IBM Books

Messages Reference

0034 - IBM Virtual Shared Disk common messages

0034-001Cannot open or access file file_name.

Explanation: The file does not exist or does not have the appropriate permissions.

User Response: Verify that the file exists with the appropriate permissions.

0034-002Error opening vsd vsd_name.

Explanation: The IBM Virtual Shared Disk device cannot be opened or does not exist.

User Response: Make sure that the IBM Virtual Shared Disk device exists.

0034-003The ioctl_string ioctl() call failed.

Explanation: The ioctl call failed for the specified ioctl.

User Response: See the errno to determine the reason for failure.

0034-004The call to odm_initialize() failed (odmerrno = odmerrno_value).

Explanation: The call to odm_initialize() to start the ODM for use by the IBM Virtual Shared Disk failed. The odmerrno variable has been set to indicate the error.

User Response: Use the odmerrno_value to determine the reason for failure.

0034-005The call to genmajor() failed (conferrno = conferrno_value).

Explanation: The call to genmajor() to retrieve the IBM Virtual Shared Disk major number failed. The conferrno variable has been set to indicate the error.

User Response: Use the conferrno and the errno values to determine the reason for failure.

0034-006Error unloading the VSD kernel extension.

Explanation: The loadext() call failed.

User Response: Check the system errno displayed to determine the reason for failure.

0034-007The VSD device driver is not loaded.

Explanation: The IBM Virtual Shared Disk device driver should already be loaded.

User Response: Configure the IBM Virtual Shared Disk.

0034-008The VSD command_name passed to the VSD Device with minor number VSD minor_number failed.

Explanation: The IBM Virtual Shared Disk device driver encountered an error condition while processing the specified command.

User Response: See the errno to determine the reason for failure.

0034-009With the -a option, additional parameters are not allowed.

Explanation: The user specified the -a option on the command line. The user cannot specify additional parameters on the command line.

User Response: Issue the command again with no additional parameters.

0034-010File file_name not found.

Explanation: The specified file does not exist.

User Response: Enter the IBM Virtual Shared Disk data in the SDR and this file will be created automatically the next time cfgvsd is called.

0034-011Definition of VSD vsd_name not found in file VSD_Table_pathname.

Explanation: The specified IBM Virtual Shared Disk could not be found in the VSD_Table file.

User Response: Check that the data in the IBM Virtual Shared Disk files are correct. Modify the SDR as necessary.

0034-012Definition of Global Volume Group global_group_name not found in file VSD_Global_Volume_Group_file_ pathname.

Explanation: The specified global volume group could not be found in the VSD_Global_Volume_Group_file.

User Response: Check that the data in the IBM Virtual Shared Disk files are correct. Modify the SDR as necessary.

0034-013Parameters of node node_number not found in file node_file_pathname.

Explanation: The local node in the node file could not be found. Not all IBM Virtual Shared Disk attributes are properly defined for the node node_number.

User Response: Run vsdatalst -n to display all IBM Virtual Shared Disk node attributes and check the attributes for node node_number. Use the vsdnode command to properly define the IBM Virtual Shared Disk attributes for node node_number. Once the SDR has been modified, reissue the failing command.

0034-014Cannot allocate memory for item.

Explanation: The malloc call to allocate temporary storage for the item failed.

User Response: This is a system problem.

0034-015VSD vsd_name cannot be the same as the Logical Volume name.

Explanation: The IBM Virtual Shared Disk and the underlying logical volume cannot have the same name.

The /dev block and character files created by the IBM Virtual Shared Disk would overwrite the /dev block and character files created by the logical volume of the same name. Both the IBM Virtual Shared Disk and the logical volume would be rendered unusable.

User Response: Make up a new IBM Virtual Shared Disk name. The recommended convention is vsd.lv_name. Retry the operation.

0034-016VSD vsd_name is in the current_state state. The method method moves VSDs from the from_state state to the to_state. Use commands to move vsd_name from the current_state to the to_state state.

Explanation: The method could not operate on the vsd_name because it was not in the proper state. The method expects IBM Virtual Shared Disks in the from_state and not the current_state

User Response: Use the commands that move the IBM Virtual Shared Disk from the current_state to the to_state.

0034-017Command failed on vsd_name.

Explanation: The method invoked the command for vsd_name, and the command failed for that Virtual Shared Disk.

User Response: See the previous error message from the command to determine the reason for the error. This message gives you the vsd_name that the previous error message did not.

0034-018command failed on VSD ioctl.

Explanation: The method invoked the command for VSD ioctl and the command was not successful.

User Response: See the previous error message from the command for details. This message gives you the ioctl that the previous error message did not.

0034-019Busy: Another program is running.

Explanation: Another instance of this command is running. Only one instance is allowed at a time.

User Response: Wait awhile and then retry the command.

0034-020Only number VSDs can be monitored at the time.

Explanation: There is a limit to the number of Virtual Shared Disks that can be monitored at a time by Event Management from a given node.

User Response: Disable other Virtual Shared Disk monitoring before enabling this one.

