To display information about virtual shared disk nodes, whether server nodes or clients, do the following:
The IBM VSD Node notebook shows the options set in the SDR for this node. The notebook contains pages with the following categories of information:
This page shows:
It also has the following action buttons:
This page has information about the node, its frame, host names, IP address, system partition, PSSP level, processor, slot, and switch.
This has counts of active, suspended and stopped virtual shared disks. It also has the IBM RVSD subsystem status. The values in this page will be unknown (question marks) until at least one virtual shared disk is configured on the node.
This page shows and lets you change attributes related to the virtual shared disks on the node.
This page has two panes to show what is configured on the node identified in the notebook title bar. One shows virtual shared disk names, states, the primary server node, and other information. The other shows the hashed shared disk names.
This page shows the statistics returned by the commands statvsd and vsdsklst.
This page shows the statistics returned by the commands ctlhsd and hsdatalst.
This page lists the variable names and values.
If you set up conditions to be monitored, this page shows what is currently being monitored and the state of each condition.
See the online help for detailed descriptions.
You can use the vsdatalst, statvsd, lsvsd, or ctlvsd commands or SMIT to get some of the same information.