There are several ways to verify that the extension node has been successfully installed and is operating correctly. Perform steps 1, 2, and 3. You can optionally perform step 4:
splstnodes -t dependent node_number reliable_host_name \ management_agent_hostname extension_node_identifier snmp_community_name
splstadapters -t dependent node_number netaddr netmask
SDRGetObjects switch_responds
You should receive output similar to the following:
node_number switch_responds autojoin isolated adapter_config_status 1 0 0 0 css_ready 3 0 0 0 css_ready 4 0 0 0 css_ready 5 0 0 0 css_ready 6 0 0 0 css_ready 7 0 0 0 css_ready
Issue perspectives & to bring up Perspectives as a background process.
The notebook associated with the node appears. Review the node information to ensure it is operating correctly.