0034-030Maximum cache buffer count cannot be less than initial cache buffer count.

Explanation: The -c option specifies the initial cache buffer count and the -x option specifies the maximum cache buffer count. The maximum cache buffer count must be greater than or equal to the initial cache buffer count.

User Response: Check the init_cache_buffer_count and the max_cache_buffer_count attributes on the SDR Node object by using vsdatalst -n for the node on which you received this message. Correct the attributes using vsdnode and reissue the cfgvsd command.

0034-031Error unlinking device_name.

Explanation: The IBM Virtual Shared Disk special file already exists with a device number different from the specified device number.

User Response: Use rm to remove the device_name from /dev.

0034-032Error loading the VSD kernel extension.

Explanation: The loadext() call failed.

User Response: The error in loading the IBM Virtual Shared Disk kernel extension produces messages explaining the reason for failure prior to generating message 0034-032. Refer to these messages to determine what your action should be.

0034-033Error configuring the VSD device.

Explanation: The sysconfig() call failed.

User Response: See the errno to determine the reason for failure.

0034-034Device already exists.

Explanation: The sysconfig() call failed and errno is EALREADY. The device is already configured.

User Response: Do not attempt to configure a device that is already configured.

0034-035name is too long. Length must be less than or equal to 31 characters.

Explanation: The name passed is unacceptable. The length of the name must be less than or equal to 31 characters.

User Response: Correct the name's length and reenter the command.

0034-036Special Device File file_name already exists and does not have the proper VSD major number of major_number.

Explanation: The file the IBM Virtual Shared Disk is trying to create already exists for a non-IBM Virtual Shared Disk device.

User Response: Change the name of the IBM Virtual Shared Disk that conflicts with the existing device or remove the existing device file and reissue your operation.

0034-037Can't create Special Device File file_name.

Explanation: The Virtual Shared Disk special device files that create operation (mknod) failed. The reason for the mknod failure is also printed.

User Response: Refer to the mknod failure message to correct the problem.

0034-040Warning: Bad node number node_number in file file_name. Ignored.

Explanation: A bad node number was found in the VSD_ipaddr file.

User Response: No action required.

0034-050Invalid Cache Size, cache_size.

Explanation: An invalid cache size was passed in.

User Response: Retry the command with a valid cache size.

0034-051Warning: Invalid Node Number, node_number. Ignored!

Explanation: A node number passed in was out of the valid range 1,MAX_VSD_NODES.

User Response: No action required.

0034-052Invalid parallelism value, parallelism_value.

Explanation: An invalid parallelism value was passed in. The value must be between 1 and 9.

User Response: Retry the command with a valid parallelism value.

0034-053Invalid max IP message size value, max IP message size value.

Explanation: A maximum IP message size value that was not valid was passed in. The value must be between 512 and 65024 and be a multiple of 512.

User Response: Retry the command with a valid maximum IP message size.

0034-060Invalid VSD command command_name.

Explanation: The command name passed to dovsd2 was not valid.

User Response: Pass a valid command to dovsd. Valid commands are preparevsd, suspendvsd, stopvsd, and ucfgvsd.

0034-070The -s and -l flags are not compatible.

Explanation: The -s (usage statistics) and the -l (configuration information) flags cannot be used together.

User Response: Reissue the command with only one of these flags.

0034-071Cannot allocate memory for VSD information. The count of VSDs is vsd_count.

Explanation: The malloc call to allocate temporary storage for the IBM Virtual Shared Disk information failed.

User Response: Try again, specifying an IBM Virtual Shared Disk this time.

0034-080Can't access logical volume logical_volume.

Explanation: The call to stat the logical volume to retrieve the device number failed.

User Response: Make sure the logical volume exists. You may need to create it with mklv.

0034-081Duplicate nodes are not allowed in server_list.

Explanation: The parameters passed have one or more duplicate nodes.

User Response: Correct the parameters passed and retry.

0034-082The --p and --b flags are invalid with the --l flag, ignoring them.

Explanation: The usage syntax is not valid.

User Response: Correct the syntax and retry.

0034-083The server server_name is not defined as a server node for VSD: VSD_name.

Explanation: The VSD server node is not a valid one.

User Response: Use the vsdnode command to make the server node a VSD node.

0034-084The --l flag is used only for CVSD, ignored for normal VSD.

Explanation: The --l flag is used only for concurrent virtual shared disks and is ignored for normal virtual shared disks.

User Response: Enter the command again without specifying the --l flag.

0034-090Invalid server specification. Specify one -p or -b.

Explanation: The user must specify -p (primary) or -b (backup).

User Response: Reissue the command with either -p or -b.

0034-091No server specified. Specify one of -p or -b.

Explanation: The user must specify -p (primary) or -b (backup).

User Response: Reissue the command with either -p or -b.

0034-092Server (server_name) for VSD (server_name) is invalid. Ignoring VSD vsd_name.

Explanation: An invalid server was found for the specified IBM Virtual Shared Disk.

