IBM Books

Messages Reference

2523 - Topology Services messages

2523-001Address for local adapter missing from the adapter information.

Explanation: There is no local adapter with the address expected for this offset. It is possible that the adapter is not configured or is configured with a different address than the one in the machines.lst file.

User Response: Verify that the adapter is configured with the correct address by issuing the netstat -in command. In the PSSP environment, the address for the adapter must match the address in the machines.lst file for the local node and given adapter offset. Verify that the adapter information is correctly entered in the SDR.

2523-002GROUP_PROCLAIM message from outside the configuration, ID=adapter_id, ignored.

Explanation: Daemon received a Group Proclaim message from a node outside the current configuration. One or more daemons may have outdated configurations.

User Response: Perform a daemon refresh with the hatsctrl -r command on the control workstation and on every node in the affected partition.

2523-003Got a heartbeat from someone that is not my neighbor, ID=adapter_id GID=group_id.

Explanation: A node did not respond to committing of new groups. This problem should be transient.

User Response: If the problem persists, reset the daemon on the offending node.

2523-005Failed to send heartbeat to adapter_id.

Explanation: The heartbeat message was not sent, possibly due to network problems.

User Response: Fix any network problems.

2523-006Unable to fork child process.

Explanation: Attempt to fork was not successful, possibly due to too many running processes.

User Response: Determine and correct the resource problem.

2523-007argument_value: Not a valid argument_flag flag; positive integer expected.

Explanation: The daemon was invoked with an incorrect value for the indicated argument.

User Response: Correct the argument value to a positive integer value.

2523-008argument_value: Not a valid argument_flag flag; non-negative integer less than upper_bound expected.

Explanation: The daemon was invoked with an incorrect value for the indicated argument.

User Response: Correct the argument value to a non-negative number less than the upper bound.

2523-009argument_value: Not a valid argument_flag flag.

Explanation: The daemon was invoked with an incorrect flag.

User Response: Specify a flag with the correct value.

2523-010argument_value: Not a valid argument_flag flag; integer expected.

Explanation: The daemon was invoked with an incorrect flag.

User Response: Specify a flag with an integer value.

2523-011Unrecognized parameter parameter.

Explanation: The daemon was invoked with an unrecognized parameter.

User Response: Specify the parameter correctly.

2523-012Unable to obtain socket port number from /etc/services. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: The hats.partition name entry is missing in the /etc/services file.

User Response: Run the syspar_ctrl -d hats and syspar_ctrl -a hats commands in the affected partition.

2523-013adapter_offset: Not a valid HB_SOCKET port number: expecting lower_bound - upper_bound.

Explanation: The specified port number is not in the range lower_bound - upper_bound.

User Response: Specify HB_SOCKET port number in the indicated range.

2523-014My node number is not defined. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: This node was not specified in the configuration.

User Response: Correct the configuration error.

2523-015Do not know how to broadcast message_type messages.

Explanation: The daemon is not capable of broadcasting a message of the indicated type.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-016Unable to send message, remote socket is not ready for writing.

Explanation: The attempt to write to the Remote Socket was not successful.

User Response: Verify that the network is working correctly.

2523-017Received a message_type message for an unknown address address.

Explanation: Received a message that is not destined for any node in the configuration.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-018Could not obtain HB_SHARED_MEM_KEY shared_memory_id. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: Unable to obtain an interprocess communication key for shared memory.

User Response: Use the ipcrm command to clean up shared memory.

2523-019Could not obtain HB_SHARED_SEM_KEY. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: Unable to obtain an interprocess communication key for semaphore.

User Response: Use the ipcrm command to clean up semaphore.

2523-020Could not create shared memory segment shared_memory_segment_number. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: Unable to create a shared memory segment.

User Response: Use the ipcrm command to clean up shared memory.

2523-021Could not attach shared memory segment shared_memory_segment_number. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: Unable to attach to a shared memory segment.

User Response: Use the ipcrm command to clean up shared memory.

2523-022Could not create semaphore. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: Unable to create a semaphore.

User Response: Use the ipcrm command to clean up semaphores.

2523-023Could not initialize semaphore. FFDC id FFDC error identifier

Explanation: Unable to initialize a semaphore.

User Response: Use the ipcrm command to clean up semaphores.

2523-024key_number: Not a valid HB_SHARED_MEM_KEY number: expecting lower_bound - upper_bound.

Explanation: The shared memory key number is not in the valid range.

User Response: Specify a correct shared memory key number.

2523-025key_number: Not a valid HB_SHARED_SEM_KEY number: expecting lower_bound - upper_bound.

Explanation: Shared memory key number is not in the valid range.

User Response: Specify a correct shared memory key number.

2523-026Could not open Local Socket. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: An attempt to open the connection socket was not successful, possibly because of incorrect permissions.

User Response: Remove the local socket file.

2523-027option: setsockopt on socket class Socket failed. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: Unable to set the socket option on the socket class (Remote, Listening, Client).

User Response: Try to set the socket option again.

2523-028Could not bind Local Socket = file-descriptor to socket-name. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: Unable to bind the local socket with the indicated file descriptor.

User Response: Remove the socket file and try again.

2523-029Unable to send message on Remote Socket, message too long.

Explanation: The sendto command returned an errno of EMSGSIZE due to the size of the message.

User Response: None.

2523-030Client message from pid=(PID) on an unregistered socket, message ignored.

Explanation: Received a client message from the indicated PID. This PID is no longer a registered client, or possibly registered with a different PID.

User Response: This process must register to have access.

2523-031Incomplete client message sent, bytes_sent out of msg_size bytes sent.

Explanation: Unable to send the entire message.

User Response: None.

2523-033Unable to send Client message, the message pointer is not valid.

Explanation: The message pointer is not valid.

User Response: Start the hats daemon again in this partition.

2523-034Function listen () failed. Errno = errno. FFDC id FFDC error code.

Explanation: The call to function listen() was not successful.

User Response: None.

2523-035Listening Socket Error ID = error_id, not recognized.

Explanation: An error was generated that was not recognized.

User Response: None.

2523-036Error Accepting Client Connection, errno=errno.

Explanation: The accept of a connection request was not successful.

User Response: None.

2523-037Error sending data to pid=pid, rc = return_code, errno = errno.

Explanation: Error sending data to indicated process id.

User Response: None.

2523-038Error receiving data from pid=pid, rc = return_code, errno = errno.

Explanation: Error receiving data from indicated process id.

User Response: None.

2523-039Could not open Remote Socket. FFDC id FFDC error code.

Explanation: Unable to open remote socket. This may indicate lack of resources.

User Response: Identify and correct the problem and try again.

2523-040option: setsockopt on socket class Socket failed. FFDC id FFDC error code.

Explanation: Unable to set the socket option on the socket class (Remote, Local, Client).

User Response: Try to set the socket option again.

2523-041Could not bind Remote Socket to address = address, port = port-number. FFDC id FFDC error code.

Explanation: Unable to bind the remote socket to the indicated port number.

User Response: Check to see if the port number is already in use.

2523-042Getsockname on Remote Socket failed. FFDC id FFDC error code.

Explanation: An internal daemon error may be the cause of the problem.

User Response: None.

2523-043Unmatching From ID.

Explanation: The address of the sender and the address listed in the message do not match.

User Response: None.

2523-044Received message_size bytes from sender_address with unmatching from ID.

