both cases, Status includes:

    Frame Number
    Indicates the number of the frame.

    Slot Number
    Indicates a number in the range of 0--17.

    Supervisor State
    Indicates either Active (supervisor is executing) or Inactive (supervisor is not executing).

    Media Versions
    Indicates the microcode files that are compatible with the supervisor installed in this frame/slot.

    Installed Version
    Indicates the microcode file installed as the supervisor.

    Required Action
    Can be one of the following: None, Install, Upgrade, Reboot, or Update Media.

    -m status | action
    Checks the supervisor hardware configuration for supervisors that support microcode download and displays status for those supervisors in "matrix" form.

    If status is specified with the -m flag, the status is listed for all of the installed supervisors that support microcode download.

    If action is specified with the -m flag, the status is listed for all of the installed supervisors that support microcode download and that also require an action.

    In both cases, Status includes:

    Frame Number
    Indicates the number of the frame.

    Slot Number
    Indicates a number in the range of 0--17.

    Action Required
    Can be either Required or Not Required.

    Installs, upgrades, or reboots the hardware supervisors specified by the slot_spec option that support microcode download and that also requires an action.
    Note: This flag starts an hmcmds process to perform the actual update. Refer to the hmcmds command specifically the basecode, microcode, and the boot_supervisor command options.

    In most cases, the -u flag started processes powers off the target slots during the duration of the update.


    slot_spec | all
    Specifies the addresses of the hardware components.


    The design of the SP supervisor control system divides the microcode used in the frame supervisor, node supervisor, and switch supervisor into the following two types:

    Microcode that is loaded at the time of manufacture and gives the card the ability to load application microcode during system operation.

    application microcode
    Microcode that is loaded via basecode and contains the instruction that is the supervisor application.

    The spsvrmgr command controls the software level and state of the supervisor applications that reside on the SP supervisor hardware.

    Normally, commands are only sent to the hardware components in the current system partition. A system partition contains only processing nodes. The switches and the frames themselves are not contained in any system partition. To access hardware components not in the current system partition or to any frame or switch, use the -G flag.

    The slot_spec option is interpreted as slot ID specifications. A slot ID specification names one or more slots in one or more SP frames and has either of two forms:

    fidlist:sidlist   or   nodlist


    = fval[,fval,...]

    = sval[,sval,...]

    = nval[,nval,...]

    The first form specifies frame numbers and slot numbers. The second form specifies node numbers. An fval is a frame number or a range of frame numbers of the form a-b. An sval is a slot number from the set 0 through 17 or a range of slot numbers of the form a-b. An nval is a node number or a range of node numbers of the form a-b.

    The relationship of node numbers to frame and slot numbers is shown in the following formula:

    node_number = ((frame_number - 1) × 16) + 
    Note: Node numbers can only be used to specify slots 1 through 16 of any frame.

    Refer to the hmcmds command for examples of the slot_spec.

    Optionally, slot ID specifications can be provided in a file rather than as command flags. The file must contain one specification per line. The command requires that slot ID specifications be provided. If the command is to be sent to all SP hardware, the keyword all must be provided in lieu of the slot_spec option. However, the all keyword can only be specified if the -G flag is specified.


    The media that is the repository for the application microcode files is the /spdata/sys1/ucode directory structure.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Returned only in conjunction with the -q rc flag to indicate that at least one supervisor was found that required action.

    Indicates that the command failed. This return value is always accompanied with an error message.


    IBM suggests that you use this command through the RS/6000 SP Supervisor Manager option of the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT).

    To access this command using SMIT, enter:

    and select the RS/6000 SP System Management option, then the RS/6000 SP Supervisor Manager option.

    A list of options that correspond to the spsvrmgr command flags will be presented for selection.

    You can also directly access this list of options using the following SMIT fast-path command:

    smit supervisor

    Implementation Specifics

    You must be authorized to access the Hardware Monitor subsystem to run the spsvrmgr command. In addition, for those frames specified to the command, you must have Virtual Front Operator Panel (VFOP) permission. Commands sent to frames for which you do not have VFOP permission are ignored. Since the Hardware Monitor subsystem uses SP authentication services, you must run the kinit command prior to running this command. Alternatively, site-specific procedures can be used to obtain the tokens that are otherwise obtained by kinit.

    The spsvrmgr command, by design, only interacts with SP supervisor hardware that supports the ability to download application microcode. Commands sent to slots that do not support this ability are ignored.



    Related Information

    Commands: hmcmds

    Refer to the "Installing and Configuring a New RS/6000 System" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Installation and Migration Guide.


    1. To perform a "quick check" of your configuration for supervisor hardware that requires action and to have a message issued, enter:
      spsvrmgr -G -q msg all

      You should receive output similar to the following:

      spsvrmgr: At least one occurrence of supervisor hardware was found to
                require attention.
                Enter "smit supervisor" for installation options.

    2. To perform a "quick check" of your configuration for supervisor hardware that requires action and to have a status code returned, enter:

      spsvrmgr -G -q rc all
      echo $?

      Example usage in a script:

      spsvrmgr -G -q rc all
      if [[ $? = 1 ]]
          echo "*** Attention*** One or more supervisors require action."
          echo "Enter \"smit supervisor\" for installation options."

    3. To display status information in report form of all hardware that supports microcode download for frame 2, enter:
      spsvrmgr -G -r status 2:0-17

      You should receive report output similar to the following:

      spsvrmgr: Frame Slot Supervisor Media        Installed    Required
                           State      Versions     Version      Action
                _____ ____ __________ ____________ ____________ ____________
                2     1    Active     u_10.3a.0609 u_10.3a.060b None
                      ____ __________ ____________ ____________ ____________
                      5    Active     u_10.3a.0609 u_10.3a.060b None
                      ____ __________ ____________ ____________ ____________
                      9    Active     u_10.1a.0609 u_10.1a.060b None
                      ____ __________ ____________ ____________ ____________
                      13   Active     u_10.3a.0609 u_10.3a.060b None

    4. To display status information in matrix form of all hardware that supports microcode download for in your configuration, enter:
      spsvrmgr -G -r status all

      You should receive matrix output similar to the following:

      spsvrmgr: Frame       Slots
                _____       _______________________________________________
                1           00 01 05 09 13 17
                   (Action)  -  -  -  -  -  -
                _____       _______________________________________________
                2           01 05 09 13
                   (Action)  +  +  +  -
                Action Codes:
                    +  -- Required
                    -  -- Not Required

    5. To display status information in report form of all hardware that supports microcode download and requires an action for frame 1, enter:
      spsvrmgr -G -r action 1:0-17

      You should receive report output similar to the following:

      spsvrmgr: Frame Slot Supervisor Media        Installed    Required
                           State      Versions     Version      Action
                _____ ____ __________ ____________ ____________ ____________
                1     1    Active     u_10.3a.0609 u_10.3a.060a Upgrade
                      ____ __________ ____________ ____________ ____________
                      5    Inactive   u_10.3a.0609 u_10.3a.060b Reboot
                      ____ __________ ____________ ____________ ____________
                      9    Inactive   u_10.1a.0609 u_10.1a.060b Reboot

    6. To update the hardware that supports microcode download in frame 1 slot 1, enter:
      spsvrmgr -u 1:1

      You should receive installation output similar to the following:

      spsvrmgr: Dispatched "microcode" process [24831] for frame 1 slot 1.
                Process will take approximately 12 minutes to complete.
      spsvrmgr: Process [24831] for frame 1 slot 1 completed successfully.

    7. To update the hardware that supports microcode download in frame 1 slots 5 and 9, enter:
      spsvrmgr -u 1:5,9

      You should receive installation output similar to the following:

      spsvrmgr: Dispatched "boot_supervisor" process [27956]
                for frame 1 slot 5.
                Process will take less than a minute to complete.
      spsvrmgr: Dispatched "boot_supervisor" process [23606]
                for frame 1 slot 9.
                Process will take less than a minute to complete.
      spsvrmgr: Process [27956] for frame 1 slot 5 completed successfully.
      spsvrmgr: Process [23606] for frame 1 slot 9 completed successfully.



    spsyspar - Directly invokes the System Partitioning Aid window of the SP Perspectives graphical user interface (GUI).


    [-userProfile name] [-systemProfile name] [-noProfile]
    [{-backgroundColor | bg} colorName]
    [{-foregroundColor | fg} colorName] [-fontFamily name]
    [-fontSize size] [-fontBold] [-fontItalic] [-nosplash]


    -userProfile name
    Upon initialization, overrides the name of the user profile from the default value of 'Profile'.

    -systemProfile name
    Upon initialization, overrides the name of the system profile from the default value of 'Profile'.

    Upon initialization, does not read either profile.

    -backgroundColor | bg colorName
    Overrides the background color specified by any profile or default with the specified color. Refer to Appendix A, "Perspectives Colors and Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid color names.

    -foregroundColor | fg colorName
    Overrides the foreground color specified by any profile or default with the specified color. Refer to Appendix A, "Perspectives Colors and Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid color names.

    -fontFamily name
    Overrides any font family with the specified font. The list of valid family names is dependent on the X server. Refer to Appendix A, "Perspectives Colors and Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid fonts.

    -fontSize size
    Overrides any font point size with the specified size. Valid values are 6--30 points.

    Sets the font to bold.

    Sets the font to italics.

    Does not display the splash dialog before the Perspectives main window is displayed.

    Note: Most flags accepted by X will also be recognized. For example, -display displayname.




    Use this command to launch the System Partitioning Aid window of the SP Perspectives GUI. The System Partitioning Aid Perspective is used to view and manage the current system partitioning configuration. This tool can also be used to generate new configurations.

    When the command is invoked, preferences which define the look and layout of the System Partitioning Aid window are prioritized in the following order:


    The users preferences are read from and saved to $HOME/.spsyspar(User Profile Name). The System Preferences are read from and saved to /usr/lpp/ssp/perspectives/profiles/.spsyspar(System Profile name). If a new system partitioning configuration is created, the following files are created under the layout directory: layout.desc, nodes.syspar and a system partition directory for each system partition in the layout. For each system partition directory, a node list file and topology file are created.


    Any user can run the spsyspar command. Many actions require root privilege to run.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    For information on using the System Partitioning Aid window and the SP Perspectives GUI, please see the online help and the "Using the SP Perspectives GUI" chapter in the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    Refer to the "Managing System Partitions" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information on the System Partitioning Aid.



    Related Information

    You can also access the hardware window by using the SP Perspectives Launch Pad. The perspectives command invokes the launch pad. Other Perspectives windows may be launched by invoking the following commands: spevent, sphardware, spperfmon, and spvsd. The sysparaid command provides a command line interface into the System Partitioning Aid.


    1. To launch the Partitioning Aid Perspective, enter:

    2. To launch the Partitioning Aid Perspective with a hot pink background regardless of what is provided in the preference files, enter:
      spsyspar -background hot_pink



    spverify_config - Verifies the active system partition configuration information for the SP system.








    This command is run by the spapply_config command after the System Data Repository (SDR) is updated. It can also be run by an administrator to verify that the SDR information is consistent (such as, after a system outage or a problem with the SDR). (This verification is only performed on a system which was partitioned beyond the initial single partition created at initial installation.)

    Exit Values

    Indicates that the SDR and corresponding layout directory are in agreement.

    Indicates differences were found.

    Indicates a usage error.

    Related Information

    Commands: spapply_config, spcustomize_syspar, spdisplay_config

    Files: nodelist, topology


    To verify that the information in the SDR matches the customization information previously supplied by the user, enter:




    spvsd - Directly launches the IBM Virtual Shared Disk window of the SP Perspectives graphical user interface (GUI).


    [-userProfile name] [-systemProfile name] [-noProfile]
    [{-backgroundColor | bg} colorName]
    [{-foregroundColor | -fg} colorName] [-fontFamily name]
    [-fontSize size] [-fontBold] [-fontItalic] [-nosplash]


    -userProfile name
    Upon initialization, overrides the name of the user profile from the default value of 'Profile'.

    -systemProfile name
    Upon initialization, overrides the name of the system profile from the default value of 'Profile'.

    Upon initialization, does not read either profile.

    -backgroundColor | bg colorName
    Overrides the background color specified by any profile or default with the specified color. Refer to Appendix A, "Perspectives Colors and Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid color names.

    -foregroundColor | fg colorName
    Overrides the foreground color specified by any profile or default with the specified color. Refer to Appendix A, "Perspectives Colors and Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid color names.

    -fontFamily name
    Overrides any font family with the specified font. The list of valid family names is dependent on the X server. Refer to Appendix A, "Perspectives Colors and Fonts" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference for a list of valid fonts.

    -fontSize size
    Overrides any font point size with the specified size. Valid values are 6--30 points.

    Sets the font to bold.

    Sets the font to italics.

    Does not display the splash dialog before the Perspectives main window is displayed.

    Note: Most flags accepted by X will also be recognized. For example, -display displayname.




    Use this command to launch the IBM Virtual Shared Disk window of the SP Perspectives GUI. This perspective allows the user to view and control the IBM Virtual Shared Disk system.

    By default, when the window is brought up, it displays:

    The current system partition will be selected within the system partitions. The IBM VSD Nodes pane displays all nodes in the current system partition. The IBM VSDs and HSDs Definitions pane displays all existing IBM VSD/HSD definitions within the system partition. You can control which panes are displayed by using the Add pane and Delete pane combo boxes.

    When the command is invoked, preferences that define the look and layout of the spvsd window are prioritized in the following order:


    The Users Preferences are read from and saved to $HOME/.spvsd(User Profile Name). The System Preferences are read from and saved to /usr/lpp/ssp/perspectives/profiles/.spvsd(System Profile name).


    Any user can run the spvsd command. Many actions require root privilege to run.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    For information on using the IBM Virtual Shared Disk window and the SP Perspectives GUI, please see the online help and the "Using the SP Perspectives GUI" chapter in the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide. For information about the IBM Virtual Shared Disk, see IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks.



    Related Information

    You can access the IBM Virtual Shared Disk window by using the SP Perspectives Launch Pad. The perspectives command invokes the launch pad. Other Perspectives windows may be launched by invoking the following commands: spevent, sphardware, spperfmon, and spsyspar.

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks


    1. To invoke the spvsd window, enter:

    2. To force spvsd to display bold text regardless of what is set in the preference files, enter:
      spvsd -fontBold



    startvsd - Makes an IBM Virtual Shared Disk available and activates it.


    startvsd [-p | -b] -a | vsd_name ...


    Specifies that the primary server node defined for the global volume group is to be the active server.

    This option is only used by IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk product.

    See IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks.

    Specifies that the secondary server node defined for the global volume group is to be the active server.
    Note: This flag is used only by the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk product.

    Specifies that all IBM Virtual Shared Disks that have been defined are to be started.


    Specifies an IBM Virtual Shared Disk


    The startvsd command makes the specified IBM Virtual Shared Disks available and activates them. It is equivalent to running the preparevsd command followed by the resumevsd command on the specified IBM Virtual Shared Disk.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit vsd_mgmt
    and select the Start an IBM Virtual Shared Disk option.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.


    1. If you have the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk product installed and operational, do not use this command. The results may be unpredictable.

      See IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    2. The -b flag is used only by the IBM Recoverable Shared Disk product.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: cfgvsd, ctlvsd, lsvsd, preparevsd, resumevsd, stopvsd, suspendvsd, ucfgvsd


    To make available and activate the IBM Virtual Shared Disk vsd1vg1n1, enter:

    startvsd vsd1vg1n1



    statvsd - Displays IBM Virtual Shared Disk device driver statistics of a node.








    The statvsd command displays the level of IBM Virtual Shared Disk parallelism, several IBM Virtual Shared Disk IP device driver counters, nonzero sequence numbers and the nodes they are for, the node out cast status, and the max_IP_msg_size. If either the expected or outgoing sequence number for a node is nonzero, both are displayed along with the node number. If both the expected and outgoing sequence numbers are zero, no sequence numbers are displayed for that node.

    The level of IBM Virtual Shared Disk parallelism defaults to 9 and is set via the ctlvsd -p command.

    Sequence numbers are initially all zero at the first cfgvsd. They are incremented as requests are sent (outgoing) and received (expected), and reset via ctlvsd -R | -r.

    The counters all start at zero at the first cfgvsd, then are incremented as the events they count occur. Use suspendvsd and stopvsd to ensure that there is no IBM Virtual Shared Disk activity; then use ctlvsd to reset the counters.

    The requests queued waiting for a request block, pbuf, cache block, and buddy buffer counters indicate shortages of these resources. All four are tunable values on the vsdnode command. If a significant increase in these counters occurs during the running of a critical application, see IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks for information about tuning IBM Virtual Shared Disk performance and how to respond to resource shortages.

    When a user buffer address is not on a page boundary, two IBM Virtual Shared Disks can share a page in I/O requests. Typically, when a local IBM Virtual Shared Disk server is copying data to the user buffer, the DMA hides the page. If the client receives the data from a remote IBM Virtual Shared Disk server, network protocol interrupts the local I/O; however, the page is still hidden by the DMA. Therefore, the IBM Virtual Shared Disk places the remote request on a Rework_Q, swaps control to the local I/O, and later performs rework by copying data from the network protocol mbuf to the user buffer.

    A request, or its corresponding response, may be lost due to transmission failure or failure to allocate an mbuf. The current IBM Virtual Shared Disk communication protocol implements an exponential back-off retransmission strategy. A request is retransmitted to the server a fixed number of times. The IBM Virtual Shared Disk IP device driver waits about 2 seconds for a response after initially sending the request before retransmission. Thereafter, it waits about twice as long as the last time as it cycles through the fixed number of retries. If a response is not received after the timeout expires on the last retransmission attempt, the request fails with the ETIMEOUT errno value. Currently, the sum total of retransmission time is about 15 minutes. If a request is not responded to after about 10 transmissions of the request over a 15 minute period, the request is failed. statvsd displays the number of requests failed due to timeouts in the timeouts counter. The retries counters display the number of requests that have been retransmitted for each retry bucket value. The number of numbers on the retries line of statvsd output indicates the fixed number of times a request is retransmitted. The total retries is the sum of the retries bucket values, which is the total number of request retransmissions.

    There is no tuning that can be performed to affect these values; the values are provided for information only. If a request to an IBM Virtual Shared Disk is being retransmitted, and the IBM Virtual Shared Disk is suspended and subsequently resumed, the request starts over with a fresh 15 minute retry period.

    If a server gets heavily loaded, it may not be able to respond to a request fast enough to prevent the client from retransmitting the request. If the server responds after the client has retransmitted the request, the client rejects the response since its sequence number no longer matches the current sequence number of the request. The client records this event in the rejected response counter that statvsd displays.

    If a server receives a request with an unexpected sequence number, a rejected request event is recorded in a counter that statvsd displays.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information


    netstat -m for mbuf usage information.
    /etc/no -o thewall=16,384 to dynamically add more mbufs.
    /etc/no -a | grep thewall to show your current mbuf setting.
    cfgvsd, statvsd, ucfgvsd, vsdnode.
    ctlvsd to cast nodes in and out, resetting sequence numbers and setting the max_IP_msg_size.

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks for information on tuning IBM Virtual Shared Disk performance and sequence numbers.


    The following example displays IBM Virtual Shared Disk device driver statistics:

    VSD driver: IP interface
              9 vsd parallelism
          24576 vsd max IP message size
              0 requests queued waiting for a request block
              0 requests queued waiting for a pbuf
              0 requests queued waiting for a cache block
              0 requests queued waiting for a buddy buffer
            0.0 average buddy buffer wait_queue size
              0 rejected requests
              0 rejected responses
              0 rejected no buddy buffer
              0 requests rework
              0 indirect I/O
              0 64-byte unaligned reads
              9 comm. buf pool shortage
              0 timeouts
    retries:  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              0 total retries
    Non-zero  Sequence numbers
     node#     expected     outgoing     outcast?     Incarnation: 0
     3 Nodes Up with zero sequence numbers: 256 1000 2000



    stopvsd - Makes an IBM Virtual Shared Disk unavailable.


    stopvsd -a | vsd_name ...


    Specifies that all IBM Virtual Shared Disks in the suspended state are to be stopped.


    Specifies an IBM Virtual Shared Disk. If the IBM Virtual Shared Disk is not is the suspended state, you get a failed error message.


    The stopvsd command brings the specified IBM Virtual Shared Disks from the suspended state to the stopped state. They become unavailable. All applications that have outstanding requests for the IBM Virtual Shared Disk see these requests terminate with error. Read and write requests fail with errno set to ENODEV. If the IBM Virtual Shared Disk is in the stopped state, this command leaves it in the stopped state.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit vsd_mgmt
    and select the Stop an IBM Virtual Shared Disk option.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.


    If you have the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk product installed and operational, do not use this command. The results may be unpredictable.

    See IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: cfgvsd, ctlvsd, lsvsd, preparevsd, resumevsd, startvsd, suspendvsd, ucfgvsd


    To bring the IBM Virtual Shared Disk vsd1vg1n1 from the suspended state to the stopped state, enter:

    stopvsd vsd1vg1n1

    supfilesrv Daemon


    supfilesrv - Is the daemon that serves the file collections on the SP system.


    startsrc -s supfilesrv

    stopsrc -s supfilesrv


    There are no flags or options for this daemon. All arguments and options are defined to the System Resource Controller (SRC).


    This daemon executes on the control workstation and the boot and install servers. It responds to requests executed on the nodes to update collections of files configured for File Collections. The supfilesrv daemon is under control of the System Resource Controller (SRC). It is normally started as part of the SP initialization scripts. Under normal circumstances, the administrator does have to start or stop the daemon.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for information on file collections.



    Related Information

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for information on file collections, the System Resource Controller, and user management.


    1. To start the supfilesrv daemon, enter:
      startsrc -s supfilesrv

    2. To stop the supfilesrv daemon, enter:
      stopsrc -s supfilesrv



    Manages the SP file collections.


    supper [-d] [-o options] [-v] subcommands


    Turns on debug mode.

    -o options
    Lists SUP options to pass to SUP. See the SUP manual pages for more detail.

    Turns on verbose mode and echoes print of SUP messages.



    activate volume
    Set the active volume group. The active volume group must be set before installing a collection that requires a file system.

    Choice of on | off. Turn debug messages on or off.

    Show available disk space and active volume.

    files collection
    Show all files associated with a resident collection.

    install collection
    Install a collection.

    Show summary of last/current supper session.

    offline collection
    Disable updates of a collection.

    online collection
    Enable updates of a collection (this is the default).

    Exit the program.

    remove collection
    Remove a collection.

    reset collection
    Set the last update time of a collection to the epoch.

    Show raw output of last/current supper session.

    scan collection
    Run a scan for a collection.

    List all collections this machine is able to serve.

    Show the current status of all available collections. The status information includes the names of all collections, whether they are resident on the local machine, and the name and size of the file system associated with each collection.

    update collection
    Update a collection.

    Choice of on | off. Turn SUP output messages on or off.

    Print the last update time of all resident collections.

    Show current servers for collections.

    ! command
    Shell escape.


    You can invoke supper as an interactive session by entering the supper command without any parameters or subcommands. This allows you to enter the subcommands in an interactive dialog.


    /var/sysman/supper rlog
    /var/sysman/supper status
    /var/sysman/supper scan user.admin
    /var/sysman/supper update power_system



    suspendvsd - Deactivates an available IBM Virtual Shared Disk.


    suspendvsd -a | vsd_name...


    Specifies that all the IBM Virtual Shared Disks in the active state are to be suspended.


    Specifies an IBM Virtual Shared Disk. If the IBM Virtual Shared Disk is not in the active state, you get a failed error message.


    The suspendvsd command brings the specified IBM Virtual Shared Disks from the active state to the suspended state. They remain available. Read and write requests which were active while the IBM Virtual Shared Disk was active are suspended and held. Subsequent read and write operations are also held. If the IBM Virtual Shared Disk is in the suspended state, this command leaves it in the suspended state.

    If you issue this command for the server node and not the client, retries occur with eventual failure. Failure occurs within 15 minutes.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit vsd_mgmt
    and select the Suspend an IBM Virtual Shared Disk option.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.


    If you have the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk product installed and operational, do not use this command. The results may be unpredictable.

    See IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: cfgvsd, ctlvsd, lsvsd, preparevsd, resumevsd, startvsd, stopvsd, ucfgvsd


    To bring the IBM Virtual Shared Disk vsd1vg1n1 from the active state to the suspended state, enter:

    suspendvsd vsd1vg1n1



    sysctl - Is the command interface to Sysctl remote command execution and monitoring server.


    [-c collection_of_nodes] [-f num] [-h host] [-L] [-m]
    [-n] [-P port] [-q] [-r file | -] [-s] [-t sec] [-T sec]
    [-v] [-x] [command ...]


    [-c collection_of_nodes]
    Runs the command on the specified collection_of_nodes. If the collection_of_nodes argument contains a "/", it is assumed to name a file that holds the names of host machines. More than one collection_of_nodes can be specified with multiple -c options. Use - for standard input.

    [-f num]
    Controls maximum fan-out, when multiple hosts are specified. By default, a maximum of eight concurrent connections are used. The most allowed is 128. You may want to increase num to allow for greater parallelism when running commands that place low demand on system services.

    [-h host]
    The server on which to execute the command. More than one host can be specified using multiple -h options. If no -h (or -c) option is specified, the server is assumed to be the local host.

    Provides an alternate way to delimit output from multiple servers. A host name, such as precedes each line of output from the host. This type of output is easier to parse in programs and scripts than the default. The default format is to separate the output in blocks labeled with the host name. This is compatible with the dshbak output filter.

    Uses safe (message-authenticated) communication.

    Sends no authentication information.

    [-P port]
    Connects to the server using a specified port number. If this flag is not specified, the port is obtained from file /etc/services.

    Quick mode--do not wait for the result from the server. In this case, the server does not return the result to the client.

    [-r file | -]
    Replays (drops) this file on the servers. Used to pass scripts to sysctl for execution. You can specify standard input as the source of input by entering a dash (-) instead of a file name; press <Ctrl-D> when you are finished entering script commands from standard input.

    Tells the server to send results back via a TCP socket. The output from the server is demultiplexed into standard output and standard error, allowing you to separate the two types of output.

    Using a socket also enables two-way communication between the client and a command procedure. Any commands that start a dialog requiring input from the client must be run with the -s option.

    [-t sec]
    Specifies the connection timeout in seconds. The default is 10 seconds. If the specified value falls outside the valid range of 1 to 60 seconds, the default value of 10 seconds is used.

    [-T sec]
    Specifies the maximum time to wait in seconds for the result from a sysctl command. The default is 30 minutes. -T0 is not valid; it will default to 30 minutes. The upper limit is the maximum positive integer.

    Prints the version number of sysctl, then exits.

    Sends a NULL RPC (such as a ping) to the servers. You can use this to check if a server is up before you try to run a command on that machine.


    command ...
    The command to pass to the server. You can enter multiple commands.

    If you do not specify a command, sysctl runs in interactive mode.


    The sysctl program provides a simple command line interface for communicating with the Sysctl server, sysctld. Together, the Sysctl client and server provide monitoring and execution abilities needed to remotely manage workstations on all nodes on the SP system. Sysctl connects to a remote host's sysctld using TCP/IP, passes keywords and commands to the server, and writes any output returned to standard output. sysctl does not interpret the commands it passes.

