The progress of a node's boot may be observed by watching its LCD change, either using the SP Hardware Perspective or via the command line using the command:
hmmon -Gq frame:slot
where frame:slot is the frame and slot number for the node.
If a power on or reset has been performed, the first phase of the node boot is the initialization of the node's Service Processor. This phase has completed once an LCD of the form E3xy is displayed, where x and y may be any values.
If the node boot stops during this phase do the following:
The second phase of node boot for a power on or reset is the initialization of node firmware. This begins with a memory test, denoted by an LCD of E3xy. This phase has completed once the LCD value E175 is displayed. If progress stops during this phase, check the meaning of the final LCD code in "Appendix A, Messages and Codes" of RS/6000 SP: SMP Thin and Wide Node Service Guide.
The final phase of node boot is the booting of the AIX operating system. This begins with a BootP request, which is denoted by the E175 LCD code. Control is later handed over to AIX under the E05 LCD code, after which AIX codes are seen, which all begin with 0xxx. If the AIX boot has difficulties, record the LCD codes and consult "Appendix A, Messages and Codes" of RS/6000 SP: SMP Thin and Wide Node Service Guide for their meaning. When the AIX boot completes, review the AIX error log on the node.