Explanation: The address of the sender and address listed in the message do not match.

User Response: Verify the source of the message.

2523-045Bad Socket Descriptor.

Explanation: The socket descriptor is corrupted.

User Response: Start the topology services daemon again.

2523-046Internal Data Error.

Explanation: An internal data error was detected.

User Response: None.

2523-047Caught Signal.

Explanation: The select call ended due to a signal.

User Response: None.

2523-048Select data value not valid.

Explanation: A parameter to a select call was not valid.

User Response: Start the daemon again.

2523-049Select data pointer not valid.

Explanation: The data pointer to the select call is not valid.

User Response: Start the daemon again.

2523-050Unexpected error from select.

Explanation: Unexpected errno set by the select call.

User Response: Start the daemon again.

2523-051Could not open machine file file_name. FFDC id FFDC error code.

Explanation: Unable to open the machines list file indicated.

User Response: Check to see if the file exists and has the appropriate permissions.

2523-055Node number duplicated: string. FFDC id FFDC error code.

Explanation: The string is the line in the machines list that duplicates the node number.

User Response: Fix the inconsistency in the configuration.

2523-056Gethostbyname host_name Failed, errno = errno.

Explanation: Unable to convert the host name to an IP address.

User Response: Verify that the host name is known to the network server and name server.

2523-057IP address duplicated: node node_number address IP_address. FFDC id FFDC error code.

Explanation: The indicated IP address was already encountered in the configuration.

User Response: Fix the inconsistency in the configuration.

2523-058Ignoring Adapter adapter_name at offset adapter_offset on node node_number. FFDC id FFDC error code.

Explanation: Unable to convert the adapter name adapter_name of the adapter at the adapter offset adapter_offset on node indicated to an IP address.

User Response: Verify that adapter is known to the network and name server.

2523-059Network network-name exceeds limit of offsets-allowed networks, will be ignored. FFDC id FFDC-error-identifier.

Explanation: The number of offsets in the machines.lst file exceeds the maximum allowed.

User Response: Reduce number of networks or adapters in system.

2523-060Configuration error - no nodes defined.

Explanation: No nodes or adapters defined in the machines list file.

User Response: Check to see if the configuration has nodes defined.

2523-061Refresh: deleted myself!

Explanation: An interface on this node is missing from the configuration.

User Response: Verify if you intended to omit the interface.

2523-062Operation: ioctl failed. FFDC id FFDC error code.

Explanation: The ioctl operation was not successful.

User Response: Determine the reason for the problem.

2523-063Node is not in my group, ignoring Node Connectivity message!

Explanation: Received a node connectivity message from a node that is not in my group.

User Response: If the problem persists, restart the daemon that issued the message.

2523-064Node number for adapter_offset is not valid, ignoring message!

Explanation: The indicated adapter ID does not correspond to a valid node number.

User Response: Verify the source of the message.

2523-065NCT unable to compute node reachability!

Explanation: Unsuccessful in computing node reachability.

User Response: Start the daemon again.

2523-066Node number of adapter_offset in my group not found.

Explanation: Unable to map an adapter in my group to a node number.

User Response: If the problem persists, stop and then start the hats daemon by issuing the hatsctrl -k and hatsctrl -s commands.

2523-067Adapter (IP-address) at offset adapter_offset not found.

Explanation: Unable to find this group member in NCT.

User Response: If the problem persists, obtain a core dump of the daemon by issuing the command kill - 6 daemon process id and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-068Node number node number is not valid.

Explanation: Unable to convert from adapter ID to node number.

User Response: If the problem persists, obtain a core dump of the daemon by issuing the command kill - 6 daemon process id and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-069No members in current group.

Explanation: No members exist in the current group.

User Response: None.

2523-070My adapter not in current group.

Explanation: The adapter is not a member of my own group.

User Response: None.

2523-071Adapter adapter_offset is already in the current group.

Explanation: Attempted to merge groups that had a member in common.

User Response: None.

2523-072Missing adapter not found in my group.

Explanation: Members to be removed from the group were already missing.

User Response: None.

2523-073My node number is not defined.

Explanation: The node number is not defined.

User Response: Check for the node definition in /var/ha/run/hats.partition name/machines.lst.

2523-074Adapter offset adapter_offset is not valid.

Explanation: Adapter offset indicated is out of range.

User Response: Specify a valid adapter offset.

2523-075Old subscription entry old_subscription_entry still exists.

Explanation: An old subscription entry already exists.

User Response: Remove the old subscription entry before creating a new one.

2523-076Unknown subscription type.

Explanation: Not a valid subscription type.

User Response: Specify a valid subscription type.

2523-077Cannot send Hb_No_Event to clients.

Explanation: Not a valid event.

User Response: Specify a valid subscription event.

2523-078Cannot send Hb_All_Events to clients.

Explanation: Not a valid event.

User Response: Specify a valid subscription event.

2523-079Cannot send Unknown event to clients.

Explanation: Not a valid event.

User Response: Specify a valid subscription event.

2523-080Cannot delete a NULL entry.

Explanation: Attempted to delete a null interest entry.

User Response: None.

2523-081Cannot delete entry from an empty list.

Explanation: Attempted to delete a subscription entry from an empty list.

User Response: None.

2523-082ACK retry count exhausted, no ACK sent.

Explanation: Already sent maximum number of retry ACKs.

User Response: None.

2523-083Leader died and originator is not the crown prince.

Explanation: The Group leader died, and the PTC message was not from the crown prince.

User Response: None.

2523-084From Id = sender_ID From Group ID = sender_GID.

Explanation: Display sender's ID and Group ID.

User Response: None.

2523-085Crown Prince Id = ID.

Explanation: Display the crown prince's ID.

User Response: None.

2523-086PTC NAK ignored, I am not the group leader.

Explanation: Received a PTC negative acknowledgment, but I am not the group leader.

User Response: None.

2523-087PTC NAK ignored, I am not committing.

Explanation: Received a PTC negative acknowledgment, but I am not processing a group change.

User Response: None.

2523-088PTC NAK ignored, no longer in PTC mode.

Explanation: Receive a PTC negative acknowledgment, but no longer accepting them.

User Response: None.

2523-089PTC ACK ignored, I am not the group leader.

Explanation: Received a PTC acknowledgment, but I am not the group leader.

User Response: None.

2523-090PTC ACK ignored, I am not committing.

Explanation: Received a PTC acknowledgment, but I am not processing a group change.

User Response: None.

2523-091PTC ACK ignored, no longer in PTC mode.

Explanation: Received a PTC acknowledgment, but I am no longer accepting them.

User Response: None.

2523-092JOIN request rejected, I am not the group leader.

Explanation: Received a JOIN request, but I am not the group leader.

User Response: None.

2523-093JOIN request rejected, I am currently busy.

Explanation: Received a JOIN request, but I am currently busy handling group changes.

User Response: None.

2523-094DEATH_IN_FAMILY ignored, not from a group member.

Explanation: Received a DEATH_IN_FAMILY message, but it was not from a group member.

User Response: None.

2523-095DEATH_IN_FAMILY ignored, I am not the group leader.

Explanation: Received a DEATH_IN_FAMILY message, but I am not the group leader.

User Response: None.

2523-096DISSOLVE GROUP ignored, not from a group member.

Explanation: Received a DISSOLVE GROUP message from outside our group.

