IBM Books

Messages Reference

2543 - Switch admin daemon (cssadm daemon) messages

2543-001Switch switch number needs clocking. All switch_responds=0 but there are nodes up.

Explanation: On a switch in the system, all the nodes were off switch responds but at least one of the nodes was up on host responds. This indicates the possible need for clocking on that switch.

User Response: The cssadm daemon will clock the switch appropriately.

2543-002Error in get_responds_values for switch switch number. Cannot determine state of this switch.

Explanation: When calling the said routine to read the SDR, an error occured.

User Response: See detailed messages from the routine for more data.

2543-003Error in initializing the state of the daemon. Recovery may be impacted.

Explanation: While trying to determine the initial state of the system, an error occurred. See other messages in the /var/adm/ SPdata/css/cssadm* files for details.

The switch admin daemon may not properly recover from any pre-initialization conditions on this SP system as a result of this error.

User Response: Check the associated messages in the log and, if necessary, perform manual recovery of any existing switch connectivity losses. Or, correct the problem indicated in the log and restart this daemon.

2543-004Error in get_primary_list. Cannot determine state of the primary nodes on this system.

Explanation: When calling the get_primary_list routine to read the SDR, an error occurred.

User Response: See detailed messages from the routine for more data.

2543-005Error in get_neg_switch_responds. Cannot determine state of the primary nodes on this system.

Explanation: When calling the get_neg_switch_responds routine to read the SDR, an error occurred.

User Response: See detailed messages from the routine for more data.

2543-006Error in Add_event rc =Add_event return code. Cannot recover from primary node outage on primary node primary node number.

Explanation: When calling the Add_event routine to update the list of recoverable errors, an error occurred. The daemon will not be able to perform this recovery.

User Response: Check the cssadm.* logs for further messages from the routine, correct the problem and restart the daemon.

2543-007Error in Add_event rc =return code. Cannot add recovery event for clocking on switch switch number.

Explanation: When attempting to add an event to the recovery queue, an error occurred. See detailed messages from the routine for more data.

User Response: Check the associated messages in the log and, if necessary, perform manual recovery of any existing switch connectivity losses. Or, correct the problem indicated by the log, and restart the switch admin daemon.

2543-008Error in routine name. Cannot determine state of the switch clocking on this system.

Explanation: When calling the specified routine to read the SDR, an error occurred. See detailed messages from the routine for more data.

User Response: Check the associated messages in the log and, if necessary, perform manual recovery of any existing switch connectivity losses. Or correct the problem indicated by the log and restart the switch admin daemon.

2543-009(parent) could not fork(), errno =errno.

Explanation: A base operating system service call experienced an error.

User Response: Use the errno value to determine the reason for the error.

2543-010(child) could not set up signal handlers w/sigaction(), errno = errno.

Explanation: A base operating system service call experienced an error.

User Response: Use the errno value to determine the reason for the error.

2543-011(child) setsid() failed, errno = errno.

Explanation: A base operating system service call experienced an error.

User Response: Use the errno value to determine the reason for the error.

2543-012(child) close() failed, errno = errno.

Explanation: A base operating system service call experienced an error.

User Response: Use the errno value to determine the reason for the error.

2543-013(child) chdir(/tmp) failed, errno = errno.

Explanation: A base operating system service call experienced an error.

User Response: Use the errno value to determine the reason for the error.

2543-014Could not redirect stdout and/or stderr, freopen() failed w/ errno = errno.

Explanation: A base operating system service call experienced an error.

User Response: Use the errno value to determine the reason for the error.

2543-015cssadm_main() returned errno.

Explanation: The cssadm mainline daemon code exited.

User Response: Check the cssadm.* logs for further messages from the routine, correct the problem and restart the daemon.

2543-016The cssadm got a SIGTERM signal.

Explanation: The cssadm was sent a SIGTERM.

User Response: Check the cssadm.* logs for further messages from the routine, correct the problem and restart the daemon.

2543-017The cssadm daemon was sent a SIGDANGER signal, probably because the system is starting to get low on pg space.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon received a SIGDANGER signal because the system is starting to get low on paging space.

