getvhostname - Gets the virtual host name of the local host.
Availability Library (libavail.a)
#include <vhost.h> int getvhostname (name, name_length); char *name; int name_length;
Use this subroutine to retrieve the virtual host name of a host machine. This routine is similar to the gethostname system call with the exception that it retrieves the virtual host name from the /etc/vhostname file instead of using a kernel variable. The getvhostname subroutine is a library call and gethostname is a system call.
The name is retrieved from the /etc/vhostname file. If the file does not exist, the gethostname system call is used and the real host name is returned. If excess space is provided, the returned name parameter is null terminated. If insufficient space is provided, the returned name parameter is truncated to fit in the given space. Virtual host names are limited to MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN bytes (255), not including the terminating null character. The MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN macro is defined in the vhost.h header file. To guarantee sufficient buffer space to hold the virtual host name, the name_length parameter should be MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN + 1 or 256.
To clear the virtual host name so that the virtual host name no longer exists, remove the /etc/vhostname file.
The virtual host name is used in fail over situations when an application has associated the host name in the kernel of a particular machine to the service it is providing. When the application is restarted on the fail over node that has a different host name, the application may not work or work incorrectly. If the application needs to associate a host name with a particular service and it cannot handle having multiple host names, a virtual host name can be provided. The application can call getvhostname instead of gethostname and get the host name of the node it normally runs on. This eliminates the need to change the real host name in the kernel on the backup node. It should be noted that changing the real host name in the kernel can cause problems with other applications that rely on the real host name to identify the physical machine.
Return Values
Upon successful completion, the getvhostname subroutine returns a value of 0. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned, the global variable errno is set to identify the error, and the contents of the buffer pointed to by the name parameter are indeterminate.
The getvhostname subroutine is unsuccessful if the following error occurs:
If one of the system calls used to retrieve the virtual host name from the /etc/vhostname file encounters and error(for example, open or read), errno is set by the system call that encountered an error.
Related Information
PSSP commands: vhostname
PSSP subroutines: setvhostname
AIX commands: hostname
AIX subroutines: gethostname, sethostname
Header files: vhost.h
rm /etc/vhostname
#include <vhost.h> main ( ) { char name [MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN + 1]; getvhostname (name, (MAX_VHOSTNAME_LEN + 1)); }
hacws_set - Sets the HACWS state of the control workstation.
Availability Library (libavail.a)
#include <hacws.h> int hacws_set (state); int state;
Use this subroutine to set the current HACWS state of the control workstation. It is valid only when issued on the control workstation. When the subroutine is called and the calling process is not on a control workstation, an error occurs.
Return Values
Upon successful completion, the hacws_set subroutine returns a value of 0. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to identify the error.
The hacws_set subroutine is unsuccessful if any of the following errors occur:
If one of the system calls used to store the HACWS state value into the /etc/hacws.state file encounters an error (for example, open, write, rename), errno is set by the system call that encountered the error.
The /usr/include/hacws.h header file defines the following macros as valid input values for the hacws_set subroutine:
Prerequisite Information
Refer to PSSP: Administration Guide for information on the HACWS option.
Related Information
Commands: lshacws, sethacws
Subroutines: hacws_stat
Header files: hacws.h
hacws_stat - Gets the state of the control workstation.
Availability Library (libavail.a)
#include <hacws.h> int hacws_stat (void);
Use this subroutine to return the current state of the control workstation. It returns an integer that indicates the state of the primary or backup control workstation and specifies whether the control workstation is a high availability configuration. This subroutine is valid only when issued on the control workstation. When the subroutine is called and the calling process is not on a control workstation, an error occurs.
Return Values
Upon successful completion, the hacws_stat subroutine returns a nonnegative value. If the hacws_stat subroutine is unsuccessful, a value of -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to identify the error.
The hacws_stat subroutine is unsuccessful if any of the following errors occur:
If one of the system calls used to retrieve the HACWS state value from the /etc/hacws.state file encounters an error (for example, open or read), errno is set by the system call that encountered an error.
The /usr/include/hacws.h header file defines the following macros for the nonnegative return values for the hacws_stat subroutine:
Prerequisite Information
Refer to PSSP: Administration Guide for information on the HACWS option.
Related Information
Commands: lshacws, sethacws
Subroutines: hacws_set
Header files: hacws.h
LAPI_Addr_get - Enquires a LAPI instance regarding the address of a user function.