User Response: None.

2523-097JOIN time has expired. PROCLAIM message was sent by proclaimer.

Explanation: Time has expired for waiting for a reply to our JOIN request. Wait for another proclaim message. If this problem occurs repeatedly, it may indicate that this node and the proclaimer are having problems communicating in both directions.

User Response: None.

2523-098PTC ACK time has expired, committing group.

Explanation: Time has expired for waiting for PTC acknowledgments, commit the group with the members that did acknowledge.

User Response: None.

2523-099COMMIT BROADCAST ACK time has expired, ACKS missing.

Explanation: Not everyone acknowledged the commit broadcast message.

User Response: None.

2523-100COMMIT ACK time has expired, not everyone ACKed.

Explanation: Not everyone in the new group responded.

User Response: None.

2523-101PTC ACK retry count exhausted.

Explanation: A Commit was never received.

User Response: None.

2523-102COMMIT time has expired, reinitializing.

Explanation: The node has lost communication with the leader. The node assumes a "singleton" role.

User Response: None.

2523-103Received an unknown message type, message = message_type.

Explanation: The message received is not recognized.

User Response: None.

2523-104Malloc failed, size = size.

Explanation: Not able to satisfy the memory request. This is indicative of a memory leak.

User Response: Start the daemon again.

2523-105Group Connectivity Message from outside the configuration, ID=adapter_ID, ignored.

Explanation: Received a group connectivity message from outside the configuration.

User Response: None.

2523-106Open of css0 device failed.

Explanation: Unable to open css device.

User Response: Check permissions on /dev/css0.

2523-107Css Ioctl Failed rc = return_code errno = errno.

Explanation: The ioctl of the css device was not successful and issued the indicated return code and errno value.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-108Undefined return from switch ioctl = return_value.

Explanation: The return value from ioctl of css device was unexpected.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-111Sending data to pid=PID would block, complete message not sent.

Explanation: Client socket not ready for sending.

User Response: None.

2523-112Sending data to pid=PID interrupted and not restarted.

Explanation: Interrupted system call.

User Response: None.

2523-113Sending data to pid=PID caused an IO ERROR.

Explanation: The client socket class caused an IO error.

User Response: None.

2523-114Receiving data from pid=PID would block, complete message not received.

Explanation: The client socket is not read for reading.

User Response: None.

2523-115Receiving data from pid=PID interrupted and not restarted.

Explanation: Interrupted system call.

User Response: None.

2523-116Sending data to pid=PID caused an IO ERROR.

Explanation: The client socket class caused an IO error.

User Response: None.

2523-117Client Socket Error ID = error_ID, not recognized.

Explanation: Unrecognized error from the client socket class.

User Response: None.

2523-118sendto would block.

Explanation: The socket is not ready for sending.

User Response: None.

2523-119recvfrom would block.

Explanation: There is nothing to receive at this point.

User Response: None.

2523-120recvfrom failure.

Explanation: Receive error from the remote socket.

User Response: None.

2523-121Late in sending Heartbeat by seconds.microseconds seconds.

Explanation: Heartbeats are sent out based on the time specified by the TS_Frequency tunable values with a default of one second. The daemon checks how much time has elapsed since the last heartbeat was sent. If the difference is greater than two times the TS_Frequency tunable value, this message displays by how many seconds it was late.

User Response: None.

2523-122tunable_value, Not a valid value for TS_Frequency; positive integer expected.

Explanation: The tunable value is encoded as part of the configuration and is specified in the TS_Config object in the SDR.

User Response: Specify a correct value.

2523-123tunable_value, Not a valid value for TS_Sensitivity; positive integer expected.

Explanation: The tunable value is encoded as part of the configuration and is specified in the TS_Config object in the SDR.

User Response: Specify a correct value.

2523-124tunable-value does not specify a valid value for TS_FixedPriority. Valid values are between lowest-valid-value and highest-valid-value. Default fixed priority default_value used.

Explanation: The tunable value is encoded as part of the configuration. For PSSP, the tunable value is specified in the TS_Config class in the SDR. In the HACMP environment, the tunable value is in the HACMPtopsvcs ODM class. In the Linux GPFS environment, the tunable value is in the GPFS mini-SDR.

User Response: Specify a valid fixed priority value.

2523-125tunable-value, Not a valid value for TS_LogLength; positive integer expected.

Explanation: The tunable value is encoded as part of the configuration and is specified in the TS_Config object in the SDR.

User Response: Specify a correct value.

2523-145Unable to lock queue.

Explanation: This message indicates an internal program error.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-146Unable to unlock queue.

Explanation: This message indicates an internal program error.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-147Unable to increment count of items of queue.

Explanation: This message indicates an internal program error.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-148Unable to decrement count of items of queue.

Explanation: This message indicates an internal program error.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-149Unable to initialize thread attributes. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: The program could not initialize thread attributes. Therefore, the program could not create a new thread to send or receive messages, or to handle client requests.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-150Unable to create the send thread for adapter. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: The program could not create the thread responsible for sending messages.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-151Unable to create the receive thread for adapter.

Explanation: The program could not create the thread responsible for receiving messages.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-152Incorrect machines list file, Instance Number header not found.

Explanation: The machines list has an incorrect format. The instance number header was not found at the top of the file.

User Response: Verify the contents of the machines.lst file. Stop and then start the hats daemon again, using the hatsctrl -k and hatsctrl -s commands.

2523-153Incorrect machines list file. Configuration ID header not found.

Explanation: The machines list has an incorrect format. The configuration ID header is missing from the top of the file.

User Response: Verify the contents of the machines.lst file. Stop and then start the hats daemon again. Issue the hatsctrl -k and hatsctrl -s commands.

2523-154Incorrect machines list file, new ID=new-config-id current ID=current-config-id. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: The configuration ID in the new machines.lst file generated during a refresh operation is different from the previous version of the file.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-155Refresh dispatcher process pid hatsctrl/topsvcsctrl-process-pid has not finished.

Explanation: The refresh dispatcher process has not finished yet. The refresh dispatcher process is used to rebuild the machines list file and refresh the configuration,

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-156Error errno-value in waitpid() system call.

Explanation: The waitpid() call issued by the daemon to obtain the exit status of the refresh dispatcher process returned with an error value.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-157Refresh dispatcher process terminated with signal signal-number.

Explanation: The refresh dispatcher process terminated using the specified signal.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-200Function not implemented yet.

Explanation: This message indicates an internal program error.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-201TMIOSTAT ioctl failed

Explanation: The TMIOSTAT IOCTL call that was issued for a Target-mode device was unsuccessful. The daemon cannot use the Target-mode device for heartbeating.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-202SCSI Adapter Error.

Explanation: An attempt to obtain the operational status of the of the Target-mode device returned an error.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-203General error in SCSI Card Status.

Explanation: An attempt to obtain the operational status of the Target-mode device returned an error.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-204Failed to obtain SCSI device sense.

Explanation: An attempt to obtain Target-mode device sense data was unsuccessful.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-205Sleeping too long without getting data.

Explanation: An attempt to obtain data from a Target-mode device is timing out.

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-206Connection lost.

Explanation: An error occurred while reading data from a non-IP device.

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-207Failed to open serial port on device-name.

Explanation: An attempt to open a serial port device for heartbeating was not successful. The daemon cannot use that device for heartbeating.

