If you need to relocate a virtual shared disk server and its secondary server to another node, do the following:
ha.vsd stop
suspendvsd vsd_name stopvsd vsd_name
ucfgvsd vsdname
importvg -y volume_group_name hdiskx chvg -a n volume_group_name varyoffvg volume_group_name vsdvgts -a volume_group_name
SDRGetObjects VSD_Global_Volume_Group global_group_name==global_group_name \ primary_node secondary_node
You will see the current values of global_group_name attributes: primary_node, secondary_node. For example, you might see:
1 3
To change the System Data Repository, issue:
SDRChangeAttrValues VSD_Global_Volume_Group global_group_name==global_group_name primary_node=node_number secondary_node=node_number
In this example, to change the primary and secondary nodes from 1 and 3 to 5 and 7, for global volume group "dummygvg", issue:
SDRChangeAttrValues VSD_Global_Volume_Group global_group_name==dummygvg primary_node=5 secondary_node=7
SDRGetObjects VSD_Global_Volume_Group global_group_name==global_group_name primary_node secondary_node server_list
You will see the current values of global_group_name attributes: primary_node, secondary_node, and server_list. For example, you might see:
1 " " 1:3
To change the System Data Repository, issue:
SDRChangeAttrValues VSD_Global_Volume_Group global_group_name==global_group_name primary_node=node_number server_list=server_list
In this example, to change the server_list nodes from 1 and 3 to 5 and 7, for global volume group "dummygvg", issue:
SDRChangeAttrValues VSD_Global_Volume_Group global_group_name==dummygvg primary_node=5 server_list=5:7
To verify the change, enter the SDRGetObjects command again.
ha_vsd reset
ha.vsd refresh