Availability Library (liblapi_r.a)
C Syntax
#include <lapi.h> int LAPI_Addr_get (hndl, addr, addr_hndl) lapi_handle_t hndl; void **addr; int *addr_hndl;
| include 'lapif.h' | |LAPI_ADDR_GET (hndl, addr, addr_hndl, ierror) |INTEGER hndl |INTEGER (KIND=LAPI_ADDR_TYPE) :: addr |INTEGER addr_hndl(*), ierror |
This function is used to obtain the pointer previously registered with LAPI associated with the handle addr_hndl. The value of addr_hndl has to lie in the range [0..MAX_FTBL_SZ-1]. The value of MAX_FTBL_SZ can be obtained from LAPI_Qenv using LOC_ADDRTBL_SZ as the query value.
Return Values
Related Information
Subroutines: LAPI_Addr_set, LAPI_Qenv
LAPI_Addr_set - Maps indices to addresses of functions in the user's address space.
Availability Library (liblapi_r.a)
C Syntax
#include <lapi.h> int LAPI_Addr_set (hndl, addr, addr_hndl) lapi_handle_t hndl; void *addr; int addr_hndl;
| include 'lapif.h' | |LAPI_ADDR_SET (hndl, addr, addr_hndl, ierror) |INTEGER hndl |INTEGER (KIND=LAPI_ADDR_TYPE) :: addr |INTEGER addr_hndl, ierror |
This function is used to obtain the pointer previously registered user function with LAPI associated with the handle addr_hndl. The value of addr_hndl has to lie in the range [0..MAX_FTBL_SZ-1]. The value of MAX_FTBL_SZ can be obtained from LAPI_Qenv using LOC_ADDRTBL_SZ as the query value.
Return Values
Related Information
Subroutines: LAPI_Addr_get, LAPI_Qenv
LAPI_Address - Gets an unsigned integer value for a specified user address.
Availability Library (liblapi_r.a)
C Syntax
| #include <lapi.h> | |int LAPI_Address(my_addr, ret_addr) |void *my_addr; |ulong *ret_addr;
| include 'lapif.h' | |LAPI_ADDRESS(my_addr, ret_addr, ierror) |INTEGER (KIND=LAPI_ADDR_TYPE) my_addr |INTEGER ret_addr |INTEGER ierror
Use this subroutine in FORTRAN programs when specified addresses need to be stored in an array. In FORTRAN, the concept of address ('&') does not exist as it does in C. This function provides that ability to FORTRAN programmers.
Return Values
Prerequisite Information
Refer to the "Understanding the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in PSSP: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.
LAPI_Address_init - Exchanges virtual addresses to be used for target addresses in message passing calls for non-SPMD programs and dynamically allocated data.
Availability Library (liblapi_r.a)
C Syntax
#include <lapi.h> int LAPI_Address_init(hndl, my_addr, add_tab) lapi_handle_t hndl; void *my_addr; void *add_tab[];
| include 'lapif.h' | |LAPI_ADDRESS_INIT(hndl, my_addr, add_tab, ierror) |INTEGER hndl |INTEGER (KIND=LAPI_ADDR_TYPE) my_addr |INTEGER (KIND=LAPI_ADDR_TYPE) :: add_tab(*) |INTEGER ierror
This function is used to exchange virtual addresses among tasks of a parallel application. add_tab is an array of pointers of size greater than or equal to LAPI_Qenv (NUM_TASKS). This function is a collective call over the LAPI context hndl which fills the table add_tab with the virtual address entries supplied by each task. Upon completion of this call, add_tab[i] will contain the virtual address entry provided by task i.
Return Values
LAPI_Amsend - Invokes a user-provided Active Message (AM) handler to run on a remote (target) process along with transferring a user message.