User Response: The IBM Virtual Shared Disk was ignored. Check primary and backup servers you entered for this IBM Virtual Shared Disk and correct them in the SDR.

0034-100The VSD character special device file character_device_name was not found. Run the command cfgvsd vsd_name to create the device_name.

Explanation: The /dev/r<vsd_name> device file does not exist.

User Response: Run cfgvsd to configure the device.

0034-101The file filename was not found.

Explanation: The file parameter passed was not found.

User Response: Check the file pathname and enter the command again.

0034-102Step 1: Step step_number failed. The return code is return_code.

Explanation: The write of the vsdd device driver to the specified IBM Virtual Shared Disk failed.

User Response: Check that the IBM Virtual Shared Disk exists and has been properly installed and configured.

0034-105The file file_name is too small; it must be at least 512 bytes.

Explanation: The minimum block size to a raw device is 512 bytes for vsdvts to be able to use it to write to an IBM Virtual Shared Disk.

User Response: Reissue vsdvts, specifying that it use a large file.

0034-108Could not change VSD_name from the VSD_state state to the active state.

Explanation: The parameter to vsdvts must be an IBM Virtual Shared Disk in the active state.

User Response: Make sure you have defined your IBM Virtual Shared Disk; run cfgvsd and startvsd, and run lsvsd -l to see your IBM Virtual Shared Disk in the active state.

0034-109Could not determine the state of VSD_name. Run the command cfgvsd VSD_name.

Explanation: The parameter to vsdvts must be an IBM Virtual Shared Disk in the active state.

User Response: Issue lsvsd -l to determine the problem.

0034-112The block size must be a multiple of 512 to a raw VSD device.

Explanation: The block size must be a multiple of 512 for input and output to an IBM Virtual Shared Disk raw device. IBM Virtual Shared Disks are accessed as raw devices. For example, dev/rvsd_name. The read and write system calls fail to raw devices if the block size is not a multiple of 512.

User Response: Change the block size so that it is a multiple of 512 and issue the command again.

0034-116Check VSD_table_name table in the SDR, cannot find the table.

Explanation: Some fields in the IBM Virtual Shared Disk table are incorrect.

User Response: Run SMIT to set IBM Virtual Shared Disk information.

0034-117Check VSD_table_name table in the SDR, it is an empty table.

Explanation: Some fields in the IBM Virtual Shared Disk table are incorrect.

User Response: Run SMIT to set IBM Virtual Shared Disk information.

0034-118Check VSD_table_name table in the SDR, undefined field is found.

Explanation: Some fields in the IBM Virtual Shared Disk table are incorrect.

User Response: Run SMIT to set IBM Virtual Shared Disk information.

0034-119Failed to create new VSD files, default will be current /usr/lpp/csd/vsdfiles.

Explanation: At least one of the new IBM Virtual Shared Disk tables is incorrect.

User Response: Run SMIT to set IBM Virtual Shared Disk information.

0034-120Lock file file_name held too long; I am taking it. You may want to investigate.

Explanation: readSDR uses a lock file, which is a directory. readSDR waits about 7 seconds for the lock, then generates this message and continues running. If you see this message after the first cfgvsd following a reboot, it probably means that the system crashed in the middle of a previous cfgvsd, leaving behind a lock file. If this is the case, you can ignore the message.

If the message is generated in circumstances other than the first cfgvsd following a reboot, it may be that another process is running a cfgvsd and that process is hung. Insure that /usr/lpp/csd/vsdfiles is a writable directory on a writable file system.

User Response: If this is not the first cfgvsd after a reboot, check to see if another process is running cfgvsd and if that process is hung.

0034-121Unable to find and create vsd_flat_file_directory_name.

Explanation: The file was not found and the mkdir command to create it failed.

User Response: Investigate the mkdir failure and fix the problem. If the parent directory is not writable on this node, go to a node where you can write to the directory and make this file a symbolic link to a file system that is writable from the original node.

0034-126Failed to unconfigure VSD_name because it is part of a configured HSD.

Explanation: You cannot unconfigure an IBM Virtual Shared Disk that is inside of a configured HSD.

User Response: Issue lshsd -l to find the HSD, then unconfigure the HSD before unconfiguring the IBM Virtual Shared Disk.

0034-127Some Virtual Shared Disks are not at appropriate state before operation. Use lsvsd -l to check the states.

Explanation: In order to run operations such as preparevsd, startvsd, resumevsd, suspendvsd, stopvsd, and ucfgvsd, the IBM Virtual Shared Disk must be in the appropriate state before running the operation.

User Response: Use the lsvsd command with the -l option to verify the IBM Virtual Shared Disk state.

0034-128IBM Virtual Shared Disk is not configured.

Explanation: In order to run the ucfgvsd operation on an IBM Virtual Shared Disk, this IBM Virtual Shared Disk must be configured first.

User Response: Use the cfgvsd command to configure the IBM Virtual Shared Disk, and try the failed command again.

0034-135Invalid VSD VSD name.

