IBM Books

Group Services Programming Guide and Reference

Using the GSAPI: A Group Services client example

This chapter contains listings of the files required by a sample Group Services client (GS client) program called sample_schg.c. It also contains two sample deactivate scripts.

The sample_schg.c program, as a simple GS client, performs the following functions:

For details on setting up the environment and starting the program on several nodes, see the comments in the program listing.

The program requires the following files:

You can find the sample_schg.c program and its related files online in the PSSP product samples directory, /usr/sbin/rsct/samples/hags. The hags sample directory also contains files related to two other test programs, sample_test.c, which provides an interactive interface to the Group Services subsystem, and Sample_Subscribe.C, which provides a sample C++ language client that subscribes with Group Services for a user-specified group.

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