    The Sysctl server uses the Tcl embeddable command language as the foundation for its built-in interpreter. The server is augmented with application-specific commands that may vary between servers. The Sysctl (Tcl) expressions that are passed to the server for execution can be anything from a single command to an entire script. The server uses SP authentication services for reliable third party authentication. The Sysctl request sent from the client optionally contains an authentication ticket that uniquely identifies the user that initiated the request. The server's built-in authorization mechanism controls the set of commands available to a user.


    Contains authentication key for services.

    Default ACL file for the sysctl server

    sysctl server configuration file.

    Related Information

    Commands: dshbak, hostlist, sysctld

    The chapter on security in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.


    These examples show commands issued from the shell prompt. Unless noted otherwise, the syntax is the same (minus the word sysctl) when issuing the command from within an interactive session of sysctl:

    1. To list the local file systems on server ceti-alpha5, enter:
      sysctl listfs -h ceti-alpha5

    2. To list all the commands that you are authorized to run on ceti-alpha5, enter:
      sysctl -h ceti-alpha5 info commands

    3. To add principal arielle.admin to the ACL of trusted users for the sysctl server on ceti-alpha5, enter:
      sysctl -h ceti-alpha5 acladd -p arielle.admin

      If you do not specify a realm, the local realm is assumed. If ceti-alpha5 is in realm TESTCELL.HAL.COM, sysctl returns the following message:

      -principal arielle.admin@TESTCELL.HAL.COM

    4. To add principal arielle.admin to ACL file /test/data/mount.acl on ceti-alpha5, enter:
      sysctl -h ceti-alpha5 acladd -f /test/data/mount.acl \
      -p arielle.admin

    5. To see if arielle is in ACL file /test/data/mount.acl on ceti-alpha5, enter:
      sysctl -h ceti-alpha5 aclcheck -f /test/data/mount.acl arielle

      The server returns 1 if arielle is in the ACL, 0 if it is not.

    6. To check to see if you are authorized to run the test:mount_if command on the SP node ceti-alpha5, enter:
      sysctl -h ceti-alpha5 checkauth -cmd test:mount_if

      The server returns 1 if you are authorized, 0 if not.

    sysctld Daemon


    sysctld - Contains the remote execution and monitoring server.


    sysctld [-sd] [-a acl] [-f file] [-k keyfile] [-l log_file] [-P port]


    Runs in debug mode. This causes a large amount of debugging information to be written to the log file as the server executes requests.

    Runs in security audit mode. An audit trace is written to the log file as the server executes each user request.

    -a acl
    Specifies the Access Control List (ACL) file. The default ACL file is /etc/sysctl.acl.

    -f file
    Specifies an alternate configuration file. The default is /etc/sysctl.conf.

    -k keyfile
    Specifies the server's key file. The default key file is /etc/srvtab.

    -l log_file
    Specifies the server log file. The default log file is /var/adm/SPlogs/sysctl/sysctld.log. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)

    -P port
    Specifies the server port number. If this flag is not specified, the port is obtained from /etc/services using sysctl/tcp as the key.




    The sysctld daemon is the server component for the Sysctl remote command execution facility. Security and performance characteristics of sysctld make it an ideal mechanism for managing a large, distributed computing environment. Typically, one instance of sysctld runs on every workstation. Commands are sent to a sysctld server via the sysctl client program. When a command request is received, sysctld parses and executes the request using an embedded Tcl command interpreter. Authorization to execute commands is determined by authorization callbacks that are attached to each command. These callbacks are pieces of Tcl code that implement the security policy for the sysctld server.

    Security and Access Control

    Sysctl uses the SP authentication service for reliable third-party authentication. Command requests sent by the client include an authentication ticket giving the identity of the client. As the server executes the commands sent by the client, the client's access to commands and variables is determined dynamically via authorization callbacks. In a typical command language, a procedure has a name, a set of arguments, a set of commands which form the body of the procedure, and a return value. With Sysctl procedures, an additional attribute is added, a policy for determining who is able to run the command. These policies are implemented using authorization callbacks. An authorization callback is a piece of Tcl code that is attached to a command and determines the access policy for that command. The authorization callback for a command is invoked whenever a client attempts to execute the command. If the callback returns a Tcl error, the command is not executed and the following message is returned to the caller:

    Authorization Denied

    If the callback returns a normal Tcl result, the command executes normally.

    Sysctl variables also have an authorization callback attached to them which determines the read-access policy for the variable. Therefore, it is possible to create a "private" variable in which you restrict the set of clients who have access to its value.

    The sysctld server defines a set of commands which are designed to be used as authorization callbacks. These commands provide a simple authorization policy; if more complex authorizations are required, you have the ability to code your own authorization callback procedures.

    Always returns a normal result. Any command it is attached to can be executed by any user.

    Returns a normal result if the user is authenticated via SP authentication services.

    ACL [file]
    Returns a normal result if the user is authenticated as the local host principal or if the user is listed in the ACL passed as an argument. If an ACL file is not supplied, the default system ACL (defined by the $ACL variable) is used. See sysctl.acl for more details about Sysctl ACLs.

    Always returns a Tcl error. Any command it is attached to can never be executed directly by a user. Instead, these commands are intended to be executed from within a procedure registered with the Sysctl server by way of its configuration file.

    Bypassing Authorization Callbacks

    Under certain circumstances, the authorization callbacks are bypassed by the server. While the checks are bypassed, the user has access to all commands (and read/write access to variables) defined in the server. The authorization callbacks are bypassed while the server is:

    Since authorization checks are bypassed during procedure execution, users are able to execute procedures that contain commands they are not authorized to run directly. For example, if a variable has the SYSTEM callback attached to it, a procedure for which a user is authorized can reference or modify the variable even though that user cannot modify or reference it.

    Authorization Variables

    Several variables, accessible as read-only variables in the interpreters or as environment variables, are set by the server prior to executing the client request. These variables provide a mechanism for external commands and procedures to perform their own authorization checking independent of the server's standard authorization checks. They are:

    Specifies the name of the host from which the request was issued.

    Indicates the authenticated identity of the issuer. If the user is unauthenticated, it is set to NULL.

    Specifies the base name of the user, or NULL if unauthenticated.

    Specifies the instance of the user, or NULL if unauthenticated.

    Specifies the realm of the user, or NULL if unauthenticated.

    Specifies the host name of the local server.

    Specifies the local realm of the server.

    Specifies the principal name of the local sysctld server.

    Specifies the communication mode between the client and server, either WAIT, NOWAIT, or SOCKET. NOWAIT indicates that the client is not interested in the result of the operation, and it is discarded by the server. SOCKET indicates that the result of the operation is returned to the client via a TCP/IP socket.

    Determining Connection Authorization Policy

    Whenever a client connects to the server, the command svcconnect is invoked. If the user is not authorized to run this command or if the command returns a Tcl error, the result of the command is returned to the user and the connection is broken. Therefore, the svcconnect command determines the connection policy for the server. By default, svcconnect simply returns a normal result and its authorization callback is AUTH. This implies that any authenticated user can connect. This policy can be altered by changing the authorization for the svcconnect callback (via the setauth command), or by redefining the svcconnect procedure (via the create proc command).

    Server Configuration

    At start up, the server reads a configuration file. By default, this file is named /etc/sysctl.conf. The -f flag is used to specify an alternate configuration file. The server interprets the contents of the configuration file as Tcl commands. Typically, additional commands and variables are defined in this file. Also, commands are available that instruct the server to read additional configuration files or dynamically load in shared libraries. In this way, the set of commands available to a sysctld server is extendable. Refer to the sysctl.conf file for more details.


    Sending a SIGHUP signal to the server causes it to close the log file, delete and re-create all interpreters, reread the configuration files, and reinitialize the log file. The svcrestart command performs the same function.


    The sysctld default log file is /var/adm/SPlogs/sysctl/sysctld.log. This default can be overridden with the -l command line option, or by by setting the LOG variable in the Sysctl configuration file. Each time a request is received, the svclogevent Sysctl command is invoked. By default, it writes a record to the log file giving the identity of the user who sent the request or "unknown" if the user is not authenticated. A different logging policy can be achieved by redefining the svclogevent procedure in the server's configuration file.

    While running in security audit mode, each line written to the log file is tagged with a Connection ID field which is used to filter the audit trail for a particular connection in cases where multiple connections are processed simultaneously.

    Starting and Stopping the sysctld Daemon

    The sysctld daemon is under System Resource Controller (SRC) control. It uses the signal method of communication in SRC. The sysctld daemon is a single subsystem and not associated with any SRC group. The subsystem name is sysctld. In order to start the sysctld daemon, use the startsrc -s sysctld command. This starts the daemon with the default arguments and SRC options. The sysctld daemon is setup to be respawnable and be the only instance of the sysctld daemon running on a particular node or control workstation. Do not start the sysctld daemon from the command line without using the startsrc command to start it.

    To stop the sysctld daemon, use the stopsrc -s sysctld command. This stops the daemon and does not allow it to respawn.

    To display the status of the sysctld daemon, use the lssrc -s sysctld command.

    If the default startup arguments need to be changed, use the chssys command to change the startup arguments or the SRC options. Refer to AIX Version 4 Commands Reference and AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs for more information about daemons under SRC control and how to modify daemon arguments when under SRC.

    To view the current SRC options and daemon arguments, use the odmget -q 'subsysname=sysctld' SRCsubsys command.


    The default ACL used to assign base authorizations.

    The default configuration file read by the server on start up.

    The default log file.

    Related Information

    Command: sysctl

    Files: sysctl.acl, sysctl.conf


    1. To start the sysctld daemon, enter:
      startsrc -s sysctld

    2. To stop the sysctld daemon, enter:
      stopsrc -s sysctld

    3. To display the status of the sysctld daemon, enter:
      lssrc -s sysctld

    4. To display the status of all the daemons under SRC control, enter:
      lssrc -a

    5. To display the current SRC options and daemon arguments for the sysctld daemon, enter:
      odmget -q 'subsysname=sysctld' SRCsubsys



    SYSMAN_test - Verifies that the installation and customization of the Systems Management components of the SP system completed successfully.


    SYSMAN_test [-q | -v] [-l log_file]


    Specifies quiet mode; suppresses all but summary output to standard output.

    Specifies verbose mode, includes informational messages to standard output.

    -l log_file
    Specifies the path name of the log file to which error messages are written. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)




    The SYSMAN_test command performs various tests to determine whether the systems management components of the SP system are completely installed and customized properly.

    A return code of 0 indicates that the test completed as expected; otherwise it returns the number of failures. If you do not specify the -q flag, a message is displayed on standard output that indicates the success or failure of the tests. In either case, the command returns 0 if successful, 1 if not. If errors are detected, more detailed information is recorded in the log file. If you do not specify the -l flag, error messages are recorded in /var/adm/SPlogs/SYSMAN_test.log.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit SP_verify

    and select the RS/6000 SP System Management option.


    Path name of this command.

    Default log file.

    Related Information

    Commands: CSS_test, jm_install_verify, jm_verify, SDR_test, spmon_ctest, spmon_itest


    To verify systems management following customization, saving error messages in sm.errors in the current working directory, enter:

    SYSMAN_test -l sm.errors



    syspar_ctrl - Starts, stops, adds, deletes, and refreshes the system partition-sensitive subsystems installed on your SP system.


    [-G] [-V] {-a | -d | -s | -k | -t | -o | -c | -r |
    -h | -A | -D | -E | -R} [subsystem_name]


    (help) Displays usage information. If a subsystem_name is specified, help is provided only for the specified subsystem's control script. Help is displayed as a syntax description and is written to standard output. Once help is displayed, no other action is taken even if other valid options are entered with the -h flag.

    (add) Adds all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, only the specified subsystem is added. The -a flag invokes each subsystem's control script. Typically, this causes each subsystem's control script to add itself to the System Resource Controller (SRC) subsystem, /etc/inittab and /etc/services. The actual function that is performed depends on whether the underlying control script runs on the control workstation or on a node.

    (add and start) Adds and starts all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, only the specified subsystem is added and started. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -a flag followed by the -s flag. This is a convenience option that provides the same function as first calling syspar_ctrl with the -a flag followed by the -s flag.

    (clean) Cleans up after all of the subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, only the specified subsystem is cleaned up. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -c flag. Typically, this causes each subsystem's control script to stop any subsystem daemons that may be running and clean or remove all entries for this subsystem from the SRC, /etc/inittab, /etc/services. This flag is similar to the -d (delete) flag, but independent of system partitions. Cleaning up the subsystems is done in the reverse order of how the subsystems are listed in the Syspar Controller subsystems file. You can use this option to clean up subsystem information while trying to get back to some preexisting state, such as when an old System Data Repository (SDR) is restored and the old system partitioning needs to be restored.

    (delete) Deletes all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, the specified subsystem is deleted. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -d flag. Typically, this causes each subsystem's control script to delete itself from the SRC subsystem, /etc/inittab and /etc/services. Deleting subsystems is done in the reverse order of how the subsystems are listed in the Syspar Controller subsystems file. The actual function that is performed depends on whether the underlying control script runs on the control workstation or on a node.

    (stop and delete) Stops and deletes all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, that subsystem is stopped and deleted. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -k flag followed by the -d flag. This is a convenience option that provides the same function as first calling syspar_ctrl with the -k flag followed by the -d flag.

    (examine) Examines all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, the specified subsystem is examined in the Syspar Controller subsystems file. Each subsystem name - control script pair in the subsystems file is examined and displayed. Entries that are not valid are noted. An entry is not valid when the control script for a particular subsystem does not exist at the specified location or does not have the correct read and execute permissions.

    (global) Invokes the appropriate underlying subsystem's control scripts for each system partition. If the -G flag is not specified, the appropriate underlying subsystem's control script is run only in the current system partition (SP_NAME).

    (kill or stop) Stops all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, only the specified subsystem is stopped. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -k flag. Typically, this causes each subsystem's control script to stop any daemons associated with this particular subsystem. Stopping subsystems is done in the reverse order of how the subsystems are listed in the Syspar Controller's subsystem file. The actual function that is performed depends on whether the underlying control script runs on the control workstation or on a node.

    (refresh) Refreshes all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is provided, only the specified subsystem is refreshed. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -r flag. Typically, this causes each subsystem's control script to rebuild configuration data and refresh any daemons associated with this particular subsystem. Subsystems may need to be refreshed when nodes are added to an existing system or the nodes PSSP version changes (for example, from PSSP 2.3 to PSSP 2.4). The actual function that is performed depends on the subsystem. This option is only meaningful when run on the control workstation.

    (restore) Restores all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, only the specified subsystem is restored. All subsystems are stopped and deleted before they are added and started. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -k flag followed by the -d flag, then the -a flag followed by the -s flag. This is a convenience option that provides the same function as first calling syspar_ctrl with the -D flag followed by the -A flag.

    (start) Starts all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, only the specified subsystem is started. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -s flag. Typically, this causes each subsystem's control script to start any daemons associated with this particular subsystem. The actual function that is performed depends on whether the underlying control script runs on the control workstation or on a node.

    (trace on) Turns the trace option on for all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, the trace option is turned on only for the specified subsystem. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -t flag.
    Note: IBM suggests only turning on a particular subsystem's trace by providing a subsystem name. If the trace is turned on for all subsystems, the volume of data produced may quickly fill up /var.

    (trace off) Turns the trace option off for all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, the trace option is turned off only for the specified subsystem. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -o flag.

    (verbose) Turns verbose mode on in the syspar_ctrl script which then prints out the actual calls it makes to the underlying subsystem control scripts. It also prints out additional information that is useful for debugging.


    Specifies the subsystem name that you want the command to act on. If a subsystem_name is not provided, this command is run for all subsystems that are listed in the Syspar Controller subsystems file (syspar_subsystems). For example, if you only want this command to work with the Event Management subsystem, enter:
    syspar_ctrl option haem


    This command acts as an interface to the system partition-sensitive subsystems supporting the functions that are shared by all subsystems. This command is also referred to as the Syspar Controller. It can be used to add or delete, start or stop, refresh or restore the subsystems, and various other functions. When used on the control workstation, it works with the subsystems on the control workstation. When used on the nodes, it works with the subsystems on the nodes. The refresh option is an exception. In order to refresh some subsystems, the subsystem must be refreshed on both the control workstation and on the nodes. In this case, the refresh on the control workstation will dsh an appropriate refresh command from the control workstation to the appropriate nodes.

    This command supports two types of options: primitive options and macro options. Primitive options are passed directly to the underlying control scripts, for example, -a (add), -d (delete), -r (refresh). Macro options conveniently group a commonly used set of primitive options into one option, for example, -R (restore). All of the subsystems and each subsystem's control script that are managed by the Syspar Controller are listed in the Syspar Controller subsystems file. By default, all of the control scripts listed in the Syspar Controller subsystems file will be called unless a subsystem_name is provided. In that case, the control script for just the specified subsystem will be called.

    This command is automatically called when the system is partitioned (spapply_config) to first stop and delete the system partition-sensitive subsystems from system partitions that are being removed, and then to add and start the system partition-sensitive subsystems (for example, hats, hb, and hr) in new system partitions.

    The Syspar Controller is also called when restoring the SDR with sprestore_config to first clean up and then add and start the system partition-sensitive subsystems (for example, hats, hb and hr) in each system partition.

    The Syspar Controller also needs to be called with refresh flag (-r) by the System Administrator using the command line whenever a node is added or deleted from the system, or a node is migrated to a new level of PSSP.


    Lists all of the system partition sensitive subsystems and their control scripts that are controlled by the Syspar Controller. Only the syspar_ctrl command should read this file. This file is located in the directory /usr/lpp/ssp/config/cmi.


    You must be running with an effective user ID of root.

    Environment Variables

    syspar_ctrl sets the SP_NAME environment variable prior to calling the underlying subsystems. Typically, SP_NAME is set to the value returned from the spget_syspar -n command. However, when syspar_ctrl is called with the -G flag, syspar_ctrl sets SP_NAME in turn to each value returned by the splst_syspars -n command. The -c flag ignores system partition boundaries while all other options respect system partition boundaries.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that the command failed. Most likely a subsystem's control script returned a bad return code.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: emonctrl, hatsctrl, hbctrl, hrctrl, haemctrl, hagsctrl, pmanctrl, sp_configdctrl, spapply_config, spcw_apps, sprestore_config


    1. To add and start all of the system partitions subsystems in each of the system partitions, enter:
      syspar_ctrl -G -A

    2. To stop and delete all of the system partition subsystems in each of the system partitions, enter:
      syspar_ctrl -G -D

    3. To refresh all of the system partition subsystems in the current system partition, enter:
      syspar_ctrl -r

    4. To restore all of the system partition subsystems running in the current system partition, enter:
      syspar_ctrl -R

    5. To stop all of the system partition subsystems running in the current system partition, enter:
      syspar_ctrl -k

    6. To get help for the event manager subsystem (haem) control script, enter:
      syspar_ctrl -h haem

    7. To display a list of all subsystems managed by the Syspar Controller, enter:
      syspar_ctrl -E

    8. To see the state of the system partition subsystems controlled by the Syspar Controller for system partition spp1, enter the commands:
      lssrc -a | grep spp1
      lssrc -a | grep sp_configd
      Note: The SDR is not managed by the System Controller.



    sysparaid - Creates a layout for a new system partition configuration of an SP system.


    [-h] [-i] [-s layout_name | a_fully_qualified_path]
    [-t tmpdir] input_file [topology_file]


    Displays usage information. If the command is issued with the -h flag, the syntax description of the command and the startup guidelines are displayed to standard output and no other action is taken (even if other valid flags are entered along with the -h flag).

    Creates a switch-map file (spa.sysinfo) for the current SP system if a System Data Repository (SDR) is present. If an SDR is not available, it will generate the file for the system described by the topology_file. If the -s flag is entered along with the -i flag, it will be ignored.

    Saves the newly generated layout in the system partition directory tree (/spdata/sys1/syspar_configs/...) if a layout_name is specified; otherwise, it will be saved under the directory specified by the fully qualified path given.

    Saves the snapshot, performance, and intermediate files under tmpdir.


    Specifies the file containing the system partition configuration requirement.

    Specifies the topology file for the system to be partitioned. This operand is required only when the topology file for the system to be partitioned is not under /spdata/sys1/syspar_configs/topologies. It is also required with the -i flag when there is no SDR or when the switch-map file for a system not represented by the SDR is desired.


    Use this command to invoke the System Partitioning Aid, a tool for generating new system partition configuration layouts. When invoked with the -i flag, it creates a switch-map file that will help the user to generate the input_file for creating a layout for a desired system partition configuration. When invoked with no flags or with the -s or -t flags, it attempts to partition the system according to the input requirement. If the attempt is unsuccessful, it will output appropriate error messages to the log and exit. If the attempt is successful and the -s flag is specified, the newly created layout will be saved at the desired location specified by the flag argument.

    Standard Input

    This command requires an input file when invoked with no flag or the -s flag. The template for the input file can be found in /spdata/sys1/syspar_configs/bin.

    Standard Output

    Informational messages are written to standard output.

    Standard Error

    Error messages are written to standard error.

    Output Files

    This command creates spa.snapshot and spa.metrics under tmpdir (if specified) or under the current working directory. If the -s flag is specified and the attempt is successful, it creates the following under the layout directory:

    nodes.syspar and a system partition directory for each system partition in the layout. Under each system partition directory, it creates the following:
    node list

    When invoked with the -i flag, the command creates spa.sysinfo under tmpdir (if specified), or under the current working directory.

    Extended Description

    The sysparaid command uses a set of built-in rules to create a layout for a desired system partition configuration. The following startup guidelines will help to generate an acceptable input to the command:

    1. The nodes can be identified by either using node_numbers or switch_port_numbers. While both schemes are permitted for partitioning a system defined by an SDR, switch_port_numbers is the only allowed choice when running the tool without an SDR. Also, the numbering schemes cannot be mixed when both schemes are allowed.

    2. Identify the four nodes linked to any switch chip to place them in the same system partition. If an SDR is present, the identity of the switch chips linked to the nodes in the system can be obtained by issuing the following command:
      sysparaid -i -t spa_dir

      This command places a spa.sysinfo file in the spa_dir if the -t flag is used; otherwise, it places it in the current directory. If an SDR is not present, issue the following command:

      sysparaid -i -t spa_dir topology_file

      where topology_file is the name of the topology file for the system to be partitioned.
      Note: In this case, only the switch_port_numbers are provided. No node_numbers are available.

    3. The keyword "remaining_nodes" can be used for the last system partition provided all nodes or switch ports not in the last system partition were placed in other system partitions. Therefore, the keyword cannot be used with the node_number numbering scheme for systems with empty input switch ports.

    4. Nodes on a switch board can be part of a maximum of two multichip system partitions.

    5. The input file must be formatted according the the template provided in /spdata/sys1/syspar_configs/bin/inpfile_template.


    Any user can run this command. Only users authorized to write to the system partitioning directory can save a generated layout under it.



    Related Information

    The spsyspar command provides the graphical user interface (GUI) for the System Partitioning Aid.


    1. The following is an example of an input file with the switch port number option (all switch ports linked to nodes):
      Number of Nodes in System: 32
      Number of Frames in System: 2
      Frame Type: tall
      Switch Type: HiPS
      Number of Switches in Node Frames: 2
      Number of Switches in Switch Only Frames: 0
      Node Numbering Scheme: switch_port_number
      Number of Partitions: 3
      Partition Name: part1
      Number of Nodes in Partition: 8
      0 - 7
      Partition Name: part2
      Number of Nodes in Partition: 8
      8 - 15
      Partition Name: part3
      Number of Nodes in Partition: 16

      To use /tmp as the working directory, enter:

      sysparaid -t /tmp inpfile

      You should receive a message similar to the following:

      A layout, for the desired system partition configuration or an
      equivalent, can be created.
      To save this layout, invoke the command again with -s option.

      To save the layout for this configuration under /spdata/sys1/syspar_configs/2nsb0isb/config.8_8_16/layout.myconfig, enter:

      sysparaid -s myconfig inpfile

      To save the layout for this configuration under /tmp/custom/config1, enter:

      sysparaid -s /tmp/custom/config1 inpfile

    2. The following is an example of an input file with the switch port number option (not all switch ports in the system are linked to nodes):
      Number of Nodes in System: 87
      Number of Frames in System: 6
      Frame Type: tall
      Switch Type: SP
      Number of Switches in Node Frames: 6
      Number of Switches in Switch Only Frames: 4
      Node Numbering Scheme: switch_port_number
      Number of Partitions: 2
      Partition Name: ProductionPartition
      Number of Nodes in Partition: 82
      16 - 95
      Partition Name: TestPartition
      Number of Nodes in Partition: 5

      If you enter the sysparaid -s myconfig inpfile command, this configuration will be saved under /spdata/sys1/syspar_configs/6nsb4isb/config.12_84/layout.myconfig. Note that the nine unspecified switch port numbers have been allocated to one of the two system partitions.

    3. The following is an example of an input file with the node number option (not all switch ports are linked to nodes):
      Number of Nodes in System: 8
      Number of Frames in System: 2
      Frame Type: tall
      Switch Type: SP
      Number of Switches in Node Frames: 1
      Number of Switches in Switch Only Frames: 0
      Node Numbering Scheme: node_number
      Number of Partitions: 3
      Partition Name: part1
      Number of Nodes in Partition: 2
      Partition Name: part2
      Number of Nodes in Partition: 4
      Partition Name: part3
      Number of Nodes in Partition: 2

      This input file for a particular SP system returned the location of an existing layout:

      The layout for the desired/equivalent system partition configuration is
      under /spdata/sys1/syspar_configs/1nsb0isb/config.4_4_8/layout.2

    4. The spa.sysinfo file for the system in Example 3 that was generated using the sysparaid -i command follows:
      switch_number   switch_chip   switch_port_number   node_number
            1              4                  9              25
            1              4                 13              29
            1              5                  0               1
            1              5                  1              17
            1              5                  4               5
            1              5                  5              21
            1              6                  2               3
            1              6                  6               7

    5. The following is an example of an input file for a switchless system:
      Number of Nodes in System: 32
      Number of Frames in System: 2
      Frame Type: tall
      Switch Type: NA
      Number of Switches in Node Frames: 0
      Number of Switches in Switch Only Frames: 0
      Node Numbering Scheme: switch_port_number
      Number of Partitions: 2
      Partition Name: part1
      Number of Nodes in Partition: 14
      2 - 5
      24 - 25
      29 - 31
      Partition Name: partition2
      Number of Nodes in Partition: 18

      To save the layout for this configuration under /spdata/sys1/syspar_configs/2nsb0isb/config.14_18/layout.myconfig, enter:

      sysparaid -s myconfig inpfile



    s1term - Opens a connection to an SP node's S1 serial port.


    s1term [-G] [-w] frame_ID slot_ID


    Allows specification of nodes outside the current system partition.

    Opens the connection in read/write mode.


    Specifies the number of the frame containing the node.

    Specifies the number of the slot containing the node.