Availability Library (liblapi_r.a)
C Syntax
| #include <lapi.h> | |typedef void (compl_hndlr_t)(hndl, user_info); |lapi_handle_t *hndl; /* pointer to LAPI context passed in from | LAPI_Amsend. */ |void *user_info; /* Buffer (user_info) pointer passed in from | header handler (void * (hnd_hndlr_t)). */ | |typedef void *(hdr_hndlr_t)(hndl, uhdr, uhdr_len, |msg_len, comp_h, user_info); | |lapi_handle_t *hndl; /* pointer to LAPI context passedin from | LAPI_Amsend. */ |void *uhdr; /* uhdr passed in from LPI_Amsend. */ |uint *uhdr_len; /* uhdr_len passed in from LPI_Amsend. */ |ulong *msg_len; /* udata_len passed in fom LAPI_Amsend. */ |compl_hndlr_t **comp_h; /* Function address of completion handler | (void (compl_hndlr_t)) that nee to be filled | out by this header handler function. */ |void **user_info; /* Buffer pointer (user_info that is | provided by this header handler function | to pass to the completion handler. */ | |int LAPI_Amsend(hndl, tgt, hdr_hdl, uhdr, uhdr_len, udata, udata_len, |tgt_cntr, org_cntr, cmpl_cntr) | |lapi_handle_t hndl; |uint *tgt; |void *hdr_hdl; |void *uhdr; |uint *uhdr_len; |void *udata; |ulong *udata_len; |lapi_cntr_t *tgt_cntr; |lapi_cntr_t *org_cntr; |lapi_cntr_t *cmpl_cntr;
| include 'lapif.h' | |INTEGER FUNCTION COMPL_H(hndl, user_info) |INTEGER hndl |INTEGER user_info | |INTEGER FUNCTION HDR_HDL(hndl, uhdr, uhdr_len, msg_len, comp_h, user_info) |INTEGER hndl |INTEGER uhdr |INTEGER uhdr_len |INTEGER (KIND=LAPI_INT_TYPE) msg_len |INTEGER comp_h |INTEGER user_info | |LAPI_AMSEND(hndl, tgt, hdr_hdl, uhdr, uhdr_len, udata, udata_len, |tgt_cntr, org_cntr, cmpl_cntr, ierror) |INTEGER hndl |INTEGER tgt |EXTERNAL INTEGER FUNCTION hdr_hdl |INTEGER uhdr |INTEGER uhdr_len |INTEGER udata |INTEGER (KIND=LAPI_INT_TYPE) udata_len |TYPE (LAPI_CNTR_T) :: tgt_cntr, org_cntr, cmpl_cntr |INTEGER ierror
Use this subroutine to transfer the hdr_hdl function pointer along with the contents of uhdr and udata from the origin to the tgt target process. When the message arrives at the target process, the hdr_hdl header handler is invoked at the tgt task with the pointer to uhdr as one of the parameters.
The user-supplied header handler is expected to return a buffer pointer as the return value in which udata is to be copied. The header handler is also expected to save any information that will be required later by the completion handler. The header handler returns (through reference parameters) the completion handler and a pointer to the saved information (user_info).
After the header handler returns, the udata (if any) is copied into the user-specified buffer. When all of the udata is copied into the user buffer, the completion handler specified through the header handler is enqueued for execution.
After the parameters (including the contents of uhdr and udata) are copied out of the memory at the origin, the org_cntr is incremented. After the completion handler finishes running at the tgt, the tgt_cntr is incremented. If the completion handler specified is NULL, the tgt_cntr is incremented after all of the udata is copied into the user-specified buffers. If the user-specified buffer is NULL and the completion handler is also NULL, the tgt_cntr will be incremented in some implementation-specific manner. Either counter addresses may be NULL.
This is a nonblocking call. The calling process cannot change the uhdr (origin header) and udata data until completion at the origin is signaled by the org_cntr being incremented. Similarly, it can be assumed that the specified AM completion handler has run at the tgt only after the tgt_cntr target counter is incremented. The cmpl_cntr and tgt_cntr counters are incremented after the AM completion handler has completed execution at the target. When the AM handler has both a hdr_hdl header handler and a comp_h completion handler, the cmpl_cntr and tgt_cntr counters are incremented after the completion handler has completed execution. If the AM handler has only a hdr_hdl header handler, the cmpl_cntr and tgt_cntr counters will be incremented after the entire message has reached the target buffer specified by the header handler. This call can be made synchronous if the origin waits for the cmpl_cntr update to complete.
The length (uhdr_len) of the user-specified header is constrained by an implementation specified maximum value (LAPI_Qenv(,MAX_UHDR_SZ,)). In the current implementation, the amount of udata sent per packet is LAPI_Qenv(,MAX_UHDR_SZ,) - uhdr_len. To get the best bandwidth, uhdr_len should be as small as possible.
Return Values
Prerequisite Information
Refer to the "Understanding the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in PSSP: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.