User Response: Increase paging space or stop some processes on the control workstation and restart the cssadm daemon.

2543-018The cssadm process has exited.

Explanation: The cssadm has exited.

User Response: None

2543-019Error opening the configuration file configuration file path.

Explanation: The switch admin daemon cannot run without the parameters located in the configuration file. Therefore, it has exited.

User Response: Check that the configuration file exists and has the correct permissions.

2543-020Error reading the configuration file, format error configuration file path.

Explanation: The switch admin daemon cannot run without the parameters located in the configuration file. The file is not of the correct format. Therefore, the daemon has exited.

User Response: Check the file format. If necessary, remove the file and rerun cssadm_ctrl to recreate it.

2543-021Primary and oncoming primary node not available in partition partition name. No further recovery will be tried until the oncoming primary is up.

Explanation: The primary node is down on switch_responds. The oncoming primary node is not up on host_responds, so the cssadm daemon cannot attempt to establish a primary node.

User Response: Check the oncoming primary node. If possible, reboot it to make it available on host_responds so that the daemon can recover. If it cannot be rebooted, manual intervention is required. You must move the primary using the Eprimary and Estart commands.

2543-022Estart failed on partition partition name. No further recovery will be tried.

Explanation: A recovery Estart on the specified system partition was not successful. See the /var/adm/SPlogs/css/cssadm.* files for command output.

User Response: Determine the cause of the error from the logs, correct the problem and issue the Estart command.

2543-023SDR call failure in init_node_array. Node recovery may not succeed.

Explanation: Initialization of an array of node and frame numbers was not successful on an SDR call. Recovery cannot proceed.

User Response: Determine the cause of the error from the logs, correct the problem and restart the cssadm daemon.

2543-024Malloc failure in getting storage for a hardmon data. Global recovery may be impacted.

Explanation: Attempt to malloc storage to hold hardmon data for a switch and was not successful. Will not be able to determine the initial state of the switches. Recovery, if necessary, will be impacted.

User Response: Determine the cause of the error from the logs, correct and restart the cssadm daemon to reinitialize.

2543-025Error in get_global_scoop rc = return code. Cannot obtain hardmon data for switches, cannot determine if recovery is required.

Explanation: When attempting to get the hardmon data for the master switch, an error occured. See detailed messages from the routine for more data.

User Response: Check the associated messages in the log and, if necessary, perform manual recovery of any existing switch connectivity losses. Or ,fix the problem indicated and restart this daemon.

2543-026Error in find_switch_in_hm_array. Hardmon and SDR data are inconsistent. Recovery will be impacted.

Explanation: When attempting to find the hardmon data for a switch, an error occured. This probably means the SDR does not have proper information regarding the switches. Check the SDR against the Hardmon data for the switches and fix the data, if necessary.

User Response: Perform manual recovery of any existing switch connectivity losses or fix the problem indicated and restart this daemon.

2543-027Event receptor could not lock data cache: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The event receptor was not successful locking the mutex protecting its data cache. The specific error is described in the message.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-028Event receptor could not find location for cached data value variable name item variable instance number.

Explanation: The event receptor could not find the switch, frame, or node data in its cache for an event it received.

User Response: Restart the cssadm daemon. If the error persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center

2543-029Event receptor could not unlock data cache: (errno ) errno string.

Explanation: The event receptor was not successful in unlocking the mutex protecting its data cache.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-030Event receptor could not signal that cached data is ready: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The event receptor was not successful in signaling the main program that the cached data was ready.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-031Event receptor callback for variable name (partition name) had error: general general error value specific specific error value.

Explanation: The event receptor's callback for a variable processed the specified Event Management error for the variable. The codes for the error are shown in the message.

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-032Event receptor could not find SwitchNum in instance vector.

Explanation: The event receptor's callback for a power supply variable could not find the SwitchNum field in the instance vector for an Event Management event it processed.

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-033Event receptor could not locate switch switch number info for power supply power supply number = power supply value.