    Use this command to open a connection to the S1 serial port of the SP node contained in the slot specified by the frame_ID and slot_ID operands. The specified node must be in the current system partition unless the -G flag is also specified. By default, the connection is read only. As data arrives from the serial port, it is written to standard output. When the connection is read/write and standard input is a terminal, the terminal is placed in raw mode, that is, canonical processing is turned off in the terminal driver. As data is read from standard input, it is sent to the S1 serial port. Standard input and output can be files or pipes.

    When the connection is read only, the command terminates upon receipt of a signal, usually generated by the terminal Interrupt key. When in read/write mode, the command terminates when either the termination character or End-of-File is read from standard input. The termination character is Ctrl-x by default. Another termination character can be used by setting the S1TERMESC environment variable to the octal (denoted by leading 0), decimal or hexadecimal (denoted by leading 0x) value of the desired termination character.
    Note: The termination character must only be one byte.

    To execute this command, the user must be authorized to access the Hardware Monitor subsystem and, for the frame specified to the command, must be granted S1 permission. Since the Hardware Monitor subsystem uses SP authentication services, the user must execute the kinit command prior to executing this command. Alternatively, site-specific procedures can be used to obtain the tokens that are otherwise obtained by kinit.


    Contains the s1term command.

    Related Information

    Commands: hmcmds, hmmon


    1. To open an interactive connection to the S1 serial port of the node in slot 8 in frame 12, enter:
      s1term -w 12 8

    2. To write the output of the S1 serial port of the node in slot 2 in frame 9 to a file, enter:
      s1term 9 2 > s1term.output



    ucfghsd - Makes a data striping device (HSD) for the IBM Virtual Shared Disks unavailable.


    ucfghsd -a | hsd_name...


    Specifies that all the data striping devices defined are to be unconfigured.


    Specifies the name of a specific HSD that is unconfigured.


    This command unconfigures the already defined data striping devices . This command does not change the definition of the HSDs; it makes the HSDs unavailable on one node.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: cfghsd, defhsd, hsdatalst, lshsd, undefvsd


    To unconfigure the data striping device hsd1, enter:

    ucfghsd hsd1



    ucfghsdvsd - Makes a data striping device (HSD) and the IBM Virtual Shared Disks that comprise it unavailable on one node.


    ucfghsdvsd -a | {hsd_name...}


    Specifies that all the data striping devices defined on this system or system partition are to be unconfigured.

    Specifies the names of defined HSDs that are to be unconfigured. This command unconfigures the underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks as well.




    Use this command to unconfigure HSDs and their underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks. This command does not change the definition of the HSDs and IBM Virtual Shared Disks; it just makes them unavailable. The underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks do not have to be in the stopped state for this command to work. The IBM Virtual Shared Disks will be stopped and then unconfigured.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit hsd_mgmt
    and select the Unconfigure an HSD and its Underlying IBM Virtual Shared Disks option.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must have root privilege or sysctl and sysctl.vsd access and authorization from your system administrator to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: cfghsdvsd, ucfghsd, ucfgvsd


    To unconfigure the data striping device hsd1 and the IBM Virtual Shared Disks that comprise it, enter:

    ucfghsdvsd hsd1



    ucfgvsd - Makes an IBM Virtual Shared Disk unavailable.


    ucfgvsd -a | vsd_name ...


    Specifies that all IBM Virtual Shared Disks in the stopped state are to be unconfigured.


    Specifies an IBM Virtual Shared Disk.


    The ucfgvsd command unconfigures the specified IBM Virtual Shared Disks. This command does not change any IBM Virtual Shared Disk definitions. It moves IBM Virtual Shared Disks from the stopped state to the defined state.

    If a configured HSD is using this IBM Virtual Shared Disk, you must first unconfigure the HSD before you unconfigure the IBM Virtual Shared Disk.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit vsd_mgmt
    and select the Unconfigure an IBM Virtual Shared Disk option.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.


    If you have the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk product installed and operational, do not use this command. The results may be unpredictable.

    See IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: cfgvsd, ctlvsd, lsvsd, preparevsd, resumevsd, startvsd, stopvsd, suspendvsd


    To unconfigure the IBM Virtual Shared Disk vsd1vg1n1 in the stopped state, enter:

    ucfgvsd vsd1vg1n1



    unallnimres - Deallocates Network Installation Management (NIM) resources from a NIM master to one or more NIM clients.


    unallnimres -h | -l node_list


    Displays usage information. If the command is issued with the -h flag, the syntax description is displayed to standard output and no other action is taken (even if other valid flags are entered along with the -h flag).

    -l node_list
    Indicates by node_list the SP nodes to which to unallocate installation resources. The node_list is a comma-separated list of node numbers.




    Use this command to unallocate all NIM resources from a NIM client.

    Standard Error

    This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that an error occurred.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program Product (LPP).



    Related Information

    Commands: allnimres, setup_server


    To unallocate boot/installation resources to boot/install client nodes 1, 3, and 5 from their respective boot/install servers, enter:

    unallnimres -l 1,3,5



    undefhsd - Undefines a data striping device (HSD).


    undefhsd hsd_name...




    Specifies the unique name defined in the SDR names that you want to delete.


    This command is used to remove a data striping device (HSD) by removing its definition from the system, including the special device files in /dev. The HSDs must be unconfigured and in the defined state on all nodes in the system partition.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit delete_vsd
    and select the Undefine a Hashed Shared Disk option.


    Specifies the command file.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: defhsd, hsdatalst


    To delete the HSD information associated with the data striping device hsd1 from the SDR, enter:

    undefhsd hsd1



    undefvsd - Undefines an IBM Virtual Shared Disk.


    undefvsd vsd_name ...




    Specifies the IBM Virtual Shared Disk whose underlying logical volume you no longer wish to be globally accessed by any IBM Virtual Shared Disk nodes.


    This command is used to remove IBM Virtual Shared Disk definition data from the System Data Repository (SDR) and any special device files from /dev for the given vsd_names on all the IBM Virtual Shared Disk nodes. The IBM Virtual Shared Disks must be unconfigured and in the defined state on all the IBM Virtual Shared Disk nodes.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the undefvsd command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit delete_vsd
    and select the Undefine a Virtual Shared Disk option.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must be in the bin group to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Command: defvsd


    To delete the IBM Virtual Shared Disk information associated with IBM Virtual Shared Disk vsd1vg2n1 from the SDR, enter:

    undefvsd vsd1vg2n1



    unfencevsd - Gives applications running on a node or group of nodes access to an IBM Virtual Shared Disk or group of IBM Virtual Shared Disks that were previously fenced from applications running on those nodes.


    unfencevsd [-v] vsd_name_list {-n node_list [-f] | -r}


    Specifies one or more IBM Virtual Shared Disk names, separated by commas.

    Specifies one or more node numbers separated by commas.

    Allows a fenced node to unfence itself.

    Removes records associated with IBM Virtual Shared Disks listed in vsd_name_list from the SDR.
    Note: Use unfencevsd -v -n to unfence nodes. Only use -r to remove an IBM Virtual Shared Disk fence record from the SDR while no IBM Virtual Shared Disk is configured on any node.




    Under some circumstances, the system may believe a node has failed and may begin recovery procedures when the node is actually operational, but is cut off from communication with other nodes running the same application. In this case, the "failed" node must not be allowed to serve requests for the IBM Virtual Shared Disks it normally manages until recovery is complete and the other nodes running the application recognize the failed node as operational. The fencevsd command prevents the failed node from filling requests for its IBM Virtual Shared Disks. The unfencevsd command allows fenced nodes to regain access to the IBM Virtual Shared Disks they normally act as servers for.

    This command can be run from any node.
    Note: This command will fail if you do not specify a current server (primary or backup) to an IBM Virtual Shared Disk with the -v flag.
    Note: This command changes SDR attributes when issued with the -r flag. Specify -r only when disks have already been removed from a fenced IBM Virtual Shared Disk.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: fencevsd, lsfencevsd, lsvsd, updatevsdtab, vsdchgserver

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks for information on how to use this command in writing applications.


    1. To unfence node 5 from the IBM Virtual Shared Disks vsd1 and vsd2, enter:
      unfencevsd -v vsd1,vsd2 -n 5

    2. To unfence node 7 from the IBM Virtual Shared Disks vsd1 and vsd2 when the unfencevsd command must be entered from node 7, enter:
      unfencevsd -v vsd1,vsd2 -n 7 -f



    updatehsd - Lets you change the option in the System Data Repository (SDR) that prevents overwriting the Logical Volume Control Block (LVCB) for specified data striping devices (HSDs).


    {-d hsd_names | -a} [-f]
    -o {protect_lvcb | not_protect_lvcb}


    Specifies the names of the HSDs that are the targets of this command.

    Updates the option on all HSDs defined in the system or system partition.

    -o protect_lvcb | not_protect_lvcb
    Specifies whether to skip the first stripe (the LVCB) up to a maximum of 128KB of every IBM Virtual Shared Disk that constitutes the HSD. protect_lvcb specifies skipping the LVCB; not_protect_lvcb specifies not skipping it.

    Forces the SDR changes by reconfiguring one or more IBM Virtual Shared Disks on all nodes in the current partition on which those IBM Virtual Shared Disks are currently configured.




    Use this command only on the control workstation.
    Note: This utility is very powerful. Misuse can destroy the contents of a database. Only the superuser should be allowed to run it. If a database has been loaded on a configured HSD, modifying the protect_lvcb or not_protect_lvcb option will destroy the database.

    The HSD name must be specified. You must choose either protect_lvcb or not_protect_lvcb. The data striping device must be defined in the System Data Repository (SDR).

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit set_HSDdd_parms
    and select the Update Hashed Shared Disk Options. option or
    smit hsd_mgmtd_parms
    and select the Set/Show HSD Device Driver Operational Parameters. option or the Update Hashed Shared Disk Options option.


    Specifies the file that contains the command.


    You must have sysctl and sysctl.vsd access and authorization from your system administrator to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: defhsd, dshsd, hsdatalst


    To set the protect_lvcb option for hsdcont01 and hsdcont02, enter:

    updatehsd -d hsdcont01,hsdcont02 -o protect_lvcb



    updatevsdnode - Changes IBM Virtual Shared Disk options in the System Data Repository (SDR).


    -n {ALL | node_number [,node_number ...]}
    {[-a {VSD_adapter | none}]
    [-i init_cache_buffer_count]
    [-m max_cache_buffer_count] [-r vsd_request_count]
    [-p rw_request_count] [-b min_buddy_buffer_size]
    [-x max_buddy_buffer_size] [-s max_buddy_buffers]
    [-M vsd_max_ip_packet_size]}


    Specifies the node numbers of the nodes whose SDR information you want this command to update, or ALL nodes in the system or system partition. You can issue the command /usr/lpp/ssp/install/bin/node_number to find out the node number of the node you are running on.

    Specifies the adapter name to be used for IBM Virtual Shared Disk communications with this node or nodes. IBM suggests using the switch (adapter name css0) for the IBM Virtual Shared Disk for best performance.

    The IBM Virtual Shared Disk device driver implements an optional write-through cache of pinned kernel memory with a block size of 4KB. When the first cached IBM Virtual Shared Disk is configured on a node, the cache is created, and it contains the number of blocks specified in this field of the SDR. The minimum value is 1. IBM suggests using a value of 64, which results in a 256K cache. If you use the switch as the IBM Virtual Shared Disk adapter, no cache buffer is allocated.

    The number of buffers in the cache can be increased up to max_cache_buffer_count. You cannot decrease the number; you must unconfigure all the IBM Virtual Shared Disks and start over. IBM suggests using the value of 256, which results in a 1MB cache. If you use the switch as the IBM Virtual Shared Disk adapter, no cache buffer is allocated.

    Specifies the maximum number of outstanding IBM Virtual Shared Disk requests originating on each node. If the number is too small, local requests will queue up waiting for a request block to become available. IBM suggests using the value of 256. The size of the block is approximately 76 bytes.

    Specifies the maximum number of outstanding read/write requests (rw_pbuf_count) the IBM Virtual Shared Disk will make to each underlying logical volume. A pbuf is a little bigger than a buf structure, which is approximately 104 bytes. The minimum value is 1. IBM suggests using the value of 48 for a server node. See the chapter that describes IBM Virtual Shared Disks in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Specifies the smallest buddy buffer a server uses to satisfy a remote request to an IBM Virtual Shared Disk. This value must be a power of 2 and greater than or equal to 4096. IBM suggests using the value of 4096 (4KB).

    The largest buddy buffer a server will use to satisfy a remote request. This value must be a power of 2 and greater than or equal to the min_buddy_buffer_size. IBM suggests using the maximum value of 65536 (64KB). This value must be the same on all nodes within a system partition.

    The size of the buddy buffer affects the number of remote requests the IBM Virtual Shared Disk server node can handle at one time. Remote requests can queue waiting for a buddy buffer. statvsd reports this queuing as buddy buffer shortages. Use the output from statvsd to select a buddy buffer size for your environment. When the switch is used as the IBM Virtual Shared Disk adapter, IBM suggests using a value of at least 4, which results in a 256KB combined buddy buffer size in combination with the default max_buddy_buffer_size of 64KB.

    Specifies the maximum IP message size for IBM Virtual Shared Disks, in bytes. The default value is 24KB (24,576). If you are using the switch as your IBM Virtual Shared Disk adapter, use a value of 60KB (61,440).

    Specifies that this command will force the SDR changes by reconfiguring one or more IBM Virtual Shared Disks on all nodes in the current partition on which those IBM Virtual Shared Disks are currently configured.




    Use updatevsdnode to change the specified values in the SDR for all nodes in node_list.
    Note: This command only changes the information in the SDR. In order to effectively configure the IBM Virtual Shared Disks, you must first unconfigure all the IBM Virtual Shared Disks and then reconfigure them.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit vsd_mgmt
    and select the Set/Show IBM Virtual Shared Disk Device Driver Operational Parameters option or the Update IBM Virtual Shared Disk Device Driver Node Parameters option.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must have sysctl and sysctl.vsd access and authorization from your system administrator to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Command: vsdatalst, vsdnode


    To change buddy buffer options after you've installed a new SP Switch Adapter, enter:

    updatevsdnode ALL -b 4096 -x 4 -s 5
    This command leaves min_buddy_buffer_size at 4KB, the default, lowers the max_buddy_buffer_size to 4KB as well, and allocates a maximum of 5 buddy buffers.



    updatevsdtab - Changes the IBM Virtual Shared Disk cache/nocache option in the System Data Repository (SDR).


    updatevsdtab {-v vsd_names | -a} {[-o {cache | nocache}] [-s]} [-f]


    -v vsd_names
    Specifies a list of IBM Virtual Shared Disk names to be updated.

    Specifies that the option is to be changed on all nodes of the system or system partition.

    -o cache | nocache
    Specifies either the cache or the nocache option. The default is cache.

    Updates the IBM Virtual Shared Disk size after the associated logical volume size is changed.

    Forces SDR changes by reconfiguring an IBM Virtual Shared Disk on all nodes in the current system partition on which the IBM Virtual Shared Disk is configured.




    Use this command to update the SDR, if necessary. If the -f flag is specified, the IBM Virtual Shared Disks involved will be reconfigured (using sysctl) on all nodes that are up and initially had these IBM Virtual Shared Disks configured.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit vsd_mgmt
    and select the Set/Show IBM Virtual Shared Disk Device Driver Operational Parameters option or the Update IBM Virtual Shared Disk Options option.




    You must have sysctl and sysctl.vsd access and authorization from your system administrator to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: defvsd, updatevsdnode


    1. To change the cache default for all IBM Virtual Shared Disks on a system or system partition, enter:
      updatevsdtab -a -o nocache

    2. To reset the size of the IBM Virtual Shared Disk named USER1n3, enter:
      updatevsdtab -v USER1n3 -s



    verparvsd - Verifies IBM Virtual Shared Disk system partitioning.


    verparvsd [-F] [-o output_file] layout_directory [new_partition ...]


    Returns success if correctable IBM Virtual Shared Disk errors are found in the system partitioning operation. This flag is the same as spapply_config -F and is used only when spapply_config invokes verparvsd when it is invoked with -F.

    Specifies the file where the System Data Repository (SDR) commands are placed to load the IBM Virtual Shared Disk data in the new system partitions. If -o is not specified, the output is placed in the /spdata/sys1/vsd/partitionVSDdata file.


    Specifies the layout_directory that describes the new system partitions that the user wants to apply, and wants verparvsd to verify for IBM Virtual Shared Disk system partitioning. This operand is used as the first argument in the invocation of the spdisplay_config command. Refer to the spdisplay_config command for more details.

    new_partition ...
    Specifies the list of new system partitions to be processed. If some system partitions are going to be unaffected by the system partitioning operation implied by the layout_directory, and you do not want verparvsd to look at them, do not list them here, but list only the system partitions being affected. The verparvsd command only verifies and processes the system partitions passed as arguments. If no new system partitions are given as arguments, all system partitions in layout_directory are processed and analyzed. The spapply_config command invokes verparvsd listing only the new, changing system partitions.


    Use this command to verify that the system partition proposed in the layout_directory will work for all the existing IBM Virtual Shared Disk data. The spapply_config command invokes this command to partition the IBM Virtual Shared Disk data during a system partition operation. The verparvsd command extracts all IBM Virtual Shared Disk data from nodes involved in the system partitioning and writes SDR commands to the output file that will reload the IBM Virtual Shared Disk SDR data into the correct new system partitions. This file is executed during the system partitioning process to partition the IBM Virtual Shared Disk data.

    The spapply_config command invokes this command and its output to effect IBM Virtual Shared Disk system partitioning. You can also invoke the command prior to invoking the spapply_config command to see how well suited the desired layout is for the existing IBM Virtual Shared Disk configuration as defined in the SDR.

    This command only checks and processes the new system partitions listed on the command line. If some existing system partitions are to be unchanged in the system partitioning operation, do not list those system partition names on the command line. If no new system partitions are listed, the default is to process all system partitions in the layout directory.

    This command checks to see if the IBM Virtual Shared Disk data can be partitioned as specified by the layout directory without any problems. The command reports any problems it identifies, as well as reports how it would fix the problem.

    The verparvsd command places global volume groups (GVGs) in the system partition containing their primary server node. IBM Virtual Shared Disks are placed in the system partition of their GVG. HSDs are placed in the system partition containing their first IBM Virtual Shared Disk.

    The verparvsd command looks for the following types of errors in each new system partition:

    1. Inconsistent VSD_adapter Node attributes. If any are found, the VSD_adapter field is set to en0 for all IBM Virtual Shared Disk nodes in the system partition.

    2. Inconsistent VSD_max_buddy_buffer_size Node attributes. The verparvsd command sets the VSD_max_buddy_buffer_size field for all IBM Virtual Shared Disk nodes in the system partition to the largest value of any node in the system partition, and adjusts the VSD_max_buddy_buffers so that the buddy buffer is still the same size, or just minimally larger than it was before on each node.

    3. A twin-tailed GVG with primary and secondary server nodes in different system partitions. GVGs are placed in the system partition of the primary server. If the secondary is in a different system partition, the verparvsd command will set the secondary server to NULL, making the GVG have only one server, the primary.

    4. An HSD with IBM Virtual Shared Disks in more than one system partition. The verparvsd command appends .BAD to the HSD's name. These HSDs would be unusable if the new system partition were applied and the VSD_adapter was css0.

      As a corollary, if an HSD with .BAD at the end of its name is found in the new system partition to have all its IBM Virtual Shared Disks in the system partition, the .BAD will be removed from its name.

    5. Any duplicate GVG, IBM Virtual Shared Disk, or HSD name. The verparvsd command keeps the original name for the first name it encounters, but makes up unique names for any subsequent duplicate names encountered. New names follow the following suggested naming conventions:
      vg01n01 for single tailed GVG on node 1.
      vg01p0ss02 for twin tailed GVGs, primary server node 1, secondary server node 2.
      vsd01vg01n01 (for example, vsdnnGVG name)
      hsd01 (for example, hsdnn)


    The default location of the output file containing all the SDR commands to correctly system partition the IBM Virtual Shared Disk data.

    Exit Values

    The verparvsd command looks for error types (described previously) in each new system partition and corrects them as specified:

    In either case, verparvsd processes all the IBM Virtual Shared Disk data, and generates a complete list of errors on standard error, and a complete SDR command list to the output file.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: defhsd, defvsd, spapply_config, spdisplay_config, vsdnode, vsdvg


    To see how well suited the configuration specified in the config.4_4_8/layout.6 layout directory is to your IBM Virtual Shared Disk configuration, enter:

    verparvsd config.4_4_8/layout.6



    vhostname - Sets or displays the virtual host name.


    vhostname [-s] [host_name]


    Trims any domain information from the printed name.


    Sets the virtual host name to host_name.
    Note: You must have root authority to use the host_name operand.


    Use this command to display or set the virtual host name of the local host. Only users with root authority can set the virtual host name. The host_name is stored in the /etc/vhostname file.

    If displaying the virtual host name and the virtual host name has not been set and the /etc/vhostname file does not exist, vhostname will return the real host name from the kernel variable.

    When setting the virtual host name, if the /etc/vhostname file does not exist, it will be created. If it does exist, the file contents will be overwritten by the new virtual host name.

    To clear the virtual host name so that the virtual host name no longer exists, remove the /etc/vhostname file.
    Note: You must have root authority to remove the /etc/vhostname file.

    The virtual host name is used in fail over situations when an application has associated the host name in the kernel of a particular machine to the service it is providing. When the application is restarted on the fail over node that has a different host name, the application may fail or act incorrectly. If the application needs to associate a host name with a particular service and it cannot handle having multiple host names, a virtual host name can be provided. The application can call vhostname instead of hostname and get the host name of the node it normally runs on. This eliminates the need to change the real host name in the kernel on the fail over node. It should be noted that changing the real host name in the kernel can cause problems with other applications that rely on the real host name in the kernel to identify the physical machine.
    Note: The High Availability Cluster Multiprocessing (HACMP) event scripts provided with the High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS) option of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) set and clear the virtual host name in the HACMP pre- and post-event scripts. The administrator normally should not have to set or clear the virtual host name.


    Contains the virtual host name.

    Exit Values

    Indicates that if a parameter was used, a virtual host name was successfully set. If a parameter was not used, either a virtual or real host name was printed out.

    Indicates that an error occurred.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: getvhostname, setvhostname

    AIX command: hostname

    AIX Subroutines: gethostname, sethostname


    1. To display the virtual host name, enter:

    2. To set the virtual host name to spcw_prim, enter:
      vhostname spcw_prim

    3. To display the virtual host name and trim domain information for host, enter:
      vhostname -s

      A vhostname of donald prints out.

    4. To clear the virtual host name so it no longer exists, enter:
      rm /etc/vhostname
      Note: You must have root authority to remove the /etc/vhostname file.



    vsdatalst - Displays IBM Virtual Shared Disk system definition data from the System Data Repository (SDR).


    vsdatalst [-G] -g | -n | -v


    Displays information for all system partitions on the SP, not only the current system partition.

    Only one of the following flags can be specified with each invocation of vsdatalst:

    Displays the following SDR IBM Virtual Shared Disk global volume group data:
    secondary_server_node. (This is only enabled with IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk)

    Displays the following SDR IBM Virtual Shared Disk Node data:

    Displays the following SDR IBM Virtual Shared Disk Definition data:
    option (cache|nocache).




    Use this command to display one of several kinds of information to standard output.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the vsdatalst command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit list_vsd
    and select the option for the kind of IBM Virtual Shared Disk SDR information you wish to see.


    You must be in the bin group to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks


    1. To display SDR IBM Virtual Shared Disk global volume group data, enter:
      vsdatalst -g
      The system displays a message similar to the following:
      Note: backup or secondary_server_node is only enabled with IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk.
      VSD Global Volume Group Information
      Global Volume     Local     Server Node  Numbers:  eio_
      Group name        VG name   primary      backup    recovery  Recovery
      ----------------  --------  -----------  --------  --------  --------
      hunter-rileysvg   rileysvg       1         0          0         0
      ppstest1-rootvg   rootvg         3         0          0         0
      tattooine-rootvg  rootvg         2         0          0         0

    2. To display SDR IBM Virtual Shared Disk Node data, enter:
      vsdatalst -n
      The system displays a message similar to the following:
      VSD Node Information
                            Initial Maximum  VSD    rw    Buddy Buffer:
      node           VSD    cache   cache    req.   req.  min.  max.    size: #
      #    host_name adapt. buffers buffers  count  count size  size    maxbufs
      ---- --------- ------ ------- -------  -----  ----- ---- ----------------
       1   hunter     tr0     64      256     256    48   4096  65536     4
       2   tattooine  tr0     64      256     256    48   4096  65536     4
       3   ppstest1   tr0     64      256     256    48   4096  65536     4

    3. To display SDR IBM Virtual Shared Disk Definition data, enter:
      vsdatalst -v
      The system displays a message similar to the following:
      VSD Table
      VSD name          logical volume  Global Volume Group     minor# option
      ----------------- --------------- ----------------------- ------ ------
      vsd.rlv01         rlv01           hunter-rileysvg              2 cache
      vsd.rlv02         rlv02           hunter-rileysvg              3 cache
      vsd.vsd1          vsd1            tattooine-rootvg             1 nocache
      vsd.vsdp1         vsd1            ppstest1-rootvg              4 nocache



    vsdchgserver - Updates the server function for a global volume group defined within the IBM Virtual Shared Disk subsystem. When the current acting server of the global volume group is changed or updated, the server function will also be moved.


    -g vsd_global_volume_group_name -p primary_node
    [-b secondary_node] [-o EIO_recovery]


    Specifies the Global Volume Group name for the volume group that represents all the IBM Virtual Shared Disks defined on a particular node.

    Specifies the node number defined as the primary server node for the global volume group specified with the -g flag. The value of the -p option must be the same as the current acting server of the global volume group.

    Specifies the node number defined as the secondary server node for the global volume group specified with the -g flag. If the -b flag is not specified, it will set the secondary_node to undefined in the System Data Repository (SDR). If the current secondary_node in the SDR is not defined and the -b flag is specified, the vsdchgserver command will set the secondary_node for the global volume group specified in the -g flag.

    Specified as 0, for no recovery on an EIO error, or 1, for recovery on an EIO error. The default is the current value defined in the SDR.




    The vsdchgserver command allows the serving function for a global volume group defined on a primary node to be taken over by the secondary node, or to be taken over by the primary node from the secondary node. This allows an application to continue to use IBM Virtual Shared Disks in situations where the cable or adapter between the physical disks and one of the attached nodes is not working.

    The IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk system automatically updates the IBM Virtual Shared Disk devices if, and only if, the vsdchgserver command is used to flip the currently-defined primary node and secondary node in the global volume group specified in the -g flag.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must have root privilege to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks for information on how to use this command in writing applications.


    To change the primary server node for the global volume group node12vg to node 1 and the secondary node to node 2, with EIO recovery, enter:

    vsdchgserver -g node12vg -p 1 -b 2 -o 1



    vsddiag - Displays information about the status of IBM Virtual Shared Disks.








    This command displays information about IBM Virtual Shared Disks that can help you determine their status and collect information that helps IBM service representatives diagnose system problems.
    Note: The vsddiag command can only be used when no IBM Virtual Shared Disk I/O is in progress.


