IBM Books

Messages Reference

0027 - User administration messages

0027-111User user name already exists.

Explanation: This name is already associated with another user.

User Response: Choose another user name.

0027-112User ID user id already exists.

Explanation: This user id is already assigned to another user.

User Response: Choose another user id.

0027-113Permission denied; you must be the root user to execute.

Explanation: This command requires root authority.

User Response: Switch to the root user and re-execute the command.

0027-114Primary group is undefined: group number or name

Explanation: An undefined login group was specified for the user.

User Response: If the specified group or default group in /usr/lpp/ssp/admin/spmkuser.default does not exist in /etc/group, add it there.

0027-115A specified group is undefined: group number or name

Explanation: An undefined secondary group was specified for the user.

User Response: If the specified group or default groups listed in /usr/lpp/ssp/admin/spmkuser.default do not exist in /etc/group, add them there.

0027-116User user name does not exist.

Explanation: Requested target user is not defined. No action could be taken.

User Response: Check that you have typed the user name correctly or add an account for this user name by issuing the spmkuser command.

0027-117Action action type cancelled.

Explanation: Transaction has successfully been cancelled at the user's request.

User Response: No further action is necessary.

0027-118File file name in use.

Explanation: The specified file has been locked by another program.

User Response: If that program has completed and a lock file (file name.lock) exists, remove it.

0027-119Invalid characters specified in fieldname parameter.

Explanation: For the given parameter, the specified value is badly formed.

User Response: Check the syntax information on acceptable values for this parameter. If no value was specified, check the default value in /usr/lpp/ssp/admin/spmkuser.default.

0027-120Unknown attribute specified: attribute name

Explanation: An unacceptable attribute was given for the command

User Response: Check the syntax of the command for acceptable parameters and re-execute.

0027-121Unsupported attribute specified: attribute name.

Explanation: Some parameters of the AIX user administration commands are not supported by the SP versions of these commands.

User Response: Check the syntax of the command you wish to execute for the acceptable parameters and re-execute command.

0027-122Attention: User directory path is in an unexported filesystem on hostname.

Explanation: The host, where the user's home directory has been created, does not contain an entry to export the parent directory to other machines.

User Response: Add an entry to export that directory in /etc/exports and execute exportfs -a.

0027-123Unsupported option specified: option

Explanation: The specified option flag is not supported by this command. Some option flags of the AIX user administration commands are not supported by the SP versions of these commands.

User Response: Check the syntax of the command for the acceptable option flags and re-execute the command.

0027-124File file name does not exist.

Explanation: The specified file does not exist.

User Response: Issue the command splstdata -e to check the value of the PASSWD_FILE attribute of the SP object. The site_environment file no longer exists.

0027-125Cannot create user home directory. Target host specified for user home directory unknown or not responding.

Explanation: A connection to the target host specified could not be made at this time.

User Response: Check the target machine and network connections.

0027-126Cannot create user home directory. Target host specified for user home directory denied access. Check permissions at target.

Explanation: The .rhosts file at the target machine requires permissions for root from the machine executing the command.

User Response: Check that permissions have been set correctly.

0027-127Cannot remove user home directory. Target host specified for user home directory unknown or not responding.

Explanation: The target host specified does not exist or its name can not be resolved at this time.

User Response: Check the name and your host name resolution configuration.

0027-128Cannot remove user home directory. Target host specified for user home directory denied access. Check permissions at target.

Explanation: The .rhosts file at the target machine requires permissions for root from the machine executing the command.

User Response: If the permissions have not been set correctly, set them correctly.

0027-153The user administration function is already in use.

Explanation: Another of the SP user administration commands is currently using some of the common resources required.

User Response: Wait until the command has completed. If this message appears immediately following an abnormal termination of these previously mentioned commands, remove the /usr/lpp/ssp/config/admin/.userlock file.

0027-154Unknown attribute attribute name specified in the user defaults file file name.

Explanation: An unknown or unsupported attribute has been specified in the /usr/lpp/ssp/admin/spmkuser.default file.

User Response: Check the attributes table in the chapter on managing user accounts in PSSP: Administration Guide for possible attributes as well as initial defaults. Modify the spmkuser.defaults file appropriately.

0027-155File permissions not correctly set: file name

Explanation: The specified file requires a level of protection that does not compromise security. The file currently exists but the permissions are not set correctly.

User Response: Save any existing data to a safe place and remove this file. A new one with the appropriate permissions will be created.

0027-159The user name and the home directory do not correspond. The automounter implementation requires the last component of the directory to be the user name.

Explanation: The user name and home directory do not correspond.

User Response: Ensure that the last component of the directory is the user name.

0027-160Unable to create or set proper ownership on the home directory for user name.

Explanation: Unable to create or set proper ownership on the home directory for an unexpected reason.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

0027-161Unable to remove the home directory for user name.

Explanation: While attempting to remove the user's home directory using rm --r home_directory_path, an error occurred.

User Response: Check to ensure the home directory exists. If it does not, it was removed prior to this command and no further action is necessary. Otherwise, inspect the home directory path's owner, group, and permissions to understand what may be causing the problem.

0027-162Cannot access repository.

Explanation: The routine could not access the System Data Repository. The routine halts.

User Response: Refer to the chapter on diagnosing system monitor problems in the PSSP: Diagnosis Guide.

0027-163You are only permitted to change your password.

Explanation: On the current machine for which you are logged in, you can only change your password. You cannot fully log in to that machine.

User Response: Contact your administrator if you want to fully log in to the machine, or log in to another SP node.

0027-164User user name not removed. Need to increase root filesystem size, then try sprmuser again.

Explanation: The user specified was not removed.

User Response: Increase the root file system size and reissue the sprmuser command.

0027-165User user name not changed.

Explanation: The user specified was not changed.

User Response: Increase the root file system size and reissue the spchuser command.

0027-166User user name not added.

Explanation: The user specified was not added.

User Response: Increase the root file system size and reissue the spaduser command.

0027-167Syntax of arguments passed to mkhomedir.

Explanation: There was an internal error when the mkhomedir routine was called with the specified arguments.

User Response: Contact the IBM Support Center.

0027-169Command unsuccessful. Write to /tmp unsuccessful. /tmp may be full.

Explanation: An attempt to write to /tmp was unsuccessful. The most likely reason for this is that /tmp is full. The spmkuser, spchuser, or sprmuser command does not succeed, and passwd and group files are left in their original state.

User Response: Make additional space in /tmp and retry the command.

0027-170Command unsuccessful. Not enough room in /tmp.

Explanation: There is not enough space in /tmp to complete the command. The spmkuser, spchuser, or sprmuser command does not succeed, and passwd and group files are left in their original state.

User Response: Make additional space in /tmp and retry the command.

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