User Response: Check to see if the device exists and is of the correct type.

2523-208Could not get the flags - fcntl error

Explanation: The program could not get the flags associated with a serial device.

User Response: Check to see if the serial device is of the correct type.

2523-209fcntl failure - could not set to non-blocking and no delay.

Explanation: The program could not configure a serial device for non-blocking and no delay mode.

User Response: Check to see if the serial device is of the correct type. If it is and the problem still occurs, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-210Terminal device is not OK.

Explanation: The program could not set the current serial device state information

User Response: Check to see if the serial device is of the correct type. If it is and the problem still occurs, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-211Failed to set attributes for device.

Explanation: The program could not set serial device characteristics.

User Response: Check to see if the serial device is of the correct type. If it is and the problem still occurs, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-212Could not add rts to stream stack.

Explanation: The program could not set the serial device to add rts to the stream stack.

User Response: Check to see if the serial device is of the correct type. If it is and the problem still occurs, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-213Failed to flush input and output.

Explanation: The program could not flush input and output in a serial device.

User Response: Check to see if the serial device is of the correct type. If it is and the problem still occurs, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-214No data read from device device-name.

Explanation: The program could not read any data from the specified device. The connection may be broken or the remote node may not be alive, or the daemon may not be running on the remote node.

User Response: Check to see if the serial connection is operating correctly and if the daemon is running on the remote node.

2523-215SCSI port device-name open failed.

Explanation: The program could not open a Target-mode device for heartbeating. The daemon cannot use the device for heartbeating.

User Response: Check to see if the device actually exists and is of the correct type.

2523-216Trying to send to a device not opened.

Explanation: The program was not successful sending a message to a Target-mode device that is not opened.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-217No elements in the queue.

Explanation: There are no elements in the queue for a Target-mode device.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-218Packet size less than zero.

Explanation: An error occurred while passing a packet from the Target-mode receive thread to the main thread.

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-219Did not write all the bytes. Packet size =packet-size. Bytes sent=bytes-sent, device device-name.

Explanation: An error occurred while writing to a serial or Target-mode device. The remote daemon may not be running, or the connection may be broken.

User Response: Check to see if the remote daemon is running and device connection is operating correctly.

2523-220Did not write all the bytes. Packet type = packet-type, device device-name.

Explanation: An error occurred while writing to a serial or Target-mode device. The remote daemon may not be running, or the connection may be broken.

User Response: Check to see if the remote daemon is running and the device connection is operating correctly.

2523-221Packet size too long!! Packet size = packet-size.

Explanation: The program tried to write a packet that is larger than the maximum allowed into a serial or Target-mode device

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-222Packet check sum incorrect, device device-name.

Explanation: The program received a packet with an incorrect checksum through the serial device. A noisy connection or another process trying to use the same serial device may cause this error.

User Response: Check the serial connection. Also, check to see if the there are other processes trying to write to the same serial device.

2523-223Errno errno when writing packet on device-name.

Explanation: The program received the specified error code when trying to write a packet to specified device. The connection may be broken or the daemon on the remote node may not be running.

User Response: Check the device connection. Also check to see if the daemon is running on the remote node.

2523-224Received a Grace request from Adapter-ID with incorrect or missing data: 4 words of data from the auxiliary header.

Explanation: The details contained in the auxiliary header were not present. The second line contains the data that was found.

User Response: This message indicates corrupted message data. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-225Cannot find network offset in ADAPTER_CONFIGURATION message. Gid group-id, address 0xaddress.

Explanation: The program could not find the network offset that contains the specified address in an ADAPTER_CONFIGURATION message.

User Response: If the message persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-226Cannot force boot-to-service transition for boot-addr1. Service addr serv-addr is being used in offset offset, boot addr boot-addr2.

Explanation: The program cannot force a boot-to-service transition for the specified boot address because the specified service address is already being used by the second specified boot address.

User Response: There is a problem in the configuration, either before or after migration. Force a dump of the Topology Services daemon by using the kill -6 pid of hatsd in HACMP/ES command. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-227Cannot find adapter number for address boot-addr when trying to force a boot-to-service transition. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: The adapter number for the adapter with the specified address is missing. The adapter number is needed in the process of forcing a boot-to-service transition after a migration refresh.

User Response: There is a problem in the configuration, either before or after migration. Force a dump of the Topology Services daemon by using the kill -6 pid of hatsd in HACMP/ES command. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-228Address serv-addr is already in use when trying to force a boot-to-service transition for address boot-addr. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: The specified address is already in use by another adapter when trying to force a boot-to-service transition after a migration refresh.

User Response: There is a problem in the configuration, either before or after migration. Force a dump of the Topology Services daemon by using the command kill -6 pid of hatsd in HACMP/ES. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-229Cannot find service address for boot-addr when trying to force a boot-to-service transition. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: After a migration refresh, the current address configured on the adapter does not match any of the possible service addresses for this network.

User Response: There is a problem in the configuration, either before or after migration. Force a dump of the Topology Services daemon by using the command kill -6 pid of hatsd in HACMP/ES. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-230Interface name for addr missing in machines.lst file. Discarding adapter. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: The interface name for the adapter was missing from the machines.lst file that was produced in a refresh operation.

User Response: There may be a problem with either the HACMP/ES cluster manager or the Topology Services script. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-231Invalid slide of adapter interface node node into network network-name: migration refresh.

Explanation: The machines.lst produced for a migration refresh has caused the Topology Services daemon to attempt an adapter slide. Adapter slides are adapters moving into a different Topology Services network. They are not allowed in a migration refresh, since adapters cannot be added or removed in a migration refresh.

User Response: There may be a problem with either the HACMP/ES cluster manager or the Topology Services script. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-232key-version-value, Not a valid value for KeyVersion; positive integer expected.

Explanation: The version of encryption key for peer authentication is not in the correct format. It should be a positive integer.

User Response: There may be a problem with the DCE administration or the SP security services. Contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-233Received a message-type message from sender-address that cannot be authenticated. Message was late by delay time seconds.

Explanation: The daemon received a daemon-to-daemon message with one of these problems:

User Response: Either there is a security breach attempt, or some delay in network transmission. Inform you system administrator of this message immediately.

2523-234Security services routine failed. File: filename, line: line number, spsec routine: spsec routine, spsec error code: spsec error code, DCE error code: DCE error code, GSSAPI major error code: GSSAPI major error code, GSSAPI minor error code: GSSAPI minor error code system call errno: errno DCE routine: DCE routine spsec error text: spsec error text.

Explanation: The daemon could not verify local security configuration because of the following reasons:

User Response: Inform the system administrator immediately. If the problem persists, inform the IBM Support Center.

2523-235Failed to load SP security services library /usr/lib/libspsec.a

Explanation: The daemon could not load SP security services library /usr/lib/libspsec.a.

User Response: Inform the system administrator immediately. If the problem persists, inform the IBM Support Center.

2523-236The call to des_key_sched failed. rc = return code.

Explanation: The call to des_key_sched was not successful.

User Response: If the problem persists, inform the IBM Support Center.

2523-237Active authentication methods for trusted services are: DCE if DCE on, compat if compat on. Expect DCE only.

Explanation: Local node should be configured in DCE-only mode, but it is not.

User Response: Inform the system administrator immediately. If the problem persists, inform the IBM Support Center.