    Specifies the command file.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: vsdatalst, vsdsklst


    To display information about the IBM Virtual Shared Disks in your system or system partition, enter:

    If all IBM Virtual Shared Disk's are created and configured correctly, the output is:
    Checking server vsds
    Checking VSD request sequence number.
    Checking device drivers.
    end of vsdl1diag:checkvsdl1 program.

    If there are no IBM Virtual Shared Disk's defined, the output is:
    VSD_ERROR:3:No IBM Virtual Shared Disks are configured on this node.

    VSD_ERROR:3:No IBM Virtual Shared Disks are configured on this node.
    Checking server vsds
    Checking VSD request sequence number.
    Checking device drivers.
    end of vsdl1diag:checkvsdl1 program.

    If there is something wrong with the IBM Virtual Shared Disk's, the output is:
    VSD_ERROR:3:No IBM Virtual Shared Disks are configured on this node.

    VSD_ERROR:3:No IBM Virtual Shared Disks are configured on this node.
    Checking server vsds
    Checking VSD request sequence number.
    Checking device drivers.
    vsdl1diag:checkvsdl1: 0034-619 Device driver on node 14 is not at the
    same level as others on this SP system or system partition.
    vsdl1diag:checkvsdl1: 0034-620 VSD Maximum IP Message Size on node 14 is
    not at the same level as others on this SP system or system partition.



    vsdelnode - Removes IBM Virtual Shared Disk information for a node or series of nodes from the System Data Repository (SDR).


    vsdelnode node_number ...




    Specifies the number attribute assigned to a node in the SDR.


    This command is used to remove IBM Virtual Shared Disk data for a node or series of nodes from the SDR.

    The vsdelnode command makes the listed nodes no longer IBM Virtual Shared Disk nodes so that no IBM Virtual Shared Disks can be accessed from them. This command fails for any nodes that are servers for any global volume groups.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the vsdelnode command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit delete_vsd
    and select the Delete IBM Virtual Shared Disk Node Information option.


    You must be in the bin group to run this command.


    If you have the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk product installed and operational, do not use this command. The results may be unpredictable.

    See IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: vsdatalst, vsdnode


    To delete IBM Virtual Shared Disk node information for nodes 3 and 6, enter:

    vsdelnode 3 6



    vsdelvg - Removes IBM Virtual Shared Disk global volume group information from the System Data Repository (SDR).


    vsdelvg [-f] global_group_name ...


    Forces the removal of any IBM Virtual Shared Disks defined on this global volume group.


    Specifies the volume group that you no longer want to be global to the system.


    Use this command to remove IBM Virtual Shared Disk global volume group information from the SDR. If any IBM Virtual Shared Disks are defined on a global volume group, the vsdelvg command fails unless -f is specified. If -f is specified, any such IBM Virtual Shared Disks must be unconfigured and in the defined state on all the IBM Virtual Shared Disk nodes to be deleted.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the vsdelvg command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit delete_vsd
    and select the Delete IBM Virtual Shared Disk Global Volume Group Information option.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must be in the bin group to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: vsdatalst, vsdvg, undefvsd


    To delete the IBM Virtual Shared Disk information associated with global volume group vg1n1 from the SDR, enter:

    vsdelvg vg1n1



    vsdnode - Enters IBM Virtual Shared Disk information for a node or series of nodes into the System Data Repository (SDR).


    node_number... adapter_name init_cache_buffer_count
    max_cache_buffer_count vsd_request_count rw_request_count
    min_buddy_buffer_size max_buddy_buffer_size max_buddy_buffers




    Specifies the node or nodes whose IBM Virtual Shared Disk information is to be set as identified by the node_number attribute of the SDR node class.

    Specifies the adapter name to be used for IBM Virtual Shared Disk communications for the nodes specified. The adapter name must already be defined to the nodes. Note that the nodes involved in IBM Virtual Shared Disk support must be fully connected so that proper communications can take place. Use css0 to specify that the IBM Virtual Shared Disk device driver transmits data requests over the High Performance Switch or the SP Switch. The css0 adapter will be used the next time the IBM Virtual Shared Disk device driver is loaded.

    Specifies the initial number of buffers used for IBM Virtual Shared Disk caching for the nodes specified.

    Specifies the maximum number of buffers to be used for IBM Virtual Shared Disk caching for the nodes specified.

    Specifies the number of outstanding IBM Virtual Shared Disk requests for the nodes specified.

    Specifies the number of outstanding read and write requests the IBM Virtual Shared Disk issues at one time to each logical volume for the nodes specified.

    Specifies the smallest buddy buffer a server uses to satisfy a remote request to an IBM Virtual Shared Disk. This value must be a power of 2 and less than or equal to 4096. IBM suggests using a value of 4096 (4KB). For a 512 byte request, 4KB is clearly overkill. However, recall that a buddy buffer is only used while a remote request is being served at the serving node - a short period of time.

    Specifies the largest buddy buffer a server uses to satisfy a remote noncached request. This value must be a power of 2 and greater than or equal to the min_buddy_buffer_size. IBM suggests using a value of 262144 (256KB). This value depends on the I/O request size of applications using the IBM Virtual Shared Disks and the network used by the IBM Virtual Shared Disk software.

    This value should be the same on all nodes in a system partition. The buddy buffer is pinned kernel memory allocated when the IBM Virtual Shared Disk device driver is loaded the first time an IBM Virtual Shared Disk is configured (and freed when the last IBM Virtual Shared Disk is unconfigured). The size of the buddy buffer affects the number of remote requests the IBM Virtual Shared Disk server node can handle at one time. Remote requests can queue waiting for a buddy buffer. statvsd reports this queuing as buddy buffer shortages. Use this number to select the buddy buffer size for your environment. IBM suggests using a value of 2 initially, resulting in a 512KB buddy buffer for the switch.
    Note: If the application issues requests larger than 64KB, the number of buddy buffers can be increased, depending on the size of the requests.

    Specifies the maximum message size in bytes for IBM Virtual Shared Disks. If you use SMIT to define the IBM Virtual Shared Disk node, the default is 24KB (24,576); otherwise, the default is none.


    Use this command to make the specified nodes IBM Virtual Shared Disk nodes and to assign their IBM Virtual Shared Disk operational parameters. The operational parameters are: adapter name, initial cache buffer count, maximum cache buffer count, read/write request count, IBM Virtual Shared Disk request count, and buddy buffer parameters. If this information is the same for all nodes, run this command once. If the information is different for the nodes, run this command once for each block of nodes that should have the same IBM Virtual Shared Disk information.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the vsdnode command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit vsd_data
    and select the IBM Virtual Shared Disk Node Information option.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must be in the bin group to run this command.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: vsdatalst, vsdelnode

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks for defining IBM Virtual Shared Disk information in the SDR.


    The following example adds SDR information for a css0 network and nodes 1 through 8 with css0 being the adapter name used for IBM Virtual Shared Disk communications. Initially, this is accomplished with 64 cache buffers and with a maximum of 256 cache buffers to be used for IBM Virtual Shared Disk support, with allowance for 48 outstanding read/write requests per IBM Virtual Shared Disk and 256 outstanding IBM Virtual Shared Disk requests per node with two 256KB max_buddy_buffers and a 4KB min_buddy_buffer_size.

    vsdnode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 css0 64 256 256 48 4096 65536 2 262144



    vsdsklst - Produces output that shows you the disk resources used by the IBM Virtual Shared Disk subsystem across a system or system partition.


    vsdsklst {-d | -v | -dv} {[-a] | -n node_list]} [-G]


    Displays only disk utilization information about volume groups and the physical disks associated with them.

    Displays only disk utilization information about volume groups and the IBM Virtual Shared Disks associated with them.

    Displays disk utilization information about volume groups, physical disks, and IBM Virtual Shared Disks.

    Displays specified information for all nodes in the system or system partition.

    -n node_list
    Lists one or more node numbers for which information is to be displayed.

    Displays global disk information (across system partitions).




    Use this command to check disk utilization across a system or system partition.


    Specifies the command file.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Command: vsdatalst


    This command:

    vsdsklst -dv -a
    displays the following information on a system that has volume groups and IBM Virtual Shared Disks defined on nodes 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, and 12. Node 5 is temporarily inactive.
    Node Number:12; Node
        Volume group:rootvg; Partition Size:4; Total:537; Free:315
            Physical Disk:hdisk0; Total:537; Free:315
        Volume group:vsdvg; Partition Size:4; Total:537; Free:533
            Physical Disk:hdisk1; Total:537; Free:533
            VSD Name:1HsD8n12{lv1HsD8n12}; Size:2
            VSD Name:1HsD20n12{lv1HsD20n12}; Size:2
    Node Number:1; Node
        Volume group:rootvg; Partition Size:4; Total:537; Free:210
            Physical Disk:hdisk0; Total:537; Free:210
        Volume group:vsdvg; Partition Size:4; Total:537; Free:533
            Physical Disk:hdisk1; Total:537; Free:533
            VSD Name:1HsD1n1{lv1HsD1n1}; Size:2
            VSD Name:1HsD13n1{lv1HsD13n1}; Size:2
    No response
    Node Number:10; Node
        Volume group:rootvg; Partition Size:4; Total:537; Free:303
            Physical Disk:hdisk0; Total:537; Free:303
            VSD Name:vsdn10v1{lvn10v1}; Size:4
            VSD Name:vsdn10v2{lvn10v2}; Size:4
            VSD Name:vsdn10v3{lvn10v3}; Size:4
        Volume group:vsdvg; Partition Size:4; Total:537; Free:533
            Physical Disk:hdisk1; Total:537; Free:533
            VSD Name:1HsD6n10{lv1HsD6n10}; Size:2
            VSD Name:1HsD18n10{lv1HsD18n10}; Size:2
    Node Number:3; Node
        Volume group:rootvg; Partition Size:4; Total:537; Free:269
            Physical Disk:hdisk0; Total:537; Free:269
            VSD Name:vsdn03v1{lvn03v1}; Size:4
            VSD Name:vsdn03v2{lvn03v2}; Size:4
            VSD Name:vsdn03v3{lvn03v3}; Size:4
        Volume group:vsdvg; Partition Size:4; Total:537; Free:533
            Physical Disk:hdisk1; Total:537; Free:533
            VSD Name:1HsD2n3{lv1HsD2n3}; Size:2
            VSD Name:1HsD14n3{lv1HsD14n3}; Size:2
    Node Number:7; Node
        Volume group:rootvg; Partition Size:4; Total:537; Free:300
            Physical Disk:hdisk0; Total:537; Free:300
            VSD Name:vsdn07v1{lvn07v1}; Size:4
            VSD Name:vsdn07v2{lvn07v2}; Size:4
            VSD Name:vsdn07v3{lvn07v3}; Size:4
        Volume group:vsdvg; Partition Size:4; Total:537; Free:533
            Physical Disk:hdisk1; Total:537; Free:533
            VSD Name:1HsD4n7{lv1HsD4n7}; Size:2
            VSD Name:1HsD16n7{lv1HsD16n7}; Size:2

    To view the output for a specific node, type:

    vsdsklst -n 12
    The output is:
    Node Number:7; Node
        Volume group:rootvg; Partition Size:4; Total:537; Free:300
            Physical Disk:hdisk0; Total:537; Free:300
            VSD Name:vsdn07v1{lvn07v1}; Size:4
            VSD Name:vsdn07v2{lvn07v2}; Size:4
            VSD Name:vsdn07v3{lvn07v3}; Size:4
        Volume group:vsdvg; Partition Size:4; Total:537; Free:533
            Physical Disk:hdisk1; Total:537; Free:533
            VSD Name:1HsD4n7{lv1HsD4n7}; Size:2
            VSD Name:1HsD16n7{lv1HsD16n7}; Size:2

    If both the rootvg and testvg volume groups are varied on, the system displays output similar to the following:

    Node Number:12; Node
        Volume group:rootvg; Partition Size:4; Total:537; Free:47
            Physical Disk:hdisk0; Total:537; Free:47
            VSD Name:1HsD1n12[lv1HsD1n12]; Size:5
            VSD Name:1HsD2n12[lv1HsD2n12]; Size:5
            VSD Name:vsd4n12[lvvsd4n12]; Size:4
            VSD Name:vsd5n12[lvvsd5n12]; Size:4
            VSD Name:vsd6n12[lvvsd6n12]; Size:4
        Volume group:testvg; Partition Size:4; Total:537; Free:313
            Physical Disk:hdisk1; Total:537; Free:313
            VSD Name:vsd14n12[lvvsd14n12]; Size:4

    If the testvg volume group is not varied on, the system displays output similar to the following:

    Node Number:12; Node
        Volume group:rootvg; Partition Size:4; Total:537; Free:47
            Physical Disk:hdisk0; Total:537; Free:47
            VSD Name:1HsD1n12[lv1HsD1n12]; Size:5
            VSD Name:1HsD2n12[lv1HsD2n12]; Size:5
            VSD Name:vsd4n12[lvvsd4n12]; Size:4
            VSD Name:vsd5n12[lvvsd5n12]; Size:4
            VSD Name:vsd6n12[lvvsd6n12]; Size:4
        Volume group:testvg is not varied on.
            Physical Disk:hdisk1;

    Instead of issuing this command directly, you should use the appropriate SMIT panels to view it in the best format. To view information about volume groups, type:

    smit lsvg
    To view information about logical volumes, type:
    smit lslv
    To view information about physical volumes, type:
    smit lspv



    vsdvg - Defines an IBM Virtual Shared Disk global volume group.


    [-g global_group_name ] local_group_name primary_server_node
    [secondary_server_node] [eio_recovery]


    -g global_group_name
    Specifies a unique name for the new global volume group. This name must be unique across the system partition. It should be unique across the SP, to avoid any naming conflicts during future system partitioning operations. The suggested naming convention is vgxxnyy, where yy is the node number, and xx uniquely numbers the volume groups on that node. If this is not specified, the local group name is used for the global name. The length of the name must be less than or equal to 31 characters.


    Specifies the name of a volume group that you want to indicate as being used for IBM Virtual Shared Disk. This name is local to the host upon which it resides. The length of the name must be less than or equal to 15 characters.

    Specifies the primary server node on which the volume group resides. The length of the name must be less than or equal to 31 characters. This can be specified in four different ways:

    Specifies the secondary server node on which the volume group resides. The length of the name must be less than or equal to 31 characters.

    This can be specified in four different ways:

    Note: This operand is used only by the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk product.

    If a secondary_server_node is not specified, the default is 0 for no recovery. If the secondary_server_node is specified, the default is 1.


    Use this command to define volume groups for use by IBM Virtual Shared Disk support. This is done by specifying the local volume group name, the node on which it resides, and the name by which the volume group will be known throughout the cluster.

    If eio_recovery is set (to a value of 1) due to disk failure (EIO error), the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk system will perform a full recovery by flipping the current primary node and the secondary node and doing one more retry on the new primary node.

    You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the vsdvg command. To use SMIT, enter:

    smit vsd_data
    and select the IBM Virtual Shared Disk Global Volume Group Information option.


    Specifies the command file.


    You must be in the bin group to run this command.


    The secondary_server_node operand is used only by the IBM Recoverable Shared Disk product.

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Command: vsdelvg


    1. The following example adds SDR information indicating that the volume group known as vg2n17 on node 17 is available for global access and is known to the cluster as vg2n17. Node 17 is the primary and only server.
      vsdvg vg2n17 17

    2. The following example with the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk adds SDR information indicating that the volume group known as vg1p3s15 on nodes 3 and 15 is available for global access and is known to the cluster as vg1p3s15. 3 is the primary server node and 15 is the secondary server node.
      vsdvg vg1p3s15 3 15



    vsdvgts - Reads the timestamp from the volume group descriptor area (VGDA) of the physical disks and sets the value in the System Data Repository (SDR).


    vsdvgts [-a] [volgrp]


    Specifies that the timestamps for this volume group for both primary and secondary nodes should be updated. If this flag is not specified, the timestamp is updated on the local node only.


    Specifies a volume group. If this operand is not specified, the timestamps for all the volume groups on this node are updated.


    Use this command to update the timestamp that the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk software uses to determine if a twin-tailed volume group has changed. When the software detects a change, the recovery scripts export the volume group and then import the volume group.

    This command can be used to avoid exporting the volume group and then importing the volume group during recovery in situations where the export and import operations are not really necessary. This command should be used very carefully.

    Exit Values

    Indicates the successful completion of the command.

    Indicates that the program was unable to read one or more timestamps.


    You must have root privilege to issue the vsdvgts command.

    Implementation Specifics

    This command is part of the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk Licensed Program Product (LPP).

    Prerequisite Information

    See "Using the IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk Software" in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks.




    To update the timestamp associated with the IBM Virtual Shared Disk volume group vsdvg1 for just this node, enter:

    vsdvgts vsdvg1



    vsdvts - Verifies that the IBM Virtual Shared Disk software works.


    vsdvts [-b block_size] [-n number_of_blocks] vsd_name [file]


    Specifies the block_size used on the read and write calls to the IBM Virtual Shared Disk. Because the IBM Virtual Shared Disk raw device is used, the block size must be a multiple of 512. The default block size is 4096.

    Specifies the number of blocks of the file to read. The default is to read 1MB of data from the file, so 1MB divided by block_size is the default number of blocks. Specifying 0 means to read as many full blocks of data as there are in the file. If more blocks are specified than are in the file, only the number of full blocks that exist will be used.


    Specifies the IBM Virtual Shared Disk to be verified (for example, that will be written and read with the data from the file). The IBM Virtual Shared Disk should be in the active state. Ensure that the IBM Virtual Shared Disk is large enough to hold all the data you plan to write to it. An IBM Virtual Shared Disk on a logical volume with one physical system partition is large enough if all the vsdvts defaults are taken.

    Specifies the file to be written to the IBM Virtual Shared Disk to verify its operation. The data is then read from the IBM Virtual Shared Disk and compared to this file to ensure the IBM Virtual Shared Disk read and write operations are successful. The default file is /unix.



    Data on vsd_name and its underlying logical volume is overwritten and, therefore, destroyed. Use this command after you have defined an IBM Virtual Shared Disk (including its underlying logical volume), but before placing application data on it.

    Use this command to verify that the vsd_name is in the active state and then to write the specified part of file to the raw vsd_name device, /dev/rvsd_name. This command reads the data back from the IBM Virtual Shared Disk, then compares it to file. If the data is the same, the test is successful and vsdvts succeeds. Otherwise, vsdvts fails. The dd command is used for all I/O operations.

    Try vsdvts on both a server and client node (for example, on both the node with a logical volume and one without it).

    Prerequisite Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Managing Shared Disks

    Related Information

    Commands: vsdnode, vsdvg, defvsd, cfgvsd, startvsd, dd

    The preceding commands are listed in their order of use.

    Technical Reference

    This part of the book contains the SP files, subroutines, and other technical information.

    RS/6000 SP Files and Other Technical Information

    auto.master File


    auto.master - Specifies the master input file to the AIX automount daemon defining the file systems to be controlled and their associated map files.


    The auto.master file is the master map file for the AIX automount daemon. It identifies the file systems that are to be controlled by the automounter and the directory map file associated with each file system. It may also contain default mount information for specific file systems. The auto.master file may reference a Network Information Service (NIS) configuration map that is to be used by the automounter. Entries in the master map file use one of the following formats:

    Directory_path Automount_map_name [default_mount_options]

    The first form specifies an NIS configuration map that contains mount point and automounter map information. The second form directly identifies the directory path of the file system that is to be controlled by the automounter, along with the map file containing entries for the supported directories within that file system. Default options to be used when the file system is mounted can be optionally specified.


    Specifies map files for the AIX automount daemon.

    Related Information

    AIX Daemons: automount

    The "Managing the Automounter" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide

    The "Network File System (NFS)" and "Network Information Service (NIS)" chapters in AIX Version 4 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks


    The following example is a copy of the default auto.master file shipped with the SP modified to support an NIS configuration map:

    # The following entry will use the NIS configuration map if NIS is
    # defined for this system and the database exists
    # The following entry provides automount support for users' home
    # directories
    /u /etc/auto/maps/auto.u -rw,hard,retry=3,timeo=40,rsize=4096, \

    haemloadlist File


    haemloadlist File - Event Management configuration data that is to be loaded into the System Data Repository (SDR)


    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) includes a number of resource monitors that use the Resource Monitor Application Programming Interface (RMAPI) to supply information about system resources to the Event Management subsystem. Information about the monitors and the resources is defined in the haemloadlist file and includes:

    Before the Event Management subsystem can use this information, it must first be loaded into the System Data Repository (SDR) and then compiled into a binary Event Management Configuration Database (EMCDB) file. The haemloadcfg command is used to load the data from the haemloadlist file into the SDR. The haemcfg command is then used to compile the data from the SDR into the binary EMCDB file. Both of these commands are issued automatically by the haemctrl command when it is used to start the Event Management subsystem on the control workstation.

    For resource monitors other than those supplied by PSSP, IBM suggests that you create one or more separate files in load list format to contain their Event Management configuration data. You can specify the name of any file in load list format on the haemloadcfg command.

    You can use SDR commands to work with objects in the Event Management classes directly. However, IBM suggests that you use load list files and the haemloadcfg command to work with objects in these classes.

    You cannot use System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) panels to work with objects in these classes.

    The Format of an Event Management Load List File

    Source information for the EMCDB is kept in the several partitioned classes in the SDR, each of which has a set of associated attributes. The format of an Event Management load list file, which can be used as input to the haemloadcfg command, follows the structure of the Event Management data in the SDR.

    This man page describes the format of the Event Management load list file. For detailed information about its content (the Event Management SDR classes, attributes, and their values), see the description of the EMCDB in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Event Management Programming Guide and Reference.

    The haemloadlist file consists of stanzas, each of which describes an object in one of the Event Management SDR classes. The stanzas may appear in any order in the file.

    Each stanza begins with the SDR class name to which the object belongs, followed by one or more lines that define the attributes of the object. The SDR class name must begin in column 1.

    An attribute line consists of the attribute name followed by an = (equal sign) followed by a data field. The = (equal sign) may not be surrounded by blank spaces. The data field consists of a single value for the attribute. If the field contains blanks, it must be surrounded by double quotes ("). If the field contains a double quote character, it should be preceded by a backslash (\"). If the field contains a backslash character, it should be preceded by a second backslash (\\).

    The data field must be on the same line as the attribute. The attribute lines for a stanza stop at either the start of a new stanza or the end-of-file character.

    Comments may be present in the file. Any line in which the first nonwhite space character is a pound sign (#) is a comment. Blank lines are also considered comment lines and are ignored.

    The EM_Resource_Variable Stanza

    The EM_Resource_Variable SDR class contains one object for each resource variable defined in the database. Accordingly, there is one EM_Resource_Variable stanza for each resource variable that is defined.

    Here is an example of a stanza that defines a resource variable of type Quantity:


    Here is an example of a stanza that defines a resource variable of type State:


    The EM_Structured_Byte_String Stanza

    The EM_Structured_Byte_String SDR class contains one object for each structured field that is defined in a structured byte string. Accordingly, there is one EM_Structured_Byte_String stanza for each structured field that is defined.

    The IBM.PSSP.Prog.pcount resource variable is an SBS that has three structured fields. Here is an example of the stanzas that define the fields:


    The EM_Instance_Vector Stanza

    The EM_Instance_Vector SDR class contains one object for each instance vector element that is defined for a resource and all of its resource variables. Accordingly, there is one EM_Instance_Vector stanza for each instance vector element that is defined.

    Here are some examples of stanzas that define instance vectors. The instance vector for the resource named IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp contains only one instance vector element. The instance vector for the resource named IBM.PSSP.Prog contains three elements.


    The EM_Resource_Class Stanza

    The EM_Resource_Class SDR class contains one object for each resource variable class that is defined in the database. Accordingly, there is one EM_Resource_Class stanza for each resource variable class that is defined.

    Here are two examples of stanzas that define resource classes:


    The EM_Resource_Monitor Stanza

    The EM_Resource_Monitor SDR class contains one object for each resource monitor that is defined in the database. Accordingly, there is one EM_Resource_Monitor stanza for each resource monitor that is defined.

    Here are some examples of stanzas that define resource monitors:


    Related Information

    Commands: haemloadcfg, haemcfg

    For a general overview of configuring Event Management, see "The Event Management Subsystem" chapter of IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    For a description of the SDR classes and attributes that are related to the EMCDB, see IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Event Management Programming Guide and Reference.

    hmacls File


    /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmacls - Defines the Access Control Lists (ACLs) used by the Hardware Monitor daemon.


    The /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmacls file contains permission specifications for users to execute the various Hardware Monitor operations. Each line in the file consists of three white-space separated tokens in the following format:

    obj    user_name     permissions

    The obj token is either a frame ID or the host name of the control workstation (known as the Monitor and Control Node (MACN) by the Hardware Monitor). The user_name token is the user's principal name or principal name and instance.

    The permissions token specifies which operations the user specified by the user_name token can execute against the object specified by the obj token.

    If the obj token is a frame ID, the permissions token is one or more characters taken from the set v, s, and m. A definition of each follows:

    Specifies Virtual Front Operator Panel (VFOP) permission

    Specifies S1 permission

    Specifies Monitor permission

    The VFOP permission implies the monitor permission. These permissions are described in the various commands. If the obj token is the MACN host name, the permissions token must be the character a. The character a is the administrative permission required to use the hmadm command.

    Users are authorized to use the Hardware Monitor by virtue of having their names in the /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmacls file and have issued the kinit command with that name.


    Specifies ACLs for the Hardware Monitor daemon.

    Related Information

    Commands: hmadm, hmcmds, hmmon, nodecond, s1term


    The following is an example of a hmacls file:  john.admin  a
    1  john.admin  vsm
    2  john.admin  vsm
    3  john.admin  vsm
    1  mary        m
    2  mary        m
    3  mary        m

    .klogin File


    .klogin - Specifies remote principals that can use a local user account.


    The $HOME/.klogin file defines which users and services on any remote hosts (computers in a network) within an authentication realm are allowed to invoke commands on the local user account.

    The format of the $HOME/.klogin file is:


    A typical .klogin file, if present, looks similar to the following:


    The principal name is the name of the remote user using SP authentication to execute remote commands on a local user account.

    The instance is used to distinguish among variations on the principal name and may be used to indicate special privileges such as root authorization. In many environments, the instance is used with a service to indicate the workstation the service is running on. The service entries are usually found only in the root directory .klogin file.

    The realm is the authentication realm. This may be different if there are several authentication realms, each with a different realm name, in your environment.

    If the originating remote user is authenticated to one of the principals named in the .klogin file, access is granted to the account. The owner of the account is granted access if there is no .klogin file. If a .klogin file is present, the owner must also be listed in order to gain access to his or her account from a remote host.

    For security reasons, any $HOME/.klogin file must be owned by either the local user or root, and only the owner should have read and write access.


    Specifies remote users that can use a local user account.

    Prerequisite Information

    Related Information

    SP Commands: kinit, rcp, rsh

    SP Daemon: kshd


    The following examples assume both Jeff and Anna have principal names in the authentication database (anna@KGN.IBM.COM, jeff@KGN.IBM.COM) and have issued a kinit to be authenticated on their local host. In addition, there is one authentication realm signified by KGN.IBM.COM.