Related Information
Subroutines: LAPI_Fence, LAPI_Getcntr, LAPI_Nopoll_wait, LAPI_Qenv, LAPI_Waitcntr
LAPI_Amsendv - Invokes a user provided Active Message (AM) handler to run on a remote (target) process while transferring vectors of data.
C Syntax
| #include <lapi.h> | |typedef void (compl_hndlr_t)(hndl, user_info); |lapi_handle_t *hndl; /* LAPI context passed in from LAPI_Amsendv. */ |void *user_info; /* Buffer (user_info) pointer passed in from | header_handler (void *(vhdr_hndlr_t)). */ | |typedef lapi_vec_t *(vhdr_hndlr_t)(hndl, uhdr, uhdr_len, len_vec, comp_h, uinfo); | |lapi_handle_t *hndl; /* pointer to LAPI context passed in from | LAPI_Amsendv.*/ |void *uhdr; /* uhdr passed in from LAPI_Amsendv. */ |uint uhdr_len; /* uhdr_len passed in from LAPI_Amsendv. */ |ulong *len_vec [ ]; /* vector of lengths passed in LAPI_Amsendv. */ |compl_hndlr_t **comp_h; /* Function address of completion handler | (void (compl_hndlr_t)) that needs to be filled | out by this header handler funtion. */ |void **user_info; /* Buffer pointer (user_info) that is provided | by this header handler function to pass to the | completion handler.*/ | |int LAPI_Amsendv(hndl, tgt, hdr_hdl, uhdr, uhdr_len, org_vec, tcntr, ocntr, ccntr); | |lapi_handle_t *hndl; |uint tgt; |void *hdr_hdl; |void *uhdr; |uint uhdr_len; |lapi_vec_t *org _vec; |lapi_cntr_t *tcntr; |lapi_cntr_t *ocntr; |lapi_cntr_t *ccntr;
|include 'lapif.h' | |INTEGER FUNCTION COMPL_H(hndl, user_info) |INTEGER hndl |INTEGER user_info(*) |INTEGER FUNCTION VHDR_HDL(hndl, uhdr, uhdr_len, len_vec, comp_h, user_info) |INTEGER hndl |INTEGER uhdr |INTEGER uhdr_len |INTEGER (KIND=LAPI_INT_TYPE) len_vec |INTEGER comp_h |INTEGER user_info |LAPI_AMSENDV(hndl, tgt, hdr_hdl, uhdr, uhdr_len, org_vec, tcntr, ocntr, ccntr, ierror) |INTEGER hndl |INTEGER tgt |EXTERNAL INTEGER FUNCTION hdr_hdl |INTEGER uhdr |INTEGER uhdr_len |TYPE (LAPI_VEC_T) :: org_vec |TYPE (LAPI_CNTR_T) :: tcntr, ocntr, ccntr |INTEGER ierror |
This function transfers hdr_hdl function pointer along with the contents of uhdr and data described in org_vec from the origin to the target process tgt. When the message arrives at the target process, the header-handler hdr_hdl is invoked at the tgt with the pointer to uhdr as one of the parameters.
The user-supplied header-handler must return a pointer to a structure of type lapi_vec_t specifying the fields depending on the vec_type . For example, if the vec_type specified is LAPI_GEN_IOVECTOR, then it must contain:
This description provides the information of where the message data is to be copied by LAPI. The header-handler is also expected to save any information that will be required later by the completion-handler. The header-handler returns (through reference parameters) a pointer to the completion-handler and a pointer to a structure to be passed to the completion-handler (referred to by the variable user_info).
After the header-handler returns, data described by org_vec (if any) is copied into the user-returned buffers in the structure returned by the header handler. When all of the data described by org_vec has been copied into the user buffers, the completion-handler specified by the user through the header-handler is enqueued for execution.
After the parameters (including contents of uhdr and data described by org_vec) are copied out of the memory at the origin, the ocntr is incremented. After the completion-handler has completed execution at the tgt, the tcntr is incremented. If the completion handler specified is a NULL, then tcntr is incremented after all data described by org_vec has been copied into the user specified buffers. If the user returned buffer is NULL and the completion handler is also NULL, the results of the data transfer are undefined and the counters will be incremented in some implementation specific manner. Any of the counter addresses may be NULL.