2523-238During the past interval in seconds seconds, daemon has received number of failures messages that cannot be authenticated.

Explanation: During a certain time interval, the daemon received several daemon-to-daemon messages, each of which had one of these problems:

User Response: Either there is a security breach attempt, or some delay in network transmission. Inform the system administrator immediately.

2523-239Hats script on CWS could not determine the security state. Daemon exiting. FFDC id FFDC error identifier.

Explanation: The hats script on the control workstation either could not determine the security mode of the partition, or could not access the hats keyfile.

User Response: There are installation problems or configuration problems with DCE or PSSP security services. Inform the system administrator immediately.

2523-240Time-to-Live expired for Daemon Routing message. Port port-number, first destination first-destination-node.

Explanation: There is a routing loop in the Daemon Routing messages. Different nodes have inconsistent views of the network topology. The present daemon routing message is discarded.

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-241No route to send Daemon Routing message to node node-number (port port-number).

Explanation: No route was found when trying to send a Daemon Routing message to the specified node. It may be due to a temporary route outage. Usually Group Services does not pass a Daemon Routing request to Topology Services if there is no route to the destination node.

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-242Low priority queue is full. Discarding packet packet-type, device device-name (total total-count-dropped dropped).

Explanation: The queue for low priority packets is full, forcing a low priority packet to be discarded. Low priority packets should correspond to PRM packets. The PRM client will retry these packets. This message generally indicates a burst of Daemon Routing messages.

Keeping too many of these messages in the queue is not useful, since after some point, the time it takes for the message to be transmitted to the destination is more than enough time for the client to consider the message lost.

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-243Cannot find adapter offset to send Daemon Routing message. Destination: destination-adapter.

Explanation: The Daemon Routing logic was unable to find an adapter offset that corresponds to a given destination address (which is the first hop of the message route). A changing network topology could cause the problem.

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-244Invalid number of destination nodes in Daemon Routing message: number-of-nodes.

Explanation: The Topology Services daemon received a request to send a Daemon Routing message to a number of nodes which was not valid. The request is likely to contain data which is not valid.

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-245Invalid node number in Daemon Routing message: node-number.

Explanation: The Topology Services daemon received a request to send a Daemon Routing message to an incorrect node number. The request is likely to contain data which is not valid.

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-246Invalid size of PRM message in Daemon Routing message: size-of-PRM-message.

Explanation: The Topology Services daemon received a request to send a Daemon Routing message with an incorrect number of bytes. The number of bytes is specified above. The request is likely to contain data which is not valid.

User Response: If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-250Duplicated network name in machines.lst network name. FFDC id FFDC id.

Explanation: The machines.lst file was generated with a duplicated network in the Topology Services startup script.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-251Internal error: source-file, line-number. Value 1: value-1. Value 2: value-2.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-252Topology Services is using almost all CPU cycles available (milliseconds-CPU-time msec of CPU in the last milliseconds-elapsed msec): exiting. FFDC id [FFDC-id].

Explanation: The daemon or the child processes are using almost all CPU cycles available, probably not accomplishing its goals and also preventing other processes from running. The daemon will exit with a core dump to clean up the situation and allow debugging.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-253Main thread has not made progress for seconds-blocked seconds (number of major page faults in the last milliseconds-elapsed msec: major-page-faults): exiting. FFDC id [FFDC-id ].

Explanation: The main thread was unable to make progress for the given amount of time. It is very likely that some resource shortage or deadlock is preventing the main thread from running. The daemon will exit, since the main thread needs to make progress to give correct notifications to clients.

User Response: Examine the memory and disk I/O load to locate the cause of the resource shortage. If a cause is not found and the problem cannot be corrected, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-254After number-of-retries retries, daemon still could not find key version key-version in keyfile. Exiting. FFDC id [FFDC-error-identifier].

Explanation: The hats daemon could not find the specific key in the hats keyfile /spdata/sys1/keyfiles/rsct/partition/hats after several retries.

User Response: Verify that the keyfiles on the control workstation and the nodes are consistent. If the problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-255Unable to open a pipe to command command-path.

Explanation: The hats daemon could not open a pipe to the specified command.

User Response: Verify that the command exists and is executable. If problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-260Incorrect or missing address for interface-name. Address: actual-address. Boot-time address: boot-time-address. FFDC id [FFDC-error-identifier].

Explanation: The address on adapter interface-name is either missing or incorrect (outside the cluster configuration). Topology Services cannot monitor the adapter.

User Response: Verify and correct the adapter configuration.

2523-261Interface name missing in machines.lst for address. Interface name assigned: interface-name. FFDC id [FFDC-error-identifier].

Explanation: The interface name for the given address is missing from the machines.lst file. In HACMP, the interface name is read from the HACMPadapter class. The interface name is added to HACMPadapter at Topology Synchronization time. A missing interface name in HACMPadapter indicates some failure to either obtain or update the interface name.

A possible cause is the adapter boot-time address not matching the HACMP configuration. Topology Services will attempt to recover from the problem by assigning an available interface name to the adapter. However, even if the operation succeeds, subsequent refresh operations (Topology DARE) may fail.

User Response: Verify that the adapter boot-time addresses match the HACMP configuration and then synchronize the cluster topology. If problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-262Internal Force Down error. Address: address. File: source-file-name. Line line number. Version code version.

Explanation: Internal error in Force Down procedure.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-263Error in parsing a line in machines.lst file: input-line.

Explanation: An error happened when parsing a line in the machines.lst configuration file. This is likely to be an internal error in either the Topology Services startup script or in HACMP.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-264Duplicated keyword in machines.lst file: input-line.

Explanation: A duplicated keyword is found when parsing a line in the machines.lst configuration file. This is likely to be an internal error in either the Topology Services startup script or in HACMP.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-265Cannot open memory map file name file. Memory locking functions may not work properly without access to memory map file name.

Explanation: Linux memory map file (/proc/self/maps) provides the information needed by the memory locking (pinning) functions. These functions may not work properly if the memory map file is not accessible.

The memory map file is not a real file, but a communication mechanism between applications and the kernel. It is a kernel option and can be turned off if customers recompile the kernel. This mechanism uses a file system-like form. Therefore, the /proc virtual file system may not work properly if the /proc mount point does not exist, or its entry is not added into /etc/fstab.

User Response: Check if:

  1. The /proc mount point exists.
  2. The file /etc/fstab contains a correct entry for /proc.
  3. The CONFIG_PROC_FS option is turned on when recompiling the kernel.

2523-270NIM (interface-name) process pid pid terminated. Signal number: signal-number. Exit value (if not signal): exit-value. FFDC id [FFDC-error-identifier].

Explanation: The NIM process died. The problem could be an internal error, a or a signal may have terminated a process.

User Response: The NIM should be restarted automatically by the daemon. If the new instances also terminate, the corresponding adapter will be considered down. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-271Error in netmon library (interface-name). Errno: errno-value. Error code: error-code. Function name: function-name. FFDC id [FFDC-error-identifier].

Explanation: There is an error in the netmon library, which is used by NIM to determine the status of a local adapter. This error will prevent the adapter state from being correctly determined.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-272Error preparing packet for NIM process. Status: status. Errno: errno.

Explanation: Error when preparing a packet that is being sent to NIM process. The daemon may have run out of memory, or this is an internal error.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-273Error sending message to NIM process. Status: status. Errno: errno.

