Diagnosis Guide
File Collections creates two log files. These files exist only on
the nodes and, if configured, any boot/install servers. The files exist
on each local host and are not consolidated in any way. These log files
- /var/adm/SPlogs/filec/supdate.time. This
log contains minimal status information of the last time the supper
command was run via a cron job. The contents of this log are
- Date and time when supper was last run
- Hostname
- Number of files that were updated during that run
This log contains the client messages logged as the supper command attempted
to update the collections. This is the file that can be scanned for
error messages, if the client had problems getting a collection.
A directory, /var/sysman/logs, is created but no longer used.
File Collections creates a status file on the server hosts where the
supfilesrv daemon runs. The status file contains the pid number of the
supfilesrv daemon. The file is named:
- Note:
- If you are using the supper command from the command line and are
also logging the output, be aware that you can cause an overwrite of a
previous log. This is done by issuing the supper command
multiple times within one minute. You will see only the information
produced by the last command.
Displayed and logged information is taken from catalogs and may be
translated. In order for these logs to be readable by a system
administrator, it is recommended that either the English locale or the SP
administrative locale be used.
To determine the SP administrative locale, issue this command:
splstdata -e
and look for the admin_locale value.
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