Explanation: The event receptor's callback for a power supply variable could not locate the data for the switch specified by an event on the variable in its data cache.

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-034Event receptor could not get frame information for a switch event on switch event on switch switch number frame frame number.

Explanation: The event receptor could not find data for the frame specified in an oscillator error event.

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-035Event receptor failed to get primary list.

Explanation: SDR calls to get a list of primaries was not successful. See the cssadm.stderr file for details.

User Response: Check to see if the SDR is up and accessible. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-036Event receptor could not get node list in partition partition name.

Explanation: SDR calls to get the list of nodes in a system partition was not successful. See cssadm.stderr for details.

User Response: Check to see if the SDR is up and accessible. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-037Event receptor failed storing cached value for variable name element node switch or frame number in partition partition name.

Explanation: The Event receptor was not successful storing a variable value into the data cache. See previous messages for the cause of the error.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-038Event receptor could not lock SDR mutex: (errno ) errno string.

Explanation: Event receptor was not successful locking SDR mutex. The error is described in previous messages.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-039Event receptor could not unlock SDR mutex: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The Event receptor was not successful unlocking the SDR mutex. The error is described in previous messages.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-040Event receptor could not get partition names.

Explanation: The Event receptor experienced an error getting system partition names. See the cssadm.stderr file for details.

User Response: Check to see if the SDR is up and accessible. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-041Event Management session table malloc failed.

Explanation: Storage could not be allocated.

User Response: Increase available memory by ending nonessential processes or increasing page space. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-042ha_em_start_session for partition name failed: Event Management failure codeEvent Mgmt failure string. We will retry until we have success.

Explanation: Event Management call to start session for a partition was not successful. Details are in the message.

User Response: Check that Event Management is up in the specified partition. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-043Event Management registration for variable name failed in partition name: Event Management error code.

Explanation: The program was not successful registering with Event Management for events on a variable in a system partition. The details are contained in previous messages.

User Response: Check that Event Management is up in the specified system partition. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-044Event Management restart for partition name failed: Event Management failure string.

Explanation: A call to restart an Event Management session in a system partition was not successful. The details are contained in the message.

User Response: Check that Event Management is up in the specified system partition. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center

2543-045Could not reconnect to Event Management in partition name after attempt count attempts.

Explanation: Repeated attempts to restart the Event Management session for a system partition were not successful.

User Response: Check that Event Management is up in the specified system partition. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-046Could not match Event Management event to one of our registrations in partition name.

Explanation: An event was received from Event Management that did not correspond to any of the registrations made for the specified system partition.

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-047Event Management error for variable name (instance vector) in partition name: gen: general error spec: specific error.

Explanation: An Event Management event indicating an error for the specified registration in the specified system partition was received. Execution continues.

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-048Event receptor had error in error-handling function for variable name in partition name (gen: general error spec: specific error).

Explanation: The function handling a "no-instances-available" condition for a variable had an error. See preceding messages for details.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-049Could not find locator locator string in ivector instance vector for variable name in partition name.

Explanation: The label of the locator element of an instance vector for an Event Management variable was not found.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-050Event receptor could not enqueue variable name event.

Explanation: The Event receptor was not successful while creating an internal record for an event on the specified Event Management variable. See previous messages for the cause of the error.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-051Problem with Event Management registration for variable name in partition name (instance vector): gen: general error spec: specific error pred error: predicate error error pos: error position.

Explanation: The Event receptor received an error registering for events on an Event Management variable in a system partition. Details are in the message.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-052Event receptor had internal failure trying to restart session for partition name.

Explanation: The Event receptor was not successful restarting an Event Management session for a system partition. See preceding messages for details.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-053Event Management receive for partition name: error string.

Explanation: The Event Management subsystem returned an error for a receive. The error is described in the message.

User Response: Check that Event Management is up in the specified system partition. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-054Event receptor failed processing event traffic.

Explanation: The Event receptor was unsuccessful processing Event Management events. See previous messages for details.

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-055Event receptor received unknown command Event Management command value from Event Management for partition name.

