When installing a new node in an existing configuration, the mksysb image.data file will be used to describe the node's rootvg volume group. If the new node has a different size disk than the existing nodes, the parameters in the image.data file may have to be altered.
Refer to the AIX mkvg command for related hardware limitations. A 4.5 GB disk requires an 8 MB partition size and a 9 GB drive requires 16 MB.
If the PPSIZE entry in the image.data file is too small for the disk that is being installed, no action is needed. The AIX install program will automatically increase the PPSIZE to the appropriate number and adjust the LPs to match (cutting them in half or to one-quarter of their original size).
If you want to change the PPSIZE to a value other than the default or to modify other image.data parameters, follow this procedure. For more information about the image.data file, see the AIX Files Reference.
To alter the PPSIZE of the root volume group, do the following:
cd /spdata/sys1/install/images restore -xvf MKSYSB ./image.data
where MKSYSB is the file name of your mksysb image.
vg_data: VGNAME= rootvg PPSIZE= 4 VARYON= yes VG_SOURCE_DISK_LIST= hdisk0 QUORUM= 2
Each logical volume in the group has a stanza named lv_data. They also must be modified to be consistent with the new PPSIZE.
smitty nim_res Select: Define a Resource Select: image_data
On the SMIT panel, enter these values:
Resource Name [imagedata] Resource Type image_data Server of Resource [master] Location of Resource [DIR/image.data] comments []
spbootins -r install -l node_number
nim -Fo reset node_hostname
This will remove the boot and nim_script entries which will change the NIM state so that the image.data NIM resources can be allocated to the node.
Bring up the SMIT panel:
smitty nim_mac Select: Manage Network Install Resource Allocation Select: Allocate Network Install Resources Select: node_hostname Select: imagedata image_data
When the command completes, hit cancel twice to return to the "Manage Machines" panel.
Select: Perform Operations on Machines Select: node_hostname Select: bos_inst = perform a BOS installation
The "Perform a Network Install" panel will come up. Enter these values:
Target Name node_hostname Source for BOS Runtime Files mksysb installp Flags [-agX] Fileset Names [] Remain NIM client after install? yes Initiate Boot Operation on Client? no Set Boot List if Boot not Initiated on Client? no Force Unattended Installation Enablement? no
Press Enter after making all desired changes. Exit SMIT.
lsnim -c resources node_hostname
The following output will be generated:
lppsource_AIX421 lpp_source spot_AIX421 spot noprompt bosinst_data psspscript script mksysb_1 mksysb imagedata image_data boot boot represents the network boot resource nim_script nim_script - directory containing customization script