Explanation: Error when sending a packet to NIM process via the UNIX-domain socket.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-274Unexpected response from NIM (interface-name). Message nim-message-number.

Explanation: Received an unexpected response from the NIM process. Problem may exist is in the implementation of the NIM.

User Response: If the NIM was created by IBM, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-275Failed to open NIM (interface-name). Reason: reason-string - description. value-1, value-2.

Explanation: Failed to open NIM connection to local adapter. Possible reasons: NIM process was blocked while responding to NIM open command, NIM failed to open non-IP device, NIM received an unexpected error code from a system call, Topology Services daemon failed to created UNIX-domain socket.

User Response: The open operation will be retried. If problem persists, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-276NIM (interface-name) process PID pid taking too long to terminate.

Explanation: The NIM process is taking too long to terminate. The process might be blocked. Topology Services will declare the corresponding adapter dead.

User Response: Investigate why the process is blocked. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-300Refresh operation failed because of errors in machines.lst file.

Explanation: The refresh operation failed because there is a problem with the new configuration. More details are in the Topology Services log file. One possible cause for the problem is an IP address that appears to belong to two different adapters.

User Response: Correct the configuration problem and invoke the refresh again.

2523-301Call to dead_man_sw in kernel extension failed, return code =DMS return code, errno = errno.

Explanation: Unable to initialize Dead Man Switch kernel extension. The Dead Man Switch timer will remain inactive.

User Response: See the Topology Services log file for more information and contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-380Approximately lines lost write attempts failed on file log file name previously.

Explanation: A problem writing to the log file caused some lines to be lost.

User Response: Check if the disk is full or if the log file permissions have changed or if there is a lack of system resources.

2523-500No extension specified.

Explanation: No parameter used in haDMS_load.

User Response: Routine haDMS_load is called internally by the startup script. Inform the IBM Support Center.

2523-501Error error code from sysconfig QUERY.

Explanation: Error in the system call to check whether the kernel extension is loaded.

User Response: Inform the IBM Support Center if the Topology Services daemon fails to start.

2523-502sysconfig QUERYLOAD.

Explanation: Error in the system call to check whether the kernel extension is loaded.

User Response: Inform the IBM Support Center if the Topology Services daemon fails to start.

2523-503Could not find a loaded module name.

Explanation: The kernel extension is not currently loaded. This is not an indication of a problem, as the kernel extension will be loaded.

User Response: None.

2523-504Error error code from sysconfig LOAD.

Explanation: Error in the system call to load the kernel extension.

User Response: Inform the IBM Support Center if the Topology Services daemon fails to start.

2523-505sysconfig KULOAD

Explanation: Error in the system call to unload the kernel extension.

User Response: Inform the IBM Support Center if the Topology Services daemon fails to start.

2523-506Unloaded kernel extension kmid = module id.

Explanation: The kernel extension has been updated.

User Response: None.

2523-507sysconfig SINGLELOAD.

Explanation: Error in the system call to load the kernel extension.

User Response: Inform the IBM Support Center if the Topology Services daemon fails to start.

2523-510No kernel module id specified.

Explanation: A parameter is missing in the call to haDMS_unload.

User Response: Provide the kernel module id to haDMS_unload.

2523-511Error error number from sysconfig.

Explanation: Error in the system call to unload the kernel extension.

User Response: Inform the IBM Support Center if the Topology Services daemon will not start.

2523-512Usage: haDMS_stop DMS timer id

Explanation: Program haDMS_stop is used incorrectly. An argument DMS timer id is expected. This program is called by the topsvcs_down_script and should not be invoked manually.

User Response: Inform the IBM Support Center.

2523-513haDMS_stop: timer id incorrect: timer id.

Explanation: Program haDMS_stop is used incorrectly. The timer id passed to haDMS_stop must be between zero and NumTimers. This program is called by the topscvc_down_script and should not be invoked manually.

User Response: Inform the IBM Support Center.

2523-514haDMS_stop: Dead Man Switch timer timer id disabled.

Explanation: The given timer has been disabled by the haDMS_stop program. This is the expected behavior.

User Response: None.

2523-515haDMS_stop: must be root.

Explanation: Program haDMS_stop is used incorrectly. This program is called by the topsvcs_down_script and should not be invoked manually. This program must be run under root authority.

User Response: Inform the IBM Support Center.

2523-516haDMS_stop: timer was inactive.

Explanation: The Dead Man Switch timer was not enabled when haDMS_stop was invoked. This is the expected behavior if HACMP was started without the Dead Man Switch option.

User Response: Inform the IBM Support Center if the Dead Man Switch option was enabled.

2523-517DMS timer not active for realm (PSSP or HACMP/ES)

Explanation: The Dead Man Switch timer is not active. This is the expected behavior if Topology Services for this realm was not started, or if the Dead Man Switch timer is not enabled.

User Response: None.

2523-518Incorrect data passed to dms_get_trigger_info() realm (PSSP or HACMP/ES)

Explanation: This is an internal error. Incorrect data was passed to the kernel extension function dms_get_trigger_info() .

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-519No memory available for kernel buffers realm (PSSP or HACMP/ES)

Explanation: No memory is available to allocate the kernel buffers needed to store the time-to-trigger information of the Dead Man Switch timer .

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-520Incorrect address passed to dms_get_trigger_info() realm (PSSP or HACMP/ES)

Explanation: This is an internal error. An incorrect pointer address was passed to the dms_get_trigger_info() kernel extension function.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-600Exit with return code: Error code

Explanation: The error code that caused HATS to exit. HATS uses it as the exit code.

User Response: See the HATS script log for additional information.

2523-601Cannot initialize FFDC environment.

Explanation: FFDC initialization error.

User Response: Check if FFDC environment is working.

2523-602Cannot find or validate the active partition name using spget_syspar.

Explanation: The spget_syspar command cannot find SP partition name.

User Response: Check if running on an SP and spget_syspar is working correctly.

2523-603Cannot create directory directory

Explanation: Cannot create specified directory.

User Response: Check if the specified directory is missing or is missing write permissions.

2523-604Unable to retrieve node number, exiting.

Explanation: The program node_number returned an error code.

User Response: Tool /usr/lpp/ssp/install/bin/node_number cannot find the node number. Check to see if the node_number program works correctly.

2523-605Cannot find the address of the control workstation. SAVED_CW_IPADDRS: saved control workstation IP addresses netstat -in

Explanation: Cannot find the control workstation IP address to place in the machines.lst file. The IP address must correspond to one Ethernet adapter on the control workstation that is on the same subnet as one of the nodes. Use the AIX command, netstat -in to verify the problem.

User Response: Verify if there is one Ethernet adapter on the control workstation that is on the same subnet as one of the nodes. Verify the output of the ifconfig enX command for all the Ethernet adapters on the control workstation. Verify that the subnet masks are consistent.

2523-606Execution of hats_keys command failed.

Explanation: There was an error when issuing the hats_keys command.

User Response: Verify that DCE is installed, configured, and running correctly. Verify that SP security services is properly installed and configured. Contact the IBM Support Center if the problem persists.

2523-607Partition is not in DCE-only mode.

Explanation: The active trusted services authentication method in the SP partition is not DCE-only.

User Response: Verify that this is desirable.

2523-608Command lsauthpts failed.