This is a non-blocking call. The calling process cannot change the uhdr (origin header) and org_vec data until completion at the origin is signaled by the ocntr being incremented. Further, the calling process cannot assume that the org_vec structure can be changed before the origin counter is incremented. Also, the structure (of type lapi_vec_t ) returned by the header-handler cannot be modified before the target and completion counters have been incremented. Similarly, it can be assumed that the specified completion handler has run at tgt only after the target counter tcntr has been incremented. When the hdr_hdl header handler specifies a comp_h completion handler, the ccntr at the origin and tcntr counter at the target will be incremented after the completion handler has completed execution.
The length (uhdr_len) of the user specified header is constrained by an implementation specified maximum value (LAPI_Qenv(,MAX_UHDR_SZ,)). To get the best bandwidth uhdr_len should be as small as possible.
If a strided vector is being transferred, the size of each block must not be greater than the stride size in bytes. The number of vectors to be transferred must be greater than zero. The vector lengths specified in org_vec-> len, or org_vec->info in the strided transfer case, must be multiples of the machine word size in bytes. If any of these requirements are not satisfied, an error condition occurs.
LAPI does not check for any overlapping regions among vectors either at the origin or the target. If such overlapping regions exist on the origin side, there may be a degradation in performance. If the overlapping regions exist on the target side, the contents of target buffer are undefined.
|Starting with PSSP 3.4, a generic version of the |LAPI_Amsendv function is available. The number of vectors and |the length of vectors on the origin and target do not need to match. |The effect of this function is to simply transfer a given number of bytes in |noncontiguous buffers specified by the vector structure to another number of |bytes in noncontiguous buffers specified by the vector structure returned by |the header handler. If the total length of the noncontiguous buffers in |the target, for example N, is less than the total length of the |noncontiguous buffers in the origin, for example M, only the first |N bytes from the origin buffers will be transferred and the remaining |bytes will be discarded. |If M is greater than N, all M bytes will |be transferred.
|This function transfers the hdr_hdl function pointer along |with the contents of uhdr and data described in org_vec from |the origin to the target process tgt. When the message arrives |at the target process, the header handler hdr_hdl is invoked at the |tgt with the pointer to uhdr as one of the |parameters. The origin vector structure org_vec must specify, |from the vec_type field, a type of LAPI_GEN_GENERIC. |The user-supplied header handler must return a pointer to a structure of type |lapi_vec_t with a value of LAPI_GEN_GENERIC. This |structure must contain:
|This description provides the information of where the message data |is to be copied by LAPI. The header handler is also expected to save |any information that will be required later by the completion handler. |The header handler returns (through reference parameters) a pointer to the |completion handler and a pointer to a structure to be passed to the completion |handler (which we will refer to as the variable user_info).
|After the header handler returns, data in org_vec (if any) |is copied into the user-returned buffers in the structure returned by the |header handler. When all of the data in org_vec has been |received at the target, the completion handler specified by the user through |the header handler is enqueued for execution.
|After the parameters (including the contents of uhdr and |org_vec are copied out of memory at the origin, the ocntr is |incremented. After the completion handler completes execution at the |tgt, the tnctr is incremented. If the completion |handler specified is NULL, the tnctr is incremented after all of |org_vec is copied into the user-specified buffers. If the user |returned buffer is NULL and the completion handler is also NULL, the results |of the data transfer are undefined and the contents will be incremented in |some implementation-specific manner. Any of the counter addresses can |be NULL. This is a nonblocking call. The calling process cannot |change the uhdr (origin header) and org_vec data until |completion at the origin is signaled by the ocntr being |incremented. In addition, the calling process cannot assume that the |org_vec structure can be changed before the origin counter is |incremented. Also, the structure (of the type lapi_vec_t) |returned by the header handler cannot be assumed to be modifiable before the |target and completion counters have been incremented. Similarly, it can |be assumed that the specified completion handler has run at tgt only |after the target counter tcntr is incremented. When the |hdr_hdl header handler specifies a comp_h completion |handler, the ccntr at the origin and tcntr counter at the |target will be incremented after the completion handler completes |execution. The length (uhdr_len) of the user-specified header |is constrained by an implementation-specified maximum value |(LAPI_Qenv(,MAX_UHDR_SZ,)). To get the best bandwidth, |uhdr_len should be as small as possible.
|The vector lengths specified in the origin vector structure in the |org_vec->len parameters must be multiples of the machine word size |in bytes.
|LAPI does not check for any overlapping regions among vectors either |at the origin or the target. If such overlapping regions exist on the |origin side, you may experience performance degradation. If the |overlapping regions exist on the target side, the contents of the target |buffer are undefined.