Explanation: The specified IBM Virtual Shared Disk name was invalid.

User Response: Use the lsvsd command to list VSD names.

0034-136Cannot execute function name.

Explanation: Error using a command.

User Response: Retry the operation.

0034-137Invalid Node VSD name.

Explanation: Invalid VSD name.

User Response: Use the lsvsd command to list IBM Virtual Shared Disk names.

0034-141Unable to read volgrp timestamp for volume group name.

Explanation: The volume group timestamp could not be read. This is probably because another node has the volume group varied online.

User Response: Check that the volume group is online to this node.

0034-150The definied VSD communication adapter does not support KLAPI.

Explanation: The node is configured with an adapter that does not support the KLAPI protocol. Currently, css0 is the only KLAPI supported adapter.

User Response: If you need KLAPI, change the vsd_adapter to css0.

0034-151Unable to perform: command.

Explanation: Unable to perform a command line action.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-160Error opening vsd vsd name.

Explanation: Could not open Virtual Shared Disk device.

User Response: Check the error log entries and trace for more information.

0034-161Error on ioctl STAT vsd vsd name.

Explanation: STAT ioctl was not successful.

User Response: Check the error log entries and trace for more information.

0034-170Incorrect program name is an invalid program name.

Explanation: The program was called with a name which was not valid.

User Response: Call the program using only valid names such as fencvg, unfencevg and lsfencevg.

0034-171No volume group specified with the --v flag.

Explanation: Incorrect syntax.

User Response: Correct the syntax and enter the command again.

0034-172volume group name is an invalid volume group name.

Explanation: The volume group name passed is not valid.

User Response: Correct the syntax and enter the command again.

0034-173No disks found for volume group volume group name.

Explanation: There were no hdisks found for the volume group specified.

User Response: Determine if the volume group name specified is correct and retry the command.

0034-174No nodes were specified.

Explanation: Incorrect usage.

User Response: Correct the syntax and enter the command again.

0034-175The node or nodes specified are not in the same cluster.

Explanation: One or more node parameters passed are not in the same cluster.

User Response: Remove the node or nodes not in the same cluster from the parameters.

0034-176The node parameter --n is not allowed with flag.

Explanation: Incorrect usage.

User Response: Correct the syntax and enter the command again.

0034-180You must have root authority to run this command.

Explanation: You do not have the correct authority to run this command.

User Response: Obtain the necessary root authority and enter the command again.

0034-181No Operation (-L, --F, or --U) was specified.

Explanation: Incorrect usage.

User Response: Correct the syntax and enter the command again.

0034-182Options flag and flag may not be used together.

Explanation: Incorrect usage.

User Response: Correct the syntax and enter the command again.

0034-183Options flag, flag, or flag may not be used with --L parameter.

Explanation: Incorrect usage.

User Response: Correct the syntax and enter the command again.

0034-184Option flag flag may not be used with the --L parameter.

Explanation: Incorrect usage.

User Response: Correct the syntax and enter the command again.

0034-185Multiple instance of flag flag are not supported.

Explanation: Incorrect usage.

User Response: Correct the syntax and enter the command again.

0034-186No disks specified.

Explanation: Incorrect usage.

User Response: Correct the syntax and enter the command again.

0034-187hdisk name is not in ODM (CuDv) database or is not an SSA disk.

Explanation: A disk name was passed that is not in CuDv or not an SSA disk.

User Response: Ensure the disk is an SSA disk and run cfgmgr to try to correct CuDv.

0034-188Error opening hdisk name.

Explanation: Could not open Virtual Shared Disk device.

User Response: Check the error log and trance for more information about the error.

0034-189The fence transaction failed on decimal number SSA disks.

Explanation: SSA disk fence was not successful.

User Response: Check the error log and trance for more information about the error.

0034-190Fence ioctl transaction failed on hdisk name with error.

Explanation: SSA disk fence ioctl was not successful.

User Response: Check the error log and trace for more information about the error. The following information also appears with this message:

0034-501uiomove failed.

Explanation: The device driver failed to copy information from sysconfig.

User Response: Check the system memory space.

0034-502bad host node number node_number.

Explanation: The host node number passed by the sysconfig call is not in the range 1 to 2048.

User Response: Check that the virtual shared disk server node is in the VSD global volume group class.

0034-503out of memory.

Explanation: Allocation of pinned memory in the kernel failed.

User Response: Check the system memory space.

0034-504devswqry failed.

Explanation: A query of the system device switch table failed.

User Response: Check the major number of /dev/VSD0 and the system device switch table.

0034-505devswqry: major number already defined.

Explanation: There is some existing information in the system switch table with the virtual shared disk major number.

User Response: Check the major number of the /dev/VSD0 file.

0034-506devswadd failed.

Explanation: Add of vsdd functions to the device switch table failed.

User Response: Check the device major number from the /dev directory and reboot the node. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-507pincode failed.

Explanation: A failure occurred loading vsdd driver code into pinned memory.

User Response: Reboot the node, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-508devswdel failed.

