IBM Books

Group Services Programming Guide and Reference

ha_gs_vote subroutine


ha_gs_vote - Called by a provider of a group to submit its vote on a proposal during a voting phase of an executing protocol


GSAPI Thread-Safe Library (libha_gs_r.a)

GSAPI Library (not thread-safe) (libha_gs.a)


#include <ha_gs.h>
    ha_gs_vote  (
                ha_gs_token_t               provider_token,
                ha_gs_vote_value_t          vote_value,
        const   ha_gs_state_value_t         *proposed_state_value,
        const   ha_gs_provider_message_t    *provider_message,
                ha_gs_vote_value_t          default_vote_value)


A token that identifies the caller as a provider of the group. This token was previously initialized when the provider joined the group using the ha_gs_join subroutine.

A field that contains the value of the vote. It can take one of the following values:

Approve the proposal.

Neither approve nor reject the proposal right now, but propose another voting phase (continue to another voting phase).

Reject the proposal.

An optional updated state value for the group. If the provider does not wish to propose an updated state value, specify a null pointer.

For information on the definition of a group's state value, see the ha_gs_change_state_value man page.

An optional provider-broadcast message to be sent to the providers as part of the next notification for this protocol. If the provider does not wish to send a message, specify a null pointer. For information on the definition of this message, see the ha_gs_send_message man page.

The default vote value to be used by the group if any provider fails to vote during this phase. It can take one of the following values:

A null vote. This value keeps the default vote at its previous value.

Approve the proposal.

Reject the proposal.


The ha_gs_vote subroutine is used by a provider of a Group Services group to submit its vote on a proposal during a voting phase of an executing protocol.

When an application has selected an n-phase protocol, providers will be expected to vote on proposed changes to the group. A change in either the group's state or its membership may be voted on. When a vote is requested, the appropriate callback routine is called for each of the providers, and each of the providers is expected to return a vote using this subroutine within the time limit previously established by the group.

This subroutine operates synchronously.

Voting results are tallied as follows:

Default votes are applied as if they were specified by the providers,

except in the case of failure leave protocols.

If multiple providers, in the same voting phase, submit state value changes or provider messages, the Group Services subsystem chooses only one of each. Therefore, if different providers submit different values, it is arbitrary which values the Group Services subsystem will choose.


The calling process must be a provider. The group must be running an n-phase protocol.

Return Values

If the ha_gs_vote subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0 (HA_GS_OK).

Error Values

If the ha_gs_vote subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns an error number synchronously.

The GSAPI error numbers are defined in the ha_gs.h header file. For more information on GSAPI errors, see GSAPI errors (err_gsapi).

Synchronous Errors

The following errors may be returned synchronously by the ha_gs_vote subroutine:

The given provider_token does not specify a valid provider joined to a group.

The GS client has not yet successfully initialized itself with Group Services by calling ha_gs_init().

The given vote value is invalid (it must be one of HA_GS_VOTE_APPROVE, HA_GS_VOTE_CONTINUE, or HA_GS_VOTE_REJECT); or the given default vote value is invalid (it must be one of HA_GS_NULL_VOTE, HA_GS_VOTE_APPROVE, or HA_GS_VOTE_REJECT).

The connection to the GS daemon has been lost. The GS client needs to reinitialize (via ha_gs_init()).

The group to which this provider is joined is not currently running a protocol.

Asynchronous Errors




Prerequisite Information

Understanding Group Services.

Related Information

Subroutines: ha_gs_join, ha_gs_change_state_value, ha_gs_send_message, ha_gs_change_attributes, ha_gs_goodbye

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