IBM Books

Diagnosis Guide

Preparing to examine and monitor this information

This section describes how to define the conditions that are discussed previously, to the SP Event Perspective and how to define event definitions that are associated with these conditions.

SP Event Perspective - conditions that you can monitor using the default event definition

The following conditions have a default event definition which you can install using the SP Event Perspective.

Table 2. Conditions and default event definitions

Condition to monitor Default event definition
Frame power framePowerOff
Frame controller responding frameControllerNotResponding
Switch power switchPowerLED
Node power nodePowerLED
Node power nodePowerDown
Node responding hostResponds
Node H/W environment nodeEnvProblem
Node key switch keyNotNormal
Node LED/LCD readout LCDhasMessage
Node reachable by RSCT nodeNotReachable
/tmp file system filling tmpFull
/var file system filling varFull
Page space low pageSpaceLow
sdrd daemon activity sdrDown
SP Switch responding switchResponds
SP Switch2 responding switchResponds0

Each of these conditions is to be monitored in all locations, with the exception of sdrd Daemon Activity, which is to be monitored only on the control workstation. Each default event definition contains a definition for the condition, so you need only load and register the event definition. Use the following procedure for each of the event definitions listed previously:

  1. Bring up the SP Event Perspective.
  2. Click in the Event Definitions pane.
  3. Select Actions > Load Defaults from the menu bar.

    This opens the Load Default Event Definitions dialog box.

  4. Select the default event definition of interest from the list.
  5. If you wish to register the selected event definition, click Register the selected event definitions.
  6. Click OK to load the selected default event definition and close the dialog box.

SP Event Perspective - conditions that you can monitor that you must define to the SP Event Perspective

This section contains instructions for using the SP Event Perspective to create the conditions that do not have default definitions.

To start:

  1. Bring up the SP Event Perspective
  2. If the Conditions pane is hidden, select View > Add Pane from the menu bar, to add the Conditions pane.
  3. Click in the Conditions pane.
  4. Select Actions > Create from the menu bar.
  5. This displays the Create Conditions Notebook.

Now use the SP Event Perspective to create a condition for each of the following conditions:

SP Event Perspective - creating the event definitions

Create one event definition for each of the conditions that are listed previously. Most of these specify that the conditions be checked in all locations, while some are on specific nodes. Those that are checked in all locations are:

Conditions to monitor only in specific locations

Conditions to monitor only in specific locations are:

Creating an event definition using the Create Event Definition notebook

On the Definition Page:

  1. Give the event definition a descriptive name. For example, you can use rootFullEvent for the rootFull condition.
  2. Click the down-arrow button for Name in the Condition box, and find the condition you want to use.
  3. For those conditions that are to be observed in all locations, click the Wild Card Element selector under Specify remaining resource ID elements box.
  4. For those that are to be observed in specific locations, select those locations under Element Values.

On the Notifications page, make sure the Notification (Get notified of events during the SP Event Perspective session) button is selected.

On the Actions page:

  1. Click the Take these actions when the event occurs button.
  2. In the Run command field, enter the following:
    'echo $PMAN_HANDLE Alert: Instance Vector $PMAN_IVECTOR |
    mail -s "$PMAN_HANDLE Alert" username@address'

Then click the Create button at the bottom of the page.

SP Hardware Perspective

The SP Hardware Perspective can be used to investigate further when the SP Event Perspective detects a hardware problem. This Perspective can show you the node's LED or LCD values (the SP Event Perspective cannot), and can be used to control the hardware or reset nodes when necessary.

Problem Management

Problem Management can be used as an alternative to the SP Event Perspective, to define event definitions that monitor conditions on your SP system.

Ensuring that the conditions you intend to monitor are known to Problem Management

The SP Event Perspective uses Problem Management whenever the event definition indicates that a command should be issued when the event occurs. If you used the SP Event Perspective to set up the event definitions and conditions, these definitions may already be known to Problem Management. Use the pmanquery command to check if the definition already exists. For example:

pmanquery -n varFullEvent

will check for the varFullEvent definition.

If the event definitions are not known, use the pmandef command to define them. Any event definitions made using the pmandef command are also usable by the SP Event Perspective later on. To create new event definitions, use the pmandef command. It is best to write a shell script with all the pmandef commands in it, and then invoke the shell script.

When the pmandef commands complete, the event definitions will be registered, which means that Problem Management will begin to check for these conditions immediately. If this is a problem, issue the pmandef -d command to disable the event until you are ready to monitor the condition. Then, use the pmandef -a command to activate it.

For more information about problem management, see the chapter on using the Problem Management subsystem in PSSP: Administration Guide. For more information about the pmandef command, see the man page for the command in PSSP: Command and Technical Reference.

The pmandef commands for specific conditions

Use these pmandef commands to set up event definitions for the following conditions. The field username is the user ID to receive the notification, and the address is a hostname.

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