Explanation: A failure occurred deleting vsdd entries from the device switch table.

User Response: Reboot the node, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-509vsd_Init_Buffer_Cache failed.

Explanation: The virtual shared disk device driver failed to initialize its internal buffers and cache.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-510unpincode failed.

Explanation: Release of pinned memory used by the virtual shared disk device driver failed. This occurred after a failure to initialize the internal buffers and cache of the device driver.

User Response: Reboot the node, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-511install ip protocol failed.

Explanation: The virtual shared disk device driver was unable to initialize its IP protocol switch entry.

User Response: Check the IP protocol number in /usr/lpp/csd/bin/cfgvsde. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-512unpincode failed.

Explanation: Release of pinned memory used by the virtual shared disk device driver failed. This occurred after a failure while installing the virtual shared disk IP protocol.

User Response: Reboot the node, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-513vsd_Assure_Index_Created failed.

Explanation: Vsd device driver internal function call failed.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-514vsd_Init_LRU_Cache failed.

Explanation: Vsd device driver internal function call failed.

User Response: Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-515device (device major number, device minor number) already configured.

Explanation: The entry in the vsd_hash_table for the specified virtual shared disk is not empty.

User Response: You cannot configure a device that is already configured.

0034-516device (device major number, device minor number) not configured.

Explanation: The entry in the vsd_hash_table for the specified virtual shared disk is empty.

User Response: You cannot move an unconfigured virtual shared disk to SUSPENDED state.

0034-517device (device major number, device minor number) not in STOPPED state.

Explanation: In order to run the preparevsd command to promote vsds to the SUSPENDED state, these vsds must be in the STOPPED state. The problem may be that these vsds have not been configured.

User Response: Run the cfgvsd command to bring these vsds into the STOPPED state.

0034-518device (device major number, device minor number) already in SUSPENDED state.

Explanation: The device is already in the SUSPENDED state.

User Response: None.

0034-519device (device major number, device minor number) not configured.

Explanation: An unconfigured device cannot be brought into the ACTIVE state.

User Response: Run the cfgvsd command before running the startvsd command.

0034-520device (device major number, device minor number) not in STOPPED state.

Explanation: You cannot bring a device that is not in the STOPPED state to the ACTIVE state.

User Response: Run the lsvsd -l command to check the state of the devices. Run the resumevsd command if these devices are in the SUSPENDED state.

0034-521device (device major number, device minor number) already in ACTIVE state.

Explanation: The device is already in the ACTIVE state.

User Response: None.

0034-522cannot open device (device major number, device minor number) on cpu node number.

Explanation: The IBM Virtual Shared Disk device cannot be opened or does not exist.

User Response: Verify that the device exists and has the appropriate permissions.

0034-523vsd with minor number device minor number not configured.

Explanation: The entry in the vsd_hash_table for the specified virtual shared disk is empty.

User Response: You cannot move an unconfigured virtual shared disk to the SUSPEND state.

0034-524vsd with minor number device minor number in STOPPED state.

Explanation: You cannot suspend a device in the STOPPED state.

User Response: The suspendvsd command can only be run with devices in the ACTIVE state.

0034-525device (device major number, device minor number) already in SUSPENDED state.

Explanation: You cannot suspend a device that is already in the SUSPENDED state.

User Response: None.

0034-526bad server node number node_number.

Explanation: An invalid server node number is passed from sysconfig.

User Response: Check the node_number in SDR Node class.

0034-527vsd device with minor number device minor number not in SUSPENDED state.

Explanation: In order to resume a device to the ACTIVE state, this device must be in the SUSPENDED state.

User Response: Run the lsvsd -l command to verify the state of the specified device.

0034-528cant open device (device major number, device minor number) on cpu node number.

Explanation: The IBM Virtual Shared Disk Device cannot be opened or does not exist.

User Response: Verify that the device exists and has the appropriate permissions.

0034-529device (device major number, device minor number) not configured.

Explanation: The entry in the vsd_hash_table for the specified virtual shared disk is empty.

User Response: You cannot unconfigure a virtual shared disk that has not been configured. Run the lsvsd -l command to verify the state of the virtual shared disk device.

0034-530failed to remove entry points.

Explanation: Removal of the virtual shared disk from the device switch table failed.

User Response: This is a system problem. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-531unpincode failed.

Explanation: Release of pinned kernel memory used by the virtual shared disk device driver failed.

User Response: This is a system problem. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-532device (device major number, device minor number) NOT configured.

Explanation: The entry in the vsd_hash_table for the specified virtual shared disk is empty.

User Response: This device must be configured and in the ACTIVE state. Run the lsvsd -l command to verify the device state.

0034-533device (device major number, device minor number) in STOPPED state.

Explanation: The entry in the vsd_hash_table for the specified virtual share disk is empty.

User Response: This device must be configured and in the ACTIVE state. Run the lsvsd -l command to verify the device state.

0034-534device (device major number, device minor number) NOT configured/opened.