Return Values
Prerequisite Information
Refer to the "Understanding the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapters in PSSP: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.
Related Information
Subroutines: LAPI_Fence, LAPI_Getv, LAPI_Nopoll_wait, LAPI_Putv, LAPI_Qenv, LAPI_Waitcntr
LAPI_Fence - Enforces order on Low-Level Application Programming Interface (LAPI) calls.
C Syntax
#include <lapi.h> int LAPI_Fence(hndl) lapi_handle_t hndl;
include 'lapif.h' LAPI_FENCE (hndl, ierror) INTEGER hndl INTEGER ierror
Use this subroutine to enforce order on LAPI calls. If a process calls LAPI_Fence, all the LAPI operations that were initiated by that process, before the fence using the LAPI context hndl, are guaranteed to complete at the target processes. This occurs before any of its communication operations using hndl, initiated after the LAPI_Fence, start transmission of data. This is a data fence which means that the data movement is complete. This is not an operation fence which would need to include Active Message completion handlers completing on the target.
Return Values
Related Information
Subroutines: LAPI_Amsend, LAPI_Amsendv, LAPI_Get, LAPI_Getv, LAPI_Put, LAPI_Putv
LAPI_Get - Copies data from a remote process to the local address on a local process.
Availability Library (liblapi_r.a)
C Syntax
| #include <lapi.h> | |int LAPI_Get(hndl, tgt, len, tgt_addr, org_addr, tgt_cntr, org_cntr) |lapi_handle_t hndl; |uint tgt; |ulong len; |void *tgt_addr; |void *org_addr; |lapi_cntr_t *tgt_cntr; |lapi_cntr_t *org_cntr;
| include 'lapif.h' | |LAPI_GET(hndl, tgt, len, tgt_addr, org_addr, tgt_cntr, org_cntr, ierror) |INTEGER hndl |INTEGER tgt |INTEGER (KIND=LAPI_INT_TYPE) len |INTEGER (KIND=LAPI_ADDR_TYPE) :: tgt_addr |INTEGER org_addr |TYPE (LAPI_CNTR_T) :: tgt_cntr |TYPE (LAPI_CNTR_T) :: org_cntr |INTEGER ierror
Use this subroutine to transfer the len number of bytes from the tgt_addr address at the target process to the org_addr virtual address at the origin process over the context identified by hndl. After the data is copied out of the memory at the tgt_addr, the tgt_cntr is incremented. After the data arrives at the origin, the org_cntr is incremented. If either counter address is NULL, the data transfer occurs, but the corresponding counter increment does not take place.
This is a nonblocking call in that the calling program cannot assume that the target buffer can be changed, nor that the contents of the memory pointed to by the org_addr on the origin is ready for use. However, after the origin waits for the org_cntr update to complete, the origin can use the org_addr data. Similarly, the target can reuse the target buffer tgt_addr only after it has waited for the tgt_cntr update to complete at the target.
Return Values
Prerequisite Information
Refer to the "Understanding the Communications Low-Level Application Programming Interface" chapter in PSSP: Administration Guide for additional LAPI information.
Related Information
Subroutines: LAPI_Fence, LAPI_Getcntr, LAPI_Getv, LAPI_Nopoll_wait, LAPI_Put, LAPI_Qenv, LAPI_Waitcntr
LAPI_Getcntr - Gets the integer value of counter.
Availability Library (liblapi_r.a)
C Syntax
#include <lapi.h> int LAPI_Getcntr(hndl, cntr, val) lapi handle t hndl; lapi cntr t *cntr; int *val;
| include 'lapif.h' | |LAPI_GETCNTR (hndl, cntr, val, ierror) |INTEGER hndl |TYPE (LAPI_CNTR_T) :: cntr |INTEGER val |INTEGER ierror |
Gets the integer value of cntr. This can be used to see how much progress is being made in LAPI context hndl.
Return Values
Related Information
Subroutines: LAPI_Amsend, LAPI_Amsendv, LAPI_Get, LAPI_Getv, LAPI_Put, LAPI_Putv, LAPI_Rmw, LAPI_Setcntr, LAPI_Waitcntr