Explanation: An unrecognized command value was received from Event Management.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-056Initialization of SDR access failed.

Explanation: An internal error occurred while initializing interfaces to the SDR. See previous messages for details.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-057Event receptor thread will not run.

Explanation: The event receptor thread was not successful and could not be restarted.

User Response: Restart the cssadm daemon. If the error occurs again, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-058Could not get event list.

Explanation: The attempt to get the latest set of events was not successful.

User Response: Restart the cssadm daemon. If the error occurs again, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-059Failure starting event thread.

Explanation: The event receptor thread was not successful during initial startup.

User Response: Restart the cssadm daemon. If the error occurs again, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-060Could not lock data mutex: (errno value) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not lock the data cache.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-061Timed wait for cached data ready failed: (errno value) errno string.

Explanation: A call to wait for cached data to be ready returned with an error.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-062Could not unlock data mutex: (errno value) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not unlock the data cache.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-063Event receptor has not signalled that cached reported data is ready.

Explanation: The Event receptor has not yet signalled the cssadm daemon that the cached data it supplies is ready. Execution continues with assumed defaults.

User Response: No action is necessary. If the problem persists or the cssadm daemon fails for other reasons, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-064Switch_responds for node node number not yet supplied by Event Management, assuming down.

Explanation: The Event receptor has not yet received information about the switch connectivity of the specified node, and is assuming that the node is off the switch.

User Response: No action is necessary. Check the switch_responds state of the node to verify that it is off the switch.

2543-065Host responds for node node number not yet supplied by Event Management, assuming down.

Explanation: The Event receptor has not yet received information about whether the specified node is up or down and is assuming that the node is down.

User Response: No action is necessary. Check the host_responds state of the node to verify that it is down.

2543-066Could not present events enqueued by initialization.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not use previously queued events. See previous messages for details.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-067Could not determine switch type from SDR. CSS Admin daemon aborting.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not determine switch type from the SDR. See the cssadm.stderrr file for error messages.

User Response: Correct the SDR problems.

2543-068Daemon not supported on non-SP switch. CSS Admin daemon aborting.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon is supported only in an SP switch environment.

User Response: None.

2543-069Event receptor had failure while verifying it should generate event for Event Management variable name element node switch or frame number in partition partition name.

Explanation: The Event receptor was not successful while verifying that it should generate an event for an Event Management variable change it received. Details are in the message text. See previous messages for the cause of the error.

User Response: Restart the cssadm daemon. If problem recurs, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-070Daemon not supported on this system size. CSS Admin daemon aborting.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon is supported only in configurations of 128 nodes or less.

User Response: None.

2543-071Could not initialize list storage mutex: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not lock the event list storage mutex. Details are contained in the message.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-072Could not lock event storage mutex: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not lock the event list storage mutex. Details are contained in the message.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-073Could not unlock the event storage mutex: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not lock the event list storage mutex. Details are contained in the message.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-074Could not initialize event list mutex: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not initialize the event list mutex.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-075Could not initialize event list condvar: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not initialize the event list condition variable.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-076Could not lock event list mutex: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not lock the event list mutex.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-077Enqueue of event failed.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not enqueue an internal event. See preceding messages for details.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-078Could not unlock event list mutex: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not unlock the event list mutex.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-079Could not present events after user Eclock request.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not use previously queued events. See preceding messages for details.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-080failure waiting for enqueued events: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon was not successful while waiting for enqueued events to become available.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-081Event list already available.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon attempted to make enqueued events available, but found that they had already been made available. This is an internal error.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-082Could not signal event list available: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon was not successful signaling that the event list is available.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-083SIGALRM handler got unexpected signal signal number.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon received an unexpected signal.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-084Signal handler could not present events.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not present enqueued events in a signal handler.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-085Event receptor could not cancel alarm handler: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not cancel an alarm handling thread.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-086Event receptor could not set signal mask: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not set the signal mask for the event receptor.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-087Event receptor could not start SIGALRM handler: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not start the signal handling thread.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-088EM registration failed

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not register with Event Management. See preceding messages for details.

