The SDR has many sources of error information:
The return codes from SDR commands correspond to the error message that the command displays. The SDR catalog is in /usr/lib/nls/msg/lang/ where lang is the current AIX locale (language setting).
To find the AIX locale for your node, issue the locale command on that node and find the line for LC_MESSAGES.
There is one sdrd daemon for each system partition. Each sdrd has its own log file in the following location: /var/adm/SPlogs/sdr/sdrdlog.ipaddress.sdrdpid, where ipaddress is the alias IP address of the system partition, and sdrdpid is the process id of that particular invocation of sdrd.
Each time the sdrd is restarted, it creates a new log file. The sdrd logs are generally not large unless tracing is turned on, since tracing uses the same log file. There are often no errors logged, and only informational messages about the sdrd initialization are present.
The oldest sdrd log is removed when /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/ is run, if the log does not belong to a currently running sdrd and the log is older than one week old.
The sdrd writes messages to the AIX error log with the error label SDR_EMSG100_ER under resource name sdrd. Refer to the Detail Data section of the logged error for information on the specific error that occurred. This information is in English. The types of problems that are recorded in the AIX error log are problems with: TCP/IP sockets, memory allocation, file system that are full, SP System Security Services initialization, and data inconsistencies.
The SDR_init script is run to initialize the SDR's classes and attributes for the SP system. SDR_config creates the objects for the existing hardware. If they are invoked with the -l flag, both SDR_init and SDR_config write errors to a log in /var/adm/SPlogs/sdr/SDR_config.log.
SDR_init is called when install_cw is run during PSSP installation. SDR_config is called by splogd when the hardware monitor reports a state change for the "type" hardware variable. For more information on SDR_init and SDR_config, see PSSP: Command and Technical Reference.