IBM Books

Messages Reference

2511 - Job Switch Resource Table Services messages

2511-100Could not get node names from the SDR, get_node_names() failed.

Explanation: The get_node_names function returned -1. An error occurred accessing the SDR.

User Response: Check the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log for more information.

2511-101Received unknown return code (return_code) from swtbl_status API.

Explanation: The st_status API returned an undefined return code.

User Response: Check the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log for more information.

2511-102Please specify only one -n flag.

Explanation: The -n flag was specified more than once on the command line.

User Response: Issue the command again with correct syntax.

2511-103The specified flag invalid_flag is not valid.

Explanation: A flag that was not valid was specified on the command line.

User Response: Issue the command again with correct syntax.

2511-104Node group node_group_name returned an empty hostnameList.

Explanation: The node group name node_group_name specified had no members defined for it.

User Response: Issue the command again with a valid node group name.

2511-105Please specify -n without additional node_names.

Explanation: The -n node group name was specified with other standalone node names.

User Response: Issue the command again with correct syntax.

2511-106The get_node_ip_addr() call failed trying to access the Adapter class within the SDR.

Explanation: The get_node_ip_addr call failed to read the Adapter class within the SDR.

User Response: Check the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log for more information. Perform standard SDR problem determination.

2511-107Node group node_group_name does not exist.

Explanation: The specified node group name was not found by SpNodeGroup Contains.

User Response: Issue the nglist command to get valid node group names and issue the st_status command again.

2511-108Unable to activate node group node_group_name.

Explanation: The nodegroup.activate call failed.

User Response: Validate the node group exists, and check to see if the ngresolve command works. Otherwise, contact the IBM Support Center.

2511-109Unable to initialize Perspectives. Cannot process node group.

Explanation: The SpAppEnv::Initialize() call failed.

User Response: Investigate perspectives diagnostic and recovery steps.

2511-110The get_sdrinfo() call failed. Unable to resolve node names.

Explanation: The get_sdrinfo() call failed.

User Response: Check the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log for more information.

2511-200connect_st failed for nodeinfo.st_node_name.

Explanation: Could not connect to the st_node_name nodeinfo.st_node_name specified.

User Response: Check the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log for more information.

2511-201writestr failed for socket socket_number.

Explanation: The writestr() call failed while trying to write to this socket.

User Response: Check the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log for more information.

2511-202Wrong message type received from daemon : msg_type=message_type.

Explanation: A message type that was not valid was received over the socket.

User Response: Check the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log for more information.

2511-203The unload request for node nodeinfo.st_node_name window window id failed. rc=return_code.

Explanation: The swtbl_clean_table API returned with the specified return code.

User Response: Check the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file for more information. The return codes are explained in the st_client.h header file.

2511-204readstr failed for socket socket_number.

Explanation: The readstr() call failed while trying to read from this socket.

User Response: Check the /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log for more information.

2511-205The node or address specified (nodeinfo.st_node_name) is not valid.

Explanation: Either a node name or IP address that was not valid was specified.

User Response: Issue the command again with a valid name or address.

2511-206Effective user id must be root to execute.

Explanation: A user other than root tried to execute the command.

User Response: Issue command again as root.

2511-208Error getting port number for the switchtbld.

Explanation: The getservbyname system call failed to get the port number for the switchtbld from the /etc/services directory.

User Response: Update the /etc/services with the correct switchtbld entry.

2511-209No window id was specified.

Explanation: No window id was specified with the -w flag.

User Response: Reissue the command with the correct syntax.

2511-210No adapter name was specified.

Explanation: No adapter name was specified with the -a flag.

User Response: Enter the command again using the correct syntax.

2511-300Directory directory_name does not exist ...FAIL.

Explanation: The directory listed was not found on this system.

User Response: Investigate the installation errors and install again. Check to make sure that the file set was installed.

2511-301File file_name does not exist ...FAIL.

Explanation: The file name file_name was not found on this system.

User Response: Investigate the installation errors and install again. Check to make sure that the file set was installed.

2511-302Link link_name does not exist ...FAIL.

Explanation: The link name listed was not found on this system.

User Response: Investigate the installation errors and install again. Check to make sure that the file set was installed.

2511-303Port number for switchtbld in file_name is not port_address ...FAIL.

Explanation: The port address defined for the switchtbld was not defined in the file name file_name.

User Response: Investigate the installation errors and install again. Check to make sure that the file set was installed.

2511-304Entry for switchtbld does not exist in file_name ...FAIL.

Explanation: The switchtbld entry does not exist within the reported file file_name.

User Response: Investigate the installation errors and install again. Check to see that the file set was installed.

2511-305Unable to verify object_name ...FAIL.

Explanation: Tried to check an unknown object object_name. This should be a file name, directory name or link name.