User Response: Check to see if Event Management is operational. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-089Could not set up user Eclock request socket

Explanation: Error establishing socket for user Eclock requests. See preceding messages for details.

User Response: Call the IBM Support Center if the problem persists.

2543-090Event wait failed errno errno string

Explanation: Select for Event Management events and user Eclock requests was not successful.

User Response: Check if Event Management is operational. Call the IBM Support Center if the problem persists.

2543-091Event receptor had failure processing Eclock request

Explanation: Error establishing socket for user Eclock requests. See preceding messages for details.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-092Could not initialize event list mechanism.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not initialize the event list. See preceding messages for details.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-093Could not init thread attr object: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not initialize the thread attributes object for the event receptor.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-094Could not set thread detach state: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not set the detach state for the event receptor.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-095Could not start event receptor thread: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not start the event receptor thread.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-096Unable to check event receptor thread liveness: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not check the event receptor thread liveness.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-097Event receptor thread inoperative, attempting restart.

Explanation: The event receptor is not responding. See preceding messages for details. The cssadm daemon will attempt to restart it.

User Response: Check to see if Event Management is operational. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-098Could not join to event receptor: (errno ) errno string.

Explanation: The cssadm daemon could not join to an old event receptor thread.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-099Event receptor had internal failure.

Explanation: An old event receptor thread died because of an internal error. See preceding messages for details.

User Response: Restart the cssadm daemon. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-100Not all hosts down for a frame controller down event for Node frame.

Explanation: Not all nodes down on a node frame reporting a frame controller down even. The nodes must still have power.

User Response: Record the error information contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-101Not all nodes are down on the switch for a frame controller down event for the intermediate switch frame.

Explanation: An intermediate switch frame had a controller responds down event but the switch is not down globally.

User Response: Check to see if the switch primary node is down. If it is not, record the error information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-102Leaf switch failed to Eclock. switch number switch number clock_input clock input value.

Explanation: The specified switch number failed to Eclock successfully.

User Response: Record the error information contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-103Invalid line in Eclock topology file at line line number.

Explanation: The Eclock topology file contains a line with data which is not valid.

User Response: Review the current Eclock topology file and correct the data on the specified line.

2543-104Master clock recovery has failed.

Explanation: Recovery from a mast clock failure was not successful.

User Response: Run Eclock --d and if necessary, Eclock --a. If these commands are not successful, record the error information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-105Running Eclock failed with file file name and alternative alternative number.

Explanation: Attempt to clock switch with a particular alternative was not successful.

User Response: If the problem persists, contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-106Attempt to restart event receptor failed: (errno) errno string.

Explanation: An attempt to start a new event receptor thread was not successful.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-107Could not restart event receptor thread after start attempt count tries.

Explanation: An attempt to restart an event receptor thread was not successful. See preceding messages for details.

User Response: Restart the cssadm daemon. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-108Could not read from user Eclock socket: errno erron string

Explanation: Unsuccessful reading user Eclock request from socket.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-109Could not write to user Eclock socket: errno erron string

Explanation: Unsuccessful writing output to user Eclock command.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-110Bad parameters from user Eclock: Eclock parameter string

Explanation: Unsuccessful translating user Eclock parameters.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-111Fork for Eclock failed: (errno) errno string

Explanation: Unsuccessful trying to fork process for user Eclock request.

User Response: If message indicates insufficient resources, retry request after freeing resources. Contact the IBM Support Center if the problem persists.

2543-112Could not open Eclock log: (errno) errno string

Explanation: Unsuccessful opening log file for internal Eclock execution output.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-113dup2 of user Eclock socket failed: (errno) errno string

Explanation: Unsuccessful duplicating output file descriptors for Eclock execution.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-114Execution of Eclock failed: (errno) errno string

Explanation: Unsuccessful executing internal Eclock script.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-115waitpid for Eclock failed: (errno) errno string

Explanation: Unsuccessful waiting for internal Eclock script to complete.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-116Could not find switch switch number we just clocked in switch array.

