IBM Books

Messages Reference

2531 - System partitioning aid messages

2531-001Cannot open or access file file_name

Explanation: File does not exist or does not have proper permissions.

User Response: Verify the file exists and has the proper permissions.

2531-002Cannot access working directory full_path_to_working_directory.

Explanation: Directory does not exist or does not have proper permissions.

User Response: Verify the directory exists and has the proper permissions.

2531-003Nodelist for system partition partition_name has fewer nodes than the number of nodes specified for the partition.

Explanation: Error in the input file.

User Response: Verify that the nodelist for partition partition_name contains the same number of nodes as the number of nodes specified for the partition.

2531-004Nodelist for system partition partition_name has more nodes than the number of nodes specified for the partition.

Explanation: Error in the input file.

User Response: Verify that the nodelist for partition partition_name contains the same number of nodes as the number of nodes specified for the partition.

2531-005Input file has more nodelists than the number of system partitions specified.

Explanation: Error in the input file.

User Response: Verify that the input file has the same number of nodelists as the number of partitions specified.

2531-006A range specified under system partition partition_name is incomplete or is not valid.

Explanation: Input file error. Nodelist contains a range that is either incomplete or not valid.

User Response: Provide the correct range for node numbers or switch port numbers in the input file.

2531-007Input file does not contain a nodelist for each system partition specified.

Explanation: Error in the input file.

User Response: Verify that the input file has the same number of nodelists as the number of partitions specified.

2531-008Node number node_number not found in the SDR.

Explanation: The node number is not found in the SDR.

User Response: Verify the input file contains valid node numbers.

2531-009Cannot access or create current_directory/next_directory.

Explanation: The current directory (in the target directory path) does not have the right access permission.

User Response: Provide a path to the desired target directory, which has the correct access permission.

2531-010The layout directory layout_directory_name already exists. Provide a different location.

Explanation: The directory where the layout is saved already exists.

User Response: Provide a new layout directory name for sysparaid to create and save the newly generated layout.

2531-011You do not have permission to save the layout in base_dir_name/sysdir_name/ config_name/layout.layout_name.

Explanation: Path to the desired target directory does not have the right access permission.

User Response: Provide a path to the desired target directory, which has the correct access permission.

2531-012Layout not saved. A layout can be saved in the system partition directory tree only when the -s option is invoked with a file name extension for layout directory.

Explanation: A layout cannot be saved in the system partition directory tree if a fullpath starting with /spdata is given with -s option.

User Response: Invoke the -s option with a file name extension for the layout.

2531-013The layout directory base_dir_name/sysdir_name/ config_name/layout. layout_name already exists. Provide a different location.

Explanation: The directory under which the layout is to be saved already exists.

User Response: Provide a new layout directory name for sysparaid to create and save the newly generated layout.

2531-014Cannot remove old files from the working directory working_directory.

Explanation: The working directory does not have write permission.

User Response: Provide a working directory that you have write permission to.

2531-015System Partition partition_name has been defined more than once in the input file.

Explanation: Error in the input file.

User Response: Verify that a partition is defined only once in the input, that is, make sure that a partition name is not repeated.

2531-016The total number of nodes in the nodelists does not match the number of nodes in the system.

Explanation: Error in the input file.

User Response: Verify that the total number of nodes in the nodelists is equal to the number of nodes specified.

2531-017The number of nodes in system partition partition_name not specified.

Explanation: Error in the input file.

User Response: Verify that the number of nodes in each system partition is specified before providing the nodelist for the partition.

2531-018The input file file_name has not been formatted correctly.

Explanation: The input file format is wrong or a wrong file name has been provided.

User Response: Verify the specified input file has the same format as the template file /spdata/sys1/syspar_configs/bin/inpfile.template.

2531-019Cannot save the layout. There is not enough space in the file system.

Explanation: The file system is full.

User Response: Create space in the file system.

2531-101Input Error. The switch port number switch_port_number is above the system limit.

Explanation: Input file contains a switch port number switch_port_number that is above the system limit.

User Response: Verify that the input file contains switch port numbers within the correct range.

2531-102Input Error. The node or the switch chip linked to switch port number switch_port_numberhas already been assigned to system partitions partition_name and partition_name.

Explanation: The same switch node or chip is assigned to two different partitions.

User Response: Verify that nodes or switch ports linked to the same chip are assigned to only one system partition in the input file.

2531-103Violation of Rule 1: A switch chip cannot be part of more than one system partition. Switch chips connected to switch port number switch_port_number, in partition partition_name, has already been assigned to partition partition_name.

Explanation: Two nodes or switch ports connected to the same switch chip have been placed in two different system partitions.

User Response: Modify the input file so that all nodes or switch ports connected to the same switch chip are in the same partition.

2531-104Violation of Rule 2: No node switch board can be part of more than two multi-chip partitions. No link switch chips are available on board switch_board_id for system partition partition_name.

Explanation: No link switch chips are available for a system partition, because all link switch chips have been assigned to other partitions.

User Response: Modify the input requirement so that no node switch board is part of more than two multi-chip system partitions.

2531-105Needed link switch chips 0 and 1 are not available on board switch_board_idfor partition partition_name.

Explanation: Link switch chips 0 and 1 on some node switch boards have been assigned to this system partition, but are not available on one of the switch boards.

User Response: Try a different system partition configuration.

2531-106Needed link switch chips 2 and 3 are not available on board switch_board_id for partition partition_name.

Explanation: Link switch chips 2 and 3 on some node switch boards have been assigned to this system partition, but are not available on one of the switch boards.

User Response: Try a different system partition configuration.

2531-107No switch chips are available on intermediate switch boards for partition partition_name.

Explanation: More interboard system partitions have been specified than the partitioning algorithm can accommodate.

User Response: Reduce the number of multiboard system partitions specified. View the current chip allocation saved in spa.snapshot.

2531-108Cannot access SDR class: SDR class attribute: attribute.

Explanation: Error accessing the SDR.

User Response: Check the appropriate class using the SDRGetObjects command.

2531-109Partitioning is not allowed on this system.

Explanation: The attribute IsPartitionable in the class SP is set to "false".

User Response: The value of Ispartitionable is set during system configuration. If the value is correct, the command issued, and system partitioning, are not allowed.

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