Explanation: Either the entry in the vsd_hash_table for the specified virtual share disk is empty, or it is not marked as opened.

User Response: This device must be configured, in the ACTIVE state, and opened. Run the lsvsd -l command to verify the device state.

0034-535GIOCVON copyin failed.

Explanation: Copying of ioctl data to the virtual shared disk device driver handler failed.

User Response: This is a system problem. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-536parallelism copyin failed.

Explanation: Copying of ioctl data to the virtual share disk device driver handler failed.

User Response: This is a system problem. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-537parallelism value invalid.

Explanation: The parallelism value for uphysio is invalid.

User Response: The parallelism value should be in the range of 1 to 9.

0034-538set max IP message size copyin failed, rc=rc.

Explanation: Copying of ioctl data to the virtual shared disk device driver handler failed.

User Response: This is a system problem. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-539max IP message size value ( ) invalid.

Explanation: The value must be a multiple of 512 and not greater than 65024.

User Response: Correct the max IP message size value.

0034-540VSD GIOCSTAT copyout failed.

Explanation: Copy of data from the virtual shared disk device driver handler to the user API failed.

User Response: This is a system problem. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-541GIOCGET device (device major number, device minor number) NOT configured.

Explanation: The entry in the vsd_hash_table for the specified virtual shared disk is empty. In order to obtain virtual shared disk device information, this device must be configured.

User Response: Run the lsvsd command to verify that this device is configured.

0034-542GIOCGET copyout failed.

Explanation: Copy of data from the virtual shared disk device driver handler to the user API failed.

User Response: This is a system problem. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-543GIOCGETL copyin failed.

Explanation: Copying of ioctl data to the virtual shared disk device driver handler failed.

User Response: This is a system problem. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-544GIOCGETL copyout failed.

Explanation: Copying of data from the virtual shared disk device driver handler to the user API failed.

User Response: This is a system problem. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-545set cache size copyin failed.

Explanation: Copying of ioctl data to the virtual shared disk device driver handler failed.

User Response: This is a system problem. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-546could not increase cache size.

Explanation: A call to vsd_Define_Cache_Size(hsize) failed. Either the value of hsize is too small, or it is equal to the current Initial cache buffer count, or it is greater than the maximum cache buffer count.

User Response: Run the vsdatalst -n command to verify current values.

0034-547flush a range of cache on a virtual shared disk copyin failed.

Explanation: Copying of ioctl data to the virtual shared disk device driver handler failed.

User Response: This is a system problem. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-548reset all counters(GIOCRST), copyin failed.

Explanation: Copying of ioctl data to the virtual shared disk device driver handler failed.

User Response: This is a system problem. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-549bad node to GIOCRST.

Explanation: An invalid node number has been passed to vsd_ioctl.

User Response: Run the /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/SDRGetObject Node node_number command to verify the node number.

0034-550vlevel copyin failed.

Explanation: Copying of ioctl data to the virtual shared disk device driver handler failed.

User Response: This is a system problem. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-551bad node number node number to GIOCKST.

Explanation: An invalid node number has been passed to vsd_ioctl.

User Response: Run the /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/SDRGetObject Node node_number command to verify the node number.

0034-552GIOCSETA copyin failed.

Explanation: Copying of ioctl data to the virtual shared disk device driver handler failed.

User Response: This is a system problem. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-553device (device major number, device minor number) NOT configured.

Explanation: The entry in the vsd_hash_table for the specified virtual shared disk is empty. In order to obtain virtual shared disk device information, this device must be configured.

User Response: Run the lsvsd command to verify that this device is configured.

0034-554invalid ioctl request 0x requested ioctl function number.

Explanation: An invalid ioctl command code has been passed to the virtual shared disk device driver.

User Response: Compare the ioctl command code in the API program to those valid values defined in the /usr/include/vsd_ioctl.h file.

0034-555uphysio failed on virtual shared disk with minor number device minor number.

Explanation: A read operation on the specified virtual shared disk failed.

User Response: On both the client and server nodes, run the lsvsd -l command to verify if this device is in the ACTIVE state.

0034-556uphysio failed on vsd with minor number device minor number.

Explanation: A write operation on the specified virtual shared disk failed.

User Response: Run the lsvsd -l command to verify that this device is in the ACTIVE state on both client and server nodes.

0034-557start_vsd_comms: failed.

Explanation: KAPI initialization failed.

User Response: Check the virtual shared disk device driver type and switch IP driver css type. This could be an internal error. Record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-601service_program failed.

Explanation: A call to the specified service program failed.

User Response: Check that the base function specified is available and working properly.

0034-602The repository cannot be accessed. Return code was return_code.

Explanation: The routine could not access the System Data Repository. The routine terminates.

User Response: Correct the problem with the repository.

0034-603This program must be run on the control work station.

Explanation: The failing command can only be run on the control work station.

User Response: Login the control work station and try the command again.

0034-604Cannot specify both option1 and option2 options.

Explanation: The failing program can work only on one of these options.

User Response: Refer to the man page for the failing command, pick one of the options and try again.