Explanation: A switch which was just clocked by an internal or user Eclock was not found in internal switch array.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-117Could not get switch and frame information from SDR

Explanation: Unsuccessful obtaining Switch and Frame class information from SDR.

User Response: Check that SDR is operational. Contact IBM software service if problem persists.

2543-118Could not open socket for Eclock requests: (errno) errno string

Explanation: Unsuccessful opening socket for Eclock requests

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-119unlink of user Eclock socket file failed: (errno) errno string

Explanation: Unsuccessful removing old Eclock socket file.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-120Could not bind Eclock socket: errno errno string

Explanation: Unsuccessful binding user Eclock request socket.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-121 Eclock socket listen failed: errno errno string

Explanation: Unsuccessful setting up user Eclock request socket for listening

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-122Accept on Eclock socket failed: errno errno string

Explanation: Unsuccessful establishing connection to user Eclock request.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-123Could not add event for user Eclock

Explanation: Unsuccessful enqueuing event for user Eclock request. See preceding messages for details.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-124Could not set thread scope: errno errno string

Explanation: Unsuccessful setting scope for thread.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-125Global recovery is not available for systems greater than four switches

Explanation: Global recovery of the Switch Admin. Daemon is limited to 4 switches.

User Response: Your system is above this boundary. Change the Switch Admin Daemon config file /spdata/sys1/ha/css/cssadm.cfg to reflect no global recovery.

2543-126No recovery is specified in the cssadm.cfg file, daemon exiting.

Explanation: /spdata/sys1/ha/css/cssadm.cfg config file specifies neither node nor switch recovery is enabled so the daemon is not required.

User Response: Check the config file for the recovery you desire.

2543-127Error changing Eclock topology alternate number in SDR. SDR value mat be incorrect.

Explanation: An update of the SP object in the SDR was not successful As a result, the switch_clocking_alt_num may be incorrect.

User Response: Determine the reason why you could not write to the SDR.

2543-128Error obtaining Eclock topology clock_source number from SDR. Recovery for switch switch number is aborted.

Explanation: A query of the Switch object of the SDR was not successful. Clock recovery for the switch cannot be run.

User Response: Determine why the SDR could not be read.

2543-129Error obtaining Eclock topology mux information from Eclock topology file. Recovery for switch switch number is aborted.

Explanation: Could not find the switch for which we are attempting recovery in the current stanza of the Eclock topology file.

User Response: Determine why the Eclock topology does not have this switch.

2543-130Could not determine switch type from SDR. CSS Admin2 daemon aborting.

Explanation: Could not determine switch type from SDR. See cssadm.stderrr for error messages.

User Response: Correct the SDR problems.

2543-131Daemon not supported on system without an SP Switch2 switch. CSS Admin2 aborting.

Explanation: Daemon is only supported in SP switch environment.

User Response: None

2543-132Daemon not supported on this system size. CSS Admin2 daemon aborting.

Explanation: Daemon is only supported up to 128-way.

User Response: None

2543-133The cssadm2 daemon process has exited.

Explanation: The cssadm2 process has exited.

User Response: None.

2543-200Error hm_errno returned from starting hardmon session. Recovery may be impacted.

Explanation: hm_start_session gave a return code less than zero.

User Response: Ensure that the hardmon subsystem is operating correctly.

2543-201Error hm_errno returned from querying hardmon data. Recovery may be impacted.

Explanation: hm_query gave a non-zero return code.

User Response: Ensure that the hardmon subsystem is operating correctly.

2543-202Error hm_errno returned from getting hardmon data. Recovery may be impacted.

Explanation: hm_get_state gave a non-zero return code.

User Response: Ensure that the hardmon subsystem is operating correctly.

2543-203 Error hm_errno returned from creating hardmon data structure. Recovery may be impacted.

Explanation: hm_get_state gave a non-zero return code

User Response: Ensure that the hardmon subsystem is operating correctly.

2543-500Could not set signal mask before calling DCE routine - return code is sig_rc

Explanation: Signal mask could not set signal mask before DCE call - could result in sign handling problems.

