SystemGuard is a collection of firmware programs that run on the bringup microprocessor (BUMP). SystemGuard and BUMP provide service processor capability. They enable the operator to manage power supplies, check system hardware status, update various configuration parameters, investigate problems, and perform tests.
The BUMP controls the system when the power is off or the AIX operating system is stopped. The BUMP releases control of the system to AIX after it is loaded. If AIX stops or is shut down, the BUMP again controls the system.
To activate SystemGuard, the key mode switch must be in the service position during the standby or init phases. The standby phase is any time the system power is off. The init phase is the time when the system is being initialized. The PSSP software utilizes SystemGuard IPL flags such as the FAST IPL default. The following example shows how to modify the FAST IPL flag.
hmcmds -G off frame:node hmcmds -G service frame:node
s1term -G -w frame:node
spmon -o node_number
hmcmds -G on frame:node hmcmds -G normal frame:node
For more information about SystemGuard and BUMP, see the headings "Using the 604 or 604e High Node BUMP menus" and "SystemGuard maintenance Menu access" of Chapter 3, "Service Procedures" in RS/6000 SP: 604 and 604e SMP High Node Service Guide.