0034-605Must specify either option1 or option2 option.

Explanation: A required option is missing.

User Response: Retry the command with valid operands.

0034-606Option option is missing.

Explanation: A required option is missing.

User Response: Retry the command with valid operands.

0034-607Unknown option option.

Explanation: An invalid option is specified.

User Response: Remove the invalid option and try the command again.

0034-608Node node_number cannot be found in repository.

Explanation: Node information for the specified node number cannot be found in the SDR. You may have specified an invalid node number.

User Response: Run the /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/SDRGetObjects Node node_number command to verify the information.

0034-609Cannot find host name in SDR for node node_number .

Explanation: Host name information for the specified node number cannot be found in the SDR. Either you have specified a wrong node number, or the host name is not defined in the SDR.

User Response: Run /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/SDRGetObjects Node initial_hostname node_number to verify the information.

0034-610Fails to call sysctl vsd_sysctl_program.

Explanation: You must have sysctl privileges to run this command.

User Response: Check your Kerberos sysctl authorization.

0034-611No valid VSD host specified.

Explanation: The vsddiag command cannot find the host name from the SDR for a node.

User Response: Run the /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/SDRGetObjects Node initial_hostname node_number command to verify the information.

0034-612mklv stripe size must be a power of two, between 4K and 128K, for example 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128K.

Explanation: You have specified an invalid LVM stripe size using createvsd.

User Response: Specify a valid stripe size or omit the -p option.

0034-613Out of memory in function name.

Explanation: There is no enough memory in the system to run the vsddiag command.

User Response: Try the command again later. If problems persist, record the above information and contact the IBM Support Center.

0034-614Server node node number for vsd with minor_number minor number on node node number is not up.

Explanation: The IBM Virtual Shared Disk on the server node must be in the ACTIVE state.

User Response: Login the server node, run the cfgvsd -a command and then run the startvsd -a command.

0034-615Server_node node number has been cast out by node node number.

Explanation: The server node is considered to be DOWN.

User Response: Check the node's UP or DOWN status information in the /var/adm/SPlogs/csd/vsd.log file.

0034-616Node node number expect sequence number sequence number does not match node node number outgoing sequence number sequence number.

Explanation: The expected request sequence number on the client node is not the same as the outgoing sequence number on the server node.

User Response: Run the suspendvsd command on all nodes. Run the ctlvsd -R command on all nodes to reset the outgoing and expected request sequence number.

0034-617Cannot find server node node number for client node node number.

Explanation: The expected request sequence number on the client node is not the same as the outgoing sequence number on the server node.

User Response: Run the suspendvsd command on all nodes. Run the ctlvsd -R command on all nodes to reset the outgoing and expected request sequence number.

0034-618Vsd driver_type on node node_number is not the same as other vsd drivers on the SP system or system partition.

Explanation: The IBM Virtual Shared Disk driver has 2 types: IP and KCI. It cannot communicate between different types.

User Response: Run the statvsd command on all nodes to check the device types.

0034-619Device driver on node node_number is not at the same level as others on this SP system or system partition.

Explanation: The /etc/drivers/vsdd file is not at the same level on all nodes.

User Response: Unconfigure IBM Virtual Shared Disks and install the same virtual shared disk drivers on all the nodes.

0034-620VSD Maximum IP Message Size on node node_number is not the same value as the VSD Maximum IP Message Sizes of other nodes on this SP system or system partition.

Explanation: If the maximum vsdIPmsgSize is not the same on all nodes, I/O requests may be truncated into different subrequest sizes.

User Response: Check the value of vsdIPmsgSize in the SDR Node class. Use either the updatevsdnode command or the ctlvsd command to correct it.

0034-621RVSD state on node node_number is not at the same state as other nodes on this SP system or system partition.

Explanation: The Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk subsystem is running on some nodes but not all the nodes of the SP system or system partition.

User Response: Use the ha_vsd reset command to start the Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk subsystem on all nodes. If this fails, disable the Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk subsystem on all nodes and then retry the ha_vsd reset command.

0034-622Device vsd name not found.

Explanation: Cannot find the specified device in the SDR.

User Response: In order to update a device's option, it must be defined in the SDR.

0034-623Node node_number is not a VSD node.

Explanation: VSD_adapter must be defined for the specified node to run the createvsd or createhsd commands.

User Response: Specify VSD_adapter in the SDR Node class on the specified node and try the failing command again.

0034-624The last character of the vsd name prefix cannot be a digit.

Explanation: The prefix is used as a pattern to be searched in the SDR VSD_Table to generate a new IBM Virtual Shared Disk name. If a prefix has a number as the last digit, such as the prefix VSD1, both VSD1 and VSD11 contain the pattern VSD1, and an ambiguity arises.

User Response: Specify a valid name prefix and try the command again.

0034-625The value of -t hsd stripe size in createhsd must be a multiple of 4 and less than 1048576.

Explanation: The stripe size on an IBM Hashed Shared Disk must be a multiple of 4 K and not greater than 1048576 K.