    1. To allow only user Anna on host wkst3 to rsh into her own account on host wkst7, a .klogin file is not required.

    2. To allow user Jeff on host wkst3 to rsh into Anna's account on host wkst7, the .klogin file in Anna's account on wkst7 must have the following entries:

      Anna's entry must be present in the .klogin file since the .klogin file exists. Jeff can now use the -l flag on the rsh or rcp to access Anna's account.



    Kerberos - Contains an introduction to SP authentication services.


    Kerberos authenticates individual users in a network environment. After authenticating your identity, you can use facilities such as Sysctl, the SP System Monitor, and the authenticated versions of network utilities rsh and rcp, without having to present passwords to remote hosts and without having to use .rhosts files.

    Before you can use the SP authenticated commands, you must make sure that you are added to the authentication database. You can use the kinit command to find out. This command tries to authenticate your identity in the system. The kinit command prompts you for a principal name and password. Enter your principal name and password. If the command accepts your authentication information without sending you a message, you are already registered. If you enter your user name and kinit responds with the following message:

    Kerberos principal unknown
    contact your system administrator.

    A principal identifier contains three parts. The first is the user or service name. The second is the instance, which in the case of a user is usually null. Some users can have privileged instances, however, such as root or admin. In the case of a service, the instance is the name of the machine on which it runs (for example, there can be a rcmd (kshd daemon) service running on the machine abc, which is different from the kshd service running on the machine xyz). The third part of the name is the realm. The realm corresponds to the service providing authentication for the principal. For example, computing resources within an enterprise can be partitioned into multiple administrative units for convenience or other business reasons.

    When writing a principal identifier, the user or service name is separated from the instance (if not null) by a period, and the realm (if not the local realm) follows, preceded by an at sign (@).

    When you authenticate your identity using the kinit command, you are given an initial ticket (which is an encrypted protocol message that provides authentication). This ticket is used to request other tickets from the authentication service for SP authenticated services such as SP rsh and SP rcp. The ticket transactions are done transparently, so you do not have to worry about their management.

    Be aware that tickets expire. Some tickets, such as admin instance tickets, may expire in a few minutes, while other tickets may be good for hours, days, or weeks depending on the installation's policy. If your login session extends beyond the time limit, you have to reauthenticate your identity using the kinit command to get new tickets.

    For more information about the kinit and kdestroy commands, see the kinit and kdestroy command.

    Related Information

    Commands: kadmin, kdestroy, kinit, klist, kpasswd

    krb.conf File


    /etc/krb.conf - Contains the SP authentication configuration file.


    The krb.conf file contains configuration information describing the local authentication realm and the location of authentication servers for known realms.

    The first line of the krb.conf file contains the name of the local authentication realm. Additional lines specify the location of an authentication server for a realm. The krb.conf file must contain at least one entry for each realm used by the local system. Each line specifying the location of an authentication server must be of the form:

    REALM_NAME host_name


    REALM_NAME host_name admin server

    When "admin server" follows the host name, it indicates that the hosts also provides an administrative database server.

    Related Information

    SP File: krb.realms

    Refer to the chapter on security in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional Kerberos information.


    The following example of an /etc/krb.conf shows a simple configuration consisting a single realm with two servers, the primary and one secondary:

    EAST.COAST admin server

    Here, "admin server" identifies the system whose full host name is "" as the primary server, responsible for administration of the master database. Note that, in this case, there would have to be information in the /etc/krb.realms file to map the two host names or the domain name to the local realm name, "EAST.COAST". See the Example section of the krb.realms file.

    krb.realms File


    /etc/krb.realms - Specifies the translations from host names to authentication realms.


    The krb.realms file provides a translation from a host name or a network domain name to the authentication realm name for the services provided by that host. Each line of the translation file is in one of the following forms (domain names should begin with a period (.)):

    host_name    realm_name
    domain_name  realm_name

    If a host name exactly matches the host_name field in a line of the first form, the corresponding realm is the realm of the host. If a host name does not match any host_name in the file but its domain exactly matches a domain name, the corresponding realm is the realm of the host.

    If no translation entry applies, the host's realm is considered to be the host name's domain portion converted to uppercase. If the host name does not contain a domain name, the host's realm is considered to be the host name converted to uppercase.

    Related Information

    SP File: krb.conf

    Refer to the chapter on security in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional Kerberos information.


    The following example of an /etc/krb.realms shows the entries that could be used to map a host name or a domain name to a realm. These names correspond to those used in the krb.conf file example. EAST.COAST EAST.COAST

    The first line maps a specific host name to the realm "EAST.COAST". If the host name were "master.east.coast", no entry would have been required. The second entry maps all host names whose domain portion is "" to the same domain. The default mapping for this realm is:

    .east.coast EAST.COAST

    This type of mapping is always assumed, even if the /etc/krb.realms file is empty.

    SDR_dest_info File


    SDR_dest_info - Provides connection addresses for System Data Repository (SDR) clients.


    The SDR_dest_info file provides connection addresses for System Data Repository (SDR) clients. It contains the following fields:

    Specifies the IP address of the system partition to which the node belongs. On the control workstation, this is the IP address of the default system partition.

    Specifies the IP address of the default system partition.

    Specifies the host name of the system partition to which the node belongs.

    Specifies the host name of the default system partition.

    Related Information

    Refer to the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional information on the SDR_dest_info file.


    This example shows the contents of an SDR_dest_info file for a node. The node is a member of system partition The default system partition on this system is The host name of the node's system partition is k99sp1. The host name of the default system partition is k99s.


    sysctl.acl File


    sysctl.acl - Contains the Access Control List (ACL) for the Sysctl ACL authorization callback.


    The sysctl.acl file contains the list of users authorized to access objects which are assigned the ACL authorization callback. Each line of the file must conform to one of the following formats:

    A line which begins with a number sign (#) is considered a comment.

    Principal name
    A line of the form of "_PRINCIPAL principal_name" defines a principal on the ACL. If the principal_name is not fully qualified (for example, it does not contain an instance or realm separator), the realm defaults to the local realm and the instance defaults to NULL.

    ACL file
    A line in the form "_ACL_FILE file_name" references another ACL file the contents of which is included in this file.

    The first line of this (or any Sysctl ACL file) must begin with the line:

    Note: Including a principal in the sysctl.acl file gives that principal the same level of authority as having the root password.

    Prerequisite Information

    See the descriptions of SP authentication and Sysctl in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    Related Information

    SP Command: sysctl

    SP Daemon: sysctld


    The following sysctl.acl file defines two principals and includes the contents of another ACL file:

    # This is the Sysctl ACL file for the system.  It defines two
    # principals: "root.@HPSSL.KGN.IBM.COM" and "rcr.@HPSSL.KGN.IBM.COM"
    # It also includes the contents of file /etc/my.acl.file
    _ACL_FILE /etc/my.acl.file

    sysctl.conf File


    sysctl.conf - Configures the Sysctl server (sysctld) running on the local SP node.


    The sysctl.conf file configures the local Sysctl server daemon by optionally creating variables, procedures and classes, setting variables, loading shared libraries, and executing Sysctl commands. These items are used by the server in the processing of requests from local and remote Sysctl clients.

    The default location of this file is /etc/sysctl.conf. An alternate configuration file location can be specified by using the -f flag when starting the server (see the sysctld command).

    The /etc/sysctl.conf file contains Sysctl commands which are read and executed by the Sysctl server during its initialization. The following commands are supported:

    create var var_name var_value [auth_callback]
    The create var statement creates a variable, assigns it a value, and assigns it an authorization callback. This variable can then be referenced from within other Sysctl procedures and commands. If the auth_callback parameter is not supplied, a value of NONE is assumed. For example:
    create var buildTop /usr/lpp/ssp AUTH

    creates the variable buildTop, assigns it a value of /usr/lpp/ssp, and assigns it an authorization callback of AUTH. The variable buildTop can be referenced within Sysctl commands and procedures.

    Another example:

    create var STARTTIME [exec /bin/date] NONE

    creates the variable STARTTIME, assigns it the value returned from the execution of the /bin/date command at server initialization, and assigns it an authorization callback of NONE. This variable contains the date and time at which the server was started on the node.

    create proc proc_name {parameters} auth_callback {procedure}
    The create proc statement creates a new procedure in the Sysctl server. This new procedure can be invoked from a client by supplying its name along with any defined parameters. For example:
    create proc mydate {} AUTH {exec /bin/date}

    creates the procedure mydate which has no parameters. This procedure has an authorization callback of AUTH. The procedure is comprised of a single statement (exec /bin/date).

    create class class_name class_file_name [auth_callback]
    The create class statement creates a class of commands in the Sysctl server. An optional authorization callback can be supplied. The authorization callback assigned to each object in the class is the logical OR of the class' callback (if supplied) and the object's callback. Thus, access to a class' object is granted if either the object's or the class' authorization callback allows access. For example:
    create class sys $buildTop/samples/sysctl/sys.cmds

    creates the class sys. If $buildTop is defined as /usr/lpp/ssp, the file /usr/lpp/ssp/samples/sysctl/sys.cmds contains the definition of the sys class.

    The include statement includes the contents of another file in the configuration file. This provides a way of organizing the Server configuration statements into manageable groupings. For example:
    include $buildTop/samples/sysctl/pdfpfck.cmds

    causes the Sysctl server to read the contents of the specified file at initialization time.

    The set statement sets the value of the server variables ACL, LOG, or KEY, or sets values in the env() array. The default values for the Sysctl server's ACL file, log file, and service key file can be overridden by assigning values to the ACL, LOG, and KEY variables in the configuration file. For example, the following line overrides the default value for the log file name:
    set LOG /var/sysctld.log_file

    The values assigned to the ACL, LOG, and KEY variables are overridden by the optional command line arguments -a, -l, and -k.

    Environment variables (such as the default PATH) can also be set within the configuration file by assigning values to the env() array. For example:

    set env(PATH) /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/etc:/etc

    sets the PATH for the Sysctl server. The env() array is assigned an authorization callback of SYSTEM which prevents its modification from outside the Sysctl server by a request sent by a Sysctl client.

    load lib_path [init_proc]
    The load command dynamically loads the shared library at lib_path into memory. If the init_proc parameter is given, it is used as the library's initialization procedure. Otherwise, the name of the initialization function is derived from the library name as follows:
    library name    init function
    ------------    -------------       xxx_Init()
    libxxx.a        xxx_Init()

    The Sysctl server exports an API which the library uses to define commands, variables, authorization callbacks, and interpreter deletion callbacks. See the load() help page for details.

    Other Sysctl Commands
    The configuration file can also contain other Sysctl commands to modify the behavior of the server. For example, the following command in the configuration file causes the authorization callback for the svcconnect command to be changed from the default value of AUTH to NONE. This would allow nonauthenticated clients to connect to the server.
    setauth -cmd svcconnect NONE

    Prerequisite Information

    See the description of Sysctl in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    Related Information

    SP Command: sysctl

    SP Daemon: sysctld

    tuning.commercial File


    tuning.commercial - Contains initial performance tuning parameters for a typical commercial SP environment.


    This file is a Korn shell script file containing commands to set network performance tuning parameters. It can be copied to the /tftpboot/tuning.cust file on the control workstation for propagation to the nodes.

    Related Information

    SP Commands: cptuning

    AIX Commands: This file contains invocations of the no command.

    SP Files: tuning.default, tuning.development, tuning.scientific

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Installation and Migration Guide

    tuning.default File


    tuning.default - Contains initial (default) performance tuning parameters for an SP environment.


    This file is a Korn shell script file containing commands to set network performance tuning parameters. In the absence of explicit administrator action, this file is copied to the /tftpboot/tuning.cust file on the control workstation for propagation to the nodes.

    Related Information

    SP Commands: cptuning

    AIX Commands: This file contains invocations of the no command.

    SP Files: tuning.commercial, tuning.development, tuning.scientific

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Installation and Migration Guide

    tuning.development File


    tuning.development - Contains initial performance tuning parameters for a typical software development/interactive SP environment.


    This file is a Korn shell script file containing commands to set network performance tuning parameters. It can be copied to the /tftpboot/tuning.cust file on the control workstation for propagation to the nodes.

    Related Information

    SP Commands: cptuning

    AIX Commands: This file contains invocations of the no command.

    SP Files: tuning.commercial, tuning.default, tuning.scientific

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Installation and Migration Guide

    tuning.scientific File


    tuning.scientific - Contains initial performance tuning parameters for a typical engineering or scientific SP environment.


    This file is a Korn shell script file containing commands to set network performance tuning parameters. It can be copied to the /tftpboot/tuning.cust file on the control workstation for propagation to the nodes.

    Related Information

    Commands: cptuning

    AIX Commands: This file contains invocations of the no command.

    SP Files: tuning.commercial, tuning.default, tuning.development

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Installation and Migration Guide

    SP Subroutines

    getvhostname Subroutine


    getvhostname - Gets the virtual host name.


    Availability Library (libavail.a)


    #include <vhost.h>
    int getvhostname (name, name_length);
    char *name;
    int name_length;

    Specifies the virtual host name.

    Specifies the length of the name array.


    Use this subroutine to retrieve the virtual host name of a host machine. This routine is similar to the gethostname system call with the exception that it retrieves the virtual host name from the /etc/vhostname file instead of using a kernel variable. The getvhostname subroutine is a library call and gethostname is a system call.

    The name is retrieved from the /etc/vhostname file. If the file does not exist, the gethostname system call is used and the real host name is returned. If excess space is provided, the returned name parameter is null terminated. If insufficient space is provided, the returned name parameter is truncated to fit in the given space. Virtual host names are limited to MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN bytes (255), not including the terminating null character. The MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN macro is defined in the vhost.h header file. In order to guarantee sufficient buffer space to hold the virtual host name, the name_length parameter should be MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN + 1 or 256.

    To clear the virtual host name so that the virtual host name no longer exists, remove the /etc/vhostname file.
    Note: You must have root authority to remove the /etc/vhostname file.

    The virtual host name is used in fail over situations when an application has associated the host name in the kernel of a particular machine to the service it is providing. When the application is restarted on the fail over node that has a different host name, the application may fail or act incorrectly. If the application needs to associate a host name with a particular service and it cannot handle having multiple host names, a virtual host name can be provided. The application can call getvhostname instead of gethostname and get the host name of the node it normally runs on. This eliminates the need to change the real host name in the kernel on the backup node. It should be noted that changing the real host name in the kernel can cause problems with other applications that rely on the real host name to identify the physical machine.
    Note: The High Availability Cluster Multiprocessing (HACMP) event scripts supplied with the High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS) option of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP), set and clear the virtual host name in the supplied HACMP pre- and post-event scripts. The administrator should not normally have to set the virtual host name.

    Return Values

    Upon successful completion, the getvhostname subroutine returns a value of 0. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned, the global variable errno is set to identify the error, and the contents of the buffer pointed to by the name parameter are indeterminate.

    Error Values

    The getvhostname subroutine is unsuccessful if the following error occurs:

    Indicates that either the name or name_length parameter gave an invalid address.

    Indicates that the name_length parameter is less than 0.

    If one of the system calls used to retrieve the virtual host name from the /etc/vhostname file fails (for example, open or read), errno is set by the system call that failed.


    1. To clear the virtual host name so that it no longer exists, enter:
      rm /etc/vhostname
      Note: You must have root authority to remove the /etc/vhostname file.

    2. To get the virtual host name from the /etc/vhostname file, enter:
      #include <vhost.h>
      main ( )
      char name [MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN + 1];
      getvhostname (name, (MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN + 1));

    Related Information

    Commands: vhostname

    Subroutines: setvhostname

    AIX Commands: hostname

    AIX Subroutines: gethostname, sethostname

    Header Files: vhost.h

    hacws_set Subroutine


    hacws_set - Sets the state of the control workstation.


    Availability Library (libavail.a)




    #include <hacws.h>
    int hacws_set (state);
    int state;


    Specifies the state of the control workstation. Valid values are: 0, 1, 2, 16, 32.


    Use this subroutine to set the current state of the control workstation. It is valid only when issued on the control workstation. When the subroutine is called and the calling process is not on a control workstation, an error occurs.
    Note: The High Availability Cluster Multiprocessing (HACMP) event scripts and installation scripts supplied with the High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS) option of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP), set the control workstation state. The state is changed during fail over or reintegration in the HACWS supplied pre- and post-event scripts for HACMP. The administrator should not normally have to set the control workstation state.

    Return Values

    Upon successful completion, the hacws_set subroutine returns a value of 0. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to identify the error.

    Error Values

    The hacws_set subroutine is unsuccessful if any of the following errors occur:

    Indicates that the value of the state parameter is not one of the valid values contained in hacws.h.

    Indicates that the calling process is not on a control workstation.

    Indicates that the hacws_set subroutine could not determine whether the calling process is on a control workstation.

    Indicates that the calling process did not have root's effective user ID.

    If one of the system calls used to store the HACWS state value into the /etc/hacws.state file fails (for example, open, write, rename), errno is set by the system call that failed.


    The /usr/include/hacws.h header file defines the following macros as valid input values for the hacws_set subroutine:

    Indicates that this control workstation is not in an HACWS configuration.

    Indicates that this control workstation is the primary control workstation, but not the currently active control workstation.

    Indicates that this control workstation is the primary control workstation and is the currently active control workstation.

    Indicates that this control workstation is the backup control workstation, but not the currently active control workstation.

    32  or  HACWS_BACK_ACT_CWS
    Indicates that this control workstation is the backup control workstation and is the currently active control workstation.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for information on the HACWS option.

    Related Information

    Commands: lshacws, sethacws

    Subroutines: hacws_set

    Header Files: hacws.h

    hacws_stat Subroutine


    hacws_stat - Gets the state of the control workstation.


    Availability Library (libavail.a)




    #include <hacws.h>
    int hacws_stat (void);


    Use this subroutine to return the current state of the control workstation. It returns an integer that indicates the state of the primary or backup control workstation and specifies whether the control workstation is a high availability configuration. This subroutine is valid only when issued on the control workstation. When the subroutine is called and the calling process is not on a control workstation, an error occurs.
    Note: The High Availability Cluster Multiprocessing (HACMP) event scripts and installation scripts supplied with the High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS) option of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP), set the control workstation state. The state is changed during fail over or reintegration in the HACWS supplied pre- and post-event scripts for HACMP. The administrator should not normally have to set the control workstation state.

    Return Values

    Upon successful completion, the hacws_stat subroutine returns a nonnegative value. If the hacws_stat subroutine is unsuccessful, a value of -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to identify the error.

    Error Values

    The hacws_stat subroutine is unsuccessful if any of the following errors occur:

    Indicates that the calling process is not on a control workstation.

    Indicates that the hacws_stat subroutine could not determine whether the calling process is on a control workstation.

    Indicates that the /etc/hacws.state file does not contain a valid HACWS state.

    If one of the system calls used to retrieve the HACWS state value from the /etc/hacws.state file fails (for example, open or read), errno is set by the system call that failed.


    The /usr/include/hacws.h header file defines the following macros for the nonnegative return values for the hacws_stat subroutine:

    Indicates that this control workstation is not in an HACWS configuration.

    Indicates that this control workstation is the primary control workstation, but not the currently active control workstation.

    Indicates that this control workstation is the primary control workstation and is the currently active control workstation.

    Indicates that this control workstation is the backup control workstation, but not the currently active control workstation.

    32  or  HACWS_BACK_ACT_CWS
    Indicates that this control workstation is the backup control workstation and is the currently active control workstation.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for information on the HACWS option.

    Related Information

    Commands: lshacws, sethacws

    Subroutines: hacws_set

    Header Files: hacws.h

    LAPI_Address Subroutine


    LAPI_Address - Gets an unsigned integer value for a specified address.

    C Syntax

    #include <lapi.h>
    int LAPI_Address(my_addr, ret_addr)
    void *my_addr;
    uint *ret_addr;

    FORTRAN Syntax

    include 'lapif.h'
    LAPI_ADDRESS(my_addr, ret_addr, ierror)
    INTEGER my_addr;
    INTEGER ret_addr;
    INTEGER ierror;


    Specifies the address to save. This parameter cannot be NULL. (IN)

    Stores the my_addr address for later use. This is especially useful in FORTRAN programs. This parameter cannot be NULL. (OUT)

    Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. (OUT)


    Use this subroutine in FORTRAN programs when specified addresses need to be stored in an array. In FORTRAN, the concept of address ('&') does not exist as it does in C. This function gives that ability to FORTRAN.

    Return Values

    Indicates successful completion.

    The following is returned when an error occurs:

    Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Understanding and Using the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

    LAPI_Address_init Subroutine


    LAPI_Address_init - Exchanges virtual addresses for non-Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) programs and for dynamically allocated data.

    C Syntax

    #include <lapi.h>
    int LAPI_Address_init(hndl, my_addr, add_tab)
    lapi_handle_t hndl;
    void *my_addr;
    void *add_tab[];

    FORTRAN Syntax

    include 'lapif.h'
    LAPI_ADDRESS_INIT(hndl, my_addr, add_tab, ierror)
    INTEGER hndl;
    <type> my_addr(*);
    INTEGER add_tab(*);
    INTEGER ierror;


    Contains a handle that specifies a particular Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) context. (IN)

    Specifies the entry supplied by each process. This parameter can be NULL. (IN)

    Specifies the address table containing the addresses supplied by all processes. This parameter can be NULL. (IN/OUT)

    Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. (OUT)


    Use this subroutine to exchange virtual and dynamically allocated addresses. add_tab is an array of pointers of size >= LAPI_Qenv(,NUM_TASKS,). This function is a collective call over the LAPI context hndl which fills the table add_tab with the entries supplied by each task. Upon completion of this call, add_tab[i] will contain the entry provided by task i.

    Return Values

    Indicates successful completion.

    The following is returned when an error occurs:

    Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Understanding and Using the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

    LAPI_Amsend Subroutine


    LAPI_Amsend - Invokes a user-provided Active Message (AM) handler to run on a remote (target) process.

    C Syntax

    #include <lapi.h>
    typedef void (compl_hndlr_t)(hndl, user_info);
    lapi_handle_t *hndl;            LAPI context passed in from LAPI_Amsend.
    void *        user_info; Buffer (user_info) pointer passed in from
                                    header handler (void * (hnd_hndlr_t)).
    typedef void * (hdr_hndlr_t)(hndl, uhdr, uhdr_len, msg_len,
    comp_h, user_info);
    lapi_handle_t    *hndl;      LAPI context passed in from LAPI_Amsend.
    void *           uhdr;       uhdr passed in from LAPI_AMsend.
    uint             *uhdr_len;  uhdr_len passed in from LAPI_Amsend.
    uint *           msg_len;    udata_len passed in from LAPI_Amsend.
    compl_hndlr_t ** comp_h;     Function address of completion handler
                                 (void (compl_hndlr_t)) that needs to be
                                 filled out by this header handler function.
    void **          user_info;  Buffer pointer (user_info) that is
                                 provided by this head handler function
                                 to pass to the completion handler.
    int LAPI_Amsend(hndl, tgt, hdr_hdl, uhdr, uhdr_len, udata,
       udata_len, tgt_cntr, org_cntr, cmpl_cntr)
    lapi_handle_t hndl;
    uint tgt;
    void *hdr_hdl;
    void *uhdr;
    uint uhdr_len;
    void *udata;
    uint udata_len;
    lapi_cntr_t *tgt_cntr;
    lapi_cntr_t *org_cntr;
    lapi_cntr_t *cmpl_cntr;

    FORTRAN Syntax

    include 'lapif.h'
    COMPL_H(hndl, user_info);
    INTEGER hndl;
    INTEGER user_info;
    INTEGER FUNCTION HDR_HDL(hndl, uhdr, uhdr_len, msg_len, comp_h, user_info)
    INTEGER hndl;
    INTEGER uhdr;
    INTEGER uhdr_len;
    INTEGER msg_len;
    INTEGER comp_h;
    INTEGER user_info;
    LAPI_AMSEND(hndl, tgt, hdr_hdl, uhdr, uhdr_len, udata, udata_len, tgt_cntr
       org_cntr, cmpl_cntr, ierror)
    INTEGER hndl;
    INTEGER tgt;
    <type> hdr_hdl(*);
    INTEGER uhdr;
    INTEGER uhdr_len;
    INTEGER udata;
    INTEGER udata_len;
    <type> tgt_cntr(*);
    INTEGER org_cntr;
    INTEGER cmpl_cntr;
    INTEGER ierror;


    Contains a handle that specifies a particular Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) context. (IN)

    Specifies the target task number. This parameter is valid from 0 <= tgt < LAPI_Qenv(,NUM_TASKS,). (IN)

    Specifies the pointer to the remote header handler function to be invoked at the target. This parameter cannot be NULL. (IN)

    Specifies the pointer to the local header (parameter list) that is passed to the handler function. This parameter can be NULL if uhdr_len is equivalent to 0. (IN)

    This parameter is valid from 0 <= uhdr_len <= LAPI_Qenv(,MAX_UHDR_SZ,). (IN)

    Specifies the pointer to the user data. This parameter can be NULL if udata_len is equivalent to 0. (IN)

    Specifies the length of the user data in bytes. This parameter is valid from 0 <e udata_len <= LAPI_Qenv(,MAX_DATA_SZ,). (IN)

    Specifies the target counter address. The target counter is incremented after data arrives at the target and after the completion handler completes. If the parameter is NULL, this counter will not be updated. (IN)

    Specifies the origin counter address. The origin counter is incremented after data is copied out of the origin address. If the parameter is NULL, this counter will not be updated. (IN/OUT)

    Specifies the counter at the origin that signifies completion of the completion handler. It is updated once the completion handler completes. If the parameter is NULL, the counter will not be updated. (IN/OUT)

    Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. (OUT)


    Use this subroutine to transfer the hdr_hdl function pointer along with the contents of uhdr and udata from the origin to the tgt target process. When the message arrives at the target process, the hdr_hdl header handler is invoked at the tgt target with the pointer to uhdr as one of the parameters.

    The user-supplied header handler is expected to return a buffer pointer (user_info as the return value) in which udata is to be copied. The header handler is also expected to save any information that will be required later by the completion handler. The header handler returns (through reference parameters) the completion handler and a pointer to the saved information (user_info).
    Note: The header handler should be nonblocking because no progress on the messages associated with hndl can be made until control is returned to the communications library from the header handler.

    After the header handler returns, the udata (if any) is copied into the user-specified buffer (user_info). When all of the udata is copied into the user buffer, the completion handler you specified through the header handler is enqueued.

    After the parameters (including the contents of uhdr and udata) are copied out of the memory at the origin, the org_cntr is incremented. After the completion handler finishes running at the tgt, the tgt_cntr is incremented. If the completion handler specified is NULL, the tgt_cntr is incremented after all of the udata is copied into the user-specified buffers. If the user-specified buffer is NULL and the completion handler is also NULL, the tgt_cntr will be incremented in some implementation-specific manner. Either counter addresses may be NULL.

