All the trace files use message catalogs to display the messages, as described in PSSP: Messages Reference.
The rc.switch.log file is in the node level directory of each node. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. This file contains log information created by the rc.switch script. It is responsible for starting the fault service daemon. If a node fails or is unable to start the fault service daemon, this file may contain an explanation of the failure.
The daemon.stdout file is in the node level directory of each node. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. This file is a redirection of the stdout and contains the fault service daemon initial information, taken prior to the establishment of any other log mechanism.
The daemon.log file is in the node level directory of each node. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. This file contains the tracing of the fault service daemon's node events.
The adapter.log file is in the port level directory of each node. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. This file contains the tracing of the fault service daemon adapter events. Trace information from adapter initialization and downloading the route table into the adapter is placed in this file.
The flt file is in the port level directory of each node. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. This file is used to log hardware error conditions on the switch, recovery actions taken by the fault service daemon, and other general operations that alter the switch configuration. The flt file is most important on the primary node, where the switch initialization and servicing take place.
Each entry in the flt file contains these items:
Each entry may contain this global field:
The fs_daemon_print.file is in the port level directory of each node. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. This file contains the tracing of the fault service daemon port events. A time stamp along with a message is logged into the file whenever an event occurs. Important entries are the ones about the adapter initialization, route table calculation, and downloading the table into the adapter.
The file is in the port level directory of each node. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. The fault service daemon creates a concurrent topology file. The daemon uses the /etc/SP/ file, if found, or the topology file from the SDR, as the ideal switch network connectivity. The fault service daemon adds comments to any change from the ideal, and saves the result in the file. The file is updated whenever a change to the current status of links and nodes (devices) occurs.
The file has comments added only on non-operational links or devices. An example of such a comment is:
S 15 2 col 1 0 E01-S17-BH-J8 to E01-N10 -4 R: device has been removed from network - faulty (link has been removed from network - fenced)
This means that:
SP Switch2 ports that have no connection are usually wrapped:
S 13 3 s 13 3 E01-S17-BH-J3 to E01-S17-BH-J3 2 L: initialized (wrap plug is installed)
When the fault service daemon on the primary node finds an unexpected device during it's switch initialization (worm), the link will be marked as miswired. Miswire information will be put in the primary node's cable_miswire file.
S 13 3 s 13 3 E01-S17-BH-J3 to E01-S17-BH-J3 2 L: initialized (link has been removed from network-probable miswire)
Device status codes and recovery actions are listed in Table 38. Link status codes and recovery actions are listed in Table 39.
The file is in the port level directory of the primary node. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. This file contains error messages that occur during the distribution of the topology file to the other nodes. The topology file distribution is done via the SP Switch2.
The cable_miswire file is in the port level directory of the primary node. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. This file reports any miswire detected by the fault service daemon during SP Switch2 initialization (running the worm subsystem).
The css.snap.log file is in the node level directory of each node. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. This file is created every time that the css.snap command is run, either automatically due to a failure, or by direct invocation when the user issues the css.snap command. This file contains information on what happened during the command invocation, and in particular:
The colad.trace file is in the adapter level directory of each node. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. The file contains trace information from css0 or css1 adapter diagnostics. The adapter diagnostics can run in two modes: Power-On-Self-Test (POST), and direct invocation, by issuing the command diag. A file creation time of
Midnight Dec 31 1969
indicates that the file was created during the POST, when the time had not yet been set. For more details, see SP Switch2 adapter diagnostics.
The spd.trace file is on port level directory of each adapter, on the control workstation. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. See SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. This file contains tracing of advanced switch diagnostics. See SP Switch and SP Switch2 advanced diagnostic tools.
The Ecommands.log file is in the node level directory on the control workstation. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. This file contains trace information for the Ecommands.
The emasterd.log file is in the node level directory on the control workstation. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. This file contains error and status information about the SP Switch2 TOD management.
The emasterd.stdout file is in the node level directory on the control workstation. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. This file contains detailed trace information about the SP Switch2 TOD management.
The chgcss.log file is in the node level directory on each node. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. This file is used to record all the RESERVE/RELEASE/QUERY events associated to the SP Switch2 adapter window attribute on the current SP node. This log file contains the event type, the value of the window attribute, and a timestamp that indicates when the chgcss command was invoked.
The la_error.log file is in the adapter level directory on each node. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. This file contains errors logged by the la_event_d daemon for the SP Switch2 PCI Adapter. When 1M of data is recorded, this log is copied with a suffix of .old and the existing .old file is overwritten.
The la_event_d.trace file is in the adapter level directory on each node. For the full path name, see SP Switch2 log and temporary file hierarchy. `This log contains la_event_d verbose messages and raw dump data, always in English, for the SP Switch2 PCI Adapter. When 1M of data is recorded, it is copied with a suffix of .old, and the existing .old file is overwritten. The level of information recorded can be increased with the traceson -s la_event_d command, and decreased with the tracesoff -s la_event_d command.