User Response: Specify a valid stripe size and try the command again.

0034-626The unit of option t is K (1024 bytes); the value hsd stripe size must be a multiple of 4 and not greater than 1048576.

Explanation: The stripe size on an IBM Hashed Shared Disk must be a multiple of 4 K and not greater than 1048576 K.

User Response: Specify a valid stripe size and try this command again.

0034-627The value of mirror count mirror count is invalid. It must be in the range of 1 to 3.

Explanation: IBM AIX LVM requires a mirror count between 1 and 3.

User Response: Specify a valid mirror count and try the command again.

0034-628The lock directory directory name is held by someone else. try later.

Explanation: In order to generate consistent and unique device names, a directory is used as a lock. If the lock is held by someone else and not released in a short time, the current program will terminate.

User Response: Check the time when the lock directory was created. If it was left a long time ago, you can remove it. Otherwise, you should try the command later.

0034-629hsd_name is not a configured hsd device.

Explanation: The command lshsd hsd_name failed. Either hsd_name is not a valid hsd name or it is not configured.

User Response: You cannot unconfigure a unconfigured device.

0034-630Node node_number cannot be specified as both primary and backup node for the specified volume group vg_name.

Explanation: The createvsd command checks the nodes specified with the -n option to ensure that the same node cannot be specified as both the primary node and the backup node for a given LVM logical group.

User Response: Modify the node_list and rerun the command.

0034-631Node node_number cannot be specified twice in the -n node list.

Explanation: The createvsd command checks the nodes specified with the -n option to ensure that a node cannot be specified twice as the primary or backup node.

User Response: Modify the node_list and rerun the command.

0034-632This command cannot be used on the control work station. Please use this command only on IBM Virtual Shared Disk client or server nodes.

Explanation: Underlying cfgvsd and cfghsd commands cannot be run on the control workstation.

User Response: Rerun the command on an IBM Virtual Shared Disk client or server node.

0034-633Vsd with minor number device minor number is at ACTIVE state on client node node number, but it is NOT active on server node node number.

Explanation: The IBM Virtual Shared Disk on the server node must be in the ACTIVE state.

User Response: Login the server node, run the cfgvsd -a command and then run the startvsd -a command.

0034-634 caller_program: SDRChangeAttrValue failed to update entry-name attribute-name attribute in the SDR-class.

Explanation: The specified program failed to update the specified SDR information.

User Response: Run the SDRGetObjects command to verify the class.

0034-635caller_program : RVSD is not active.

Explanation: The rvsd subsystem is not active. The group has not reached a quorum yet and has not activated yet.

User Response: Run the ha_vsd query command to see if more nodes must join the group to meet the quorum requirements.

0034-645Node node name is not part of a cluster.

Explanation: The createvsd command was issued to create a concurrent virtual shared disk, but the servers specified are not part of a cluster.

User Response: Use the updatevsdnode command to define the servers into a cluster.

0034-646All nodes specified as part of a CVSD should belong to the same cluster.

Explanation: The --k flag was passed and not all concurrent virtual shared disks belong to the same cluster.

User Response: Ensure that all virtual shared disks belong to the same cluster with the --k option.

0034-647sysctl sysctl_vsdcheck failed.

Explanation: The message indicates that you do not have the correct authorization to issue this command.

User Response: Check your sysctl authorization.

0034-648Not authorized to run calling program.

Explanation: The message indicates that you do not have the correct authorization to issue this command.

User Response: Check your sysctl authorization.

0034-649Invalid format for --n option.

Explanation: The --n parameter is being used with incorrect syntax.

User Response: Correct the syntax and enter the command again.

0034-650Invalid --T partition size. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024.

Explanation: An incorrect value was used with the --T flag.

User Response: Correct the syntax and enter the command again.

0034-651Can specify at most two servers for a VSD, Use --k CVSD for a CVSD.

Explanation: More than two servers were specified. Only two servers are allowed for a normal Virtual Shared Disk.

User Response: Either use option --k CVSD or reduce the number of servers to two.

0034-652The HSD size (-s option) is too small for the stripe size (-t option). The total size of the underlying VSDs will be larger than the HSD size. Increase the HSD size or decrease the stripe size.

Explanation: The stripe size specified makes the Virtual Shared Disks too large for the Hashed Shared Disks.

User Response: Either increase the Hashed Shared Disk size or decrease the stripe size.

0034-653An HSD requires more than one VSD. Increase the number of servers (with the --n option) or increase the number of VSDs (with the --c option).

Explanation: Only one Virtual Shared Disk is allowed for a Hashed Shared Disk.

User Response: Either increase the number of servers of the numbers of Virtual Shared Disks.

0034-654You have specified a VSD name that is part of an HSD. Use removehsd to remove the HSD and all underlying VSDs.

Explanation: The removevsd command was issued to remove a Virtual Shared Disk that is part of a Hashed Shared Disk.

User Response: Use removevsd to remove the Virtual Shared Disks that are part of a Hashed Shared Disk.

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