User Response: Issue the st_verify command again, and if it fails again, report it to the IBM Support Center.

2511-306Entry for st_set_switch_number does not exist in file name, ...FAIL.

Explanation: The st_set_switch_number entry does not exist in the file reported.

User Response: Investigate installation errors and reinstall. Check that the file set was installed.

2511-500Authentication of the client failed.

Explanation: The user of this command or API function could not be authenticated by DCE.

User Response: Check other messages returned to see if they indicate why authentication failed. The client may not have valid credentials. If that is the case, the client should do a dce_login to obtain credentials.

2511-501Requested operation requires authority type authority.

Explanation: The user of this command or API function is not a member of the proper ssp/switchtbld/clean, ssp/switchtbld/load, or ssp/switchtbld/status group in the spsec_defaults file. The message indicates which group the user must be in. DCE authorization of the user failed.

User Response: Check other messages returned to see if they indicate why authentication failed. The client may not have valid credentials. If that is the case, the client should do a dce_login to obtain credentials.

2511-502Security function() failing security function failed on host hostname - information about the failure.

Explanation: A security services function failed.

User Response: Retry the command. If the problem continues verify that your DCE security set up is correct. The message may give information that will prove useful in determining if something is wrong in the security set up. If the problem can not be resolved, report the problem to IBM.

2511-503Unable to read from a socket on host hostname - return code=return code, errno=error number, error description.

Explanation: While performing a read operation on a socket a failure occurred. The switchtbld server may have ended unexpectedly.

User Response: Retry the command. If the problem continues report the problem to IBM.

2511-504Unable to write to a socket on host hostname - return code=return code, errno=error number, error description.

Explanation: While performing a write operation on a socket a failure occurred. The switchtbld server may have ended unexpectedly.

User Response: Retry the command. If the problem continues report the problem to IBM.

2511-505Communication error on host hostname - expected=expected value, received=received value.

Explanation: The client and the switchtbld server could not communicate with each other.

User Response: Retry the command. If the problem continues report the problem to IBM.

2511-506Unable to obtain storage for an operation on host hostname, errno=error number, error description.

Explanation: An attempt to obtain memory for the operation failed.

User Response: Retry the command. If the problem continues check to see if the host is overloaded and if it has sufficient memory for the work that is being performed.

2511-507Failure doing a select function on host host on which the select failed return code=return code by select, errno=errno value associated with the error, error value text description.

Explanation: While performing a select operation to wait for a message from a client or server a failure occurred.

User Response: Retry the command. If the problem continues report the problem to IBM.

2511-508Time out while waiting for a response from host hostname.

Explanation: A client or server did not respond quickly enough.

User Response: Retry the command. If the problem continues report the problem to IBM.

2511-509The server on host hostname is enabled for DCE security, but the client is not running with DCE security.

Explanation: While attempting to authenticate and authorize the client, it was discovered that the client was not enabled for authorization with DCE, but the only authorization method the server was enabled for was DCE security.

User Response: Either the authorization mode of the server must be changed to support compatibility mode, or the authorization mode of the client must be changed to support DCE.

2511-510The client is enabled for DCE security, but the server on host hostname is not running with DCE security.

Explanation: While attempting to authenticate and authorize the client, it was discovered that the client could only be authorized using DCE, but the server was not enabled for DCE.

User Response: Either the authorization mode of the client must be changed to support compatibility mode, or the authorization mode of the server must be changed to support DCE.

2511-511The effective user id of the client must be root.

Explanation: The server is running in compatibility mode, but the client could not be authorized because it must have root authority.

User Response: Attempt the command or API call from a user id with root authority.

2511-512The client is enabled for DCE security, but the server on host hostname does not support DCE security.

Explanation: While attempting to authenticate and authorize the client, it was discovered that the client could only be authorized using DCE, but the server is an old version of the server that does not support DCE security.

User Response: The switchtbld server should be updated to the new version which supports DCE security.

2511-513No security services token could be obtained on host hostname.

Explanation: While attempting to initialize security services, the client or server was unable to obtain a security services token.

User Response: Retry the command. If the problem continues report the problem to IBM.

2511-514Requested operation requires authority type authority, or the effective user id of the client must be root.

Explanation: The user of this command or API function is not a member of the proper ssp/switchtbld/clean, ssp/switchtbld/load, or ssp/switchtbld/status group in the spsec_defaults file. The message indicates which group the user must be in. DCE authorization of the user failed. In addition, compatibility mode is supported so that the operation would have succeeded if the user had been the root user.

User Response: Check other messages returned to see if they indicate why authentication failed. The client may not have valid credentials. If that is the case, the client should do a dce_login to obtain credentials. In addition, the client will be able to use the function without DCE authorization if it is run under the root user id.

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