IBM Books

Diagnosis Guide

Error information

Errors logged by the IBM Virtual Shared Disk device driver and IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk subsystem

These errors identify which function has failed, along with the errno (error number). These errors fall into the following categories:

  1. Configuration errors, which are generated by the client node and reported on the client node.
  2. read/write errors:
  3. ioctl errors, which are generated by the client node and reported on the client node.

These errors are recorded in the AIX error log. The Type field identifies the error as either PERM (permanent), INFO (informational) or UNKN (unknown).

Table 63. IBM Virtual Shared Disk and IBM Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk Error Codes

Label Error ID Type Description
RVSDD_A_ER E0CEAF98 PERM Explanation: The RVSD daemon asserted.

Details: The Detail Data field indicates the reason for the assert. The RVSD daemon will respawn.

RVSDD_ER 692D4985 PERM Explanation: An RVSD subsystem failure detected - Exiting.

Details: The Detail Data indicates the cause of the error.

VSD_ADAPTYPE_ER 8943D0AC PERM Explanation: The RVSD subsystem detected different types of communication adapters.

Details: During startup, the RVSD subsystem detected that IBM Virtual Shared Disk nodes were defined with different types of communication adapters.

VSD_BKLEVELNODES_ST 2EC9F1DD INFO Explanation: The RVSD subsystem detected back-level nodes.

Details: During startup, the RVSD subsystem detected nodes that had back-level software installed. See the rvsdrestrict command for more information.

VSD_COPYIN_ER 21DF8EA6 PERM Explanation: An IBM Virtual Shared Disk ioctl copyin() failure was detected.

Details: The copyin() system call failed. This typically indicates an internal device driver error.

VSD_COPYOUT_ER E45D5194 PERM Explanation: An IBM Virtual Shared Disk ioctl copyout() failure was detected.

Details: The copyout() system call failed. This may indicate an internal device driver error.

VSD_EIO_ER 32DEFEB6 PERM Explanation: An EIO error was detected.

Details: The device driver received an EIO error on an I/O request.

VSD_EXT_ER C0292121 PERM Explanation: An external function call failed.

Details: The device driver received an error while trying to process a command. This may indicate an internal device driver error.

VSD_FREEMEM_ER 673B210E PERM Explanation: A failure was detected while attempting to free memory.

Details: The device driver detected an error while freeing memory. This may indicate an internal device driver error.

VSD_HC_A_ER E3747DF7 PERM Explanation: The HC daemon asserted.

Details: The Detail Data indicates the reason for the assert.

VSD_HC_ER F9EE499E PERM Explanation: An HC subsystem failure was detected.

Details: The Detail Data indicates the reason for the error.

VSD_INT_ER 2C617B9F PERM Explanation: An internal error was detected.

Details: The Detail Data indicates the reason for the error.

VSD_IPPROTO_ER 6DE5541A PERM Explanation: An IP protocol error was detected.

Details: The Detail Data indicates the reason for the error.

VSD_IPPROTO_ST CD11733B INFO Explanation: This is an IP protocol informational message.

Details: The Detail Data indicates the message.

VSD_RESTRICTFUNC_ST 1A565093 INFO Explanation: the rvsdrestrict command reduced function.

Details: This messages is logged when the RVSD subsystem is being started and the rvsdrestrict command has explicitly set the function level at or below the version of the RVSD subsystem that is installed on this node.

VSD_RESTRICTHIGH_ST F34DF5D1 INFO Explanation: Back-level nodes were detected.

Details: This messages is logged when the RVSD subsystem is being started and back-level nodes were detected and the rvsdrestrict command has not been set to reduce the function level.

Back-level nodes are defined as:

  1. Nodes discovered running levels of PSSP earlier than PSSP 3.2.
  2. RVSD is not installed on all the IBM Virtual Shared Disk nodes.
  3. The node has an earlier level of RVSD installed than what was specified using the rvsdrestrict command.
VSD_RESUME_ER 7005E98D PERM Explanation: A resume failure was detected.

Details: A virtual shared disk was being internally resumed and detected a failure because the virtual shared disk is no longer in ACTIVE state.

VSD_STOPVSD_ST 1969E9BD INFO Explanation: EIO recovery is stopping IBM Virtual Shared Disks.

Details: The device driver detected an EIO error and the RVSD subsystem was attempting to switch ownership of the volume group to the backup node, but experiencing one of these problems:

  1. The backup node may be down.
  2. There may not be a backup node.
  3. EIO errors are occurring too quickly on both the backup and primary nodes.
  4. EIO recovery has been turned off.

In all these cases, all the virtual shared disks will be moved to STP state on the volume group that received the EIO error.

VSD_SUSPEND_ER 631B153D UNKN Explanation: A suspend failure was detected.

Details: An error has been discovered in an internal counter. The counter will be reset to a good value.

VSD_TIMESTAMPS_ST 937F798C INFO Explanation: Volume group timestamps are out of sync.

Details: The RVSD subsystem has discovered that changes have been made to a volume group on one node, that have not been communicated to the node that is taking over ownership of the volume group.

An attempt will be made to import the volume group to learn of the changes.

VSD_VARYONVG_ER D628A365 PERM Explanation: varyonvg function failed - Exiting.

Details: The RVSD subsystem is trying to vary on a volume group to this node, but the varyonvg command has failed.

VSD_XMALLOC_ER 207133A8 PERM Explanation: Memory allocation failure - Exiting

Details: The device driver is trying to allocate memory and has received a failure. This may indicate that the AIX kernel is out of pinned memory.

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