    This is a nonblocking call. The calling process cannot change the uhdr origin header and udata data until completion at the origin is signaled by the org_cntr being incremented. Similarly, you can assume that the specified AM handler has run at the tgt only after the tgt_cntr target counter is incremented. The cmpl_cntr and tgt_cntr counters are incremented after the AM handler has completed execution at the target. When the AM handler has both a hdr_hdl header handler and a comp_h completion handler, the cmpl_cntr and tgt_cntr counters are incremented after the completion handler has completed execution. If the AM handler has only a hdr_hdl header handler, the cmpl_cntr and tgt_cntr counters will be incremented after the header handler has completed execution. This call can be made synchronous if the origin waits for the cmpl_cntr update to complete.

    The length (uhdr_len) of the user-specified header is constrained by an implementation specified maximum value (LAPI_Qenv(,MAX_UHDR_SZ,)). In the current implementation, the amount of udata sent per packet is LAPI_Qenv(,MAX_UHDR_SZ,) - uhdr_len. To get the best bandwidth, uhdr_len should be as small as possible.

    Return Values

    Indicates successful completion.

    The following is returned when an error occurs:

    Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Understanding and Using the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: LAPI_Fence, LAPI_Getcntr, LAPI_Qenv, LAPI_Waitcntr

    LAPI_Fence Subroutine


    LAPI_Fence - Enforces order on Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) calls.

    C Syntax

    #include <lapi.h>
    int LAPI_Fence(hndl)
    lapi_handle_t hndl;

    FORTRAN Syntax

    include 'lapif.h'
    LAPI_FENCE(hndl, ierror)
    INTEGER hndl;
    INTEGER ierror;


    Contains a handle that specifies a particular LAPI context. (IN)

    Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. (OUT)


    Use this subroutine to enforce order on LAPI calls. If a process calls LAPI_Fence(), all the LAPI operations that were initiated by that process, before the fence using the LAPI context hndl, are guaranteed to complete at the target processes. This occurs before any of its communication operations using hndl, initiated after the fence, complete at the target processes. This is a data fence which means that the data movement is complete. This is not an operation fence which would need to include Active Message completion handlers completing on the target.

    Return Values

    Indicates successful completion.

    The following is returned when an error occurs:

    Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Understanding and Using the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: LAPI_Amsend, LAPI_Get, LAPI_Gfence, LAPI_Put, LAPI_Rmw

    LAPI_Get Subroutine


    LAPI_Get - Copies data from a remote process to the local address on a local process.

    C Syntax

    #include <lapi.h>
    int LAPI_Get(hndl, tgt, len, tgt_addr, org_addr, tgt_cntr, org_cntr)
    lapi_handle_t hndl;
    uint tgt;
    uint len;
    void *tgt_addr;
    void *org_addr;
    lapi_cntr_t *tgt_cntr;
    lapi_cntr_t *org_cntr;

    FORTRAN Syntax

    include 'lapif.h'
    LAPI_GET(hndl, tgt, len, tgt_addr, org_addr, tgt_cntr, org_cntr, ierror)
    INTEGER hndl;
    INTEGER tgt;
    INTEGER len;
    <type> tgt_addr(*);
    INTEGER org_addr;
    <type> tgt_cntr(*);
    INTEGER org_cntr;
    INTEGER ierror;


    Contains a handle that specifies a particular Low-level Applications Programming Interface (LAPI) context. (IN)

    Specifies the target task that is the source of the data. This parameter is valid from 0 <= tgt < LAPI_Qenv(,NUM_TASKS,). (IN)

    Specifies the number of bytes of data to be copied. This parameter is valid from 0 <= len <= LAPI_Qenv(,MAX_DATA_SZ,). (IN)

    Specifies the target buffer address of the data source. This parameter can be NULL only if len is equivalent to 0. (IN)

    Specifies the local buffer address that the received data is copied into. This parameter can be NULL only if len is equivalent to 0. (IN/OUT)

    Specifies the target counter address. The target counter is incremented after data arrives at the target. If the parameter is NULL, this counter will not be updated. (IN)

    Specifies the origin counter address. The origin counter is incremented after data arrives at the origin. If the parameter is NULL, the counter will not be updated. (IN/OUT)

    Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. (OUT)


    Use this subroutine to transfer the len number of bytes from the tgt_addr address at the target process to the org_addr virtual address at the origin process over the port identified by hndl. After the data is copied out of the memory at the tgt_addr, the tgt_cntr is incremented. After the data arrives at the origin, the org_cntr is incremented. If either counter address is NULL, the data transfer occurs, but the corresponding counter increment does not take place.

    This is a nonblocking call in that the calling program cannot assume that the target buffer can be changed, nor that the contents of the memory pointed to by the org_addr on the origin is ready for use. However, after the origin waits for the org_cntr update to complete, the origin can use the org_addr data. Similarly, the target can reuse the target buffer tgt_addr only after it has waited for the tgt_cntr update to complete at the target.

    Return Values

    Indicates successful completion.

    The following is returned when an error occurs:

    Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Understanding and Using the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: LAPI_Fence, LAPI_Getcntr, LAPI_Gfence, LAPI_Put, LAPI_Qenv, LAPI_Waitcntr

    LAPI_Getcntr Subroutine


    LAPI_Getcntr - Gets the integer value of the counter.

    C Syntax

    #include <lapi.h>
    int LAPI_Getcntr(hndl, cntr, val)
    lapi_handle_t hndl;
    lapi_cntr_t *cntr;
    int *val;

    FORTRAN Syntax

    include 'lapif.h'
    LAPI_GETCNTR(hndl, cntr, val, ierror)
    INTEGER hndl;
    INTEGER cntr;
    INTEGER val;
    INTEGER ierror;


    Contains a handle that specifies a particular Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) context. (IN)

    Specifies the address of the counter. This parameter cannot be NULL. (IN)

    Stores the integer value of the counter. This parameter cannot be NULL. (OUT)

    Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. (OUT)


    Use this subroutine to get the integer value of cntr. It can be used to find how much progress is being made in LAPI context hndl. In conjunction, LAPI_Probe() can be used to make progress in LAPI context hndl if LAPI_Getcntr() is called inside a loop.

    Return Values

    Indicates successful completion.

    The following is returned when an error occurs:

    Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Understanding and Using the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: LAPI_Amsend, LAPI_Get, LAPI_Probe, LAPI_Put, LAPI_Setcntr, LAPI_Waitcntr

    LAPI_Gfence Subroutine


    LAPI_Gfence - Enforces order on Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) calls on all processes.

    C Syntax

    #include <lapi.h>
    int LAPI_Gfence(hndl)
    lapi_handle_t hndl;

    FORTRAN Syntax

    include 'lapif.h'
    LAPI_GFENCE(hndl, ierror)
    INTEGER hndl;
    INTEGER ierror;


    Contains a handle that specifies a particular LAPI context. (IN)

    Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. (OUT)


    This is a collective call. On completion of this call, it is assumed that all LAPI communications associated with hndl from all processes has quiesced.
    Note: Although hndl is a local variable, it has a set of nodes that were associated with it at LAPI_Init all of which have to participate in this operation in order for it to complete.

    This is a data fence which means that the data movement is complete. This is not an operation fence which would need to include Active Message completion handlers completing on the target.

    Return Values

    Indicates successful completion.

    The following is returned when an error occurs:

    Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Understanding and Using the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: LAPI_Fence

    LAPI_Init Subroutine


    LAPI_Init - Initializes the Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) subsystem.

    C Syntax

    #include <lapi.h>
    int LAPI_Init(hndl, lapi_info)
    lapi_handle_t *hndl;
    lapi_info_t *lapi_info;

    FORTRAN Syntax

    include 'lapif.h'
    LAPI_INIT(hndl, lapi_info, ierror)
    INTEGER hndl;
    INTEGER lapi_info(10);
    INTEGER ierror;


    Contains a handle that specifies a particular LAPI context. This parameter cannot be NULL. (OUT)

    Specifies a structure that provides the parallel job information that this LAPI context is associated with. This parameter cannot be NULL. (IN/OUT)

    Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. (OUT)


    Use this subroutine to instantiate a new context of the LAPI subsystem and to initialize it. A handle to the newly-created LAPI context is returned in hndl. All subsequent LAPI calls can use hndl to specify the context of the LAPI operation. The lapi_info structure (lapi_info_t) needs to be filled in:

    typedef struct           {         /* Not in use currently */
            lapi_dev_t       protocol;      /* OUT - Which protocol is
                                               initialized */
            int              info2          /* Future support */
            int              info3;         /* Future support */
            int              info4;         /* Future support */
            int              info5;         /* Future support */
            int              info6;         /* Future support */
            LAPI_err_hndlr   *err_hndlr;    /* IN - User registered error
                                               handler */
            void             *info_info2;   /* Future support */
            void             *info_info3;   /* Future support */
            void             *info_info4;   /* Future support */
    }      lapi_info_t;

    lapi_dev_t is defined as follows:

    typedef enum {NULL_DEV=0, TB2_DEV, TB3_DEV,
                  UDP_DEV, VIRTUAL_DEV, LAST_DEV} lapi_dev_t;
    Note: Only the TB3_DEV lapi_dev_t type is supported at this time.

    You can register an error handler through the lapi_info structure.

    To create a function, you need the following parameters:

    void  (User func name)   (lapi_handle_t *hndl,   /* LAPI handle */
                             int *error_code,        /* Error code */
                             lapi_err_t *err_type,   /* GET/PUT/RMW/AM/
                                                        INTERNAL */
                             int *task_id,           /* Current node */
                             int *src);              /* Source node */

    The error code (*error_code) of LAPI_ERR_TIMEOUT is a recoverable error if you choose to ignore it in your error handler. All other error codes are currently terminal and you should do clean-up processing of your process and terminate the process (for example, exit()).

    An error occurs if any LAPI calls are made before calling LAPI_Init(), except for LAPI_Address() and LAPI_Msg_string().

    Return Values

    Indicates successful completion.

    The following is returned when an error occurs:

    Is a system error indicating that the Kernel extension internal memory management failed.

    Is a system error indicating that the adapter microcode is not responding.

    Is a system error indicating that the previous job is still running.

    Is a system error indicating that the specified argument was not valid.

    Is a system error indicating that the adapter type and library do not match.

    Is a system error indicating that you cannot attach to bus memory (either out of memory or segment register).

    Is a system error indicating that the caller is not authorized to perform the specified action.

    Is a system error indicating that the switch network is not available.

    Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.

    Indicates that initialization failed.

    Indicates that no more communication ports are available.

    Indicates that the opening of the communication device failed.

    Indicates that the specified device is not supported.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Understanding and Using the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: LAPI_Term

    LAPI_Msg_string Subroutine


    LAPI_Msg_string - Gets the Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) and system message string.

    C Syntax

    #include <lapi.h>
    LAPI_Msg_string(error_code, buf)
    int error_code;
    void * buf;

    FORTRAN Syntax

    include 'lapif.h'
    LAPI_MSG_STRING(error_code, buf, ierror)
    INTEGER error_code;
    INTEGER buf(40);
    INTEGER ierror;


    Specifies the return value of a previous LAPI call. (IN)

    Specifies the buffer to store the message string. (OUT)

    Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. (OUT)


    Use this subroutine to return the message string representation of the return value for a specific LAPI call.

    Return Values

    Indicates successful completion.

    The following is returned when an error occurs:

    Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Understanding and Using the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: LAPI_Init, LAPI_Term

    LAPI_Probe Subroutine


    LAPI_Probe - Transfers control to the communications subsystem to check for arriving messages and to make progress in polling mode.

    C Syntax

    #include <lapi.h>
    int LAPI_Probe(hndl)
    lapi_handle_t hndl;

    FORTRAN Syntax

    include 'lapif.h'
    LAPI_PROBE(hndl, ierror)
    INTEGER hndl;
    INTEGER ierror;


    Contains a handle that specifies a particular Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) context. (IN)

    Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. (OUT)


    Use this subroutine to transfer control to the communications subsystem in order to make progress on messages associated with the context hndl.
    Note: There is no guarantee about receipt of messages on the return from this function.

    Return Values

    Indicates successful completion.

    The following is returned when an error occurs:

    Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Understanding and Using the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: LAPI_Getcntr, LAPI_Setcntr, LAPI_Waitcntr

    LAPI_Put Subroutine


    LAPI_Put - Puts data into the target address on a target process.

    C Syntax

    #include <lapi.h>
    int LAPI_Put(hndl, tgt, len, tgt_addr, org_addr, tgt_cntr,
       org_cntr, cmpl_cntr)
    lapi_handle_t hndl;
    uint tgt;
    uint len;
    void *tgt_addr;
    void *org_addr;
    lapi_cntr_t *tgt_cntr;
    lapi_cntr_t *org_cntr;
    lapi_cntr_t *cmpl_cntr;

    FORTRAN Syntax

    include 'lapif.h'
    int LAPI_PUT(hndl, tgt, len, tgt_addr, org_addr, tgt_cntr,
       org_cntr, cmpl_cntr, ierror)
    INTEGER hndl;
    INTEGER tgt;
    INTEGER len;
    <type> tgt_addr(*);
    INTEGER org_addr;
    <type> tgt_cntr(*);
    INTEGER org_cntr;
    INTEGER cmpl_cntr;
    INTEGER ierror;


    Contains a handle that specifies a particular Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) context. (IN)

    Specifies the target task number. This parameter is valid from 0 <= tgt < LAPI_Qenv(,NUM_TASKS,). (IN)

    Specifies the number of bytes to be transferred. This parameter is valid from 0 <= len <= LAPI_Qenv(,MAX_DATA_SZ,). (IN)

    Specifies the address on the target process where data is to be copied into. This parameter can be NULL only if len is equivalent to 0. (IN)

    Specifies the address on the origin process where data is to be copied from. This parameter can be NULL only if len is equivalent to 0. (IN)

    Specifies the target counter address. The target counter is incremented after data arrives at the target. If the parameter is NULL, this counter will not be updated. (IN)

    Specifies the origin counter address. The origin counter is incremented after data is copied out of the origin address. If the parameter is NULL, this counter will not be updated. (IN/OUT)

    Specifies the address of the completion counter that is a reflection of the tgt_cntr. This counter is incremented at the origin after the tgt_cntr is incremented. If the parameter is NULL, the counter will not be updated. (IN/OUT)

    Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. (OUT)


    Use this subroutine to transfer the len number of bytes from the org_addr virtual address on the origin to the tgt target process at the tgt_address address over the port identified by hndl. After the data is copied out of the memory at org_addr, the org_cntr is incremented. After the data arrives at the tgt, the tgt_cntr is incremented. If either counter address is NULL, the data transfer occurs, but the corresponding counter increment does not take place.

    This is a nonblocking call in that the calling program cannot assume that the origin buffer can be changed, nor that the contents of the memory pointed to by tgt_addr on tgt is ready for use. However, after the origin waits for the org_cntr update to complete, the origin can modify the org_addr origin buffer. Similarly, the target can modify the data in the tgt_addr target buffer after it has waited for the tgt_cntr update to complete on the target. This call can be made synchronous if the origin waits for the cmpl_cntr update to complete.

    Return Values

    Indicates successful completion.

    The following is returned when an error occurs:

    Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Understanding and Using the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: LAPI_Fence, LAPI_Get, LAPI_Getcntr, LAPI_Gfence, LAPI_Qenv, LAPI_Waitcntr

    LAPI_Qenv Subroutine


    LAPI_Qenv - Queries the Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) interface for parallel job information.

    C Syntax

    #include <lapi.h>
    int LAPI_Qenv(hndl, query, ret_val)
    lapi_handle_t hndl;
    lapi_query_t query;
    int *ret_val;

    FORTRAN Syntax

    include 'lapif.h'
    LAPI_QENV(hndl, query, ret_val, ierror)
    INTEGER hndl;
    INTEGER query;
    INTEGER ret_val;
    INTEGER ierror;


    Contains a handle that specifies a particular LAPI context. (IN)

    Specifies the type of query requested as defined by lapi_query_t in lapi.h. (IN)

    Specifies the integer value of the query request. This parameter cannot be NULL. (OUT)

    Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. (OUT)


    Use this subroutine to query the LAPI interface for information about a specific LAPI instance. lapi_query_t defines the types of LAPI queries available.

    typedef enum {  TASK_ID=0,      /* Query task id of current task in
                                       job */
                    NUM_TASKS,      /* Query number of tasks in job */
                    MAX_UHDR_SZ,    /* Query max. user header size for
                                       AM */
                    MAX_DATA_SZ,    /* Query max. data length that can
                                       be sent */
                    ERROR_CHK,      /* Query & Set parameter checking
                                       on(1)/off(0) */
                    TIMEOUT,        /* Query & Set current comm.
                                       timeout setting in seconds */
                    MIN_TIMEOUT,    /* Query minimum comm. timeout
                                       setting */
                    MAX_TIMEOUT,    /* Query maximum comm. timeout
                                       setting */
                    INTERRUPT_SET,  /* Query & Set interrupt
                                       on(1)/off(0) */
                    MAX_PORTS,      /* Query max. available comm. ports */
                    MAX_PKT_SZ,     /* This is the payload size of 1
                                       packet */
                    NUM_REX_BUFS,   /* Number of retransmission buffers */
                    REX_BUF_SZ,     /* Size of Each retransmission buffer
                                       in bytes */
                    LAST_QUERY} lapi_query_t;

    Return Values

    Indicates successful completion.

    The following is returned when an error occurs:

    Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Understanding and Using the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: LAPI_Amsend, LAPI_Get, LAPI_Put, LAPI_Senv

    LAPI_Rmw Subroutine


    LAPI_Rmw - Provides the synchronization primitives.

    C Syntax

    #include <lapi.h>
    int LAPI_Rmw(hndl, op, tgt, tgt_var, in_val, prev_tgt_val, org_cntr)
    lapi_handle_t hndl;
    RMW_ops_t op;
    uint tgt;
    int *tgt_var;
    int *in_val;
    int *prev_tgt_val;
    lapi_cntr_t *org_cntr;

    FORTRAN Syntax

    include 'lapif.h'
    LAPI_RMW(hndl, op, tgt, tgt_var, in_val, prev_tgt_val, org_cntr, ierror)
    INTEGER hndl;
    INTEGER op;
    INTEGER tgt;
    <type> tgt_var(*);
    INTEGER in_val;
    INTEGER prev_tgt_val;
    INTEGER org_cntr;
    INTEGER ierror;


    Contains a handle that specifies a particular Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) context. (IN)

    Specifies the operation to be performed. (IN)

    Specifies the target task where the Read-Modify-Write (RMW) variable resides. This parameter is valid from 0 <= tgt < LAPI_Qenv(,NUM_TASKS,). (IN)

    Specifies the target RMW variable address. This parameter cannot be NULL. (IN)

    Specifies the value input to the op. This parameter cannot be NULL. (IN)

    Specifies the location at the origin in which the previous tgt_var on the target process is stored before the RMW op is executed. This parameter can be NULL. (IN/OUT)

    Specifies the origin counter address. The origin counter is incremented after data is copied out of the origin address. If the parameter is NULL, this counter will not be updated. (IN/OUT)

    Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. (OUT)


    Use this subroutine to synchronize two independent operations, such as two processes sharing a common data structure. The operation is performed at the tgt target process and is atomic. The operation takes an in_val from the origin and performs one of four selected op operations on a tgt_var variable at the tgt target, and then replaces the tgt_var target variable with the results of the op operation. The prev_tgt_val original value of the tgt_var target variable is returned to the origin.

    The valid operations for op are:

    The operations are performed over the context referred to by hndl. The outcome of the execution of these calls is as if the following code was executed atomically:

    *prev_tgt_val = *tgt_var;
    *tgt_var = f(*tgt_var, *in_val);


    f(a,b) = a + b for FETCH_AND_ADD

    f(a,b) = a | b for FETCH_AND_OR (bitwise or)

    f(a,b) = b for SWAP

    For COMPARE_AND_SWAP, in_val is treated as a pointer to an array of two integers, and the op is the following atomic operation:

    if(*tgt_var == in_val[0])  {
       *prev_tgt_val = TRUE;
    *tgt_var = in_val[1];
    } else {
       *prev_tgt_val = FALSE;

    All the calls are nonblocking. To test for completion, use the LAPI_Getcntr and LAPI_Waitcntr functions. There is no tgt_cntr on RMW calls and they do not provide any indication of completion on the tgt process.

    Return Values

    Indicates successful completion.

    The following is returned when an error occurs:

    Indicates that addresses were passed in that were not valid.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Understanding and Using the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: LAPI_Getcntr, LAPI_Probe, LAPI_Qenv, LAPI_Setcntr, LAPI_Waitcntr

    LAPI_Senv Subroutine


    LAPI_Senv - Sets the Low-level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) environment for the specified context.

    C Syntax

    #include <lapi.h>
    int LAPI_Senv(hndl, query, set_val)
    lapi_handle_t hndl;
    lapi_query_t query;
    int set_val;

    FORTRAN Syntax

    include 'lapif.h'
    LAPI_SENV(hndl, query, set_val, ierror)
    INTEGER hndl;
    INTEGER query;
    INTEGER set_val;
    INTEGER ierror;


    Contains a handle that specifies a particular LAPI context. (IN)

    Specifies the LAPI set environment type as defined by lapi_query_t in lapi.h. (IN)

    Specifies the integer value to set the LAPI environment. (IN)

    Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. (OUT)


    Use this subroutine to set the LAPI environment for a specific LAPI instance. lapi_query_t defines the types of LAPI set environment variables.

    typedef enum { ...
                   ERROR_CHK,          /* Query & Set parameter checking
                                          on(1)/off(0) */
                   TIMEOUT,            /* Query & Set current
                                          communications timeout setting
                                          in seconds */
                   INTERRUPT_SET,      /* Query & Set interrupt
                                          on(1)/off(0) */
                   ... }  lapi_query_t;

    To obtain the default values of the settings, use the LAPI_Qenv function.
    Note: If ERROR_CHK is set to 0 for all LAPI calls, parameter error checking is ignored (for example, LAPI_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER is not returned).

    Return Values

    Indicates successful completion.

    The following is returned when an error occurs:

    Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Understanding and Using the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: LAPI_Qenv

    LAPI_Setcntr Subroutine


    LAPI_Setcntr - Sets a counter to a specified value.

    C Syntax

    #include <lapi.h>
    int LAPI_Setcntr(hndl, cntr, val)
    lapi_handle_t hndl;
    lapi_cntr_t *cntr;
    int val;

    FORTRAN Syntax

    include 'lapif.h'
    LAPI_SETCNTR(hndl, cntr, val, ierror)
    INTEGER hndl;
    INTEGER cntr;
    INTEGER val;
    INTEGER ierror;


    Contains a handle that specifies a particular Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) context. (IN)

    Specifies the address of the counter to be set. This parameter cannot be NULL. (IN/OUT)

    Specifies the value the counter needs to be set to. (IN)

    Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. (OUT)


    Use this subroutine to set the cntr to the appropriate value. The LAPI context associated with hndl may or may not be polled for incoming messages.

    Return Values

    Indicates successful completion.

    The following is returned when an error occurs:

    Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Understanding and Using the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: LAPI_Getcntr, LAPI_Probe, LAPI_Waitcntr

    LAPI_Term Subroutine


    LAPI_Term - Terminates and cleans up the Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) subsystem.

    C Syntax

    #include <lapi.h>
    int LAPI_Term(hndl)
    lapi_handle_t hndl;

    FORTRAN Syntax

    include 'lapif.h'
    LAPI_TERM(hndl, ierror)
    INTEGER hndl;
    INTEGER ierror;


    Contains a handle that specifies a particular LAPI context. (OUT)

    Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. (OUT)


    Use this subroutine to terminate the LAPI context specified by hndl. Any LAPI notification threads associated with this context are terminated. An error occurs when any LAPI calls are made using hndl after LAPI_Term() is called, except for LAPI_Msg_string() and LAPI_Address().

    Return Values

    Indicates successful completion.

    The following is returned when an error occurs:

    Is a system error indicating that the specified argument was not valid.

    Is a system error indicating that the caller is not authorized to perform the specified action.

    Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.

    Indicates the close of the communication device failed.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Understanding and Using the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: LAPI_Init

    LAPI_Waitcntr Subroutine


    LAPI_Waitcntr - Waits until a specified counter reaches the value specified.

    C Syntax

    #include <lapi.h>
    int LAPI_Waitcntr(hndl, cntr, val, cur_cntr_val)
    lapi_handle_t hndl;
    lapi_cntr_t *cntr;
    int val;
    int *cur_cntr_val;

    FORTRAN Syntax

    include 'lapif.h'
    LAPI_WAITCNTR(hndl, cntr, val, cur_cntr_val, ierror)
    INTEGER hndl;
    INTEGER cntr;
    INTEGER val;
    INTEGER cur_cntr_val;
    INTEGER ierror;


    Contains a handle that specifies a particular Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) context. (IN)

    Specifies the address of the counter to be waited on. This parameter cannot be NULL. (IN)

    Specifies the value the counter needs to reach. (IN)

    Specifies the integer value of the current counter. This parameter can be NULL. (OUT)

    Specifies a FORTRAN return code. It is always the last argument. (OUT)


    Use this subroutine to wait until the cntr reaches or exceeds the specified val. Once the cntr reaches the val, the cntr is decremented by that value. (We say decremented rather than set to zero since the cntr could have had a value greater than the specified val when the call was made.) This call may or may not check for message arrivals over the LAPI context hndl; LAPI_Probe will always check for message arrivals.

    Return Values

    Indicates successful completion.

    The following is returned when an error occurs:

    Indicates that a parameter was passed in that was not valid.

    Prerequisite Information

    Refer to the "Understanding and Using the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: LAPI_Amsend, LAPI_Get, LAPI_Getcntr, LAPI_Probe, LAPI_Put, LAPI_Rmw, LAPI_Setcntr

    setvhostname Subroutine


    setvhostname - Sets the virtual host name.


    Availability Library (libavail.a)


    #include <vhost.h>

    int setvhostname (name, name_length); char *name; int name_length;


    Specifies the virtual host name.

    Specifies the length of the name array.


    Use this subroutine to set the virtual host name of a host machine. Only programs with a root user ID can use this subroutine. This routine is similar to the sethostname system call with the exception that it stores the virtual host name in the /etc/vhostname file instead of using a kernel variable. The setvhostname subroutine is a library call and sethostname is a system call.

    The name is stored in the /etc/vhostname file. If the file does not exist, it will be created. If it does exist, the file contents will be overwritten by the new virtual host name. Virtual host names are limited to MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN bytes (255), not including the terminating null character. The MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN macro is defined in the vhost.h header file. The name_length parameter does not have to allow for the terminating null character, therefore, the largest allowable value for name_length is MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN.

    To clear the virtual host name so that the virtual host name no longer exists, remove the /etc/vhostname file.
    Note: You must have root authority to remove the /etc/vhostname file.

    The virtual host name is used in fail over situations when an application has associated the host name in the kernel of a particular machine to the service it is providing. When the application is restarted on the fail over node that has a different host name, the application may fail or act incorrectly. If the application needs to associate a host name with a particular service and it cannot handle having multiple host names, a virtual host name can be provided. The application can call getvhostname instead of gethostname and get the host name of the node it normally runs on. This eliminates the need to change the real host name in the kernel on the backup node. It should be noted that changing the real host name in the kernel can cause problems with other applications that rely on the real host name to identify the physical machine.
    Note: The High Availability Cluster Multiprocessing (HACMP) event scripts supplied with the High Availability Control Workstation (HACWS) option of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP), set and clear the virtual host name in the HACMP pre- and post-event scripts. The administrator should not normally have to set the virtual host name.

