To replace the frame supervisor with an updated frame supervisor, perform the following steps. As with many PSSP commands, you must have the appropriate authority or credentials to use them. See Step 24: Obtain credentials.
Your IBM Customer Engineer (CE) performs this step.
Issue the following command to update the frame supervisors with the frame id:
hmcmds setid frame_number:0
For example:
hmcmds setid 1:0
To ensure that you have the latest level of microcode required by the hardware on your SP system, issue the spsvrmgr command. For example, to get the status in report form of all of your frames, nodes, and switches, enter:
spsvrmgr -G -r status all
To update the microcode of the frame supervisor of frame 3, enter:
spsvrmgr -G -u 3:0
Refer to the PSSP: Command and Technical Reference for more information on using the spsvrmgr command.
Use Eannotator to update the switch topology file's connection labels with their correct physical locations. Use the -O yes flag to store the switch topology file in the SDR.
For example, to annotate a two-switch or maximum 32-node system, enter:
Eannotator -F /etc/SP/ \ -f /etc/SP/ -O yes
Use the Eclock command to set the switch's clock source for all switches. For example, if your RS/6000 SP system has six node switch boards and four intermediate switch boards, select /etc/SP/ as an Eclock topology file.
Eclock -f /etc/SP/
This command sets the proper clock source settings on all switches within a 96-way (6nsb, 4isb) RS/6000 system.
Use the following command to verify the status in the supervisor cards:
hmmon -G -Q -v mux 1:17
Run Estart to restart the switch.