IBM Books

Group Services Programming Guide and Reference

GSAPI design considerations

This section includes some things to think about as you design your application to use the GSAPI. It provides guidelines for:

Coding callback routines

The GSAPI provides a number of separate callback routines, each of which expects to receive a different type of notification. However, each notification block also specifies its type. This design allows you to code callback routines using either of the two following strategies, or a combination of the two:

Refer to the ha_gs_dispatch Subroutine Description for additional information related to invoking callback functions and handling notifications.

Coordination of multiple notifications

The discussion of multiprocessing considerations in this section applies to all callback routines.

The Group Services subsystem presents all notifications to all providers in a single group in the same order. The providers should try to invoke the same callback routines in the same order. However, the Group Services subsystem verifies that, for n-phase protocols, all of the group's providers have reached the same control point before continuing to the next notification. In other cases, the providers may not receive and react to the notifications at the same time. For example, a provider might not receive a notification immediately because it is busy and not reading the socket.

If GS clients are providers in multiple groups, there is no guarantee that every provider will receive the notifications from different groups in the same order.

For multi-threaded clients, it is assumed that the callback routines are thread-safe and reentrant. If the same callback routines are specified for multiple groups, a multi-threaded client can process notifications by invoking the callback routines for more than one group at a time. For single-threaded providers, if they are acting as providers for multiple groups, they must also be coded to handle simultaneously running protocols in all groups.

In all cases where GS clients are acting as providers in multiple groups, it is the responsibility of the providers to ensure that they do not create deadlock situations across groups. An example of a deadlock is when one provider blocks before voting, waiting for another provider to take some action. Meanwhile, the second provider is blocked on another group protocol, waiting for the first provider to take some action.

The Group Services subsystem invokes callback routines only on the same thread or threads that are used to call the ha_gs_dispatch subroutine.

Coding for performance

To get the best performance from your application, keep the following guidelines in mind:

Migration and coexistence

This book documents the level of Group Services provided by PSSP 3.4 and by HACMP/ES at the HACMP 4.4 level. The changes from the previous level are:

The changes from the level provided by PSSP 3.1 to the level provided by PSSP 3.2 are:

GS clients that were written to any previous level of Group Services run without having to be recompiled, and without change on the latest level.

However, if you wish your GS client to take advantage of the new support available in the latest level of Group Services, you must change the code to use the function, recompile it, and relink it using the latest Group Services library and header. In addition, your GS client must run on nodes at the latest level of PSSP or HACMP/ES, and all of the nodes in the system partition must be running the latest level of PSSP or HACMP/ES. It is the responsibility of the GS client to ensure that all binaries are at the same level. GS clients can use group attributes, provider instance numbers, and group state values to ensure this.

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