    Return Values

    Upon successful completion, the setvhostname subroutine returns a value of 0. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to identify the error.

    Error Values

    The setvhostname subroutine is unsuccessful if the following error occurs:

    Indicates that the name_length parameter is greater than MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN or less than 0.

    Indicates that the calling process does not have an effective root user ID.

    If one of the system calls used to store the virtual host name into the /etc/vhostname file fails (for example, open, write, rename), errno is set by the system call that failed.


    1. To clear the virtual host name so that it no longer exists, enter:
      rm /etc/vhostname
      Note: You must have root authority to remove the /etc/vhostname file.

    2. To set the virtual host name to spcw_prim, enter:
      #include <string.h>
      #include <vhost.h>
      main ( )
      char name[]='spcw_prim';
      setvhostname(name, strlen(name));

    Related Information

    Commands: vhostname

    Subroutines: getvhostname

    AIX Commands: hostname

    AIX Subroutines: gethostname, sethostname

    swclockGetIncrement Subroutine


    swclockGetIncrement - Returns the hertz frequency at which the switch clock operates.


    Switch Clock Library (libswclock.a)




    #include <swclock.h>
    int swclockGetIncrement(swclock_handle_t swclock_handle);


    Specifies the handle returned by the swclockInit subroutine.


    Use this thread-safe subroutine to obtain the hertz frequency at which the switch clock operates. Switch clock frequency can be used to convert the switch clock value returned by the swclockRead subroutine.

    Return Values

    Upon successful completion, the swclockGetIncrement subroutine returns the hertz frequency at which the switch clock operates. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to identify the error.

    Error Values

    Indicates that the switch clock read interface was not initialized by the current thread.

    Indicates that a handle that was not valid was passed to the swclockGetIncrement subroutine.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: swclockInit, swclockRead, swclockReadSec, swclockTerm

    Header File: swclock.h

    swclockInit Subroutine


    swclockInit - Initializes the switch clock read interface for a thread.


    Switch Clock Library (libswclock.a)




    #include <swclock.h>
    swclock_handle_t swclockInit(void);


    Use this thread-safe subroutine to initialize the switch clock read interface for the current thread. It returns a handle which must be passed as an input parameter to all other switch clock library subroutines.

    Usage Notes:

    1. This subroutine must be called on a per-thread basis.

    2. This subroutine allocates a segment register (one per process) that might otherwise be used by shared memory, memory-mapped files or the extended heap.

    Return Values

    Upon successful completion, the swclockInit subroutine returns a handle that must be passed as input to all other switch clock library subroutines. Otherwise, a value of 0 is returned and the global variable errno is set to identify the error.

    Error Values

    Indicates that the node is not active on the switch. Since this may be a temporary condition, the swclockInit subroutine should be retried; IBM suggests a number of retry attempts of SWCLOCK_RETRY. If retry attempts fail, refer to the "Using a Switch" chapter in the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for information on determining switch connectivity.

    Indicates that the switch clock lock for the process could not be obtained. The swclockInit subroutine should be retried; IBM suggests a number of retry attempts of SWCLOCK_RETRY.

    Indicates that either the switch adapter does not exist or the adapter did not configure successfully.

    Indicates that the swclockInit subroutine could not obtain sufficient system resources to satisfy the request. The swclockInit subroutine should be retried; IBM suggests a number of retry attempts of SWCLOCK_RETRY.

    Indicates that diagnostics is running on the switch adapter. The swclockInit subroutine should be retried after adapter diagnostics have completed.

    Related Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide

    Subroutines: swclockGetIncrement, swclockRead, swclockReadSec, swclockTerm

    Header File: swclock.h

    swclockRead Subroutine


    swclockRead - Returns the current switch clock value.


    Switch Clock Library (libswclock.a)




    #include <swclock.h>
    long64_t swclockRead(swclock_handle_t swclock_handle);


    Specifies the handle returned by the swclockInit subroutine.


    Use this thread-safe subroutine to read the switch clock. The switch clock value can be converted using the frequency returned by the swclockGetIncrement subroutine. The swclockRead subroutine can be called as many times as needed once the switch clock read interface is initialized for the current thread.

    The switch clock is synchronous across all nodes active on a switch. Its value is set to zero when the primary node powers on, and can be reset during switch operation and management.

    Usage Notes:

    1. IBM suggests that a SIGBUS signal handler be established before this subroutine is called since adapter failures can result in a bus error when the switch clock is accessed. The SIGBUS signal handler should regard such an error as permanent. For information on diagnosing adapter failures, refer to the "Diagnosing Switch Problems" chapter in the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Diagnosis and Messages Guide.

    2. Callers of this subroutine may want to check for a switch clock value that has regressed since the previous call due to a wrap or resetting condition. The High Performance Switch communications adapter wraps after approximately 81 days, while the SP Switch communications adapter effectively has no wrap. For events that can reset the switch clock, refer to the "Using a Switch" chapter in the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    Return Values

    Upon successful completion, the swclockRead subroutine returns the current value of the switch clock. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to identify the error.

    Error Values

    Indicates that the node is not active on the switch. Since this may be a temporary condition, the swclockRead subroutine should be retried; IBM suggests a number of retry attempts of SWCLOCK_RETRY. If retry attempts fail, refer to the "Using a Switch" chapter in the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for information on determining switch connectivity.

    Indicates that the switch clock read interface was not initialized by the current thread.

    Indicates that a handle that was not valid was passed to the swclockRead subroutine.

    Related Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Diagnosis and Messages Guide

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide

    Subroutines: swclockGetIncrement, swclockInit, swclockReadSec, swclockTerm

    Header File: swclock.h

    swclockReadSec Subroutine


    swclockReadSec - Returns the current switch clock value in seconds.


    Switch Clock Library (libswclock.a)




    #include <swclock.h>
    double   swclockReadSec(swclock_handle_t swclock_handle);


    Specifies the handle returned by the swclockInit subroutine.


    Use this thread-safe subroutine to read the switch clock. The swclockReadSec subroutine returns switch clock value converted to seconds. It can be called as many times as needed to read the switch clock once the switch clock read interface is initialized for the current thread.

    The switch clock is synchronous across all nodes active on a switch. Its value is set to zero when the primary node powers on, and can be reset during switch operation and management.

    Usage Notes:

    1. IBM suggests that a SIGBUS signal handler be established before this subroutine is called since adapter failures can result in a bus error when the switch clock is accessed. The SIGBUS signal handler should regard such an error as permanent. For information on diagnosing adapter failures, refer to the "Diagnosing Switch Problems" chapter in the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Diagnosis and Messages Guide.

    2. Callers of this subroutine may want to check for a switch clock value that has regressed since the previous call due to a wrap or resetting condition. The High Performance Switch communications adapter wraps after approximately 81 days, while the SP Switch communications adapter effectively has no wrap. For events that can reset the switch clock, refer to the "Using a Switch" chapter in the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide.

    Return Values

    Upon successful completion, the swclockReadSec subroutine returns the current value of the switch clock converted to seconds. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to identify the error.

    Error Values

    Indicates that the node is not active on the switch. Since this may be a temporary condition, the swclockReadSec subroutine should be retried; IBM suggests a number of retry attempts of SWCLOCK_RETRY. If retry attempts fail, refer to the "Using a Switch" chapter in the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide for information on determining switch connectivity.

    Indicates that the switch clock read interface was not initialized by the current thread.

    Indicates that a handle that was not valid was passed to the swclockReadSec subroutine.

    Related Information

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Diagnosis and Messages Guide

    IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide

    Subroutines: swclockGetIncrement, swclockInit, swclockRead, swclockTerm

    Header File: swclock.h

    swclockTerm Subroutine


    swclockTerm - Terminates the switch clock read interface for a thread.


    Switch Clock Library (libswclock.a)




    #include <swclock.h>
    int swclockTerm(swclock_handle_t swclock_handle);


    Specifies the handle returned by the swclockInit subroutine.


    Use this thread-safe subroutine to terminate the switch clock read interface for the current thread. Switch clock library subroutines called subsequent to the swclockTerm subroutine will fail unless the thread reinitializes the interface. If the swclockTerm subroutine is not called, the switch clock read interface will be terminated when the thread itself terminates.

    Return Values

    Upon successful completion, the swclockTerm subroutine returns a value of 0. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to identify the error.

    Error Values

    Indicates that the switch clock lock for the process could not be obtained. The swclockTerm subroutine should be retried; IBM suggests a number of retry attempts of SWCLOCK_RETRY.

    Indicates that the switch clock read interface was not initialized by the current thread.

    Indicates that a handle that was not valid was passed to the swclockTerm subroutine.

    Related Information

    Subroutines: swclockGetIncrement, swclockInit, swclockRead, swclockReadSec

    Header File: swclock.h


    Appendix A. Perspectives Colors and Fonts

    Perspectives Colors with Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) Triplets

    Note: Colors may vary depending on the type o/f display you are using.

    The following list contains valid color names that can be supplied as optional arguments to the -backgroundColor and -foregroundColor flags:
    Color Red Green Blue
    alice blue 240 248 255
    antique white 250 235 215
    aquamarine 127 255 212
    azure 240 255 255
    beige 245 245 220
    bisque 255 228 196
    black 0 0 0
    blanched almond 255 235 205
    blue 0 0 255
    blue violet 138 43 226
    brown 165 42 42
    burlywood 222 184 135
    cadet blue 95 158 160
    chartreuse 127 255 0
    chocolate 210 105 30
    coral 255 127 80
    cornflower blue 100 149 237
    cornsilk 255 248 220
    cyan 0 255 255
    dark goldenrod 184 134 11
    dark green 0 100 0
    dark khaki 189 183 107
    dark olive green 85 107 47
    dark orange 255 140 0
    dark orchid 153 50 204
    dark salmon 233 150 122
    dark sea green 143 188 143
    dark slate blue 72 61 139
    dark turquoise 0 206 209
    dark violet 148 0 211
    deep pink 255 20 147
    deep sky blue 0 191 255
    dim gray 105 105 105
    dodger blue 30 144 255
    firebrick 178 34 34
    floral white 255 250 240
    forest green 34 139 34
    ghost white 248 248 255
    gold 255 215 0
    goldenrod 218 165 32
    gray 190 190 190
    green 0 255 0
    green yellow 173 255 47
    honeydew 240 255 240
    hot pink 255 105 180
    indian red 205 92 92
    ivory 255 255 240
    khaki 240 230 140
    lavender 230 230 250
    lavender blush 255 240 245
    lawn green 124 252 0
    lemon chiffon 255 250 205
    light blue 173 216 230
    light coral 240 128 128
    light cyan 224 255 255
    light goldenrod 238 221 130
    light gray 211 211 211
    light pink 255 182 193
    light salmon 255 160 122
    light sea green 32 178 170
    light sky blue 135 206 250
    light slate blue 132 112 255
    light slate gray 119 136 153
    light steel blue 176 196 222
    light yellow 255 255 224
    lime green 50 205 50
    linen 250 240 230
    magenta 255 0 255
    maroon 176 48 96
    medium aquamarine 102 205 170
    medium blue 0 0 205
    medium orchid 186 85 211
    medium purple 147 112 219
    medium sea green 60 179 113
    medium slate blue 123 104 238
    medium spring green 0 250 154
    medium turquoise 72 209 204
    medium violet red 199 21 133
    midnight blue 25 25 112
    mint cream 245 255 250
    misty rose 255 228 225
    moccasin 255 228 181
    navajo white 255 222 173
    navy blue 0 0 128
    old lace 253 245 230
    oldlace 253 245 230
    olive drab 107 142 35
    orange 255 165 0
    orange red 255 69 0
    orchid 218 112 214
    pale goldenrod 238 232 170
    pale green 152 251 152
    pale turquoise 175 238 238
    pale violet red 219 112 147
    papaya whip 255 239 213
    peach puff 255 218 185
    peru 205 133 63
    pink 255 192 203
    plum 221 160 221
    powder blue 176 224 230
    purple 160 32 240
    red 255 0 0
    rosy brown 188 143 143
    royal blue 65 105 225
    saddle brown 139 69 19
    salmon 250 128 114
    sandy brown 244 164 96
    sea green 46 139 87
    seashell 255 245 238
    sienna 160 82 45
    sky blue 135 206 235
    slate blue 106 90 205
    slate gray 112 128 144
    snow 255 250 250
    spring green 0 255 127
    steel blue 70 130 180
    tan 210 180 140
    thistle 216 191 216
    tomato 255 99 71
    turquoise 64 224 208
    violet 238 130 238
    violet red 208 32 144
    wheat 245 222 179
    white 255 255 255
    white smoke 245 245 245
    yellow 255 255 0
    yellow green 154 205 50

    Perspectives Fonts

    Note: Fonts will vary depending on the type of Xmachine or Xstation you are using.

    The following list contains font names that can be supplied as optional arguments to the -fontFamily flag:

    lucida bright
    lucida typewriter
    new century schoolbook
    sans serif
    times new roman

    Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations

    This glossary includes terms and definitions from:

    The following cross-references are used in this glossary:

    Contrast with. This refers to a term that has an opposed or substantively different meaning.
    See. This refers the reader to multiple-word terms in which this term appears.
    See also. This refers the reader to terms that have a related, but not synonymous, meaning.
    Synonym for. This indicates that the term has the same meaning as a preferred term, which is defined in the glossary.

    This section contains some of the terms that are commonly used in the SP publications.

    IBM is grateful to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for permission to reprint its definitions from the American National Standard Vocabulary for Information Processing (Copyright 1970 by American National Standards Institute, Incorporated), which was prepared by Subcommittee X3K5 on Terminology and Glossary of the American National Standards Committee X3. ANSI definitions are preceded by an asterisk (*).

    Other definitions in this glossary are taken from IBM Vocabulary for Data Processing, Telecommunications, and Office Systems (SC20-1699) and IBM DATABASE 2 Application Programming Guide for TSO Users (SC26-4081).


    A character or group of characters that identifies a register, a device, a particular part of storage, or some other data source or destination.

    A distributed file system that provides authentication services as part of its file system creation.

    Abbreviation for Advanced Interactive Executive, IBM's licensed version of the UNIX operating system. AIX is particularly suited to support technical computing applications, including high function graphics and floating point computations.

    AIX Version 3
    The IBM AIX Version 3 for RISC System/6000 (also known as AIX/6000). It is based on UNIX System V, conforms with POSIX IEEE Standard 1003.1, is compatible with Berkeley Software Distribution 4.3 (4.3 BSD), and is designed to meet Trusted Computing Base level C2 security.

    Berkeley Software Distribution automount daemon.

    Application Programming Interface. A set of programming functions and routines that provide access between the Application layer of the OSI seven-layer model and applications that want to use the network. It is a software interface.

    The use to which a data processing system is put; for example, a payroll application, an airline reservation application.

    application data
    The data that is produced using an application program.

    Address Resolution Protocol.

    Asynchronous Transfer Mode. (See TURBOWAYS 100 ATM Adapter.)

    The process of validating the identity of a user or server.

    The process of obtaining permission to perform specific actions.


    batch processing
    * (1) The processing of data or the accomplishment of jobs accumulated in advance in such a manner that each accumulation thus formed is processed or accomplished in the same run. * (2) The processing of data accumulating over a period of time. * (3) Loosely, the execution of computer programs serially. (4) Computer programs executed in the background.

    Block Multiplexer Channel Adapter. The block multiplexer channel connection allows the RS/6000 to communicate directly with a host System/370 or System/390; the host operating system views the system unit as a control unit.


    call home function
    The ability of a system to call the IBM support center and open a PMR to have a repair scheduled.

    Common Desktop Environment. A graphical user interface for UNIX.

    charge feature
    An optional feature for either software or hardware for which there is a charge.

    Command Line Interface.

    * (1) A function that requests services from a server and makes them available to the user. * (2) A term used in an environment to identify a machine that uses the resources of the network.

    Client Input/Output Sockets (CLIO/S)
    A software package that enables high-speed data and tape access between SP systems, AIX systems, and ES/9000 mainframes.

    Client Input/Output Sockets.

    Centralized Management Interface provides a series of SMIT menus and dialogues used for defining and querying the SP system configuration.

    A communication process that takes place without first establishing a connection.

    connectionless network
    A network in which the sending logical node must have the address of the receiving logical node before information interchange can begin. The packet is routed through nodes in the network based on the destination address in the packet. The originating source does not receive an acknowledgment that the packet was received at the destination.

    control workstation
    A single point of control allowing the administrator or operator to monitor and manage the SP system using the IBM AIX Parallel System Support Programs.

    Communication subsystem.


    A process, not associated with a particular user, that performs system-wide functions such as administration and control of networks, execution of time-dependent activities, line printer spooling and so forth.

    Direct Access Storage Device. Storage for input/output data.

    Distributed Computing Environment.

    distributed file system. A subset of the IBM Distributed Computing Environment.

    Domain Name Service. A hierarchical name service which maps high level machine names to IP addresses.


    Error Notification Object
    An object in the SDR that is matched with an error log entry. When an error log entry occurs that matches the Notification Object, a user-specified action is taken.

    Enterprise Systems Connection. The ESCON channel connection allows the RS/6000 to communicate directly with a host System/390; the host operating system views the system unit as a control unit.

    (1) Ethernet is the standard hardware for TCP/IP local area networks in the UNIX marketplace. It is a 10-megabit per second baseband type LAN that allows multiple stations to access the transmission medium at will without prior coordination, avoids contention by using carrier sense and deference, and resolves contention by collision detection (CSMA/CD). (2) A passive coaxial cable whose interconnections contain devices or components, or both, that are all active. It uses CSMA/CD technology to provide a best-effort delivery system.

    Ethernet network
    A baseband LAN with a bus topology in which messages are broadcast on a coaxial cabling using the carrier sense multiple access/collision detection (CSMA/CD) transmission method.

    In Event Management, the notification that a predicate evaluated to true. This evaluation occurs each time an instance of a resource variable is observed.

    Programmed dialogue with interactive programs.


    Also called fallover, the sequence of events when a primary or server machine fails and a secondary or backup machine assumes the primary workload. This is a disruptive failure with a short recovery time.

    fall back
    Also called fall back, the sequence of events when a primary or server machine takes back control of its workload from a secondary or backup machine.

    Fiber Distributed Data Interface.

    Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)
    An American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard for 100-megabit-per-second LAN using optical fiber cables. An FDDI local area network (LAN) can be up to 100 km (62 miles) and can include up to 500 system units. There can be up to 2 km (1.24 miles) between system units and/or concentrators.

    File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
    The Internet protocol (and program) used to transfer files between hosts. It is an application layer protocol in TCP/IP that uses TELNET and TCP protocols to transfer bulk-data files between machines or hosts.

    * A set of related records treated as a unit, for example, in stock control, a file could consist of a set of invoices.

    file server
    A centrally located computer that acts as a storehouse of data and applications for numerous users of a local area network.

    foreign host
    Any host on the network other than the local host.

    File transfer protocol.


    An intelligent electronic device interconnecting dissimilar networks and providing protocol conversion for network compatibility. A gateway provides transparent access to dissimilar networks for nodes on either network. It operates at the session presentation and application layers.


    AIX High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing/6000.

    High Availability Control Workstation function, based on HACMP/6000, provides for a backup control workstation for the SP system.

    help key
    In the SP graphical interface, the key that gives you access to the SP graphical interface help facility.

    High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing/6000
    An IBM facility to cluster nodes or components to provide high availability by eliminating single points of failure.

    High Performance Switch
    An IBM multi-stage packet switch for high-performance communication between processor nodes.

    High Performance Parallel Interface. RS/6000 units can attach to a HiPPI network as defined by the ANSI specifications. The HiPPI channel supports burst rates of 100 Mbps over dual simplex cables; connections can be up to 25 km in length as defined by the standard and can be extended using third-party HiPPI switches and fiber optic extenders.

    home directory
    The directory associated with an individual user.

    A computer connected to a network, and providing an access method to that network. A host provides end-user services.

    The data striping device for the IBM Virtual Shared Disk. The device driver lets application programs stripe data across physical disks in multiple IBM Virtual Shared Disks, thus reducing I/O bottlenecks and hot spots.


    instance vector
    In Event Management, a set of elements, where each element is a name/value pair of the form name=value, whose values uniquely identify the copy of the resource (and by extension, the copy of the resource variable) in the system.

    A specific inter-network consisting of large national backbone networks such as APARANET, MILNET, and NSFnet, and a myriad of regional and campus networks all over the world. The network uses the TCP/IP protocol suite.

    Intermediate Switch Board
    Switches mounted in the High Performance Switch expansion frame.

    IP address
    A 32-bit address assigned to devices or hosts in an IP internet that maps to a physical address. The IP address is composed of a network and host portion.

    Internet Protocol (IP)
    (1) A protocol that routes data through a network or interconnected networks. IP acts as an interface between the higher logical layers and the physical network. This protocol, however, does not provide error recovery, flow control, or guarantee the reliability of the physical network. IP is a connectionless protocol. (2) A protocol used to route data from its source to it destination in an Internet environment.

    Intermediate Switch Board.


    A service for authenticating users in a network environment.

    The core portion of the UNIX operating system which controls the resources of the CPU and allocates them to the users. The kernel is memory-resident, is said to run in "kernel mode" and is protected from user tampering by the hardware.


    (1) Acronym for Local Area Network, a data network located on the user's premises in which serial transmission is used for direct data communication among data stations. (2) Physical network technology that transfers data a high speed over short distances. (3) A network in which a set of devices is connected to another for communication and that can be connected to a larger network.

    local host
    The computer to which a user's terminal is directly connected.

    log database
    A persistent storage location for the logged information.

    log event
    The recording of an event.

    log event type
    A particular kind of log event that has a hierarchy associated with it.

    The writing of information to persistent storage for subsequent analysis by humans or programs.


    To use a pattern of characters to control retention or elimination of portions of another pattern of characters.

    A display of a list of available functions for selection by the user.

    The graphical user interface for OSF, incorporating the X Window System. Also called OSF/Motif.

    Mean time between failure. This is a measure of reliability.

    Mean time to repair. This is a measure of serviceability.


    naive application
    An application with no knowledge of a server that fails over to another server. Client to server retry methods are used to reconnect.

    An interconnected group of nodes, lines, and terminals. A network provides the ability to transmit data to and receive data from other systems and users.

    Network File System. NFS allows different systems (UNIX or non-UNIX), different architectures, or vendors connected to the same network, to access remote files in a LAN environment as though they were local files.

    Network Installation Management is provided with AIX 4.1 to install AIX on the nodes.

    NIM client
    An AIX system installed and managed by a NIM master. NIM supports three types of clients:

    NIM master
    An AIX system that can install one or more NIM clients. An AIX system must be defined as a NIM master before defining any NIM clients on that system. A NIM master managers the configuration database containing the information for the NIM clients.

    NIM object
    A representation of information about the NIM environment. NIM stores this information as objects in the NIM database. The types of objects are:

    Network Information System.

    In a network, the point where one or more functional units interconnect transmission lines. A computer location defined in a network.

    Node Switch Board
    Switches mounted on frames that contain nodes.

    Node Switch Board.

    Network Time Protocol.


    Object Data Manager. In AIX, a hierarchical object-oriented database for configuration data.


    parallel environment
    A system environment where message passing or SP resource manager services are used by they application.

    Parallel Environment
    A licensed IBM program used for message passing applications on the SP or RS/6000 platforms.

    parallel processing
    A multiprocessor architecture which allows processes to be allocated to tightly coupled multiple processors in a cooperative processing environment, allowing concurrent execution of tasks.

    * (1) A variable that is given a constant value for a specified application and that may denote the application. * (2) An item in a menu for which the operator specifies a value or for which the system provides a value when the menu is interpreted. * (3) A name in a procedure that is used to refer to an argument that is passed to the procedure. * (4) A particular piece of information that a system or application program needs to process a request.

    See system partition.

    Practical Extraction and Report Language.

    A UNIX utility allowing the output of one command to be the input of another. Represented by the | symbol. It is also referred to as filtering output.

    The primary window for each SP Perspectives application, so called because it provides a unique view of an SP system.

    Formerly Parallel Operating Environment, now Parallel Environment for AIX.

    (1) An end point for communication between devices, generally referring to physical connection. (2) A 16-bit number identifying a particular TCP or UDP resource within a given TCP/IP node.

    In Event Management, the relational expression between a resource variable and other elements (such as constants or the previous value of an instance of the variable) that, when true, generates an event. An example of a predicate is X < 10 where X represents the resource variable IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.%totalfree (the percentage of total free paging space). When the predicate is true, that is, when the total free paging space is observed to be less than 10%, the Event Management subsystem generates an event to notify the appropriate application.

    * (1) A unique, finite course of events defined by its purpose or by its effect, achieved under defined conditions. * (2) Any operation or combination of operations on data. * (3) A function being performed or waiting to be performed. * (4) A program in operation. For example, a daemon is a system process that is always running on the system.

    A set of semantic and syntactic rules that defines the behavior of functional units in achieving communication.

    Problem Management Report.

    Problem Management Report
    The number in the IBM support mechanism that represents a service incident with a customer.

    Primary node or machine
    (1) A device that runs a workload and has a standby device ready to assume the primary workload if that primary node fails or is taken out of service. (2) A node on the High Performance Switch that initializes, provides diagnosis and recovery services, and performs other operations to the switch network. (3) In IBM Virtual Shared Disk function, the node at which the logical volume is actually local and that acts as server node to I/O requests from other nodes.


    Redundant array of independent disks.

    rearm predicate
    In Event Management, a predicate used to generate an event that alternates with an original event predicate in the following way: the event predicate is used until it is true, then the rearm predicate is used until it is true, then the event predicate is used, and so on. The rearm predicate is commonly the inverse of the event predicate (for example, a resource variable is on or off). It can also be used with the event predicate to define an upper and lower boundary for a condition of interest.

    remote host
    See foreign host.

    In Event Management, an entity in the system that provides a set of services. Examples of resources include hardware entities such as processors, disk drives, memory, and adapters, and software entities such as database applications, processes, and file systems. Each resource in the system has one or more attributes that define the state of the resource.

    resource monitor
    A program that supplies information about resources in the system. It can be a command, a daemon, or part of an application or subsystem that manages any type of system resource.

    resource variable
    In Event Management, the representation of an attribute of a resource. An example of a resource variable is IBM.AIX.PagSp.%totalfree, which represents the percentage of total free paging space. IBM.AIX.PagSp specifies the resource name and %totalfree specifies the resource attribute.

    Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC), the technology for today's high performance personal computers and workstations, was invented in 1975. Uses a small simplified set of frequently used instructions for rapid execution.

    rlogin (remote LOGIN)
    A service offered by Berkeley UNIX systems that allows authorized users of one machine to connect to other UNIX systems across a network and interact as if their terminals were connected directly. The rlogin software passes information about the user's environment (for example, terminal type) to the remote machine.

    Acronym for Remote Procedure Call, a facility that a client uses to have a server execute a procedure call. This facility is composed of a library of procedures plus an XDR.

    A variant of RLOGIN command that invokes a command interpreter on a remote UNIX machine and passes the command line arguments to the command interpreter, skipping the LOGIN step completely. See also rlogin.


    Small Computer System Interface.