Explanation: The exit value of the command lsauthpts indicates that the command was unsuccessful.

User Response: Verify that PSSP is installed. If the problem persists, contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-609Unable to start the daemon after number retries. Quitting.

Explanation: Maximum retry count exceeded and still cannot start HATS.

User Response: There may be an SDR problem. Look at the error log and the HATS script log for details.

2523-610Sleeping for sleep time in seconds seconds.

Explanation: This message is used with message 2523 - 623. This message (2523 - 610) informs users of the action that HATS script takes when message 2523 - 623 is issued.

User Response: Wait the amount of time specified. HATS will continue as soon as the condition specified in message 2523 - 623 has been resolved.

2523-611Unable to retrieve machine list file. Quitting.

Explanation: Unable to retrieve machine list file.

User Response: There may be an SDR problem. Look at the error log and the HATS script log for details.

2523-612Output from ifconfig network interface name has no netmask information.

Explanation: AIX command ifconfig does not give netmask information.

User Response: Check the Ethernet adapter configuration on the control workstation.

2523-620Unable to retrieve SDR SDR class name class log file count.

Explanation: It is possible that the SDR server is busy.

User Response: If the problem persists, check to see if there is an SDR problem.

2523-621Unable to retrieve name to retrieve from SDR SDR class name class [log file count].

Explanation: It is possible that the SDR server is busy.

User Response: If the problem persists, check to see if there is an SDR problem.

2523-622Unable to retrieve SDR Adapter subnet attribute [log file count]

Explanation: It is possible that the SDR server is busy.

User Response: If the problem persists, check to see if there is an SDR problem.

2523-623Unable to retrieve SDR file SDR file name [log file count]

Explanation: It is possible that the SDR server is busy.

User Response: If the problem persists, check to see if there is an SDR problem.

2523-624Unable to create SDR file SDR file name.

Explanation: It is possible that the SDR server is busy.

User Response: If the problem persists, check to see if there is an SDR problem.

2523-625Unable to replace SDR file SDR file name.

Explanation: It is possible that the SDR server is busy.

User Response: If the problem persists, check to see if there is an SDR problem.

2523-626DMS kernel extension not loaded or has an older version. Loading DMS kernel extension.

Explanation: Kernel extension is either not currently loaded or has a version that is older than the version required by the Topology Services daemon. The kernel extension is being reloaded.

User Response: None.

2523-630Cannot remove service entry from /etc/services.

Explanation: Error removing entry from /etc/services.

User Response: Check if the file permission of /etc/services permit write access.

2523-631Cannot get system partition name.

Explanation: Command /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spget_syspar -n does not return a valid SP partition name.

User Response: Check that PSSP is installed correctly.

2523-632Cannot get system partition IP address.

Explanation: Command /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spget_syspar --n does not return a valid IP address.

User Response: Check that PSSP is installed correctly.

2523-633Cannot get node number.

Explanation: Command /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/node_number does not return a valid node number.

User Response: Check that PSSP is installed correctly.

2523-634Missing command flag.

Explanation: User did not specify any command line option. A command line option is necessary.

User Response: Check the usage message to find out the supported options.

2523-635Only one command flag permitted.

Explanation: The user specified more than one command line option. Only one command line option is permitted.

User Response: Check the usage message to find out the supported options.

2523-636The subsystem name subsystem must be stopped before remaking it.

Explanation: The daemon is running. You must stop it before remaking it.

User Response: Stop the HATS daemon by issuing the commands hatsctrl -k and hatsctrl -a.

2523-637Port number not in SDR.

Explanation: The port number used by the HATS daemon must be registered in the SDR.

User Response: Issue the command hatsctrl -a.

2523-638Cannot set port number into /etc/services.

Explanation: Error setting port number in /etc/services.

User Response: Check to see if the permissions in /etc/services allow you to write to the file.

2523-639Unable to retrieve retrieve data from SDR.

Explanation: SDR is busy and cannot supply the requested information.

User Response: Try again later.

2523-640daemon path/daemon file name is not executable.

Explanation: The daemon must be an executable.

User Response: Check if the file permission of the HATS daemon is executable.

2523-641Could not add subsystem name subsystem to SRC.

Explanation: The SDR did not allow the subsystem to be written.

User Response: Check if the SDR is busy and try again.

2523-642Could not obtain HACWS status.

Explanation: The command /bin/lshacws does not return a valid HACWS status.

User Response: Check that PSSP is correctly configured.

2523-643Could not add subsystem name to /etc/inittab.

Explanation: Error adding an entry in /etc/inittab.

User Response: Check to see if the file permissions of /etc/inittab allow write access.

2523-644Cannot verify registration of service name service name protocol UDP, port port number.

Explanation: Error when verifying the service name that was added previously in /etc/services file.

User Response: Check if /etc/services can be read.

2523-645Cannot get DCE credentials to update SDR.

Explanation: The command dsrvtgt failed to get DCE credential for principal ssp/spbgroot. The credential cache file is in /opt/dcelocal/var/security/creds.

User Response: Check that DCE is properly installed and configured.

2523-646Refresh operation failed. Details are in the AIX error log and in the hats script log (/var/ha/log/hats.partition name).

Explanation: Command hatsctrl -r was not successful because of a problem while running the hats script.

User Response: You can find more information about the problem in the AIX error log and in the hats script log at /var/ha/log/hats.partition name.

2523-650Unknown parameter parameter.

Explanation: An unsupported option is specified.

User Response: Type topsvcs -h to find out the correct syntax.

2523-651Cluster designator not valid : designator.

Explanation: A valid designator is required for option -cluster.

User Response: Type topsvcs -h to find out the correct syntax.

2523-655Unable to execute the odmget HACMPtopsvcs command.

Explanation: Cannot execute command odmget HACMPtopsvcs.

User Response: Check if /bin/odmget exists and is executable. Check if the HACMPtopsvcs class is present in the ODM.

2523-656Unable to get the ODM class class.

Explanation: Cannot get ODM class.

User Response: Check if /bin/odmget exists and is executable. Check if the HACMPtopsvcs class is present in the ODM.

2523-660Unable to execute HACMP utility utility name.

Explanation: The HACMP utility utility name is missing or is not executable.

User Response: Check /usr/sbin/cluster/utilities/ and /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/ to see if the utility program is there and is executable.

2523-661File utility name does not exist or is not executable.

Explanation: Utility utility name is missing or is not executable.

User Response: Check /usr/sbin/cluster/utilities/ and /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/ to see if the utility program is there and is executable.

2523-662Error occurred while creating the machine list file.

Explanation: An error occurred when creating the machine list file.

User Response: This message is issued at the end of the creation of the machine file, if there is an error. This message is used in conjunction with other detailed messages. See the message issued before this message to find the root cause of the problem.

2523-663Unable to open file filename.

Explanation: Cannot open a file.

User Response: Check if the file to be opened exists and can be read.

2523-664Node is not in HACMP Mode.

Explanation: The HACMP command cllsif is missing or is not executable.

User Response: Check if HACMP is correctly installed.

2523-665Number of networks exceeds limit. Network network_name ignored.

Explanation: Number of offsets in machines list exceeds maximum allowed.

User Response: Reduce number of networks in system.

2523-670The installed SP_Switch2 has no css1 interfaces.

Explanation: The installed SP_Switch2 has a two plane configuration, but it has no css1 interfaces.