User Response: None

2543-501Could not restore old signal mask - return code is sig_rc

Explanation: Signal mask could not restore signal mask after DCE call - could result in signal handling problems.

User Response: None

2543-505Error from spsec_get_ts_authent - return code is return code

Explanation: Received an error from spsec routine

User Response: If other errors result, investigate security errors.

2543-506Error from spsec_using_auth_method - return code is sec_status.spsec

Explanation: Received an error from the spsec routine.

User Response: If other errors result, investigate security errors.

2543-507Error from spsec_login_as_service - return code is sec_status.spsec

Explanation: Received an error from the spsec routine.

User Response: If other errors result, investigate security errors.

2543-508spsec_get_my_identity either returned no identity or non-zero return code sec_status.spsec

Explanation: Received an error from the spsec routine.

User Response: If other errors result, investigate security errors.

2543-509Error from spsec_renew_identity - return code is sec_status.spsec

Explanation: Received an error from the spsec routine.

User Response: If other errors result, investigate security errors.

2543-510Error text is error message text.

Explanation: Received an error from the spsec routine.

User Response: If other errors result, investigate security errors.

2543-601Error in get_num_planes. Cannot determine the number of planes on this system.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon tried reading the SDR.SP.number_switch_planes.

User Response: Ensure that the System Data Repository is operating correctly.

2543-602Error in get_primaries_info. Cannot determine the primary nodes on this system.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon tried reading the SDR.Switch_plane.primary_name.

User Response: Ensure that the System Data Repository is operating correctly. If it is, use the Eprimary command followed by Estart to set the primary node. Restart the emasterd daemon, if necessary.

2543-603Error in get_MSS_info. Cannot determine the Master Switch Sequencer on this system.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon tried reading the SDR.SP.master_switch_seq.

User Response: Ensure that the System Data Repository is operating correctly. If it is, restart the emasterd daemon, if necessary.

2543-604Error in resign_MSS. Cannot force current Master Switch Sequencer node to resign.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon tried stopping the current MSS node from resigning MSS responsibilities.

User Response: If necessary, reboot the currect MSS node. Run Estart to have a new MSS node assigned.

2543-605assign_MSS succeeded. New Master Switch Sequencer node = new MSS node number.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon successfully assigned new Master Switch Sequencer.

User Response: None.

2543-606Error in get_backup_prim_list. Cannot get backup primary nodes list.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon tried reading the SDR.Switch_plane.primary_backup_name.

User Response: Ensure that the System Data Repository is operating correctly. If it is, use the Eprimary command followed by Estart, to set the primary backup node. Restart the emasterd daemon, if necessary.

2543-607Error in get_oncoming_prim_list. Cannot get oncoming primary nodes list.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon tried reading the SDR.Switch_plane.oncoming_primary_name.

User Response: Ensure that the System Data Repository is operating correctly. If it is, use the Eprimary command followed by Estart, to set the primary backup node. Restart the emasterd daemon, if necessary.

2543-608Error in get_node_no_list. Cannot get all nodes list.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon tried reading the SDR.Node.node_number.

User Response: Ensure that the System Data Repository is operating correctly.

2543-609Error in get_reliable_hostname_from_node_no. Could not determine the node reliable name.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon tried reading the SDR.Node.reliable_hostname.

User Response: Ensure that the System Data Repository is operating correctly.

2543-610System command string failed. Could not I_Stub(node=node_number resign the node=node_number.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon was unable to issue the remote command i_stub_CS to the node.

User Response: Ensure that the node is operating correctly. Reboot the node, if necessary, and run Estart to set a new MSS node.

2543-611System command string failed. Could not copy the I_Stub result file from node number node_number to the CWS.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon was unable to get the file from the node using a remote command.

User Response: Ensure that the node is operating correctly and ensure that the fault_service_daemon_CS is running or reboot the node. Run Estart to set a new MSS node.

2543-612i_stub_CS(node=node_name) timeouted.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon issued the i_stub_CS command to the node via a remote command, and it did not receive a response from the node.