    (1) A function that provides services for users. A machine may run client and server processes at the same time. (2) A machine that provides resources to the network. It provides a network service, such as disk storage and file transfer, or a program that uses such a service. (3) A device, program, or code module on a network dedicated to providing a specific service to a network. (4) On a LAN, a data station that provides facilities to other data stations. Examples are file server, print server, and mail server.

    Small Computer System Interface (SCSI)
    An input and output bus that provides a standard interface for the attachment of various direct access storage devices (DASD) and tape drives to the RS/6000.

    The shell is the primary user interface for the UNIX operating system. It serves as command language interpreter, programming language, and allows foreground and background processing. There are three different implementations of the shell concept: Bourne, C and Korn.

    Small Computer Systems Interface Adapter (SCSI Adapter)
    An adapter that supports the attachment of various direct-access storage devices (DASD) and tape drives to the RS/6000.

    The System Management Interface Toolkit is a set of menu driven utilities for AIX that provides functions such as transaction login, shell script creation, automatic updates of object database, and so forth.

    Simple Network Management Protocol. (1) An IP network management protocol that is used to monitor attached networks and routers. (2) A TCP/IP-based protocol for exchanging network management information and outlining the structure for communications among network devices.

    (1) An abstraction used by Berkeley UNIX that allows an application to access TCP/IP protocol functions. (2) An IP address and port number pairing. (3) In TCP/IP, the Internet address of the host computer on which the application runs, and the port number it uses. A TCP/IP application is identified by its socket.

    standby node or machine
    A device that waits for a failure of a primary node in order to assume the identity of the primary node. The standby machine then runs the primary's workload until the primary is back in service.

    Shortened form of subnetwork.

    subnet mask
    A bit template that identifies to the TCP/IP protocol code the bits of the host address that are to be used for routing for specific subnetworks.

    Any group of nodes that have a set of common characteristics, such as the same network ID.

    Software Update Protocol.

    Secure System Command Execution Tool. An authenticated client/server system for running commands remotely and in parallel.

    System Administrator
    The user who is responsible for setting up, modifying, and maintaining the SP system.

    A software component that is not usually associated with a user command. It is usually a daemon process. A subsystem will perform work or provide services on behalf of a user request or operating system request.

    A BSD logging system used to collect and manage other subsystem's logging data.

    system partition
    A group of nonoverlapping nodes on a switch chip boundary that act as a logical SP system.


    Tape ARchive, is a standard UNIX data archive utility for storing data on tape media.

    Tool Command Language.

    Tool Command Language Extended.

    Acronym for Transmission Control Protocol, a stream communication protocol that includes error recovery and flow control.

    Acronym for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, a suite of protocols designed to allow communication between networks regardless of the technologies implemented in each network. TCP provides a reliable host-to-host protocol between hosts in packet-switched communications networks and in interconnected systems of such networks. It assumes that the underlying protocol is the Internet Protocol.

    Terminal Emulation Protocol, a TCP/IP application protocol that allows interactive access to foreign hosts.

    Tcl-based Tool Kit for X Windows.

    Tape Management Program Control Point.

    (1) Network technology that controls media access by passing a token (special packet or frame) between media-attached machines. (2) A network with a ring topology that passes tokens from one attaching device (node) to another. (3) The IBM Token-Ring LAN connection allows the RS/6000 system unit to participate in a LAN adhering to the IEEE 802.5 Token-Passing Ring standard or the ECMA standard 89 for Token-Ring, baseband LANs.

    An exchange between the user and the system. Each activity the system performs for the user is considered a transaction.

    transceiver (transmitter-receiver)
    A physical device that connects a host interface to a local area network, such as Ethernet. Ethernet transceivers contain electronics that apply signals to the cable and sense collisions.

    To send data from one place and to receive the data at another place. Synonymous with move.

    * The sending of data from one place for reception elsewhere.

    TURBOWAYS 100 ATM Adapter
    An IBM high-performance, high-function intelligent adapter that provides dedicated 100 Mbps ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) connection for high-performance servers and workstations.


    User Datagram Protocol.

    User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
    (1) In TCP/IP, a packet-level protocol built directly on the Internet Protocol layer. UDP is used for application-to-application programs between TCP/IP host systems. (2) A transport protocol in the Internet suite of protocols that provides unreliable, connectionless datagram service. (3) The Internet Protocol that enables an application programmer on one machine or process to send a datagram to an application program on another machine or process.

    UNIX operating system
    An operating system developed by Bell Laboratories that features multiprogramming in a multiuser environment. The UNIX operating system was originally developed for use on minicomputers, but has been adapted for mainframes and microcomputers. Note: The AIX operating system is IBM's implementation of the UNIX operating system.

    Anyone who requires the services of a computing system.

    user ID
    A nonnegative integer, contained in an object of type uid_t, that is used to uniquely identify a system user.


    Virtual Shared Disk, IBM
    The function that allows application programs executing at different nodes of a system partition to access a raw logical volume as if it were local at each of the nodes. In actuality, the logical volume is local at only one of the nodes (the server node).


    * (1) A configuration of input/output equipment at which an operator works. * (2) A terminal or microcomputer, usually one that is connected to a mainframe or to a network, at which a user can perform applications.


    X Window System
    A graphical user interface product.


    Special Characters
    A C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U V
    Special Characters
  • .klogin file (1612)
  • A
  • add_principal command (1022)
  • allnimres command (1024)
  • arp command (1026)
  • auto.master file (1604)
  • C
  • cfghsd command (1028)
  • cfghsdvsd command (1030)
  • cfgvsd command (1032)
  • chgcss command (1034)
  • chkp command (1036)
  • cksumvsd command (1038)
  • cmonacct command (1040)
  • colors (1687)
  • commands
  • add_principal (1023)
  • allnimres (1025)
  • arp (1027)
  • cfghsd (1029)
  • cfghsdvsd (1031)
  • cfgvsd (1033)
  • chgcss (1035)
  • chkp (1037)
  • cksumvsd (1039)
  • cmonacct (1041)
  • cprdaily (1043)
  • cptuning (1045)
  • create_krb_files (1047)
  • createhsd (1049)
  • createvsd (1051)
  • crunacct (1053)
  • cshutdown (1055)
  • CSS_test (1057)
  • cstartup (1059)
  • ctlhsd (1061)
  • ctlvsd (1063)
  • defhsd (1065)
  • defvsd (1067)
  • delnimclient (1069)
  • delnimmast (1071)
  • dsh (1073)
  • dshbak (1075)
  • Eannotator (1077)
  • Eclock (1079)
  • Eduration (1081)
  • Efence (1083)
  • emonctrl script (1087)
  • enadmin (1095)
  • endefadapter (1097)
  • endefnode (1099)
  • enrmadapter (1101)
  • enrmnode (1103)
  • Eprimary (1105)
  • Equiesce (1107)
  • Estart (1109)
  • Etopology (1111)
  • Eunfence (1113)
  • Eunpartition (1115)
  • export_clients (1117)
  • ext_srvtab (1119)
  • fencevsd (1121)
  • get_vpd (1123)
  • ha.vsd (1127)
  • ha_vsd (1125)
  • hacws_verify (1129)
  • haemcfg (1131)
  • haemctrl script (1134)
  • haemloadcfg (1142)
  • haemtrcoff (1145)
  • haemtrcon (1147)
  • haemunlkrm (1149)
  • hagsctrl script (1151)
  • hardmon (1160)
  • hats (1162)
  • hatsctrl script (1170)
  • hb (1176)
  • hbctrl script (1178)
  • hc.vsd (1184)
  • hmadm (1186)
  • hmcmds (1188)
  • hmmon (1190)
  • hmreinit (1192)
  • hostlist (1194)
  • hr (1196)
  • hrctrl script (1198)
  • hsdatalst (1204)
  • hsdvts (1206)
  • ifconfig (1208)
  • install_cw (1210)
  • install_hacws (1212)
  • jm_config (1214)
  • jm_install_verify (1216)
  • jm_start (1218)
  • jm_status (1220)
  • jm_stop (1222)
  • jm_verify (1224)
  • jmcmi_accesscontrol (1226)
  • jmcmi_addpool (1228)
  • jmcmi_changepool (1230)
  • jmcmi_createjmdconfig (1232)
  • jmcmi_deletepool (1234)
  • jmcmi_servernodes (1236)
  • kadmin (1238)
  • kdb_destroy (1242)
  • kdb_edit (1244)
  • kdb_init (1246)
  • kdb_util (1248)
  • kdestroy (1250)
  • Kerberos (1615)
  • kinit (1254)
  • klist (1256)
  • kpasswd (1258)
  • kprop (1260)
  • ksrvtgt (1266)
  • ksrvutil (1268)
  • kstash (1270)
  • locate_jm (1272)
  • lppdiff (1274)
  • lsfencevsd (1276)
  • lshacws (1278)
  • lshsd (1280)
  • lskp (1282)
  • lsvsd (1284)
  • mkamdent (1286)
  • mkautomap (1288)
  • mkconfig (1290)
  • mkinstall (1292)
  • mkkp (1294)
  • mknimclient (1296)
  • mknimint (1298)
  • mknimmast (1300)
  • mknimres (1302)
  • ngaddto (1304)
  • ngclean (1306)
  • ngcreate (1308)
  • ngdelete (1310)
  • ngdelfrom (1312)
  • ngfind (1314)
  • nglist (1316)
  • ngnew (1318)
  • ngresolve (1320)
  • nodecond (1322)
  • nrunacct (1324)
  • p_cat (1326)
  • pcp (1328)
  • pdf (1330)
  • penotify (1332)
  • perspectives (1334)
  • pexec (1336)
  • pexscr (1338)
  • pfck (1340)
  • pfind (1342)
  • pfps (1344)
  • pls (1346)
  • pmanctrl (1348)
  • pmandef (1350)
  • pmanquery (1352)
  • pmanrmdloadSDR (1354)
  • pmv (1356)
  • ppred (1358)
  • pps (1360)
  • preparevsd (1362)
  • prm (1364)
  • psyslclr (1366)
  • psyslrpt (1368)
  • rcmdtgt (1370)
  • rcp (1372)
  • removehsd (1374)
  • removevsd (1376)
  • resumevsd (1378)
  • rmkp (1380)
  • rsh (1382)
  • SDR_test (1384)
  • SDRAddSyspar (1386)
  • SDRArchive (1388)
  • SDRChangeAttrValues (1390)
  • SDRClearLock (1392)
  • SDRCreateAttrs (1394)
  • SDRCreateClass (1396)
  • SDRCreateFile (1398)
  • SDRCreateObjects (1400)
  • SDRCreateSystemClass (1402)
  • SDRCreateSystemFile (1404)
  • SDRDeleteFile (1406)
  • SDRDeleteObjects (1408)
  • SDRGetObjects (1410)
  • SDRListClasses (1412)
  • SDRListFiles (1414)
  • SDRMoveObjects (1416)
  • SDRRemoveSyspar (1418)
  • SDRReplaceFile (1420)
  • SDRRestore (1422)
  • SDRRetrieveFile (1424)
  • SDRWhoHasLock (1426)
  • seqfile (1428)
  • services_config (1430)
  • sethacws (1432)
  • setup_authent (1434)
  • setup_CWS (1436)
  • setup_logd (1438)
  • setup_server (1440)
  • sp_configd (1442)
  • sp_configdctrl script (1444)
  • spacctnd (1449)
  • spacs_cntrl (1451)
  • spadaptrs (1453)
  • spapply_config (1455)
  • spbootins (1457)
  • spchuser (1459)
  • spcustomize_syspar (1461)
  • spcw_addevents (1463)
  • spcw_apps (1465)
  • spdeladap (1467)
  • spdelfram (1469)
  • spdelnode (1471)
  • spdisplay_config (1473)
  • spethernt (1475)
  • spevent (1477)
  • spframe (1479), (1481)
  • spget_syspar (1483)
  • spgetdesc (1485)
  • sphardware (1487)
  • sphostnam (1489)
  • sphrdwrad (1491)
  • splm (1493)
  • splst_syspars (1497)
  • splst_versions (1499)
  • splstadapters (1501)
  • splstdata (1503)
  • splstnodes (1505)
  • splsuser (1507)
  • spmkuser (1511)
  • spmon (1513)
  • spmon_ctest (1515)
  • spmon_itest (1517)
  • spperfmon (1519)
  • sprestore_config (1521)
  • sprmuser (1523)
  • spsitenv (1525)
  • spsvrmgr (1527)
  • spsyspar (1529)
  • spverify_config (1531)
  • spvsd (1533)
  • startvsd (1535)
  • statvsd (1537)
  • stopvsd (1539)
  • supper (1543)
  • suspendvsd (1545)
  • sysctl (1547)
  • sysctld (1549)
  • SYSMAN_test (1551)
  • syspar_ctrl (1553)
  • sysparaid (1555)
  • s1term (1557)
  • ucfghsd (1559)
  • ucfghsdvsd (1561)
  • ucfgvsd (1563)
  • unallnimres (1565)
  • undefhsd (1567)
  • undefvsd (1569)
  • unfencevsd (1571)
  • updatehsd (1573)
  • updatevsdnode (1575)
  • updatevsdtab (1577)
  • verparvsd (1579)
  • vhostname (1581)
  • vsdatalst (1583)
  • vsdchgserver (1585)
  • vsddiag (1587)
  • vsdelnode (1589)
  • vsdelvg (1591)
  • vsdnode (1593)
  • vsdsklst (1595)
  • vsdvg (1597)
  • vsdvgts (1599)
  • vsdvts (1601)
  • configuration, Event Management
  • haemloadlist file (1607)
  • cprdaily command (1042)
  • cptuning command (1044)
  • create_krb_files command (1046)
  • createhsd command (1048)
  • createvsd command (1050)
  • crunacct command (1052)
  • cshutdown command (1054)
  • CSS_test command (1056)
  • cstartup command (1058)
  • ctlhsd command (1060)
  • ctlvsd command (1062)
  • D
  • daemons
  • Emonitor (1093)
  • haemd (1140)
  • hagsd (1156)
  • hagsglsmd (1158)
  • kadmind (1240)
  • kerberos (1252)
  • kpropd (1262)
  • kshd (1264)
  • splogd (1495)
  • spmgrd (1509)
  • supfilesrv (1541)
  • defhsd command (1064)
  • defvsd command (1066)
  • delnimclient command (1068)
  • delnimmast command (1070)
  • dsh command (1072)
  • dshbak command (1074)
  • E
  • Eannotator command (1076)
  • Eclock command (1078)
  • Eduration command (1080)
  • Efence command (1082)
  • emconditionctrl script (1084)
  • emonctrl script (1086)
  • Emonitor daemon (1092)
  • Emonitor subsystem
  • control script (1090)
  • introduction (1091)
  • enadmin command (1094)
  • endefadapter command (1096)
  • endefnode command (1098)
  • enrmadapter command (1100)
  • enrmnode command (1102)
  • Eprimary command (1104)
  • Equiesce command (1106)
  • Estart command (1108)
  • Etopology command (1110)
  • Eunfence command (1112)
  • Eunpartition command (1114)
  • Event Management
  • introduction (1138)
  • Event Management configuration
  • haemloadlist file (1606)
  • Event Management subsystem
  • control script (1137)
  • export_clients command (1116)
  • ext_srvtab command (1118)
  • F
  • fencevsd command (1120)
  • files
  • .klogin (1613)
  • auto.master (1605)
  • haemloadlist (1609)
  • hmacls (1611)
  • krb.conf (1617)
  • krb.realms (1619)
  • SDR_dest_info (1621)
  • sysctl.acl (1623)
  • sysctl.conf (1625)
  • tuning.commercial (1627)
  • tuning.default (1629)
  • tuning.development (1631)
  • tuning.scientific (1633)
  • fonts (1688)
  • G
  • get_vpd command (1122)
  • getvhostname subroutine (1635)
  • Group Services subsystem
  • control script (1154)
  • H
  • ha.vsd command (1126)
  • ha_vsd command (1124)
  • hacws_set subroutine (1637)
  • hacws_stat subroutine (1639)
  • hacws_verify command (1128)
  • haemcfg command (1130)
  • haemctrl script (1133)
  • haemd daemon (1139)
  • haemloadcfg command (1141)
  • haemloadlist file (1608)
  • haemtrcoff command (1144)
  • haemtrcon command (1146)
  • haemunlkrm command (1148)
  • hagsctrl script (1150)
  • hagsd daemon (1155)
  • hagsglsmd daemon (1157)
  • hardmon command (1159)
  • hats command (1161)
  • hatsctrl script (1169)
  • hb command (1175)
  • hbctrl script (1177)
  • hc.vsd command (1183)
  • Heartbeat
  • introduction (1182)
  • Heartbeat subsystem
  • control script (1181)
  • hmacls file (1610)
  • hmadm command (1185)
  • hmcmds command (1187)
  • hmmon command (1189)
  • hmreinit command (1191)
  • Host_Responds
  • introduction (1202)
  • Host_Responds subsystem
  • control script (1201)
  • hostlist command (1193)
  • hr command (1195)
  • hrctrl script (1197)
  • hsdatalst command (1203)
  • hsdvts command (1205)
  • I
  • ifconfig command (1207)
  • install_cw command (1209)
  • install_hacws command (1211)
  • IP source routing
  • setting required by Topology Services (1163)
  • J
  • jm_config command (1213)
  • jm_install_verify command (1215)
  • jm_start command (1217)
  • jm_status command (1219)
  • jm_stop command (1221)
  • jm_verify command (1223)
  • jmcmi_accesscontrol command (1225)
  • jmcmi_addpool command (1227)
  • jmcmi_changepool command (1229)
  • jmcmi_createjmdconfig command (1231)
  • jmcmi_deletepool command (1233)
  • jmcmi_servernodes command (1235)
  • K
  • kadmin command (1237)
  • kadmind daemon (1239)
  • kdb_destroy command (1241)
  • kdb_edit command (1243)
  • kdb_init command (1245)
  • kdb_util command (1247)
  • kdestroy command (1249)
  • Kerberos command (1614)
  • kerberos daemon (1251)
  • kinit command (1253)
  • klist command (1255)
  • kpasswd command (1257)
  • kprop command (1259)
  • kpropd daemon (1261)
  • krb.conf file (1616)
  • krb.realms file (1618)
  • kshd daemon (1263)
  • ksrvtgt command (1265)
  • ksrvutil command (1267)
  • kstash command (1269)
  • L
  • LAPI_Address subroutine (1641)
  • LAPI_Address_init subroutine (1643)
  • LAPI_Amsend subroutine (1645)
  • LAPI_Fence subroutine (1647)
  • LAPI_Get subroutine (1649)
  • LAPI_Getcntr subroutine (1651)
  • LAPI_Gfence subroutine (1653)
  • LAPI_Init subroutine (1655)
  • LAPI_Msg_string subroutine (1657)
  • LAPI_Probe subroutine (1659)
  • LAPI_Put subroutine (1661)
  • LAPI_Qenv subroutine (1663)
  • LAPI_Rmw subroutine (1665)
  • LAPI_Senv subroutine (1667)
  • LAPI_Setcntr subroutine (1669)
  • LAPI_Term subroutine (1671)
  • LAPI_Waitcntr subroutine (1673)
  • locate_jm command (1271)
  • lppdiff command (1273)
  • lsfencevsd command (1275)
  • lshacws command (1277)
  • lshsd command (1279)
  • lskp command (1281)
  • lsvsd command (1283)
  • M
  • manual pages for public code (1021)
  • messaging
  • required setting of IP source routing (1167)
  • mkamdent command (1285)
  • mkautomap command (1287)
  • mkconfig command (1289)
  • mkinstall command (1291)
  • mkkp command (1293)
  • mknimclient command (1295)
  • mknimint command (1297)
  • mknimmast command (1299)
  • mknimres command (1301)
  • N
  • ngaddto command (1303)
  • ngclean command (1305)
  • ngcreate command (1307)
  • ngdelete command (1309)
  • ngdelfrom command (1311)
  • ngfind command (1313)
  • nglist command (1315)
  • ngnew command (1317)
  • ngresolve command (1319)
  • nodecond command (1321)
  • nonlocsrcroute option of no command
  • setting required for Topology Services (1165)
  • nrunacct command (1323)
  • P
  • p_cat command (1325)
  • pcp command (1327)
  • pdf command (1329)
  • penotify command (1331)
  • perspectives command (1333)
  • pexec command (1335)
  • pexscr command (1337)
  • pfck command (1339)
  • pfind command (1341)
  • pfps command (1343)
  • pls command (1345)
  • pmanctrl command (1347)
  • pmandef command (1349)
  • pmanquery command (1351)
  • pmanrmdloadSDR command (1353)
  • pmv command (1355)
  • ppred command (1357)
  • pps command (1359)
  • preparevsd command (1361)
  • prm command (1363)
  • psyslclr command (1365)
  • psyslrpt command (1367)
  • R
  • rcmdtgt command (1369)
  • rcp command (1371)
  • removehsd command (1373)
  • removevsd command (1375)
  • restrictions
  • Topology Services
  • IP source routing setting (1164)
  • resumevsd command (1377)
  • rmkp command (1379)
  • routing, IP source
  • setting required for Topology Services (1168)
  • RS/6000 SP files (1602)
  • RS/6000 SP technical information (1603)
  • rsh command (1381)
  • S
  • scripts
  • emconditionctrl (1085)
  • emonctrl (1088)
  • haemctrl (1135)
  • hagsctrl (1152)
  • hatsctrl (1171)
  • hbctrl (1179)
  • hrctrl (1199)
  • sp_configdctrl (1445)
  • SDR_dest_info file (1620)
  • SDR_test command (1383)
  • SDRAddSyspar command (1385)
  • SDRArchive command (1387)
  • SDRChangeAttrValues command (1389)
  • SDRClearLock command (1391)
  • SDRCreateAttrs command (1393)
  • SDRCreateClass command (1395)
  • SDRCreateFile command (1397)
  • SDRCreateObjects command (1399)
  • SDRCreateSystemClass command (1401)
  • SDRCreateSystemFile command (1403)
  • SDRDeleteFile command (1405)
  • SDRDeleteObjects command (1407)
  • SDRGetObjects command (1409)
  • SDRListClasses command (1411)
  • SDRListFiles command (1413)
  • SDRMoveObjects command (1415)
  • SDRRemoveSyspar command (1417)
  • SDRReplaceFile command (1419)
  • SDRRestore command (1421)
  • SDRRetrieveFile command (1423)
  • SDRWhoHasLock command (1425)
  • seqfile command (1427)
  • services_config command (1429)
  • sethacws command (1431)
  • setup_authent command (1433)
  • setup_CWS command (1435)
  • setup_logd command (1437)
  • setup_server command (1439)
  • setvhostname subroutine (1675)
  • SP SNMP Proxy Agent subsystem
  • control script (1447)
  • SP subroutines (1634)
  • sp_configd command (1441)
  • sp_configdctrl script (1443)
  • spacctnd command (1448)
  • spacs_cntrl command (1450)
  • spadaptrs command (1452)
  • spapply_config command (1454)
  • spbootins command (1456)
  • spchuser command (1458)
  • spcustomize_syspar command (1460)
  • spcw_addevents command (1462)
  • spcw_apps command (1464)
  • spdeladap command (1466)
  • spdelfram command (1468)
  • spdelnode command (1470)
  • spdisplay_config command (1472)
  • spethernt command (1474)
  • spevent command (1476)
  • spframe command (1478), (1480)
  • spget_syspar command (1482)
  • spgetdesc command (1484)
  • sphardware command (1486)
  • sphostnam command (1488)
  • sphrdwrad command (1490)
  • splm command (1492)
  • splogd daemon (1494)
  • splst_syspars command (1496)
  • splst_versions command (1498)
  • splstadapters command (1500)
  • splstdata command (1502)
  • splstnodes command (1504)
  • splsuser command (1506)
  • spmgrd daemon (1508)
  • spmkuser command (1510)
  • spmon command (1512)
  • spmon_ctest command (1514)
  • spmon_itest command (1516)
  • spperfmon command (1518)
  • sprestore_config command (1520)
  • sprmuser command (1522)
  • spsitenv command (1524)
  • spsvrmgr command (1526)
  • spsyspar command (1528)
  • spverify_config command (1530)
  • spvsd command (1532)
  • startvsd command (1534)
  • statvsd command (1536)
  • stopvsd command (1538)
  • subroutines
  • getvhostname (1636)
  • hacws_set (1638)
  • hacws_stat (1640)
  • LAPI_Address (1642)
  • LAPI_Address_init (1644)
  • LAPI_Amsend (1646)
  • LAPI_Fence (1648)
  • LAPI_Get (1650)
  • LAPI_Getcntr (1652)
  • LAPI_Gfence (1654)
  • LAPI_Init (1656)
  • LAPI_Msg_string (1658)
  • LAPI_Probe (1660)
  • LAPI_Put (1662)
  • LAPI_Qenv (1664)
  • LAPI_Rmw (1666)
  • LAPI_Senv (1668)
  • LAPI_Setcntr (1670)
  • LAPI_Term (1672)
  • LAPI_Waitcntr (1674)
  • setvhostname (1676)
  • swclockGetIncrement (1678)
  • swclockInit (1680)
  • swclockRead (1682)
  • swclockReadSec (1684)
  • swclockTerm (1686)
  • subsystem control scripts
  • emonctrl (1089)
  • haemctrl (1136)
  • hagsctrl (1153)
  • hatsctrl (1172)
  • hbctrl (1180)
  • hrctrl (1200)
  • sp_configdctrl (1446)
  • supfilesrv daemon (1540)
  • supper command (1542)
  • suspendvsd command (1544)
  • swclockGetIncrement subroutine (1677)
  • swclockInit subroutine (1679)
  • swclockRead subroutine (1681)
  • swclockReadSec subroutine (1683)
  • swclockTerm subroutine (1685)
  • sysctl command (1546)
  • sysctl.acl file (1622)
  • sysctl.conf file (1624)
  • sysctld command (1548)
  • SYSMAN_test command (1550)
  • syspar_ctrl command (1552)
  • sysparaid command (1554)
  • s1term command (1556)
  • T
  • Topology Services
  • introduction (1174)
  • required setting of IP source routing (1166)
  • Topology Services subsystem
  • control script (1173)
  • trademarks (1020)
  • tuning.commercial file (1626)
  • tuning.default file (1628)
  • tuning.development file (1630)
  • tuning.scientific file (1632)
  • U
  • ucfghsd command (1558)
  • ucfghsdvsd command (1560)
  • ucfgvsd command (1562)
  • unallnimres command (1564)
  • undefhsd command (1566)
  • undefvsd command (1568)
  • unfencevsd command (1570)
  • updatehsd command (1572)
  • updatevsdnode command (1574)
  • updatevsdtab command (1576)
  • utilities
  • haemcfg (1132)
  • haemloadcfg (1143)
  • V
  • verparvsd command (1578)
  • vhostname command (1580)
  • vsdatalst command (1582)
  • vsdchgserver command (1584)
  • vsddiag command (1586)
  • vsdelnode command (1588)
  • vsdelvg command (1590)
  • vsdnode command (1592)
  • vsdsklst command (1594)
  • vsdvg command (1596)
  • vsdvgts command (1598)
  • vsdvts command (1600)