IBM Books

Group Services Programming Guide and Reference

ha_gs_goodbye subroutine


ha_gs_goodbye - Called by a provider of a group to immediately leave the group


GSAPI Thread-Safe Library (libha_gs_r.a)

GSAPI Library (not thread-safe) (libha_gs.a)


#include <ha_gs.h>
 ha_gs_rc_t    ha_gs_goodbye(ha_gs_token_t provider_token       


A token that identifies the caller as a provider of the group. This token was previously initialized when the provider joined the group using the ha_gs_join subroutine.


The ha_gs_goodbye() subroutine enables a provider to immediately leave its group as if it had failed, while informing the group that it "failed" voluntarily. This is a synchronous interface.

If this call returns with an HA_GS_OK return code, then the calling provider is no longer in the group.

If the group is in an n-phase protocol, the provider issuing the ha_gs_goodbye protocol is considered to have failed. The Group Services subsystem will apply the group's default vote for any subsequent voting phases in that protocol.

The result of a provider successfully issuing this call is that when the remaining providers in the group see this provider's failure protocol, the leave reason for this provider will be set to HA_GS_PROVIDER_SAID_GOODBYE. (See the discussion of gs_leave_info in the section about the ha_gs_n_phase_callback subroutine on page ***.)


The calling process must be a provider.

Return Values

If the ha_gs_goodbye subroutine is successful, it returns a value of 0 (HA_GS_OK).

Error Values

If the ha_gs_goodbye subroutine is unsuccessful, it returns an error number. If the error is detected immediately, an error is returned synchronously.

The GSAPI error numbers are defined in the ha_gs.h header file. For more information on GSAPI errors, see GSAPI errors (err_gsapi).

Synchronous Errors

The following errors may be returned synchronously by the ha_gs_goodbye subroutine:

The group contains providers who were compiled against an older level of the GS library. They must leave the group before ha_gs_goodbye() can be used by this provider.

The given provider_token does not specify a valid provider joined to a group.

The GS client was not compiled against the proper level of the GS library to use this function.

The GS client has not yet successfully initialized itself with Group Services by calling ha_gs_init().

The connection to the GS daemon has been lost. The GS client needs to reinitialize (via ha_gs_init()).

Asynchronous Errors




Prerequisite Information

Understanding Group Services.

Related Information

Subroutines: ha_gs_init, ha_gs_join, ha_gs_send_message, ha_gs_leave, ha_gs_expel, ha_gs_subscribe, ha_gs_change_attributes

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