User Response: Ensure that the node is operating correctly. Reboot the node, if necessary, and run Estart to set a new MSS node.

2543-613i_stub_CS(node=node_name) failed: rc=return-code.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon received a non-zero return code from running the i_stub_CS command.

User Response: Ensure that the node is operating correctly and ensure the fault_service_daemon_CS is running. Reboot the node, if necessary, and run Estart to set a new MSS node.

2543-614system cammand string failed.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon was unable to issue the command.

User Response: Ensure that the control workstation and the nodes are operating correctly.

2543-615put_MSS(node=node_name) failed: rc=return-code.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon was unable to assign a new MSS node.

User Response: None.

2543-616The emasterd daemon got a SIGTERM signal.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon was sent a SIGTERM.

User Response: Restart the emasterd daemon.

2543-617The emasterd daemon got a SIGDANGER signal, probably because the system is starting to get low on pg space.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon was sent a SIGDANGER signal because the system is starting to run low on paging space.

User Response: Release some paging resources on the control workstation and restart the emasterd daemon.

2543-618The emasterd process has exited.

Explanation: The emasterd process has exited.

User Response: Restart the emasterd daemon.

2543-619Error in init_fabric_status. Could not determine the current status from SDR. Exiting.

Explanation: The emasterd process has exited.

User Response: Ensure that the System Data Repository is operating correctly. Restart the emasterd daemon.

2543-620Error in handle_init_state. Exiting.

Explanation: The emasterd process has exited.

User Response: Ensure that the System Data Repository is operating correctly. Restart the emasterd daemon.

2543-621Error in start_event_thread. Exiting.

Explanation: The emasterd process has exited.

User Response: Restart the emasterd daemon.

2543-622Error in get_sw_resp_node_list. Cannot read all the planes switch responding node list on this system.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon tried reading the SDR.switch_responds.switch_responds0values.

User Response: Ensure that the System Data Repository is operating correctly.

2543-623Error in get_oncoming_bkup_list. Cannot get oncoming backup nodes list.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon tried reading the SDR.Switch_plane.oncoming_backup name.

User Response: Ensure that the System Data Repository is operating correctly.

2543-624Error in get_node_info. Cannot get node= node_number information from SDR.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon tried reading the SDR.Node.frame_number and SDR.Node.reliable_hostname and SDR.Switch_adapter_port.switch_number of the request node.

User Response: Ensure that the System Data Repository is operating correctly.

2543-625Error in get_dependent_nodes. Cannot read the list of dependent nodes from the system.

Explanation: The emasterd daemon tried reading the SDR.DependentNode.node_number.

User Response: Ensure that the System Data Repository is operating correctly.

2543-667Could not determine switch type from SDR. CSS Emaster daemon aborting.

Explanation: Could not determine switch type from SDR. See emaster.stderrr for error messages.

User Response: Correct the SDR problems.

2543-668Daemon not supported on non-SP switch. CSS Emaster daemon aborting.

Explanation: Daemon is only supported in an SP switch environment.

User Response: If running in an SP Switch2 environment, ensure that the System Data Repository is operating correctly. Restart the emasterd daemon.

2543-701Event receptor could not get primary node information

Explanation: A call to get_primaries_info by the event receptor thread was not successful.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-702Event receptor could not get Master Switch Sequencer node information

Explanation: A call to get_MSS_info by the event receptor thread was not successful.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-703trylock for MSS mutex failed: errno errno string

Explanation: A call to pthread_mutex_trylock for the MSS mutex was not successful.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-704could not unlock MSS mutex: errno errno string

Explanation: A call to pthread_mutex_unlock for the MSS mutex was not successful.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-705Event receptor could not signal that it has become active: errno errno string

Explanation: A call to pthread_cond_signal was not successful.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2543-706Unable to malloc storage for new eventlist entry, errno = errno

Explanation: The emaster daemon was unable to obtain the storage it needed.

User Response: Release some memory on the control workstation by stopping any unnecessary applications.

2543-707Broken event list.

Explanation: An internal error occurred.

User Response: Restart the emasterd daemon.

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