User Response: Check that the switch involving css1 is correctly configured.

2523-671There are number of different switch types types of switches installed on the system.

Explanation: There are more than one types of switches present in the system.

User Response: Check that the switch is correctly configured.

2523-700Cannot discard stale messages: error-string.

Explanation: Cannot instruct Topology Services daemon to discard incoming stale messages.

User Response: Verify if Topology Services daemon is running.

2523-701Cannot accept stale messages: error-string.

Explanation: Cannot instruct Topology Services daemon to accept incoming stale messages.

User Response: Verify that Topology Services is running.

2523-705SP Security services routine spsec routine failed. spsec error code: spsec error codeDCE error code: DCE error code, GSSAPI major error code: GSSAPI major error code, GSSAPI minor error code: GSSAPI minor error code, system call errno: system call errno, DCE routine: DCE routine, spsec error text: spsec error text.

Explanation: The hats_key command could not verify local security configuration because of the following reasons:

User Response: Inform the system administrator immediately. If the problem persists, contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-706Failed to load SP security services library /usr/lib/libspsec.a.

Explanation: The SP security services is not installed or configured properly.

User Response: Inform the system administrator immediately. If the problem persists, contact the IBM Support Center.

2523-721Option option is not a valid option.

Explanation: An invalid option was entered.

User Response: Check the man page or online help for the correct syntax.

2523-722Option option cannot be reused.

Explanation: The same option appears more than once.

User Response: The same option can only be used once. Check the man page or online help for the correct syntax.

2523-723Option option cannot coexist with options -d and -h.

Explanation: Some options are mutually exclusive.

User Response: Check the man page or online help for the correct command syntax.

2523-724Option -d cannot coexist with options -f, -s, -p, -l, -m, and -h.

Explanation: Some options are mutually exclusive.

User Response: Check the man page or online help for the correct command syntax.

2523-725Option -h cannot coexist with options -f, -s, -p, -l, -m and -d.

Explanation: Some options are mutually exclusive.

User Response: Check the man page or the online help for the correct command syntax.

2523-726Options -f, -s, -p, -l, and -m need an extra option.

Explanation: Some options require a suboption.

User Response: Check the man page or the online help for the correct command syntax.

2523-727invalid option is not a valid object. Valid objects are None, Text, Data, Proc, and default.

Explanation: Only some valid suboptions are allowed.

User Response: Valid suboptions are shown in the message itself. For more information, check the man page or online help for the correct syntax of option -m.

2523-728invalid number is not a valid decimal number.

Explanation: A decimal number is expected for some suboptions.

User Response: Check to see if the number contains non-numeric characters.

2523-729A valid decimal number is expected.

Explanation: A decimal number is expected for some suboptions.

User Response: Check to see if the number contains non-numeric characters.

2523-730Default frequency value is redefined.

Explanation: Default frequency value cannot be set twice in one hatstune command.

User Response: Check the man page or the online help for the correct syntax for option -f.

2523-731Default sensitivity value is redefined.

Explanation: Default sensitivity value cannot be set twice in one hatstune command.

User Response: Check the man page or the online help for correct syntax of option -s.

2523-732Frequency value of network network name is redefined.

Explanation: The frequency value of individual network cannot be set twice in one hatstune command.

User Response: Check the man page or the online help for the correct syntax of option -f.

2523-733Sensitivity value of network network name is redefined.

Explanation: The sensitivity value of an individual network cannot be set twice in one hatstune command.

User Response: Check the man page or the online help for the correct command syntax of option -s.

2523-734-r option requires root privilege.

Explanation: Refresh (-r option) calls hatsctrl -r. It requires root authority.

User Response: Login as root to use the -r option.

2523-740Frequency value frequency value is too small. Valid range is [lower bound/upper bound].

Explanation: The given frequency is too small.

User Response: The message itself shows the valid range. For more information, check the man page or the online help for the correct syntax of option -f.

2523-741Frequency value frequency value is too large. Valid range is [upper bound/lower bound].

Explanation: The given frequency is too large.

User Response: The message itself shows the valid range. For more information, check the man page or the online help for the correct syntax for option -f.

2523-742Sensitivity value sensitivity value is too small. Valid range is [upper bound/lower bound].

Explanation: The given sensitivity value is too small.

User Response: The message itself shows the valid range. For more information, check the man page or the online help for the correct syntax of option -s.

2523-743Sensitivity value sensitivity value is too large. Valid range is [upper bound/lower bound].

Explanation: The given sensitivity value is too small.

User Response: The message itself shows the valid range. For more information, check the man page or the online help for the correct syntax of option -s.

2523-744Priority value priority value is too small. Valid range is [upper bound/lower bound].

Explanation: The given priority value is too small.

User Response: The message itself shows the valid range. For more information, check the man page or the online help for the correct syntax for option -p.

2523-745Priority value priority value is too large. Valid range is [upper bound/lower bound].

Explanation: The given priority value is too large.

User Response: The message itself shows the valid range. For more information, check the man page or the online help for correct syntax of option -p.

2523-746Maximum number of lines in the log files maximum number of lines in the log file value is too small. Valid range is [lower bound/upper bound].

Explanation: The given number of lines in the log file is too small.

User Response: The message itself shows valid range. For more information, check the man page or the online help for the correct syntax for option -l.

2523-747Maximum number of lines in the log files maximum number lines in the log files value is too large. Valid range is [lower bound/upper bound].

Explanation: The given maximum number of lines in the log files is too large.

User Response: The message itself shows the valid range. For more information, see the man page or the online help for the correct syntax for option -l.

2523-748Network name network name is not defined.

Explanation: User tried to tune a HATS tunable value of an unknown network.

User Response: Type hatstune -v to show all the HATS tunable values.

2523-749Cannot get DCE credentials to update SDR. rc=return code from dsrvtgt.

Explanation: The command, dsrvtgt, was not successful in getting DCE credential for principal ssp/spbgroot. The credential cache file is in /opt/dcelocal/var/security/creds/.

User Response: Check if DCE is properly installed and configured.

2523-750PSSP command missing PSSP command is missing. Check if PSSP is installed properly.

Explanation: PSSP is required for HATS to run in the SP realm.

User Response: Make sure that PSSP is installed correctly.

2523-751SDR subsystem is not working properly.

Explanation: PSSP SDR subsystem is required for HATS to run in the SP realm.

User Response: Make sure that PSSP is installed correctly.

2523-752Error changing attribute values of SDR class TS_Config.

Explanation: SDR access problem.

User Response: Check if the SDR is running by issuing lssrc -g sdr. Check if the user has root privilege. The SDR may also be busy. If so, wait a few minutes and retry.

2523-753Error changing attribute values of SDR class Network for network name.

Explanation: SDR access problem.

User Response: Check if the SDR is running by issuing the lssrc -g sdr command. Check if the user has root authority. The SDR may also be busy. If so, wait a few minutes and retry.

2523-754Error retrieving SDR class TS_Config.

Explanation: SDR access problem.

User Response: Check if the SDR is running by issuing lssrc -g sdr. The SDR or network may be busy. If so, wait for a few minutes and retry.

2523-755HATS tunable values can only be changed on the control workstation.

Explanation: HATS tunable values can be changed only on the control workstation.

User Response: Use the control workstation to change the HATS tunable values.

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