IBM Books

Installation and Migration Guide

Task D. Install software

Step 15: Install HACMP or HACMP/ES on both control workstations

Follow the instructions in the "Installing HACMP for AIX software" chapter of the HACMP for AIX: Installation Guide or the "Installing the HACMP/ES software" chapter of the HACMP for AIX: Enhanced Scalability Installation and Administration Guide to install the HACMP software.

Step 16: Verify cluster software

If you are installing HACMP, follow the instructions in the "Verifying cluster software" chapter of the HACMP for AIX: Installation Guide to verify the cluster software. If you are installing HACMP/ES, follow the instructions in the "Installing the HACMP/ES software" chapter of the HACMP for AIX: Enhanced Scalability Installation and Administration Guide.

Step 17: Install the HACWS image on both control workstations

Install ssp.hacws on both control workstations using SMIT.

smit install_latest

The input device (press F4 and select a device) and the ssp.hacws file set.

Ok to complete the action.

Step 18: Stop the primary control workstation

Stop control workstation services on the primary control workstation by entering the following command:

/usr/sbin/hacws/spcw_apps -d

Step 19: Configure serial network

Configure the target mode SCSI connection or the target mode SSA connection, or the raw RS-232 serial line which is to be used as the HACMP serial network. Refer to the "Configuring networks" chapter of the HACMP for AIX: Installation Guide for instructions.

Step 20: Configure the network

You need to configure each control workstation to use its boot addresses after it reboots. (You should have identified the boot addresses in Step 2: Plan network configuration.) To do this, enter the following command:

smit chinet

The Internet Address field should contain the IP address corresponding to the boot address. Do this for each boot address on both control workstations.

Do not reboot until you are instructed to do so in Step 34: Reboot control workstations.

Step 21: Migrate the internal file system

If not previously done, the /spdata directory needs to reside in an external volume group so both control workstations can access it. You can accomplish this by migrating the /spdata files from a separate file system in an internal volume group to the external volume group.

Complete the following procedure:

  1. Determine which file system contains the /spdata directory by entering the following command:
    df /spdata

    If the file system is separate, the mount point will be /spdata.

  2. Unmount the /spdata file system by entering the following command:
    umount /spdata
  3. Enter:
    smit chjfs
  4. Select /spdata.
  5. Set the new mount point to /spdata.old. Set mount automatically at system restart to no.
  6. Mount the file system at its new mount point by entering the following command:
    mount /spdata.old

Step 22: Set up the external file system

The following list illustrates how the HACMP terminology maps to your HACWS setup:

HACWS Equivalent

Source node
Primary control workstation

Destination node
Backup control workstation

If you have not already set up an external file system, refer to the shared logical volume configuration instructions in the "Defining shared LVM components" chapter of the HACMP for AIX: Installation Guide.

Follow the instructions for non-concurrent access. Use the following list with the shared logical volume configuration instructions:

  1. Create a volume group on the primary control workstation. The volume group can have any name--it does not have to be spvg. (spvg is used in the examples.) Be sure to use a major number that is available on both control workstations.
  2. Follow the instructions to create a file system in the new volume group.
  3. Follow the instructions to rename the logical volumes. After you rename the logical volumes, check the /etc/filesystems file to make sure the dev and log attributes reflect the changes. If they do not, edit /etc/filesystems and update these attributes to reflect the changes.
  4. Follow the instructions to add copies to the logical volume on the source node (primary control workstation).
  5. Mount the new /spdata file system. Enter the following command:
    mount /spdata
  6. Copy the /spdata files from the old /spdata file system to the new file system. Enter the following command:
    cp -Rph /spdata.old/* /spdata
  7. Unmount both spdata file systems. Enter the following commands:
    umount /spdata.old
    umount /spdata
  8. Follow the instructions in the remainder of non-concurrent access section to do the following:
    1. Vary off the volume group on the primary control workstation.
    2. Import the volume group on the backup control workstation. (Make sure to use the same major number you used on the primary control workstation.)
    3. Change the volume group so it remains dormant on the backup control workstation. If the volume group is mirrored three ways, then answer Yes to the quorum required question. Otherwise, answer No to the question. Refer to the HACMP publications for more information about quorum in an HACMP cluster.
    4. Vary off the volume group on the backup control workstation.
  9. Make the /spdata file system available on the primary control workstation.
    1. Vary on the volume group on the primary. Enter the following command:
      varyonvg spvg
    2. Mount the /spdata file system. Enter the following command:
      mount /spdata
  10. Issue the SMIT chvg command to make sure quorum status on the primary control workstation matches the quorum status that you specified for the backup control workstation.

Step 23: Complete administration tasks

Follow the AIX administration instructions in the "Additional AIX administration tasks" chapter of the HACMP for AIX: Installation Guide. Use the following list with the installation instructions:

  1. The install_hacws command you will use in Step 29: Set up the HACWS configuration sets I/O pacing to the HACMP recommended starting points. If you want to let install_hacws set these values, skip the set I/O pacing step.
  2. The /etc/hosts file should contain both short and long host names for each network interface, so both types of references (for example, sp_cws_bt and can be resolved.

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