IBM Books

Diagnosis Guide

Information to collect before contacting the IBM Support Center

The following information needs to be collected from the node that presents the problem. For connectivity-related problems, the same information is needed from the other nodes. If collecting data from all the nodes is not feasible, data should be collected from at least the following nodes:

  1. The node's Downstream Neighbor on all networks. This is the node whose IP address is immediately lower than the address of the node where the problem was seen. The node with the lowest IP address has a Downstream Neighbor of the node with the highest IP address.
  2. The Group Leader node, which is the node with the highest IP address in the network.
  3. The control workstation

Collect the files listed in number 1, 3d, and 3c (bullets 2 and 3). Then, issue phoenix.snap to collect the remaining information. See phoenix.snap dump.

  1. FFDC dump files: /var/adm/ffdc/dumps/*
  2. Topology Services Files
  3. System Data
    1. Installation data
      • Output of the command: lslpp -L
      • Contents of files:
        • /usr/sbin/rsct/optlevel.rsct.basic.rte
        • /usr/sbin/rsct/optlevel.rsct.basic.hacmp
        • /usr/sbin/rsct/optlevel.rsct.basic.sp
    2. The authentication method in use. Issue this command on the control workstation:
      splstdata -p

      The entry "ts_auth_methods" lists the active authentication methods in use for the SP trusted services (such as Topology Services).

    3. Network and adapter data
      • Output of commands:
        1. netstat -in
        2. ifconfig (all interfaces)
        3. netstat -s
        4. netstat -m
        5. netstat -rn
        6. netstat -D
        7. netstat en* (for example, en0, en1 and so forth)
      • If the problem is still occurring, output of ping to addresses in the machines.lst file, located in the daemon run directory.
      • If the problem is still occurring, output of the iptrace command. Follow this sequence:
        1. iptrace /tmp/iptrace.out
        2. ps -ef | grep iptrace
        3. Wait one minute, and then issue: kill pid
        4. Save a copy of the file /tmp/iptrace.out. This is a binary file.
    4. Memory - output of the commands:
      1. vmstat 5 5
      2. vmstat -s
      3. vmtune

      The full path name is: /usr/samples/kernel.

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